• Published 15th Nov 2021
  • 10,699 Views, 1,505 Comments

In the wake of Anon-A-Miss - General Alduin

It's been a month since the Anon-A-Miss incident, and Sunset feels more alone than ever. Can Sunset forgive those who betrayed her? Can the school recover in time for the friendship Games? Can everyone move on from Anon-A-Miss?

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Of bells and brownies

Rarity took a long whiff of the freshly baked brownies, a smile tugging at her lips. “Perfection.” She said to herself as she set the tray down. A series of knocks at the front door grabbed her attention, Rarity pulled the oven mitts from her hands and made her way to the door, opening it up to find Sunset on the other side. “Sunset! You’re just in time darling, I just got done baking brownies.” She smiled and courteously gestured for Sunset to come in.

“I can tell, unless you’ve started using brownie scented candles since I’ve last been here.” Sunset tensed and walked by Rarity awkwardly, practically bolting to the tray of brownies.

“Please help yourself darling, I’m on a diet. Just be careful, they’re fresh out of the oven.” Rarity closed and locked the door, following after Sunset.

“When are you ever not on a diet?” Sunset said as she began collecting a plateful of brownies.

“It’s not easy keeping this figure, darling.” Rarity gestured to her sides and stomach. “And unlike the rest of you, I can’t stand getting sweaty by working out.”

“Me, Pinkie, and… Fluttershy don’t work out.” Sunset cleared her throat awkwardly and began eating a brownie.

“You dirtbike, Pinkies antics are close enough, and Fluttershy has to run after animals all the time.”

“You’re really stretching the definition of working out, I don’t even walk while dirt biking.” The two girls jumped in surprise when they heard a startled yelp near them, looking over to find Sweetie Belle at the entrance to the kitchen. A look of terror crossed her face as she looked at Sunset.

She immediately ran off and slammed her door shut, Rarity sighing in exasperation. “Sorry, Sweetie has recently taken up a terrible habit of walking in at the worst time possible. At least she came out of her room for once.”

“I’ll go talk to her.” Sunset set her plate of brownies down and began walking out of the kitchen.

“Uh, Sunset.” Rarity grabbed Sunsets arm, stopping her from moving. “I don’t think that’s-”

Sunset roughly pulled her arm away, taking a step back and glaring at Rarity. Her eyes softened when she saw the hurt expression on Rarity’s face, mumbling out an apology. “I just want to talk to her. I’ll be nice, I promise.” Rarity didn’t look convinced, but made no further attempt to stop Sunset as she walked out the kitchen.

Sunset made her way to Sweetie Belle's room, stopping in front of the door and gently rapping her knuckles against it. “Sweetie? You can come out, I promise I won’t hurt you.” Sunset placed her ear against the door, trying to make Sweetie's muffled voice. “Sweetie, I can hear you.” She pulled away when Sweetie began screaming ‘what do I do?’ repeatedly “Look, I just wanted to talk with Rarity, I won't be here long, ok?”

More muffled voices, but Sunset decided that was good enough and turned around. “G-good evening S-Sunset Shimmer.” Sunset stopped and turned around to find Sweetie Belle standing in her door frame, shaking as she stared up at Sunset nervously. “W-welcome to our home.”

“Uh…” Sunset turned towards Sweetie. “Yeah, thanks I guess.” An uncomfortable silence fell between them. “I’ll see you around.” Sunset finally said, beginning to walk away.

“Sunset!” Sunset stopped and looked back at Sweetie Belle, who visibly flinched under her gaze. “I know I have no right to ask this, but please forgive my sister, she really misses you. Please?”

Sunset was taken aback by that and looked away, trying to formulate a response. “Oh, Sweetie, it's… It’s not that easy.” She could practically feel Sweetie Belle's disappointment. “But I’ll try. For both of you.”

Sweetie smiled brightly, which lifted Sunset's spirit somewhat. “That’s all I ask.”

“Yeah uh… nice talk.” Sunset cleared her throat. “Bye.” She said, turning around and walking back to the kitchen, letting out a long sigh before scarfing down her brownies.

