• Published 15th Nov 2021
  • 10,735 Views, 1,506 Comments

In the wake of Anon-A-Miss - General Alduin

It's been a month since the Anon-A-Miss incident, and Sunset feels more alone than ever. Can Sunset forgive those who betrayed her? Can the school recover in time for the friendship Games? Can everyone move on from Anon-A-Miss?

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Wait, whose diary did Summer steal?

“Lyra?” Summer Spark said, knocking on Lyras door. After a few seconds without a response, he smirked as he got an idea. “I’m respecting your privacy by knocking, but asserting my authority as your brother by coming in anyway!”

Summer Spark opened the door and filed in, earning an annoyed glare from Lyra as she pulled her head up from her pillow. “I thought I locked that.”

“With how sad you were? Please.” He stopped and looked at Lyra. “Not that it would’ve stopped me, I’ve been working really hard on my lockpicking to break into your diary.”

Lyra looked confused. “I don’t have a diary.”

“Then whose diary did I steal?”

Lyra just gave him a confused look before groaning and looking away. “What do you want Summer? I’m not in the mood.”

“You’re sad, which makes me sad, and so I’m here to make you un-sad.” Summer Spark was quiet for a moment before clearing his throat. “I also maybe want to know where your relationship is with Bonny right now.”

“There is no relationship.” Lyras glare hardened. “Didn’t you hear me break up with her?”

“Ah, you’re better off.” Summer Spark turned away and walked up to Lyras desk, picking up a photo of her and Bon-Bon. “She was ugly anyway.”

Lyra whipped her head around, a furious expression on her face. “Just who do you think you are, you little-!” She stopped when she saw Summers smug face looking back at her. “Ok, fine.” She looked away. “I don’t want to break up with her, but I’m not happy with her either.”

“Which is fine and all, but if you don’t want to break up with her, why did you say that to her?”

“Cause I wanted to hurt her.” Lyra answered. “She hurt me, so I wanted to hurt her back. Make her afraid she’d lost me.”

“And people say I’m the immature one.”

Lyra scoffed. “You’re not dating yet, you don’t get it.”

“I guess, but is hurting her really what you want? It doesn’t really help anyone and she already feels bad.” Summer Spark argued. “Making her think you broke up with her will just make things worse down the line.”

“Why are you on her side!?” Lyra sat up and glared at Summer Spark.

“I’m not on her side!” Summer Spark held up his hands defensively. “I’m angry at her too, but I didn’t like seeing her cry as much as I don’t like seeing you cry.”

“God, it feels like you prefer her over me.” Lyra growled. “You two never argue, you never play pranks on her, and you never try to annoy her.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that me getting along with your girlfriend offended you.” Summer Spark said sarcastically.

“Well don’t phrase it like that!” Lyra gave one last annoyed huff before looking away. Her glare softened and frown deepened after a few seconds. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t yell at you. I’m just going through a lot right now. I don’t mean to take it out on you.”

“Hey, no biggie.” Summer Spark shrugged. “I knew the dangers coming in here. Honestly this is going better than I thought it would. I thought you’d drop kick me out of the room.”

Lyra didn’t say anything, though her frown did dissipate lightly. “What you said earlier, ‘Why am I always the screw up’, what did you mean by that?”

“Well, you know, I’m always being accused of something.” Summer Spark rubbed his neck nervously. “Why can’t anyone else be punished or accused for a change?”

“You’re responsible for most of it.” Lyra held up her left hand in exasperation. “It’s a pretty safe bet to accuse you.”

“Yeah, I know.” Summer Spark rolled his eyes, walking up to Lyras bed and sitting next to her. “But it gets pretty tiring being accused of every little thing that goes wrong. Sometimes I feel like a black sheep.”

“Well, in that case, I’m sorry for accusing and yelling at you earlier. I should’ve just let mom and dad handle it.”

“It’s fine. Nobody could’ve predicted Bon-Bon would've done that to you, plus you at least waited a few weeks.” Summer Spark was quiet for a moment, trying to think how to say his next words carefully. “She had a point, you know.”


