• Published 4th Feb 2022
  • 1,970 Views, 108 Comments

My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 8-2: The Iron Stallion Competition

The Iron Stallion Competition

It was the middle of the day in the School for Gifted Unicorns. At the middle of the field, Danged Spell and Rainbow Dash were stretching in preparation for the competition. They both looked like they were ready to face each other off in what may be the battle of a lifetime. Their eyes were as sharp as nails. Their ambition is as hot as fire. And their hooves were raring to go. Later that day, they would compete to see who is the best of the two.

Nearby in the bleachers, Twilight Sparkle, with Spike by her side, watched the duo from afar. There was a sense of excitement in the little filly. But also a sense of nervousness. Perhaps it was Sunset’s own worry for if they got out of control. Or an outsider could sabotage the competition for their own amusement. It was a silly fear, but she still had her concerns.

“Awaiting how the duo will come out, my student?” That voice came from Princess Celestia, as she approached Twilight Sparkle. Next to her were Wanda Young, Abigail Albright and Sunset Shimmer.

“Princess Celestia,” Twilight said as she reached out and gave her mentor a hug.

“Sounds like someone’s excited to see mommy,” Sunset said.

“At times, I wish she was our sister,” Wanda chuckled.

As Twilight let go of Celestia, the alicorn took a seat next to her young pupil, while her daughters Wanda and Sunset sat right next to Twilight. Abigail ran towards a nearby tree, lied down and went to sleep.

“Seems Abigail isn’t in the mood for competition,” Twilight said.

“That’s not the first time I’ve seen her nap like that,” Wanda said.

“She has a tendency to do that, Twilight,” Sunset said. “It’s how cats think.”

“You know,” Twilight said. “There’s a part of me that wants to run down to the School Library, pull out as many books on cats and read them all day for an essay on their behavior. It would make for a fascinating case.”

“Uhh,” Sunset said. “Let’s not resort to that. The last time you checked out a book, your big brother had to drag you out of the house after spending twenty four hours on it.”

“Oh come on,” Twilight said. “It’s just one little book.”

“More like a whole boatload of books, Twilight,” Wanda giggled.

Nearby, Rainbow Dash and Danged Spell had finished up on their stretching. They turned towards each other and let out a grin of confidence. They look like they’re ready for the competition.

“So,” Rainbow Dash said. “You know what the purpose of this competition is, right?”

“Have I ever,” Danged Spell replied. “I’ve seen mares and stallions partake in this competition before I moved to Canterlot. I know how it goes, and I’ve seen it up close and personal, even when colts and fillies partake.”

“I also heard you have some sort of secret power,” Rainbow Dash said. “Care to give a demonstration?”

“If I did that, that would be totally unfair for you,” Danged Spell said. “This power is so secret, even I don’t know how to activate it on command.”

“Is that a fact, eh?” Rainbow Dash said as she let out a chuckle. “I bet you don’t even have this secret power.”

“I wish I didn’t,” Danged Spell said. “But I’m stuck with it.”

“Stuck with it?” Rainbow Dash said. “Personally, I think…”

But before she could finish trash talking, Rainbow Dash and Danged Spell heard the sound of a branch breaking. They turned their heads and saw the tree that Abigail was sleeping under. They looked up and saw a branch about to loosen and fall on the kitten. Abigail was unaware that her life was in danger.

“Oh no,” Rainbow Dash said as she saw the branch start to loosen. “I’m not letting that cat lose one of her nine lives.”

But before Rainbow Dash could get ready, she overheard the sound of a wolf growling. She turned her head and saw Danged Spell hunkered down. His eyes completely white with a yellow aura around them, his teeth laid bare and his voice snarling like he’s about to take off.

“Spell?” Rainbow Dash said. “Is that your secret power?”

But instead of responding to Rainbow Dash’s question, Danged Spell took off in a flash. He ran faster than lightning, darting all the way to the tree as he grabbed Abigail by the scruff of her neck. The quick movement woke the kitten up, causing her to freak out as Danged Spell quickly darted out of the way. Up in the tree, the branch finally came off and fell, hitting the ground with a thundering boom, and shattering to pieces. That caught everyone’s attention as Danged Spell slowed down his running and walked up to Wanda.

