• Published 30th Jun 2017
  • 14,409 Views, 166 Comments

Indominus Equestria - Gravestone

Went to a costume party dressed as an Indominus Rex wound up in Equestria as said dinosaur. YAY ME

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Chapter One

 Opening my eyes, they were assaulted by the vile enemy of all hangovers the sun. Groaning I shut them thinking back, I don't remember drinking anything at the party, in fact, I don't remember even get to the party. Wait let me think I got home, and a message showed up on my phone. Some friends of mine wanted me to go to a party with them. Okay now think let's see I went out and picked up a costume from some Mom and Pops store. Come to think of it the guy behind the counter seemed odd Oh hell who am I kidding the guy was freaky. I didn't even get a good look at the costume at first I wanted to get the hell outta there. I got home then I looked at what I bought it turned out to be a full body costume of Indominus Rex from Jurassic World.

To be honest, I thought it was an alien or at least Godzilla. I guess it'll do although it's cool if you think about it a dinosaur made up of the most powerful and deadly dinos and some awesome abilities from modern animals not to mention and I don't care what anybody says the I Rex had human DNA cause no animal is that damn smart.
Back to mental flashback I finished putting on the costume and looked at myself in the full body mirror in the hallway by the door. I chuckled under the mask I've read many a fanfic in my day. A person buys costume or item from a strange guy then gets transported to some form of Equestria. Yeah like that would ever happen. But sometimes the universe can have a real sick sense of humor. Because right after I thought, there was a flash of light so bright it surrounded me and my body felt as if it was being electrocuted. Screaming from the pain of being blinded and electrocuted my body couldn't take it anymore and I blacked out.
And this is where I find myself down on the ground in the body of an Indominus Rex. How do I know this you may ask. Simple two reasons, first I don't think I was always able to see almost 360 degrees around my head and the second thing is even with my head on the ground I still can almost see over the top of a certain butter yellow pegasus who is standing there shaking like a leaf after I opened my eyes and looked at her. Thinking to not cause her to have a heart attack I closed my eyes again taking a deep breath I spoke.

" I'm sorry if my appearance is frightening to you but I promise I will not harm you in any way," I said in a low gravely voice.

Waiting for a moment I opened my eyes to see her standing there no longer shaking but her eyes were as big as dinner plates and her mouth hung open in shock.

"You, you can talk." She said still in shock.

"Yes I can and if I had any rhythm or talent I could probably be able to sing and dance," I said with a slight chuckle.

Hearing her laugh made me want to smile but I remembered that I had a mouth full of long sharp teeth so I chose to chuckle once more.

"By the way can I ask for your name Miss?" I said as I tilted my head a little.

" My name is Fluttershy." She said in a very quiet voice.

"I'm sorry but could you repeat that please," I asked staining my already sensitive hearing.

" My name is Fluttershy." She said again.

"One more time if you would please, I think a mosquito coughed just as you spoke," I said trying not to get annoyed.

" My name is Fluttershy." She said emphasizing her name last which caused her to blush and hide behind her mane.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Fluttershy and I can say that you are very cute when you're blushing," I told her which made her blush even more.

"An and it's very nice to meet you Mr. Dragon sir," Fluttershy said still hiding behind her mane.

"Thank you but you see I'm not a dragon," I said lifting my head up a little.

"Oh um could you tell me what you are if that's alright with you that is." Flutter's said looking a little saddened as if she insulted me.

"It's quite alright please do not be upset it's an honest mistake no harm done," I said reassuring her making her smile once again.

Thinking for a moment I decided to give her the easiest answer I could think of. " I don't know what I am honestly. I believed my so called kind lived long before dragons ever existed we were called Dinosaurs. And yet I know I am not a true dinosaur just a genetically engineered tool created for the enjoyment of others."I said as tears began to fall from my eyes.

Fluttershy moved closer to me and began to rub her hoof on the side of my head to calm me down. “ Shhhhhh it’s alright I’m here there’s no need to cry can you tell me your name if that's alright,” She said now that all of her fear was gone.

“My name was Greg but I guess now it’s Indominus Rex though you can call me whichever you like,” I said still with some tears in my eyes.

“It’s nice to finally meet you, Greg,” Fluttershy said with the nicest and biggest smile she ever had.

I smiled still trying to hide the large rows of serrated teeth in my mouth but it didn’t work very well Fluttershy's eyes grew at the sight of them. Thinking that I had made the biggest mistake of my life and possibly lost my first and only friend here. I turned my head away as new tears formed in my eyes.

“Oh my, you have very big teeth and sharp looking too you must be carnivorous. Um is it ok if you only eat fish because I would like to keep all my animal friends will be safe?” She said which made me turn my head back to face her.

