• Published 7th Oct 2012
  • 2,351 Views, 204 Comments

The true Psychopath: Chaos vs Illogic - The Psychopath

Some things were just never made to meet eachother...

  • ...

End of a start

(I think this compensates the scene quite well)

Surprising enough, Sociopath broke off from his upcoming fight with Psycho in order to charge into the regiment of royal guardsponies going into his direction. Farseer and Pandora followed while Psycho was blocked by two mages. One who controlled electricity and another controlling spells capable of tearing you apart with simple words. As these three did battle, Sociopath screamed as loud as he could while weilding the face of a true killer and slammed into the heavy guardspony with such ferocity and strength that said pony's armor broke into several pieces and the weilder was flung far away. Sociopath would have been overwhelmed by the incoming guards if he didn't obliterate the oncoming rows with sharp thorns summoned by stomping the ground.

"Ha!? You think that YOU'RE the succesors of the Militia? Preposterous!"

"They aren't!"

The green stallion jumped out of the way and spun around in mid-air to see that he was nearly sucked into a black void placed on the floor. It was sucking up everything around it, but was quickly disabled by the summoner. Pandora landed right in front of Sociopath, her face full of fury, ready to kill anything around her. However, Farseer pushed her aside, causing the mare to shriek curses that both stallions ignored.

"The Sociopath I presume?"

"Yes. Why do you put yourself between me and my next victim?"

"I have learned that you were once the leader of the Council's Militia. I was once a mercenary. I wish to spar with you."

"A sparring? What makes you think that I will not try and kill you during the fight?"

"Even though you had a disgusting way of killing enemy troops and displaying their bodies on pikes, you were known to let the adversary leave when confronted with a duel."

Sociopath smirked." Know then, that I have not lost a duel."

"Up until now."

There was a long moment of silence, and Farseer directed Pandora to Psycho, who was wearing a tribal costume and dancing around two totem poles with the two mages attached to them. Once she left, Sociopath struck first. Instead of being able to casually spin himself and trike Farseer in the neck, the blind stallion caught Sociopath's foreleg, and threw him over his shoulder being jump kicking his enemy a bit further away. Wiping dirt off his face, Sociopath hopped back up and performed several backflips before making a higher one and grabbing Farseer by the neck, only to through the blind stallion into the ground and slam into him. The stallion's neck was being crushed, but a quick jab into his oppressors neck artery let him catch a breather while the attacked stallion cringe back in agonizing pain. When he regained his posture, it was only to see a hind leg curve kick him, making him spin into a window.

"Unlike you, who learned to wield great stamina, strength, and endurance, I learned martial techniques as well as your own abilities." Farseer taunted as he looked in Sociopath's direction.

Psycho, on the other hoof, was attacking Pandora with a water cannon turret rotating on flying ferrets attached to eachother via tail. He was a tad more violent than usual, as the water streams were so condensed they were slicing through ground and rock alike.

"Imma cut yew in tow with meh trroosty turret."

"Ugh! Gah! Stand still!"

"I'm not standing. I'm sitting. There is a difference." Psycho answered in a 'know-it-all' tone, causing Pandora to grit her teeth.

"I've always wanted to thank you for saving me from that doomed tower." Pandora was steadily summoning a blizzard, the miniscule storm elarging as it soun around her ever glowing horn."Why did you do it? I need to know."

"Because you were the only one untainted by chaos, and you are the only one who can restore fun!"



"Hmph. I should've known. Let's see if I can't cool you down a bit."

The enormous gust of frosty wind blew all over Ponyville, creating massive icicles everywhere. Pyra was the first to react, countering with her own explosive heat wave which blasted over its own side of the town, blowing everypony away and causing the buildings to start melting. Ferro, on the other hand, was having his own share of problems. This weird plated golem was also quite capable in combat as he was, or, atleast, capable of receiving hits. This strange being wouldn't stop attacking with electricity, its hits usually always missing while Ferro's would connect.

"Why won't you stay down?!"

"Thunder is relentless! It'll always hit the ground everywhere and never stop!"

"Grah!" Ferro yelled as he jabbed the creature several times in the neck, then the stomach, but its bent body always went back to normal.

"SHOCK!" it yelled as it punched the ground again, throwing lightning bolts into the air as the energy cracked the ground.



"Ten it is."

"I hate you and your luck."

Illus Ion and Blade Runner had been betting on how many guards would appear in front of them. Needless to say, not many of the guards were doing well, and the three mages who left to fight them were completely tied up in snakes.

