• Published 30th Jun 2017
  • 14,412 Views, 166 Comments

Indominus Equestria - Gravestone

Went to a costume party dressed as an Indominus Rex wound up in Equestria as said dinosaur. YAY ME

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Chapter Three

The sun rises as a beam of light passes through the curtains of a young fillies room shining its life giving light right into her eyes. With a heavy groan, the filly rolls over, turning to face the wall trying to sleep once more. But sleep would not return to the filly as her bedroom door is forced open and an orange mare walks inside the room.

"Come on Apple Bloom it's time to get up I know schools out for summer vacation but that don't mean you get to stop doing your chores," The orange mare now recognized as Applejack said pulling the blanket off the filly.

"I know but I wish you'd let me sleep just a little longer Applejack," Apple Bloom said as she slowly got out of her bed.

"Well the sooner ya get your chores done the sooner Y'all can go crusading with Y'alls friends now get up," Applejack said as she was leaving the room.

Hearing this Apple Bloom got up quickly and made her way downstairs for breakfast. After a healthy meal with her family, she went out to do her chores, unfortunately, she didn't hear what her sister said about the large guest in the old barn. Otherwise, the screaming and destruction of property could have been avoided.

Let us paint a picture of the events, shall we?

Greg was sleeping peacefully inside the barn Winona had left earlier in the evening when she felt that Applejacks guest was comfortable opting to return to the house to sleep in her own dog bed. The eager filly hurried through her chores finishing all but one in record time the last one being the one she hated the most it involved going into the old barn and fetching the slop bucket for the pigs feed. She couldn't understand why it had to be put in the old scary barn and not in the one by the house. But Applejack explained that even if the washed the bucket every day it would still smell of slop so it had to be put in the old barn. Mind you the place was fine safe and sound but what Apple Bloom didn't like was the old doors never stayed open they would always close on their own.

So every time she went in there it would be dark and spooky. Taking a deep breath Apple Bloom opened the barn door and quickly made her way to where the bucket was hanging. But unlike any other time, the barn door did not shut all the way allowing a small amount of light to seep into the large room. Unkown to Apple Bloom, Greg was resting his head right next to the for mentioned bucket. He had been woken up by the filly when she opened the door due to his predatory eyes he could see clearly in the low light not only that he could smell her scent it was fear. Fear of the dark one Greg knew all too well even as an adult he still felt it the absence of light was just too unsettling. Don't be mistaken for fearing the night that Greg loved seeing the stars watching the phases of the moon but when everything was gone and only the emptiness of black was left Greg felt fear and he hated it.

Staying perfectly still Greg watched as Apple Bloom moved carefully to where the bucket was. Scanning the room the filly had the feeling of being watched this combined with the darkness made it difficult for her to move. As she walked the small amount of light was landing on her back this did not help due to the fact her body was casting a shadow so she chose to step to the side to allow the light to pass her and that's when it happened. Apple Bloom was only a few steps from the bucket when she saw the glimmer of something white. Stepping closer she saw more of them in a row they were long and pointy they looked like teeth. But that's impossible she thought to herself she looked around and there in the beam of light little Apple Bloom saw something that made her blood run cold. It was an eye, an eye of a monster it was big enough she could see her reflection. Greg stayed still his eye fixed to one point but the dry air of the barn was getting to him his eye was starting to itch and the only thing that could help was for him to blink so that's what he did. Apple Bloom looked at her reflection in the eye with silent fear but when the eye blinked she just knew there was nothing that she could do but scream. So taking in lungs full of air the little filly let out the loudest most ear piercing scream that Greg had ever heard. It was so loud that Applejack heard it and she was on the south forty while the barn was on the opposite side of the farm.

