• Published 7th Oct 2012
  • 2,350 Views, 204 Comments

The true Psychopath: Chaos vs Illogic - The Psychopath

Some things were just never made to meet eachother...

  • ...

Discord is bored

Boredom. Bored doredom with dored boredom so much doredom that the boredom itself was bored and dored. I, fact, if this boredom was created into a sausage gun, it could become gray and stale so much it was boring. This was all that was going through Discord's mind. He was bored, and no matter how many times he passed that through his mind, nothing would change. He was a statue again, and he couldn't get out this time. He didn't want to stay like this anymore. He had already had just a teensy bit of fun with messing around in Ponyville and Canterlot, but no matter what he tried, he just couldn't get out. Being frozen gave him time to think, and as much as he hated logical conclusions, this was the only thing he could do. He had to think about what he did wrong and how to avoid it in the future.

First thing was being overconfident of himself. If he had further planned ahead, then he wouldn't have been surprised by what had just happened when the six suddenly retrieved their correct train of thought. Second: He never really did anything to hide the elements. Next time, he'd have to send them to the moon or someplace far away. One could never be too careful, even the spirit of disharmony and chaos.


"What was that?"


"Ow! It's that thing again. I know I've sensed it somewhere before. I felt it went that fool unleashed my magic on the mage's tower. Such good times, but what is it? It isn't chaos, and it eerily makes me angered at its existence."

Indeed. Discord had felt this strange sensation whenever he came to Canterlot in the past. It was never too noticeable in that it was hidden somewhere, but even chaos did not know where the source was. It always manifested itself as little shocking bolts erupting through the Draconequus' head, yet he always brushed it off. It was nothing too important at the time. However, as of late, seeing as his statue was turned to face in a direction of the garden allowing a full view of Canterlot and a partial view of the castle, he noticed some strange things going on. Sure, there was the Canterlot invasion, but the view changelings that went in the garden steered clear of him, destroying what little reach of chaos he had. However, even besides that, there had been a few strange things going on. Discord had seen the city get attacked by a yellow metal thing, then, later, get mobbed by weird things yelling "Waaaaaagh!" or some such.

Even Discord did not understand, and his chaos was quite capable of doing the same things. He flipped and turned the details as much in his messed up mind as he could, but to no avail. Even he knew not what this force was. However, there was thing that started to tingle in his solidified statue since that thing erupted out of the castle on what appeared to be an exploding column. It had been two months already, and the being of chaos could feel himself becoming stronger and stronger. Sure, both alicorn sisters placed a variety of spells on him to prevent the draconequus from feelin the effects of chaos or anything of the sort, but this power was much different. It was like it spread chaos, but, at the same time, it did not. Then, it happened. The stone began to crack.

"What? This is really happening? How? Hm. Either way, I'm being free. Such chaos to release!"

After a few more trickling, Discord popped out of his shell and stretched widely. Hopping off the podium, he looked around to see if there was anypony around. He began to rub his chin with a pensive look on his face.

"Hmmm. I so do love to spread chaos, but there is something here that I must discover. Let's look aroun, shall we?"

With a snap of his fingers, Discord transformed into a dust cloud and began to roam about. He noticed that there had recently been a hole in the castle's roof, and it was still being reinforced. The cloud lowered itself to an open window, about the level of the kitchen, and sneaked in. There was nothing to report. It continued along the same pattern across the halls of the castle, occasionally turning a pony into a cake, or turning them into a semi-plant semi-pony being. Besides these small attractions, there was nothing that could explain anything of what had happened to Discord. He began to grow even more bored as time passed.

"Ugh. There is NOTHING! I need to spread chas. It is my essence, but my gut also tells me that what I'm seeking for is right here."

"Yeah. It's also telling you that it's hungry. FEED ME BITCH!"

"Hmph! Such obscene language.Ow! What?"

Something blocked Discord, and it shocked him too. Regaining his dusty spirits, the being of chaos noticed that this was the entrance to the dungeons of the castle. He never really put any thought into this section of the castle, because, as he already knew, most that are placed in prison have a link with chaos, but can also...kill with it. Discord only liked to mentally torture and twist everything to his whim. It was MUCH more fun.