“ Your not afraid of me because I eat meat?” I asked her only for her to shake her head.

“Oh no not anymore, “ She said blushing then continued speaking.” You see I have many friends that only eat meat like Monty the Manticore and Harry the Bear I’m not against it that is just how life is.”

“Thank you, Fluttershy that means a lot, but I think I’m Omnivorous so I can eat plants and meat but to answer your question before yes I do love eating fish,” I said as I shifted positions.

“Thank you, Greg, that means a lot to me, but can I ask you something are you comfortable lying on the ground can’t you stand up?” She asked looking a little concerned.

“I’m sorry for worrying you I can stand but I didn’t want to frighten you from my size and to be honest, I was afraid if somepony sees me they would panic and then I ....” I said trailing off at the end.

“Oh but I think it will be ok besides it must be very uncomfortable to stay like that so would you please try for me that is if you don’t mind,” Fluttershy said looking very concerned.

Nodding my head or as close to it I shifted around getting my legs and arms beneath me and with one massive push. Ok, maybe a couple of pushes as some grunts and a few choice words but I finally was up. The balancing part took a little time but I got it.

Hovering around me Fluttershy took in every detail before landing down in front of me with a smile on her face. Or is it muzzle I’ll have to ask later.

“Oh my goodness you are tall and may I say your coloring is very beautiful,” She said blushing a bit but continued staring at me with a smile.

Wondering what she meant I turned to look at my new body now instead of just a gray color the small spines on my back and tail were a Teal Blue and I had Dark Blue jagged strips on my sides. http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/jurassicpark/images/5/50/Indominus.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150416003135&path-prefix=es
“ Wow this is amazing, how did it happen I mean I was all gray earlier than this?” I asked as I kept looking at my body then to Fluttershy.

Giggling she hovered in front of me. ” I think after you calmed down and after you stood up your true colors appeared,” She said trying to think of any reason for this to happen.

“Thank you and I think your right if I remember correctly I am part of something called a cuttlefish and they could change their colors all the time,” I said as I used one of my claws to scratch my chin in a thinking pose only to make Fluttershy giggle more.

As we stood there a low rumbling could be heard it started low but got louder in seconds. I looked around expecting to see a Hydra or Manticore only to see a very red pony trying to hide behind her mane.

Chuckling I looked at her with a toothy smile. “My it looks like somepony is a little hungry or was that a Hydra nearby?” I said only to make her ‘EEP’ and hide deeper into her mane. I am sorry Fluttershy I didn’t mean to embarrass you, in fact, I’m getting a little hungry myself,” I told her so she would calm down.

Luckily it worked as she looked at me again still with a hint of blush but fine.

“If you would like we can head to my cottage and get something to eat?” She asked only to see the fear in my eyes.

“Are you sure it’s safe I mean I don’t want to cause a panic or anything?” I asked still unsure about this. You see I never liked confutations I wasn't a pushover mind you but when there was fighting I would just walk away,” I said lowering my head in shame.

“It will be alright I live outside of town and not many ponies come to visit because my home is so close to the forest,” She said looking at me with big puppy dog eyes.

I sighed as I looked at her. “Ok, we can go, but if there’s any trouble I'm going to run back in here and hide while you explain everything deal,” I said bringing my claw out for her to shake.

After our agreement, I suggested that she ride on my head for two reasons first being that I would not be as threatening this way and second I can move faster than her so we could get to her house or cottage in less time.

As we made our way through the forest Fluttershy told me all about her friends and the adventures they were on. How they saved Princess Luna, to stopping a big meany named Tirek. But luckily my suggested for her to ride on my head was a good idea because half way out of the forest we came across a pack of what she called Timberwolves. I mean these things were made from wood. They came out and tried to surround us growling and trying to jump at Fluttershy. Seeing this I got angry for the first time or maybe it was my instincts I don't know but what I did, even scared me. Lowering down I took in a lung full of air and then released it letting out the most ferocious roar I had ever heard.
Needless to say, after that display those wolves thought it would be a good idea to get food somewhere else. That and I never thought I’d see wooden wolves piss or shit themselves come to think of it I doubt Fluttershy has seen that either. From how she kept repeating “How did you and I never saw that “ over and over until I growled to get her attention making her ‘EEP’ once more.

“I’m sorry if I scared you Fluttershy but something in me just couldn’t let you get hurt and I didn’t want to hurt them so I roared,” I said looking in the direction where she was sitting on my head.

