• Published 15th Nov 2021
  • 10,735 Views, 1,506 Comments

In the wake of Anon-A-Miss - General Alduin

It's been a month since the Anon-A-Miss incident, and Sunset feels more alone than ever. Can Sunset forgive those who betrayed her? Can the school recover in time for the friendship Games? Can everyone move on from Anon-A-Miss?

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Maybe Derpy knows sideways psychology

Sunset yelped and dropped the journal, taking a step away from it.

“Sunset?” Derpy turned towards her friend. “Is everything alright?”

“Yeah I-I’m Fine.” Sunset says staring at the journal intensely.

“Are you sure?” Derpy asks in an unsure tone, clearly not convinced. “People don’t usually scream and drop books for no reason. Not unless they’re like really scary like this one book I read when I was a-”

“It’s nothing really.” Sunset turned to Derpy, interrupting her before she could monologue. “Twilight just asked me if I wanted to talk to my old mentor.”

“I imagine things didn’t end well for the two of you?”

“You could say that.” Sunset nodded awkwardly.

“You gonna go for it?” Derpy asked. “This might be the best opportunity you’ll have for a while.”

“I don’t know. On the one hand I want to apologize to her, on the other I have no idea what I’m going to say.” Sunset huffed. “Things ended really badly between us.”

“Well it’s up to you.” Derpy shrugged. “Twilight probably won’t force you into something you’re not comfortable with. You’ll have other opportunities to talk to your mentor.”

Sunset raised an eyebrow at her friend. ‘Why isn’t she encouraging me to talk to Celestia? She practically forced me to run for Princess, this isn’t like her.’ Perhaps she only encouraged Sunset when she thought it would help her, or she thought she did enough encouraging today, or maybe-

Sunset's eyes widened as she realized what Derpy was doing, a knowing smirk growing on her lips. “Nice try Derpy, but I’m onto you.”

Derpy looked confused. “What are you talking about?”

“‘Other opportunities to talk to my mentor’, right.” She winks knowingly at Derpy.

“Uh, yeah. Everyone would understand if you’re not ready yet. You can talk to her later.”

“‘Talk to her later’, gotcha.” She says with another wink. “I’m onto you girl, you can’t fold me that easily.”

Derpy just looked confused as she looked at the ground, trying to understand what Sunset was talking about. Sunset meanwhile picked the journal back up and grabbed the pen.

“You know what? Why not. I can’t keep running from Celestia forever. I’ll talk to Celestia if she’s open to the idea.”

“Oh that’s wonderful Sunset!” Sunset chuckled at Twilight's somewhat sloppy excited hoof writing. “When I have the chance I’ll ask Celestia and report back later. I have a really good feeling about this Sunset. Anyway I need to go, I’ll see you later ok? Love you!”

Sunset smirked mischievously. “Is that s-”

Erratic scribble marks quickly covered up Sunset's writing before she could continue. “Don’t make it weird! You know exactly what I meant!” Sunset couldn't help but laugh, earning another confused look from Derpy. “I love you in a platonic, friendly way. Not romantic at all, ok?

“You know the more you deny it the more suspicious it looks right?”

“Oh whatever! I’m going to leave before you give me an aneurysm, I’m stressed enough as is.”

“Bye Twi, I love you.”

"I love you t- hey! That's it, I’m leaving. I thought I'd get more respect as a princess but I guess not.”

Sunset chuckled and closed the journal. “That girl is too easy.”

“So.” Sunset looked towards Derpy. “Is that a yes to talking to your mentor?”

“Mhm.” Sunset answered. “Thanks for helping me out Derpy.”

“You’re welcome!” She said cheerfully before wondering what she did. “What was it I did exactly?”

Sunset rolled her eyes at Derpys feigned ignorance. "Just give it up Derp, I know you were using reverse psychology.”

“Reverse psychology? I can’t even do forward psychology!”

“Surrreee.” Sunset winked.

“No, seriously, I wasn’t doing anything. You're reading too much into this.”

“Gotcha.” Another wink.

“I’m not kidding Sunset!”

“Oh no of course not.” Wink. "I believe you." Wink.

“I don’t even know what reverse psychology is!”


Derpy groaned in annoyance and flopped face first onto her bed.

Scootaloo grumbled as she tediously placed each letter for a text into the flip phone. “How did texting take off when it was so torturous!?” She finally finished and sent the text, cradling her poor thumbs. “How did people survive back then? My thumb feels like it’s about to fall off!”

She was off to the next one when suddenly Sweetie called and Scootaloo answered. “Took you long enough. You forced me to send a dozen texts on a flip phone.”

Sorry Scoots.” Sweetie answered tiredly. “Now what do you want since it’s so important?

“Well, somebody’s in a good mood.” Scootaloo snarked. “Anyway, I ran into Sunset earlier and she was crying-”

Oh no, what did you do this time?

“I didn’t do anything!” Scootaloo huffed in annoyance. “Sunset was crying cause she was told she isn’t allowed to be Valedictorian, which was pretty important to her.”