"What kind of thing is this? It's all pink and tastes white." Discord thought as he licked the barrier with his horns.

"Chaos. Inferior. Illogic. Superior."



"Illogic? Where have I heard that before?" It took a moment, but Discord's eyes suddenly widened, and his face turned into an angered snarl."That was the thing that prevented my magic from affecting that single mare at the mage's tower. The same idiot who tried to control Discord. Pahaha! Hm. But for something to manage to break chaos, it must be something akin to order. Perhaps the name is just a ruse. Where could it-"

The draconequus stopped his mumbling when, in front of his eyes, he saw two, equilateral lime-green triangles. It wasa brief flashing moment, but despite a level of anger that could destroy planets if turned into a weapon, Discord felt something very familiar and heart-warming about them.

"Oh, goody! I smell another being of chaos! Where is he now?"

Discord reshaped arm and managed to flip open a brick, turning it into a map.

"Ponyville again? I sure hope it's worth it. I'm more into seeing other places. Oh well. Off we go!"

And with that, the dust cloud leisurely crawled through the walls and towards the iconic town he knew so much about.

It had been two months since Psycho disappeared and Chrysalis was cast who knows where, and things were quite calm now. However, a new world was about to come, one that had been in action longer than the Illogic, and it would come to the Ponyville train station. Speaking of which, a powerful locomotive was making its stop there, and it seemed to have traveled quite a long way too. The insides still seemed ripe with the foggy appearance caused by condensation. Some ponies got out and were greeted by their family members, friends, or business partners. However, there was one set of doors that wouldn't open, and it was the third wagon. A sound of knocking could be heard from behind, inciting a nearby train inspector to wip out his keys and tell the "stressed" one behind to calm down. Unfortunately, the doors blew open with incredible force, causing said pieces to embed themselves in the brick wall of the station, just mere inches away from a pony sitting on a bench. Same pony slumped limply to the ground after realizing hat happened.

Out stepped a green pony. A stallion, to be precise. His mane and tail were both of a dark green, and seemed roughed up despite their apparent cleanliness. His coat was a bright green, and his cutie mark was represented by two crossing swords overlapping a hollow, green, equilateral triangle. The most frightening part was not the frowning, rage filled face that this stallion possessed, but his unbelieveable strength and his eyes, which possessed pupils in the form of hollow triangles, but of a much brighter, lime green. The stallion walked along the dried, wooden floor presented to him by this puny building, and he looked around a bit, hoping to find who he was meant to meet up with. When he didn't find them, he huffed and decided that a forced stroll would provide him with back-story information on this place. There was one problem, and that was a mare forcing herself in front of the green stallion and proposing some sort of nut candy.

"-and it's really good for when you feel a bit cold. So, do you want to buy one? It's only two bits."

"Out of my way."

"But I only want to sell you these candies."

"I warned you."

In a split second, the tringular pupils began to spin, but locking into place and spinning in the other direction like machinery. The mare stood in place, her own pupils shrinking little by little, and her breathing becoming erratic. Soon, she was just able to scream before flopping onto the floor like a limp cloth and foaming at the mouth. The green stallion cast her aside with an uncaring swipe with a forehoof, causing one stallion to become fairly enraged.

"How dare you?! I'll show you what happens when you attack somepony for no reason around around here!"

The stallion gave a blow to the opposing one's face, only to feel his foreleg twitch in pain.

"I believe you want to fight against the chief of the Council's Militia. You are dead now."

"What do you-"*schlink*

Without going into details, the wooden planks below the trembling stallion broke into neat shards that pierced him from underneath. Needless to say, it wasn't a very pretty sight. Everypony began to scream until the stallion went out of view. Apparently, the impaling was an illusion. The stallion was simply standing in place, his paleness leaking through his sky blue coat.

"They aren't here yet. Grrr. Must I destroy everything?"

"Hey there."

