• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 142 - Lust, Love, and Friendship

Welp, it was time for generosity class, a class that should go much better for you than honesty class. Not that you didn’t fucking nail it, but Rarity found you absolutely precious, so failure was out of the question. Aside from Fluttershy, Rarity is probably the only other pony from the mane six who likes you and enjoys your company. However, once you were about to step inside the class, you noticed Silverstream at her seat, adorably sitting there with a smile, waiting for class to start. Shit! You grab onto Ocellus by her waist and pull her back, plopping on your side due to the awkwardness of your grab, confusing her greatly.

“Anon?!” Ocellus said, surprised “W-what are you doing? Why did you grab me like that? Are you ok?” Ocellus said, confused, hoping you weren’t suddenly going crazy or angry about something further.

“I’m fine. Ocellus, I had to ask you something, something about Silverstream.” You say as you quickly stand, dusting yourself off.

“Silverstream? But, Anon, I already told you everything.” Ocellus said, thinking you wanted to know what she had told her.

“No, no. Er, I mean…” You shift your eyes, looking left and right, making sure no one was close by. “You can sense love, right?”

Ocellus nodded, even further confused by your sudden odd behavior.”Er… Yes? All changelings can sense love, we can sense it better than any other emotion. But, why are you asking about that?” Funny, she figured out the whole Chrysalis thing, but this was eluding her.

“I was just curious, ya know, because of the whole ‘saving her entire race’ thing. Does she, y’know, love me in anyway? At all?” You say, feeling a little nervous yourself over the question. "I mean, meeting her from before, seems like she did."

“Anon, why are you asking that kind of question? Don’t you have a marefriend?” Ocellus asked, already beginning to sense feelings you yourself shouldn’t be having.

“I mean, yeah, I’m just curious about Silverstream. I can’t be curious?” You ask, staring at her, just wanting to fucking know the answer to your question.

“You can, but you also shouldn’t. It isn’t right.” Ocellus said, her tone slowly becoming one that was trying to steer you down a proper path.

You just roll your eyes at her. “Holy crap, Ocellus, don’t act like you don’t know who I am. I’m loyal to Diamond, ok? But hot damn, Silverstream is cute too and I just want to know if I stood a chance.”

“Anon, you should really get that under control. It is very rude and not nice to even consider those types of things when you are supposed to be in love with another.” Ocellus explained, trying to lecture you.

“Ocellus, if I had known you were female back when you were in my basement, before I became official with Diamond, I probably would have had you in my bed every ni-” But before you can even finish your sentence, Ocellus slaps you.

Ocellus, after slapping you, blushed, gasped and sat down as she covered her mouth with her hooves. “Anon! I’m sorry! I don’t know what came over me! I…” And then something, something even Ocellus couldn’t identify, snapped in her mind. She looked at you with a scowl, then raised her head high, looking down at your shame. “Actually, I’m not sorry. Lust is a bad thing, Anon, you can’t just go lusting over anything you find ‘cute’ or that other word, ‘sexy’ I think it was. Erm, even if that ‘cute’ and ‘sexy’ thing is, er, me? Yes, me! I may have liked you before, but I would have never done something like t-that, erm.” For a quick moment there, Ocellus seemed to have doubted herself for a second. But no, she knew she wouldn’t. Even when she was evil, and yet, inspired by you, she knew she’d never go that far. And with that, she changes into Diamond Tiara, staring you down, and saying. “Now apologize, mister!”

Geez, she actually hit you! That was, kinda hot coming from her. But dammit, she just didn’t understand. There was nothing wrong with knowing if Silverstream had a crush on you, it wasn’t like you were going to exploit it for nuzzles and cuddles or anything, you’d never do that, never ever, never ever ever. “Ocellus, geez, you got it all wr-eep!” Shit! She changed into Diamond! And that stare, god, it was almost like looking at the real thing being pissed off at you. “Ocellus, c’mon, don’t do that. She doesn’t even call me ‘mister’, you know that, right?”

