• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 255 - The Joy of ASMR, and the Worry of a Bug's Heart.

“See what I mean? The way he speaks, the way his brushes scrape across his easel and glides across the canvas. All of it creates such a, and I hate to use the words together, heavenly sensation. I swear, for the longest time, I felt pretty insane on how I could find this man so calming and soothing.” Chrysalis said, sitting on her living room couch as she pointed at the television.

Fluttershy’s ears did seem to flick and twitch at the sounds and speech of Bob Ross, it seemed to have the same profound effect on her that it did on Chrysalis. “W-well, you’re definitely not crazy. I can hear it too, it honestly makes me want to sit outside on a beautiful day and enjoy the sounds of nature.” Fluttershy then let out a giggle "And, of course, stare at all the happy little clouds.”

You weren’t exactly having as much fun as Chrysalis and Fluttershy were. More so, you were just enjoying them getting along. You never really got Bob Ross too much. Sure, you can sit down and watch from time to time. But all night? Geez. “Wait, you said for the longest time? Didn’t you say you started watching yesterday?”

“Anon, this man here makes it feel like you sat through an eternity of smooth vibrations, so what I said still applies.” Chrysalis said with a huff. “Since you’re going to spit frivolous details at me, why don’t you explain to me and your aunt what exactly this sound phenomenon is?”

“Oh, yes, Anon, I’d really like to know. I just can’t stop watching him paint those cute little trees by the lake. I think I could watch this all day. It almost feels like I’m under some sort of spell, but that’d be silly, I already know humans can’t do magic.” Fluttershy said with a cute giggle.

“Trust me, they don’t need to with the kind of technology they have. So, Anon, out with it already. What do you call this amazing sound technology he is so obviously using” Chrysalis said, waving her hoof at you to proceed.

Hn, you really couldn’t explain it yourself, to be honest. You do remember it having a name. “I think they call it ASMR. It is just supposed to be the explanation as to why certain sounds make you feel all tingly and good.”

“A-S-M-R, hm? And what do those letters mean, exactly? Because your explanation didn’t really explain anything. We can already hear that it is soothing, what I want to know is the ‘why’ and 'how'.” Chrysalis said to you.

You just shrugged. "I dunno"

Chrysalis narrowed her eyes at you, annoyed. “You’re a great wealth of knowledge” Chrysalis said sarcastically.

“Hey, I never really looked that deeply into it, gimme a break. I have one last charge, I can probably use it to look it up.” You retorted.

“Don’t bother. I know you well enough that you need every charge you have in case you get yourself into danger.” Chrysalis retorted back. Though that retort caused Fluttershy to look at Chrysalis with a smile.

“Awww, that’s a very sisterly worry to have, Chrysalis. And I agree, I’d rather Anon have his magic to use in case something bad happens. I don’t like that he always seems to find himself in some sort of trouble or danger…” Fluttershy then stops for a moment, then sighs. “Alright, I never like it when I find out he’s in danger. And it just seems to happen at random. So, yes, Anon, please, save your magic for when it is important.”

Wut? “Hey, it isn’t like I’m in danger everyday! C’mon, when was the last time something really bad happened to me?”

Fluttershy stopped to give it some thought. “Well, you somehow ended up walking right on the racing trail for the running of the leaves and ended up getting stepped over by every racer. Oh, there was also the time Twilight was foalsitting Princess Flurry Heart and she accidentally sent you flying out of the castle. Oh, and then there was last week when you fell through the snow and got beaten up by those angry moles.”

“Angry moles?” Chrysalis slapped her hoof over her face, actually feeling embarrassed for you. “Anon, please tell me you didn’t get slapped around by moles. “

“Erm, well, uh, they certainly didn’t slap me. Eheh…” God, it was a moment that would live down in infamy. Hopefully something that no story ever goes into detail about.

“And this is what I’m talking about. Look, somepony needs to bash into that orichalcum dense skull of his that he needs to retain at least one charge a day in case he haphazardly does something stupid, like walk into a cactus or something.” Chrysalis said, her tone becoming motherly yet stern as she pointed at Fluttershy. “Doesn’t that pink pony have some dumb unbreakable promise thing? Why don’t you make him do one of those so he doesn’t have to be in danger all the time? I swear, nopony is going to like me if something happens to this imbecile!”

At first, Fluttershy was shocked Chrysalis would use such language. But then she realized something. Something that Chrysalis could now never take back. A feeling within her that could not be misinterpreted as bad or deceitful. Something that represents true friendship and love. And Chrysalis could see that Fluttershy may have realized it.

Chrysalis slowly reeled back, looking at Fluttershy weirdly. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Well, I would be mad over you calling Anon a name. But I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen you worry about him without something bad happening to him yet. Now I think you only call him those things not because of any evil tendency, but because you just don’t want him to make any mistakes that can get him hurt and you feel very strongly over his well-being. Erm, even though I’d rather you use much nicer words, it is really sweet.” Fluttershy said with a warm smile.

Chrysalis was actually taken aback by such words. But she also seemed a little annoyed with the way it was presented to her. “I-I see… Well, I wouldn’t put it that way, but you’re right that I do care about him. But you already knew that, right? So, are all you ponies going to be this patronizing about my ‘reformation’? Why can’t you just acknowledge my actions silently? It isn’t that big a deal.”

Fluttershy’s ears folded a bit, she certainly didn’t mean to patronize Chrysalis. “I-I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to sound so patronizing. Does it really bother you that much?”

