• Published 15th Nov 2021
  • 10,735 Views, 1,506 Comments

In the wake of Anon-A-Miss - General Alduin

It's been a month since the Anon-A-Miss incident, and Sunset feels more alone than ever. Can Sunset forgive those who betrayed her? Can the school recover in time for the friendship Games? Can everyone move on from Anon-A-Miss?

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Applejack has all the easy solutions

Sunset made her way to the dining room, finding Derpy's whole family had gathered around a table.

She looked to each of Derpy's relatives, stopping in her tracks when she made eye contact with a surprisingly well built man with gray skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes.

He frowned at Sunset, making the teenager give a strained smile in response. “U-uh, you must be Derpy's father.” She laughed nervously.

“I am.” He responded curtly. “Hubert Jellus at your service.”

“Uh, thank you so much for hosting me sir.” She said with her most polite tone. “You have a wonderful house sir.” She cringed inwardly, berating herself for saying ‘sir’ continuously.

“Thank you.” He said simply. “Could be a little closer to Canterlot High, but it’s a nice neighborhood.”

Sunset was about to respond but Derpy's mother arrived with the food. “Alright everyone, settle down, it's time for dinner.” She said as she began placing plates of food in front of everyone.

Derpy raised her arm and waved excitedly, trying to get Sunset's attention despite not even being a foot from her. “Sunset! Sit with me!”

“Well that was… kind of the plan, there’s no other seat.” Sunset pointed out awkwardly as she sat down. She looked over to Hubert and immediately averted her gaze at his disapproving look.

“I know!” Derpy said happily as her food was placed in front of her.

“Now, I remembered you’re vegetarian, so you won’t have to worry about meat, Sunset.” Graceful Falls said as she placed a plate in front of her.

“T-thank you Mrs. Falls.” Sunset berated herself for being so weird and awkward, this wasn’t how she was going to win Derpy's parents over. She quietly began eating her food as everyone chatted amongst themselves, trying to be as unobstructive as possible.

“So, how was school?” Hubert asked as he looked away from his plate.

“It was great!” Derpy declared earning an annoyed look from Crackle. “Timey wrote me another love letter, Lyra actually apologized to me, and Sunset wanted to hang out with me. Which I was super surprised by since she’s been all mopey.”

“That’s nice.” Hubert nodded as he listened to Derpy talk. “So when are you going to talk to Octavia?”

“Dad, I really don’t want to talk about this.” Derpy's smile faded and she slumped down in her seat. “I need time away from Octie, it really hurt when she kicked me out.”

“Well, if you can talk to Sunset of all people, then I don’t see why you can’t talk to Octavia.” Hubert jumped as his wife kicked him in the leg and gave him a dirty look.

Sunset looked hurt by the comment and retreated into herself. Derpy meanwhile looked angry and glared at her father.

Hubert awkwardly cleared his throat and turned to Sunset. “Sunset, what about you? How was your day?”

“Me?” Sunset sat up, trying quickly to think of something to say. “U-uh Principal Celestia said I could participate in the Spring Fling.”

Everyone murmured among themselves in surprise. “Really?” Derpy asked. Sunset meekly nodded and was immediately engulfed in a hug by Derpy. “That’s great Sunset! That means you can join me and the gal pals, you already have a dress? I could totally order you one!”

"And might you, perhaps, run for princess?" Graceful Falls asked with a guarded expression.

Sunset sweated nervously. "No, I-I'm not."

Derpy looked surprised and pulled away. "What?"

"Well that's a relief." Hubert declared laying back against his chair. "I'm not sure if you of all people should be princess again."

Derpy snapped her head towards Hubert. "Dad, what is your deal?"

"My deal?" He leaned forward. “My deal is that you can become friends and invite the same girl who viciously bullied you for years to our house, yet you can’t make up with Octavia? You can’t seriously sit here and tell me that what Octavia did was any worse than what Sunset did.”

