• Published 30th Jun 2017
  • 14,409 Views, 166 Comments

Indominus Equestria - Gravestone

Went to a costume party dressed as an Indominus Rex wound up in Equestria as said dinosaur. YAY ME

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Chapter Four

When morning came Greg was the first to awaken lifting his head he looked at the sleeping forms of the others internally smiling he just wanted to stay there until everyone would wake up greeting each of them. But unfortunately, his bladder had other ideas getting up was a little difficult due to the fact that the drakena all chose to lay on him because of his high body heat. Taking great care he moved all of them off with some sleeping grumbles of protests finally free Greg quietly made his way outside. Feeling the cool of the morning as the sun started to rise over the horizon Greg shook himself fully awake.

"Man, this is nice and all but I really got to go," He said to himself feeling the pressure building.

Hurrying along Greg made his way to the forest the rest next to the apple orchard. Stepping over the fence he made his way inside the forest only stopping when he knew he was far enough away. Taking one last look around to make sure he was alone before he squatted down and let nature take its course. Doing his business he looked over to see a Timberwolf step out of the bushes only to sniff the air and hide its nose in the ground before turning and running off.

"I don't know what you're complaining about you smells like a rotting skunk carcass in a compost heap?" Greg yelled at the retreating wolf.

After he was done Greg stood up and turned to leave but then he saw what he was leaving behind and he could only say one thing.

Yes, I know a curse word but if you had seen what was there you would say the same thing.

Heading back to the Apple family farm Greg caught the smell of something that made his mouth water the scent of live prey. Activating camouflage he slowly and carefully crept closer to the scent. Looking over the bushes that separated him from the smell Greg looked down to see a large flock or group of Cockatrice but there was something of about this group for one they were larger than the one he saw when he first arrived. Then it hit him they were roosters strutting for dominance. Deciding to wait and see who would be the cock of the walk so to speak Greg stood there absolutely still and watched as one after the other tried and failed to take over from this large one the size of it was about as tall as Celestia. He watched as they would face off staring down one another and the loser would be turned to stone temporarily. After the contest, the victors would all leave in the direction of the hens more than likely and the losers stayed put. Knowing it was now or never Greg moved in still in camouflage he crept closer to them until he was only a step or two away. Dropping Camouflage he let out a low roar which surprised his prey giving him enough time to attack. Reaching down with his claws he pinned two of them to the ground adding some weight until he felt bone break as he did this he opened his mouth and snatched three of them biting down killing them. Some of the Cockatrice tried to fight back but a well-placed tail swing or a stomp of his feet changed that. All in all, out of the fifty or sixty that were there only twelve managed to get away the rest laid dead or dying around him.

Greg stood there and looked at what he had done he started to shake in fear thinking that he let a monster loose if it did this then it would hurt Fluttershy and all of his friends. But logic hit him it wasn't a monster he wasn't going to turn into a heartless killing machine it was what needed to be done he now had mates to take care of a family that needed food. These things didn't talk like the ponies so it was ok they were just dumb animals prey for him to hunt. After thinking it through logically he knew he was right deep down he knew he would never attack or kill any creature that was sentient or that could speak unless they would cause harm to him or his friends and family then all bets were off. Looking once again Greg felt proud at what he had done he had hunted for the first time and was able to gather so much at one time most of them were the size of Big Mac. He went around gathering up his catch making sure to quickly end the lives of those suffering, with a chomp to the head then he would pile them up. He was about to begin eating when the idea of surprising the girls hit him.

"Ok now how am I going to get them here to eat I can't leave or some other predator will get all of this?" Greg thought to himself then an idea hit him he's part raptor maybe he could use their calls.

Greg closed his eyes and took a deep breath then he threw his head back and let out the call.

He waited but didn't hear any reply and was going to try again until the sound of large wings flapping caught his attention. Looking up to the sky Greg could see all four Darkena coming into land.

" We heard your call what happen are you hurt?" Freya asked coming over to look Greg over.

"What, no I'm fine I was calling for you to come and eat I got us a meal," Greg said shaking his head as he moved to the side to show the pile of fresh meat.

