• Published 7th Oct 2012
  • 2,351 Views, 204 Comments

The true Psychopath: Chaos vs Illogic - The Psychopath

Some things were just never made to meet eachother...

  • ...

Discord's plans

"Discord?" Celestia's mouth was wide open in shock.

"Why of course! Where did you think I was?"

"But we can't see you."

"Oh, don't worry about that. I can see you perfectly."

"How did you get in here?! This bubble is made to block out all magic!" Pandora raged, her teeth gritting like knives on a plate.

"Your little bubble can't stop me! What, you thought you could defeat chaos with a bubble? Pffff. Please. I am too refined for such a thing."

"Then whadda ya want, Discord? We already beat ya before. We can certainly beat ya again." Applejack exclaimed.

"About that, I still have to destroy you for what ou did to me! Why would I carry a rock everywhere? You terrible...thing..."

"Draconequus, oh fluffy marshmallow."

"MARSHMALLOW?!" Rarity was about to start destroying the room, but Farseer stopped her.

"What do you require, draconequus? You know full well that the worlds intertwining here cannot be controlled or influenced by chaos."

"Everything can be caught by chaos. Why, chaos is life!"

"The Illogic is not chaos. It is the middle of order and chaos."


"You heard me."

"There is no middle." Discord started to sound annoyed.

"Does it make sense?"Farseer smirked.

"N...I see. What makes it so special that I could not sense that stallion in the dungeons of Canterlot Castle?"

"He is a herald of the Illogic, and, therefore, does not abide by normal laws of existence. There are things that even chaos should fear, Discord."

"Because I'm standing on a possible war between a new friend and a by-product of chaos? Perhaps I should speed things up? Everythiing has been so boring since I became free."

"What? What have you done, draconequus?" Luna shouted.

"Why, nothing, dear Luna. Why would you ever think I id something? Oh, you're so cruel."

As the two argued with eachother, Fluttershy sneaked close to Twilight while Pinkie Pie appeared through the creases of the bricks, trying to find the spirit of chaos.

"Twilight, have you found him yet?" the cream colored pegasus asked.

"No. I can't find hi-" Twilight stopped cold as she found a bouquet wrapped around her horn."Huh?"

"Haha! I haven't been able to spread so much fun in awhile."

Celestia, after going into deep thought, suddenly put on a wide smile and looked up at where she supposed Discord was.

"If you are so powerful, why have you not done what you did when you first freed yourself?"


"Is it perhaps because chaos is...weaker than Illogic?"

"Don't try to rile me up. I've done that before you could walk."

"Hm. Sure."

"This 'Illogic' flows all across Equestria and is messing with my beautiful powers. I even feel a lingering one that I'm sure dear Luna would know about."

Everypony turned to Luna, who backed away with nervousness.

"What does he mean, Princess Luna?" Fluttershy asked.

"It is nothing important."

"Whatever you like. I beleive I shall turn Ponyville into the grounds for competition. After all, I DID do that last time, and the results were amazing! I can't wait! See you in a few."

Everypony just sat there, expecting to hear something more, but nothing came.

"Pandora." Celestia said as she continued looking around.


"I'm putting my best workers on your tower, and my best inspectors on finding some of the greatest unicorns in Equestria. We have much to do if we are to counter the Insanity."

"What about the Illogic?" Pinkie asked.

"There are things that aren't true threats, and that world is one of them. However, I fear that, this time, things are getting out of hoof, and there could be consequences if the two worlds meet."

In Ponyville, Star Prophet had awoken in a hospital, her wounds healed and covered by medication-imbued bandages. It was a way to keep the lacerations and puncture wounds from becoming infected. She was lying in a bed, which itself lied in a very bright room.

"There. You shouldn't worry anymore. We'll get you back up and healthy in no time. You should rest now." a nurse said just before gently closing the door.

Star just frowned and got back up immediately.

"I don't have time for this. Maybe if I-"

The mare was cut off from her self-talking by a huge scream of impossible proportions blasting the wall away. A dark grey mare hopped through the hole, a smirk on her face. Her mane and tail were both grey with a single light grey line passing through them. Her smirk matched her glittering blue eyes.

"You're looking for Psycho, right?"

Star nodded slowly, disbelief following every movement.

"He ain't here, so I'm going to take you to Screwball."