“That is completely different.” Derpy stood up, puffing her cheeks out. “Octavia broke my trust, thought the worst of me, kicked me out of my friend group, and hasn’t even bothered to apologize. Sunset on the other hand actually apologized, promised to make it up to me, and is trying to be a better friend to me.”

“Well maybe if you approached Octavia, she’d apologize.”

“Why should I? She’s the one in the wrong, I shouldn’t have to make the effort, this is all on her.”

“Hon, I just don't want you to be alone. You and Octavia have been friends for years.”

“I’m not alone.” Derpy protectively pulled Sunset closer to her. “I have friends, dad; Carrot Top, my bandmates, Vinyl, and Sunset whether you like it or not.” Derpy puffed her chest out. “You should be nicer to her, you know. We were both victims of Anon-A-Miss, but she had it the worst out of everyone. I thought you’d at least give her that”

There was an awkward silence as everyone waited for something to happen. Hubert merely groaned in annoyance and looked away.

Derpy's frown only deepened and she turned to walk away. “Come on Sunset, we’re leaving.”

“We are?” Sunset turned to the rest of the family. “Uh, sorry about that. Uh…” She cleared her throat. “Thanks for dinner Mrs. Falls, you’re a wonderful cook.” She jumped up and shuffled after Derpy, retreating inwardly to herself.

Crackle continued eating his food, trying to hide his amused smirk while Dinky looked confused at what just happened.

Hubert looked back to his food and returned to eating. “You’re sleeping on the couch tonight.” Graceful Falls declared, causing Hubert to groan inwardly and shoulders to slump.

Twilight stared down at the journal, contemplating the yellow and red sun on its front cover. She’d been like this since they got on the train, her mind deep in thought on whether she should ask Sunset about her and Fluttershy.

“Yah two communicating telepathically now?” Twilight looked up to see Applejack had sat down next to her.

Twilight rolled her eyes and looked back to the book. “Very funny Applejack, everypony knows there’s no such thing as telepathy.”

“Just as there was no such thing as curses?”

“Ok, first off, that was Poison Joke, not a curse.” Twilight said defensively.

“And Ah suppose what happened with the Crystal Empire was all Poison Jokes doing too?” Applejack asked with a hum. “Pretty elaborate prank for a flower.”

“Oh whatever.” Twilight huffed as she realized she had lost the argument. “What are you doing here anyway?”

“Yah haven’t taken yer eyes off that book for hours, Ah suggest yah actually just talk to Sunset.”

“I know.” Twilight sighed. “But I just have no idea what to say to her.”

“Why’s that? It never seemed like an issue before from what yah’ve told me.”

“Nothing you really need to get involved with. It’s just your counterpart accidentally revealed there’s an… issue with Sunset and Fluttershy's counterpart.” Fluttershy's ears perked and she lightly tilted her head towards the conversation.

“Really?” Applejack looked surprised. “What kind of issue?”

“That’s the thing.” Twilight groaned. “I don’t know and I want to talk to Sunset about it, but I have no idea how to approach asking her.”

“Oh Twi, never change.” Applejack began laughing heartily as she nudged Twilight, earning an annoyed look from Twilight. “Yah just take that quill of yers and talk with her like normal, then lead into a ‘hey, Ah was talking with monkey Applejack earlier and she mentioned there was a situation with monkey Fluttershy. What’s going on with yah two?’ If she doesn’t answer she doesn’t answer, but there’s always a next time.”

“Just because they’re primates AJ doesn’t make them Monkeys. That’s like calling a Minotaur a monkey cause they’re both bipedal.” Twilight explained, Applejack looking bored. “And I’m afraid it’s not that simple. I have no idea what’s going on or how Sunset will react. There’s a reason she didn’t want me to know, if I ask she’ll know your counterpart messed up and be mad at her. Or perhaps she’ll be mad at me. Or she’ll be mad at the both of us! Maybe she’ll be so angry, she’ll cut us both out of her life and stop talking to me entirely! I can’t lose a friend, Applejack!” Her outburst made everyone gathered in the train car look at Twilight.

