• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,190 Views, 10,241 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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852 - By Will Alone

“...I’ll admit it: that’s really impressive.”

Solvei managed to nod her head mutely at Nenet’s praise, still too stunned by what her ice magic could do now to have any further reaction.

After all, the last time she’d summoned ten ice elementals at once – back when they’d fought Sissel just outside of the Shrine of the Starless Sky – had been when Lex had used the Charismata to drastically augment her shamanic powers.

But the ten humongous beings of pure ice that were kneeling in front of her now had been summoned without any such enhancement, called forth by her magic alone. Each of them was flawlessly shaped into the form of an adlet, except that they were four- or five-times as tall as any of her tribe, easily dwarfing the elementals she’d been able to summon when she’d just been Akna.

But it was their shape that impressed her more than their height. Rather than the loose humanoid forms that she’d brought forth under her own power, the elementals in front of her now could almost have been adlets – albeit giant-sized ones – from another tribe, if not for the fact that even the most casual glance showed that they were made of snow and ice, rather than fur and flesh. It was enough to make her recall her grandmother’s lessons about how the formation of the elemental was a reflection of the skill of the shaman.

Her grandmother’s elementals had been smooth and symmetrical, but featureless. Had she seen even a single elemental of such immaculate construction now, Solvei felt sure she’d have collapsed in shock.

And now she’d summoned ten of them, all without needing any outside assistance.

When Lex had said he’d given her and Nenet aristeia of their own, Solvei hadn’t known what to expect. But she certainly hadn’t expected this!

I didn’t even have to use that reservoir of extra power Master gave me.

“What else can you do now?”

The sphinx’s question pulled Solvei from her stupefaction. “What else...?”

Nenet shrugged, a guileless smile on her face. “Yeah! I mean, can you make it snow the way Sissel, Vidrig, and Grisela did? Or flash-freeze an entire lake solid? Or-, ooh! I know!” Her eyes lighting up, Nenet clasped her hands together in excitement. “How about making an ice-palace?!”

Solvei quirked a brow, unfamiliar with that word. “An ice...what?”

“A palace!” repeated Nenet. “You know, like a castle except prettier? I read a story in one of M-, Adagio’s books about a princess who made one with her powers, and I wanted so badly to be able to do the same! I even asked her if there was a spell to do that, but she just sneered and said that if there was, she wouldn’t be living in some dingy old cave.”

The story made Solvei pause, as much from the wistful look on the sphinx’s face as from confusion. Drafty had told her once that, back where she and Lex came from, rulers were supposed to live in gigantic buildings called castles. Solvei hadn’t really understand what those were, or why someone would want to live in one, but she had seen something she thought was similar recently...

“I guess I can give that a try,” she murmured.

An excited gasp escaped Nenet’s lips. “Really?!”

“I don’t know if it will work,” cautioned Solvei. “I still haven’t had a chance to recover the well of extra power I use when I need to push my cryomancy past its limits.”

Nenet nodded rapidly, grinning in anticipation, and the sight was so adorable that Solvei couldn’t help but giggle a little at how childlike she looked. But her mirth died away as she recalled what Nenet had told them earlier, about how she was only a few months old, and that her entire life had been a combination of abuse, neglect, and manipulation by Adagio, Sissel, and the rest of her siblings. When was the last time she’d had a chance to be excited by something, let alone have it come to pass?

Keeping that thought in her mind, Solvei let out a slow breath as she closed her eyes and raised her hands toward a portion of the chasm that was relatively undamaged by her master’s recent diamond excavation. Silently, she called forth an image in her mind, taking hold of the magic inside of her and directing it outward, shaping it to recreate the memory as best she could...

The process was slow and complicated. The image in her mind kept threatening to slip away, forcing her to concentrate harder in order to keep it at the forefront of her thoughts. Fortunately, the magic kept flowing, that was a relief in and of itself; before, she’d needed to tap into her reserve of additional power just to create a solid wall. For it to work now that she was designing something much more complicated was almost beyond belief...

But then again, she had ten perfectly-formed ice elementals behind her as a testament to the fact that her belief in what her magic could do would need to be seriously adjusted.

Several dozen deep breaths later, Solvei heard Nenet let out a joyous cry, and the sound made her open her eyes.

In front of her was a perfect reproduction – albeit in ice – of Sanguine Disposition’s mansion.

“WOW!” squealed Nenet, rushing forward past the open gates set in the outer wall around the frozen estate. “Oh my gosh! It’s so beautiful!”

Smiling at the sight of her new friend enjoying herself so much, Solvei followed her inside, still slightly dazed by the fact that she’d made something so expansive. The last time she’d tried to make any sort of structure, it had been inside this same mansion, forming a small igloo so she – as Solvei and Akna – could converse privately. Now she’d created a replica of the entire place.

“This is incredible!” yelled Nenet from the edge of the garden, itself filled with a dazzling array of snow flowers. “Solvei, look at this! These flowers are all different shades of blue and white! And they have different textures! And this is just the garden! Can I explore inside?!”

This time the sight of the sphinx’s smile didn’t make Solvei feel sad in the slightest, and she grinned as she nodded. “Go ahead.”

Shrieking in delight, Nenet didn’t hesitate, pulling the door open and plunging into the interior of the enormous mansion without a backwards glance. Solvei couldn’t help but shake her head ruefully, reminded of all the times she’d discovered something new and exciting when she’d been a little girl. Nenet deserved a chance to experience that herself.

You’ve done well, Solvei.