“Woah,” Rainbow Dash said as her wings flapped upwards. “I thought I saw everything, but that was way past cool.”

Danged Spell approached Wanda, all while holding Abigail at the scruff of her neck with his teeth. He stopped right next to Wanda and sat Abigail down. The scared kitten ran up to Wanda and clinged right onto her chest, sinking her claws right in her.

“YEEOUCH!” Wanda yelled as Abigail unintentionally dug her claws into her chest.

Princess Celestia looked down at Danged Spell. The young stallion whimpered for a bit before shaking his head out of his Wolf’s Breath trance, returning to normal. He looked up and saw Abigail, still clung onto Wanda’s chest.

“You know,” Danged Spell said. “She really needs to be careful with little Abigail.”

Wanda was able to free Abigail from her chest before she said “I think Abigail needs to be more careful with me.” Abigail jumped out of Wanda’s arms and snuggled right next to her, as if she were ashamed at what she did, even though it was unintentional. Wanda could do nothing, but rub the little kitten on the back of her ears.

Rainbow Dash flew over to Danged Spell, still shocked by what the young stallion demonstrated.

“What the hay was that all about?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I have never seen a unicorn act like that.”

“It’s called the Wolf’s Breath curse,” Princess Celestia explained. “It makes a unicorn pretend he or she is a wolf and locks them out of their magic. But what they lack in spells, they make up for it in brute strength, agility, and instinct.”

“So,” Rainbow Dash asked. “Is he the only one affected by this curse? Because I have never seen a pony with that before.”

“No,” Princess Celestia said as she pointed to herself. “He may not be the only unicorn with the Wolf’s Breath Curse. But I’m the only Alicorn with it.”

“You have this curse?” Rainbow Dash.

“Yes,” Princess Celestia said. “But I have a better control over it due to years of experience. I’ve been training Danged Spell on how to control his curse, and how to activate it on command.”

“On command?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Yes,” Princess Celestia said. “But this process isn’t easy. What I went through was long and stressful, back when Starswirl the Bearded helped get my curse under control.”

“Starswirl taught you how to control the Wolf’s Breath curse?” Twilight said, geeking out on the inside. She jumped onto Celestia’s head and said. “No way. That has got to be the most awesomest thing I have ever heard. You’ve got to tell me more.”

“Awesomest?” Rainbow Dash chuckled. “I’ve never heard an egghead say that.”

“She and Sunburst are the biggest geeks of the group,” Danged Spell replied. “I’m a distant third.”

Celestia giggled as she levitated Twilight off her head and right next to her. She got up and said “That’s a story for another time, my faithful pupil. But for now, I think it’s time we prepared for the big event.”

“That’s right,” Danged Spell said as he turned to Rainbow Dash. “So, you think you can beat me, eh Rainbow Crash?”

“Oh two will play at that game, Danged Smash,” Rainbow Dash said with a smirk on her face.

“It’s game on,” Danged Spell said as he and Rainbow Dash glanced at each other.

Later that afternoon, the entire track and field had been transformed into a triathlon. Students were gathered in the bleachers, cheering as they anticipated the event. Danged Spell and Rainbow Dash were on the field, eager to go at each other. Stepping onto the field was Princess Celestia, ready to make her announcements and eager to see how it will all turn out.

“Fillies and gentlecolts,” Princess Celestia yelled. “The Iron Stallion competition will now take place between two lucky individuals, who will compete to see who will become the Iron Stallion. Now let’s meet our challengers.”

Celestia turned to face Danged Spell as she said “First off, you know him as the class clown of the School. But on the inside, he’s got a heart of gold, and a soul of a wolf. I give to you, DANGED SPELL!” The audience cheered as Danged Spell showed off, flicking his mane and winking towards his friends in the stands.

“Wow,” Sunset said as she cheered. “You suppose Danged Spell will win the competition?”

“By the way Rainbow Dash sounds,” Twilight Sparkle said as she turned her head towards Sunset Shimmer. “I’d say she might give Spell a run for his bits.”

