• Published 30th Jun 2017
  • 14,405 Views, 166 Comments

Indominus Equestria - Gravestone

Went to a costume party dressed as an Indominus Rex wound up in Equestria as said dinosaur. YAY ME

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Chapter Eight

"So you're telling me all I have to do is go to this Tartarus find Bahamut and forgive him, then he's back with the living?" I said looking at Luna.

"Not quite you must pass certain trials before you can reach him and each one is more difficult than the last," She said looking at me a little confused.

"Luna, I do appreciate your help I really do, but it's kind of hard to listen to you when you have that thing just hanging there so could you put it away before we continue?" I asked trying not to look at her junk as it just hung out in the open.

"Sorry about that but I just finished visiting my mares earlier and you know how pregnant mares can be?" She said as I just looked at her.

"Egg Layers," I said pointing to myself.

"Oh, right sorry forgot but anyways the trials will be difficult the first will be the Trial of Wisdom," Luna said as I was thinking back to when we were talking about me free Bahamut.

I stood there looking up at the giant doors that would lead me to Tartarus and standing in the front of them was a lone figure.

"Halt, who goes there?" The figure yelled as it lowered it spear towards me.

Um I um I am Greg the Indomunis Rex I have come to free Bahamut the Dragon," I said as I looked at the Armored figurer.

"Before you pass through these gates you must and the question," He said taking a fighting stance before turning completely around. "Does this suit of armor make my butt look big?"

"Wait, what?" I asked looking at the figure as he shook his butt at me.

"I asked if this suit of armor makes my butt look big?" He said tilting his head at me.

I just stood there for a few minutes trying to think if this was a joke before I got pissed at this guy for wasting my time. "No, the armor doesn't make your butt look big your butt makes your butt look big," I said to him as I was getting madder by the second.

The armored figure turns back around to face me and stood there before he spoke again. " I see then maybe I should cut back on those late-night snacks never the less you may pass," He said stepping to the side as the doors opened.

"Wait a minute are you telling me I just passed the trial of wisdom?" I asked the guy.

"Yes, and to tell you the truth I kind of forgot what the real question was about four thousand years ago so um there you go now if you'll excuse me I going to take my lunch break," The guy said as he turned and started walking away.

I just stood there watching as the guy was walking away unable to believe the what just happened.

"Oh, you might want to hurry the door will be closing soon," He said waving back at me.

I turned and looked to see the door was closing so moving quickly I got through before it shut would on my tail. Standing there I was in awe, at the sheer size of the place it looked as if it went on forever. There were many different paths all leading to what looked like cells and cages. I stood there wondering where I was supposed to go when I heard a familiar voice calling to me.

"Huzzah, I knew you would make it for you are the wisest of all the Ancient Lords," Luna said as she descended from a hole in the ceiling.

I looked at her confused for a second before speaking. " Are you serious that first trial, was a joke I mean it was to test my wisdom and all I did was tell the guy his butt was big?" I said looking at her hoping she could give me an explanation.

" A truly wise man knows when the truth must be said even if it is hurtful to others," She said tilting her head at me.

I just stood there looking at her like she just grew a second head with a mustache and sombrero.

"Now you must follow the path to your next trial that of strength," She said pointing with her wing the path that magically lit up.

I took one step and stopped before I turned to look at Luna. "Wait a minute how did you get here I thought you had to go through the trials also?"

"No my sister and I may come and go from Tartarus freely it is just any other pony must transverse like all others," She said as if it was common knowledge.

I just rolled my eyes at that. "So any hint, on what the Trial of Strength is about?" I asked hoping she would tell me.

"I am sorry my friend but the Trial changes for each participant," She said looking down at the floor.

"Don't worry I'll get through this I know I will," I said as I waved to her as I started to follow the path to my next trial.

"I hate this God how long have I been walking. It feels like I've been on this path for days and I still haven't reached the end. If this keeps up I'm going to be too tired for the test of strength," I kept saying to my self for what seemed like days.

