• Published 15th Nov 2021
  • 10,735 Views, 1,506 Comments

In the wake of Anon-A-Miss - General Alduin

It's been a month since the Anon-A-Miss incident, and Sunset feels more alone than ever. Can Sunset forgive those who betrayed her? Can the school recover in time for the friendship Games? Can everyone move on from Anon-A-Miss?

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Apple Bloom totally doesn’t have a martyr complex

Apple Bloom yelped as she was shoved into the lockers. She grumbled as she rubbed her left arm, trying to soothe the pain away.

"Hey! Come back here you little-" Scootaloo started walking towards Apple Bloom's assailant, only to stop when Apple Bloom put a hand on her shoulder.

"Let her go Scoots." Apple Bloom demanded.

"We can't just let her get away with that!" Scootaloo turned around, pointing at where the girl disappeared off to. "We need to tell a teacher! People can’t just throw you around like that."

"Then how about we tell them about the paint balloon earlier, hm?" Apple Bloom's arm was lifted up as Sweetie Belle pulled back her sleeve to look at her shoulder. "Ah noticed the paint in yer hair. Those art kids are still hassling yah aren’t they?”

"That's different. It was a harmless prank, not assault. She could have broken your arm!"

"Well, she didn't." Apple Bloom pulled her sleeve back down when Sweetie was done inspecting her arm. "And as long as she isn't going after yah and Sweetie, Ah can take it."

"There you go again with your martyr complex.” Scootaloo rolled her eyes in annoyance. “You don’t need to protect us, you know. We can handle ourselves” Sweetie drew into herself and gripped her dress at Scootaloos words.

“Yer one to talk, Ah seem to remember all of us were willing to take the fall for Anon-A-Miss alone. Doesn’t that mean yah have yer own martyr complex?” Scootaloo stuck out her tongue to Apple Bloom who did the same in turn. She finally turned to Sweetie Belle. “What’s the damage Sweetie?”

The girl jumped lightly when her name was called and her eyes darted back and forth nervously. “U-uh, it wasn’t that bad. You’ll probably have a bruise for a few days, nothing major. That won’t affect your farmwork will it?”

“Probably be a little sore doing my chores, but Ah’ll live.”

“Martyr complex, there it is again.”

Apple Bloom shot Scootaloo an annoyed look before pulling out her flip phone to look at the time. “Well, Ah need to get going. Ah'll see yah girls later.”

Scootaloo watched Apple Bloom walk away, a devious smirk growing on her face. “Have fun sucking face with Diamond, I get to be the maid of honor at your wedding right?”

Apple Bloom stopped immediately and snapped her head towards Scootaloo, a bright blush on her face. “Ah am not-!” She calmed herself down and looked around to see if anyone was nearby. “Ah’m only helping her in her garden, we are not… doing... that. Besides, she barely likes me right now after what Ah pulled, there’s no way she’d reciprocate.”

“Surrrreeee.” Scootaloo winked knowingly as Sweetie Belle tried hiding her smile.

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes and continued walking away, giving Scootaloo a rude hand gesture as she did which only elicited a laugh from her friend.

As she walked alone through the halls, everyone either glared at her, whispered veiled threats and insults, or threw various debris at her discreetly.

Apple Bloom ignored it best she could. 'Just keep walking Bloom. Don't let them see it affects yah. That’ll only encourage ‘em like Granny said.' She was snapped from her thoughts when she tripped over someone's leg and went tumbling to the ground, groaning when she landed on her left shoulder. ‘Of course, can’t land on the uninjured shoulder can Ah?

"You should really watch your step." Apple Bloom looked up to see a group of students looking over her, cackling at her predicament. "Anon-A-Bitch."

Apple Bloom’s eyes began to water and she tried getting up, only to be pushed back down by one of the students. "Aww, is Anon-A-Bitch gonna cry?"

"Didn't seem to care when you made Derpy cry."

"Or got my girlfriend to break up with me."

"You expect us to feel sorry for you Anon-A-Bitch?"

The students surrounded her, taunting or mocking her as Apple Bloom pulled her legs into herself and lowered her head as they began throwing things at her.

