• Published 15th Nov 2021
  • 10,735 Views, 1,506 Comments

In the wake of Anon-A-Miss - General Alduin

It's been a month since the Anon-A-Miss incident, and Sunset feels more alone than ever. Can Sunset forgive those who betrayed her? Can the school recover in time for the friendship Games? Can everyone move on from Anon-A-Miss?

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And now for something completely different

Twilight lowered her head and drew her arms into herself, trying to be as inconspicuous as humanly possible. This however meant she wasn’t looking forward, inevitably running into someone. “Watch it Dorkle!” The student rudely said, shoving her into the lockers.

“S-sorry.” Twilight fixed her glasses, the student having already left. ‘Not to self: look forward when you’re walking but make sure to avoid eye contact. They interpret eye contact as a challenge.’

She rubbed her arm and continued onward, ignoring the three paper balls thrown at her along the way and cleaning off the spitball launched at her. She finally made it to her locker.






Twilight winced, looking away as she discreetly wiped her eyes of the tears welling in them, and began cleaning. She kept telling herself she shouldn’t care, they were just… teasing her, yeah that’s it. Friends teased each other all the time, they didn’t really mean it.

She stopped cleaning and looked at her locker. You could still clearly see the writing on it, though thankfully it was faded. It wasn’t enough but it’d have to do, she couldn’t be late for the first period.

Twilight opened the door and began grabbing her supplies. She closed her door and was immediately met with a hand crashing down on her supplies, scattering them everywhere. “Watch where you’re going, Slutlight!”

“S-sorry!” Twilight apologized, scrambling to get her stuff, wincing as another student stepped on her hand carelessly. She managed to gather all her supplies, just in time for the late bell to ring. “I’m late!”

She jumped up and ran through the halls, students yelling obscenities and insults at her as she nearly ran into them. She stopped at the door for her first period and frantically knocked on it.

A few seconds later, the teacher opened it and let Twilight in. “You’re late.”

“I know! I’m so sorry Mr. Finch, some guy was playing a joke on me by slapping my supplies-”

“I’m not interested in your excuses Ms. Sparkle.”

“But I-!”

“I’m giving you detention for after school.” They said unsympathetically, grabbing her and forcing her in front of the class. “Let this be a lesson to all of you. You can’t succeed in life if you aren’t punctual or reliable, Twilight here is neither. She seems to believe brains is all it takes to succeed, she is wrong.” He let go of Twilight. “Go to your seat.”

Twilight blushed furiously as the entire class laughed and whispered about her at her expense, shamefully walking to her desk.

She opened it only to find a very crude and vulgar drawing of her performing various… intimate actions with anonymous figures. She heard some snickering behind her, followed by the familiar sound of a high five.

Twilight ignored it and ripped the paper up. She closed her desk and looked up, briefly crossing gazes with a boy of about sixteen years old with blue skin, white and light blue wavy hair, and orange eyes. She smiled and gave him a small wave.

He merely frowned at her and looked away, causing Twilight's smile to disappear and look visibly hurt. She put her feelings to the side and focused on the lesson, the other students thankfully more focused on that then messing with her.

Twilight got up from her seat, packing up her supplies while the rest of the class did the same.

“Will Twilight Sparkle report to the principal's office?” Cadence's voice called over the intercom.

“Oooooooooooo!” The entire class said in unison, looking at her.

Twilight wilted under their looks, noticing half of them were whispering among themselves. Twilight looked down and shuffled out of the room, trying to make sure she didn’t run into anyone this time

She thankfully made it to Principal Cinches office without incident, opening the door and poking her head in. “Uh, Principal Cinch? You called for me?” It was always hard to see in here, Principal Cinch only had two lights hanging from the ceiling and they only illuminated a small area, far too small to reach the rest of the giant office. Was she trying to be mysterious or intimidating?

“Ah, Twilight.” Principal Cinch swiveled around in her chair to face Twilight, folding her hands on her desk. “Please, come in.”

Twilight hesitated for a brief second before complying, closing the door behind her. She nervously made her way to the desk and sat down, her eyes darting around. “A-am I in trouble?”

“Of course not Twilight, you’re one of our most well behaved students. Though I do hear it’s hard for you to make it to your first period class on time.”

Twilight cringed. “Uh, yes, I-I’m sorry. I’ll do better, I promise.”