"YYYYYEAHHHHHHHH!" the mare shouted as she took out an electric guitar and strummed the cords, fracturing everything in the room.

This gray mare then grabbed Star Prophet and hopped out of the hole right before the nurses and doctors came through the door.

"Get back here!" a doctor shouted at the top of her lungs.

"Sorry, but I'm Solo, not youur patient, so I won't come back. See you never." the pegasus laughed.

"We're falling!" Star screamed.

"Pfff. You can't take any excitement, can you?"

Solo spread her wings in the air and began to glide through the air, paying no attention to the crowd following. As the mare continued to show a "superiority" expressing upon her mug, Star Prophet felt another vision come in.

"LOWER!" she shouted.

"What? Woah!"

Out of the trees flew a net brimming with surging green light. It flew right over the two before desintegrating.

"Damn. I thought that would get you for sure. Surround them!" yelled a deep voice.

Several ponies wearing black suits of armor appeared from behind the trees around the hospital, and from behind several obstacles as well, making one wonder how a pegasus could have missed them. Their helmets showed a shiny black visor that not only protected their faces, but hid them as well. Their black armor seemed padded as several portions, especially on the leg joints. There was "CC" embroidered on the flanks of the armor. They took out strange weapons and began to fire the same nets at the couple once more, narrowly missing every time despite the obvious homing effect they had.

"Ha! You can't get us."

The first of the stallions to appear huffed."I see. Apparently, that single remaining horn of Sombre just doesn't pump out enough juice, or does it?" he mocked, a smirk behind the visor.

"No. It doesn't." Solo frowned.

"Are you going to--"


The gray pegasus shouted as loud as she could, and actually managed to blow the attackers away...as well as those around her. She took this opportunity to take flight, but not until a weird ice giant smashed them down into the ground. This same giant was riddle with bits and pieces of claw, metal, and exterior shell in its body. Everypony around fleed in terror at the sight of this thing.

"Did I do good?" he asked.

The first armored pony walked forward awkwardly.

"Uhhh. Yeah. You did good. Why not put them in a net?"

"Okay." said the giant.

While Svell did his thing, the pony took out a strange contraption, and began speaking into it:

"We got two."

"Two what?"

"Two beings linked to The Psychopath."

"And will they attract him to us?"

"I beleive they wi--" the stallion was interrupted by enormous gusts of orange wind nearly blowing everypony but Svell away."What is this wind?" he struggled to say as he hung onto a ledge.

It was the orange pegasus from before. Taking advantage of the obliviousness of Svell, he cut through the net, which dissolved, and continued through his path, catching the two falling mares.

"Hey, Neon Slash. Could you LET GO?!" Solo roared, destroying everything around once more.

The two mares were dropped whilst Neon slammed his hooves on his ears in pain.Solo caught her friend and flew back up.

"OW! Don't DO that. I still hate that here as I did in the Illogic."

"Too bad!"

"Stop yelling you two! We need to find Psycho right away!"

"Why?" the two pegasus asked in unison.

"To warn him about what's going to happen."

In another world stood an incredibly massive mountain. What is so special about this undetailed rock? It holds a prison. The most secured prison in that world, and hidden within it were the most dangerous criminals known there. Within the deepest parts of this silver-colored prison sat a lone cell guarded by many armored ponies and minotaurs. Twenty four to seven, they watched their prisoners eat, fight, work, and other menial labors. Everything was quiet aside of the occasional jailbreak attempt, but that was easily countered, that is, unti something got into the vents.

In a hallway where a black stallion and a green minotaur stood, blocking the narrow passageway, they could hear something weird.

"What is that?" asked the stallion.


"I don't know."


"I heard something."

The two cautiously moved forward while eyeing everything in detail, making sure not to miss anything out of the ordinary.

"Metal gearrrrr."

"Did you hear that."

"Methul grrrrrrr."

" 'Methul grrrr'? What's a 'methul grrrr'?" the minotaur asked.

"I dunno."

"Kettle fear...GRENADE!"

"Huh?!" they both shouted.

