• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 180 - Ocellus Can't Get Over It

You stood between the old thrones, looking down at everyone. Twilight and Spike stood at your side, surprisingly enough, their presence being comforting as you prepared your massive apology and judgement. You were sure some would forgive you, but there only had to be one who didn’t who’d just… Well, they’d be entitled to those feelings, due to your fuck ups. “Alright then, Anon. Here we go,” You whispered to yourself. You took a breath, and then another, then looked to Spike, who looked back at you and gave you a thumbs up. Well, ok then. “Everpony, I have something to say.”

“If this is gonna be some apology thing, we already forgive you. So, y’know, can we get back to the party?” Gallus calls out to you.

WUT?! “What?! You already forgive me?! All of you?!”

“Well, duh!” Silverstream flew up, throwing her foreleg out in a cheer. “Me and Cozy, we spoke to everycreature about it! It’s not like you ran away or anything! And the compass thing wasn’t really your fault! So, why are you apologizing again?” Silverstream asked, trying to say that last part in a more sly manner, which only came off as endearing.

Sweetie Belle shrugged “Yeah, and everything else is usually because you have super bad luck. We already know you can’t control that. Everycreature is ok, Anon, none of us blame you for what happened. And since Cozy especially doesn’t blame you, and you couldn’t have known she was trying to reform the Storm King. Well, you know.”

“Yeah, Anon.” Smolder said as she brought her claw to her hip. “We’re your friends, remember? Geez, you could have just asked us instead of making it this super big thing.”

...Dammit. “Yeah… erm.” You look at Twilight. Then you look back at your friends. They forgave you that easily, huh? Hrn… Then perhaps, since you were on a truth marathon, you might as well fill in the last few of your current friends who don’t know about Chrysalis. “Ok. Then, er, moving on to part two of this apology. I, uh, ahrm, also learned that honesty really is the best policy and-”

“What? What Anon talking about?” Yona asked. “We learned that already. Did Anon’s head actually break? Wait, does that mean Yak head smashing skills is actually better?” Yona asked, confused by your statement.

“No, I mean. Look, there are about three of you who don’t know this, because I didn’t want it spreading around.” You say in a rush, before taking a breath, calming down, and try to prepare yourself for the worst reaction to your next words. “Look, I’m friends with Queen Chrysalis. I’ve been trying to reform her for a long long while. I know that may come as a shock to you-”

“Anon, everypony already knows that too.” Gallus replies.

WUT?! “WHEN?!”

“That’s sort of my fault. You know, when you kind of got all weird and then it turned out you and Gallus were just planning some fireworks for me? Yeah, I gotta admit, I kinda bugged Gallus about what was really going on. I dunno, it just seemed really off.” Sandbar nervously admitted as he rubbed his foreleg with his other hoof.

“Golly, I hope you aren’t mad, Anon. I told Silverstream and Yona about it while you were with headmare Twilight.” Cozy said, as she ducked like a scared little kitten.

Welp. “Ok then, I, er, huh…”

Spike snickered at all of that, finding it rather hilarious. “And you were worried over nothing.”

“Yeah… Just, er, kinda wish others wouldn’t just go spilling secrets like that.” You said in a lower voice so only Twilight and Spike could hear, grinding your teeth.

“I understand how you feel, Anon. But maybe this is a good thing. Nocreature seems to be ups-” But then, out of the blue, Ocellus starts to speak up, and she doesn't seem too pleased.

“Attention, everycreature. Now that you all know about this, and what happened to Cozy. I can safely say that Anon’s plan is a bad one. You can’t reform somepony like Chrysalis, nocreature can! All this time, and she’s not only still evil, but she tricked headmare Twilight and Anon into letting her scheme up one last big evil plan before she’d even attempt to reform. Which I’m sure she’s lying about!” Ocellus said as she hovered upwards, explaining and announcing her feelings on the subject.

