• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 262 - Tempest, without the shadow.


It was as dank as it ever was, with some of the buildings looking more or less dilapidated and the merchants sneaky. Even in the winter time, it looked the same. Just colder.

“...So as I was saying. I got the whole place renovated, personally, before our last go around. Grubber, you asked why I care so much about this place? I’ll tell you why, it’s where my ‘Redemption Arc’ started.” Capper said. He was stepping ahead of the group, taking strides left and right as he made cool gestures. He was excited to show off his home to everyone, apparently having it prepped from the last time he was here.

But you hung back next to Tempest, you were more curious about what that whole display was about. It was damned cool, but it seemed unlike her to just show off like that. “Hey, Tempest, can I ask you something?”

Tempest was just following along, she wasn’t really showing off any kind of excitement, nor disappointment, or any interest really. She was just neutral. “Hm? What is it?”

You leaned a little closer, and asked away. “That whole shooty disc thing you did back at the ship. What was all that about? You mentioned yetis and stuff.”

Tempest actually looked pretty annoyed with that question. “It’s called ‘having fun’, Anon. What? I can’t show off?”

Guh!! You weren’t expecting that answer. “I-I mean, I just. I just thought it was super cool, but I just wasn’t used to it.”

“Anon, we haven’t seen each other in some time. As for the yeti, well, look.” Tempest sighed. “I just want to better myself, I was shown a path I could follow, to forgive myself, to move forward. But, even with the advice, I was finding it difficult. Until I realized something.” Tempest looked over at Grubber. “Grubber, he didn’t have to stay with me after the Storm King was defeated. He never ever stopped believing in me, he never had a negative thought about me.” Tempest chuckled at that “Actually, I think the fact I won’t kick your ass is the only negative thought about me he ever had. But I digress. My point is, my time as Tempest Shadow, it might be coming to an end. And the time to relax, let go, and be the Fizzlepop I was meant to be is coming. Is it now? No, but soon. So, that enough for you?”

Well, damn, seems she went through a real redemption arc of her own. Bah, Anon, come on now. Be happy, she did it on her own! She didn’t need you, or Twilight, or anything like that to progress towards a full redemption. Thank god, actually, because if she decided she was going to kill someone to reach an ultimatum, you may not be able to stop her. “Yeah! Erm, yeah! That’s awesome! Sorry, I just, well? I mean, if I could explain how much effort it was to help redeem my friend, Chrysalis, it’d probably be enough to fill several books.”

“Hm? That rough, huh? Well, I guess I can understand. I also came to realize that I don’t really know too much about your day-to-day to criticize either. Go on any wild adventures lately?” Tempest asked, in an attempt to move away from the subject and stay casual.

“Hm? Not really. Although, I kinda have to really apologize if I offended you earlier. I’ve been dealing with some self-reflection lately. Y’know, lack of trust, and uh… What some would describe as ‘ego’ issues. I mean…” You let out a bit of a stressful chuckle. “There was this time I thought I saw the living embodiment of the spirit of harmony, and it kinda made me realize that I’m, well, a bit of an asshole. I don’t want to sound too wimpy here, but I’ve been spending my time trying to learn the ‘Magic of Friendship’ the pony way so I can better myself.”

Tempest seemed intrigued by your words “Better yourself the pony way, huh? That doesn’t sound like you at all. Whatever that spirit was, even if whatever it told you was enough to make you want to go that route, it doesn’t sound like one compatible with you.”

Wut? “What do you mean by that? I was a jerk, now I’m trying to be less of one.”

“And that’s fine, that’s not what I’m saying. What I am saying is being a ‘pony’ doesn’t seem like your style. If you acted like a pony back when we first met, then you would have been folding like everyone else. I saw that side of you, that crazy side, that as dark hearted as it seemed on the inside, was just an insane will to save those you care about. For example, if you didn’t manage to play your mind games with me, and used my old desire to restore my horn, the Storm King may have succeeded in his plans. There is no pony I know of that would have had the guts to face me down like that. To tell you the truth, the only other way I could see things going the right way would be if he never had that chaotic power-up he had at all. I would have been able to face him down, face-to-face, if that was the case. But that didn’t happen, and I think it’d be a shame if that ‘Anon’, the ‘Hero Colt’ who saved Equestria, just became another pony. Bettering yourself is fine, but don’t ever lose that bite, and never give up on your instincts. Got that?” Tempest explained, before cracking a reassuring smile.