The sisters all blushed at this seeing as when a Drake wants to court a female he would bring her something he killed as a sign that he can provide for her and they're young. But what Greg did was something no dragon would ever think of doing there in a pile was over thirty cockatrice roosters. The hens are fine because all they can do is that turning to stone thing but the males are venomous one bite can put a full-grown dragon out of action for a few days. Here is their mate, with not a scratch on him standing next to a pile of the only creature that even the DragonLord would steer clear of.

"Sisters, I will say this, our Greg is truly amazing with this we will not need to hunt or feed for a week," Draca said as she walked up to Greg and kissed his cheek.

The others followed and kissed him also before going over to feast on one or more of the deadliest creatures in Equestria. Greg sighed deeply before joining them. Stepping up to the pile he opened his mouth and lifted a whole bird thing into it taking three to four chops before swallowing the mouthful.

Triva looked at him in shock still holding the bird with only a quarter of it eaten before shrugging her shoulders.

"Um, what happened to Spike and the CMC?" I asked the girls as they sat around the food eating.

"They stayed at the barn when we heard your call they wanted to come but, we thought it could be dangerous if you like we could go get them?" Kirin asked as she was about to put down her third bird.

"No, it's fine in fact I think it would b best for them not to see this well not until they're older," I said waving a claw to them.

Draca did decide to fly back and tell them that we were going to stay out here for a while to get to know each other better. I had no problem with that but I felt something was off but not in a bad way, in fact, it was really nice especially the smell of all four of them.

"Wait what am I thinking why do I care that they smell like fresh baked cookies or a field of flowers and oh sweet Celestia they're in heat and I'm getting horny." I thought to myself only to hear a strange voice.

Greg will be blue and the voice will be brown.

I have to stop thinking like that but man they got a nice sway in their hips.

Yeah I know right?

Who said that?

Just call me Popeye or the one-eyed monster.

Pop who monster what where are you?

Don't worry about that for now just listen I know what you're feeling is confusing you. But you got to understand that you are a highly intelligent creature that will always use logic and reason. That being said even when you were human you still had baser instincts and they stayed with you. These being food shelter and companionship.

What are you getting at?

Just that if you keep following them like this they're going to know that you're ready to start mating with them.


Look between your legs moron.

Hear that part I fearfully stopped and looked only to pop my head back up and my entire body turned red not only from the dinosaur size erection I was sprouting but the girls had to turn around at that exact moment and see it as well.
Kill me now world just strike me dead.

But they did say anything. All they did was smile at me and turn back around continuing to walk putting a little more sway in their hips and lifting their tails higher in the air. I just stood there my logical mind trying to figure things out but again instincts took over and it didn't bother me as much. After all, they didn't have clothes on either nor did the ponies although Fluttershy and the others don't look as sexy as these four fertile scaly beauties in front of me. We walked all day around the Everfree Forest talking about normal everyday things and yes we did talk even though it was difficult sometimes. During our walk, we came to a place that seemed so familiar to me. There stood a line of trees in a semicircle with a thick canopy covering half of the center in shade. The base of the trees had a massive tangle of thorn bushes wrapped around them making a natural wall only having one opening. looking around it had enough cover above as well as around leaving the opening just big enough for me to slip through it was the perfect place to raise a family. But why did this place feel so right and why would I think of it. I closed my eyes and thought back to why did this place look so familiar and then it hit me my dream this place was in my dream.

"Draca could one of you fly up and see how far we are from Ponyville?" I asked as Triva took off only to return.

Triva pointed to her left "We are four miles away if you follow this trail it will take you straight there,"

" Why did you want to know that?" She asked looking at me while tilting her head.

I looked up to the sky and could see that the sun was setting and it would be too dark to travel the forest safely so I turned and enter the place in my dreams.

"I was just wondering since it's too late to head back now we might as well stay here for the night or forever and start our family," I said making all of them look at me.

I'm sorry but I don't think we heard that last part could you repeat it?" Draca said stepping closer to me.

"I said We could start our family if you want to?"

"What did he say he's going to have to speak up," Kirin said as all of them stepped closer.

Closing my eye I took a deep breath then something amazing happened music there was music. I looked at each of them and knew it so turning around I walked inside our new home stopping in the center and I began to sing.


