• Published 30th Jun 2017
  • 14,410 Views, 166 Comments

Indominus Equestria - Gravestone

Went to a costume party dressed as an Indominus Rex wound up in Equestria as said dinosaur. YAY ME

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Chapter Ten

"How long does winter last here anyway?" I groaned as I looked outside the Nesting Grounds to see more snow on the ground.

For some strange reason that I'm not going to argue with. Inside the giant circle of thorned briers and trees, no snow had fallen in fact the temperature never dropped below six-five degrees. Mind you there was the wind that blew but it wasn't as cold as it was outside the grounds it was as if the Everfree forest was somehow protecting us. Let me give you an example we had a pack of Timberwolves decided to try their luck at getting our eggs they failed but the thorn bushes around the edge got damaged and within minutes the stuff grew back thicker even.

"What was that dear?" Draca asked me as a laid there at the opening of the grounds you know what I just going to call it what it's our home so the opening is the door.

"I said how long is winter going to be here?" I said as I was lying at the door looking at the snow sulking.

"Winter Rap-Up will be here in a week so just be patient," Kirin said as she finished eating the sauropod I brought back this morning.

"If you're bored go to town and visit our friends they haven't seen you in some time and you can pick up Spike too," Barb said as she was turning her egg as Ava sat there sucking on her own tail.

"Fine, it's not like I've got anything else to do, hey wait why do I have to get Spike?" I said getting up and heading out.

"Well he went to help Twilight and then he was going to the Gem fields for us but I just don't like him going alone not with the word of Diamond Dogs sighted near town," Barb said picking up Ava in her arms.

"Ok, ok, I get it, I'll go but I'm not digging this time, the last time I did we hit a pocket of natural gas and when it blew it nearly sent us into orbit," I said shaking at the thought.

"Oh, poor baby but when you got home the four of us took real good care of you remember?" Triva said walking over to me nuzzling my neck.

"Yeah I remember and if you keep that up I might not want to leave," I said taking a step back.

Looking back once more I headed into town finding out that instead of being below freezing it was just above it so that was good and having my scarf did help. Walking the now well-used path into town I did stop by at Zecora's to visit but it turns out she wasn't home she went to visit her family in Zebraca lucky mare gets to be warm. Hey don't look at me like that, I let you know this, during the winter Zebraca is like seventy degrees during the day and fifty at night perfect weather so yeah I'm a little pissed can you blame me?

Getting close to town I could hear the sound of kids playing, as they're screaming with joy wait you don't scream with joy somethings not right. Moving quietly well as quietly as a sixty-ton omnivorous theropod could move, which is surprisingly stealthy, lion stalking prey stealthy don't ask I still haven't figured that out yet. Anyways I went camouflage forgetting I still had my scarf on that was until I heard a familiar voice calling to me.

"Greg, Greg is that you sugarcube?" The voice said as I looked around to see Applejack as she was hiding in an alley.

"Yeah, it's me how did you know I was here I went camo?" I said only for her to reach up and grab my scarf pulling it off me. "Oh hehe sorry, I forgot about that,"

Now ain't the time for joking we got ourselves in quite a pickle," She said looking saddened.

"What happened is anypony hurt?" I asked making only my head visible.

"I don't rightly know all of it but I do know that some dragons, griffons, and those low down no good Caribou are in town rounding up everypony for something bad I just know it and Apple Bloom is with em',"She said as tear filled her eyes.

Don't worry AJ I save Bloom and everyone else now I want you to take everyone you got here and head to the nest and stay there until it safe," I said looking at her then to the other ponies hiding behind her.

With a nod, AJ took off with the others following behind hiding my head again I moved through the town finding more ponies telling them to do the same. I started to worry as I haven't seen Spike or the other mane six.

"Release me at once you ruffian," A voice Greg knew all to well cried out.

I moved, around the town until I found her, Rarity was being dragged over to a large cage that was filled with mare and fillies by a reindeer or is it a caribou hell they both look the same. I noticed that there was another cage this one had only stallions and colts in it. I froze in midstep when two of the deer were walking under me.

"So what are we doing with the males?" One of them asked.

"Nothing we're here for the mares the dragons said they'll take um said something about good meat," The other said back.

Hearing this got me angry how could they do this? I mean from what I heard Caribou believe in male superiority to an extreme and the griffons are here for the plundering but to hear dragons talk about ponies as food just turned my stomach. I had to do something but I needed to make sure the townsponies were safe.

Sneaking around some more I finally found Spike he was holding his own against a deer and two griffons while protecting the CMC and an unconscious Twilight. But, he was losing ground, I needed to get there and help him but I knew the two of us couldn't take on three grown dragons, ten deer, and twenty armed griffons so I had to call ing the cavalry. Nowing that I would give away my position I let out the call hoping the girls could hear it before I made myself known.

