• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 141 - Ocellus's Fear

The return to the classroom was a near quiet one, the awkward silence broken by passing students, some consisting of Applejack’s, returning from their hunt. Applejack greeted them, of course, but could say nothing further to you as you triumphantly marched back inside the classroom. What followed was not only further victory, marked by pie, but also your absolute innocence as Applejack addresses the class about the Cranky issue, her fears becoming a reality as some of the students ears began to fold, others twitching or frowning upon the realization of what they had done. You conversed with your own group over pie, mostly with the almost surfer voiced Sandbar wanting a chance to learn more about your ‘adventures’, and the rest asking what even happened, in which you replied that the ‘Professor’ was just curious as to the method of you solving her little ‘test’.

Applejack, however, was truly learning the folly of her own trust in her students. As she had began looking through their sheets, she could see that some of them had checked off the needle. She of course had to ask, in a way that didn’t sound like asking about the needle itself, if they had found the needle on her farm, which the ones who had marked it off said yes. Applejack had simply nodded, sighed in disappointment, and had decided to tell her class she will be grading the sheets of this class and her four other classes and reveal the grades tomorrow. This was, of course, simply so she could gather her own senses, not yell at them, since she was already emotionally distraught, and deal with it all the next day, she even let everyone have pie anyway, simply as to not arouse suspicion. You could tell she wanted to go off on them, but she was already humiliated with her prior accusations, and she couldn’t get her mind off of it enough to properly handle her students. Of course, you already had your grade locked in, so it was nothing to fret over, especially over Applejack’s mood.

Ocellus could sense the depression in Applejack, and given the answer of some of the students, she could deduce why. She wanted to talk about it with all of you, but by the time she opened her mouth to bring it up, the bell rang, and it was time to move on to the next class. For you, it was goodbyes to Smolder, Sandbar, and Gallus, as Ocellus had the next class with you. Smolder, oddly enough, just asked you and Ocellus to let her know if today’s class involved dresses ‘or something like that’ as it was something she wanted to avoid as much as possible. You could do that, you could warn her. Ocellus though, she just said ‘we should embrace what our professors are trying to teach us’, because of course she would, she is a goody two shoes, albeit a cute one. Smolder shrugged with a sarcastic ‘sure’, and headed off with the rest of the group as you followed Ocellus to Rarity’s class. Although Sandbar had to be pulled away by Gallus, as he still had a few questions to ask. It was a good thing he didn’t ask anything about Chrysali- Wait…

As you followed along with Ocellus, you couldn’t help but realize that she exists within the group. As in, a changeling that was in your basement was in the group, the one who already got Smolder asking you about Chrysalis back when you confronted her about Garble. Hell, your victory over Applejack was now replaced with tension as you wondered what exactly Ocellus had told everyone else, as you remembered her mentioning back near the cottage that she had stayed with you. “Hey, Ocellus, can I ask you a question?”

“Oh, is it about Professor Applejack? Because, actually, I wanted to ask you about her, and what really happened. She suddenly didn’t seem very interested in the results of the test, or really, she seemed to be very sad about it. Are you sure there weren’t any details you missed when you talked about why she asked to see you alone?” Ocellus asked, at first, ignorant about how you felt, until she herself felt it, causing her to frown and worry. “Or… Is it something about me?”

“Actually, it is something about you, something that just began to worry me.” You tell her, suddenly feeling even more tense about what you were going to say as her optimism began to quickly leave her.

“I can’t think of what you mean. Unless, is it, erm, something about our old queen? Wait…” Ocellus then realized what you may have wanted to talk to her about. She could not only see it in your face, but she could sense it as well. This was not to say changelings were mind readers, they weren’t, that much was clear. But they could read emotions, at least on a surface level, considering you were able to trick Chrysalis a couple of times before. But for Ocellus, this emotion she could sense from you, considering you and an orb were the only source of food at one time, she knew the emotion you had only pertains to Chrysalis. Realizing this, and what she herself has done, she immediately tries to calm you down about the subject. “If you’re worried about what I’ve said, it really isn’t much. I’ve mentioned mostly what everypony knows. That your father, Discord, had trapped us in his basement, and that you had attempted to reform us, later on with the help of Princess Celestia. Nocreature knows that you actually were our former queen’s friend… Well, except for Smolder, but even then, she doesn’t know much. She’s been wanting to ask you about it, actually, I-I guess that chance hasn’t really come up yet, right?”

Wut? “Yeeeah, that was pretty much it, how did you know that was what I was going to ask? And don’t say lucky guess.”