Oh, that’s… sad. Why are you telling me this exactly?

“Cause she’s not going to fight them.” Scootaloo huffed. “She says she deserves it and that she’s lucky she wasn’t expelled. But just because she’s taking this lying down, doesn’t mean I will!”

Excuse me?

“I’m going to fight for Sunset's right to be Valedictorian!” She declared, standing on her bed and holding her fist out. Her triumphant demeanor fell when Sweetie broke into a hysterical laughing fit. “I’m serious Sweetie!”

And how do you plan to do that, hm?” Sweetie challenged. “Blackmail the school board, old Sunset style?

“Simple.” Scootaloo said with a cocky smile. “I tell the entire school what the school board is doing, convince them how unfair that is, and have everyone protest until they finally give in. Maybe throw a few Molotov cocktails to really get our point across.”

Didn’t know you were an anarchist, I’m pretty sure throwing Molotov cocktails is illegal.” Sweetie said half jokingly. “You do realize though that this is probably really private information, right? Sunset may not want this getting out to anyone.

“Fair point.” Scootaloo's cocky smile fell. “Well, I guess I’ll just have to convince her then. I’ll go up to her tomorrow, tell her my plan, and convince her if she rejects it.”

But you also do realize that students protesting probably wouldn’t do much, right? We’ve got like, what, a few hundred or so students at school? Even if you convinced all of them to protest, they probably wouldn’t convince the school board to do anything. The only thing the school board cares about is how parents feel, cause that probably affects their jobs.” Sweetie remarked. “And I doubt that parents care whether or not a past delinquent gets to be Valedictorian, especially if their own kids have a better shot with her out of the way.

“Good point, good point…” Scootaloo was deep in thought at what they could do, her eyes finally lighting up. “I got it! When Sunset gives us her blessing, we’ll reveal to the school what’s going on and convince them not to attend graduation in protest. Students not attending graduation due to a decision made by the school board probably doesn’t look good for them.”

That’s a pretty big plan, Scoots.

“I don’t think so. Parents will be so angry for the next few years that the school board will have no choice. Won’t your parents be angry that you won’t attend graduation because of something the school board did?”

Well…” Sweetie said nothing as she thought it over. “Perhaps parents would be the tipping point for the school board, they’re probably the only people whose opinion the school board cares about. But why would anyone not want to attend graduation to support Sunset? There’s no guarantee of anyone doing that for her.

“Sunset literally saved the world.” Scootaloo pointed out. “Went through a lot because of what we did so people would be more sympathetic towards her, has shown she’s a good person now (which the school board people don’t seem to care about), and is objectively the smartest person at school. At least when it comes to GPA and academic achievements, so she’s best qualified. I can’t see why anyone wouldn’t want her to be Valedictorian.”

I guess. If we really want to get the message out, we should recruit my sister and her friends. People will listen to them.

Scootaloo froze at the mention of the Rainbooms. “Uh, y-yeah. That sounds like a good idea, good thinking Sweetie.”

If you want, I can just ask my sister now. I know things are awkward between you and Rainbow right now.

“No, no it’s fine. It’ll be easier if they’re all in the same room. Sunset takes priority, I can face down Rainbows wrath when I try recruiting the Rainbooms.”

If you’re sure.” Sweetie answered in a nervous tone. “So I’m assuming we want to get the seniors and juniors, but what about the other grades?

“I was hoping we could get everyone seniors down to 7th graders. If we’re lucky, we could maybe convince everyone that comes after for a few years.”

What would be the point of that? You want to punish the school board?

“I’m sure they can give her Valedictorian even after she graduates… if they can’t then yes, I want to punish the school board, hundred percent.” Sweetie sighed in exasperation over the other line. “But I’ll take whatever convinces the school board to rescind the punishment. That kind of pressure from angry parents and students will have to convince them, right?”

We should probably run this by Bloom, see what she has to say.

“Can’t until tomorrow. But something tells me we won’t be getting any help from her.”

Probably not. She probably won’t want to join any more plots after what happened Saturday.” Sweetie Belle agreed. “I need to get going Scoots, see you tomorrow.

“See ya.” With that Sweetie Belle disconnected the call and Scootaloo flopped down on her bed. A big smile spread on her face as she stared up at the ceiling. “Don’t worry Sunset, you’ll be Valedictorian. I promise.”

Author's Note:

17 days? Yeah, work sucks. That’s probable a new record, sorry about that everybody.

And there is no reverse psychology, Sunsets hearing what she wants to hear. Much to Derpys annoyance.

Anyone else think individually placing buttons into a flip phone to text looks torturously annoying? Good thing I’m too young to remember that.
Which makes scoots punishment all the worse.

At least we know what Scoots plan is now.
Thank god it’s not manipulative and secretive like Blooms, she’ll have to run this by everyone and have a very public grudge match.
God knows how successful it will be.

And how many students are in the average high school exactly? My school was a bit small so I have no idea.
CHS doesn’t seem too big either.

Anyway, thanks for reading my fic! Here’s to hoping for a regular updating schedule again.

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