• Published 7th Oct 2012
  • 2,351 Views, 204 Comments

The true Psychopath: Chaos vs Illogic - The Psychopath

Some things were just never made to meet eachother...

  • ...

The first encounter

Sociopath gallopped as fast as he could while he followed Discord's instructions. The draconequus had pitched camp within the stallion's mane, and was sending meding to his ears by using flags and sign language. Insanity and chaos have ways of communicating no matter how absurd the ways are. The surrounding ponies all ran away from the stallion who would literally plow through everything or blast it open to propulse himself far away in the air. What Sociopath and Discord didn't notice was the rainbow streak heading away from the Apple farm and going towards Everfree. Something was going to occur, but what exactly?

As the green monster closened to the farm, the sight of two ponies flying in the air on a tornado of cottoncandy could easily be seen. The sound it made was similar to popping pop-corn. It even emitted a delicious smell that made many animals around drool at with envy, but the energies that both Psycho and Screwball emanated were too much. The sounds of a laughing filly flew through the air like sharp knives running through Socio's mind. He remembered a point in time with them always ticking him off. A point where they ruined one of his best plans and cost him an easy fight against the Minotaurs. His rage was unmatched that day, but here, he learned quite a few things. Once the stallion reached the farm, he calmly walked up towards said filly who had floated gently back to the ground as she chewed on a cookie that was caught up by the tornado. Applejack and Applebloom were really the only ones at the farm as Granny Smith and Big Mac had left to sell some new apples.

The small, huggable filly just watched the tornado with amusement while the green stallion approached her quietly from behind, a bladed ring materializing on his right foreleg. As he neared the filly's neck, Applejack caught glimpse of the sight and yelled:

"Applebloom! Behind you!"


The blade was already one micrometer from her forehead, but Sociopath found himself propulsed away by two hooves connected in unison, giving the stallion a perfect uppercut despite his flying being performed horizontally. Screwball grabbed Applebloom and tossed her to Applejack as the smoke from the impact began to spread. The white mare hiding behind the farmhouse was watching attentively, her eyes still glaring at Screwball. Psychopath stood on his hind legs as he adorned a cowpony uniform and walked up towards the threat, speaking in a weird accent:

"Ya'll is a bit violent, ah'll give ya that, but this town ain't big enough fer the two of us, Pinhead Larry."

"Who you callin' Pinhead?"


Psycho stood in place as he heard a familiar voice accompanied by unfamiliar eyes. The green glow punched through the dust until Sociopath was clearly in the open. The cowpony costume dissolved as the stallion and the mare stared at the green threat.

"Well, well. I thought that your world would have killed you by now."

"I thought you were dead."

"Psycho, what's wrong?" Screwball asked, but the shocked stallion was just staring at the old aquaintance.

"Oh? So you DO have atleast SOME semblance of time. And here I thought that your paultry World of Illogic had completely destroyed you."

"Don't attack that filly again or you'll have to see just how much FUN the Illogic can be!" Screwball mused in song.

"Hmph. I have no time to deal with ponies who are not heralds. Away with your stench."

"I say. Sir. You are quite the ruffian." Screwball spoke with a thick mustache on her lip, along with a monocle and a small top hat."I challenge you to a duel." she took out a glove and slapped Sociopath with it, launching him quite a few feet away."

Sociopath yawned as he gently landed back on the ground. He was completely oblivious to what hit him, but that meant nothing as he appeared next to the mare with space distorting behind him.

"I am the head chief of the Council's Militia.The Insanity consumes." he muttered as he struck at the mare, only to see his punch get deflected by a plate made of jelly.

Psycho was smiling in a rather threatening way. It was the same smile he had when he "rampaged" through Canterlot on his mechanical spider. He wasn't paying any attention to the things surrounding him, so Screwball picked herself up and threw herself towards Applejack and Applebloom.

"What? Who is that?" Applejack asked in panic."Why'd he try ta hurt mah sister?"

"He is the Sociopath. Most of us have kept his continued existence a secret from Psycho and for good reason."

"Why? He seems like a good pony." Applebloom was confused.

"The reason he became The Psychopath was to protect the alicorns sisters from the green guy you see right there."

"Protect them? And what are the Council's militia?" Applejack asked again.

"I-" Screwball hopped into the air, her propellor hat keeping her afloat as she avoided the spikes that came from the ground.