“Hey by the way,” Ditzy Doo said as she emerged from behind Starlight and Wanda. “Didn’t you object to them competing against each other?”

“Well I did,” Sunset said. “But these two convinced me otherwise.”

“Oh,” Ditzy said.

Back on the field, Princess Celestia yelled “And his opponent. Hailing straight from the Ponyville Providence, a future Wonderbolt in training who’s known for recreating the famous Sonic Rainboom. I present to you...our guest star...RAINBOW DASH!”

As the audience cheered for Rainbow Dash, the young pegasi took off towards the air and performed a number of stunts, from loop de loops to twists and turns. Her moves wow the audience as they were glued towards the young speedster.

Deep in the audience, Wanda, Sunset, Twilight, Starlight, Sunburst, Ditzy Doo, Moondancer, Spike and Abigail watched as Rainbow Dash unleashed a flurry of moves that resulted in a bolt of lightning scattering across the sky. The man’s cub, her unicorn friends, the kitten and baby dragon’s jaw dropped at the sight of the very move Rainbow Dash pulled off.

“Wow,” Wanda said. “What in the name of mommy is that?”

“Oh that?” Ditzy said. “That’s the Buccaneer Blaze. One of Rainbow Dash’s signature moves, right behind the Sonic Rainboom.”

“I noticed you’re not getting a massive headache from that,” Twilight said.

“Oh?” Wanda said.

“I think it might have something to do with the way this move is pulled off,” Sunburst replied as he pulled a book from his bag. “I have a book on Pegasi tricks and techniques that talk about the types of magic from these unique skills. And I heard there is a difference between the Buccaneer Blaze and the Sonic Rainboom that’s based on the type of magic that emits from both moves.”

“Excellent find, Sunburst,” Sunset Shimmer said. “Maybe we’ll figure out why the Rainboom always makes Wanda wince in pain.”

Meanwhile, as Sunburst opened the book up for the gang, Golden Lace watched nearby from the far end of the stands. She glanced coldly at Wanda and her friends with a cold stare. Something about her glimpse signaled a sign of jealousy towards the other unicorns.

“These geeks think they’re so special,” Golden Lace said to herself. “Just because two of them are the daughters of Princess Celestia doesn’t mean anything. They need to learn their place in society, and realize that a childish princess ain’t going to baby all of those fragile snowflakes.”

It was the first event of the Iron Stallion Competition. Eight barrels were lined up in a zigzag pattern. At one end, Danged Spell and Rainbow Dash were primed and ready to dash through the course. Princess Celestia walked up to the podium and cleared her throat, ready to make her announcement.

“For the first event, I present to you the Barrel Weave,” Princess Celestia announced. “Each contestant will take a turn to run through a zigzag pattern around the barrels without touching them, for a single touch will result in a five second penalty. The fastest time wins. Danged Spell, you’re up.”

Spell looked at Rainbow Dash and let out a smug look on his face.

“This is as easy as it gets,” Danged Spell said.

“Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, Spell,” Rainbow Dash said.

Danged Spell braced down and took off. He ran around each of the barrels, being careful not to tap into them, all while dashing as fast as possible. Sweat ran down his forehead as he ran as fast as possible. He made it out of there with little trouble and stopped at the very end, picking his right arm up and wiping the sweat off his brow.

“The time on that run is 19 seconds,” Princess Celestia announced. “No barrels have been tapped.” That was enough to give Danged Spell a grin on his face all while he faced Rainbow Dash.

“Beat that, Rainbow Crash,” Danged Spell said.

Rainbow Dash looked at Danged Spell, crunched her eyes down and said “Oh it is on.” And with that, Rainbow Dash ducked down and opened her wings right up. She let out a smirky grin on her face before taking off. She flew right between the barrels in a flash, weaving back and forth, all while keeping that grin on her face. It didn’t take long for her to make it to the end before the rainbow-mane filly struck a pose.

“How’s that for twenty percent cool?” Rainbow Dash said.

“May I have your attention?” Princess Celestia announced. “Rainbow Dash’s time is eight seconds. However, her wings bumped into two barrels, thus resulting in a ten second penalty.”