“Oh… Erm, well, whatever she calls you, you should still apologize to me and to her, er, if I was her.” Wow, Ocellus was actually stepping up. It was almost like, with the subject of Chrysalis herself, that this was one hell of a touchy issue. Even with all that though, and even changing into Diamond, she was faltering, even shaking a little. And yet, the cuteness, mixed with the reprimanding, and the fact that, yeah, ok, maybe what you asked was a little wrong…

“Ok, ok, I’m sorry. Geez, heh, really feel strongly about that, huh? Well, I guess the bed comment was, er, kinda bad. Look, ok, I get it. I’m a lusting bastard, but I also mean what I said, I’d never actively betray Diamond Tiara. I promise you that. I just, look, can I at least know if Silverstream has any feelings for me so I can let her down easy if something ever came up?” You were genuinely sorry, like, damn. Still, there wasn’t wrong with a little lust, right?

“Mmmm, well… Ok, I forgive you.” Ocellus changes back to her normal self and sighs, glad that she and you was past all that. “As for her having feelings for you, she surprisingly doesn’t, even after meeting you. She just sees you as the ultimate hero, and she’s already kind of affectionate, so, erm, it’s really more that she can’t help hugging you because she finds you cute. She adores you, Anon, but only in a way of looking up to you rather than being your, well. You know.” Ocellus said.

Well, damn, that’s all it really was? That was kind of disappointing, actually. No, get that out of your mind, Ocellus could probably sense that the disappointment of not even having a chance for Silverstream to give you lewder nuzzles was within you, and you didn't want that. Dammmn, no, no, no, remember Diamond, Anon. Ok, ok, you got it. “I see, well, glad I got that out of the way. Er, I mean, was that worth all that hassle? Slapping me and all?”

“Anon, I could sense lust coming off of you, it is a very powerful feeling. I even felt it towards me, and I just... I don't know, just don't do that, ok?” Ocellus tells you.

You just make a grump face and roll your eyes. “Eh, fiiiine, ok, let’s just get to class before we’re late.”

“Ok, and remember, being good and not thinking about other girls will take you a long way, Anon. I just know it! Erm, but er, now that everything is ok. I am sorry about hitting you” Ocellus said, as she began to frown. "I didn't really mean to do it."

“It's ok, really, I really did deserve that.” Like, not completely, but whatever.

“Ok. Hm, I can’t wait to see what Professor Rarity has planned. She’s very nice and classy, I like her.” Ocellus said, her voice becoming happier and sweeter as she thought ahead with positivity.

“Well, you’re not wrong, she’s pretty neat. And I admit, I was wondering how she teaches her class anyway.” Like, seriously, it has to be better than fucking Applejack. “Like, how do you teach generosity? Have you guys done one of those test things like with Professor Applejack?”

Ocellus shook her head. “Not yet, but Professor Rarity has been very kind to us all, she is even willing to make us all dresses and suits for an upcoming school dance… Which I think is a very very long ways away, but erm, it’s still nice to have that offer.”

Because of course Rarity would, that was actually really nice of her. You could be arrogant since you’ve dressed snazzy all on your own. But maybe it wouldn’t hurt to wear whatever Rarity might make you, it will surely make her happy, something you didn’t mind at all given how she sees you. “Yeah. That is nice.”

You both then entered the classroom. Rarity was still sitting, waiting for class to officially start, But upon spotting you two, she couldn’t help but smile and greet you both. “Ocellus, and Anon, welcome! I hope you’re both ready for a ‘historic’ day in my class.” Rarity said with a giggle, amused by her own pun.

“Oh yes, Professor Rarity, I’m always excited for your class. What are we going to learn today?” Ocellus asked as she took her seat.

“Well, I thought I’d pinpoint a more recent and yet historical moment of generosity and read the story to the class, then we can discuss it, learn from it. But, ah, before we even begin, I must introduce our new student, who I hope…” Rarity suddenly becomes a little stern, still visibly upset from the way Applejack treated you. “Will be made to feel most welcome. Anon, dear, would you like to greet the class?”

Of course you will. You nod to Rarity and ponder for a moment on how to open your introduction. Though, it wasn’t long until Silverstream finally lost her composure and cheered for you loudly across the room. Yona, who was next to her, along with… Oh, holy shit, Cozy Glow is here too? Perfect… Although her ears are getting blasted right now by Silverstream’s sudden screech. “It’s Anon! The hero colt! He’s finally here! In our class! Wooooooooo! Anon! Hi! Hi hi hi!” She waved to you in excitement. “Are you going to tell everycreature how you beat the Storm King? I’d love to hear all about that! Please, please?!”

