• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 214 - Welcome to Yakville!

“What that?” Yona asked as she circled around an odd metallic podium with a big red button on top.

“It’s the project spell button… Thing, I didn’t give it a name. But, essentially, we both press this button to fully agree to the terms of the project we decided upon. It will keep things locked in place while also giving us an emergency button to press in case things go crazy. Pretty smart, right?” You said, smirking, standing proud of your magical cast.

“Yona think she understands. But you really think something can go wrong when it comes to yaks? Yaks don’t cause problem. Yaks best at solving problems though.” Yona stated as she curiously tapped at the button without pressing it.

Yeah, you knew that wasn’t true. No matter the situation, you felt they could level an entire continent compared to what you could do by accident. “It’s just a precaution. Just remember, we only have an hour, so we gotta do as much yak stuff as possible before we do one of my adventures.” In which you were being sly about. You made sure whatever adventure you both end up in, it’d be small and inconsequential. Basically, you made sure nothing could go wrong. “So, you ready to go?”

Yona nodded with excitement. “Mhmm! Yona excited to see what Yakville look like! So, all Yona have to do is press button?”

You nodded as you yourself gave the button a press. “Yup, just press the button like I did and we can get started.”

Yona jumped up and slammed onto the button with her hooves as her excitement peaked and she could no longer contain it. “Okay! Yona wanna see Yakville! Yona wanna show Anon all yak-like things! Show him yaks as good as an-WAAGH!” Yona and you are blown backwards as the podium releases a huge blastwave that spreads across the entire town. When you both came back to your senses, you could already see the ground around the podium change and become snowy as it spread out in a circle, changing all it came across.

“What going on?!” Yona said as she became a fearful “Everything chang-The fountain!” She pointed at it, then immediately smiled, her fear leaving her. “It yak now!”

“Ngh…” You slowly stood up and noticed the ground before you begin to change. “W-woah! Woah! What in the!” You began to step backwards as the changing ground came near you, but then you looked ahead and noticed the podium began to vanish. “WHAT?! NO! WHAT?! GYAH!” You couldn’t let this happen! Without the podium, without that button, who knows what can happen! But the moment you jump towards it, you become several pounds heavier as you slam into the ground. “Ngh! The button! Yona, button gone! Anon… Wait. Anon? Gyah! Anon! Anon! Why can't Anon say name right?!” It took you a moment, but you didn’t need a mirror to know what just happened. While your mind was intact, you suddenly found it difficult to speak the way you usually did. You also felt heavier, yet stronger than before. “Don’t tell Anon. Don’t tell Anon is y-”

“Anon! You yak now! Woooow! Look! Everything yak now!” Yona said in wonderment as it began to snow around the both of you. She then pointed to city hall, which had become a gigantic hut. “City hall now yak city hall! Oooooh! Is everycreature yak now too?!”

“Ngh, mnnnaaaaa… Anon immediately regret decision.” You plopped your ass on the ground, and looked at your hooves, your not very cute looking hooves. You had extensively hairy fur, your horns were little spikes, and your tail was a puffball.

“Don’t be baby, Anon. Being yak is great!” Yona said with a cheer as she looked upon Yakville, which had become cold, rustic, and simple. And yet, still seemed rather cheerful, as the rustle and bustle of the town could still be heard… And felt on the ground. “C’mon, we need to do yak things.”

Okay… Okay, this wasn’t too bad, you still had your… Wait, why couldn’t you feel it? “Horn! Where’s Anon’s horn?!”

“Huh? Yona don’t see it. Oh! It probably gone because of button thing, it must know project is important, so it went away until it done.” Yona said in a matter of factly like fashion.

WUT?! “What you mean?! Anon master of chaos! It can't be gone! How Yona know it gone?!” You said as you latched onto her face like a face hugger.

Yona quickly threw her head up to throw you onto her back, then giggled at you. “Silly Anon, Yona may not be chaos master, but Yona do know that yak word is unbreakable. Once you agree with yak, you must see agreement to its end. That’s why yak best dealmakers.”