Nesting Grounds

Barb was just sitting there playing with Ava when she heard a strange sound looking around he saw the others getting up and preparing to take off.

"Hey what the buck was that?" She asked Draca.

"That was Greg calling for help," Draca said as she looked at her sisters, then to Barb. "Stay here we'll be back as soon as we can," She said as the four of them took off heading to Ponyville.

As Barb watched them leave she realization hit if Greg was in trouble then Spike would be also this caused her to begin to worry. She was about to join them when she heard someone call out."Is any dragon here?"

Looking to the door Barb saw Applejack and a large number of ponies standing there.

"Applejack what happened why are all of you here?" She asked walking over to give the farmpony a hug.

"Ponyville is under attack we are the only ones that got out safe I just wish I could of, helped more but," Applejack said trailing off as she looked at Barb then to the two dozen scared ponies with her.

"It's alright Applejack you did what you could but Spike what happened to him is he safe?" Barb said hugging her friend once more before she started getting worried about her mate.

"He's fine, shoot the dragon has gotten tougher ever since he met you and Greg," Applejack said trying to reassure the young Drakena.

"I know but I'm still worried," Barb said as she showed the ponies where they could rest.

Back in Town

Spike and I had just taken care of the three invaders and I will say this venison is now one of my favorite types of meat and yes griffon does taste like chicken. Oh, I know that look you're sitting there thinking I'm a hypocrite for complaining about dragons wanting to eat ponies while I stand here eating a deer and two griffons. Well, you're right but when it comes to protecting my friends and family all bets are off. After my little snack, we moved out having the CMC and Twilight ride on my back until I could find a place to hide them. Unfortunately, that meant I couldn't go invisible so it wasn't a surprise that they spotted me in less than two minutes. To be honest I think they were looking for me the whole time my first clue was when a group of griffons saw me they squawked pointing in my direction and the second was when the lead deer yelled: "There he is!"

Now for the old cliche so there we were surrounded as the villains closed in but like a gift from heaven my four best girls came down landing in a circle around me and Spike all growling and giving off smoke and flames from their mouths. I have to say one thing they looked really sexy right then but now was not the time for that.

"We heard you call," Draca said before she bore her teeth at some griffons.

"Are you alright our love?" Freya asked not taking her eyes off the invaders.

I'm fine, we're fine," I said as Spike helped the now conscious Twilight off my back. Twilight I want you if you can to teleport everypony out of town now and don't come back until Spike comes and gets you understand," I said not looking at her.

There was I flash and the words good luck were spoken before the only ones left in town were my mates, Spike, myself, and our new friends soon to be new chew toys.

As I looked over at the other dragons I felt the same emotions from that dream I had not so long ago feeling the anger boil up inside of me, I let out the loudest roar ever heard in Equestria, in fact, they say it was heard in Yakyakistan.

This had multiple effects the first it made all the evil guys back up with fear in their eyes even the dragons the second thing it made my mates and Spike stand with confidence and pride the last thing it did was put me into an almost berzerker state. Leaping over the girls I ran full speed at the largest dragon taking him by surprise as I tackled him to the ground and proceeded to tear into him figuratively and literally.

It was the dragon's roar that broke everyone out of their shock and the fight began. Spike rushed in belching a wall of green flames on two deer not allowing them any time to summon their black magic. Draca moved over and took on the second dragon though he happily chuckled at this until he saw the ferocity in her eyes the same eyes of an Ursa Major protecting her cud. The third dragon got double teamed by Freya and Triva as they both released their own elemental fires.

Yeah, I found this out just after Hearth's Warming see the girls, being both the daughters of Bahamut and Celestia gave them certain abilities namely elemental flames.
Draca has Black Flame it's pretty much like Magnesium and Thermite combined it burns until there's nothing left, not even a dragons scales can protect them.
Freya has White Fire which is the same as Lightning, in fact, it looks just like lightning and just like Draca dragon scales do bupkus.
Triva has Blue Flame and well it's Godzilla's Thermal Nuclear Death Breath but without the radiation, though it is the same temperature as a solar flare and the same as the others.
Now Kirin her's is a little different, see her flame isn't a flame at all but a steam, not stream but steam of acid that is on pare with Xenomorph blood. With something like that no wonder she would rather use her normal flame to fight and I don't blame her.
Now as for Spike Bahamut bestowed upon him his the Magma Flame which is just like lava but a hundred time hotter. Spike has this flame but he still can't control it so, for now, he uses his normal Green Flame and not the message one because that would be weird for him to use it. I mean I can see it, he hits some bad guy and then poof, the guy gets sent to Canterlot and shows up in front of Celestia and Luna but in all serious now.
In fact, even I was given a flame but I can't breathe mine, not a dragon remember, it's the Nightmare Force thank you, Luna, it gives off an Aura that makes my enemies own fears begin to cloud their minds.
I used it once before see, Spike and I were hunting, as usual, and we came upon an Ursa Minor we left it alone and started to back off. That's when mommy made herself known and again we backed off slowly but I guess she had other plans. Charging at us I grabbed hold of Spike so we could run but this time I just stood there growling showing I would back down. Well to make a long story short mommy stopped in her tracks and just stared at me for a few seconds before she began pissing on herself in fear even Spike said he was completely terrified I was going to kill him too. So yeah I never want to use that again until Luna teaches me how to control it but it does come out when I'm under a lot of stress like now so.

