• Published 30th Jun 2017
  • 14,412 Views, 166 Comments

Indominus Equestria - Gravestone

Went to a costume party dressed as an Indominus Rex wound up in Equestria as said dinosaur. YAY ME

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Chapter Five

It has been a week since the girls and I have started our family and the eggs are doing fine, in fact, most of them are going to be female which means when they're gone up their first clutch of eggs are going to be just like them, dinosaurs. The only problem is are my young going to be like me, an Indominus Rex or are they going to be made up of all the different types of dinosaurs that I'm made of which would be really cool if that happens and are they going to be kind hearted like their mothers and I or they going to be, no I not going to think of that right now. I learned that it will take about 3 months for the eggs to hatch so that gives us enough time to think of how we're going to teach the hatchlings how to be kind and caring to others and love each other as a family should.

I did learn from Luna when she would visit that there were Sauropods and Hadrosaurs deeper in the Everfree Forest but unlike the other creatures, these were more like real dinosaurs with basic instincts. The only thing was they were armored like most herbivores during the time of the dinosaurs so they had either plates, spikes, or horns. But most of them were slower and not as dangerous as a Hydra seeing as they were as big as a bull elephant. So I talked it over th the girls and Fluttershy and we all agreed that it would be best if we hunted them instead of the other animals of the forest. So Fluttershy volunteered to watch over the eggs while we went hunting and I have to say that actually going out and hunting was fun but the meat was the best part it was so good like eating a premium steak.

Like I was saying it has been a week and things were going fine even the CMC would visit. The fun part of their visit was when they tried to get their cutie marks as Dino and Dragon Riders but that didn't work out so well though it was fun even the girls loved it. The other thing they did was somehow they talked their teacher into bringing their class out to visit us and to learn about dinosaurs and dragons. And let's just say there were two little fillies who's attitudes changed for the better after that visit. But not everything was so good yesterday Spike showed up carrying a large pack and looking really upset. It turns out he had a really big fight with Twilight and the others about something and just packed up and left he did leave a note telling them where he was going but said that it will be a while before he would come back.

So here we are now I decided to stay at what I have dubbed the Nesting Grounds while Draca and the others took Spike out for his first hunt. I do hope he doesn't freak out or get sick from it. As I was saying I chose to stay behind and tend to the nests when I picked up a scent looking to the opening I saw Twilight standing there looking depressed.

"Good morning Twilight what brings you here or do I already know that answer?" I said as I made my way over to her before lowering down to the ground.

"Morning Greg, is Spike here by any chance?" She asked with a little hope in her eyes.

"I'm sorry but he's out with Draca and the others right now I think they're teaching him some dragon stuff?" I said not wanting to tell her the truth knowing full well she would freak out.

"Oh ok then well I see you later," She said as she turned and started walking away as tears were falling from her eyes.

I reached out and put my claw in front of her. "Twilight please don't cry I know Spike misses you too but could you tell me why this all happened and maybe I can help you two out," I said making her turn to look at me.

"Ok I try, you see it happened three days ago when Princess Luna came to me about an experiment that could help the decreased stallion population and we discussed it in detail of selecting viable mares to be turned into Hermaphrodites due to the fact that unlike other creatures pony mares genes are more predominant making foals born at a 90% chance of being a filly. But a Hermaphrodite as one of the parents there would be a fifty-fifty chance a colt would be born. But that's not the reason why Spike left, you see we, I mean Luna and I were so eager to see if it was possible that we tried it out and we decided that Luna would be the one to turn. It was amazing and it worked it really worked Luna had grown the sex organs of a stallion but that's where everything went wrong. Rarity had shown up after the spell was cast and you see being that close to her made both of us enter estrus and we kind of started rutting right there. Unfortunately, Spike walked in on us in the middle of Luna and Rarity then he saw it as Luna filled her with enough sperm to make sure Rarity was pregnant. I don't know what to do I knew Spike had a crush on her for a long time but after that, he was so mad and the things he said to all three of us hurt. I know we hurt him too but the estrus was so strong none of us could control ourselves and if I could I would go back in time and made it that none of it had happened." Twilight said as tears began falling from her eyes the way Pinkie cries.