"It is a trial, not a test," A voice said out of nowhere.

"What who said that?" I asked looking around for the owner of the voice.

"Down here young Lord, though I have not seen one like you before, you still hold the power of one," The voice said.

I looked down to see a small creature kind of like Yoda but with purple skin and instead of elf ears it had ones that looked like elephant ones.

"Hi, um, are you the one, I'm supposed to meet about the trial of strength?" I asked not sure how this little guy is going to be stronger than me but stranger things have happened.

"Yes I am my name is Tarafurman and if you would like you can rest for some time before the trial begins," He said smiling up at me.

"Thank you for your kindness but I would like to start I wish to free one who was unjustly imprisoned and bring him back to his family who loves and misses him," I said smiling down at the little guy for being nice to me.

"Very well your trial shall begin now," Tarafurman said as he walked over to a boulder that was five times my size and picked it up without even showing a hint of strain before setting it back down. " Your trial is to lift this boulder off the ground do so and you shall pace to the next trial,"

I sat down in shock at what I just saw. How the hell was I going to lift that thing it had to way hundreds of tons. I could see any possible way to do it, and I slowly laid my self down on the ground.

"So it would seem that you have chosen to rest or is it you have given up?" Tarafurman said looking at me.

I just don't, how can I," I began to say only for the images of my mates and Celestia flashing in my head and the tear-filled expressions on their faces made it hurt even worse until my mind clicked back to school and ancient history. With a determined look, I stood back to my full height and smiled. " Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it and I shall move the world," I said as I looked around for what I needed.

Tarafurman just stood there a smile creeping across his face. "Wise words young one, Archimedes would be proud,' He said to himself.

I looked around and found what I needed and following the planes in my head, I got to making my lever. Digging a small hole under the boulder I slipped the long and when I say long I mean this thing was a good two hundred feet long piece of wood and don't ask me how I found it. Then I placed the fulcrum into place the only problem was I couldn't reach the end so I had to climb onto the log and carefully inch my way to the end. But eventually, I made it and to my joy, the boulder was lifted into the air though it was only a foot in the air hey still beggers can't be choosers. Making my way back as the rock touched the ground I heard clapping and laugher.

"Well done, well done Young Lord you have passed for strength is not only of the body but of the mind and will," He said as he stepped to the side as the large door opened behind him. "But know this the Trial of Courage is the most difficult it will test your very belief in all you hold dear," He said as he slowly faded away.

Stepping through the door I was greeted by a smiling Luna. " You past like I knew you would," She said as she flew up and hugged my face.

"It feels like I've been down here for a long time," I said what I was thinking out loud.

"You have my friend, I am sorry for not telling you this but you have been down here for three months it is nearly Hearth's Warming," She said making me stop in my tracks.

"What!" I nearly roared at her. "Three month's I've been down here for three months how when I said it felt like a long time I meant hours or days, not months," I said as I sat down. " Draca, Kirin, Freya, Triva, Spike, Barb, Ava, and the eggs I'm not there I haven't been there for them for three flipping months," I began to say before Luna grabbed my face with her hooves.

"Greg, do not worry they are all fine your family is fine," She said making me look her in her eyes. "Celestia has been helping her daughters and Spike has been helping in the hunts, in fact, Spike and Barb had grown close to th point when you return they will have their wedding," She said making me look surprised.

I couldn't believe it Spike and Barb were going to get married and start their own family but why not they already have a daughter. I just can't believe it all this is happening while I stuck down here in Pony Hell trying to get Celestia and my mate's husband and father back to them. All I know is I better get some unprotected sex from those four and a huge cake from Celly.

Getting up I began walking once again but this time I had a feeling like Tarafurman said this last trial will be the hardest thing I have ever faced. The path slowly began to drop down in an incline until I heard the sound of not one but many voices. As I walked I didn't see the wall of fog that I began passing through until it was too late.