A small cherry plopped out of the gray conduit sticking out, but only by one side, from the wall. This little cherry began to dance around a bit, causing the two guards to stare at it with open jaws, then it jumped on their backs and karate-chopped them unconcious, leaving the infiltrator to continue through his path. This place was enormous, but the infiltrator knew just where to go. The same incident occurred everywhere with the same cherry following said infiltrator around everywhere. Finally, within the room of solitary confinement, whre three guards were now dancing like idiots looking for something called "bugbears", Psycho melted through grate of the ventilation system and reformed himself. This room had apadding all over the walls, and the only door leading to the solitary confinement chamber had two small windows on the side that reached all the way from top to bottom, but with a very thing width. They possesed to stell fins to block all sound and sight from outside this door. It was mad e so that even a fully grown dragon couldn't break through, so Psycho just flicked it with a hoof and the door blandly fell of its hinges with a quiet thud.

Within this room stood a mare with a body that reflected everything around it like a mirror, while her mane and tail were of a warped white color, which enhanced her purple eyes. As she walked out of the room with a smile, her white collar and black tuxedo came into view. The most noticeable aspect was her black fedora which held a spade, an ace of clubs, and a few cigarettes in the head band while her black tuxedo had a variety of different objects in it, with the most prominent object being the pocketwatch in her left pocket.

"Lucky ye be, oh triple three." Psycho smiled.

"Well duh! Look at my cutie mark! It's a horseshoe with a seven in it, a pair of dice, and two black aces. Of COURSE I'm lucky! Thanks for getting me out. I trust that my dice telling me that I've got a deep role were right?"

Psycho was about to say something but this mare interrupted him.

"Of course I am."

"Sure. Do you know how to get out, Illus Ion?" Psycho mocked as he rested on his head above the only intact door.


"And thank Role Play for distracting the guards."

"That explains why the guards started to hop around like idiots and then started to search for bugbears, whatever that is. Where is he?"

"In the hat."



"I bet that I'll get there first."


In a remote area in Canterlot, within a damaged house, something was unveiling. This house was condemned as a crime scene, and the amount of blood smeared everywhere prroved this. However, despite the ponies passing by as if nothing was happening, screams were coming from the basement. Although inaudible outside, they were easily distinguishable within the dark, stony basement area.

Attached to a chair sat a screaming stallion wearing a black robe. He seemed to be in pain as Sociopath watched him closely from behind. In front of this stallion stood another with a body switching between very different tangents of color. This other stallion's mane and tail were both a transluscent blue, and they seemed to flicker as the tied up pony screamed in terror.


"Keep going Dysfunctional Calamity. He is a higher up, so he must know more."

"Why am I doing this AGAIN?" Dysfunctional complained, his evil grin faded, and his tired eyes looking ever more angry.

"Because the mare from last time was killed necause of your excitement to test your new techniques, now DO as I say!"


The tied up pony continued to scream in agony while Dysfunctional evil expression continued to breathe in the exceptional pains endured by the stallion's mind being shifted by Calamity's powers, letting Sociopath walk through the door and close it behind him. Waiting behind was Bloody Red as an elegant, white coated Canterlot earth pony.

"I thank you for finding this other member."

"It was my pleasure."

The two continued to converse as they walked up the slippery stairs. The blood didn't seem to coagulate.

"How are the sisters?"

"They know."

"What?!" Sociopath eyed the serious stallion back and forth, then lashed out:"Already? By the Abyss! Then we'll have to hurry."

"No, no. Not that. The encounter between Illogic and Insanity."

Sociopath took in a great gasp."Ah. Good. You frightened me."

"You? Frightened? What could possibly scare you?"

"Do not mock me. She is quite capable of killing me, and I need to find her."

"Why? Love interest?" Bloody put a hoof to his mouth and chuckled while looking at the green stallion from the side.

Sociopath glared at him."This is no time for games. Just prepare for that encounter and let us be."

"Sociopath." Calamity spoke from the base of the stairs.


"He won't break."

"...Heh. Mind Breaker."

"What?!" yelled a pony bouncing at the top of the stairs.

"Maybe you'll get a chance to redeem yourself. Get down there and extract the information. We'll have our information and when the encounter happens, thirteen days from now, we'll be ready."

"Eheheh." Mind Breaker chuckled as he bounced to the bottom of the stairs and immediately closed the door behind him with a spin. Naturally, the stallion started to yell, but that was immediately cut off by gurgling and mixture of strange colors seeping through the creases of the door.

"Poor Impaler. You'll never find the Pangemine clock."