Dammit! Ocellus! What the hell was she doing?! Was she waiting? Was she seriously waiting for the perfect chance to say that out loud?! You were about to call her out yourself, but you suddenly hear Twilight whispering to you. She was telling you “Anon, don’t do what I did. Don’t overreact. Remember, Ocellus has a right to her feelings too.” Dammit, ok, Twilight was on your side, but this wasn't exactly a moment to be calm and let Ocellus ruin everything. Instead, Twilight takes charge before you could think of a ‘calmer’ way to approach Ocellus. “Ocellus, calm down. The situation with Chrysalis is under control. It’s not something we’ve taken lightly.”

“Yes you have! I know about the curse, but that isn’t enough to stop her. Hasn’t anycreature realized that her friendship with Anon exists because she was forced to? She used him to try to escape Discord’s basement, and now she’s using him to get to you, Headmare! None of you know her like I do, she’s pure evil, she doesn’t care about anycreature but herself!” Ocellus said, looking at everyone frantically as she attempted to try to get everyone to see her point.

“Woah, woah, hold on.” Smolder said as she waved her claw left and right at Ocellus, then clapped both her hands together as she pointed them at you. “He’s been friends with her for a long time. I get that she’s evil, but if she was already out of his dad’s basement, why didn’t she destroy Anon the moment she had her chance?”

Guh… She, sorta did attempt that, at the false wedding. But she was crazy, out of her mind. “Er, I mean, Smo-” But you couldn’t even finish your sentence as Scrappy barreled right into the conversation.

“You’re wrong! The Queen cares about Anon, she cares about all of us… Sorta. She hates traitors, but she also hates being alone! If it wasn’t for Anon, she’d go crazy, so crazy, that she would be talking to sticks and stones! Is that what you want for our queen?” Scrappy said as he started hopping up and down, ready to face off against Ocellus if he had to.

“M-maybe, er. Well, yes, actually. She deserves to feel that way!” Ocellus said, as she brought herself back to the ground, ready to stand up for her beliefs.

Twilight gasped, but she didn’t say anything about it, it made you wonder why she reacted, so you whispered. “Twilight, what’s up?”

“What do you think? She's actually is willing to go as far as to want that kind of vengeance, I know we haven’t been teaching her that. But I won’t say anything, not yet, I want to see if they can work something out among themselves. So, Anon, can you hold off too?” She asked you. It seemed she wanted to see Ocellus’s true feelings on the subject, while also letting her handle the issue on her own to see what she has learned from her school thus far.

“Yeah, I guess. I’m scared about Scrappy though, he might get violent.” Like seriously, the little guy can explode at any moment.

“Don’t worry, I already have my magic ready to catch him, just in case.” Twilight said, her horn already emitting a soft glow.

“Deserves!? She raised us! Took care of us! We weren’t just lowly minions, we are her children! And, ok, we’re not evil anymore. But that doesn’t mean we should hate her! She misses us, she wants us to be a hive again!” Scrappy said.

“She would, because then she could go back to trying to take over everything with us, her army of changelings who were just too blind to see a better way, the better way she still refuses to see. She just uses everycreature, Scrappy. She uses you…” Ocellus then looks to you and points. “Just like she uses him. Why should I believe any different?”

Scrappy suddenly twitched, tilted his head, and narrowed an eye at her. “But, if she wasn’t Anon’s friend, wouldn’t she have kept the horn when she blasted the old dumb captain?”

Ocellus suddenly went wide eyed for a moment, faltering, but only for a second. “Erm, well, ahrm. Well, remember, she wouldn’t have been able to keep the horn. If she did, Discord would have dealt with her personally.”

“Aha! Foooooool!” Scrappy yelled out as he pointed towards Ocellus

“What? Y-you can’t just call me a fool, that doesn’t mean you win the argument.” Ocellus said. Despite being right, she felt a little scared from Scrappy’s sudden insult.

“Correct! Which is why I will also make a move with my words! Because she could have used the horn to go back to the hive, where Discord wouldn’t have been able to follow thanks to the throne. Then she could have planned, and planned, and even found a way to make the horn work with the throne. And then, Equestria would be hers! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Scrappy said as he began to laugh maniacally. “CHEECCKKKMMAAATTEEE!”

“Ouhhhh, that guy still gives me the bad vibes when he talks like that.” Spike said, shivering from how uneasy he felt.

