• Published 7th Oct 2012
  • 2,351 Views, 204 Comments

The true Psychopath: Chaos vs Illogic - The Psychopath

Some things were just never made to meet eachother...

  • ...

Chief's planning

Chief was busy filing out some paper work for both Dissirva and the Couvent du Crépuscule. He absolutely hatd this part of his job, but it was worth it in the end. The only problem was Svell, who was running amok in the town ever since he fought some sort of ice monster. Watching the town was a full time job, especially in these mountains, and having to deal with someone like that ice giant was even worse than tracking down The Psychopath. After another yell of fright, the building shook again, making Chief slam his head on the desk in anger.

"Why does he always have to run around and destroy everything?"

"No, Svell! Just because you don't feel anything doesn't mean you're flame proof!"

Another loud bang resonated.

"...I hate that giant."

Meanwhile, in another region of Equestria, stood a fire of incredible rage. Flames burnt high into the air as the smoke grabbed the sky and choked it with tremendous power. Houses and undustrial buildings were not spared as the entirety of this large town was consumed by orange, red, and yellow. There were charred bodies scattered everywhere, and in the middle of this torrent of heat and crumbling buildings danced a mare of questionable moralities. Her body was a charcoal gray while her mane and tail were orange with streaks of yellow, thus, perfectly imitating the directions in which the fire moved and the ash flowed. She occasinally opened her eyes to see the show, revealing them to be a burnt orange. As she sang, the sound of cracking echoed, breaking te mare's dance. It was not the sound of charred wood breaking off and falling limply upon the ground. No. It was something else.

"Cracker..."she hissed.

Through a smoke riddled building came a strange pony. He looked like a nutcracker. The clothes fit perfectly, and his strange mouth had the uncanny resemblance of said "nut cracker". He was breaking bones in his mouth. On his flanks was an axe and a log crossing eachother.

"That's Mr. Cracker to you." he retorted with a type of high-pitched, but "high-class" voice.

"I call you whatever I want. If it wasn't for green, you'd be firewood by now." she growled, then smiled. "Oh, how beautiful it would be."

"The breaking of your bones with my iron hooves would be even more satisfactory."

"Stop it you two! We are not here for fighting. I have not found Star Prophet."

In front of the two stood a gigantic Iron Golem with a most peculiar armor. Its hands seemed to be made of brass. "Brass knuckles" as the minotaurs and sapians would call it.

"And what is so special about her?" Pyre laughed as she burnt a fleeing pony.

"She possesses visions. Visions of extreme accuracy as I was told. There are many things that we can obtain by using her visions."

"And if she doesn't tell us, I simply have to break her bones." Mr. Cracker proudly slammed his two hooves together. Unfortunately, he didn't notice the house collapsing right behind him. The other two didn't care, and for a good reason. While the debris slammed atop the stallion, he stood in place, oblivious to what just occured.

"Right. Spread out and find her. Do NOT kill her, or you'll face the consequences."

"Hmph. Your threats don't frighten me. I can melt you with my fire."

"And I can break you."

"I do not think Sociopath would much appreciate betrayal. Don't forget what happened last time."

There was a long moment of silence as the two recalled whatever horrific event unfolded, and cringed. They quickly rushed off. The giant began to walk off in his own direction.

"Ferro I am. Ferro is I. To crush everything, the time is nigh." he hummed to himself.

On the outskirts of the village sneaked an earthly brown mare, keeping to the shadows as the fire raged on even further. Strangely enough, her mane and tail seemed to constantly change colors. The left was black, but could change to white if it went further to the right. Her eyes were also two different colors. As she would say, her left was dark blue for the night, while the right was golden for the sun. She had already foreseen their arrival, but only by a few minutes. The source that their powers stemmed from seemed to interfere with the Illogic. As such, she couldn't tell anypony, and had to leave discreetly. Her only hope was to find Psycho and tell him what was going on. He may be a herald, but he was the last pony to know anything about the world due to his time recognition problems. Ponyville was the destination, and she knew exactly how to get there in less than a day.

Within the house of Crimson Gaze sat Sociopath. He was planning his orders accordingly. Making sure to take every active member into account. The green stallion cursed under his breath. If only he could have brought the Undersire. That herald of the Insanity was the most feared of them all, but he and Sociopath had made firm friends due to their equal thirst for killing. What he really liked about Undersire was his way of dealing with pests. A very gruesome manner indeed, and both liked to share their ways and compare, sometimes getting into friendly fights about whose method was better.

"Working, are we?"

"Huh? Who is there? Show your inferior self!" Sociopath began to look around, letting his hoof go near the pike leaning against his desk.

"Now now. Why would you want to grab me?"

Sociopath retracted his hoof and looked to the previous location of his beloved weapon to see that, in its place stood a strange creature.

"What are you supposed to be?"

"What? You don't know about Discord, the god of chaos?"

"I have not."

"Hmmm." the draconequus began to circle around the stallion, who was ready to impale the creature."Bizarre. You smell of chaos, yet their is an aftersmell."

"I am not chaos. I am Insanity."

"WONDERFUL!" Discord slapped his hands together. "Insanity is a great partner of chaos. However, what exactly is a herald of Insanity doing here?"