"Hey, Blade Runner."

"Hm?" the mare turned around with a half-asleep expression on her face while she gave one last punch to a guard's face.

"These mages seem rather weak."

"I know. It seems that they aren't ready. This isn't very fun..."

"Wanna play cards?"


The two each held a deck of cards that came out of Illus' hat, and readied them like ninja stars. As the lesser inhabitants of the Insanity came, both began throwing the cards like said projectiles, literally making them slice through buildings. Contact with these weapons usually resulted in the receiver to keel over thinking they were cut in half and pass out shortly afterwards.

"Twenty-five hit."

"Thirty-three. Ten bits." Illus Ion responded.

"Alrighty then."

Meanwhile, in Canterlot, Bloody Red, having made some new victims, and having plastered their parts all over the walls and floors of the once white city, found himself fighting a gigantic dragon while Star Prophet just leaned bored against one of the still intact walls. It was a massive battle, and many buildings were being crushed in the process while the inhabitants tried to fly each step. Bloody was always a step ahead and would throw his bladed tonfas at the fleeing ponies, allowing their bleed to seep onto the blade. He had many weapons at his disposal, but the tonfas were just so good at agility and splattering the red everywhere.

"I'm going to use your blood as body paint! I'l use it and reuse it. The Sociopath is counting on me, and I don't think that I'll ever have enough fun here!"

"How 'bout I pimp slap you instead?"



Jack had back hand slapped the reddening stallion into the ground, creating a huge mound of dust, and throwing some bricks at a hair of Star Prophet's head. She didn't react, nor did she really care. She was totally bored and was simply lying against her wall, letting her body slowly sink to the ground.

"Pfff. You'd think the Illogic would have given me better powers than this. Hm?"

The mare suddenly went into a trance, and both stallions stopped fighting suddenly, both looking around in fear as something approached. It was very dark and seemed to be linked with the clouds in the sky. They were surging with strane powers, and their bolts struck the ground with a great intensity, causing shards to fling everywhere.

"Run! It's the head commander!" Star Prophet yelled.

"Why? He never came for me. Where are you going?"

Bloody Red looked plainly at the two begin to fly away as Star lied down on Jack's back. The reddened stallion chuckled and yelled at the clouds as he slowly turned his head.

"Nice one! You scared them off, but I WANTED to kill them! Guess I'll have to settle with captu-"

Bloody was cut off as he found a yellow foreleg surging with electricty puncturing his chest. There was a long moment of silence as he coughed his own blood and slowly smiled.

"You can't kill us. The Insanity is always alive."

"Which is why I kill you in the most painful way imaginable."

The stallion walked out of black smog still covering him, and showed his entire body surging with electricity. His legs were yellow, but slowly turned to blue as they crawled up his body. He wore a green suit of armor emblazoned with topaz gems, and the helmet crawled its way onto his horn like a spiral. His eyes were also yellow, but seemed to have thunder surging from the tear ducts. His mane was blue with jagged yellow streaks going through them while his tail was yellow with jagged blue streaks.

"You aren't the only one of those two 'worlds' that I've fought. So many from the Illogic and the Insanity. The only one I've never managed to kill was Psycho, but I'll manage, one day. Now you must perish."

Back in Ponyville, everypony continued to fight, ignoring the massive clouds coming from afar with a murderous dripping. It seemed that the Illogic was getting the upper hoof, but only because of the distractions the mages and incoming knights caused. As the fight raged on, both Sociopath and Psycho stopped their fights, remaining in their positions for an incredibly long amount of time. Some sort of whistle blew through the air as the head commander arrived right in front of everypony, the shockwave, blowing the weaklings around him away. The metallic creature fighting Ferro broke off from his fight to try and fight the unicorn, only to see itself blown to pieces by an excess of its energy.

"All beings of the Insanity return to our world. I will deal with this cretin." Sociopath roared with rivalry.

"What about our duel?"

"We will have to do it again."

"What do you think, Psycho?" Pandora asked.

"I am-a flying avay vis eh balooooon."

In the air floated what looked like a barrage baloon with everypony from the Illogic on it. Psycho was wearing a brown cap and was messing around with the fragile contraption, causing it to jet backwards, away from the city. Pandora's brain flipped off for a second. Meanwhile, the former head commander and the current were in a faceoff, the two obviously creating a massive tension between eachother.