"Well, well, well, look who's here the little crybaby," A voice said one I never wanted to hear again.

I turned to see my father standing there looking at me but instead of looking up he was looking straight at me. I couldn't understand at first until I saw my reflection I was human again. I didn't want to believe it but it was true I was human and I was back in my families home the same one I left those many years ago.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you boy or so help me I make you listen," He said as he now towered over me.

I couldn't move how could this happen was everything I experienced just a dream of a child? Were my dragon lovers just some fabrication of the mind Spike Barb Ava were they not real as well? I could think straight the fear of this man was making my mind cloud over. Then there was laugher turning I looked to see my siblings al standing there pointing at me and laughing.

"Look he going to cry, ah, pour baby do you want your, mommy?" The voice of my sister was heard.

I just lowered my head. "Their right I am just a baby I never could do anything. I was smart like sisters or good looking like my brothers I was just a waste of space in this family," I thought to myself.

As the voices carried on I felt lower and lower until a small beam of light shone through the darkness of my mind. In the light, I could hear other voices ones that I at first didn't recognize all of them calling to me.

Don't give up my love.
Come back to us.
We all love you.
You are stronger than this.
Come on bro standup.
You are the king.
Unca Geg coom home.
You are the bravest and kindest soul now stand and roar it to the world!

Hearing these words over and over I felt my heart grow as well as my body until I towered over the forms of the ones who pretended to be my family.

With a mighty roar, I silenced the dark voices. "Your wrong, you didn't raise us you ruled over us with fear and cruelty but I have something you will never have," I said stomping over to tower over the figure of my father. "I have a family that truly loves me and you are nothing to me not anymore," I said roaring the last part as I swung my tail around hitting all of them and making them turn to dust.

Upon doing that I raised my head up to the sky and let out the loudest and most powerful roar I have ever done making all of Tartarus shake.
After that victory, I heard Luna calling to me once again.

"Oh, glorious day, you have done what you set out, for now, come with me my friend for all that is left is for you to forgive Bahamut and his soul will be set free," She said flying up to me and hugging my face making me blush.

I smile as we separate and I followed her to a lone cage what confused me most was the size of it. It looked as though it could hold something no bigger than a pony let alone a full-grown dragon. Squatting down I looked inside to see the ethereal form of a dragon his scales looked as if they matched all the girl's colors.

Clearing my throat to get his attention I finally got a good look at him even though his scale were a brilliant color his expression was that of someone who lost everything.

"Are you Bahamut?" I asked him making him look up from the floor of his cell.

"Yes, I am and who are," Was all he said before his eyes widened in shock. "You are an Ancient Lord but how my father was the last?" he said stepping closer to the bars.

"That would take some time let's just say I'm the new Dino in town for right now," I said once again clearing my throat. Bahamut son of Balthazar I Greg the Indominus Rex King of the Dinosaurs and master of the Ancient Lords do forgive you of the sin of killing an Ancient Lord and do hereby set you free," I said as I watched the bars on the cell disappear and for Bahamut to stand there finally free.

"Thank my Lord but what good is it to forgive me when I have nobody to return to for it must be nothing but bone now?" He said lowering his head once more only for Luna to chime in.

"Ah but there you are wrong for your body rests in Cantorlot and it awaits for your return as do five others who have missed you," She said floating down to stand in front of him.

"You are Princess Luna sister to my love," He said looking at the Alicorn of the night.

"Yes, I am and as I said your body awaits your return as does my sister and your daughters," She said spreading her wing to take flight. "Now we must go for it is Hearth's Warming and I believe that your return will be the greatest gift they could receive,"

"Um, Luna how are we going to get back in time it took me three months to get here?" I asked looking down at her.

With a mischievous smile, she lit up her horn and in a flash of light we found ourselves out in the world again but the place looked unknown to me. Looking around I saw that it was a garden and in front of us was a statue of a dragon but not any dragon it was Bahamut.