“It’s alright I wasn’t scared just surprised and thank for not hurting them they were just trying to get food for their pack,” Fluttershy said as she hugged the top of my head making me blush. Which I found out the spikes and marks were the things that changed the most they would be a dark red while the rest of me would be lite pink.
Enough about that, after a short while we finally exited the forest. And there I stood in a big empty field completely exposed so anyone or thing could see me. Yep, I panicked dropping to the ground I activated camouflage disappearing from sight. If somepony would have seen us it would have appeared as if Fluttershy was standing in mid-air talking to nobody trying to persuade them that everything was ok.

“It’s alright Greg see my cottage is right over there and there's no pony around I promise nothing will happen to you I’ll protect you ok?” Fluttershy said using that cursed puppy dog eyes on me again.

Damn you puppy dog eyes who ever invented you may they rot in hell.

I stood back up but didn’t stop camouflage so I looked like a large blur moving towards her cottage with her still on my head. Hey, it’s a start for me I’ve seen monster movies even if the creature is nice what do the people do they attack it first then asks questions. We finally got to her cottage where I lowered down so Fluttershy could get off my head I also stopped camouflage but my color was all gray. Probably because of fear and I know what you're thinking “You're a big bad dinosaur what are you afraid of?” My answer lots of things, two of them being the Princesses from what Fluttershy has told me of them those two can move the sun and the moon the freakin’ sun and moon. There is no way I’m going to get on their bad side thank you very much. My thoughts were brought back by the feeling of multiple little animals crawling on my head and back. Looking I saw bunnies, cats, squirrels, and some birds as well.

“See I knew my animal friends would like you,” Fluttershy said as she watches more animals come over to see and meet me even Harry the bear gave me a hug on my head.

“I know and your right I shouldn’t overreact about everything it’s just I don’t want to lose you as a friend Fluttershy I just don’t think I could make it alone here,” I said then I felt not only Fluttershy but all the animals giving me a hug.

“I will always be your friend Greg no matter what,” She said tightening her hug.

Our little moment was cut short by the sound of voices calling for Fluttershy and they were getting closer. So I did what came naturally I got up and went to hide behind the cottage activating camouflage.

“Oh Greg,” Fluttershy said sadly as she seen what I did.

I watched as five ponies were coming closer and from my vantage point, I could see who the ponies were. And that started to fill me with dread for three reasons first there was Rainbow Dash I know for a fact if she sees me she'll overreact and attack me because the way I look like. Second, if Twilight Sparkle finds out I'm from another world and genetically engineered she'll want to do tests on me and I always hated going to the doctors. But what scared me the most was even with camouflage Pinkie Pie would know I was here.

My thoughts were interrupted by the others speaking.

"Fluttershy there you are we were worried about you Darling," The one I know as Rarity said in that posh voice of hers.

"Yeah, Sugarcube didn't Y'all hear that roar a while ago?" The Stetson-wearing Applejack asked in her country accent.

"There's some kind of monster in the Everfree Forest and from to roar it sounded like it was near your place," The tackles Rainbow Dash said. Making both Fluttershy and myself cringe from the word monster.

Fluttershy stood there her eyes shifting back and forth and a little sweat formed on her forehead.

Are you all right you're acting like Applejack when she' playing cards with Big Mac and Spike," Twilight Sparkle asked stepping closer to her friend.

"Oh my, am I acting strange I'm sorry I don't mean to now what was it about a mo monster in the forest," Fluttershy said choking on the word monster trying not to cry knowing that it's hurting her friend Greg.

"Yeah, you sure you're alright you need to go to the hospital or something?" Rainbow Dash asked her friend.

"Oh-oh-oh maybe she's acting strangely is because she's hiding a huge dinosaur that's not a dinosaur behind her house that can talk and turn invisible," Pinkie said to which both Fluttershy and myself both facehoofed and faceclawed.

"And how would you know that darling?" Rarity asked her pink bouncing friend.

"My Pinkie Sence told me there was going to be a new pony in town but they weren't going to be a pony but something really big but that they were as nice as Fluttershy," Pinkie said as she started to bounce towards where I was hiding.

Seeing this both Fluttershy and me both panicked but mostly me. She moved to intercept her bouncing friend.

"Alright your right I am hiding a new friend from all of you but you must understand Greg is very confused and scared so you must promise not to do or say anything to upset him," Fluttershy said to her friends in the sternest voice she could make.

It's alright you can come out Greg your safe," Fluttershy said in her kind and soothing voice.

"Are are you sure they're not going to hurt me or anything right they promised you right?" I asked sticking my head around the corner still camouflaged.

To ease my worries all the girls said and did the Pinkie Promise to make sure I knew it was safe.

