• Published 7th Oct 2012
  • 2,351 Views, 204 Comments

The true Psychopath: Chaos vs Illogic - The Psychopath

Some things were just never made to meet eachother...

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Special: The World of Insanity

To make up for lack of updates, I'm making a special. This will explain a few pointers on the World of Insanity and some of the many heralds that are in it. No. I won't put The Sociopath. I already made his story. This is just for my characters only. Sorry.

Be happy that you get to see the other heralds...as few as I'm showing.



This stallion has some black specks on his body, but the majority of it is golden colored. His mane and tail are the least masculine anyone can find, but his yellow eyes and bizarre open-mouthed smile when he sees you are enough to make anyone cringe. This stallion typically likes to wear black leather clothing with an open collar. He likes to disturb in more than one manner. His techniques are similar to The Sociopath's, but much more gruesome. He has a nasty habit of tearing creature's skeletons out and using them to decorate his home in the World of Insanity. How did he become a herald?

Undersire was once a typical farmpony at his parents' house. What did he do? He simply tended to the fields. Suddenly, out of nowhere, some marauders came and killed his family and stole the food. The reason for this was that Undersire's father was also part of a gang, but had never said anything and remained undercover as a farmer. Once he was found out, a herald was born. The stallion vowed for revenge and ran after the trained stallions, only to get himself kicked around. Galopping away with tears forming across his cheeks, he ran into the nearby forest. He sat next to his favorite stump and began to let loose all his pent up frustration, cursing upon his inability to protect his family or even avenge them. A certain problem arose, however. That stump was a sealing box for the embodiment of negativity, and Undersire's habit of going there after something bad would happen empowered the being ever more. What happened afterwards created the stuff of nightmares.

The creature, under the appearance of a black smog left the stump by destroying the top, and surrounded the confused colt who stopped crying but continued to tear up and sniffle a bit. The smog promised him power for vengeance. Power of defence. It even promised to revive his family. Once those last words were spoken, the deal was sealed. The stallion breathed in the fog and began to grow. His bones popped, his articulations cracked, and his body became as it is now. He wasted no time on his new appearance and followed the guidelines of the smog, running ever further from the forest and into the gigantic city that the marauders hid in.

This city was built upon a hill, so the roads went upwards in a type of inclined fashion, bending and turning whenever a superior floor was reached. The building of the marauders was a huge white mansion protected by two of these guys dressed as poilceponies of the city. They were confused at first, but everypony in the streets screamed in horror as Undersire punched them in the guts and caused the entirety of their internal organs to spill out of their mouths. It took a few seconds for them to die. After that, the colt began to feel power welling up insid him. He bust the door down and began to destroy everything in sight, not just those who would get in his way. After awhile, he went berserk.

Once Undersire reached the top floor of the mansion, he was covered in blood and guts, as well as panting heavily while his crazy smile adorned his face. The marauder leader did not have time to turn around from his dramatic position that the roof of his building exploded. A torrent of red liquid came down and covered the whole city in the killer's remains. Undersire simply laughed as he lost control of his body and mind to the smog. Needless to say, the city is now known as the red wastelands and the once fervent colt who desired justice had now become possessed by the negativity he so craved. No longer himself, he was recruited by a herald of the Insanity, and is one of the most powerful in existence.


This mare has a rather...devious tendancy to..."expose" herself. She likes to wear rather "naughty" clothing which I shan't describe here. However, her mane and tail are both black and similar to Octavia's style, while her coat is brown. Her blue eyes are more than enough to make many a weak-hearted stallion fall for her. Her cutie-mark is a can covered by a broken x. None have yet to figure it out.

Her manner of killing is like that of a succubus mixed with a changeling. Twice the power for twice the death toll. She has a habit of causing those around her with weak minds to become infatuated, and that allows her to absorb their life-essnce. It is even more refreshing when they begin to fight for her, allowing her to retrieve even more, eventually making the crazed stallions fall as wrinkled lumps, barely concious. Her only problem is the defect caused by the Insanity that prevents her from being free of the effects of ageing. Therefore, she needs the life essence to live.