…Well, damn. You weren’t expecting such sagely advice from Tempest. Well, technically she got the final blow on the Storm King. But, er, you think you saw her point. “Y-yeah. I mean, I guess maybe that’s why Chrysalis may have been a little more annoyed with me than usual. Maybe she just saw I was losing that bite and was trying to bully me into toughening up.”

“I wouldn’t know anything about that. But if that’s the case, it sounds like she’d agree with me then.” Tempest, upon finishing those words, began to recognize the street she was on. She looked past you, towards Capper. “Capper, we’re close, right?”

“Right you are, Tempest! As I was just explaining to Grubber here, home sweet home is right around the corner.” Capper said as he double pointed towards the end of the street with a cool grin, then began to adjust his coat as his stride became more smooth. “Trust me, Tempest, you’re gonna pur when you feel how soft my new velvet pillows are. They’re so big, and so soft, you’d wonder if there’s anything outside that slice of bliss.” Capper said with excitement as he span once then bowed. You all reached the end of the street and closed his eyes, continuing his bow, as he waved his arm forward and suddenly spoke in a rich and suave tone. “Welcome, dear friends, to our little place in paradise.”

“Uhhhh, I mean, to you maybe. But a giant litter box isn’t what I’d call paradise. Unless I ate limburger cake that day, then watch out! Because this would be the place to be, just not for anyone else.” Grubber said as he stood in confusion.

“What are you talking about, man? This ain’t nDASGFEASDS” Suddenly, the moment Capper's eyes saw what Grubber was looking at, his fur, and even black suave hair, puffed out like it was hit with lightning as he screamed with a cat-like screech. “My pad! My little place in paradise!” Capper’s home, his ‘manor’, was nothing but rubble. He crawled on his knees to the broken place, and ran his paws through the smaller stones of his destroyed home. “What happened?!”

You never saw Capper lose his cool like this. He was a mess, he was just staring at it, broken. He didn’t know what to do, and had entered a sudden deep despair. Grubber, feeling empathetic, walked up to Capper and stood on his toes to pat at Capper’s shoulder. “There, there, buddy. Hey, look, how about we officially make this a litter box? Huh? Imagine, you’d always have a place to go and nobody would be able to tell you nothing about it. And that’s the dream, isn’t it? To go the moment you need to and grossing out everyone at the same time.”

Capper just silently looked at Grubber, then as his eyes began to fill with tears, he started to cry into his paws. Grubber once again consoled him by rubbing his shoulder. Holy fuck, what even happened? Capper was shattered, and you felt pretty damn awful about it. It really stung to see the usual cool and confident cat suddenly broken like this. However, when you looked over at Tempest, she was just staring as if nothing happened at all. “Tempest? Uhhh, erm, do you not notice Capper is traumatized right now?”

“I noticed. Are you going to tell me you didn’t think to use your horn to repair the damage?” Tempest said, looking at you with a militaristic look.

Woah… you, damn. Did she just figure out that solution the moment she saw the problem?! It already threw you off. “I, um, could. But if you remember, it can’t just be a s-” But Tempest cuts you off right there.

“It needs to be chaotic in some way. Yes, I remember. Repairing it directly might cause the pieces to be misaligned, or cause everything to be put into place without the pieces actually melding. So why not chronologically reverse it? Just reverse the area itself through time to its former state. Any sort of time magic, I’d assume, is chaotic within itself due to its very nature to cause inconsistencies.” Tempest said to you, plainly, before giving you a gentle grin.

W-woah… “How long did it take you to think that up?”

“Milliseconds, Anon, milliseconds. Even if I want to separate myself from my old self, it doesn’t mean some of what I learned isn’t useful. How do you think I dodged all your lasers during our first fight? I didn’t even need to react to all of them, I only needed to calculate the trajectory of the relevant ones.” Tempest said, actually holding back a giggle before she straightened herself up and pointed towards the ruined home. “Proceed.”

Well, fuck. Tempest was fucking on point. It was actually pretty damn scary. You could only assume she knew you had charges left, or she felt confident that you did. You did, you had two left, but still. Makes you wonder what would happen if she had the horn again at this point, if she could actually wield it properly, or even use it better than you can. Well, no one can use your horn better than you. You were just awesome! Bah, either way, you pop on the horn and produce a large cherry bomb with a fuse and timer attached to it.

“A literal time bomb?” Tempest asked, looking impressed. “I’m guessing it’ll revert time within its blast radius?”

“Close, I don’t actually want to affect time, it could turn messy. What this baby will do is essentially reverse every action back to the point everything was alright. The chaos portion will be how cool it’ll look and how many undos are actually required.” You explain as you use your magic to pull back the bomb and prepare to throw.

