• Published 30th Jun 2017
  • 14,412 Views, 166 Comments

Indominus Equestria - Gravestone

Went to a costume party dressed as an Indominus Rex wound up in Equestria as said dinosaur. YAY ME

  • ...

Chapter Eleven

As requested by Celestia for the next four days Spike was taught combat skills by the four older Drakena. While this was happening Barb and I sat back and watched for two reasons. First I had no idea what dragon combat was like being a dinosaur I felt that the two styles were very different as mine is bloodier and theirs is just a show of strength. The second reason was the eggs were getting ready to hatch as the sounds of chirping could be heard in the nests, that and Barb was already Spikes mate so she didn't have to worry.

A loud "UMFFF" caught our attention looking over I watched as Spike laid on the ground breathing heavy with Freya standing over him.

"Come, Spike, get up and try it again this time stay focused," The lite blue dragoness said looking down at him.

"That's easy for you to say when you don't have a tail as big as a tree swinging towards you," Spike said getting up.

"I hope you know young drake my tail is not as think as a tree and for an insult like that you will have to run one hundred laps around our home and do fifty fire breaths (fire breaths are push-ups but using a dragon's flame to lift them)," Freya said looking a little pissed about the fat joke and yes to a drakena tail thickness if a fat joke.

Hearing my mate say that all I could do was think of a certain song quietly humming it as I picture the four of them shaking their butts.

And for a dinosaur that's sexy.

"Greg, Greg!" A voice called snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Hu wha," I said looking around only to stop when I saw Draca staring at me.

"I asked if you were alright you were just bobbing your head and humming?" She said as she moved over to me.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine just thinking about some stuff," I told her as I stood up stretching out. " Is anyone getting hungry?" I asked as the last pop was heard from my stretch.

"No, but since you're up could you go to Fluttershy's and see if the baby formula arrived?" Triva said as she went back to helping with Spike's training.

I had to think about what she meant with baby formula until it hit me hatchlings can't eat solid foods as in chunks of meat for the first week even dino's so they had to have a pulp like a meal of meats, fruits, and vegetables it was the Equestrian version of Gerber Baby Food but they called it Grr-Brr Hatchling Food.

I'm on it be back soon and girls don't push Spike too hard you know about us males, we got a think tough hide that can take any abuse but a soft underbelly that loves being rubbed," I said making all of them including Ava look at me strangely. What never heard of a male getting in touch with his feminine side," I said as I turned my pigment to a bright pink then back to normal. "After all real males were pink and are proud of it."

Without a word more I left only to hear everyone start to laugh before they went back to work. Walking along the path I thought back to all the things that had happened since I got here. One of the weirdest was when I met Discord actually that was quite informative it turns out that the Ancient Lord thing even covered acts from a Draconequus well that and me being made from different types of Dino DNA made me somewhat immune to his Chaos Magic, me being a form of chaos as well. But the day we met was still funny.

Two Days After Hearth's Warming.

I was making my way to town grumbling about the cold when I see something small heading my way and if you're wondering how I could see it remember I have Enhanced Thermoception or Inferred Vision part Pit Viper. So anyways I recognized who it was, Angel Bunny and he was moving fast.

"Hey there, little guy what's the rush?" I asked only to have him do his pantomiming thing which I could never figure out. " Ok is something wrong at Fluttershy's place?" I asked getting a nod.

Reaching down I scooped him up in my claws and made my way to my best friend's house. If your wondering in order of best friends it goes Fluttershy and Luna, Applejack and Pinkie, Twilight and Celestia, Rarity and Rainbow Dash. As for guy friends I only have three Mr. Cake, Big Mac, and Time-Turner, and don't say what about the CMC or Spike see them as my little brother and sisters so they're in a whole different list but I'm rambling sorry.

Like I said I scooped up the little guy and made my way to Flutter's house. When I got there I had this feeling that something was off but I couldn't tell what it was, as for Angel he hopped down and ran it to the house. A few seconds later I heard someone yell what, before there were footsteps coming to the front door.