You know when you're watching a horror movie and it has jump scares you know there's going to be one coming and you're ready for it but when it comes you still jump. Well, that's what happened to Greg he knew the filly was going to scream but he wasn't ready for one of that magnitude. It startled him so much Greg stood up not like he would in his new body but as a human straight up. Doing this his head ripped through the roof of the barn and caused the building's stability to weaken to the point that it began to clasps. Quickly reacting Greg scoops up the still screaming filly in his large clawed hands and shields her as he tries to make his way out of the collapsing building. only to be stuck as the thing falls down on top of him. Applejack and her brother Big Mac alerted by the scream made their way to the barn to see it lay in rubble. Panic strikes them as there is no sight of their little sister or Greg. Then the sound of grunting can be heard as the debris begins to shift and with a roar, Greg emerges but no sign of Apple Bloom.

Greg steps out of the mess with his hands clasped around something and a muffled sound can be heard coming from them. Stepping over to Applejack Greg leans down and places his hands onto the ground slowly opening them to reveal a still screaming Apple Bloom. Surprised Greg closes his hands muffling the screams then opening them for the sound to intensify once again looking at his hands Greg chuckled to himself before looking at Applejack. Repeating the process of closing and opening his hands three times Applejack and Big Macintosh both understood what he saw was funny. But play time was over setting Apple Bloom down on the ground Greg stepped away to allow the mare and stallion to take care of the filly.

After calling her name the young filly finally stopped screaming and just passed out. Big Mac picked up his little sister and put her on his back and headed to the house leaving Greg and Applejack behind to just look at the pile of wood that was once a barn.
And that is how Greg met Apple Bloom.

"I'm really sorry about this Applejack I didn't mean to destroy your barn," I said looking, from the mess to the orange mare.

"Ah, shoot don't worry none sugarcube it was old, I'm just glad that you and Apple Bloom are safe and thanks for saving her by the way," Applejack said taking off her hat to look up at me.

"Well, I guess I should start cleaning this up?" I said as I moved over to grab some of the broken lumber.

"Now hold on there," Applejack said placing a hoof on my foot. "How 'bout we get you something to eat first do want ta start working on an empty stomach now do ya'?"

The mention of food made my stomach rumble which in turn caused my scales to turn red making Applejack laugh. We were about to head over to the other barn when four loud thuds were heard behind us. Turning around both of us stared in shock at what we saw standing there were four, well dragons each one about two-thirds my height but still there were four of them.

We watched as the ashy gray one stepped forward baring its teeth and claws growling at us or just me. Seeing this I could only think that they were looking for a fight. But I couldn't do it not here Applejack might get hurt or some other pony or animal. So turning I used my tail like a club and swung it striking the four knocking them down before I began to run away. I know it sounds like a coward to run but I saw a clearing in the distance and figured that it would be safer there to fight. The thing was I only got a few steps away when I heard the dragons speak.

"Ow, what in Celestia's name was that for?" One of the dragons asked in a feminine voice it was golden brown.

"Yeah, what happened Draca didn't you do the mating call correctly?' Another one of the dragons asked this one green as it tried to stand on wobbly legs.

"Maybe because he's an Ancient Lord their calls are different than dragons?" The ashy gray one now known as Draca said standing up and helping the one next to her up.

"Well, whatever just look at him he's perfect and did you see he can change colors and that tail was like getting hit by a boulder," The last one said standing up this one was light blue.

Hearing all of this I stopped and turned around slowly walking back over to them I looked down to see Applejack still standing there.

"What do you think they're talking about?" I asked leaning down to whisper in the mare's ear.

Applejack just started to laugh which made me look at her. "Sugarcube you haven't been around Mare or dragonesses much have ya?" She asked to which I shook my head no. "Well they're acting like four love-struck fillies who found their special somepony and want to settle down and start a family,"

I stood back up in shock at what she just said then I looked at the four dragons in front of me. They all looked slender and did have some curves in certain places even their colors and voices did sound kind of cute. But did they all want to be with me, me the big softy the one who would rather talk or walk away from a fight? I began to walk over to them to apologize for earlier and ask if it was true about what Applejack said when I tripped over my own feet and fell to the ground where everything went black.