“Ringing endorsement.” Rarity watched with concern as Sunset practically inhaled her food. “She’s still in one piece right?”

“I do not have that short of a fuse!” Sunset said indignantly as crumbs fell from her face. “Besides, she’s the person I’m least angry with in all this. I’d be more likely to rip you in half than her.” Sunset jolted when she realized what she said and placed her plate back onto the table. “I’m sorry, you don’t deserve that.”

“Darling, please, it’s fine. You have every right to be angry with me.”

“I don’t have a right to treat you like crap.” Sunset folded her arms around her chest. “This is partly why I haven’t been talking to all of you, I don’t want to say something I’ll regret.”

An awkward silence fell between the two, Rarity desperately trying to think of how to move the visit forward. “Oh! You never told me why you decided to visit. Shall we go to my room to discuss?”

“Sure, why not.” Sunset shrugged, following after Rarity. “I guess a good start is that I need a dress for the Fling.”

“A dress for the Fling?” Rarity turned towards Sunset.

“Yeah, I’m allowed to participate again, and Derpy conned me into running for princess.”

“Sweet little Derpy conned you?” Rarity asked with some amusement. “Bon-Bon swears Derpy cursed at her, didn’t realize the girl had a hidden dark side.”

“It is very jarring. I’m half expecting to find out she’s secretly a serial killer. You know they look like the rest of us, right?”

“Well, on that concerning thought, I have a lot of work orders for the Fling, but I’m sure I can squeeze you in.” Rarity smirked. “Just make sure to pay me this time.” Sunset tensed in embarrassment.

“Oh, yeah. Sorry about that.” Sunset scratched the back of her head. “Do I get a discount if I promise not to give you a wardrobe malfunction in front of the whole school this time?”


“Worth a shot.” Sunset said, sitting down on Rarity’s bed. “Another reason I’m here is that I just need to get used to you.”

“Used to me?”

“Well, yeah. Haven’t talked to you in a while and, well, I’m going to host a sleepover with all of you so I can… well, I’m not entirely sure, but it really worked out with AJ, so maybe the next will provide a similar result.”

“Oh!” Rarity perked up. “That’s wonderful to hear, I’d be delighted to attend, darling. When is the sleepover?”

“I dunno.” Sunset shrugged.

“Ah, same planning skills as Rainbow I see.” Rarity lightly teased. “Now, let’s ‘get you used to me’ as you put it. What do you want to talk about, darling?”

“Uh…” Sunset tried to think of something to talk about, she hadn’t thought this far ahead. “How’s Sweetie Belle?” Sunset cringed when the words left her mouth.

“Oh, well, not great.” Rarity scratched the back of her head. “I’m sure you’ve noticed she stays in her room most of the time.”

“Sounds like she’s allowed to leave her room, that mean she isn’t grounded?”

“Oh god no, that girl is beyond grounded. But she’s still allowed to come out of her room, just can’t do anything that could be construed as fun.”

“Beyond grounded? That seems a bit excessive.”

“She made the posts that made us believe you were Anon and said Bon-Bon had a feeder fetish, what do you mean that seems excessive?”

She’s the one that made that post?” Sunset asked with shock. “I take it back, beyond grounded seems appropriate. Lyra nearly killed me after that was posted.”

“Glad you agree.” Rarity said, flashing a smile. “Regardless, girl only leaves her room for breakfast, school, and dinner now, and it’s not like she can do much other than sulk in bed and cry.”

“About Button?”

“Mostly, but also that everyone hates her and she betrayed my trust.” Rarity frowned. “I’ve… tried connecting with her. She joined Anon to get back at me for treating her poorly. My heart broke when she said she told Celestia she just wanted me to be nice to her for once.”

“Ok, you weren’t that bad towards her, I’d say your relationship was downright average in terms of hostility towards a younger sibling. Besides-” Sunset pointed to herself. “-can’t be any worse than I was to my brother.”