Master! Turning around, she hurried back through the frozen gate that marked the edge of the mansion, slowing down as Lex came back into sight. Standing roughly twice the distance of a thrown spear from the massive abode that she’d created, Solvei paused just long enough to dismiss the ice elementals before making her way over to him, pleased by the rare compliment. Thank you! I can’t believe how much stronger you’ve made me!

Your powers have grown remarkably, but that wasn’t what I meant, corrected Lex, not looking at her as he telekinetically extracted the diamonds – all of them at once – from the massive slab of rock that he’d torn free from the earth, the colorless jewels glinting in the light of his aura as they swirled around him. I was referring to how happy you made Nenet.

That was enough to make her blink. Really?

Lex nodded, but the response struck her as being oddly inattentive, like his mind was elsewhere. It’s strange. The more I explore what I’ve become, the more I feel my limits falling away. Except for the one that the Night Mare left in place.


Raw power comes easily to me now, replied Lex, casually reaching out and waving a claw in the direction of the enormous vein of stone that he’d extracted the diamonds from. He didn’t actually make contact with it – standing almost twice his body length from its edge – but the huge slab immediately split down the middle, falling into two cleanly-cut halves as though it had been sliced by some invisible colossus. So much more than I ever imagined a single pony could possess.

Solvei couldn’t formulate a response, her jaw falling open.

And that power is matched only by the level of awareness I now possess. Raising his claw again, he slowly waved it in a wide arc, causing a shower of snowflakes to appear in its passage. How many do you see?

How many? echoed Solvei, confused. How many wh-, wait, you mean snowflakes? Master, I can’t even begin to gue-

Forty-three thousand one hundred seventeen, answered Lex without hesitation.

You counted them all?

I didn’t need to count them, replied Lex, watching the flakes dispassionately as they fell toward the ground. I knew at a glance how many there were. I can see every one of them individually. I can feel them displacing the air as they fall. I can even visualize the precise path that each flake will follow before it actually traverses it.

Solvei swallowed, not able to imagine what that was like. O-oh...

But even with all of this power and insight, I couldn’t have made Nenet smile the way you did just now. Finally, he turned to look at her. That’s why I wanted you to know that I’m grateful that you were able to do so for me.

And just like that, Solvei felt her confusion dissipate, her chest tightening in the most wonderful way.

Changing back into her winter wolf form, she shrank down so that she was the size of a pony as she padded through the floating field of diamonds until she was in front of him. Master, that she’s able to smile like that at all is because of you. You offered to share your soul with her when I was convinced that she needed to be punished for her sisters’ crimes. You gave her the chance to stand up to the mother who’d hurt her all her life. You imbued me with the power to make that ice mansion that made her so happy. Nenet knows that, and she’s absolutely thankful for it.

He looked at her for a long moment, and Solvei met his gaze evenly, her heart leaping when the corners of his lips turned up ever so slightly. Alright. I’ll trust your judgment.

The aura around his horn flared then, and the gems floating in midair began to swirl around him, like shards of ice caught in the flow of an especially clear river. Watching them whirl through the air, Solvei gasped, unknowingly stepping closer to Lex as the current of gemstones sped up, closing in on the two of them.

But just when she was sure they were about to be struck by the glittering maelstrom, Lex held one claw out, and the diamonds rushed toward his palm, only to disappear as they came within reach of his talons, vanishing one after another. In the span of a few heartbeats, they were all gone, leaving Solvei breathless. What happened? Where did they go?

I placed them in a pocket dimension, answered Lex. Like the one inside this pack your mother gave me, except without needing a material item to anchor it.

That’s incredible, Master! To think you can cast spells like that now!

This time, his smile had a hint of bemusement to it. That wasn’t a spell. It was simply a manifestation of my will. But that’s not important right now.

Struggling to keep up with everything she was being told as well as what she was feeling, Solvei felt herself losing the thread of the conversation. It isn’t?

No. It’s far more important that I secure your happiness the way you say I’ve secured Nenet’s.

Before Solvei could react to that, he reached out and embraced her, pulling her close to him.

The rush of anxiety and exhilaration that swept over Solvei then was so powerful that she nearly passed out. She knew what he was saying was wrong; they were different races, he had Thermal Draft, and Nenet was liable to come back at any moment. But for some reason those excuses all died on her lips, and she knew that the tremors running through her then weren’t from distress, but anticipation.

Hold on tight, he urged her.

Not trusting herself to try and reply with words, Solvei simply reached out to embrace him in turn, leaving everything to him as she closed her eyes. This was right; they’d already admitted that they loved each other. Now it was time for what came next. She had no experience, either as Solvei or Akna, but the latter had heard the other girls in her tribe talk about it, and she realized that they’d been right; she already felt like she was floating...

Only to realize that she was floating!

Her eyes popping open, Solvei couldn’t even yelp as she looked down and saw the floor of the chasm rapidly growing further and further away as they rose , with nothing underneath them as they nevertheless rose into the air.

They were flying.

Stunned into silence, Solvei looked back at Lex. He didn’t have wings, nor was his horn glowing, and she knew he hadn’t gestured or chanted anything. Which meant that this wasn’t any sort of magic. Instead, it was what he’d done with the diamonds all over again.

He was flying for no other reason than because he willed it.

She had just enough time to wonder what that had to do with her happiness when his voice echoed in her mind again.

I’ll start by healing the injuries your tribe has suffered.

Author's Note:

Exploring the titanic powers that he's gained as a result of his ascension, Lex prepares to put his new abilities to use!

What will he do after he heals Yotimo and the other adlets?

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