"I can't believe it after Celestia told us about him and spending all night looking for that pony Fluttershy and she wouldn't even open her door to talk to us but when she found out we were looking for this Greg character she finally told us where to find him and when he finds out we want to be his mates he knocks himself out," Draca said as she shook her head looking down at the form before her and her sisters.

I don't know how long I was out but I did have this weird dream. It was about these four dragons or is it dragonesses since they were all female.

So they showed up and Applejack said they wanted to be my mates and have kids but that's impossible right?" I said to myself.

"Why would it be impossible Greg after all you are very nice looking for a large reptilian Alpha Apex Predator," A voice said in the blackness of space.

"What, wait who are you?" I asked looking around.

In a flash of light before me hovered an alicorn with dark blue fur and a mane and tail that looked like they had stars in them. Princess Luna, I recognized her immediately after all she is one of my favorite ponies. I blinked a few times in amazement she was beautiful in every way a perfect twenty. She began to blush slightly from the way I was staring.

"Now, now Greg I said you were nice looking but I didn't mean that we should be dating besides I think those four would get jealous don't you?" Luna said making an image of the four dragons appear.

I looked from her to the image and finally got a good look at them and I'd have to say they looked like dinosaurs. Well, sort of, minus the leathery wings, spines down their necks and backs, and the ability to breathe fire. They were actually really cute. I felt myself blushing and Luna's giggles confirmed it and made it intensify.

"What happened where are we?" I asked turning from the image to look at the Night Princess.

"We are in your dream world and I must say it is quite a treat to see the dreams of an Ancient Lord," She said as she floated around me.

I was about to ask what she meant when I saw the blackness around me was gone and filled with what I could only describe as a woodland savanna with a mountain range in the distance. It almost looked like what earth did during the time of the dinosaurs except the place had grass growing.

But the sounds that could be heard were not from modern time. In fact, it sounded otherworldly or at least prehistoric.

For some reason, I felt at home like I truly belonged here Luna saw this too and said nothing. I started to walk around listening to the sounds and every so often sniffing the air. I didn't go far from where I was behind me stood a line of trees in a semicircle with a thick canopy covering half of the center in shade. The base of the trees had a massive tangle of thorn bushes wrapped around them making a natural wall only having one opening. I continue to look around this safe place had enough cover above as well as around leaving the opening just big enough for me to slip through a perfect place to raise a family.

Wait why did I think that?

Greg, may I ask what these are?" Luna asked me breaking me out of my thoughts.

I looked over to where she had pointed with her hoof and what I saw made me smile. There on the ground were four real dinosaur nest all of them made of earth and plant life.

Each one was set apart just enough for me to move around them without trouble. Inside each nest rested six eggs each but these eggs looked different than normal dino eggs they were larger and different colors what also was strange was they were not smooth but looked as if they were covered scales. the colors were green silvery white and black and red. I moved closer to a nest and sniffed it when I did I bumped and egg making it move slightly. Then, I heard the chirping of a baby from inside the egg.

"Do you know what these are Greg?" Luna asked as she stepped to the side of the nest.

"They're nest Dinosaur nests but these eggs don't look right," I said turning to look at her.

Looking at the eggs Luna's eyes grew with shock. "Oh, my it seems that these are dragon eggs and it appears there is four nest for four lucky Drakena," She said looking from the eggs to me. "May I ask have you ever seen dragon eggs before?"

"No, I haven't is there a problem with them?" I asked a little scared.

"No no, they are perfectly fine but what troubles me is if you have never seen eggs like this then how could you make them so precise in the dream world...," Luna was saying until she lights up her horn and a few second later the light disappears and she looks a little concerned. "I think it is best if we get you back to the waking world don't you agree?" She says again lighting her horn.

I begin to open my eyes groaning from the light and the feeling of pain.

"Why was I in pain again, oh yeah I fell down knocking myself out. Then, I was dreaming about something, now what was it again?" I asked myself as I finally opened my eyes only to come eye to muzzle with the screaming terror from this morning.