"Twilight I didn't know," Spike said standing right behind her. " It's just when I saw what was happening I was so hurt you knew how I felt about Rarity and you just stood there and let it happened and I know it wasn't your fault but it still hurts and it's going to take me some time to get over it so just know that I'll always be your number one assistant and come by to help around the castle but I think it would be best if I stay here for a while," Spike said as he began hugging the still crying mare.

"Thank you, Spike and I understand so take all the time you need," Twilight said as she hugged him one more time.

Looking down at the two of them I felt happy that they made up before a thought hit me and I looked at Spike. " Say Spike I thought you were with Draca and the others what happened?"

"Oh hehe yeah um I was told to come and tell you that we got some food," Spike said blushing while he rubbed the back of his head.

I smiled at him but then we all heard a roar coming from the forest. I knew what it was a distress call from the girl's something was wrong. I got up and started running in the direction of the call. I didn't realize that Twilight and spike were following me but at that moment I didn't care. As I tore through the forest I kept wondering what was wrong but then I started picking up a scent that made me move faster. The scent of blood but not any blood it was dragon blood and there was a lot of it. I don't know how fast I was moving but nothing stood in my way trees and boulders were destroyed but I didn't care I had to get to them.

I finally reached my destination and what I saw was unreal so much so that I couldn't believe it there on the ground where my four mates each covered in blood and not moving. But standing over them were two dragons almost my size and they were looking down at them with toothy grins. I just stood there watching as one of them walked over to my mate Triva picking her up by the throat and laughing at her.

"You traitors got what you deserve mating with a freak Lord Scorch told you to return back to the Dragonlands but you refused now that we took care of you all we have to do is find your nests and destroy those cursed eggs," It said throwing her lifeless body to the ground.

Seeing this and hearing what it said all my anger from how my family treated me to every other time I was picked on came to the surface and all I wanted to do was kill, kill them both. Something happened to me I wasn't thinking anymore all I could see was complete darkness around me. Letting out the most fearsome roar filled with every bit of rage I had in me I charged at them and everything went black.

Twilight's POV

We heard the roar and I saw Greg get up and start running I looked to spike as he also was running in the same direction. Thinking fast I cast a spell to hide the nest from predators. before I turned and flew after them picking up Spike along the way.

"Spike, what the buck is going on what was that roar?" I asked as I picked him up and flew faster to catch up to Greg.

" That was a distress call the girl's they're in danger we got to help them!" Spike yelled as I saw tears forming in his eyes.

Luckily for me, Greg made it easy for me to keep up with him as I flew faster than I ever have before. As we were getting closer I started to smell something it was strong and kept getting stronger. Oh, sweet Celestia, it was blood I could smell blood a lot of it and it was coming from the direction we were heading. As I made my way there dark and fearful thoughts kept popping in my head but I pushed them back knowing that Greg would need my help. As I was about to catch up to him I saw that he stopped and just stood there. Then I heard it, the most terrifying sound ever coming from Greg.

Ater that all I saw was him moving charging at these two dragons and I didn't know why until I saw the bodies of Draca, Triva, Kirin, and Freya all lying lifeless. Then I knew what was happening Greg was in raged and nothing was going to stop him he was going to kill them for what they had done. As I watched Greg tear those dragons apart I felt Spike jump off my back and start heading over towards the fighting I called out to him but then I saw he was heading over into another direction where a young dragon was standing.

Spikes POV

I knew something was wrong when Draca told me to head back to Greg but it didn't occur that we were in danger until I heard the roar. As Twilight and I caught up to Greg and I saw what had happened I was so angry with myself for not trusting my instincts and for not being strong enough to help. Then I looked over to the side I saw him the same dragon that has pushed me down pick on me and treated me like I was nothing. Garble he was here and I knew he had something to do with this. Jumping off Twi's back I started running at him ignoring her calls to me I wanted to know why he did this to my best friend and my family.

"Garble!" I roared as I jumped at him hitting my head into his stomach making him fall back down." How could you do this why!" I yelled as I began punching him with all my strength.

Garble was surprised by Spike's attack and the hit and falling down hurt more than anything but what he had seen beforehand was much worst. So he just lied there and let Spike keep punching him knowing that this pain was nothing compared to what he and the ancient lord were going through.