"I must admit, I beleived my succesor to be a spineless coward, yet you had the decency to not only kill one of our members, but even went so far as to confront me personally."

"Yes. I've heard of you.'The Impaler' as you were called. Scourge of the griffins. I must ask, though. Why did you both call of your troops?"

"Simple. I may not care, but the Insanity told me to do so. You are only confrontable by a herald, which I am, but even I don't need these powers to defeat you."

"Bold words for the predecessor."

"One thing. What is your name? I want to tear it off you when I kill you."


"How simplistic. It fits you nicely."

Farseer approached Pandora with the wounded mages behind him."It is time we leave."

"Good idea."

As the group walked away, they watched the two stallions lock "horns" together. It was going to be a terrible fight.

Two days later, after these events, Discord was flying around, having fun causing chaos as he was free to do so, but constantly found Psycho, Screwball, and, occasionally, Illus Ion, would confront him and thwart his evil plans, FOR 'MURIKA, as Psycho would say with a strange, flat topped hairstyle on his head.

Reality remained solid, as both the intervention of the mages and the head commander stopped the fighting before irrepairable damages were caused. Everypony of importance to the situation was within the royal throne room, the head commander standing at the base of the throne stairs, their cylindrical shape still impressive enough to the unknowing eye. Twilight and Rainbow Dash were in a debate with the two princesses and the commander.

"-we agree to that? We didn't get the elements like planned!" Rainbow grumble as she continued to hover in front of Celestia.

"Because our commander came back earlier than expected."

"I only aim to serve the princesses." he finished ash he half bowed, his stern gaze closing for a moment.

"But, our plan would have still worked!" Twilight whined.

"No. It wouldn't have. You think that the Illogic and the Insanity have just appeared?" the commander twisted his gaze to the six mares.

"Well, yeah. Ever since 'e threw some pie at mah face, ah've thought that Psycho was the only one."

"You're wrong."

"And I thought that they were all about fun and parties and pranks and-"

"NO! There are very few like that. Psycho has always been like that, and the Illogic is meant for fun, but there are things that you haven't figured out yet. Haven't you ever wondered who got them into their worlds?"

"No..." Twilight frowned in shame.

"Exactly! Neither have we."Pandora interjected."However, we do know that Sociopath had been staying in Ponyville for quite a long time and has been searching for something linked to clocks. Something purple."

Sociopath, Black Cloud, Crimson Gaze, and Quick Draw both stood in front of an immense black temple that seemed to be in ruins. It was covered with dead trees at some areas, while tall and powerful trees hung off the corners of another. This place was mostly dead, the path leading to this temple carved in the mountains being a slightly lighter shade of ash than the rest.

"We have heard that there have been reports of a new cult growing around Equestria, and that the Anti-Copperlings from the northern island have been preparing for something."

Quick Draw sniped the three cult ponies standing guard atop the temple, their corpses making almost no sound as the ash muffled their encounter with the ground. She carefully got back up, making sure that no others were alerted. Sociopath nodded and the four walked towards the temple, ready to enter it and face the perils within.

"There have been rumors."Farseer added,"That my master has told me. Of this cult leader, two exist, and both are linked to the same ancient world. One is a hand the turns clockwise, while the other is high in the astral time of the stars. I Have yet to understand what he means, but I suppose there are things that the Illogic are more implicated in that none of us know. After all, it is the only power completely absent from the entirety of reality and inexistance."

At the entry of a damaged Ponyville stood a lone mare, her wooden wagon filled with gears and clocks in tow. Her night blue cloak with many golden clocks drawn on it really gave her off, and her golden clock eyes were what attracted all surrounding attention to herself.

"This looks like the perfect place to set up shop. I wonder if I'll see Psycho in the meantime. Eh. More vacation time."

As the four continued through the ruins, Quick Draw had to ask:

"How did you fight Willow?"

"I dragged him into the Everfree forest and used my thorns to impale him several times. It would seem that he has become imbued with the fifth element of nature. One that mainly imbeciles seem to overlook."

"And how did you get out of it?"

"I was about to kill him, but you called me for an important meeting, so I had to leave. It was quite the battle that I haven't had in so long. Destroying entire forest sections, blasting through mountains. Something that you'll never see again."

Quick Draw continued to talk with the green stallion, but the two others behind chuckled.

"I bet you het got his flank handed to him." Cloud whispered.

"I don't think so. I think they were evenly matched, and that is what is irritating Sociopath."