Before I showed up at Fluttershy's house.

"Now Discord do you promise to be nice when you meet my friend Greg and not do like you did with Treehugger?" Fluttershy said as she walked over to her Draconequus friend.

"Fine, fine I won't do anything to this Greg when she arrives you have my word," Discord said bowing to the butter-colored mare.

"Greg's not a mare silly he's a stallion well not a stallion but a male," Fluttershy said trying not to laugh.

Discord, on the other hand, was surprised and then angry at learning another male has caught his Flutter's affection even though he would never admit it.

"So what is this Greg like?" Discord asked trying to hind his anger.

"Oh, he is just so sweet and kind he always wants to help others," Fluttershy said making Discord's anger grow.

As they were talking Angel came inside and signaled to Fluttershy that Greg was here to see her. Upon finding out this Discord quickly stepped outside only to bump into a very large object making him fall backward.

"Sorry about that I hope you're alright?" A voice said to the Draconequus.

"I will be as soon as you are gon...," Discord started to say as he got up dusting himself off only to come face to face with a very large set of teeth.

Seeing this he jumped back yelling for Fluttershy to hide as he dealt with this monster snapping his talons Discord was now in a set of mismatched armor wielding a sword.

Seeing this I stood back up moving away as he swung the sword at me. Not knowing what was going on my instincts took over and I got ready to fight. Letting out a growl I bared my claws and teeth as my color changed to that of my predatory form.

He charged at me swinging his sword as I moved to try to talk but never getting a chance. "Hey, what the, will you just, come on I, whoa that was close,"

As this was happening I was getting mad if this guy wouldn't listen to reason then I'd make him. Jumping back enough I took a deep breath and let out an ear-piercing roar that had enough force to push him back. Getting back to his feet he began to float in the air with a grin on his face.

"So the big bad dragon thinks he can scare me," He said snapping his talons making the armor disappear. "Well then monster I will make you regret showing up here and threatening my friend," He said snapping his talons again but to both of our surprise, nothing happened.

"Look I don't know who you think I am but I, not a dragon," I growled at him.

Discord didn't listen to me as he kept snapping his talons then his paw and finally his tail with the same effect of nothing.

"I don't get it why isn't it working my magic has never failed me before?" Discord said to himself.

I got tired of this so I reached out and grabbed him pinning him to the ground. "Look I've been trying to tell you I am not a dragon my name is Greg and I'm a Dinosaur," I yelled only for him to roll his eyes.

That's a load of horseapples there aren't any dinosaurs left and if you were one then my magic wouldn't work on you..." Discord said when it hit him like a ton of bricks (seriously a ton of bricks fell on top of him) that every time he tried his magic it didn't work. After digging himself out of the pile Discord looked up at me and then to Fluttershy who only nodded. "Well, I'll be a monkey's third cousin twice removed," He said still blinking.

While this was happening Fluttershy stood there tapping her hoof looking at both of us. "Excuse me but don't you both have something to say to each other?"

Looking at her then each other we both apologized but did it in a very manly way. To say we just bumped fist\claw and grunted.

Clearing my throat to change the subject. "So um, Fluttershy the girls wanted me to come by and see if the order of baby food had shown up,"

"Oh my, I'm terribly sorry Greg but I got a message this morning that it won't be here for a few days the creates are still in Cantorlot," She said looking a little sad at feeling she let me down.

"That's alright Fluttershy thank you again for helping," I said lifting the mare spirits. "Hey I have an idea how about I just go to Cantorlot and pick the creates it would save time and bits," I said patting myself on the back for the idea.

"Woah there, that is a bad idea and I came up with tons of bad ideas," Discord said floating up in front of my face. "First you going to Cantorlot," He said holding up a finger. "Second You Going To Cantorlot," He said holding up two fingers. "Third you going and more than likely running into a bunch of Neighpine tourists who are going to take one look at you and run screaming Gojira, Gojira," Discord said matter of factly.