"Hey! Stop bullying her!" Everyone turned towards the voice, finding Gilda was walking up to them with an angry expression, her hands placed firmly in the pockets of her aviator jacket. "That's my job!" The students' previous gusto vanished and they backed up as Gilda stopped a few feet from them. “Now, I ain’t no snitch, and you have a right to let Anon-A-Bitch have it, so I’ll let you off with a warning.

“Or?” One of the braver students challenged.

Gilda said nothing, merely pulling her hands out of her pockets and smashing her fist into her open hand with a smirk. This had the immediate effect of scattering the group, all of them running in different directions away from Gilda. “Works every time.” She chuckled.

Apple Bloom merely looked up at her nervously, yelping in fear when Gilda grabbed her left arm and yanked her to her feet.

“Relax, I’m not gonna hurt you Anon-A-Bitch.” Gilda rolled her eyes. “I don’t hit kids… often.”

“Then what are yah-” She didn’t get to finish as Gilda began dragging her towards the exit, Apple Bloom wincing in pain.

“Diamond Bratara was apparently getting tired waiting for you. She said she’d pay me ten bucks if I found and dragged you to her stupidly long car.” Gilda explained. “Figured it was an easy ten bucks.”

“Ah was already on my way, Ah don’t need yah to-”

“Think of this as payback for leaking that picture of me and Lightning kissing.” Gilda smirked when Apple Bloom closed her mouth sheepishly and looked down. “See? Having you all regretful and embarrassed is much better than socking you in the face. Though I’m totally doing that next year, aiming to break your nose in fact. Gonna be my proudest detention.”

Apple Bloom glanced up at Gilda nervously, unsure whether Gilda was being serious or was just trying to rile her up. Mercifully they reached the parking lot where Diamond Tiara was standing next to her limo anxiously.

She lit up when she saw Apple Bloom but quickly regained her composure, reaching into her purse and pulling out ten bucks. “As agreed.”

Gilda let go of Bloom and snatched the money from Diamond's hand. “Thanks Bratara, let's do this again sometime.”

“Did yah have to send her to look for me?” Apple Bloom asked as they both watched Gilda walk away. “Was there literally no one else?”

“She was the only person I could bribe to find you without worrying she’d rough you up along the way.”

“Not sure if dragging me out of the school by my sore arm is much better.”

“Did she make it sore?”

“Well, no.”

“Then she did as I asked. Now come on.” Diamond opened the door and filed in, Apple Bloom close behind her. Soon Randolph started the limo and began driving off. “It won’t be too much for you to garden with that sore arm will it?”

“Ah already told my friends Ah’d do my farmwork no problem, Ah’m too stubborn to let some sissy gardening best me. Ah’d never hear the end of it from them after all.”

“How did it happen anyhow? Last I remember your arm was fine.”

“Some bitch shoved me into the locker while she was walking by. The usual.”

“Something tells me you didn’t report them?” Diamonds frown deepened.

“People already don’t like me, Ah’d rather not have them like me less by being a snitch. Ah only care if they go after Scoots or Sweetie, Ah’d rather they just go after me and leave them out of it, Ah was the ringleader after all.”

“Sounds like you have a martyr complex to me.”

“Oh come on!”

“It… it was you?” Lyra felt her heart shatter into a million pieces. There was no possible way this was happening, she was dreaming! It had to be a dream. “Tell me you’re joking right now Bon-Bon.”

“I wish I could say that I was.” Bon-Bon sighed regretfully. “But I’m not. I emailed Anon not too long after Piggly Wiggly.”

“So what you said to AJ earlier was a lie?” Lyras denial was quickly replaced by anger. “You made me look like an idiot to the whole school for a laugh?”

“No! No of course not!” Bon-Bon held up her hands. “I didn’t do it to embarrass you, I was trying to help you!”

“Help me!?” Lyra looked away towards the wall, her eyes filling with tears while her chest tightened in anger. “You have exactly ten seconds to explain.”

“Lyra, come on.” Bon-Bon pleaded. “You were always so scared someone would find out that you believed in Unicorns, that it’d somehow ruin your reputation at school, that no one would take you seriously. But we have a freaking Unicorn running around school! You could rub it in people’s faces that you were right the whole time! There was no reason for you to be afraid all the time, to be ashamed of what you believe in. I just wanted you to be able to express yourself.”