“She did! I’m not saying what she did was right or anything, but that hot girl at your school is a unicorn right? Doesn’t that give you bragging rights?”

“Did you just call Sunset-” Lyra shook her head. “Where did you learn such crude language?”

“I’m in middle school.” Summer said like it was obvious. “I’m learning all kinds of new vocabulary there.”

“Ok, first off, ew. Don’t ever call Sunset hot again, she is wayyyy too old for you… don’t call anyone hot in front of me again actually. Second off, we need to keep you away from bad influences at school. I don’t like the idea of my little brother swearing.”

“Fuck you, I can swear if I want.” They both shared a long laugh, stopping when Lyra placed a finger to his chest and looked at him seriously.

“Not until you’re thirteen. Got it?”

“Got it.” Summer smiled nervously and nodded quickly. “But seriously, if it was me I’d be lording over everyone that I was right about Unicorns.”

“Ok, technically I wasn’t right because I think Unicorns exist here, not that they exist in some other world. That was never even considered.” Lyra elaborated. “Plus, you really think the school would care? They hear I believed in Unicorns before Sunset and I’d never hear the end of it.”

“Everyone at your school’s pretty nice from what I’ve seen, and I'm sure Sunset would back you up considering.”

“Well, guess we’ll never know since a certain someone went and told Anon-A-Miss.” Lyra grumbled bitterly.

“Speaking of which, if you’re not breaking up with her, then what will you be doing?”

“How should I know?” Lyra flopped down onto her bed. “All I know is I don’t want to cut her out of my life, I love her you know? But I’m not sure we can go back to what we had before, not right now anyway.” No one said anything for a minute. “Look, if you still want to get sweets and stuff from her, you can, I won’t get mad.”

“After she betrayed your trust like that? No way!” Summer Spark said proudly. “Like I said, I’m mad at her too. I may not want to see you two break up, but she definitely crossed a line. Nobody makes my sister cry and gets away with it.”

Lyra smiled, touched by her brother’s sentiment. She pulled herself back up and looked at him. “You know, I don’t think you’re a screw up, nobody does. You’re just a little… annoying, which I guess is normal for your age. If you cut down on all the pranks I’m sure you’ll be accused a lot less, and even then your pranks aren’t all that bad.”

“After nearly being punished for giving your secret to Anon-A-Miss, I think I’m going to cut down on them from now on. Don’t want to go through that again.” Summer Spark cringed for a moment. “You’ll also be prank free while you and Bon-Bon are sorting things out, since you’re already dealing with a lot.”

“Thanks.” She punched him in the arm. “You are going to have to get me new shampoo though. I can’t wash my hair with mayo you know.”

“Don’t worry, I moved your shampoo to a different bottle, I didn’t want to spend money replacing it.” Summer Spark smirked. “And it was expired mayonnaise, I thought it would be funnier that way.”

“Why you little-” Lyra stood up, Summer Spark bolted the door and stuck out his tongue at her before running out the room.

The two girls locked lips for what felt like an eternity, Apple Bloom's mind racing and heart going a thousand miles an hour.

Diamond Tiara finally opened her eyes and realized what she was doing. Her eyes widened and she quickly pulled away, shoving Apple Bloom to put some space between the two of them and turning around.

Apple Bloom briefly lost her footing but caught herself before she fell. She brought her right and brushed her lips, trying to confirm what just happened was real. “Diamond?”

“I can’t believe I just did that.” Diamond Tiara placed her head in her hands. “You probably don’t even like girls. God I’m so stupid.”

“Actually, Ah kinda do.” Apple Bloom walked up to Diamond Tiara. “And… well, Ah maybe sorta kinda have a teeny tiny little crush on yah.”

“Really?” Diamond Tiara turned around, a hopeful expression on her face. It quickly disappeared and she lowered herself down to work on her garden. “Well, it can’t work. I mean, I’m still mad at you. Your friends would probably never support it. And doesn’t your family vote Republican?”

“Doesn’t yer dad vote republican too?”