“I’m sure you will, but that’s not why you are here.” Principal Cinch grabbed some papers and looked them over, adjusting her glasses. “I’m sure you’ll be glad to hear that we know who was responsible for making the vicious rumors that you had an intimate encounter with a boy.”

“You do?” Twilight perked up, looking excited for the first time today. “Who is it? Are you going to expel them? W-why did they do this to me?”

“I’m afraid Twilight that I can not expel them.” Principal Cinch lowered the paper and folded her hands together. “For you see, they are not a student here at Crystal Prep. They are a student at Canterlot High School.”

“Canterlot High?” The Same School She was currently investigating? “But… why? I haven’t done anything to anyone over there.”

“It seems that a certain Sunset Shimmer is responsible for spreading these nasty rumors about you.” Principal Cinch explained.

“Sunset Shimmer?” Twilight's eyes expanded. “The red headed girl with the foul attitude who wears a leather jacket?”

“Ah, So it seems you know her.”

“Well, I guess? She’s at most of the academic competitions I go to.” Twilight's brows furrowed together and her frown deepened. “She’s smart too, I always seem to get second place whenever she competes.”

“But not in science.” Principal Cinch added. “You see, this… girl has recently been revealed as a delinquent. She used to rule her school with fear, blackmailing and ruining anyone who stood in her way. From what I hear, she isn’t above cheating to achieve her goals. In fact, at one of the school's formal events, she caused the girl competing against her to have a wardrobe malfunction in front of the entire school, leaving her as the winner by default.”

“That’s horrible!” Twilight couldn’t imagine how awful that girl must’ve felt being stripped in front of hundreds of students, and all for some stupid competition for Sunset to stroke her ego? “But why would she go after me? She always won her competitions and I don’t go to CHS.”

Think Twilight, it’s the only thing you’re good for.” Principal Cinch admonished. “What always happened in the scientific competitions when you were competing against Sunset?”

“Uh…” Twilight took a moment to think. “I always won. I always got first place while she got second.” Twilight's eyes widened. “She… she spread rumors about me cause she didn’t get first place?”

“Like I said before Twilight, this delinquent ruined anyone who stood against her. Why would you be any different?” Principal Cinch huffed. “From my understanding, she got tired of constantly losing to you at science and retaliated against you by starting those rumors among your peers.”

“But… she seemed nicer the last few times we were in a competition together. I heard some of the other students from CHS say she changed.”

“Nicer? Changed?” Principal Cinch laughed. “Twilight, don’t be naive. People like Sunset Shimmer never change. Why, just last month she started an account on MyStable that posted secrets and slander about everyone at CHS, including some of the faculty. She tore friendships apart, humiliated her fellow students, and, worst of all, framed it on three innocent middle schoolers.”

Twilight gasped. “She didn’t!”

“She did.” Principal Cinch nodded. “Those three girls are being punished in her stead and dealing with the brunt of the school’s hatred. All this was because some... transfer student had challenged her and disrupted her control over the school.”

Twilight's eyes welled with tears. She hadn’t done anything to Sunset or CHS, yet… yet she spread those rumors that she was… that she was a slut to her school. It was… it was no business of hers! “What are you going to do about her?” Twilight jumped up. “She can’t… she ruined my life. She can’t get away with that!”

“I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do, Twilight.” Principal said with mock sympathy. “She’s out of my jurisdiction.”

“You have to! Call up her principal, tell her what you told me! Have those poor girls exonerated! Clear these rumors of me! Get her… get her expelled! She’s a horrible person! She can’t just… call the school board! Do something! She…” Twilight collapsed to her seat, sniffling as she wiped her eyes. “I didn’t do anything to her…”

“Enough.” Principal Cinch rolled her eyes at Twilight's crying. “Tears will get you nowhere in life, they show you’re weak to your rivals.” Twilight nodded and wiped her eyes one last time. “I think it’s high time you considered joining the Friendship Games.”

“Friendship Games?” Twilight sniffled, looking up. “Why is-”

“Sunset Shimmer will be competing.” Principal Cinch interrupted. “She is, by far, the best student at CHS and the biggest obstacle we will face in the upcoming games. Especially if she cheats.”

“You… you want me to compete and stop her?”

“It only makes sense for our best student to go head to head with Canterlot High's best student.”

