• Published 7th Oct 2012
  • 2,351 Views, 204 Comments

The true Psychopath: Chaos vs Illogic - The Psychopath

Some things were just never made to meet eachother...

  • ...

Pandora's new tower

Within Everfree, a plethora of ponies and minotaurs were working on the abandoned castle with time to spare. The sounds of clicking, clanking, and hammer bashing on stone were the only things heard for several meters. Many guards were standing around the perimeter to keep watch of the surrounding area. Naturally, the forest of Everfree was extremely dangerous, and Pandora not only knew about the Ivamora, but about the OTHER plant monster in the forest. A close cousin of the Ivamora, except this one was mobile. As the mare looked at her blueprints, Twilight inspected the tower who was being newly refurbished, and decided to appraise this new idea.

"I take it that you'll be the new headmaster of the brand new Mage's Tower?"

"Yes indeed. I was hoping that you could become a teacher in this school, seeing your unusual affinity with magic."

Twilight blushed. "Eheheh. Sorry, but I still have my own studying to do."

"With what? Reporting about 'friendship'? I honestly don't know why you are tasked with something like that when-No! Careful!"

Two stallions were trying to move a large stone block, but kept it too close to the edge of the wall, causing the stone to fall and nearly smash a minotaur, who spouted profanity at the two. Pandora facehoofed.

"Well, I find that it has helped me quite alot with getting into society. I never had any friends before, besides those who tricked me into doing their homework for them."

"The youth is fret with the inexperienced. You must sometimes learn things the hard way, Twilight Sparkle. As O'Connor the Thoughtful once told me: 'There are things that cannot be learned without pain. You may try to go around these situations, but you will never truly succeed unless you go straight through and get it over with'."

"O'Connor? I didn't expect to hear his name. Not many speak of Starswirl the Bearded, but even less speak of the Thoughtful one."

"Yes. He was something. A great friend with many great ideas."

A long silence reigned between the two conversing mares as Pandora checked the blueprints again and adjusted one of the workers to properly place themselves.

"So...Pandora. How are you going to protect everypony who will come and go from here? You can't have the guards patrolling around incessantly."

"No, but I have several ideas. You I'm sure you met our guardian golem?"

"The thing that desintegrated?"

"Yes. I know how to make another, but first, I must use a spell to cover a path to the castle while I make a protective bubble around the castle and keep it up thanks to a few gems I've kept in a magical pouch about my person."

"You can do all that? I mean, I know how to make a magical Bubble, and my brother can make a huge one, but we always to keep it up with our own minds, and that is very tiring."

"Magic is more than just horns and sparkling dust."


"By the way, have you been noticing some strange things going on around Equestria since Psycho appeared?"

"No. Not really. Compared to Discord, nothing has really been happening."

"That's what you think. I have heard of reports of ponies going mad after seeing a very dark purple stallion. I'm sure you are aware of Psycho's ability to influence dreams?"

"Yes, but what does this have to do with Psycho? He isn't the one to harm others."

"No, which is just the thing. Who are these new characters that have been appearing since Psycho's reemergence, and why are these ones so evil? The Psychopath has never been hurtful on purpose, and those who come from his 'World of Illogic' are kept from doing harm."

"Are you saying that we have another world?!"

"It is most likely, but-"

Everything was interrupted after hearing a loud roar, and seeing a royal guard fly through the air into the castle. Several gigantic black masses with no faces came through the forest trees, plowing everything down with their massive girth.

"ALERT! The perimeter has been breached! All workers, evacuate the premises immediatly!" a royal guard yelled.

As these instructions were shouted, everybody started to run, except for the minotaurs. Their bulk was enough to permanately deal with these kinds of monsters, but these weird gorilla-esque creatures were much too much for the guards. Luckily, two heavily armored guards came galopping by. Now, their small size compared to the gorillas could make their charge meaningless, but the strength needed to wear the armor gave some wild results, such as seeing the force of impact create some form of shockwave and sending te two monsters flying through tree and rock. Both Pandora and Twilight stood still with their mouths gaping open. As the two regained themselves, they could some sort of pony-shaped creature laughing and disappearing from tree to tree.

"Do you see that?" Twilight asked out loud.

"Yeah. It looked dark purple...but it had bright green stripes on its body. What was it?"

"I see you all. How about you become my slaves?"

"Never! Your inferior abilities shall not hinder us, creature of the Illogic!" Pandora shouted with fury as she tried to determine the source of the voice.

"The Illogic? Haha! You sad sap. Why would I be part of that inferior world? MINE is much better, and gives me liberty in doing what I want. However, I'm afraid that your twice insulting answer was wrong. Time to get smashed!"

Several more gorillas came through the forest. Despite the surprising abilities of the heavily armed royal guards, they were no match for so many creatures. Everything was lost...until massive gusts of wind started to blow through the air. Several mini-tornadoes came by and dragged the monsters away as well. The wind was powerful enough to uproot trees, and, as the unknown entity roared in a fit, a strange, bright orange pegasus bolte down from the sky, scraping Twilight's mane and disapearing into the forest, only to reemerge with something in its hooves. The culprit was another stallion, but an earth stallion. The two quickly disappeared as the orange pegasus found itself falling with screams.
It took awhile, but everyone recovered.

"Se, Twilight? There's something strange going on. Your assumptions on another world being involved are also quite complete."

"The question is, what world is it?"

"A special world, not too far from Psycho's." spoke a voice that only Twilight vaguely remembered.