“O-okay then. A-anon, understand…” You said as you drooped off of Yona’s back and onto the ground. Dammit, Anon, how could a ‘yak’s deal’ affect your magic this much?! What did you do wrong?! No, no, it’s fine, you’re overreacting. Yona is your friend, you’d be an asshole if you treated this like a burden. Besides, this could actually turn out to be pretty fu- “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Suddenly, a giant yeti grabs you out of nowhere and starts slamming you onto the ground. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!”

“Yeti! Where it come from?! A-Anon! Anon! Don’t worry, Yona help!” Yona, without hesitation, rushed to your aid and smashed her head into the yeti’s back. However, the yeti was a giant brute, almost the size of Twilight’s castle. It was hulking with muscles and its thick fur was able to absorb Yona’s attack. It simply looked down at her, and picked her up, squeezing the both of you in its grip.

“NGH! Anon! Anon can’t stop it!” You yelled out. “NGH AAAAGH!” You let out an ear rupturing yell as the Yeti squeezed you harder in its grip.

“YOU! YOU FACE FLUTTERSHY! RIGHT NOW!” Came a soft yet bellowing voice from below.

The yeti stopped for a moment to look down behind it, seeing a yellow furred yak behind him. Scaringly enough, this yak was pretty gigantic, with twisting horns and steam coming from her nostrils. She was about a quarter of the size of the yeti, but goddamn, that was still massive. You look down weakly, simply due to the voice being familiar… Fluttershy? “A-aunt Fluttershy?”

“YOU LET GO NEPHEW AND FRIEND RIGHT NOW! OR FLUTTERSHY MAKE YOU SORRY! FLUTTERSHY NOT APPROVE OF MEANNESS!” Fluttershy shouted, the steam from her nostrils starting to become so hot, it was melting the snow around her.

The yeti laughed, and raised its gigantic foot to crush Fluttershy where she stood. But the moment he brought it down upon her, she managed to jump away, then jump upwards so ridiculously high that she was able to reach the yeti’s head. She then smashed her head down upon his, causing him to throw both you and Yona upwards as he quickly sinks into the ground, until only his head is above it. Then, bouncing off from her hit, she was able to catch you and Yona as she flipped backwards. She dropped Yona as soon as she could see the drop wouldn’t hurt her, and then fell onto her back as she hugged onto you. “Anon! Anon! Fluttershy so worried. Fluttershy give you kisses now.” Fluttershy cried as she gave smooch after smooch, but her tears were so huge and thick that your entire face became drenched in seconds. She then gently put you on the ground as she rolled to the side to get up.

“Wow! Yona so amazed! Professor Fluttershy, that you?” Yona said as she rushed up to see her, as you just laid there on the ground, soaking as your face began to tense up from the tears freezing upon your face. Dammit...

“Mhmm, but why Yona ask? Is something different?” Fluttershy asked in confusion.

“Erm, nope! No, ummm… Nothing. Yona just amazed to see Fluttershy kick butt so hard.” Yona said, utterly impressed with her movements and strength.

“It nothing. When it come to Anon safety, Fluttershy will do anything to protect him.” Fluttershy said with a nod as her eyes shifted to the yeti. “You hear that, Yeti? Anything means anything. if you hurt Anon again, you be sorry.” Fluttershy threatened, her stare, or perhaps ‘The Stare’, scaring the yeti into just accepting the position he’s in as he began to sob.

“N-ngh…” You slowly stood up, shivering, as icicles fell off your face. Ngh, okay then, it seems Yakville is fully a go, and it almost nearly killed you, woo… But Fluttershy, goddamn, even as a yak, she risked her life to save you. Or was that risking her life? She basically kicked that thing’s ass without breaking a sweat. “T-thanks, Aunt F-fluttershy… A-anon glad Aunt Fluttershy came, but…” You looked back at the yeti and, well, what the fuck? “Where yeti come from?”

“I can answer that!” Came a familiar, and normal sounding voice as he hovered down from the sky and landed next to the three of you. “Queen Twilight somehow just realized Yakville doesn’t have any protective outer perimeter walls. Crazy, huh? The town has been here since forever and we never erected a wall. It's crazy!” It was Spike, adorned with a collar and tie, as well as a clipboard in hand.