“Hm, then perhaps we’ll see and prevent what caused all this in the first place. Destruction like this isn’t normal, a place doesn’t just fall apart into tiny pieces like this.” Tempest surmised as she took a breath and yelled out. “Capper, Grubber! To me, now!”

Grubber turns towards Tempest and immediately salutes. He then brings both his hands on Capper’s sides and lifts him up above his head as he rushes towards Tempest’s side.

You look towards Tempest, she looks back. You explain to her what to do once you've thrown the bomb. “Just hit it with your magic before it lands, and it’ll do the rest.”

Tempest then looks at you and nods. You prepare to toss the bomb at the rubble, take aim, and throw it. The moment it begins to drop, Tempest shoots the bomb with her magic, detonating it. Immediately, the rubble and the area around it is caught in a purple glow as everything seems to flow backwards, as if it really was going back in time. But what you expected to be the building suddenly reassembled, there was instead an implosion of shrapnel and rubble as the building suddenly reforms in an instant. Not only that, but another bomb reforms from the shrapnel, with the fuse to it suddenly growing then fizzling out as a weasel with a scarred eye and a ninja-like suit appears, he was about as small as you, stepping on his tip toes as he prepared to light the fuse with a match. Behind him was a huge bag, with many treasures within it.

“And with zhis! I deztroy the evidence! Hehehehohoho-ho? Wait a zecond.” The weasel suddenly became very confused. His accent, was it a freaking faux German, or French accent? Oh god, what were you all watching? “I remember thiz bomb, I never forget a bomb.” The weasel said to himself as he looked back to see the bag. “And my loot, I could have zworn I zold thiz loot! All of thiz, so familiar.” The weasel said to himself as he rushed to the door of the home and nibbles the wood. “And thiz wood, I have tazted it before. Curiouzer and curiozer…” The weasel said to himself as he pondered, then shrugged. “Ah well, who carez about pozzible temporal dizturbancez when you can rezell all the loot!”

You had to be kidding. So this is what happened?! This weasel motherfucker looted the place and blew it up? And that fucking accent, somehow you could feel Rarity finding it a disgusting parody of elegance. “Hey! Put that match down!” You shouted.

“What?” The weasel looked over to your group, then looked rather disgusted by the sight. “What iz thiz? A band of clownz? Who darez speak like that to me? The glorious Le Weasele?”

OH good god, even the name was insulting to the senses. “I do, you rat bastard! Put the match down or I’ll fuck you up! You hear me?!”

“Rat?! I am no rat! I am-” But then, suddenly, Tempest interrupts him in an annoyed tone.

“Yes, we know, I get your little gimmick. Do what the colt says, or else we will fuck you up. Trust me, that is a level of destruction you can’t possibly fathom.” Tempest said, her look stoic as her horn sparkled. “I also want you to know that I hope you don’t do what he says.”

Capper just looked utterly confused, he pointed towards his home and asked. “Uh, what’s happening?”

Grubber pulled out his trapper blaster and looked it over as he boredly explained. “Eh, Anon actually did something cool and fixed your house. Also, this is the guy who blew it up.” Grubber finished as he cocked his blaster.

“Oh.” Capper said as he licked his paw and slicked up his hair and fur with one broad stroke as he stood up with a cool sense of confidence and looked over at Le Weasele. He then looks at his paw as he produces a set of claws. It was almost like he was never crying at all. Guy was cool enough to fix himself in a literal second just to continue his suave demeanor. “Y’know, I don’t usually condone violence, it kills the vibes. But this place means a lot to me, it is where I began my trip to learning the magic of friendship. So I’ll do you a solid and tell you that you really should do what the colt said. I really suggest this, trust me, no one is responsible for what happens next.”

“You dare threaten me?! Le Weasele?! The gloriouz Le Weasele?! I’ll let you know that I havez the match! One falze move anWETGFEWA” And suddenly, Le Weasele is blasted with a net from Grubber.

“Bla, bla, bla. Geez, you’re really annoying.” Grubber said, moving his hand like a mouth to mock him. He then looks at you with a grin and retracts the line to pull Le Weasele closer. “Yo, Anon, normally I’d want Tempest to have the honor. But this is pretty much all thanks to you, so have fun.”

Well… That was quick. “Uh, erm, I mean. I was really more just threatening him. I didn’t want to waste my last charge of the day on this guy.”


