• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 154 - The Big Squeeze

Author's Note:

i'd like to apologize for how long it took to get out such a good chapter. My mood, as of late, has not been good. This covid thing has been rather depressing, and my right wrist has been in pain for a little over a week. Essentially, after this chapter, I'm gonna speed things along a little bit. We've been too much into filler, and I shouldn't let current events just let things meander.

That armor, interesting that the changelings would so nonchalantly let him have the throne to convert into armor. It was obvious they were more than willing to give it to him if it meant stopping Chrysalis in anyway, those bastards. It was scaringly potent though, enough to nullify all magic from at least fifty yards. Yeah, no way Chrysalis would be able to do a damn thing if and when he gets its power converted. You yourself had to make some distance just to get the horn the power back up.

The horn itself, interestingly enough, didn’t stay as Sombra’s horn when you put it on. Yes, it seems the charge, or charges, Discord placed on it was still in play. You’d hope it’d have more than one charge, as you needed to use this one to replace your living doll with yourself. No harm, no foul if you just teleport in, right? Bastard is probably soaking up all your deserved praise.

Disable magic, before you did your teleport, you took a look at your shackles. You didn’t even take the time to notice if they had been affected or not. Given they were still on your legs, it’s possible the curse is still powered through Chrysalis’s end, or something like that. Hell, you were glad you didn’t change back into a human. Seems when Discord put you through that mirror, that it really did naturalize your colt form. That was a relief, he was telling the truth on that. It almost made you feel nostalgic, as you have pretty much forgotten what you looked like. What could have been…

In any case, you teleport back to the classroom, not caring at all what your doll was doing. Although, upon arrival, that may have been a mistake. When your vision settled, you found yourself barely able to breath, hell, you were already turning red as you found yourself at the grip of a snake. The entire class was around you as Fluttershy looked to you, very worried.

“Professor Fluttershy, this is not looking good. I tried poking Sally with my talons and she ain’t budging. I feel like I tried everything by now, even tried the whole pretending to be a mongoose thing and that didn’t work. That doesn’t leave this room by the way.” Gallus said, looking around the room in hopes everyone understood that last bit. He seemed the least concerned out of everyone.

“Sally, please, please let my Anon go. I swear, he isn’t made of polyester, cotton, nor silk. Please, you have to stop.” Fluttershy pleaded.


“Golly, Anon is turning all kinds of blue and red… Is that a good thing?” Cozy asked, confused and curious by it all.

“No, it isn’t! We gave to help Anon! Sally, I don’t know if you can understand me, and I know the professor said not to spoil you by giving you your food all at once but…” Sandbar opens a sack and pours its contents, some meaty brown gunk, all over the ground. “There you go, it’s yours!”

Sally the snake, namely, a boa constrictor, looks down and flicks her tongue towards the food. Then she flicks her tongue on your face, suddenly turns greener as she makes a choking noise, and begins to loosen up on you as she goes to engorge on the food.

You fall over, twitching, your brain nearly lacking oxygen as Silverstream steps close to you and brings her ears to your thumping chest. “I think he’s ok! I can feel him breathing! It’s so fast!”

“I mean, yeah, he nearly choked because Sally has some PTSD with dolls or something, which is weird because Anon ain’t that, he just sort of looks like one. Anyway, the question is, is he ok?” Gallus asked.

“A-Anon? Are you ok? Please, speak to me.” Fluttershy pleaded, her voice soft and her care gentle as she picked you up and nuzzled into you. “Anon, please say you’re ok.”

“Erotic aphysxiation isn’t as good as anyone said it is, did I at least get laid?” You asked, your brain still muddled and your vision blurred. Your speech slurred and nearly incomprehensible.

“W-what?” Fluttershy said in surprise. “Anon?”

“Gee, his grammar is a little off, but I think he said ‘platonic xylophones aren’t as good as anycreature says it is, did I at least get paid?’. Oh no, he must think he’s a xylophone player!” Cozy said in shock.

“Xylophone player?!” Silverstream screamed in fear as she hid behind Gallus. “I don’t know what that is, but it sounds evil and scary!”

“Yeah, I wouldn’t say that is anywhere close to scary. Evil? I guess that depends on the song.” Gallus said sarcastically.

“Yeah, it’s ok, Silverstream. Anon must have just got the wind knocked out of him, literally. But he’s not changing colors anymore, so that’s a good thing, right?” Sandbar said, feeling relieved, yet cautious, as he observed your condition. “Anon, you ok?” Sandbar asked as he moved up to you and Fluttershy, trying to make sure you’re ok.

Indiana Jones was right, fuck snakes. To think you wanted to take care of the damn thing. You were still out of breath, but when you looked over to Sandbar, your eyes then began to scan the room, looking at the other students. Many were worried, some staying away from the rest of the animals, others began to whisper to each other that Fluttershy and her animals were dangerous, or she didn’t actually know how to handle animals. Goddammit, you couldn’t let that fly. You were going to look like an idiot, but you knew if you didn’t do something now, Fluttershy’s reputation would drop. Hell, if Neighsay heard about what happened, he might have his reason to close down the school. Animals attacking students? Oh yeah, that’s a good reason.

You gather your senses, hop out of Fluttershy’s gentle embrace, and address the doubtful class as you clear your throat. “A-and there we go, thanks, Sally. Yup, thank you indeed. Aha, I bet you’re all wondering what just happened.”

“What’s to wonder? You almost became snake food.” Gallus said, with a shrugs before looking at you like you were acting amiss. “Which makes it kinda weird that you’re thanking the snake. Dunno if it’s a pony thing, but we typically are thankful FOR food and not to BE food. Y’know, if griffons were thankful about anything.”

Geez, Gallus is a fucking killjoy sometimes, geez. “A-ah, but uh, you see… Ahrm, you see, that’s what you think! Yep, being the hero colt, and Professor Fluttershy’s nephew, I felt that it'd be an excellent learning experience for everycreature if they saw what happens when you mistreat or don’t trust animals. If you don’t respect animals, then they won’t respect you. And, yeah, I guess you all learned that, huh?”

“What?” The entire class asked, even Fluttershy said it. The confusion was vast, and Fluttershy herself could have sworn that none of that was faked.

“Anon, erm, I don’t th-” But before Fluttershy could finish whatever she was going to say, you cut her off.

“Ah, I know exactly what you’re gonna say. Well, it was, er, just like with Petunia! Yeah, it was scary because it looked like she was hurting me, but she wasn’t. Same thing with Sally. Looked like she was squeezing the life out of me, but uh, she was saying something nonsensical, right?” You ask. You knew you heard something about cotton.

“Golly, Anon, are you saying you had this all planned out? Just to teach us what could happen if we weren’t kind?” Cozy asked.

“Is that what it is?! WOW! That’s amazing! You risked your life just to teach us that, really?” Silverstream asked, totally enamored with your ‘impressive feat’.

“Well, I wouldn’t say ‘risk my life’. I’m the hero colt, remember? I had everything planned out, I was never in any danger.” You say, as your confidence began to return to you.

And while the class began to suddenly see it amazing, whispering at how cool you are to set something like that up, Fluttershy herself just seemed even more confused. For her, she could have sworn you never EVER interacted with the animals she brought into the class. But then she looked at the class, and how relaxed they looked, how impressed they were with you. Maybe you were telling the truth and she somehow missed it. And for once, even if you weren’t, maybe she could let it slide as it did seem you have good intentions. Well, she’d still have to talk to you about it, but it’d be fine to let things go for now.

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