• Published 15th Nov 2021
  • 10,735 Views, 1,506 Comments

In the wake of Anon-A-Miss - General Alduin

It's been a month since the Anon-A-Miss incident, and Sunset feels more alone than ever. Can Sunset forgive those who betrayed her? Can the school recover in time for the friendship Games? Can everyone move on from Anon-A-Miss?

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A friendly visit

‘Why am I even bothering?’ Scootaloo thought to herself as she stood in front of Rainbow Dash's house. ‘Rainbows refused to talk to me since I confessed, why should this be any different?

Why did I have to be so stupid? Why did I ever think Anon-A-Miss was a good idea?
She crossed her arms over her chest and looked down. ‘There’s no way she’s ever going to get over this. Rainbows gonna hate me forever.

Scootaloo could feel her eyes water and she gingerly wiped it away with her sleeve. ‘Don’t cry. Crying doesn’t solve anything. Rainbow wouldn’t cry.’ She told herself as she tried calming herself down.

Her head snapped up when the door opened, her excitement fading when she saw it was just Rainbow's mom again. “Scootaloo, honey, I’m sorry but she doesn’t want to see you.”

Scootaloo's demeanor fell and her eyes began watering again. “Please! J-just give me two minutes with her! Just two minutes!”

Windy Whistles looked away awkwardly. “I’m sorry honey, but I can’t force her to meet with you.”

“Please!” Scootaloo fell to her knees and cupped her hands together. “I need her to know how sorry I am!” She scooched forward on her knees. “Thirty seconds! Ten seconds! Five seconds! Anything!”

Windy Whistles couldn’t look at this rather pitiful display, focusing intently on her door frame. “W-why don’t you just talk to her at school?”

“I’ve tried!” Scootaloo declared. “But we don’t share any classes and her friends refuse to let me near their lunch table. A-and whenever I try talking to her after school, she just runs away!”

“I’m sorry, but there’s not much I can do. She just needs time, she’ll come around, I promise.” Windy Whistles offered with a hopeful smile.

“So does everyone.” Scootaloo groaned. “The school needs time, Sunset needs time, my parents need time, Rainbow needs time…”

Windy Whistles merely stood there awkwardly as Scootaloo looked at the ground dejectedly. She wished Scootaloo would pick a time when her husband was home, that way she could get him to handle her for a change. ‘Though, that might be a bad idea. He probably wouldn’t have a clue on how to deal with her… not that I’m doing much better.’ She thought with a small grumble.

“Maybe… maybe next week she’ll come around.” Windy Whistles offered. “Till then, can I offer you anything sweetheart?”

Scootaloo shook her head. “I’m being punished. My aunts and parents aren’t allowing me to have any sweets. I had to give them the chocolate bar you gave me yesterday.”

“Oh… right.” Windy Whistles should’ve seen that coming, at least Scootaloo was honest about it, she could’ve eaten the candy bar right then and there. “Well, then have a nice night Scootaloo. Tell your aunts I say hi.”

Scootaloo nodded as Windy Whistles shut the door. Scootaloo wiped her eyes as she got up, feeling embarrassed she groveled like that in front of Rainbow Dash's mom. A part of her wondered whether Windy Whistles was actually angry with Scootaloo and was secretly keeping Rainbow from her, while another part of her felt awful for thinking the worst of Rainbows mom.

She was pulled from her thoughts as her phone began ringing. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a crappy little flip phone, the only thing her family let her have during her punishment.

She fiddled with the buttons for a few seconds and accepted the call, putting the phone to her ear. “Hello?”

Hey Scoots.” Apple Bloom's voice came from the other end.

Scootaloo frowned at her friend's tone. “Bloom? Is everything alright? You don’t sound too hot.”

Not particularly, but Ah’m Fine.” Apple Bloom answered. “Ah just wanted to call and let yah know Ah won’t be able to call yah on the phone for a while.

“What, Why?” Scootaloo said with a worried tone. It was hard enough that only her friends were willing to associate with her, worse that she had barely seen Sweetie for a month, now she’s hearing she’ll barely be able to talk to Apple Bloom? “What happened?”