As Twilight began hyperventilating, Applejack softly put a hoof on her back in response. “Breath girl, breath. Take some deep breaths.” Twilight followed Applejack's instructions and slowly began to calm down as she took deeper and deeper breaths. “Twi, Ah love yah, but frankly that’s stupider than letting a fox run around in the chicken coop.”

“Excuse me?” Twilight asked in an offended tone.

“Why would Sunset cut yah out of her life for that? She trusts yah completely and needs someone she knows she can depend on. Ah mean, think of what yah’ve done for her: show mercy for her crimes, help teach her about friendship, stay by her side during Anonmiss, and be nothing but supportive and helpful. She’s probably very thankful for that, asking what’s going on between her and Monkeyshy isn’t going to scare her away.”

“I dunno AJ.” Twilight said skeptically, but did visibly relax. “I can’t leave it up to chance. I need to look at this from every conceivable angle, come up with a plan of action, slowly probe Sunsets reaction to various stimuli and questions about Fluttershy's counterpart. First I’ll have to approach her casually and ask about her day, tell her how things went with your counterpart, lead into a conversation about the others, slowly lead into Fluttershy and look for the smallest hint of a change of behavior. I might have to hire somepony to look over Sunsets hoofwriting and see if they can find any abnormalities that might clue us in on her emotions- Hey!”

Twilight stopped rambling when she realized Applejack had taken the journal from her and was currently writing in it. She yanked the journal from Applejacks grasp and panickedly looked over what was written. “Hey Sunset, it’s me AJ. Twilights being panicky cause she wants to ask about the situation between you and monkeyshy and thinks you’ll stop being her friend-”

Applejack!” Everyone looked back to Twilight as she glared at the pony next to her.

“Ah’m sorry, but yah were going to make an overcomplicated plan for the next three weeks and yah need to be focused on that Starlight varmint.”

Twilight was about to retort but was distracted when she noticed that Sunset had started writing back. “You better be right about this.”

“Have Ah ever been in the time yah’ve known me?” Applejack said proudly.

“You thought Zecorah was an evil enchantress who was going to eat Apple Bloom.”

Applejack lost her prideful look and blushed in embarrassment. “Well Ah’m a bit tired, so Ah’m gonna take a nap.” She hastily said as she pulled her hat over her face to hide her blush.

Twilight smiled triumphantly for redeeming herself for their earlier argument and returned her attention to the journal.

Author's Note:

So, bad timing admittedly. Sorry for the wait, my house got tented for termites and I had to stay at a relatives house. It was kinda weird so I didn’t write very much and got out of the habit. Work got in the way so even less writing happened.
I swear this isn’t an April Fools joke, that comes later.

Now I know poor Hubert’s going to get some crap for treating Sunset like this, but in his defense, how would any of you react if you had a daughter who suddenly told you she’s friends with the girl who viciously bullied her for years and suddenly brought her to your house?
I wouldn’t be thrilled.

Also this is like the third time I’ve had parents ask their kids how school was.
Is that normal? My mom always asked me so I was used to it, but did your parents ever ask how school went?
I’ll assume dinner around a table with the family is normal, though that was never really a thing at my house.

Also, assertive Derpy was fun to write.

Who even were Serpys bandmates? They’re not in the show proper and show up for one scene.
Cousins perhaps? Sisters of one of her other friends? Fellow club members for subversive music?

You can’t convince me that AJ would absolutely call everyone on the other sid elf the mirror monkeys. That’s something she’d totally do.
Her and rainbow honestly.

Also, that countryism took way too long. There was nothing good online and I’m not clever enough to make my own. So I spent way too much time making something halfway decent.

Anyway, thanks for reading my fic!

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