W-woah, no love or lust for you, eh? Was she really that innocent minded? “Erm… I mean, I don’t want to interrupt Miss Professor Rarity’s class or anything.”

Some of the other students, obviously not even from Ponyville, were already whispering to each other. Some found you cute, others couldn’t believe the ‘Hero Colt’ was so small and young, others were already looking to Rarity herself, some wanting to hear the story now that it was brought up. But, Rarity felt it was irrelevant to her class. It’s not like she herself minded that you’d tell it, she knew it was quite an interesting story, but it wasn’t the time or place. So she just politely looked to Silverstream and shook her head. “I’m sorry, Silverstream, but this simply isn’t the time for that. Of course, you’re welcome to ask Anon himself about it during lunch or after the school day is over. That is, of course, as long as Anon doesn’t mind.”

“I don’t mind. Hey, Silverstream, if you wanna hang out during lunch. Y’know, it’s cool. I mean, I don’t mind all of my friends hanging out with me.” And you shifted your gaze towards Cozy Glow and winked at her. “That means you too, Cozy.”

Cozy blushed and squeezed her cheeks adorably as her wings flapped. “O-oh, I-I’d like that, Prof- erm, Anon, I’d like that a lot.”

Yona nodded to herself. “Yona interested in story too. Everycreature make the Storm King sound like big deal, but yaks could probably crush him if they knew Storm King existed.”

“Yes! YES! I can’t wait! I only have what my cousin has told me, and I just want to know so so so much more! I want to know how you reformed the Storm King’s evil captain, how you traveled the seas, how you-” But the excited Silverstream is interrupted by Professor Rarity, who was clearing her throat loudly at her. “O-oh, but later, right, at lunch! Ooooooooh, I can’t wait!

Rarity couldn’t help but smile though, she enjoyed the enthusiasm. But again, there was a time and a place for everything. “Ahrm, in any case, I suppose Anon needn’t introduce too much of himself as his reputation already precedes him.” Rarity says with a chuckle. “I can confirm that Anon is indeed the hero the stories proclaim him to be. But that has nothing to do with generosity, and as I mentioned, can be spoken about at another time. But, Anon, I do welcome you to my class and I very much hope it is to your liking. You may take any empty seat you like. And do prepare yourself, today’s lesson will be quite a treat and I am simply excited to know the kinds of discussions you and the rest of the class will have after I’m done. Ah yes, one last thing. As charming as it is, I’d prefer you call me ‘Professor Rarity’ or just ‘Professor’. I know you are just being polite, but I’d like it if you treat me as you would any other teacher.” Rarity then stepped a little closer to you, winked, and whispered. “Of course, with how you conducted yourself with Applejack, I’d not be surprised seeing you as my peer soon enough.”

Damn, and she said you were charming? Rarity was making you feel like a million bits right there. God, it feels good to be you. Ah, but a seat, a seat… Well, there was an empty seat between Cozy Glow and Ocellus. And given your last meeting with her, you knew she could use some company if she hadn’t found a friend using that compass yet. You take the seat by her, as Silverstream just looked past Cozy with a grin, happy to have you close by.

“Golly, Anon, you’re really sitting close to me?” Cozy said, again looking quite blushy and very happy to have you so close. “Are you sure? M-maybe you’d like to sit somewhere else.”

“Bah, my friends are along this line, Cozy. And that means you too. Actually, ahrm, Silverstream, Yona, Ocellus, you’ve met Cozy, right?” You ask, looking towards the both of them, then to your opposite side towards Ocellus.

“Yes, she nice.” Yona says with a nod. “A nice friend.”

Silverstream just nods enthusiastically “Mhmm! She’s super nice! We already became fast friends last night!”

Ocellus nodded in agreeance. “Mhmm, and on top of everything else, she has mentioned her friendship with you as well. It almost seems like destiny that we’d all meet together like this. But, er, maybe that’s looking too deep into it.” Ocellus said, feeling embarrassed over her corny revelation.