“Shaddap! The place isn’t yours, buddy! Those things? They ain’t yours either. I’m usually not this much of a nice guy, but it seems our colt friend here is gonna let you off. I ain’t though, not unless you apologize to my friend here for wrecking his house.” Grubber said as he gave Capper a thumbs up.

“You won’t do anything to me! You’re juzt a couple of ponies, a rat thing, and a cat! And unlezz you didn’t hear me, I am THE GLORIOUS LE WEASELE!” Le Weasele yelled from the net.

“Look, I’m going to be cool with you, Le Weasele. I don’t even need an apology. But I just want you to know that this place is very special to me. Don’t you have any friends?” Capper asked, suddenly seeming rather sympathetic to this guy.

“Save it, you facetiouz feline! I am well verzed in many a culture, including poniez and their dizgusting friend habitz. Your threatz? They are but empty! Bezidez, I know I have already robbed this place already! You have already lost!” Le Weasele boasted as he bounced in the net.

“Holy shit, you’re an asshole.” You say, disgusted with him. Like fuck, was this guy even successful? Okay, maybe he was, he did rob and blow the place up originally. But fucking christ, he wasn’t much against you all.

“I don’t know what that means, but I agree. Do you know who you’re dealing with?” Grubber said, starting to hype himself up, as he always enjoyed announcing Tempest. “Forget the colt, forget the cat. You are in the presence of the Storm King’s former second in command! The one who made his near takeover possible. The one who crushed civilization after civilization on her own! Tempest Shadow!”

Geez, couldn’t he have announced it any other way? You thought it would remind her of the bad times and she’d relent a little. But she didn’t, she just stayed stoic and waited.

“Tempezt Zhadow? THE Tempezt? I-I didn’t recognize you. W-what would you pozzibly want with me?” Le Weasele asked, as the net suddenly began to shake.

“Nothing. But I am growing tired of you. So you have two options. You will renounce your ways, here and now. Or I’ll rip your intestines out and feed them to you. And trust me, I’ll make sure I cook them first. And don’t think you’ll be able to just continue your thieving ways either. I hear everything, I know everything, and I will hunt you down, just like everyone before you, and make due on my words. How does that sound?” Tempest asked, never breaking her tone or stare once.

Capper shivered from those words. “Y’know, I can see you got this handled. I’m just gonna go grab my stuff and try to arrange everything the Capper way.” Capper said as he smiled nervously and stepped away from the situation.

Geez, nice. Welp, you could tell you had an influence on how far she can take things to be ‘persuasive’. Like hell, who wouldn't be scared of that threat? Especially since she had the power to back it up.

But for some reason, there was no movement from the net. Grubber, who wasn’t stunned in the slightest by Tempest’s words, casually gives the netted weasel a kick. Still nothing. “Hold on, give me a sec.” Grubber said as he fully retracted the net into his Trapper Blaster. Le Weasele was near pure white, eyes rolled back, fallen unconscious from fear.

“Hm, I think he’ll remember this.” Tempest said as she gave a little smirk before looking over to Grubber with a nod. “Grubber, I’m going to take Anon with me so we can help Capper set up. Do you mind dropping this weasel off somewhere? Don’t do anything mean, just somewhere where he isn’t bothering anyone.”

“Hey, no problem.” Grubber effortlessly slings Le Weasele along his shoulder, then salutes as he begins to walk off. “I’ll bring back some cake for you guys when I get back. Gonna get some for you too, Anon, you did pretty good helping Capper like that.” Grubber said as he gave you a grinning nod.

“Hey, you too, dude. I swear, if I had to keep listening to him talk, I would have just blasted him.” You say.

“Tell me about it, so annoying. Anyway, I’m gonna go before I get too mushy about you. I gotta keep the status quo, you know? Alright, Le Stupidle… Face. Time to drop ya off.” Grubber said as he walked down the street with Le Weasele in tow.

“See what I mean? Grubber is always on point, even if he makes a mistake. Oh, and in case you were wondering, I wasn’t bothered by what he said. It was appropriate to the situation.” Tempest said as she let out a bit of a chuckle. “That was actually kind of fun though. Don’t you think so?”

You know what? Despite how initially annoying it was, that was fun. It was actually cool to see Grubber just net the guy, and for Tempest to follow it up with that kind of threat. “Fuck yeah it was.”

“Good to hear, Anon, good to hear. Now come on, before it starts getting dark.” Tempest said as she hurried you along.

You just smiled and stood there for a moment before following her. Yeah, she didn’t need you. Tempest managed to get to this point on her own. And trying to do what you did with Chrysalis with her at any point would just be an asinine move to pull. Just… Relax, Anon. Just have fun.

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