“You have a brother?” Rarity said with some surprise, deciding to push that away for later. “Mean enough to convince her to join Anon… I’ve really tried to make things right with her or to have her say more than two words to me, but she’s refused all of my attempts.”

“It’s only been a month, she’ll come around.”

“But what if she… doesn’t?”

“Seriously?” Sunset asked with exasperation. “What, you think your sister is going to hole up in her room for the rest of her life? Come on, I know she’s sensitive but she isn’t that sensitive.”

“I-it’s not that. I know she’ll eventually get over it and leave her room more.”

“Then what are you worried about?” Sunset gave Rarity a strange look when Rarity looked away, Rarity rubbing her eyes. “Rarity?”

Rarity looked back to her, an anxious look on her face. “Just… God, I don’t know how to say this…”

Sunset leaned forward and gently grabbed Rarity’s hands. “It’s ok, just take your time.”

Rarity smiled appreciatively and took a deep breath. “I’m just so scared that, one day, I’m going to knock on her door and she doesn’t answer, then I open the door to find she’s… not going to be there anymore.”

“Not going be there anymore? Like she ran away?”

“No.” Rarity shook her head. “That she’s… not going to be alive anymore because she was so sad and I’m going to find her body.”

Sunset gave Rarity a weird look, her eyes widening when she finally understood. “By Faust, you think-”

“You think I’m going to kill myself?” Both girls looked over to Rarity’s door frame to find Sweetie Belle Looking at them with shock.

Scootaloo climbed up her friend’s stairs, walking up to the door and reaching for the doorbell. She jumped back when the door swung open and Granny Smith stood before her, almost as if she had senses Scootaloo on the other side. “Oh, uh, hi Mrs. Smith.”

“Mac told me to be expectin’ yah. Yer here to see Apple Bloom right? She should be upstairs in her room.” Granny Smith moved out of the way for Scootaloo as she walked in. “Now, yah two are grounded, so don’t be doing anythin’ excitin’ while yah two youngins hang out. Ah may be old, but Ah have hearing better than a blind bat, so keep that in mind.”

“Of course Mrs. Smith, I really just need to talk with Bloom.” Scootaloo would never admit it, but she was intimidated by the old woman’s scrutinizing look. “Uh, have a nice night.” She said as she walked away perhaps a bit too fast.

She went up the stairs and knocked on her friend's door, walking in when she heard a muffled ‘come in’. Apple Bloom looked up from the book she was reading. “Oh, hey Scoots.” She went back to her book. “Yah finally going to include me in your schemes?”

“You could say that.” Scootaloo answered sitting down.

Apple Bloom looked confused and put her book away, somehow knowing she needed to give Scootaloo her full attention. “Something tells me this isn’t for the valedictorian thing.”

Scootaloo smiled. “I’m going to make Sunset my sister.”


“Hear me out.” Apple Bloom closed her mouth and stared at Scootaloo expectantly. “Rainbow wants to babysit while my aunts are away, so I managed to convince them I’d only let her babysit if she brought Sunset along.”

“This is getting worse and worse the longer Ah listen.”

“For the first hour nothing will happen.” Scootaloo continued, ignoring her friend. “But then, I’ll be passive aggressive with Rainbow and treating her coldly, while being super friendly and affectionate with Sunset in front of her.”


“Then, when me and Rainbow are alone, I’ll tell her off and tell her to leave. When she does, I’ll be all alone with Sunset and use it to get to know all about her and grow our relationship.” Scootaloo smiled proudly. “I don’t expect her to call me her sister that same night, but it’ll definitely help giving me a jumping off point.”

Apple Bloom sat quietly for a few seconds before sighing. “Scoots, yah tore into me for my brain dead scheme, so Ah figure it’s only fair if Ah tell yah yer dumber than a sack of hammers.”

“Excuse me?” Scootaloo recoiled away, looking offended.

“Yer seriously going to be a bitch towards Rainbow till she leaves and hope nothing in this plan of hers goes wrong? Even if it was a good plan, and it ain’t, yer doing exactly what Ah did a week ago.”

“At Least I’m running it by someone first.”