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry I didn't know they were going to do this they said they just wanted to talk to the Drakena's I didn't know I'm sorry," Was all Garble thought to himself over and over. Until the beating stopped and he looked through his one good eye as the other one was swollen shut to see Spike floating above him in a purple glow. He turned his head to see a pony using it's magic to lift Spike off of him and bring him closer to it. But how he felt right now he wished that she would have just let Spike kill him.

The Everfree Forest POV

Greg let out a thunderous roar and charged at the two dragons his eyes were colored blood red and his skin an almost black in color making him look as if he had crawled out of Tartarus itself. For at that moment he was a demon bent on revenge for the deaths of his mates. Even the creatures of the forest knew the danger of the MONSTER that had come.


The mighty Hydras dug themselves deep into the waters of Froggy Bottom Bog. The Timberwolves huddled together in their dens hoping that it would end soon even the fearsome Manticores coward inside caves whimpering like kittens. But luckily for them, this rage filled being only had its eyes set on two foes no they were its prey and he was going to make sure they never lived to see another sunrise. The Beast attacked with such speed and ferocity that the two seasoned dragons were caught unprepared. The first to feel pain we shall call Red was so strong the sound of his ribs snapping like twigs could be heard hundreds of yards away. Red tried to roar in pain but was unable due to the fact his entire head was in the mouth of the beast and it was closing it down on him. Red tried to squirm and thrash about but to no avail and with a loud crunch his life ended. The beast without care finished the job and severed the crushed skull from the now still body eating it. The second dragon we shall call Blue stood there in awe at the site before his own fight or flight instincts took over. Spreading his wings he readies himself for flight looking once more in the direction of the beast only to see it had disappeared. Fear crept through Blue more fear then he felt when standing in the presence of the Dragonlord he knew he had to get away or end up like his companion. Blue ready himself but a roar of pain made him fall to the ground. Looking behind him, Blue saw the beast standing there with what was left of his wings. Yes, the beast moved quickly and got behind him tearing apart Blues wings. The pain was excruciating Blue felt tears well up in his eyes unlike Red blue was not thinking of his own death but of the lives, he would leave behind his mate and their hatchlings how would they survive without him.

"I'm sorry," He said as tears fell from his eyes thinking of his own family. "Please forgive me, my lord," He said again through tear filled eyes.

The beast stopped for a second only a second before he walked up to Blues head looking down at him with rage filled eyes that began to well with tears.

"No, no forgiveness you die like the other for what you did," The Beast said in a fearful growling voice. With that, he lifted his foot and placed it on Blues head ready to crush it.

The Beast began to press down the weight caused the horns on Blues head to crack and break off he roared again in pain when a claw pierced his eye making it worthless. He still didn't want to die but the realization of what he no they had done surfaced. Going against the ancient laws and listening to a foolish leader filled with hatred for the lords of old. Now he understood why Dinosaurs were so feared even to the strongest of dragons. A little more weight and Blue knew his life would be over.

" Gregory Gregorian stop this is not like you!" A voice called out from the sky.

The beast Gregory stopped at the call of his full name but his eyes were still blood red and filled with rage at what these dragons had done.

"Please, Gregory, I know you're angry I know you're hurting but this is not you please think what would Draca, Triva, Kirin, and Freya say if they were here to see this what will you tell your children," The Voice called out as the form of the Princess of the Night descended from the sky.

The Gregory looked up at the Alicorn of the Night only to be filled with rage once more roaring at her. "NO, they must pay they monsters took family away," Gregory roared at her.

"Yes my dear Greg they did something unforgivable but now they are not the monster here you are, look!" Luna screamed as she made a large mirror appeared in front of Greg so he could see what he had become.

Looking at the reflection Greg was horrified at the monster staring back at him and he stepped away from Blue as tears flowed from his eyes before exhaustion took over and he fell asleep still crying. The Greg the King of the Ancient Lords lied down as his color returned to normal and cried for the loss of his mates the mothers of his young. But within Greg, something was happening he began to change in his heart he knew what it was the eggs the hatchlings would not be without a mother for Greg shall be what he was truly created as a female able to be the mother that his no her hatchlings would need.

