• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,190 Views, 10,241 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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508 - Facts and Fiction

It was with a sigh that Twilight teleported herself and Rarity back to the station platform, their meeting with Prince Blueblood having concluded a few minutes ago.

“-most arrogant, conceited, self-centered excuse for a stallion I’ve ever met!” Rarity huffed, still ranting as they arrived at their destination, the sensation of magical travel barely making the fashionista pause. “Even if he wears the latest fashions, he’s living proof that the clothes do not make the pony! Honestly, I don’t see how anyone can stand to be around-”

“I’m guessin’ y’all didn’t have much luck either, then?” drawled Applejack, a bemused look on her face at Rarity’s histrionics. But the expression was half-hearted, as though her friend’s spectacle was lifting her spirits only a little.

Rainbow Dash seemed even worse, an uncomfortable look on her face. Fluttershy seemed disturbed too, but rather oddly she didn’t look upset so much as embarrassed for some reason, her cheeks flushed and her gaze kept firmly on the ground. Only Pinkie seemed like her usual self, grinning as she bounced in place. But while that was somewhat reassuring, Twilight was less concerned with how her friends were acting than she was with the pair who wasn’t anywhere to be seen. “Are Spike and Soft Mane not back yet?” she asked after a glance around failed to find the youngest members of their group.

“They’re inside,” answered Rainbow Dash, nodding at the train. “Apparently Spike didn’t know that Lex bumped off a dragon during his stint in Tall Tale, and found out while the two of them were asking around just now.”

“He’s pretty upset about it,” added Fluttershy, raising her eyes for a moment before looking back down again. “Soft Mane thought some food might help him calm down, so she took him to the dining car.”

“I bet it’s nothing a few slices of cake won’t be able to fix!” cheered Pinkie. “Or maybe some ice cream, or some cookies, or some brownies, or some doughnuts, or some eclairs, or some pie, or some…”

Knowing that Pinkie Pie would be listing desserts for a while, Twilight turned back to Applejack. “It didn’t go so well on our end either,” she reported, answering the farm pony’s earlier question. “When Rainbow Dash said she saw a stallion in a crown denouncing Lex, I thought maybe it was somepony worth talking to, but after some asking around it turned out to be-”

“Prince Blueblood.” Rarity spat the name out like it left a foul taste in her mouth.

That was enough to earn a surprised look from Fluttershy. “The pony you went on a date with at the Grand Galloping Gala?”

Stomping her hoof, pointing at Fluttershy in an exaggerated motion. “There, you see?!” she snapped, making the other mare cringe at the agitated response. “You remember that we met each other before! So where does that uncouth lout get off acting like I didn’t leave an impression?! The nerve!” Giving her mane a toss, Rarity closed her eyes and lifted her nose in the air. “That entire rendezvous was a complete waste of our time!”

“We did learn a few things,” amended Twilight, giving Rarity an apologetic look when the other mare shot her an irritated glance. “The most important one being that Lex is probably staying at the home of somepony named River Bank, who’s apparently in charge of one of the most prominent families in Vanhoover. Unfortunately, Blueblood hasn’t actually been to her residence, so other than it not being in the city proper he’s not sure where it is.”

“And he’s apparently not inclined to find out either,” scowled Rarity. “To hear him tell it, he’s going to stay on his yacht for the rest of his time here, sending only his valet to River Bank’s place in order to negotiate the terms of his duel he’s going to fight with Lex Legis.”

That tidbit of information was enough to make Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy’s eyes all widen. “A duel?!” they chorused.

Twilight nodded, a pained expression crossing her face. “Blueblood challenged Lex over what he did to Celestia and Luna, and Lex accepted.”

“And as much as I approve of a gentlecolt stepping in to defend a lady’s honor,” interjected Rarity, “I have to say that Blueblood’s atrocious manners mean that I’m going to be quite torn over who to root for when the two of them have their altercation.”

“Wait, back up!” Shaking her head in disbelief, Rainbow Dash looked between Rarity and Twilight. “This guy is going to fight Lex one-on-one? He knows what happened to Celestia and Luna when they tried that, right?”

“That’s just it, he didn’t know, and telling him only made him more insistent that he go through with it,” answered Twilight, making no effort to hide her trepidation.

“I can’t believe he’s that brave,” murmured Fluttershy, sounding a little awed. “Rarity made it sound like he was afraid of getting a little dirty, let alone fighting.”

“Except he doesn’t think there’s going to be a fight,” clarified Twilight. “After seeing what happened when Rainbow Dash attacked Lex, he’s convinced that Lex is a weakling who only accepted his challenge as a stunt, and that he’ll back down if his valet negotiates aggressively enough. I tried telling him he was underestimating Lex, but he wouldn’t listen. If I have to tell Princess Celestia that her honorary nephew was cursed or cut down by Severance-”

“Actually, you won’t have to worry about that second one,” interrupted Applejack. “Apparently Lex sent Severance packin’ a little while back.”

Twilight’s eyebrows shot upward. “He did? Are you sure?”