“True, but something tells me yer going to go through with it anyway.” Apple Bloom shook her head. “Why do yah even want Sunset to be yer sister so much anyway?”

“Just… she’s cool and really smart, and I feel really bad for what we did to her.” Scootaloo crossed her arms. “Plus, she’s a better role model than Dash.”

“Fine, but do yah really need to treat Rainbow so poorly? Yah still want Dash to be yer sister right?”

“No.” Scootaloo answered curtly. “I’m telling Dash what she wants to hear, but I’m done with her.”


She punched me in the face.

“And we framed Sunset and turned everyone against her.” Apple Bloom frowned. “Why would Sunset even want to be yer sister?”

Scootaloo shifted uncomfortably. “She’ll come around.”

“Scoots, don’t do this. Ah love yah, so that’s why Ah must tell yah this is a terrible plan that’ll only make Sunset mad at yah and hurt Rainbow. Ah know yer mad right now, but yah’ll forgive Rainbow eventually, and hurting her is just going to make things more complicated.” Apple Bloom said in a serious tone. “Plus, yer doing what we did during Anon: manipulate everyone in order to change everyone’s relationship in a way yah want.”

Scootaloo gave Apple Bloom a small glare. “We’ll see.”

“Yeah.” Apple Bloom sighed and leaned away, knowing this wouldn’t end well. “We’ll see.”

The two said nothing for a while as they awkwardly stared at each other. “So uh… what was the book you were reading?”

“King of the Rings.” Apple Bloom reached over and grabbed the book. “AJs a huge fan of the franchise, so Ah’m trying to get into it so she isn’t alone. Ah can tell she’s desperate to talk to someone about it.”

“Is it any good?”

“It’s long. Ah think Ah’m doing it wrong”

“Doing it wrong? How are you supposed to get into a franchise?”

The two continued back and forth, their conversation meandering as Apple Bloom shared what little knowledge she had of the lore, claiming the whole way not to be a nerd.

Author's Note:

Hey everyone, been a while but atleast technically not five months, really cutting it close there

Finally got to focus on poor Rarity, and I felt that I made Sunset and Rarity’s initial interaction awkward enough

And now it seems part of Sweeties characterization is walking in at the worst time possible, and I’m definitely keeping that

I also liked that Sunsets self aware that she snaps at her friends and feels guilty for doing so and is cordial but uncomfortable with Sweetie. Among the three, she probably has the easiest time interacting with Sweetie, it’s just that Scoots pushes for an interaction more so Sunsets more familiar with her

I didn’t want to make a big thing out of the dress, so I just had Rarity squeeze Sunset in, thought it might be appropriate for the Element of Geneoristy

Did give some hints on what happened last Spring Fling though

I even had Sunset have pity for Sweetie and her punishment, probably because she felt Sweetie did the least out of the trio

And yes, I did make it so Sweetie made the feeder fetish post. I remember a commentor talking about it and saying that Button had every right to break up with her for being involved in that, so I made it she was completely responsible
I think I’ll have it so Sweetie was peer pressured by the girls into making a mean post because her posts were too soft

I actually liked that I had Sunset tap into her element of empathy and try to help Rarity when she saw Rarity was struggling with something, felt that was a good addition

I also think Rarity’s fears about Sweetie are not unfounded. Sweetie is sensitive, heavily regrets what she did to everyone, her boyfriend broke up with her for what she did, now her life sucks, she’s heavily bullied, and she’s holed up in her room all day and probably suffering depression. I think a lot of people would be worried if someone they loved started doing that

You may notice that Scoots and Blooms roles have been reversed. Scoots is coming up with a dumb scheme and Blooms telling her it’s a dumb idea

And you may think Scoots plan is dumb and spiteful... and you’d be right. I just feel pre teens aren’t the best planners or the most mature for some reason

And yay! Apple Blooms learning from her mistakes!

Didn’t want to end the chapter on a bad note, so I had the two move one and tie into the revelation that AJs secretly a nerd

Anyway, thanks for reading my fic! Hope my update schedule becomes more consistent

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