“How now, Brown cow?” Danged Spell said as he grinned at Rainbow Dash. But the rainbow-maned filly didn’t lose her grin.

“Maybe you should ask me what eight plus ten equals?” Rainbow Dash replied. It didn’t take long for Danged Spell to realize what that answer was.

“Eight...een?” Danged Spell replied.

“That is correct,” Princess Celestia announced. “Despite that penalty, Rainbow Dash beats Danged Spell by one second in the event.”

The crowd cheered as Rainbow Dash flew into the air, celebrating her win. Danged Spell looked at himself and was a bit dumbfounded.

“I’ll get that showoff on the next event, I swear to that,” Danged Spell said as fire burned in his eyes.

A bit later on, the barrels have been replaced with a giant target placed in the middle of the field. On the opposite side was Rainbow Dash and Danged Spell, each holding a javelin with their hooves. Princess Celestia walked up to the podium, eager to announce the next event.

“For our next event the Javelin Throw,” Princess Celestia announced. “Each contestant will throw their javelin right into the target with all their strength. The one that is directly or the closest to the bullseye wins. Rainbow Dash will go first.”

“No sweat,” Rainbow Dash said as she twirled her javelin with the hoof on her right arm. “I’ll show you all what an athletic pony is capable of, especially one that is totally awesome.”

Rainbow Dash gripped the javelin in her right arm and flew upwards towards the sky, at least a hundred feet off the ground. She looped around and dove towards the school field, still clutching that javelin real tight.

“Remember,” Rainbow Dash thought to herself as she fell downwards. “As fast as possible, but not too fast where I activate my Sonic Rainboom, and give Wanda a major headache.”

As soon as Rainbow Dash was only six feet above ground, she threw the javelin real hard before flying back up. The spear darted through the air and rammed right into the target’s bullseye. The impact was so powerful, it sent the target flying backwards and crashing into the wall. Everyone was shocked to see that kind of throw as Rainbow Dash flew downwards and landed on her four hooves.

“Wow,” Sunset said as her mind was blown away. “How the hay is Danged Spell going to beat that?”

“I think he’s got an uphill battle,” Twilight said as she closed her jaw from the spectacle Rainbow Dash pulled.

Rainbow Dash walked up to Danged Spell and said to him “Beat that, Wolf Colt.” Danged Spell looked at Rainbow Dash and let out a loud yawn.

“How very amateurish,” Danged Spell said as he picked up his javelin and twirled it around.his arms. Rainbow Dash flew to a nearby spot and sat down, ready to see how it would all unfold.

“Oh this is going to be twenty percent lamer,” Rainbow Dash said with a smug grin on her face.

Danged Spell continued to twirl his javelin faster and faster until he threw it into the air. The iris and pupils on his eyes disappeared as he made an impressive leap into the air. Rainbow Dash looked up, and continued to smirk at Danged Spell’s own stunt.

“You couldn’t pull off what I did,” Rainbow Dash said to herself. “I’m way cooler and stronger than you are.”

The javelin reached up as high as the roof of the school before it fell down towards the ground. Danged Spell pulled his leg back as the javelin came down towards his level, before swinging forward with a powerful kick.

“Yep,” Rainbow Dash said to herself. “I got this event in the bag. There’s no way he can pull that off.”

But with a powerful kick, Danged Spell sent that javelin flying at mach 1 speed, slamming right into the target board. The impact was so great, it smashed the target to a number of pieces, with Rainbow Dash’s javelin shattering to mere splinters. Rainbow Dash looked at the results of Spell’s kick and her jaw dropped.

“What?” Rainbow Dash said, completely dumbfounded. “How did he?” As Rainbow Dash watched on, Danged Spell slammed into the ground and raised his head up. Now he had a smirk on his face as the crowd went nuts.

“The target has been obliterated,” Princess Celestia announced. “Danged Spell wins the event.”

Danged Spell walked up to Rainbow Dash, who was still in disbelief over what she saw.

“So Rainbow Crash,” Danged Spell yelled. “How’s that for a smashing impression? Get it?”

“DANGED SPELL,” Everyone in the crowd yelled as they laughed at his pun. All except Golden Lace, who let out a meek groan. She did not enjoy the show one bit.