“It’s what everypony’s saying,” replied Rainbow Dash, her voice skeptical. “Apparently Lex gave some big speech after the princesses left where he told everyone the same thing he told Celestia and Luna when the fighting started: that Severance acted on its own when it attacked Luna and killed her guard. Except he also told everypony here that he had the Night Mare remove it from Equestria for what it did.”

“Which makes sense.” Unlike Rainbow Dash, Applejack sounded much more certain. “I know from experience how that scythe can be right bloodthirsty when it has a mind to, and that it’ll up and leave if you tell it you don’t want it no more. Given how Lex likes to talk all high and mighty about how he wants to help ponies, I can believe that he sent it away, especially after everythin’ that’s happened here…”

Applejack’s statement ended with her flattening her ears, Rainbow Dash doing the same as she put a wing around the farm pony, pulling her close. The sight was enough to make Twilight glance at Rarity and Fluttershy, mildly concerned. “Did something happen?”

“There’s a memorial on the other side of the village,” answered Rainbow, her voice heavy. “It’s apparently set over where those ghouls that attacked this place were buried. There are all these little signs and messages left for everypony that didn’t make it when the Elemental Bleed that hit this place.”

“Or didn’t survive what happened afterward,” sighed Applejack. “A lot of ponies died here, Twilight. And while everypony we met in town agreed that Lex is pricklier than a hedgehog at a cactus farm, they all said he’s done his darnedest to try and help everypony since he arrived.”

“There were a couple who didn’t think he was all that, but after seeing him get into a fight with Starlight Glimmer this morning even they’re starting to change their minds,” added Rainbow Dash begrudgingly.

“Starlight who now, darling?” asked Rarity.

But the pony who spoke up then was Fluttershy. “She’s a unicorn who showed up earlier today. Apparently she knows a spell that lets her steal cutie marks, and she wanted to use it on everyone here. A bunch of ponies who work for Lex Legis tried to stop her, but she defeated them all until Lex himself came out to deal with her.” She looked at Twilight then. “They said she used some really powerful magic near the end of their fight. I think that might have been what you were sensing, back on the train.” She looked down then, and for some reason her face became redder. “The doctors took her back with Lex and all of the other injured ponies. Now everyone’s wondering when she’ll, um…”

“When she’ll what?” pressed Twilight, excited in spite of herself. Anypony who could use magic at the level she’d felt before was definitely someone worth knowing about. As disturbing as a spell that removed cutie marks was, the potential of what it could be modified to do was fascinating to consider.

“When she’ll…” muttered Fluttershy, hiding her face behind her mane as she murmured something unintelligible.

“You’re gonna have to speak up, sugarcube,” prodded Applejack, clearly eager to talk about something other than the tremendous loss of life that had happened here.

Nor was she the only one. “Yeah, we heard the stuff about her taking cutie marks and all, but nothing else, so if you’ve got some more info spill it already!” insisted Rainbow Dash.

“Do go on, Fluttershy,” urged Rarity. “Every little bit of information helps.”

Biting her lip, Fluttershy glanced at Pinkie Pie from behind her mane, her eyes clearly begging the other mare to step in. But Pinkie didn’t notice, still bouncing in a circle around them rest of them as she recited a list of the sweets that she found comforting…which was apparently all of them. “…or a sundae, or a banana split, or some bubblegum, or some rock candy, or some peanut brittle…”

Realizing that there was no one else that she could push this off on, Fluttershy looked back at the expectant faces of the rest of her friends, screwing up her courage even as she felt more blood rushing to her cheeks. “Wh-when she’ll…” Squeezing her eyes shut, she forced herself to say the rest. “When she’ll join Lex’s harem!”

“HIS WHAT?!” shouted the others in unison.

While Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack were still stunned by Fluttershy’s announcement, Twilight managed to recover her wits. “Fluttershy, that’s crazy! Lex is in a relationship with Sonata! I mean, Princess Celestia mentioned that Aria was flirting with him a little bit after he changed her into a pony, but that’s not the same as him having a…a…” She couldn’t even get the word out, turning red at the idea. “As having one of those!”

“I know,” moaned Fluttershy, clearly wishing she could sink into the ground. “But it’s what everypony here is saying! That even though he acts all mean and growly, he’s still going out with a whole bunch of girls all at once!”

“Darling, that’s just a particularly lurid bit of local gossip,” admonished Rarity, despite looking a bit frazzled herself. “You can’t pay any attention to that sort of rubbish.”

“Seriously!” scoffed Rainbow Dash. “Why would anyone want to go out with a guy like that? I mean, I get that Sonata does, but she has a couple of screws loose!”

“It is kind of hard to believe, sugarcube,” concurred Applejack. “Besides, Twilight went out with Lex once back on Everglow, and he was a perfect gentlecolt the entire time, right Twilight?”

Biting her lip, Twilight nodded. “That’s right. We saw an opera, had dinner, and said goodnight. We didn’t even kiss at the end.”

“There you have it,” pronounced Applejack. “Lex might be many things, but a ladykiller he ain’t.”