“Yeah, but he does it for business deregulation and lower taxes.” Diamond Tiara looked up at Apple Bloom. “Your family’s conservative country folk, don’t they think gay people are the devils work?”

“Well, that’s rather cliche don’t yah think? Yah don’t like people thinking yer a rich brat.” Apple Bloom was somewhat offended by the insinuation, crossing her arms. “Besides, my family would support me no matter what.”

“Do you know that?” Diamond Tiara stood up. “Have you ever actually talked to them about it? Do they know about you? Have they ever openly supported gay marriage?” Apple Bloom said nothing. “How do you know they wouldn’t send you to a pray the gay away camp?”

“They would never!”

“Do you know that for sure?” A long silence fell between them, Apple Bloom looking at the ground anxiously. “Look, I just don’t want to get you in trouble with your family. I know my dad doesn’t care and I’d hate to cause a rift between you and your folks.”

“Isn’t forbidden love romantic or something?” Apple Bloom offered with a small smile.

“Maybe, but something tells me both of us wouldn’t want that.” Diamond Tiara placed a hand on Apple Bloom's shoulder. “I’m not sure right now is the best time to discuss this, so how about we finish up and talk about it tomorrow. Ok?”

Apple Bloom was disappointed but nodded. “Alright.”

“If you two are finished, I must ask the two of you to wash up for dinner.” Both Girls paled at the voice, Diamond Tiara turning around to find Randolph standing behind her.

“R-Randolph!” She pulled her hand away from Apple Bloom, blushing furiously. “H-how long were you standing there?”

“Why, I just got here young mistress. I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary.” Randolph said with a wink. “Just two friends talking.”

Both girls blushed, Apple Bloom clearing out her throat. “You wanted the two of us to wash up. Does that mean Ah’m staying?”

Randolph nodded. “Master talked to your grandmother and you will be joining us. She has specified you don’t have dessert however, given you are still being punished.”

“Ah figured.” Apple Bloom couldn’t help but be a little sad at that, she always wondered what it was like to eat one of those ice creams with pure gold on it.

“Think you can handle the food?” Apple Bloom looked over to see Diamond smirking at her. “There isn't going to be any mashed taters or steak fresh from the cow.”

“Don’t worry.” Apple Bloom squinted at her. “Ah can stomach having a five course meal with lobster and a suckling pig.”

“Ok, first off, gross. I don’t want to eat anything that still has its face. And just how expensive do you think I eat?”

“Didn’t yah pay Gourmand Ramsay to cook for yah once?”

“... Point taken. But that was a one time thing. Now.” Diamond Tiara grabbed Apple Bloom's arm. “We should really be getting back before my mother yells at me for being late.”

Apple Bloom blushed at the contact, letting Diamond lead her along as she was lost in thought. Her mind was racing; thinking about the kiss, whether her family would support her, and what happens now.

She tried telling herself that her family would support her no matter what, but the doubt still wiggled at the back of her mind.

Ah need to tell AJ first. She’d get it.’ She thought. ‘Ah hope…

Author's Note:

So yeah, if anyone ever watched the Fairy Odd parents, they’ll immediately pick up on the reference.

But no seriously. Whose diary did Summer steal?

And of course I wasn’t going to end LyraBon. That’s like the one ship the fandom universally agrees on. I’m evil but I’m not that evil.

And was anyone else corrupted at middle school? I know I sure was, middle school was a lot of fun.

And it seems like everyone has complicated relationships with eachother these days.
Good work CMC.

And I did have some very mild politics in here. It’s just a joke guys, don’t take it too seriously.
Please do not start any political arguments. I won’t allow any kind of arguments regardless of where on the spectrum they fall.

But yes, AJs family would probably be conservative religious country folk who vote republican (in EG obviously). I think that’s just a given.

Also Diamonds family will not be dining on lobster or ice cream with pure gold. That’s just Apple Blooms wish fulfillment.
I mean, they’ll probably eat better tonight than I eat in a week, but no golden ice cream.

Also, Gordon Ramsey reference, freaking love that guy. Took me a while to find a name that’d fit in MLP.

Anyway, thank you all for reading my fic!

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