Lyra's parents gave each other an odd look, wondering what Bon-Bon was talking about.

“That post made no mention of Sunset! They made me look like a wacko!” Lyra took a step forward. “They said I didn’t believe in Narwhals!”

“I didn’t know they were going to phrase it like that.” Bon-Bon defended. “I thought they were just going to present it as it was, that you thought Unicorns were real and that’s it. This was before they started editing things to make people look bad.”

Lyra grumbled angrily and crossed her arms before looking back at Bon-Bon. “So, when Octie proposed kicking Derpy out and confronted her, you just stood there knowing she was innocent and did nothing?”

“Hey, I tried defending Derpy, remember?” Bon-Bon huffed. “I argued she was innocent and tried to dissuade Octie from splitting the group apart. I even hugged her when she was crying after the fact because I felt so bad. Not even you did that.”

“But you could’ve prevented this to begin with.” Lyra pointed out. “You could’ve confessed when Octie accused Derpy, could’ve confessed when we confronted her, could’ve confessed any time over the past month. But you didn’t! You’ve been lying to all of us, lying to me, this whole time and acting like everything was totally fine!”

“I-I wanted to, so many times. I’ve felt awful for everything that’s happened because of my mistake, for betraying your trust and humiliating you by accident... But I was scared… scared I could lose you... I can’t imagine you not in my life anymore.” Bon-Bon laced her fingers together pleadingly. “I’m so sorry.”

There was a long silence between the two girls. “You did.”

Bon-Bons breath hitched and it was her turn to feel her heart shatter in a million pieces. Her eyes welled with tears and she began shaking.

“Get out Bon-Bon.”


I said get out!” Lyra straightened her posture and pointed toward the door.

Nobody moved as Bon-Bon stood there as tears threatened to spill from her eyes. “Bon-Bon.” Bon-Bon looked over to Lyra's mom. “I think it’s best that you leave.”

The girl's face fell and she began crying profusely. She whipped toward the door and practically ran out in tears.

When she was gone Lyra lowered her arm and glared at the ground. “Honey-” Lyra marched up the stairs and slammed her door shut. A few seconds later, the entire house could hear her crash onto her bed and cry into her pillow.

Midnight Music sighed and shared a look with his wife.

“Wow!” Both parents looked to Summer Spark, who was eating a packet of gummies he must’ve been keeping in his pocket. “It’s like a soap opera in here.” Both of his parents gave him disapproving looks. “What? What'd I say?”

Author's Note:

So, a bit of explanation as to why Bonny is the culprit.
I was at work one day, bored out of my skull, and bringing carts inside when I had the most devilish of ideas.
I was originally gonna have Lyras brother be the culprit, but the I got to thinking: I’ve brought attention to Bon-Bons innocence a few times during the story, most noticeably in the second chapter. And the only reason authors do that, is to foreshadow that they were guilty all along.
So, what’s better foreshadowing then foreshadowing that even the author didn’t see coming?
I also just like messing with all of you i’ll admit, and I knew Bonny being guilty was going to get a reaction out of everyone. :pinkiehappy:

So, originally I was going to have Gilda, and then Lightning Dust, be the one that harassed Apple Bloom and have Diamond save her, but that seems predictable. We all expect the two to be aggressive in regards to Anon, and it was already stated Lightning at least was during AAM proper. So instead, why not have Gilda save Bloom and be passive aggressive about it? Never seen that in a fic before.

The picture of Gilda and Lightning kissing is a reference to Dains AAM fic where the same happened to Dash and Gilda. Thought it’d be a cute reference.

Still no idea what Diamonds up to, surely it’s not just to garden is it?
Hopefully she’s not going back to her old ways...:rainbowderp:

And yes, Bon-Bons reasoning was stupid and there was a better way to handle it. But keep in mind, teenagers aren’t very smart. They’re dumb, impulsive, and don’t think things through. So think of this as Bon-Bon being well intentioned but dumb rather than actively malicious.

You all have my permission to call her dumb. And perhaps a bit of a coward for not fessing up for a month.

And yes, you can also call Summer a little annoying, that’s part of his character.
He’ll get better in a chapter or two.

Anyway, thank you all for reading my fic! Hopefully this isn’t the end of LyraBon:pinkiecrazy:

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