I adjusted myself when I saw her smiling at me. "I'm really sorry about this morning Applejack told me about ya but I reckon I didn't listen," She said as she scuffed the ground with her hoof.

"That's alright I'm just glad you didn't get hurt," I said smiling a little as I got to my feet.

"Wow you're tall," A unicorn filly said leaning way back to look at me.

I looked down and standing next to Apple Bloom were two more fillies one a unicorn and the other a pegasi. The winged one was orange in color with a purple mane and tail while the horn head was white and her mane and tail had purple, pink, and light purple stripes. I leaned back down placing my head on the ground. Looking from one filly to the next I thought of a way to show them I wasn't a bad guy.

Say would any of you like to see the world from the top of a dinosaurs head?" I asked getting a confused look from all three of them until Applejack explained it to them.

In the blink of an eye, all three were sitting comfortably on top of my head as I stood to my full height.

"Wow, this is awesome I can see town hall from here," The orange filly Scootaloo said.

"I can see my sisters boutique," The white filly Sweetie Belle said giggling.

I was going to start walking around until I remembered about the four dragons. I turned to look at them only to see them staring at me with smiles on their faces or is it a muzzle. I started to get a little embarrassed at how they were looking at me with lovey-dovey eyes.

"Um, h hello," I said trying to sound confident even though I was scared to death.

"Hehehe, That's so cute how he treats these fillies," The emerald green dragoness said as the three fillies on my head were still looking around in wonder. " Drakes these days would never do that not even with their own hatchlings,"

"Ohhh, girls, we found the perfect guy he's strong, smart, kinda bit clumsy but he's great with little ones," Another one of the dragonesses said clasping her hands or claws together.

I raise an eyebrow at what she said and decided to find out what they were talking about.

"Um, may I ask what you are talking about oh my name is Greg by the way?" I said as I extended a hand out to her for a shake.

The ashy gray one I think her name was Draca or something was the first to take my offered hand and shook it. "Yes we know who you are and that you're the last of the Ancient Lords," She said blushing as I held her hand claw thing I'm just going to call the claws from now on.

"How do you know who I am?" I asked still holding her claw.

"Princess Celestia told us. She also told us you were single and since the four of us are sisters and we don't mind sharing we thought that since estrus is close by that maybe you wouldn't mind taking all four of us as you mates to start you own harem and we get to have a strong mate that could protect us and our hatchlings," She said letting go of my claw to stand next to her sisters.

"Um, would it be alright if I think ab out this for a little while?"I asked before I turned around and started to walk away not waiting for a response still with the three fillies on my head.

Luckily they weren't listening to the conversation but now all they cared about was the ride they were getting. As I walked the fillies would ask me questions knowing I should think about what was happening I opted to just humor the girls.

How fast can you run, can you breathe fire like Spike, is it true you can turn invisible were some of the questions they would ask me. Being the kind of guy I was I'd answer as many of them as best I could.

"Well if I remember correctly I think it's about sixty to seventy miles per hour, And no I can't because I'm a dinosaur, not a dragon," I said only to activate camouflage having the three of them gasp in shock seeing that now they were riding on an invisible dinosaur.

"That is awesome you were born like that," Scootaloo said as I deactivated it.

"Actually I wasn't really born you see I was made in a lab and hatched from an ostrich egg," I said stopping and lowering down so the three of them could get off my head. " I not even really a dinosaur just a Hodge-podge of DNA to make a new attraction for a theme park," I said laying down on the ground with a thud.

"What do you mean made don't you don't have a mom or dad?" Sweetie Belle asked with a sad look.

I just shook my head no I wasn't going to consider those people as my family not anymore.

"Wow, that sucks," Scootaloo said only to get hit in the back of the head by Apple Bloom.

"It's ok I don't mind because now I can have anybody or pony as family like you three," I said making Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle hug my face.

I looked over to see Scootaloo standing there trying to look tuff so I reach out with my claw and pulled her into the hug. After our little moment, my thoughts went back to what the dragon's had said.

"Say, girls, can I ask you something?" I said getting them to look at me. You see I have a problem and I thought maybe you girls could help me out."