“Queen Twilight?!” Both you and Yona exclaimed in surprise. Oh man, the spell really hit Ponyville hard. It was Ponyville but yak to a T.

“Uhhh… Yeah. Man, that yeti must have hit you both on the head pretty hard. How did you forget about Queen Twilight?” Spike asked, his eye shifting back and forth between the two of you, irked by your apparent sudden memory loss.

“Spike, what we do about yeti? Fluttershy don’t like that it gave Anon memory loss. It make Fluttershy want to rip in two.” Fluttershy said, as she angrily glared at the yeti, causing it to whimper and try to hide by burying its head further the best it could.

“Woah, woah! Relax there, Fluttershy.” Spike said as he rushed up to her and and gave her a head pat before looking back at the yeti with a shady smirk. “Trust me, all that guy needs is a four hour lecture from the queen and I’m sure everything will be square. That fine with you, Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy nods. “Yes, as long as yeti becomes good. If he doesn’t become good, then Fluttershy rip in two.”

Christ… Fluttershy as a yak was actually pretty damn scary.

“Um, Spike.” Yona gingerly approached Spike, curious about something. “Do you not remember Ponyville?”

“Ponyville? Never heard of it.” He said with a shrug. “C’mon, Yona, don’t joke about ponies, will ya? They aren’t tough like us yaks. Well, I’m not exactly a yak, but… Y’know, Queen Twilight raised me as one, ever since she kept my egg warm from the bitter cold. Now…” Spike raised his clipboard and gave it a look see. “We gotta get this wall set up before any other nasties show up. Anon, I’d have you join in on the tree cutting with that skull of yours, buuuuut after what happened with that yeti, I’ll keep you with Yona and assign you to the building group. Yona, you’re still good to slam those wooden logs in, right?”

Yona nodded and cheered “Yona love smashing in wooden logs! Yaks best at using skill and strength to put in walls in one bash!”

“They sure are. Speaking of which, Anon, don’t smash them in too far, okay? We got mallets for a reason, use em. In fact, you both should see Rarity. Her new mallets are both stylish and unbreakable. So cool...” Spike said with a doting sigh. But he shakes his head to snap back into it, and takes up his clipboard and strikes a mark onto the paper clipped to it. “Well, that’s done. Hey, Fluttershy, can you guard the yeti until the Queen gets here?”

Fluttershy nodded. “Fluttershy guard yeti.” Fluttershy then walked over to you and nuzzled her head onto yours. “Stay strong, Anon, do not be scared. You mighty yak, and yak not scared of anything. Good luck.”

“T-thanks, Aunt Fluttershy. Um, I-GYAGH!” Suddenly, Fluttershy starts yelling at you so loudly, you fall over as your ears ring.

“No wasting time! We already hug! Fluttershy don’t want other yaks calling you lazy, Fluttershy don’t want to rip apart other yaks! Go, go!” She shouted as she gave you a strong stern stare, though, even with that, you could see the love shining through her eyes.

“O-okay! Okay!” You said as you quickly got up and headed towards where the Carousel Boutique normally would be.

And then you heard Yona giggling. You looked over to her with a sour look, and sniffed. “What funny?”

“You make for funny yak. Prince Rutherford would make you clown yak, then not make you clown yak, because yak not supposed to be clowns.” Yona said with a giggle before looking around Yakville. She could see everyone had become yaks, the ponies have anyway, and none of them seemed to realize they had been changed in any way. It was as if Yakville had always existed.

“Anon not clown! Anon master! Master of everything! Anon would have made yeti toast if he was ready! Don’t laugh at Anon!” You don’t know why, but you felt your sense of pride had been upped since becoming a yak. And you really didn’t need Yona laughing at you. Hell, you had the strongest head ever, that should demand respect among yaks!

“Sorry, Anon. Yona can’t help it.” Yona said as she stifled her giggles. “Yona not used to it. But Yona interested to see how Anon work. Work is important. When all yak work in harmony, then everything get done fast enough for play. But yaks must never rush things, everything must be made strong.”