“It wasn’t. I just sensed a very familiar emotion from you, the usual emotions you have about Chrysalis. But I promise you, Anon, I haven’t said too much. It’s up to you to tell your new friends whatever you feel comfortable with.” Ocellus said as she began to calm down, feeling less nervous as she attempts to give you a smile. Though, as she gave it more thought, she began to frown once more, tilting her head down as she began to think about Chrysalis herself. “...Though, sometimes I think about it, and… Can I be honest with you, Anon?”

Honest? Considering the class you just obliterated, how much more ‘honesty’ can there be? And leaving the rest up to you? Oy, how were you even supposed to explain to them you were Chrysalis’s friend? They didn’t even know the intricacies of your character, and none of them have ever even dealt with a dangerous changeling, so they could never truly understand your friendship. Well, was it really an issue anyway? Smolder was interested, but unless the others ask, then it shouldn’t be a big deal. “What is it, Ocellus?”

“I’d… Erm, actually wish you’d just stop trying to be her friend. She used you, Anon, she used all of us. Her ambition was always to-” Oh, you did not want to hear this one. Almost like a snap, you stop and stomp your hoof towards her, looking at her with a fierce glare.

“Don’t even say it. Ocellus, you’re wrong, and you will always be wrong about that. I know what her ambitions are, you know I do, and I know even now that she wants to fulfill them. But we’re still friends, and I have my own ambitions to reform her, even today. Why are you even bringing this up? Hm?” You nearly growl at her, why the fuck was she even bringing it up?

Ocellus backed up slowly, shivering, scared of your reaction. “S-sorry, s-s-sorry! I-I was j-just worried. C-chrysalis, she’s scary, Anon. All she ever wants is to destroy and rule, she doesn’t care who gets in her way. We used to be like that too, and we don’t want to be anymore, I don’t ever want to be like that anymore. I know she is your friend, but do you think, in the end, she’d choose you over complete domination? I know you’re still trying to reform her, Anon, you have to be, y-you were obsessed with it. I-is it really worth it? What about all your other friends? Your family? I-I… I just don’t want anycreature getting hurt.” Ocellus sighs, stops, and turns into a potted plant. Why? You don’t know, was she trying to just hide how she felt? “I wanted to say this to you for awhile. But I also thought that maybe you would have known she’s just… Too evil. I was inspired by you, and yet, it scares me to think your 'friendship' with her can be used to hurt everycreature, and to hurt you too.”

She was shivering, she was actually frightened. And worse, she wasn’t far off from the truth. But you knew all this already. Chrysalis was ambitious, and she wanted victory badly, but you felt her bond with you was stronger than that, even if she herself refused to admit it. Like, ok, sure, killing Twilight would be a major bonus for her, but you weren’t going to let that happen. Everything was already under control, you had this, so there was no reason for this bias and fear over her. “Ocellus, you’re mostly not wrong, and I acknowledge that. Chrysalis is evil, and she’s willing to destroy others just to slake her own lust for revenge, trust me, I know it, I think I know it more than even you do. I know, it's weird to say, considering you’re one of her many kids. But unlike you, or them, I think for myself, and my thinking just so happens to match up with hers sometimes, we have a connection, and we’re able to see eye to eye. We’re both trying to reform one another. That, I believe, is her current ultimate goal, wouldn’t even be surprised if that included getting all of you back. Let me tell you this, Ocellus. At this moment, I’m this close to getting her to see things my way. That’s right, I know where she’s hiding, and not only have I spoken to her, but so has Headmare Twilight. Yeah, that’s right, Chrysalis not only spoke to Twilight, but they both sat down and watched that movie, you know the one. So, what do you think about that?”

The bush shook again, but this time, her tone was puzzled. “She… Met with Headmare Twilight? And she didn’t try to blow her head off? That doesn’t sound like… Wait. Does that have to do with why our former captain has been hanging around the school lately?”

You nod. “Exactly, but you need to keep that all a secret, ok? I really mean that. I’m only telling you because I could see this was eating you up, this whole ‘Me and Chrysalis’ thing. I just want you to be ok.”

The bush wiggled again “I-I think I’m feeling more ok, I never thought any of that could ever happen. But, why is Scrappy here then? He’s here because of Chrysalis, but why? What is the reason?” She asked.

“Well, basically, it has to do with the shackles on my legs. Chrysalis is going to try to kill Headmare Twilight, but she can only hurt her, hurting anycreature else will cause her to die instead. To me, it sounds impossible, so I’m sure, deep down, even Chrysalis knows it's impossible, and knows her plan will fail. Nocreature will get hurt, and as part of the deal, she’ll reform. What do you think, sounds pretty good, right?” You know, despite the fact you were smiling at her, that kind of deal didn’t sound as good as you tried to make it out to be when said out loud.