But despite looking redder than a tomato, Fluttershy shook her head. “That’s what I thought too at first, but everyone said that when Lex gave that speech after the princesses left, he said that Sonata and Aria were both going to be his p-…his p-…” She needed a moment, taking a deep breath. “His playthings from now on! And they admitted it!”

“‘Playthings’?” echoed Rarity, looking aghast.

“And not just them!” continued Fluttershy, looking determined to report everything she’d heard so she could be done with this topic. “He apparently has a personal maid that he’s t-taking liberties with as well, even though she has a husband and a daughter! He’s even been making her dress in a scandalous outfit for his entertainment!”

“He’s breakin’ up a happy family for his own amusement?!” Applejack couldn’t have looked more horrified if she’d tried.

“And a few weeks ago, Sonata apparently admitted in front of a crowd that Lex m-made…made her and her sister and some reporter from Canterlot all hold still while he t-t-touched them all over.” Fluttershy looked almost dizzy now, like just saying this was more than she could handle. “And then they were all spending every night together alone after that!”

“He made them?! Like, with magic?!” A shudder went through Rainbow Dash at the thought, clearly repulsed by the idea. “That’s horrible!”

“And that’s just the stuff that everypony seems to agree on.” Fluttershy was talking faster now, eager to get to the end. “There’s all sorts of other stories going around about how that River Bank mare is having an affair with him, or that he was dating the mayor of Tall Tale before he came here, or that he had a tragic romance with two mares that he rescued but who later died in Vanhoover.”

For a long moment no one spoke, with only Pinkie’s oblivious listing of various confections breaking the silence.

Finally, Rarity cleared her throat. “Is it too late for me to retract my statement about every little bit of information being helpful?” she asked weakly.

Closing her eyes, Twilight took a moment to compose herself before opening them again. “Listen, I don’t know what sort of…arrangement Lex has with Sonata, or anypony else. But when we walked through town on our way to meet with Blueblood, I checked for magic just to be sure that the ponies here weren’t enchanted, and I didn’t find anything. So maybe it’s best if we just ignore these crazy rumors. It’s not like this is any of our business anyway.”

When everypony nodded, Twilight took a deep breath, eager to change the subject. “Now, since we didn’t find out where River Bank’s home is located, we should-”

“Oh wow, it’s really you guys!”

The new voice belonged to a pegasus stallion with a white coat and brown mane and tail, his cutie mark being an exclamation point with a hoofball for the dot, gawking at them from where he was hovering at the edge of the platform. “I couldn’t believe it when my daughter said that the Rainbow Dash was here, but she didn’t mention that she brought the other Elements of Harmony too!”

“Well, actually we had to retire the Elements a little while ago,” corrected Twilight. “And she didn’t ‘bring’ us here, we-”

“Oh come on, Twilight,” smirked Dash, flapping her wings and heading over to where the stallion in question was looking at her with wide eyes and an even wider smile. “The guy’s obviously a fan, so no need to hit him with a bunch of pointless details. Let him enjoy meeting one of his heroes.” Smirking, she turned to look at the new guy. “Let me guess, you’re hoping for an autograph, right?”

“That’d be great! I am such a huge fan of yours!” gushed the stallion, producing a quill and paper and thrusting them at Rainbow Dash eagerly. “Make it out to ‘Tryout’ if you don’t mind! Hey, is it true you gave that Lex guy a serious whooping just now?”

“Heh, well, I don’t like to brag or anything,” began Rainbow, her tone and expression making it clear that was far from the truth, “but I may have thrown down with him a little while ago and sent him packing.” Her smirk diminished then, as a curious look crossed her face. “So…you’re not upset about that or anything?”

“Nah,” chuckled Tryout as he shook his head. “I mean, I get that everyone here thinks the guy’s a bigshot. Heck, even my daughter is gaga over him, but I just don’t see what the big deal is, you know? I mean, he’s supposed to have done some impressive stuff, but-”

“Do you know where we can find him?” blurted Twilight suddenly. “It’s really important that we see him as soon as possible.”

“Oh, sure,” shrugged Tryout. “He’s back at my wife’s boss’s place. Came back with everyone all upset over his having lost a fight for once. I wasn’t paying too much attention myself; I’ve been getting into shape for a marathon. Think you could give me some pointers as part of that autograph?”

“Tell you what,” offered Rainbow Dash. “If you can take us to where Lex is right now, I’ll give you some personal flight tips that are guaranteed to let you blow past the competition!”

Tryout’s eyes widened. “You got it! C’mon, right this way!”

Everypony cheered at that, with Twilight turning back toward the train. “I’ll go get Spike and Soft Mane!”

A minute later everyone began following Tryout…with one member of the group lingering behind the others.

“…or some frozen yogurt, or some pudding, or some s’mores, or…hey, where’s everypony going?! Wait for me!”

Author's Note:

Everypony comes back with new information about Lex, but not where to find him...until Tryout offers to take them to him!

What will happen when they arrive at River's manor?

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