“But… but if I help the school win, Sunset Shimmer-”

“Won’t be able to do anything.” Principal Cinch smiled maliciously. “You see, I have no doubt she will try to cheat during the games and that her school is tired of living under her tyranny. They hate her more than they hate losing to us and we can use that to our advantage.” Principal Cinch got up and walked over to Twilight. “If you catch her cheating, probably with the other students help, then we can get CHS disqualified and Sunset will be expelled for cheating at an inter school competition. Her principals will have no choice but to expel her to save face with the school board.”

“Why didn’t they expel her before? It sounds like she was already exposed?”

“The Friendship Games and other competitions of course.” Principal Cinch answered. “She’s smart and formidable, they need her to win prestige for the school, even at the expense of their own students.”

That… did make sense. It was awful that these principals would be so selfish as to let their students suffer all for some dumb trophies, they were nothing like Principal Cinch. “I’ll… I’ll do it.” Twilight jumped up, meeting Principal Cinches look. “She can’t be allowed to hurt anyone else or cheat at the games. She needs… she needs to pay for what she did to everyone, what she did to me. She’s… she’s an irredeemable bully and.. and I won’t let her hurt anyone else.”

“Is that so?” Principal Cinch turned away, trying to act coy, but in reality she was hiding the huge grin on her face. “Very well. I’ll have Cadence bring you the admission papers later. For now, you should make a plan on how you will deal with this… obstacle and prepare for the games.”

“I will Principal Cinch.” Twilight nodded. “I won’t let you down, I’ll win the games and stop Sunset Shimmer. I promise.”

“Very good.” Principal Cinch made her way back to seat, “Now, get back to class.”

Twilight nodded and ran out the room, closing the door behind her. Principal Cinch waited a moment to make sure she was alone before pulling out a piece of paper titled ‘Friendship Games game plan’.

She crossed out the first item on the list titled ‘Recruit Twilight Sparkle and turn her against Sunset Shimmer’. “Perfect.” She said to herself, hiding the list in her desk, smiling gleefully.

Author's Note:

I think it’s safe to say I’ve officially been replaced with a Changeling.
Since when do I write two chapters and release them mere hours from eachother?
I’m on a roll baby! Can’t wait for the burn out!
And of course the title is a reference to Monty python.

So yeah, decided to do something new. I’m setting up for the sequal for this universes version of the FG and I wanted to make your ait s little bit more before I explainw hat happened with Scoots.
Since Twi was recruited, I guess her being blackmailed in the movie won’t happen, though perhaps I can still have her talk with Cinch about having doubts and then being blackmailed to make sure she joins. Whatever, we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.

I really wanted to hammer home just how sucky Twilights life is while she attends Crystal Prep, I feel like an elitist school full of rich kids that promotes a type of social Darwinism for its academics wouldn’t be such a kind place for even normal people, let alone an anti social nerd like Twi.
I feel like the bullying semi realistic for people like Twi, especially if there’s rumors that she’s a slut going around.

I also wanted to keep it ambiguous whether or not Twilight had slept with anyone and whether or not Sunset had spread rumors about her.
We’ll just have to see what the future holds.

The boy Twilight makes eye contact with is a character named Royal Pin, I found him on the mlp wiki while looking up Crystal Prep students I could copy off of.
Though, I have to wonder why she seems friendly with him and why he seems dismissive. Perhaps the rumors were onto something?:rainbowderp:

I also rally wanted everyone to hate Cinch in this chapter. Making her into a lying manipulator (and kind of a bitch) who preys on Twilight and outright lies to her in order to guarantee her student will join the games and turn her against Sunset to ensure Sunsets defeat.
I mean, I kinda hate her and I wrote her. What a bitch.

And yes, she knows exactly that the CMC were the true culprits of Anon, she just lied to Twilight to get her to hate Sunset more.

I also always felt that Twilight would technically be smarted then Sunset (that seems to be what geniuses focus on) being good at all subjects but excelling at science. While Sunset would be more well rounded in her knowledge and probably be smarter then Twilight when it comes to everything else. Neither are dumb, but Twilight would probably score higher on an IQ test while Sunset would be more well rounded.
Basically I’m saying that while Twilight would get an A in English, Sunset would get an A+ while the opposite is true in science.
Which is why Twilight always got second place in academic competitions that weren’t science, Sunset was just more well rounded.

Anyway, thanks for reading my fic!

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