"What is to you?" Sociopath snapped back.

"I may not be one for punishments, but you best watch your tone. I can turn you into a fluffy pink cloud and eat you."

"I can impale you and have your head ornate my front lawn."

There was a long moment of silence as the two stared at eachother, but Discord was the first to break the silence but donning a party hat, placing one on the green stallion's head, and blowing on a party whistle.

"Haha! I have a proposition for you."

"And what would that be?"

"How about we work together?"

"And why would I do that?"

"Because, together, we can retake control of Equestria and spread the sweetness of chaos."


"Think about it. I'll even let you get at the princesses."


"Woah there!" a huge red X that made an atrocious buzzing noise appeared in front of Discord's face. "Not like that.. You can't kill them."

"Then there's nothing you can help me with. Let me return to my work."

"Hmph. I guess I won't tell you where the swirly eyed stallion is." Sociopath's ears perked up. "Aha. I see. You don't like him."

"There are many reasons to that." the stallion's hooves smashed onto the desk. "But he is not who I am looking for. I WILL join you if you help me find that specific pony."

"It's a deal. However, I suggest you deal with the swirly eyed one. He's found another, and there doesn't seem to be anything stopping him from getting to Ponyville. Why, he's at the farm right now."


At Canterlot castle, Celestia was being flooded by the amount of reports coming in. She even had the council and the heavily armored guards to come and help her sort things out.

"What is this? Ponies going crazy and thinking they're in adventures."

"Wot's a bugbear?"

"Thousands burnt all across Equestria. Traces inconclusive."

"Reports of monstrous creatures followed by orange tornadoes near Duchess."

"An Iron Giant has been seen tearing up Tilly. The Port city is completely obliterated."

"Some type of white pony has been spotted several times while changing forms."

"There have been reports of suspicious actibities near the griffin-Dissirvian border."

"Several characters have been found impaled on pikes hidden in a collabsed building."

"Wait. What was that?" Celestia stpped the whole rumpling through the throne room. The tone of her voice was enough to stress everypony in there. "Impaled? On pikes? But..."

"Wh-what's wrong, princess?"

"I only know one pony who would ever impale on pikes...but he's supposed to be dead."

"What do you mean?"

"I have to find Luna."

Before Celestia could move from her throne and run through the pile of paperwork and reports, a gardener smashed through the doors. It was a griffin. A rather mild looking griffin with a stressful hairstyle. He was panting horribly.


"What? SPEAK NORMALLY!" a heavily armored guard yelled. She was pretty mean.

"Discord's statue isn't here anymore!"

"WHAT?!" the entire room erupted.

Everypony ran outside to the pedestal where Discord was supposed to be, only to see a cardboard cutout of him singing a song.

"How?" one of the council members forced out.

"It must be because of Psycho and his recent activity. Luna and I have learned that chaos and Illogic, no matter their similarities, canot stand eachother. They have a tendancy of cutting eachother out when in contact."

"Then why didn't Discord find him?"

"Like I just said, the two cut eachother off. Discord can sense anything related to chaos, but he could neither sense nor approach extreme concentrations of Illogic."

"That doesn't make sense. It's chaos. It doesn't obey by rules!"

"Exactly. While one doesn't obey the rules of reality, the other avoids making any sense at all. It is like two negatively charged magnets being put against eachother. The only problem we have now is that the powers can interact if the weilder wills it. This could bring catastrophic consequences if Psycho and Discord meet."

"Then we need to send a search party to stop them."

"Are you out of your mind?" Celestia stomped."That is chaos. Discord may not be murderous, but he is less lenient in his pranks. Psycho, on the other hoof, has a tendency to overdo his pranks, sometimes going as far as changing your species or your gender...or both! At best, he'll just coat you with a green nectar which will attract all the bees around several kilometers."

"Yes. I have heard that he creates strange substances which he then hides in his vials."

"Yes. the only one he won't harm is Twilight Sparkle."


"Well...erm...he has a tendency of keeping a soft spot for those he used to love."

"I see."

"And he doesn't perform pranks on those he takes a friendly interest in. The ones he considers true friends are those that he frequently visits, and seeing that Pandora is making a new mage's tower in Everfree using the old castle of past sovereigns, she is most likely to attract alot of attention, especially Discord's."

"So it was her who tried using his magic?"

"Yes. If it wasn't for the Ivamora Draygon, it would have spread like a wildfire. I thought she perished along with the rest."

"Let us not forget those who died."

"I know, and it is not a sacrifice I am willing to make without their consent. However, whatever drove it to the tower, and whatever killed it beforehoof is beyond me."

"Do you think there are other worlds involved in this?"

"I don't think so, but I'm worried that there might be somepony out there with simply malicious intents."

In Luna's room, one of the clocks ticking on the wall broke, spreading some small shards of glass here and there, but leaving the main shards in the clock. Luna didn't py any attention, considering she's a hard sleeper. There WAS a faint voice coming from the clock, though.

"Tick Tock, the pangemine clock. Tick Tock, I once had a click, but not until, the pangemine clock. Tick Tock, the singing with a knock, but not until, the pangemine clock."