Ah messed up Scoots.” Apple Bloom said sadly. “Ah tried to get Sunset and my sister to be friends again by manipulating them, but… but now Ah don’t think they’ll ever be friends again.

“Don’t say that!” Scootaloo growled. “They’re all going to be friends again! You’ll see! They just need time.” The irony of telling Apple Bloom to be patient was not lost on Scootaloo. “Why didn’t you tell me what you were doing?”

Ah didn’t want yah caught in the crossfire if it backfired, you’re in enough trouble as is...” Apple Bloom was quiet. “And Ah knew you would try talking me out of it.

“Yeah, that’s probably true. Might’ve even snitched on you if you continued anyway… sorry.”

It’s fine Scoots, it would’ve been the right call anyway.

“But you said you won’t be able to call me anymore, why’s that?”

Because Grannies making my punishment worse.” Apple Bloom tiredly explained. “Ah won’t get into all the details, but she’s taking away my phone so Ah won’t be able to call yah and Sweetie. She’s only allowing me to call and break the news to the two of Yah before she takes it away.

“Well… you could claim you’re giving a long heartfelt goodbye to me and Sweetie, might buy you an hour.” Scootaloo said with a nervous chuckle.

Apple Bloom couldn’t help but give a small laugh. “Ah would but Ah doubt Granny would allow it, especially since she’s right here standing over me.

Scootaloo paled at that. She hoped Granny Smith hadn’t heard what she said over the phone, but she doubted Apple Bloom had her on speaker. Regardless, she didn’t want to paint a target on her back and have Granny Smith make a call to her parents. “Well, alright Bloom. I hope you get your phone back soon, I’m gonna let you go before I get you in trouble.”

Alright Scoots, Ah’ll see yah at school. Bye.” And with that the call disconnected and Scootaloo pulled the phone away.

She gave out a loud exasperated sigh as she began walking. She couldn’t help but be a little miffed that Apple Bloom went behind her back and thought that manipulating Sunset was a great idea.

She hoped this wasn’t going to make things even more complicated and somehow make Sunset angry with her. She was slowly building trust between her and Sunset, she didn’t need her friends to come in and ruin it all.

Still, she was sad that she was going to be virtually friendless from now on. She and Apple Bloom barely had any classes together and they weren’t allowed to do anything together after school. The daily calls between the two of them was the entirety of Scootaloo's social life.

Other than embarrassing myself in front of Rainbows parents of course.’ She thought bitterly.

“You still haven’t told me how you know where the Principal lives, Lyra.” Bon-Bon started as she pulled up to a two story house in the middle of a nice neighborhood, perhaps a bit too nice for what she expected a Principal's salary to be.

“It’s a nice neighborhood isn’t it?” Lyra stated as she opened her door and got out. “Could really raises a family here.”

Bon-Bon gave an exasperated sigh at Lyra dodging the question. She turned the car off and got out herself. “I guess. I didn’t expect her to live in a two story house, seems a bit excessive for one person.”

“That’s because she doesn’t live alone. Luna lives with her.” Lyra said as she made her way to the house.

“Wait, seriously?” Bon-Bons eyes widened in surprise. “That seems like torture. I love my sister and all, but I would not want to live with her when I’m like sixty.”

“I’m thirty three I’ll have you know.” Bon-Bon paled in fear as she heard her Principals voice, turning around to see Principal Celestia walking toward her. “And yes, while I do have the occasional urge to strangle my sister from time to time, I happen to enjoy living with her.”

“Good morning Principal Celestia.” Lyra said with a friendly smile as she walked over, shooting her girlfriend an amused grin. “I’m surprised you’re not home.”

“I was returning something to my neighbor, it seems I came just in time to learn how old Bon-Bon thought I was.” She gave Bon-Bon a wink, causing the poor girl to blush and retreat into herself. “Now, what are you girls doing here? I doubt you’d spend the weekend having a chat with your Principal unless it was important.”

“And we wouldn’t bother you if it wasn’t.” Lyra answered. “It’s about Sunset.”

“So soon after yesterday’s meeting?” Celestia said in an exasperated tone. “Well, Alright. What is it you girls wanted to discuss about Sunset?”