Shit, that was fast. Looks like the compass worked! Ha! Anon, you fucking genius, you knew everything would be ok. Starlight was being too worrisome. Well, so were you, but whatever, it worked out! “That’s awesome to hear. Heh, I guess you really took to my ‘pinpoint advice’, huh?” You say with a wink.

Cozy tensed for a moment, even shifted her eyes. But then she smiled, with no hint of deceit in her voice as she cheerfully said. “Yup yup! Your ‘pinpoint advice’ led me right to my newest friends! It’s all thanks to you, Anon.”

You caught that, that odd hesitation. But, why w- ahaa, of course, you told her something you were expecting for her to catch, referencing the compass through the words ‘pinpoint advice’, but it just didn’t connect with her as immediately as you thought. Thinking about it now, it is amazing that she caught on at all to what you meant. Means you and her are more in sync, making you as much a professor as she says you are. Why else would she hesitate? “Aw, Cozy, it wasn’t anything too big. But hey, you look a lot happier now than last time we spoke. I bet you had a lot of fun last night.”

“Oh, erm, actually. I got super sleepy and went to bed early. But that’s ok, right? I still have plenty of time to spend with all my friends.” Cozy looked to Silverstream with big soft eyes. “That is, if you’ll spend time with me. I want to learn all about you all so so so much. Golly, I want to know so much more than that too!”

“So do I! I want to learn about everything above water, since, well, all I’ve ever known is what is underwater. Speaking of water, did you guys know that super cold water that drops from the sky comes out as a powder called ‘snow’? It sounds amazing, I heard you could do a lot of stuff with that, and even play games! Like, er, what was it called? Right! Snowball fighting!” Silverstream said as she excitedly clapped her talons. “I can’t wait for it to snow! I’m gonna try to make a snowagriff, or a Hipposnow… Erm, hmmm, I wonder what you call a snowpony version of a hippogriff.” Silverstream then giggled happily as she looked to you all. “I’m gonna be the first one to give it a name, that’s for sure!”

CYUUUUTE! Why did she have to be so cute?! It’s like even the most mundane thing excites her, it’s crazy! “Yeah, actually, we should all have some sort of team fight the next time winter hits. There’s eight of us right now, could have a four way two on two. Or heck, I could get my friends outside of school to join in and we can have a snowball war!” Yeah, that actually sounds sort of fun. Of course, if you could drag Lyra and Bonbon into it, then you’d side with them, Bonbon has to have one hell of a trained throw, given that secret agent stuff. You'd also have to make sure Diamond was on your team, because, well, she's your marefriend.

“Yona join in for sure. Yakyakistan almost nothing but snow, so yaks have plenty of time to practice and become best snowball fighters. Yona love to show you all her skills.” Yona said, her smile becoming a little slick as she pounds her hooves together.

“Hmmm, well, I guess I could give it a try as long as it isn’t too violent. Being a changeling, I’m sure there is a form that might give me some sort of advantage. And given what Yona said, maybe turning into a yak would give me that edge.” Ocellus said, contemplating on a strategy.

“Yona say do that, then you can see for yourself how good yak throw is.” Yona said with a wide smile and nod.

“I’d love to give it a try with all of you too! Um, but if we’re going to be doing it a lot, then I won’t be able to join in all the time. I’ve got a lot of studying I know I have to do to be the bestest best friend I can be. But that’s ok with everycreature, right?” Cozy asked, again looking to everyone with eyes that asked for acceptance.

And of course all of you accepted that, even you. But damn, she really wants to put all that work into studying what can essentially be put into practice? Whatever, you’d just have to do your best to make sure she doesn’t become some studying busybody and learn to have fun. Friendship wasn’t that serious, and it was clear this school was going to be a cakewalk.

“Alright class, lesson time! If I can have the attention of the class, I’d like to begin reading the story of two brothers born in Fillydelphia. This story, mind you, will show you that generosity isn’t always what it seems. And in this case, can show what love in a community and between two brothers can achieve. I hope you all learn something from this, as I truly believe its lesson will help all of you go far. Now, without further hesitation…” And then Rarity began to read.

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