"Now return to your body so you may live again," She said pointing to the statue.

Without hesitation, Bahamut stepped closer to his statue until an unseen force pulled him into it after he was gone Luna lit her horn was more and released a beam of magic onto it making the stone crumble away leaving the flesh and blood body of Bahamut.

"I'm alive, I'm alive," He roared. "How can I ever repay you, my Lord?" He said turning to look up to me.

I just smiled but before I could say anything Luna interjected once again. I believe you can repay him by giving your blessing to him and your daughters but we must hurry," She said as she once again activated her magic and again in a flash, we were outside of the Nesting Grounds. I could hear the sounds of a party going on and making my way to the opening I saw that not only were my family there but all of the mane six and a few others as well.

Stepping into the grounds the music and noise stopped as all eyes fell on me. " Hi everyone I hope I didn't miss anything?" I said only to get tackled by my four lovely mates all asking the same thing of where I was this whole time. I tried to answer but another voice made them all step back as tears filled not only my Drakena's but Celestia's eyes.

"He had to pick me up so I could be with my family," Bahamut said as he stepped in the Nesting Grounds.

There was a loud scream and just like me, Bahamut was tackled to the ground but only by Celestia as she nuzzled and kissed her loving husband after all the years. After their heartfelt reunion did Draca and the others greeted their father with hugs and kisses. I got up and watched as this was happening with a goofy smile on my face only to have my vision blocked by a small form. Reaching up and carefully pulling it back then I recognized it being Ava as she smiled at me.

"Unca Geg home," She said as she giggled.

"Yes, I'm home you little Sparkshooter," I said holding her in my claw.

"Hey, bro, you wouldn't believe what happened while you were gone?" Spike said as he walked over to me.

I looked down at him and noticed a few things different, the first was he was no longer that puggy lite drake but tall and lean, about as tall as Luna and the other thing was he was holding an egg and it wasn't one of mine seeing as it was purple with green dots.

"I could imagine," Is aid pointing at the egg in his arm.

Spike looked down at it and blushed. "ya about that see while you were gone I had to step up and help out more and well Barb started to notices this and," He began to say before Ava cried out. "Daddy and Mommy gab me a baby Bruder or sister," Shutting him up and making him blush even more.

I just laughed at that and placed my claw on his shoulder. It's ok I think I get the gist of it, besides your a mature drake for your age and I was wondering how long it would take you to start your own family, little brother," I said smiling at he making him smile back.

Our conversation was interrupted by the sound of our mates calling to us turning I saw why Spike wanted to start a family with Barb that little Drakena grew up as well. Making our way over to them I passed Ava Spike before standing in front of Bahamut and Celestia both looking up to me. Just to clarify something Bahamut is as tall as Celestia's horn not counting his horns making him still taller so that's why they both look up to me. As for the others, Bahamut got to meet his mother once again as she pulled her son into a tearful embrace telling him it wasn't his fault.

"Greg, I can't tell you how grateful I am for what you did you made my family whole," Celestia said as she flew up and kissed my cheek.

"Your welcome princess and you don't owe me anything I did it because it was the right thing to do," I said stepping back to bow to them both. " And may I say you to look wonderful together," I said only to have my mates pull me into a group hug," But I will always think you four are the most beautiful sight any guy would love to see,"

That little phrase got all of them purring with Draca whispering in my ear that I still haven't gotten my Hearth's warming gift yet and it will be one to remember. So as the party continued in full swing my mates and I quietly snuck off to a secluded spot where I made love to each one of them, knowing this is where I belong and I will live my life with those I love.

As all of this was happening a lone figure stood in the shadows with pure hatred in its eyes as it watched only saying one thing. NEVER.

Author's Note:

Just to let you know this is what Spike and Barb look like now.

And this is what they will look like later in the story.

And this is what Bahamut look like.