Both mares turned around to see a bulky red-orange stallion with a roughed up yellow mane and tail. He possessed a scar that ran diagonally across his face starting from the forehead.

"Farseer?" Twilight wondered as she moved closer.

"It is good to see you too, Twilight Sparkle."

"What are you doing here?"

"I was released for good behavior, and told that you were making a new Mage's Tower."

"I'M making a new mages tower. What's it to you?"

"I have many lessons to teach to those who wish to learn."

"About what?"

"About meditation and the sights they open you up to."

"Meditation? Ha! Meditation has no true meaning. Your blindness surely cannot be-"

"I can see into your mind. I have also learned about that chocolate party. Had fun at it?"

Pandora became redder than blood. She was steaming all over.

"What's he talking about?"

"NOTHING! Nothing that concerns you, student of Celestia."

"Fine. You can be a teacher. Just know that I am the headmaster."

"Then that is how it shall b..." Farseer stopped suddenly as he looked up. He could see something, but its powers were interfering with his sights."

"What is it? Are you meditating on me?"

"No. There is just something up there."

Up in the clouds, Discord was watching the whole scene while lying down on a colorful cloud of sour candy balls.

"What? I like other flavors. Sour makes some ponies have funny faces. Besides talking to myself, it seems that there ARE some who side with chaos, but what are these 'wwwworrrrlds' they speak of? How about going to see our pal at Ponyville."

Discord pulled up a wheel from the vloud and started to make weird noises while pushing his foot down.

"It's time to race in the grand prix. The prize? Complete chaos! Ahahaha!"

The cloud disappeared with a loud vrooming sound towards Ponyville.

Sociopath was summoning his screen again, making sure to contact several ponies this time. In front appearaed what looked like a well-behaved, white stallion. The green stallion looked apalled.

"Who are you?"

"It's me, Bloody."

"Ah. Yes. I had forgotten. Your disguises prove most excellent, and your social status helps quite alot as well. What news have you for me? I heard that you had something else to report since earlier."

"Yes. The Chief wishes to have a word with you. As for the changelings, nothing has been heard of them since, but there are words of a white one taking charge as of late. You no longer have any chance of converging them. *sniff*Ah. This tea is most excellent."

Bloody was sitting in a very clean manor, per appearance, and was enjoying an exquisite tea taken from Jippon.

"Ah yes. Your shipment of supplies has been sent, but I still don't understand why you need these bizarre ingredients."

"That's for me to know and you to keep your mouth shut lest I rip it off."

"Y-yes, sir."

"Good. Going to the Chief now."

The screen fizzed a bit, allowing the next connection to settle back into a familiar dark setting in an office building. The same stallion was there behind his desk. Next to him, however, stood a mare who looked extremely serious, even as she wore strange goggles that only had creases for openings. Her mane and tail were of a very dark blue, while her body was almost an invisible shade of dark blue. She seemed to be checking some darts and harpening them as she leaned her back against the table.

"Who is this unicorn?" Sociopath seemed none too pleased.

"This is Quick Draw. She is our long-range assassin. Say hello to our best member, Quick."

The mare lowered her dart for a moment, her dark magic completely envelopping the object. There was a long pause, but she ended everything by huffing.

"THIS is The Sociopath? How pathetic."

"Watch your tone, filly, or I'll have to use your skull as a blood bowl."

"Try it."

"Is that a challenge?"

"Sociopath, don't." Crimson tried to dissuade the stallion, but to no avail.

The green stallion's pupils spun widely, and thorns erupted from the ground, held the unicorn in the air, and pointed the thorns into Quick's body, but only by a few millimeters. Little drops of red dripped from the wounds. The unicorn began to hyperventilate.

"Yes. Not being a smartass anymore, are we? I can send micro shards into your blood stream and tear away everything inside of you, but I won't. You could have some use."

The thorns disappeared, making Quick fall to the floor with a loud thump."

"Hm. You always surprise."

"Yes. What is the message you wanted to send me?"

"Hm? Ah yes! I need to know, have you found clues to The Psychopath?"

"I already told you that I would sen you a message if I had found something."

"Yes. Well. I'm asking because there seems to be quite a few things happening around here."

A massive explosion shook the entire building Chief was in.

"What was that?" Sociopath wondered.

"Svell Fleinn."

"You mean that ice giant who thinks he's from the realm of the Norse gods?"


"Svell! What did you do?! You've got arms through your body!"

"I do? Huh. Would you look at that."

"And he seems to be back from whatever he was doing."

"That is a strange creature. Also, what do you mean by 'strange things'?"

"Things that have been occuring since The Psychopath left Ponyville. There have been reports from our agents, namely the travelling Black Cloud behind you, who have started finding extremely violent ponies with bizarre powers, along with more playful ones. Would you have something to do with this?"

"Not at all, but I think I know what is happening. You crazy mare. You gave me this and now you're starting this too."

The clock hanging behind Chief saw its glass break, along with its pendulum beginning to move erratically before completely stopping.

"Oh ho? Agents of chaos! How exciting. Now it just comes to dragging this stallion away from the rest of the town and putting him under my tutelage. Oh? What's this?"

There was a little filly passing by happily as she held an icecream cone in her hoof and was happily licking her icecream. Discord just smile as he lied down on his stomach with his head resting on his heads. He then moved one and pointed it towards the icecream, suddenly turning it into a monster. The filly screamed away while the god of chaos was exhilirated with the situation.

"Chaaos is so much fun."