So for the next hour, I told them what happened and got their input on the matter. We talked asking and answering questions until we came to a decision. Having them climb back onto my head we started back to the farm only for me to stop. It seemed that due to the length of my strides we kind of got lost, I kind of got lost. I found out from the girls we were near a place called Whitetail Woods and Sweet Apple Acers was a two hour trot away. I decided to have a little fun.

"Girls, I want you to hold on real tight cause we're going to see just how fast I can run," I said as I felt the thre of them shift and hold tighter to me.

With that, I let out a roar and took off at a full run all the while hearing cheers from two of the three fillies it seemed Sweetie Belle had her eyes closed for most of the ride. She only opened them when I called for her to see what Ponyville looked like after that she cheered like the others. Our little stunt was causing some of the townsfolk to panic but I didn't care I was having fun real fun. We made good time and reached the farm in only ten minutes. When we reached the main gate I slowed down to catch my breath and make sure I didn't break anything or scare somepony. I, we walked up to see Fluttershy, Twilight, and Spike had shown up what was funny to the four of us was Spike. See when Twilight and he showed up the drakena saw him and scooped him up to baby him saying stuff like how cute he was and other embarrassing things for a young Drake to hear.

Seeing his pain I cleared my throat to get their attention as everyone turned to look at me I spoke. " First, could you put my little brother down he's too old to be treated like a baby," I said as I watched them put Spike down for him to mouth thank you to me. Second, I have had some time to think and talk over everything with the girls and we've come to a decision.

Hearing this the four drakena all perked up.

I raised my claw to stop them from speaking. There are some conditions that must be met before anything can happen between the five of us," I said motioning them to all sit down.

I waited for a second before I spoke. "Girls that's your cue," I said to Sweetie Scootaloo and Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom was the first to speak. "Condition one seein' as Ponyville is the only place Greg knows we all decided that this is where Y'all can live.

"Second condition since there is barely any information on dragons and none on dinosaurs all of you will help with that by speaking with Twilight and Fluttershy," Sweetie Belle said in her nerves squeaky voice.

"Is there anything else?" Draca said as the others watched as Twilight was bouncing around happily after hearing the news.

"Yes, there is," Scootaloo said as it was her turn to speak. "The third thing Greg told us is that he considered Spike his brother and the three of us his sisters so that means we get to help name the hatchlings and also get to babysit them too," She said nodding and smiling that she remembered everything she was to say.

"The last condition is quite simple," I said looking at the four drakena. " Just like Apple Bloom said we will stay near Ponyville but I will be the one to chose where we will nest,"

Draca stepped up looking at the three fillies that were still sitting on my head before looking at me. "Very well we expect but I have one condition of my own," She said as I looked at her. "Could you do that color thing again?' She asked fidgeting with her claws.

I smiled lowering down so the fillies could jump off my head grumbling the whole time of losing their new favorite spot before I stood back up. I looked at each of them and then consecrating I changed to match their colors. This caused them to blush which made me blush as well only their cheeks turned red when my whole body changed.

We talked for hours about our lives I found out that their father was old friends with Celestia. Speaking of the troll she showed up with her sister Luna you know the nice one. I'm not very happy about what she did, I mean come on playing matchmaker hell that's Cadance's job even I know that. While the dragon girls were talking with Twilight, Celestia and Luna pulled me to the side.

Now, Greg, I know that you not happy about what my sister had done to you. But you must understand Ancient Lords like yourself, do not exist in Equestria or any other lands," Luna said which made me look a little shocked. " Tis true you are the first to be seen in over five hundred years if Celestia's memory is accurate," Luna said smirking at her sister.

"Hey, my mind is as sharp as ever dear sister," Celestia said smiling at Luna.

"You mean I'm the only one, there are no other dinosaurs left anywhere?" I asked getting a little afraid.

"Alas it is true there are no others, my friend," Luna said lowering her head sadden by what she said.