“Mnnngh, Anon didn’t know he’d be working without magic.” Dammit, you really didn’t want to do something like this. Especially since everything would… Or should… revert in an hour, hopefully. “Why we need to build wall, anyway? Everything change back in hour.”

“Yona would normally be upset to hear about yak avoiding work, but Yona know Anon enough to know he a little lazy. Anon, we had deal, so you have to do yak things. If you don’t, maybe things stay like this forever. Actually… That kind of scary. Yona like Ponyville, Yona like her friends the way they are.” Yona, upon coming to that thought, suddenly seemed a little frightened. When you saw that she seemed spooked, it kinda made you feel bad. It also made you realize it made you look like a pussy for shirking work. But right before you could say anything about it, Yona grabbed you by the cheeks and shook you about. “Yona scared about that, Anon! Tell Yona that wouldn’t happen! Yona don’t even know if Sandbar or Ocellus or Gallus or Smolder or Silverstream here in Yakville! Yona don’t want to lose friends forever!”

“Nggghhhh! Gyah! Y-Yona! A-Anon promises it only last hour! Anon will work! Anon will work!” You screamed out for dear life. “Everything go back in hour! Friends will come back! Promise! Promise!”

“P-promise? Ok-okay, Y-yona believe you, Yona believe Anon not lie. Y-yona sorry about laughing too…” She said as she gently put you down and gave you a soft hug. Whether it was due to your body being able to handle her strength, or she was being gentle, you had no idea. “Y-yona didn’t mean to be mean. Yona just thought it was funny.”

“I-it fine.” You said with a sigh, to began to catch your breath. “Anon shouldn’t be being baby anyway. Anon don’t need chaos magic to do things. Anon don’t even know why he worried about that. Anon just feel tiny bit different, but Anon can work just fine.” You just weren’t used to things being this way, that’s all. You didn’t have your magic, you nearly just died, you’ve been yelled at, and then been ordered to work. You didn’t want to be told what to do, that was what it really was. Especially for something as pointless as this. But, you agreed to it, and given your horn and the podium were gone, it might be best to go along with things until the hour was up. However, given the project itself, you wanted to ask a yak related question to Yona. “Yona, do yaks normally deal with yeti like that? Aunt Fluttershy handle it like it everyday thing”

Yona nodded. “Yak deal with lots of things like that. We defend home, we defend each other, no yak leave other yak behind. We work together, play together, party together, and even be sad together sometime. We basically big family.”

“Big family, huh? That explain why yak version of Aunt Fluttershy so protective. But Anon surprised about Spike, he basically same.” You said, noting Spike hadn’t changed at all. You also noted that Fluttershy seemed fine with him. You'd think yaks would be wary about letting a dragon into their ranks. “He not even yak, yet he accepted like one anyway.”

“I think spell only change ponies into yak. But Yona not surprised about Spike. Here, Spike grew up as yak, so he is yak, and is part of family. Sometimes, you don’t need to be yak to be yak. Having spirit and understanding of yak is enough to be yak a lot of times.” Yona explained.

Huh… That was actually pretty deep. It felt similar to what you wanted with Chrysalis, for her to be family with you, Fluttershy, and Discord. Your partnership with Scoots. And even the relationship you have with Starlight. And of course, you mustn’t forget the family you have with the Riches. But when it comes to the yaks, it seems to be a bond that was unbreakable among all of them. As if it was the very foundation of their society. Just… Damn. “Yaks more loving than Anon realize. Anon don’t mean to be blunt, but Anon thought yaks were kinda angry a lot.”

“Oh, yaks can be very angry. Yaks best at being angry. But yaks always angry with good reason. Yaks don’t like to hate, yaks just become angry because we don’t like bad things or things that mock yak tradition. Anon, you don’t mock yak traditions, do you? Just asking.” Yona asked, not being overly inquisitive, she was just honestly curious.

“Er… No.” fuck, you couldn’t remember if you ever actually did. But you felt bad and didn’t want to upset her, especially not after all that.

“Okay, Yona believe you. Come on, let’s go see Professor Rarity! Yona curious to see how she is as yak!” Yona said as she suddenly broke out into a sprint.

“W-wait! Anon not used to running as yak yet!” You say as you chase after her, tripping in the snow.

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