Born into a wealthy family that was all about the physique and charms, Truviana had these things instigated within her as well and found her body magically modified and enhanced with magic the older she got, soon finding herself at the top demands of every royal stallion she could see. She never found true love because she knew that it was only for her body that the stallions called out for her. She became depressed, and soon learned from her own mother that the mares in the family were only meant to be jewels upon the crowns of kings. She was apalled by these sayings, so she spat in her mother's face and ran away, only to come back a few weeks later and learn that her mother was already with somepony else. Something clicked in her mind that day, and nothing else ever flew through it anymore.

Eventually, princes and kings alike began to fight eachother to death, and nopony knew why, until Truviana came back home with a cart of treasure. She was put to death after it wa sdiscovered that she was the cause of these death battles. Her soul was about to be taken by the Reaper, but it was kicked aside by the next herald that shall be described. Naturally, with tears, she accepted the proposal and became a herald shortly after proving herself.


Yes. Bones. That is simply his name. Bones likes to grab bones from anywhere and wears them as a nice coat, making it seem like he is nothing but bones. Generally, his is separate from everypony in the world and likes to go hunting for himself. Even in the World of Insanity, not much is known about him, other than that he is practically identical in attitude to The Sociopath. He considers everything below him and to be inferior while he himself is superior, although it is said that he was once a vile killer who murdered simply for fun, and taunted investigators with clues purposefully placed around with an insulting message near them.

Nopony knows what his backstory is, which is a first, but his immense power puts him close to the supposed "next level of followers", even though no other exists. He has the habit of recruiting the most candidates for his world, and he frequently attacks the Reaper to do so, even going so far as to steal the scyythe of this angel of death and speed up the process so he can recruit somepony, because Bones is incapable of appearing in the physical realm of existence, preferring to do his deeds in the uninteractible and unseeable plane of existence.

Now for a special herald


A tri-legged creature with an upper body pushed forward at a sixty degree angle, this creature came from a world similar to Equestria, except that they have technology in advanced levels to boot. It has two black eyes at the top of an extension similar to a head, but lacking anything other than a line to display a mouth. Its dark blue body with vertical green lines along its straight, spike-like legs are enough to crush even the sturdiest of bones. Its gender is not truely known, but many thing it is a male.

Simpleton was a citizen that incited a revolt against the governing party, hoping to overthrow to instill his hoped totalitarian regime. The problem was his low intellect and brash thinking. While the huge group of rebels managed to break through the giant steel doors of the government's tower-like facility, everyone was gunned down. He swore upon his puddle of blood that he would return someday and kill them all, and he would reign supreme upon the whole world, which he did. A herald reached him just before his death and gave him his powers, which involves sucking someone's soul out of their body and controlling the corpse like a necromancer. Granted, he can also do this with machines, which brings the question, what did he do to deserve becoming part of the Insanity?

Nothing, really, as these sorts of things happen infrequently enough. The herald that recruited him was becoming more and more linked with the Illogic, and was soon destroyed for it, but Simpleton, what with his direct ways of fighting stayed. He is used to instill fear into those who refuse to follow the Insanity, and he WILL trap your soul within a crystal kindly created by an inhabitant of the Insanity.

Prerequisites for entry:

Mostly murder, in the most brutal way or the most creative won't get you anywhere. While specific ways of joining are as unknown as the thought pattern of those in the Illogic, once you are accepted, you must endure several trials based on your style of servitude, but one trial is always the same: pain. In order to begin becoming an inhabitant of the insanity, you must endure a constant pain. A searing pain. Those that can't deal with it die, and are simply tossed out to reach the other side...depending on where they go...it's mostly directly downwards.

While these sort of things are typical, there are those who rise directly to heraldism, and they are granted an immense amount of power. This usual involves their already existing power or their capabilities. While not everyone can go in, it is still extremely packed, and if you get on their backside, expect death within the hour...unless you are protected by the Illogic.

Both the World of Illogic and the World of Insanity hate eachother because of their contradicting features, and their known embodiments are The Psychopath, and The Sociopath, respectfully, as these two represent their worlds in an almost perfect manner. Never find yourself in a battle between these two worlds...bad things can occur.