"Then whats the point?' I said getting everyone's attention. "Why tell me this when there's nothing that can be done?" I yelled.

"Greg, calm your self and tell us what is wrong," Luna said.

"I believe I understand what is troubling him,"Draca said as she and the others moved closer to me. "It is true you are the last of the dinosaurs and it hurts all of us to know this," She said gesturing to herself and her sisters. "I guess you didn't know that the first clutch of eggs we lay will be born like you and after that, the rest will be a mixer of both of us," Draca said making herself and the others blush talking about laying eggs in public.

"You mean um, that um, our first um, hatchlings will be...?" I started to say before Spike blurted out. "Your first kids will be dinosaurs and after that, the rest will be dinodragons sheesh how hard is it to say that?"

"Spike!!" Twilight screamed.

"What, oh come on Twilight they're all grownups and they're acting more childish than me and I'm still a baby dragon," He said crossing his arms with a huff.

"You're right Spike we were and we should apologize thank you for pointing that out little brother," I said lowering down to nudge him.

Taking Spikes advice we decided to be more mature about all of this and not talk about it anymore so we just talked about other things. They told me more about the Dragonlands and their father it seems they couldn't remember their mother as she died before they hatched and Bahamut never took another mate because he loved their mother so much no other could compare to her. I found out that is the purest form of dragons greed and one of the only ones that won't make a dragon grow big. That aside I found out that each of them had their own personality. Draca was smart and honest while Kirin liked to look at the bright side of things. Triva was shyer than the others and Freya was the most outgoing being the first to show me affection with a cheek rub and purr. So the four of them were like my pony friends but being dragons instead. Our time together was going to have to end soon as the time was getting late. Triva surprised me when she suggested that they stay the night seeing as they never had a real place to sleep in the forest. I was about to point out that the barn was destroyed but flashes of gold, blue, and purple light changed that as I looked to see Twilight, Celestia, and Luna all standing there with smiles on their faces and a rebuilt barn.

"Okay, I guess since you three really want us to get along we might as well try it," I said as I opened the large barn doors and seeing that the inside looked bigger than normal.

"Greg, would it be alright if me and the Crusaders spend the night with you and the others?" Apple Bloom asked looking at me with those big puppy dog eyes.

"I don't see why not, after all, you are his little sisters," Draca said as she crawled into the barn. "Besides this will give us a chance to practice sleeping with our hatchlings when we have them."

I started to blush again as the others made their way into the barn. I followed suit and entered the barn to see Draca and the others make a tight circle around the fillies creating a protective barrier. I moved and laid down doing the same surrounding them all with my tail coming back my head.

"It looks like it time to say goodnight and have pleasant dreams to all of you," Celestia and Luna said before they took off into the sky.

Within minutes everyone in the barn was fast asleep except for me. I watched over them only to see movement and recognizing Spike as he slowly crawled over the girls to get into the center of the circle to cuddle up with the fillies and fall asleep as well.

"I guess he never had other dragons to sleep with being raised by ponies and seeing how safe they all feel maybe he wants to know what it's like?" I thought to myself before sleep came to me also.

In the sky above the alicorn, Princesses made their way back to Canterlot.

"It is wonderful to see that the Ancient Lords will not be excited do you not agree sister?" Luna asked as she flew next to Celestia.

"Yes Lulu but it is also wonderful that we now have the most powerful ally in all of Equis living in our lands along with the daughters of our oldest friend as his mates," Celestia said looking to her sister.

"Please tell me you are not thinking of using him as a weapon sister for he may be powerful but his heart is as gentle as the Kindness herself if not more so," Luna said looking a little worried.

Celestia did not answer her sister which made Luna only worry more as she thought back to the Dreamworld and what she saw.

"Sister, I only hope you know what you are doing for what I had seen of his true past that young man is deeply scared and if pushed too far our greatest ally might become our worst enemy," Luna thought to herself as the both of them began to descend to the castle.

Author's Note:

This is what the dream eggs looked like.
This is the closest I could find to the scale of the dragonesses to Greg.