During this, each of them blushed and also entered what is now our home and lowered themselves down while they raised their tales out of the way reading themselves for what was to happen. So taking the initiative I moved to Draca first seeing as she was the eldest and began our mating. I'm not going to go it to the details but I will say this the entire town of Ponyville and all of Canterlot, were awaken by four young Drangonesses or Drakenas experiencing their first orgasms from mating.
it sounded almost like this.

In their rooms, three individuals had different reactions. In Canterlot Celestia had a smug grin while Luna held an expression of concern. In Ponyville, Fluttershy was sitting in her bed blushing heavily saying Oh My.

After our coitus, we laid down to sleep the four of them huddled together while I wrapped around them again but this time I moved in as close as I could, letting my body heat keep them warm and feel safe. Knowing full well that now my little swimmers were making their way to at least two dozen Oocyte to become fertilized eggs. Our unborn hatchling, our young, children, our family and with that I closed my eyes drifting off to sleep praying that nothing will stop me from true happiness.

As I slept I felt myself floating looking around I noticed that I was in a void of white. I walked around trying to find any sign of life as I did I noticed that I was walking straight like a human. I looked down and saw, in fact, I was human.

"Wait this can't be right was all of that a dream or is this the dream?" I asked myself only to get the answer from the only person I mean pony who would know.

"This is indeed a dream Greg and might I say you are not what I expected to be the conscious mind of that," Luna said pointing to the large form standing behind me.

I turn to look and see the Indominus Rex standing there not moving it looked like a statue. I walked around it admiring the sheer size and power it had.

"I don't understand what's going on?" I said looking at Luna.

"As I said this is a dream but this kind of dream is where the aspects of the mind are allowed to explore on their own. She said looking from me the I. Rex. " But it seems that you are the only aspect that exists this is quite strange."

"Why is it strange haven't you seen others like this," I asked while gesturing to me being the only other one there.

"No, and that is what troubles me you see all minds possess four aspects the good, evil, logic, and instinct. Yet you are the only one present. May I ask to which aspect you belong to?" Luna asked stepping closer to me.

I was about to say something when the sound of laughter could be heard. It wasn't the funny kind but the evil one you know like Mawhahahahaha Mawhahahahah and every time there was laughter thunder and lightning happened. Luna and I turned to look in the direction of the laughter to see the silhouette of an imposing figure with a sword. We watched as it moved closer only to realize that the figure wasn't growing but was shirking. when out of the darkness stepped the evil or as I like to call him Chibi me. Not joking the guy was a foot and a half tall he was my polar opposite in every way. I have short black hair his was white and long. I wear lighter colored clothes he's dressed in black. I stand there unarmed he is brandishing a Nerf Sword. I am serious as a heart attack it was on the blade N-E-R-F.

"Hey, why aren't you cowering in fear for I am evil Greg?" Chibi me said as he walked over to Luna and I.

Before I could say anything Luna Squeed and picked up the little guy hugging him. "Oh aren't you the cutest thing," She said holding him like a baby only for him to look at me for help.

"Luna, I think it would be a good idea to put evil down it's kind of embarrassing," I said looking at the Moon Princess.

"Fine but he's just so cute," She said pouting as she put him down.

"Next time you do that I will cleave your head from your body," Evil said pointing the nerf sword at Luna.

"Now, now Evil there is no reason to threaten our guest, after all, we are in the presets of royalty," A voice said making its self know.

I had to do a double-take at what I saw. It was a man-size Indominus Rex wearing a tie with a monocle and carrying a pipe. The dino made its way over to us every so often taking a puff from the pipe.

"Ah, you must be logic it is nice to meet you?" Luna said stepping up to greet the new arrival.

The Dino bowed low before rising to look the Princess in the eyes. "Alas no your Highness I am not logic but Instinct for you see since our arrival to this world Logic has not been its self as of late," Instinct said showing us a form in a full-body cast.

"Yeah you should have seen it, the guy couldn't take it with everything going on but mostly with that pink fourth wall breaker so he rage quit and picked a fight with the emotions, and let's just say this love and lust are one hell of a tag team," Evil said as he started to laugh.

"So let me get this straight Your evil and your instinct?" I said pointing to the two as they both nodded and if that is logic then what am I?" I said raising my hands into the air.