As the fighting continued Big Gray that's what I'm calling the dragon I'm fighting well the bastard used a cheap move wrapping his tail around my neck he pulled me off him. Once free the jerk took off flying so he could stay away from me, coward can't even fight a lone dinosaur who can't fly. Luckily Kirin was able to get behind him using her claws she ripped his wing membrane making one of his wings useless. Crashing to the ground I ran over jumping onto his back and latching onto his neck just behind his head. With all the force I could get I bit down until the sound of bones cracking could be heard then a loud crunch and nothing no movement Big Gray was dead. With that, I turned my attention to the Deer and Griffons to help Spike as the girls could handle the other dragons. We continued to fight making sure we kept the buildings around us from being destroyed mostly although I think Rarity will be pissed after she sees what happened to her boutique.

We were more or less at a stalemate as the fighting went on but that changed when Celestia, Luna, Bahamut, and a Battalion of Royal Guards showed up to turn the tide. Let's just say this Luna was really pissed that both Twilight and Rarity were hurt and I never saw a brown deer turn pale white after hearing her yell before or any other creature for that matter.

"Vile beast you shall feel the full power of darkness for what you had done!" Luna Yelled nearly make all of us go deaf.

The remaining bag guys tried to run or fly but that wasn't happening Pegisi Guards covered the air while Unicorn and Earthponies had their weapons trained on them. In the end, there were only two Caribou, four Griffons, and one dragon remaining. I did care about any of that I like the Royals wanted to know why they have attacked the town.

"We will only ask this once why did you come and attack Ponyville?" Celestia said in a voice that was filled with malice while her horn glowed. "Well?"

It was a griffon that spoke up. "We were told Ponyville had a large hoard of gold and if we took out this Greg pony we could have it the Caribou were told they could have all the mares the dragons were here for backup," He said in a shaky voice.

"Who told you this?" Luna said stepping over to the griffon.

Before the griffon could answer a plume of flames engulfed him killing him. We turned to see the surviving dragon standing there with a smirk on his face.

"Looks like you'll never know that Princess," He said smugly.

I roared and attacked him standing over him I looked down. "And it looks like you'll never fly again," I said before looking at Triva. "Triva do it,"

Triva was hesitant at first but she walked over taking a deep breath she ready herself.

"What's she going to do burn me, my wings will heal after being burnt," The dragon confidently.

"True but my mate isn't going to burn your wings she's going to melt them," I said making the dragons expression change.

Triva released a small mist of her acid flame and the screams of pain as the wings of the dragon began to dissolve were unnerving, to say the least, but we wanted the truth and if this was the only way to get it then so be it.

All present stood there and watched as this was happening a couple of griffons, a deer, and a few ponies threw up and past out from seeing it even the Royals were trying hard to keep their composure.

I just stood there no expression on my face the guy had his chance and he blew it. I know this sounds heartless but like I said before you mess with my family and friends I will kill you. After he passed out from the shock and pain I turned to look at the rest of them stomping over to tower in front of them I growled.

"Now, who told you to come here?" I said growling as I showed my teeth still covered in blood and flesh of their comrades.

"The Dragon Lord the Dragon Lord told us to come and if we found Greg we were to kill him!" The remaining ones still standing yelled out.

I didn't respond to that, I just turned to my mates and Spike. "We're going home now," Is all I said as I turned and headed back to the forest the other following me.

"That son of a worm when I get my claws on him!" Bahamut roared after his daughters and their mate was gone.

"Now, my love, we don't know if what they say is true," Celestia said trying to calm her husband. But it it is then he will fell the full force of Equestria and the sun," She said for a moment appearing as Daybreaker. But for now, let us gather these misguided souls and take them to Canterlot and inform their respected countries of their imprisonment,"

With that, the Guards began rounding them up and placing them in chains. as this was happening Luna had departed to seek out her herd to see that they were ok.

Walking there the forest no one said a word all of them too afraid to have Greg snap at them as he still was letting off a small amount of the Nightmare Force.

"Why, why does stuff like this hafta happen, I finally found a place to call home surrounded by the ones I love?" I said stopping in the middle of the trail slumping down.