“I admit, that is pretty unsettling. But, if that really did happen, then he has a point. Anon, you were obviously there, is Scrappy right?” Twilight asked

“Er, yeah, I guess she could have done that if she kept the horn til the next day. It only had one charge at the time, and I forget that ‘Dad’ is so full of himself, he probably would have let it happen. He was super sure her throne, or really, your brother’s armor wouldn’t have any effect on his magic. Turns out it does, so retroactively, he would have let it happen to try to prove it doesn’t, but it does.” You explain.

“Yeah, it’s actually pretty scary to think Chrysalis had a throne that was that powerful this whole time. Shining wanted me to help him figure out how to change the properties of his armor to affect changelings, so no doubt Chrysalis would find a way to have the horn work within the range of her throne, with Discord having no way to stop her from siphoning his power at least once a day.” Twilight begins to think about it more, until she suddenly comes to a realization. “She really could have done that, and yet she didn’t.”

“Looks like Scrappy has a point then. Huh, and when you only had one charge. That had to be a super long time ago. Maybe she was already warming up to the idea of reforming. What do you think, Anon?” Spike asked.

“I think she only really cared about me at that point.” You could remember her having no care for Scootaloo, and just letting her be drained dry. “But, I also think she’s improved since then. Like, a lot, we just need to wait for her to actually execute her plan.” You say as you give the shackles on your legs a somber look.

Twilight nods. “Something I promise I’ll be ready for. Don’t worry, I’m with you on this, and I’ll do my best to help you reform her in any way I can.”

“Thanks, Twilight.” Was all you could say. You couldn’t criticize her too much at this point, she literally has to be a target for Chrysalis’s aggressions towards Celestia. So yeah, just accept her help, and don't question it.

Meanwhile, Ocellus seemed to actually be subdued by Scrappy’s ‘checkmate’. But she wasn’t willing to give in just yet. “B-but she s-s-still wants revenge, h-how can anycreature justify that? She doesn’t want friends, n-not really. A-Anon is just a sp-special case, i-it’s because he has power.”

“Actually…” Suddenly, a new challenger appears! Applebloom walks towards Scrappy and gives him a gentle pet. “Scrappy, I’m gonna have to ask ya to simmer down, ok? I’m gonna say somethin’ really big, and I don’t want ya to get too excited.”

“Master Applebloom?” Scrappy looked upon her with confusion. Even Ocellus was confused. Everyone was confused, even you.

“It’s alright, really.” Applebloom said, with a gentle calm voice, as she gave him a nice grin. “And that’s because…” She then looked over to Ocellus. “Ah met with Chrysalis myself, and I think she ain’t that bad.”

“WHAT?!” Everyone, everyone but you, responded to that with just that one word. You just tensed up, because holy shit, that's one hell of a bomb to drop.

“Er, yeah. And it kinda went ok. I learned a lot about her, and I can safely say she really REALLY cares about Anon. And, er, I think she can learn the kind of care for friends she should have. If she can learn that, then she would be reformed no problem.” Applebloom said, both with certainty and uncertainty at the same time.

You slowly looked over to Twilight, expecting her to fucking explode. But aside from a few twitches, she was surprisingly calm. “Twilight?”

Twilight gulps, but looks to you with as much calmness as she can muster. “Don’t worry, I’m not g-gonna lose it. Chrysalis can’t hurt her, so it’s nothing to w-worry about. And Applebloom goes through the safer parts of the forest all the t-time. I-if anything, this is already sounding like a good thing.”

“I’m surprised it’s a thing. Anon, were you there when this happened?” Spike asked, looking over at Twilight for a moment, hoping she stays as calm as she says she is.

“I showed up a little after. Er, it looks like she’s about to explain everything. But I can promise you this, nothing bad happened.” This really was a tense moment, christ. She just brought it up. And yet, this could be it, this could be the clencher that convinces everyone and puts them on your side.

“Really cares about Anon? You only met her once, while she’s cursed, and you think that’s enough to know her true intention?” Ocellus asked, ready to challenge Applebloom’s possible misconceptions of her former queen.