"Hmm. I never thought of it that way." Cloud shrugged and followed the other two who were already going down a set of stairs, the dust of the ceiling slowly floating down as each step echoed within the crevices of the old and rotted bricks.

There we go. Not too good by my opinion. Also, the cameo page will stay in-case you forget your characters. If you want to use them to put them in stories that better describe their role in their respective worlds, go ahead. Just say what world the story is linked to. As for the rest, your characters, your decisions.

Comments ( 46 )

1714170 It was done on purpose. This is the Illogic. What is it if the ending wasn't confusing?:trollestia:

1714198 Hmmm. I was going to do something for the next story. I might as well finish up then.

1714221 Just added a little something in the end.

"However, we do know that Sociopath had been staying in Ponyville for quite a long time and has been searching for something linked to clocks. Something purple."

*Simply clucks his tounge in a "Click clock" noise with a knowing look*

1714360 Not Click Clock. She may be purple and linked to clocks, but...well...eventually.

1714515 Okey then. *starts flipping a pen in the air*

1714597 It's not the pen either. Silly Nova. Pens are for jousting.

1714647 This pens my focus. I'll elaborate later.
Now if you'll pardon me, Panis Cupcake is in the middle of Ponyville.

Yeah.... I'd be lying if I said it was awesome :applejackunsure:
I think the main problem was that there were too many characters and not enough stuff for them to do... I understand that you have your story to think about, but it feels like things randomly happen for no real reason...

1714747 This story was also an experiment to see my limit in character management. A little yes, a little no. Now I know, but atleast I managed to work up everyone's imagination and got them their characters.

I guess... Also don't use Pyre in the future, as I going to be doing the sequel soon.

1714796 I won't use any of these characters anymore. Maybe still Quick Draw, but that's about it.


Not even Svell or Ferro? C'mon, you have to admit, they are badass!

1715351 Yes, but I've already had enough trouble here. They might make appearances every now and then, but they will no longer be main characters of the plot.


1717848 I was confused by bloody reds words. is he dead or not?
also yay for still using quick draw, (for those that cant remember/don't know im Addz)

1727205 The Insanity and the Illogic work outside of the laws of reality. He'll simply revive in the World of Insanity.


1727253 so then he can leave again?

Well I guess I need to ask since I completely forget; what happened to Dysfunctional Calamity?

1740689 Don't tell me I forgot him.:facehoof:

1742723 I think you might have.:rainbowlaugh:


1742754 Truly illogical of you. Dys tortured someone, got in a fight and "crossed horns" with another in the fight. Then was never mentioned again.:rainbowlaugh:

1742761 Oh. That's because there was too much to do and they all left anyways. Also, I just got blocked by Daddy Discord.:pinkiecrazy:

1742769 HAHA What did you do?

1742778 I just wrote "Chaos inferior. Illogic superior."

1742783:facehoof: I should have figured. Hey has anyone asked you about writing a story regarding Illogic?

1742795 Noone asks me about writing a story for the Illogic.

1742802 Hmm okay then. Never mind. I'm off to Read until my eyes fall out go to sleep. Are we just going with the excuse Dys left at some point after chapter 8 or so?

1742822 They all did after Sociopath and Psycho told them to leave.

1882229 I know. It turned into a nightmare as I wasn't expecting so much to work with. In the end, I got lost.:ajsleepy:

1882477 Nah. I'll just have it be a sort of side-quest. It happened, but had no real significance upon the storyline itself.

A thought entered my head awhile ago about this story: What was accomplished? :unsuresweetie:

1895194 Introduce the immensity of the two worlds. Don't worry. I turned it into a side-story so the official sequel will be about Psycho, The Sociopath, and our purple friend.


1897187 I said it was a side-story. I never said that what happened didn't affect anything in Psycho's world. It did happen. It just wasn't that important, but it did mark the coming of the worlds.:pinkiecrazy:

This whole story was kind of a failed experiment if you ask me... :applejackunsure:

1897210 I already wrote that. Notice the image changed and the description that changed as well.

2163093 Ah, but do you know what the Pangemine clock is? It is not related to Illogic, Insanity, or chaos.

why dont you make alternate ending :raritydespair::raritycry:

2165642 i hope your make tvillight are little insane and make her realise that she loves him in are way or something :twilightsmile:

2452564 Mmmm. Well, if you want a proper sequel, you should ignore the second story. It's a clusterfuck, as some would call it.

2452633 i know and i belive you can do it. :D

1417760 I sstarted a band with crysalis

I still gotta read through it.

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