"My good man, you must calm yourself," Instinct said taking a puff from his pipe.

"Yeah dude, chillax no need to blow a gasket," Evil said waving his hands in the air. " Now, you may think that you're good but you're not, you are the remainders of Humanity."

"What my diminutive friend here means is you are the soul well half of it," Instinct said stepping closer. " What I mean is you are the masculine half and the feminine half is sleeping right now she will only awaken when you turn female."

"I do not understand what do you mean when he turns female how is that possible?" Luna said stepping closer to me.

"Remember when I said that I was genetically created?" I asked her and she nodded. "Well, the ones that made mean had to use frog DNA to fill in the missing pieces and there are certain frogs that can change their sex from male to female or vice-versa if the population is more one-sided."

"That is amazing I wonder if that could be used with ponies as our ratio is One to Six in favor of mares?" Luna asked thinking about how to help her ponies.

"Hell instead of messing with their genes why not look for a spell to turn them into Hermaphrodites you know make them stallion and mare that way they can.... " Evil started saying before he realized the very bad idea he just gave the Moon Princess. " You know what forget everything I just said, Hehe, it was a joke you know comedy."

Luna wasn't listening to him, in fact, she was just standing there with a gleam in her eye I was going to get her attention when I felt the world around me begin to shift. Everything around me was becoming distorted as a wall of white engulfed me. Seconds later I opened my eyes to be greeted by the sight of my four drakena mates looking down at me.

Good morning ladies," I said as I started to stand up only to have Draca stop me.

"Now, Greg I know you want to help us with everything but there are some things that only females can do," She said giggling which only made me look at her puzzled.

"What are you talking about?" I asked when movement caught my eye. I turned to look and see the other's busy building nests. "Wait why are you building them now it's not like you already to lay..." I said as I saw Draca move over to one of the nests straddling it.

I got up and moved over closer to them to watch as the others also straddled their nest and with content faces began to lay their clutches of eggs. Staring in amazement as one football-sized egg was deposited into each nest at a time. When it was done they each laid six eggs each ranging from green, silvery-white, and some black with red splotches. They also looked like they were covered in scales seeing all of it I remembered seeing this before in my dreams but that dream felt sad like something was missing but I couldn't quite tell what it was. After their ordeal, I went to each one and kissed her showing them that I do love them for their hard work in bringing our young into this world. Stepping back I looked around and nodded my head.

"This is our home and here we will have a rookery that will put the Dragon lands to shame," I said looking at my four beautiful mates and mothers of my hatchlings.

I felt something light hit my head looking up I saw clouds rolling in. A storm was coming and I knew the girls would be too tired to move from the nests if it started raining. So thinking fast I looked out side of our home and saw large ferns going out there I began grabbing them with my claws and mouth making sure not to swallow any due to them being poisonous. I then carried back inside to each nest with my mouth full I couldn't speak so I had to shove Triva off her nest. She was about to protest when she saw me lay the ferns down over the eggs covering them from the weather and potential egg thieves.

"The canopy above us with the ferns will keep the eggs safe and dry," I said after my mouth was emptied. And best parts are these ferns give off heat consistently and picking them also clears up any blind spots out side," I said pointing to the now open area.

I repeated the process for the others and even grabbed large ferns to use as covers for them. Thanking me for the gifts Draca, Triva, Kirin, and Freya all kissed me as I covered each of them. Seeing that they were safe and dry I went to do my duty of protecting my family. Moving over to the opening I lowered down so I was comfortable but still able to move quickly. I began scanning the area for threats using my senses to their highest. I could hear as a family of Manticores ran for cover from the rain and I could smell a dragon. No four of them and their close just beyond the trees my eyes focused on them and I saw they were not much older than Spike. I looked directly at them giving off a vibe that said I will kill you if you don't leave now. With that, they all took off and I was hoping that was the last I saw of them.

Dragons POV

"Gable, do you see what we see?" A pink colored dragon whispered.

"Shut up dingus or it'll hear us," The one called Garble said snapping at the pink-colored dragon.

"Come on I thought we were going to bug that pony-loving freak Spike not spy on a Drake and his mates?" A brown fat dragon said crossing its arms.

"Does that look like a drake to you shell for brains?" Garble said pointing at Greg as he was gathering up ferns.