I just stood there looking at him before shaking my head. "You do know that is a little racist right? And besides, the Princesses told all of Equestria about me so I don't think anything should go wrong," I said knowing I just knocked on the front door of Murphy's house.

Let me set the stage for you I went back home and told the girls about the creates and my idea of going to pick them up. They were at first apprehensive but I wore them down with my superior logic. Which meant I just whined and begged until they caved. Yes males one females a hundred and something, don't ask. But like I said after having Spike send a message to the princesses I made my way to the train station. Hopping in the storage car and moments I was on my way to Cantorlot. Two hours later no two of the most boring hours later I finally made it there getting out of the car and stepping over the station gate. I was in Cantorlot the capital of Equestria which was now as silent as a tomb. Because every single pony just stopped what they were doing when they saw me and I'm not joking when I said they stopped what they were doing. I saw three pegasuses dropped out of the sky lucky for them they landed on something soft enough to break their fall. Looking around I started to panic but then I remembered the magic of this world. So I closed my eye and took a deep breath wishing for the music and when it started I began to sing.

Roll back the rock

Till the dawn of time
When the earth was smoking
And the lava flowed

Roll back the rock
Till the dawn of time
And blow your cool
Just like a volcano

Snap your fingers

And stomp your feet!
Soakin' up a little
Of the jungle beat

Roll back the rock

Till the dawn of time
And sing this song with me

Roll back the rock

(Roll back the rock)
Turn back the clock
(Turn back the clock)

Roll back the rock

Till the dawn of time
And sing this song with me

Turn back the clock
Maybe you can see
Why the 20th century
Appeals to me

So much to learn

And so much to do
And a zillion wonderful
Things to chew!

Roll back the rock

(Roll back the rock)
Turn back the clock
(Turn back the clock)

Roll back the rock

Till the dawn of time
And sing this song with me

If you're thinking this guy's unreal
Just imagine how I must feel
Just imagine how I must feel
Human beings
Mmmm what a meal

Roll back the rock

Till the dawn of time
And sing this song with me

Roll back the rock

(Roll back the rock)
Turn back the clock
(Turn back the clock)

Roll back the rock

Till the dawn of time

And sing this song with me

Surprizing it made everypony relax and they sang and danced along, go figure. I finally made my way to the castle for two reasons first I wanted to say hi to the royals and second I kind of forgot to ask where the shipping place was located.

"Hazaah greeting Sir Greg and welcome to Cantorlot pry tell there is nothing wrong?" Luna said as she greeted me at the castle gates. You are not still suffering from the nightmare?" She asked concerned.

"Thank you, Luna, for the welcome, and no I haven't had that thing for some time," I said looking down at her. " What I'm here for is to pick up the creates of baby food Fluttershy told me they were having shipping problems so I came to pick them instead," I said leaning down closer to her. Plus I forgot to ask where the place was,"

"Of course let me let Tai know and I will show you show the way," Luna said smiling.

A few minutes later we were on our way luckily for me or I should say the ponies that Luna had some guards clear a path. Reaching our destination we found out why the creates weren't shipped. The owner of the shipping company was a crook and wanted more bits. He even told Luna that she couldn't do anything because he was well within his rights.

Luna just nodded and turned to the door calling for me. " Mister manager I would like you to meet the father of the babes you want to starve," She said stepping out of the stallion's way so he could see my head sticking through doors.

Staring at him I showed a feral grin. "Hi," Was all I said before he started to yell for his workers to get all the creates set outside to be picked up and to make sure any more shipments for Greg were free of charge.

Both Luna and I laughed all the way back to the station where the crates were loaded to head back to Ponyville. Giving each other a hug we said our goodbyes. And I made the Boring two-hour ride back. I swear if I have to do this again I'm bringing cards or a book. When I got home I told everyone what happened and needless to say, mad laughter could be heard through the entire Everfree Forest.