“We were thinking about what you said yesterday, and were thinking on how to make it up to Sunset.” Bon-Bon said joining the conversation, a slight blush on her face. “Lyra came up with an idea involving the Spring Fling, but she forgot that Sunset was banned.”

Celestia hummed. “And I take it you want me to unban Sunset?”

Lyra nodded. “It would be a great help, we’d be back at square one if you don’t.”

“You know Sunset was banned for sabotaging Rarity last Spring Fling, correct?” Celestia explained. “Reversing her punishment won’t come easily.”

“I know, but saving us from the Sirens should’ve made up for that.” Lyra winced internally, she felt like such a hypocrite after saying that. “Plus, I’m sure Rarity wouldn’t mind.”

Celestia was quiet for a long moment. “You two seem very fixated on having Sunset unbanned. Why is that?”

“Well, it’s very simple really, we want to-” Lyra began before being cut off by Celestia.

“I imagine the whole school might vote for Sunset if she ran.” She said casually. “Perhaps as part of a plan to have Sunset be more comfortable with her peers perhaps?”

“Uh, well-”

“It’d be a rather ambitious plan wouldn’t it? Having to keep it a secret from Sunset and hope everyone goes along with it. What might happen when someone who still dislikes Sunset were to find out?” Celestia continued. “Then there’s the manipulation involved. It’d be a big gamble whether Sunset would be ok with the idea that everyone was involved in a conspiracy to crown her Princess of the Spring Fling, especially after Anon-A-Miss.”


“Not to mention if she felt comfortable being Princess in the first place, she could see it as pity voting or a bribe. That’s if she decided to run at all.” Lyra and Bon-Bon shared a look while Celestia started monologuing. “Worst case scenario she could shut herself off from the school entirely, maybe even going back home forever, and hating the ones who orchestrated everything in the first place.” Celestia said with a knowing look.

“I... uh...” Lyra was at a loss of words, both a bit confused at Celestials behavior and concerned at what she was implying.

“I’ll unban Sunset from the Fling, but I’d advise any enterprising students to be careful going forward in case their plan backfires.” Celestia stared at them expectantly, smiling when Lyra nodded. “Now, you two better get going. I don’t want you to waste your weekend.”

“Of course Ms. Celestia. H-have a nice weekend.” Celestia gave them a small nod and walked towards her house, Lyra staring after her as she disappeared behind her front door.

“Something tells me you’re the enterprising student she was referring to.” Bon-Bon said smugly, earning an annoyed frown from Lyra.

Author's Note:

Merry Christmas everybody!
I felt somewhat obligated to post today because Anon-A-Miss is a Christmas story. I guess.
The only christmassy thing about it is that it takes place near Christmas, like Die Hard (don’t at me).

When I first started writing, I noticed I seem to have a penchant of starting a chapter with a characters name. While that’s not necessarily wrong, it can be a bit repetitive. So I decided to change it up a bit by having Scootaloo narrate to herself.

As we can all see, the poor girls been a wreck without her sister. Windy Whistles has to break the girls heart practically every day, that must not be easy for her.

I also totally made a mild Cerebus retcon involving that candy bar. Of course her aunts and parents wouldn’t allow her to eat it.

We also learn she has practically no social life now, especially after Blooms boneheaded plan. Hopefully she doesn’t double down on trying to talk to Rainbow.

In other news, how Lyra knows where her principals live remains a mystery, much to Bon-Bons annoyance.

I might make that ‘bon-bon joked about Celestias age’ thing into a running gag, Celestia constantly poking fun at Bon-Bon for it to get a reaction, but we’ll see.

I tried looking up Bon-Bons family and Celestias age, but there wasn’t any substantial information so I decided to improvise.

Also, they seemed to have succeeded in unbanning Sunset! Too bad Celestia ruined Lyras confidence in her own plan, let’s see how the girl handles this.

Celestia pointing out the flaws in Lyras plan was mostly to appease various readers who pointed them out first, because my audience is smarter than me.

Anyway, thanks for taking time to read my fic! Have a merry Christmas everyone!

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