It was Spike who spoke up. "Listen I know it seems like life is dealing you a bad hand all of the time but you can't give up you have a family to take care of and this spring it's going to get bigger when the eggs hatch and if you think about it you're bringing back a long-lost race that was revered for their power and wisdom," He said looking up at me smiling.

"He is right our love you are needed and we love you no matter what," The girls all said making me feel better.

Canterlot Throne Room

So it is true Scorch is responsible for this attack but would it be wise for us to declare war on the Dragonlands?" Celestia asked looking at her husband.

"We don't have to, in fact, there away we can beat him without fighting," Wrath said as she stepped into the throne room.

"How can we do that mother?" Bahamut said as he greeted his mother with a cheek nuzzle.

"Simple you send him a letter detail the knowledge of the attack and to prevent a war demand an Obsidme Tibutum in the form of his daughter Ember," Warth said looking at them with a devilish grin.

"Wait, he has a daughter what Darkena in her right mind would want to have a coward like him as a mate?" Bahamut said in shock at finding out about the Dragon Lord.

"It was a forced mating," She said with a growl. "It's the only way other than an all-out war,"

"Very well but if we do this then I want her to be under the protection of Spike," Celestia said looking at her husband and mother in law.

That evening in the Dragonlands a roar and plume of flames rose up into the sky. "Curse you Celestia you fatass cow!" Scorch roared after being given the letter of the demands for peace by Celestia to him from Wrath once more in disguise.

"Forgive me my lord but we do not see any other option other than all-out war the Princess even said no harm will come to your daughter and she will be taken care of by one of Celestia most trusted allies," Warth said hiding a smirk on her face under the hood. "Or would you prefer to send your dragons to their death we would surely lose, oh, great and wise Scorch,"

"So be it, have her be ready to leave by dawn but Warth you are to accompany her as her guard and report back any information you can gather understood<" Scorch growled at the idea of handing his daughter over to ponies as a way to prevent a war.

"As you wish my lord," Warth said bowing only she was laughing on the inside as the first stage of her plan had been taken.

The next morning the house was awakened by Spike belching out a letter from the princesses.

"Dude that can't be healthy," I said as Spike unrolled the letter to read it.

"Used to it besides that flame can't even light a match," He said as he began reading the letter out loud.

Dear Everyone...

I am glad you are all safe and healthy after what had happened yesterday and I know most of you are still upset.

But I only hope you do not let your anger consume you for I bring you news.

We have proven that Dragon Lord Scorch was the one behind everything that has happened we have found a way to prevent an all-out war between our lands.

That is by an old custom by the means of one side giving up a high-level hostage to maintain peace this individual will remain with us until such time has been decided for their return home.

Now you are wondering why I have sent this letter to you explaining this, for the one chosen is Scorches own daughter Princess Ember and I have decided that she will be under your care Spike with the help of Greg and my daughters as well as Barb.

I only hope that with all of you she will understand what true honor and compassion are.

Now I know that Spike is reading this letter out loud and for the rest, I ask that only he and Greg be privy to what is read next.

At that spike and I move away from the others to finish the letter.

Now Greg I know you must be confused about this and truly think I do not care for you but you are wrong you are more dear to me than just the mate of my daughters you are my son and I only ask that you give this young drakena a chance.

As for you Spike when Ember arrives in four days you must challenge her for superiority and win.

I know you must be confused at this moment but please understand if you, no, when you win Ember will be subjugated to you and by the dragonlaw becomes your second mate.

Please, Spike, I know you have grieves about this but it is the only way to end Scorches actions against all of Equestria and its inhabitants.

After he finished reading Spike and I just looked at each other without saying a word I could see the gears in his head begin to turn then the realization hit and the guy fell back on his butt.

"What is she thinking I mean I already have Barb does she really think I need another mate so soon?" Spike said looking up at me.

I didn't get a chance to answer him as barb came over picking up the letter and reading it herself only to stand there with an unrecognizable expression on her face.

"Barb sweetie um you ok?" Spike asked his mate as he slowly moved towards her.

"Fine, if she wants this to happen that's fine, but I'll be damned if little miss princess thinks she'll be top drakena in our family I and Ava first mother and I laid our first egg so that makes me in charge," Barb said as she walked back over to the nest picking up Ava and holding her on her hip looking back at Spike.

"Absolutely, of course, no question about that," Spike said after I bumped him to say something.

"Well said my good Drake and remember never let them see you sweat it'll bring out the Beast in them," I said only to feel four icy stares from my not so amused mates I just stood there looking at them before I turned gabbing Spike and high tailed it out of there.

"And where do you think you're going?' Draca roared at me.

"Spike and I were going to the gem fields remember, don't wait up I love you," I said without missing a beat as I ran faster than ever before with Spike hanging on to my arms for dear life.

Standing there Draca could only smile as she watched her mate and little brother race off she then thought about what was in the letter and knowing that the young Ember is in for a wild ride, especially with this family.