"Mah!" the green stallion jumped, but looked upwards to see a black pegasus hanging upside-down on a ledge.

"You must be The Sociopath."

"Are you Black Cloud?"

"Yes I am."

"Where is your partner?"

"Crimson Gaze? She's right behind you."

The green stallion turned around to meet eyes filled with a similar fury, but barely reaching his own. As the contest grew longer, Sociopath pat the mare on her back.

"A true fighter. I like that. Where is our point of rest?"

"You mean the house?" Cloud wondered.


"Follow us, then."

The trip was mostly met by silence, but once the three arrived at the house, Sociopath stopped in front of the now open door, and began to bare his teeth. Only Crimson poked out her head to see what he was growling about, only to see him throw his hoof up while looking at a pile of crates layed upon a house. Said crates exploded into a million pieces with the ground having turned into a diagonal streak of spikes and thorns. A pink pony fell from the rubble and quickly got back to her feet to gallop away.

"That was Pinkie Pie. Ahaha! I think well get along quite well you and I." Crimson said with one of the first smiles ever given.

"Hm. I need to get into the largest part of your house. I must make contact with an ally in Canterlot."

"Right over here."

Crimson and Cloud escorted their new member to the living room. It was just as it was two months ago. A balcony hanging over the room was always the most prominent feature of the room. With silence, Sociopath punched the ground, causing two weirdly shaped skeletons, holding a piece of large frame each, to erupt from the ground and spin in a circle until they properly aligned their irregular screens. On the screen appeared a rather raunchy stallion who was licking something red off his hooves while smearing the substance everywhere. It wasn't hard to see despite the lack of light in this weird area.
Everything about this stallion was red. His eyes, his mane, his tail. Everything. His cutie mark appeared to be a drop of blood.

"Bloody Red. Into one of your fantasies again?"

"Ha! You know that I love painting things in this red paint."

"Myes. Paint. How are the princesses?"

"They're doing fine." the stallion threw a hoof forward, spraying the red substance on the screen.

"No. WHAT are they doing?!"

"Well, nothing much. They've been upping security to look after him, and have been sent everywhere. They seem stressed, but more security means more difficulty in-"

"I know."

Suddenly, the sounds of galopping and clinking armor could be heard from outside the building. It was the royal guard, and they seemed none too happy.

"Ah? I've gotta go!. See you later."

Before the screen disappeared, the stallion was seen hopping diagonally along the floor and throwing himself through the wall opposite of the knocking, then nothing. The skeleton screen receded into the ground, allowing everything to reform itself as if the object in question had not come out at all.

"Who was that?" Black cloud asked.

"Nothing of importance to you."

"Whatever. Let's get things straight. We are not your t command. We command you, and-" Crimson stopped immediately when Sociopath twisted his head and glared at her.

"No. You listen. I have existed for far longer than anypony has. I was once the leader of the strongest army in all of Equestria, but no more. I have chopped up my way to where I am now, and both my experinence AND my powers dictate my superiority, so you'd best remember that. I am a separate portion of this mission, so you shall not hinder me in any way unless I call for your assistance. Understood?"

"Whatever. We've been hunting bounties before you came here, so your thoughts are pretty useless. What do you need?" Black Cloud asked without a hint of fear, and the blandest look possible on his face.

"Everything you know about this town, their interactions with...with HIM, and much more."

Meanwhile, above ponyville, a certain Draconequus was swimming through the air while wearing scuba gear. He made himself look like a moving cloud to others so as to disguise his investigation.

"Arm, shoulder, tail, boat, screwdriver, arm, leg, missile...oops." Discord shrugged mischievously when said missile took off and exploded across the horizon, throwing soap foam everywhere at the point of impact. The draconequus threw himself on a cloud, and walked out of his gear, making it turn into a chocolate smoothie."Hmmmm. I sense it to be in that house. I can feel that he wants something, but what? I do not like this, but I shall stay hidden until I discover what that other energy is. Until then, a bit of discreet chaos is required. Everything here is so boring and peasant-like."