“Well, me and my friends met her more than once. Especially this one time she drank this weird stuff and thought Scootaloo was a chicken.” Applebloom mentioned.

Scootaloo groaned, embarrassed, and covered her face with her hooves. “Uuuuugh, why did you have to mention that? That was just too weird. I thought she was going to make me her pet.”

“I thought she was going to spit up rainbows from how weirdly nice she was suddenly acting.” Sweetie Belle commented.

Scrappy began to twitch with excitement. “Y-you met with the queen? Master Applebloom, you met with her? D-did, did, er, you have fun?”

“Well, er, Kinda? That’s the thing, she kinda drank that weird stuff again. And she, er, well?” Applebloom looked to you, then to Twilight, and thought it’d probably be good not to mention the part where Chrysalis tried to kill you both. “She started acting really off. Or, from what I can tell, she was tellin’ all sorts of truths.”

“Truths? Chrysalis? Weird stuff?” Ocellus was confused, so damn confused, until suddenly. “Wait, was she drunk? Like, that weird thing where she wasn’t thinking straight? I remember her mentioning it happened to her to all of us, and then suddenly demanding we just forget she ever mentioned it. She had a big headache from it and we could tell she definitely wasn’t thinking right. She got drunk from a drink? Was it a poison?”

“Ah don’t think so, ah think it’s a weird truth potion. Anon didn’t say it was, but it sure seemed like it, because after she got drunk, she started crying.” Applebloom said

“Crying?!” Both Ocellus and Scrappy said in utter surprise.

“Yeah, um, and saying all sorts of things, she was sayin’ how she really cares about Anon. How she had fun adventurin’ with him. And that, and this part nearly made me cry when ah heard it, she said she’s willin’ to sacrifice herself so nothin’ bad happens to him.” Applebloom explained.

“What?! That doesn’t sound like her at all!” Ocellus said in disbelief.

“Erm, I-I have to agree, Master Applebloom. That doesn’t sound like the queen, she doesn’t cry. At least, I’ve never seen her cry.” Scrappy added, while in dismay that he had to agree with Ocellus.

Welp, Anon, now was your time to shine. “She’s telling the truth. I always had a feeling she cared about me more than she let on, considering she has nearly sacrificed herself to save me before. I could see she was scared, she was scared of being alone, scared of something happening to me, scared of making friends. Considering she likes my marefriend, it tells me she’s more than capable of making friends, she’s just scared to do it. Ocellus, we’ve had this chat before. I’m this far, I’m this close. I’m asking you, please, to give her a chance.”

“B-but…” Ocellus then looks to Twilight, hoping she’d be on her side. “Headmare Twilight, y-you haven’t really said anything about this yet. D-do you think they’re right?”

Twilight nodded as she stepped forward. “I do. This curse, Chrysalis’s plan to attack me, all of it happened because during my own visit with her, I couldn’t compromise with her and chose to question her sensibilities and push my ideals on her. But, before that happened, I was watching a film with her, and we were both making some connection with each other, even if it was strained. Chrysalis wants to try to end me to exact her petty revenge on Princess Celestia. But, if I can best her, which I plan to, I want to make a compromise with her so we can both be friends without either of us going to another extreme. Furthermore, I feel the more we can trust with this information in general, the more possible friends Chrysalis can have. Everycreature needs friends, Ocellus, even her.”

Ocellus began to shiver, such thoughts, it scared her, it meant she’d eventually be out and about, possibly plotting, possibly wanting to take everything for herself… Or worse. “B-but…” She gulped, looking back at her friends. “You all understand what I’m talking about, r-right?”

“Oh, Ocellus, don’t make me choose.” Silverstream said as she leaned down, disheartened. “We’ve been learning to make friends all this time, right? I-I know the Storm King is bad, but if Anon and Headmare Twilight say it's ok, then it should be ok, right?”

“Anon has been working really really really hard, Ocellus. What if we don’t try to help? Golly, she’d just feel all lonely and have no reason to be good.” Cozy said, as if her own failure with the Storm King didn’t cross her mind.