Taking a deep breath and deactivating camouflage I returned to my blue spike color before I stepped out. Each of my steps made a loud thud on the ground and shock the five mares that were on the ground.
My senses were heightened, my eyes scanned all around me for movement, my sense of smell was picking up every detail. I could even smell the fear of some of the girls and to tell the truth, it made me sick to my stomach. I could hear their hearts beating faster the moment I came into view. Knowing it was best for me to make A good impression I lowered myself down to the ground like I was the first time Flutters and I met.

After getting comfortable I took a deep breath to steady myself. " Hello I am an Indominus Rex but you can all me Greg," I said as I waved one of my hands or claws at them.

There were a few minutes of absolute silence and I will say this that was scary.

"Whoo- wee they sure grow you kind big where you're from don't they?" Applejack said as she to her hat of looking at me.

"My word the color of your scales shine like sapphires," Rarity said making me blush only for my spikes and spots to turn red. "And now they are like flawless rubies."

"This simply amazing to see a sentient creature that has been excited for over a billion years and to talk, with it is just so so amazing," Twilight said as her eyes began to sparkle.

Pinkie appeared on top of my head looking at me upside down.

"HimynamesPiknePiesoyournamesGregthatsaweirdnameforaponybutyournotaponyyouradinosaursoGregdoyoulikepatieswhatsyourfavoritecakedoyoulikecakecanwebefriends?" She said all in one breath.

I was starting to feel a little better so a smiled a little making sure not to show my teeth. "Yes I like parties and my favorite cake is Pineapple upside down cake and I would like to be your friend Pinkie," I said to her only to make her 'squee' before bouncing around saying she has a dinosaur as a friend.

Like I said I was feeling better but when Rainbow Dash spoke up that changed everything.

"Are you bucking kidding me the five of you are trusting that thing I mean look at it. It's as big as a full grown dragon and its' teeth look like they could shred us to bits not to mention it can turn invisible. So how can any of you trust this monster!" Rainbow yelled emphasizing the word monster.

The other girls gasped at this and Fluttershy was going to say something to me but I was already gone after hearing that especially the word monster I activated camouflage and ran off back into the forest with tears in my eyes.

"I know I'm not normal but I'm not a bad guy I would never hurt anyone so why did she have to do it why?" Was all I could think about as I ran not caring where I was going I just ran.

Back with the others, Fluttershy was looking at Rainbow Dash with a mixer of rage and sadness.

"Rainbow how, how could you be so mean to Greg he has been nothing but kind to me from the first moment we met he even scared away a pack of Timberwolves without hurting them because he doesn't like violence and you had to be a big meanie and call him a monster," She said as she started to fly off to look for her friend. "And right now I'm not sure you and I should consider ourselves friends Rainbow Dash."

And with that, she was gone leaving a very shocked Cyan Pegasus as well as four other ponies.

Pinkie walked up to Rainbow and pulled her close but not for a hug Pinkie look her friend in the eye. "You Pinkie Promised not to do or say anything mean to Greggy and you broke it." Pinkie said in a sadistic tone before running off to help look for Greg.

Twilight walked over to the now scared Pegasus. "Rainbow I just wanted to say that before your little incident Fluttershy told me that Greg may have had sharp teeth but he was omnivorous, meaning he could eat plants and meat. But he also promised only to eat meat in the forest away from us so we wouldn't git sick I just thought you'd like to know that," Twilight said before taking off to help the others.

Rarity and Applejack didn't say anything to her they just left as well.

Sitting on the ground rubbing her hoof on the back of her head Rainbow began to feel tears form in her eyes. What Flutters said about not being friends to breaking a Pinkie Promise to doing the same thing she did to Zecora judging her without getting to know her.

"Oh man I'm the stupendous pony in all Equestria, I got to make this right and get back my friends and apologize to I hope my new friend," She said to herself before taking off into the sky leaving behind a rainbow trail.

After this, all happened Celestia and a battalion of guards emerged from a displacement spell.
(Something like Discords pocket dimension)

The captain walked up to the Princess getting her attention. Your Majesty should I have the men spread out and aid in the search for this.....Greg?" The Captain asked quickly changing the last word when he saw how the Princess looked at him.

"No, Observe but do not interact with them unless it is absolutely necessary Captain do I make myself clear?" Celestia said in a stern motherly tone.

The Captain relayed the orders to his troops and they took off in different directions into the Everfree Forest to Observe as ordered.

When Alone Celestia tilted her head." You are a strange creature Greg the Indominus Rex an Apex Predator who is as gentle as a foal but more dangerous than any creature that lives in this world I hope we can meet and maybe I can help you find a place where you truly belong," She said as she spread her wings and took off to help look for the elusive Dinosaur.