Sociopath was glaring at her while he tried to protect himself from curry bombs. It might have seemed ridiculous, but the curry inside the bombs was a lethal one. It was melting everything it touched. Neither were being serious, but their energies were starting to mess with the environnment, such as nearby rocks turning into crabs and cartwheeling away, or the piles of hay turning into tap dancers and tap dancing their way through a spatial distortion. As the situation was about to hit critical mass, a voice blew over both Sociopath and Psycho:

"Lux Terrarorium!"

The ground around the two stallions started to get highten and lower itself in quick succession along with the sunlight pounding on them like a waterfall. The two couldn't move, but the enormous amount of noie it made prevented anypony from hearing the white mare hiding behind the house roof jumping in and slicing away the enormous mass of stone, tossing Psycho into the forelegs of Screwball and Sociopath into a nearby tree.

"Twilight?" Applejack asked out loud.


"How'd you get here?"

"Thanks to Pandora here."

Pandora was busy staring down the strange white mare that was now in plain sight. Before anything else could happen, a climbing hook was thrown on Pandora's nose and a hiker stallion climbed up it.

"Hey look who it is. Want a red vial?"

"Kilimir Evasnom Noova."

"That doesn't scare me anymore."

"How about 'Pangemine clock'?"


Psycho returned to his normal size and slammed into Screwball, making both tumble into Rainbow Dash, who had just landed next to the cowpony.

"Hey! Don't touch Psycho." the white mare threatened.

"And who are you?"

"Blade Runner."

"Hm? I never heard of you."

"Nopony can now everything from the Illogic."

"What?! More are coming from the Illogic?"

"And more from the Insanity. Perhaps, if we're lucky, we can tear you all up to shreds and make this world into our new domain." Sociopath was already up and grinning evily.

"Not while the Illogic is alive."

"Then I just have to-"

Sociopath suddenly dissappeared in a flash, keeping everypony nearby confused, until they converged their attention to the three ponies of Illogic.

"I will take this apple." Screwball said as Psycho watched her with a grin."And...SMOKEBOMB!"

The apple literally exploded with enough strength to turn it into a mushroom cloud and applesauce. Once everything was gone, the farm found itself covered in a substance they most definately loved.

"Ewww. I won't be able to fly anymore."

"It's okay, Rainbow Dash. I shall use a spell to clean this all up, but it takes a while to charge."

Applejack and Applebloom walked up to Twilight and Pandora, while Rainbow still tried to pull out the applesauce from her mane and wings.

"So Twi, how'd ya get here so fast?"

"Rainbow Dash warned us about Psycho, so Pandora and I conjured up a spell to bring us here immediately."

"Yeah. Ugh. With my speed, and remembering what he did last time. Hrngh! I rushed to you, seeing that he never did anything bad to you."

"That was awfully smart of you, Rainbow Dash." Pandora complimented.

"Thanks...wait a minute."

"We don't have time. We need to contact the princesses right away."

"Why? I can just convince Psycho to stop."

"No. Twilight. Did you not see? Two other from the World of Illogic are here, and then there's that other one. The green one."

"The one who said he was from the Insanity? What's that?" Applebloom asked.

"I don't know, but my intuition tells me that the princesses know more than they are willing to tell."

"We can call 'em here at the barn."

"No. The new mage's tower is better protected. It may have been attacked earlier, but we've isolated the cause and are already preparing everything. The main entrance and the storage room are already done, so our best location would be the storage room, as unrefined as that may sound."

"Then I'll go get Spike to send a letter as quickly as possible and get the others to come as well."

"Good. We'll need an escort to walk through Everfree as the path has not yet been created."

"Then can we get this applesauce off us?"

"Yes. I'm almost done. We'll meet tomorrow morning to talk about the current situation."

In Canterlot, a white stallion with a regal disposition quietly exited what should have been his house, but wasn't. Carefully scanning his surroundings, he moved forward with superiority, brushing aside all the "lower class" citizens. A rather frisky looking donkey with a tired but happy smile was also pushed aside by this stallion, who wiped his hooves very quickly.

"Oh my. It seems that that colt is far from gentle." the donkey spoke in an elderly tone, but that soon changed when he gave a menacing smile."I found the one who loves red. You won't get away from me." the donkey continued in a mumble as his eyes turned red.