Smolder put her arms to her hips, tapping her foot with impatience. “I dunno, after what happened, Ocellus has a point. What if Chrysalis really is lying? Considering I’ve heard she’s worse than any dragon, that could really be a thing, y’know?”

Sweetie Belle shook her head. “Trust us, if Chrysalis drank the stuff that made her act that way, then she had no way of controlling herself. So if she was saying stuff like that, she must have meant it.”

“Yona has become more curious over drink than anything else. If drink can truly make somecreature that way, then Yona wanna try it. If Yona can resist, then maybe bug queen can resist too. Not as much as Yak, but still.” Yona added.

“But I already know the queen can’t resist that drink. That’s why she wanted us to forget about it after she told us. She said it to all of us.” Scrappy added.

Ocellus flinched. It was true, she knew it was true, she wouldn’t have gotten angry about it if she handled it well. Then, suddenly, she felt a pony hugging her. It was Sandbar. “Ocellus, it's ok. We know you don’t like her, we all get it.” He then stops, and looks at her with a warming smile. “But look at you, you changed for the better too. Like, super literally. Doesn’t that mean she can change too? Whatever you wanna do, I’ll have your back. And if you’re afraid to face her, well, I got your back on that too. I’ll be right there with you so nothing bad happens. We all will, right guys?” Sandbar said as he looked back at the rest of the group, who of course all gave a resounding yes.

“Meet with her? After everything that happened? I…” Ocellus then looked down. She was scared, and yet, she felt ashamed. She felt she was justified, and yet, could she be wrong? But, despite it all, Chrysalis scared her. She didn’t want to have anything to do with her, she didn’t even want there to even be a chance of her being taken in by her influence. But she knew, she knew that drink was real. And if Chrysalis truly acted that way… “I… I need some time to think about it. Is that ok?”

“Sure!” Sandbar said with no hesitance, wanting to encourage and help Ocellus with any decision she makes. “Take all the time you need. Whatever you decide, we’ll all back you up. Right guys?”

Gallus shrugs. “Yeah, I don’t see why we wouldn’t. I’m not too crazy talking to an evil bug queen either. But friendship is important, right? I, er, I know what it is to have some family issues and stuff. So, er, I can see it both ways.”

And with an affirmation from everyone else, Sandbar nodded to Ocellus, and grinned. “See? Nocreature is forcing you to say yes.”

“...I guess. I am sort of interested to see for myself if she is truly changing. But… I can’t face her right now. I know what she’d say.” Ocellus sat down, and began to shake her head, she was growing more timid by the second, and now she didn’t want to think about it anymore.

“That’s fine, don’t even worry about it, ok, Ocellus?” Sandbar says, trying to get her mind off of things. “We can forget about it for now, right? We still have a party to get down too, right everycreature?”

And just like that, everyone just agreed. Because party time is best time. Twilight took the time to take a breath and relax. “Well, it looks like everything is working out so far. Even better than I hoped, actually. All I can wish for now is for Ocellus to come around. I don’t want to force it though.”

“Yeah, ugh, I’m really hoping she does give it a chance though. The more changelings willing to forgive her, the better the odds she just reforms without issue. I think I lucked out this time, like, big time. This could have gone really bad.” Like, fuck, not only does everyone know now, but aside from Ocellus, they were all willing to try to be Chrysalis’s friend. You doubted they could, but the sentiment certainly would help convince her.

“Tell me about it, you’re really lucky you’re popular, Anon.” Spike said, smirking as he shakes his head. But then suddenly, he becomes frightened of something. “Oh, wait, never mind. I just realized something.”

“What’s that, Spike?” Twilight asked.

“So, yeah, it’s pretty obvious Applejack doesn’t know Applebloom has seen Chrysalis yet. So, uh… Y’know, considering it has to do with Anon.” Spike said, as he put a claw to his neck and slide it to the side. “Yeah, that.”

Twilight’s ears folded when she heard that. “Right, er, I… Well, she’s… Oh boy.”

Oh god… You were going to die. Applejack was going to kill you when she found out. There was no if, she had to know eventually.

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