Greg began to stir and opening her she saw her friends standing there Luna, Twilight, and Spike. But she knew she couldn't talk to them now not how much she hurt so without a word she stood up and turned heading back to the nesting Grounds and her eggs. Twilight tried to say something but Spike put his claw on her shoulder stopping her.

"I think he needs some time alone but don't worry I keep an eye on him," Spike said as he began to follow his friend home stopping only to look at Luna for a second and smiled at her letting her know he wasn't mad anymore.

Twilight and Luna just stood there watching the tow disappear into the forest before their focus was on the two dragons that were still alive. Both great beasts had fear in their hearts for what awaited them.

As Spike followed his friend he could help but wonder what would have happened if he was bigger and stronger could he have been able to help against those other drakes his thoughts were swept away when he heard Greg's voice call him but it sounded different somehow more like a girls voice than what Greg normally sounded like.

"What I sorry I wasn't listening sorry," Spike said looking down at the ground.

"I said thank you for coming with me I don't think I'd like to be alone right now," She said and Spike was sure of it Greg's voice did change.

" Wow what happen to your voice it sounds like a girl's now?" Spike said only to put his claw over his mouth.

"Well, I guess I should tell you the truth but for now could you call me GG I don't think Greg is appropriate anymore?" GG said as she turned to go into the nest as Spike followed her.

"Ok so what do you mean by the truth?" Spike asked as he watched GG look over the clutches of eggs.

" You see as I told Twilight and the others I was not born like this but made in a lab. But the Scientists that created me and the other Dinosaurs where I come from didn't have everything to create us so they used frog DNA and when they made all of us we were all female. But the frog they used could change its sex if there were more of one sex around so some of us changed to be male and the others stade female. That way we could reproduce on our own. But unfortunately, I was the only one of my kind. With that, I chose to be neutral meaning I would both male and female and not waiting until I found a viable mate. And when I met the... well I became full male but now the eggs need a mother to care for them so Greg is gone and GG is here." I said to Spike looking down at him as he thought over everything I said.

"I think I get it you mean since you're the only one of your kind you had to find either a guy or girl before you were whole?"Spike said looking up at me hoping he said it right.

"Well that's as close to it as you can get so yes," I said smiling at him before I started to cry. "But the thing is I'm afraid, I'm afraid that I can't take carry of the eggs by myself that I'll loose some if not all of them and then I'll be truly alone," I said as I laid down and cried.

Spike stood there seeing his friend just give up like that. Suddenly something inside of him ignited a flame more powerful than the sun. He walked over to GG placing his claw on her cheek.

You won't be alone because I'm going to be with you, He said as he felt himself grow and grow the memory of his greed came back but this time it wasn't greed it was, want, want to help someone he loved.

GG stopped crying turning to Spike and watched as he kept growing until he was as taller and bigger than she was.

"Spike how what happened to you?" GG asked as she stood up looking at the now full grown drake before her. Needless to say she blushed a little when she started to check him out.

"I don't know I grew, like this when my greed got really bad but this time it's not greed its want. I want to help you to be with you to protect the nest to be your mate your husband to be the father of these eggs our family," Spike said as he stood tall making GG look up to him with admiration and she couldn't believe it but love.

Yes love for the drake who had sworn to the hevens he would be there for her. Something warm was beginning to grow inside of GG and she knew what it was Spike was her mate and as such, she needed to make sure his genes would caring on. She walked over to him and nuzzled his neck before turning around and lower to the ground lifting her tail to the side as she looked back at Spike.

"Well If we are going to be a family we might as well make it official so come here and fertilize my eggs so I can make our family grow," GG said blushing.

Spike stood there for a second before his own instincts kick in moving over he began rubbing his claws over GG sides making her purr and bending down taking the back of her neck in his mouth biting down but not puncturing her scales before he got into position and began to mate. There in the so called forest of death two hearts bonded beneath the watchful eye of Luna's moon. GG new that within her was the first of many clutches of eggs she would have with her mate. The eggs that already rested in the Nesting Grounds would hatch to both a mother and father that would love and protect them as well as teach them what it means to be the bravest, wisest and most fearsome creatures in all of Equestria. DINOSAURS

Author's Note:

Don't worry this is not the last chapter there will be more.
But I have to say that was a real nightmare of a chapter to write.