"Well it doesn't matter what it is because it knows we're here look," The pink one said pointing towards Greg as he stared at the young dragons making all of them cower in fear.

"Come on let's get back to the DragonLands and tell Fire Lord Scorch about this," Garble said as he took off into the sky followed by the others.

Gregs POV

"Good, they're gone I don't know why but I just felt if they would have stayed any longer I would have done something to them that would have been unpleasant. Now after the rain stops, I go out and get some food for us all." I thought to myself.

I readjusted myself only to pick up a very familiar scent turning my head I looked to see Spike standing off in the distance carrying an umbrella. He just stood there looking at me with sad but curious eyes.

"Hey, Spike come on over I want you to meet them," I said to the little dragon. "Come on it's alright," I said waving my claw to him.

Seeing this he smiled as he made his way over to me we greeted each other with a head nudge and fist bump before I took him over to the girls and the nests. The girls carefully uncovered each nest to show Spike the precise treasures within them.

"Wow, so this is your family/" Spike asked as he gently touched each egg.

" No this is our family Spike because you are a part of it as well remember?" Draca said as she nuzzled Spike which the others did as well making Spike blush.

After thinking for a moment Spike smiled. "Yeah you're right I guess when the hatch I'll be call Uncle Spike," He said smiling making the girls giggle.

"Whatever you say, Uncle Spike," I said before I started talking in a serious tone. But I want to ask something of you something very important," I said making him look at me. "Now what I'm about to say may sound weird and scary to you but I wouldn't ask if I didn't have faith in you,"

'Sure what ever it is I'll do it you have my word as a dragon," Spike said standing as tall as he could.

"If anything happens to me or the girls I want you to promise that you will help raise the hatchlings as if they were your own," I said making Spike fall on his butt in shock. "Well what do you say, Spike, will you do this for me for us?"

Spike just sat there before standing back up looking at the girls then at me and then the eggs he smiled shaking his head yes.

"Thank you, Spike," I said as Draca and the others picked him up and each gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Now that, that is settled can I ask why you came out here while it was raining?" I asked for Spike to jump down from Triva arms and run over to the opening to pull in a cart full of gems.

"Well, I was going to give you guys this yesterday but I forgot so I figured I do it today but when I got here it started raining, and then..." Spike said before I raised my claw to him.

"I think I get it and thank you, Spike, for this and how about you and the girls enjoy your treat and after the rain stops I take you back to Twilights that way you and I can talk some more?" I said as Spike just turned and dove into the cart to come up with a mouth full of gems looking like they were his teeth.

I smiled as I watched the young Drake and four Drakena mothers sitting around the cart eating the gems like you would a bowl of M&Ms or popcorn.

True to my word when it stopped raining I carried Spike back to Twilights place but unfortunately Spike fell asleep so there was nothing we could talk about. Well, maybe next time.

Canterlot Castle

"Oh, come on Tai why not we both know that it would help stabilize the population," Luan said stomping her hoof.

"I am sorry Luna but I will not help you turn some of our mare population into Hermaphrodites even if we were on the verge of extinction," Celestia said looking at her sister with a little concern.

Why not what wrong with it, if it saves our ponies I say we at least try besides I've seen how you been eyeing your Aid Quick Quill now just picture her or you or both with a hefty stallions member, oh the fun you two could have," Luna said nudging her sister.

Celestia was about to say something when the mare in question entered the throne room to drop off some more paperwork after finishing that she turned to leave only to stop and bend over to pick up a piece of paper. Giving Celestia a perfect view of the mare's sexy bits before leaving the room. Licking her lips at the site Celestia turned to look at her sister who was sporting a devilish grin.

"Maybe we could talk about this idea of yours a little more and perhaps we could try a few experiments just to see if it is plausible," Celestia said as she shifted in her seat giving off the scent of a lust-filled mare.

"Sure Tai what ever you say," Luna said as she left the room with a triumphant smile on her face until a thought entered her mind. " I wonder if Twilight Sparkle would like to help with this experiment, in fact, I wonder what it would feel like to pound that plot of hers and fill it with a huge load of foal batter," Luna thought licking her lips before he shook the thought from her mind repeating. Not now Luna not now.