“What?! Anon!?” Ocellus extends her branches and brings you close so she can ‘whisper yell’ at you. “How could you even allow that?! Chrysalis would never EVER even think that! She would stop at nothing to make sure she reaches her goal! She doesn’t like to lose, Anon. She is going to find a way, you know that, right?! How could you be so nonchalant about something like that?! And how could Headmare Twili-…” Suddenly it just dawned on her. If Twilight knew as well, then that must mean the other professors know too, and if they know, then the princesses knew. Ocellus, upon realizing this, nearly falls over, bewildered by such a fact. “Everycreature above us already knows, don’t they?”

“Yeah, Ocellus, that's what I was trying to tell you. Even the princesses know, so it’s ok. Scrappy is here to make sure Chrysalis can’t get close, he’ll be able to sense her from a mile away, so no problem. Trust me, we all got it covered. So please, relax, and keep this between us, ok?” Hell, telling her that much might not even be a bad idea. If Scrappy could sense her approach, then Ocellus should be able to as well, right? Now you have double the alarms set.

“It’s all so much to take in. Anon, you know you can’t force her to reform, right? I am being honest when I say that even if she loses, she won’t give in to you. Do you even have a plan set for when you stop her? Or are you just going to let her go?” Ocellus asked. How odd. Ocellus, who had seemed so caring and cute before, seemed to really be afraid of Chrysalis, even seemingly hating her, despite the fact she herself no longer had to deal with her.

“Yeah… I do actually. Ocellus, I know you haven’t really seen me since you left my basement, but I do realize some of what I’m doing might not work out. I’m prepared to seal Chrysalis in Tartarus myself if she continues to be a threat.” Your tone, your feelings, it was with such a heavy heart that even Ocellus had to take a sharp breath, noticing how much such a thought hurt you.

“Anon…” Ocellus changed back to her normal form. She was looking at you, with tear filled eyes. She found the whole situation tragic, as she felt that was the most likely outcome. As much as Ocellus knew you could be crass or a perv, she also knew you had a good heart, or felt you did anyway. “I-”

But you interrupt her. You didn’t want to dwell on the subject anymore at this point. Having to imagine taking down Chrysalis hurt. So having Ocellus feeling sorry for you was not needed, you didn’t need the emotional baggage. “Forget it, Ocellus. Look, I get it, you hate her, everycreature pretty much does. I’m giving it one last shot anyway, and if it doesn’t work out, then that’s that. All I ask is for you not to say anything to the others, and if you feel she’s close by, then to let me and Twilight know, ok?”

Ocellus stood there, silent. She realized you were asking for her help, and it scared her. “Anon, I… I…” But what could she do? It was going to happen anyway, and if she completely avoided it, noticed something, and said nothing, then it could mean the end of Twilight, and that was something she couldn’t allow. “Alright… But that’s all I’ll do. I’d rather just stay away from her, and this, altogether. But if its to make sure you and everycreature else will be ok, then I can help you. But please, don’t ask me to do anything more, ok? We changelings, we have embraced our change for the better, and none of us want to go back to who we were before. I know she wants that, and I’m scared that if she saw me, she’d try to make me bad again… Or worse. So please, no more than this, please?” She said as her ears lowered, looking at you with such a whimpering sorrowful expression.

Hmmmmnnn, fine. You can’t force her to like Chrysalis, and it’d be unwise to push her. At this point, it’d probably be best not to bring up Chrysalis again in her presence, she really just seems to reject her in all forms. Poor Ocellus, going from love starved to who she is now, it’s really no wonder why she’d fear Chrysalis. Alright, you can do with this. “I promise, Ocellus. Look, sorry about snapping at you before. I shouldn’t expect you to think the way I do.”

“I-it’s ok, Anon, I forgive you. And, erm, I… I…” She had to stop, and take a slow easy breath. “I understand. If everycreature is ok with this, then I can’t stop them. I’ll come to you if I sense her, but please, I really… I just really don’t want to see her myself, is that ok?”

You nod. “Yeah, that’s fine. I don’t expect you to go that far for me. I just need a little extra help, that’s all. Look, I can tell you’re really uncomfortable and I don’t want to cause you any more trouble. Let’s just head to class, ok?”

“O-ok. And, Anon…” Ocellus gently calls for your attention one more time.

“Yeah?” You ask, looking back at her.

“Good luck, and stay safe, ok?” She tells you, meaning every word.

You nod, looking at her with a reassuring smile. “Hey, it’s no problem. I am the Hero Colt, you know?”

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