Chrysalis nodded. “It does. But I’ll forgive it this time, it just seems to be pony nature. Besides, I suppose I can’t be too upset when Bob Ross here is doing such a good job keeping things tranquil.” Chrysalis said as she looked over at the tv again as Bob Ross began to paint a little cabin by a lake. “So, are you going to forgive me for what I said about Anon?” Chrysalis asked. You’d think she’d be too prideful to even mention it, but she really meant what she said, she’s doing her best to get along.

“Well, I can, but I really am asking to be more mindful. Anon doesn’t seem to mind it, but I really think saying those kinds of things to him doesn’t help at all, no matter how much you care about him. Hurtful words can really ruin a friendship.” Fluttershy said.

“Well…” You take the opportunity to jump onto the couch next to Chrysalis’s side and rub up against her as you smile at her. “I know she doesn’t really mean it. Right, sis? We’re the best of friends, and I know deep down, she really loves me.” Why were you doing this all of a sudden? Easy, you felt now was a good time to test her friendship with you in front of Fluttershy. If all went well, Chrysalis would be good natured about it and all would be right with the world. And okay, you did want to tease her some because she always gets away with insulting you.

“Awww.” Fluttershy was beside herself with how cute you looked nuzzling into Chrysalis. “See? Why would you ever want to say those kinds of things to Anon when he’s so sweet and affectionate.”

Chrysalis just stared into empty space with disgust as she lowly growled. “I haven’t the faintest idea.”

“C’mon, you shouldn’t be worried about me that much.” You hopped off the couch and posed cooly in front of the two. “I still got my Starlight hook to get me out of trouble.”

“Moles, Anon… Moles” Chrysalis repeated.

“Erm, well, I mean real trouble.” Dammit…

“Well, Anon, Chrysalis does have a point. I wouldn’t want you to use your hook on otherwise friendly animals. That’s wrong. Remember, sometimes these things happen because you aren’t careful enough, and you accidentally make a few of the animals angry at you.” Fluttershy reminded you.

“Oh, yes, Anon. I agree with her. You can’t go hurting the innocent animals. If you make a family of kittens angry, I’m afraid you'd come back to me in pieces.” Chrysalis said with a sudden cruel grin.

“Oh no, especially not kittens. They’re just babies and don’t know any better.” Fluttershy added.

Ugh, okay. Geez, Chrysalis’s vengeance still hurts, even if it was just words. “Alright, I get it. I’ll be super duper careful with my charges then.”

Chrysalis let out a chuckle as she relaxed herself on the couch. “Good, glad you see it my way.” Chrysalis then noticed the episode was already nearly over, and decided it was time to be alone with her own paintings. “Well, I want you both out now. It’s changeling girl time, and last time I checked, neither of you are changelings.”

Fluttershy giggled and stood up from the couch, looking at Chrysalis with a smile. “Thank you, Chrysalis. I had a very lovely time, I actually wish we could have driven around in your car for a little while longer, it was very exciting, yet soothing.”

“Yes, yes, me and my things are great.” Chrysalis said with a dismissive wave, looking away from her for a moment before actually giving her a smirk. “And I’m surprised I had a good time as well. Not the best time, but a good time. I got exactly what I wanted from Discord, and my time with you didn’t feel like a waste. All I ask is if you do come by again, expand your palette a little more. I’m still a queen, and I can only stand so much having to deal with the ‘pony point of view’.”

“I’ll do my best. But just remember, please be nicer to Anon. You’d be surprised how a little kindness can go a long way.” Fluttershy reminded her.

Chrysalis looked away from her again, her eyes shifting to her for just a moment before she waved her away.

Hey! “So, hey, aren’t you going to say bye to me at least? It almost feels like I got left out.”

Chrysalis’s eyes shifted to you, then back to Fluttershy for a moment, then back to you as she let out a sigh. “Goodbye, Anon. Remember what I told you about your magic.” Chrysalis finally turned to look at you, and pointed at you as she suddenly became so stern. “I’m serious. Don’t just tell us you’ll do it, just do it. Prove at least that much and maybe I’ll respect you a little more.” Fluttershy looked back at Chrysalis in shock, but Chrysalis stood her ground this time. “You heard me. He needs to take his safety more seriously. Equestria is full of villains who somehow don’t realize they’d bring the end of everything, including themselves. And given how peaceful things have been, we’re about due for one. Don’t argue with me, there just seems to be some pattern to these things.”

Chrysalis suddenly seemed so bothered by your safety, was it what Fluttershy had told her? “Chrysalis, are you really that worried about me? I mean, I don’t want you to be bothered by this, y’know? You know I’ll be okay. C’mon, don’t let it ruin the visit.”

“I’m not letting it, it’s just Fluttershy sort of put things a little more into perspective. And with that, you both can leave. I’m not going to explain my feelings any more.” Again Chrysalis waved you both away, but she also realized her attitude as well, and added. “And don’t think I’m upset! Or that worried. I’m not a pony, and I’m not pathetic.”

Fluttershy simply nodded again. “We don’t think that. But, thank you again, we had a lovely time, and we thank you for your concern. C’mon, Anon.” Fluttershy said as she gently hurried you along, only taking a moment to look back at Chrysalis. She was still happy that she really had reformed, but she also now realized when it came to friendship, perhaps she really was to you as Discord was to her. She wanted to say something about it, just something that would brighten her day, but she kept it to herself.

As for you, you could see it as well. But you were confident with yourself. You had improved yourself, of course, you have proven that. You were never going to idiotically walk into a villain’s trap, or let yourself be manipulated anymore.

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