“That showoff really needs to be taught a lesson,” Golden Lace said to herself. “Him and that Wonderbolt wannabe. I hate it when these indigents act like they’re so special.”

It was a bit later in the day. Two hay bales were set up with ropes attached to each of them. Danged Spell and Rainbow Dash were already set in their spots while Princess Celestia approached the podium.

“Our next event is the Hay Bale throw,” Princess Celestia announced. “Each competitor will pick up the hay bale by the rope and toss it as far as possible. The farthest throw wins. Danged Spell, you go first.”

Danged Spell smiled as he approached one of the hay bales, grabbed the end of the rope with his teeth, and began swinging the bale around and around. He spun his entire body around and around, speeding up along with the hay bale, until he let go. The hay bale went flying out of his teeth, and flew into the air. The crowd watched in awe as the hay bale zipped past.

“Wow,” Starlight said as she ate some chunks of pineapple from a can. “I knew Danged Spell to be strong, but not that strong.”

“There’s more to that colt than meets the eye,” Sunburst said. “But then again, he acts more like an earth pony than a unicorn.”

The hay bale finally descended, and landed around thirty yards from Danged Spell’s position. Danged Spell ran up to the hay bale, got up on his two legs, and planted his fore hooves on the bale.

“Hah,” Danged Spell said with a complacent look on his face. “I’d like to see that pegasi beat that.”

“Spell,” Princess Celestia said. “I’d move out of the way if I were you.”

“Why’s that, cake flank?” Danged Spell said. “Don’t tell me she threw her hay bale. I bet it wouldn’t even smack me in the face.”

But as Danged Spell finished his sentence, another hay bale slammed right into him. He was caught in the mangled cube of hay as it went tumbling further before coming to a complete stop.

“That’s...why,” Princess Celestia said as she put her hoof over her face. “And with that, Rainbow Dash won the round.”

Danged Spell stuck his head out of the hay bale with a clump of hay stuck in his mouth, all while Rainbow Dash cheered and yelled. She then flew over to Danged Spell, who still looked upset.

“What are you trying to do, show off?” Danged Spell said after he spat out the hay.

“So what if I was?” Rainbow Dash said. “Besides, I think you really said a mouthful.”

As Rainbow Dash walked off laughing, Danged Spell’s face grew bright red with anger.

Later on, both Rainbow Dash and Danged Spell were sitting down around a small square table. Their right arms were on the table, with their elbows touching the surface. They were eager to get into an arm wrestling match.

“For this event,” Princess Celestia announced. “Rainbow Dash and Danged Spell will compete in an Arm Wrestling Match. Whoever pins the other’s arm down, wins the round.” She turned her head to the two younglings and said “Contestants, START NOW!”

WIthout a second thought, Rainbow Dash and Danged Spell gripped their rival’s arm and began to press back against each other. They both struggled a bit, trying to push down on the opposing arm. But it appeared Rainbow Dash was starting to get the advantage as she held down Danged Spell’s arm.

“So Danged Stunk,” Rainbow Dash said as she was on the verge of pinning Danged Spell’s arm. “How does it feel to mess with the best?”

“The best?” Danged Spell said. “You’re so full of it.”

Suddenly, Danged Spell thrust his right arm hard enough to regain his momentum and slam Rainbow Dash’s arm hard on the table. The impact caused Rainbow Dash’s eyes to pop out, forcing her to pull her arm out and scream as she held the back of her hoof.

“Danged Spell has pinned Rainbow Dash,” Princess Celestia announced. “Danged Spell won the round.”

As Rainbow Dash continued to hold the back of her hoof in pain, Danged Spell casually got off his seat and walked up to Rainbow Dash.

“Need some ice, Rainbow Crash?” Danged Spell said.

Rainbow Dash looked at Danged Spell, still holding her hoof and said “Not cool, Danged Spell. Not cool.”

Not long afterwards, Danged Spell and Rainbow Dash found themselves on the track, preparing to run the distance. Rainbow Dash has her wings tied up to prevent her from flying, as she and Danged Spell stretched for the next event.

“For the next event,” Princess Celestia announced. “Danged Spell and Rainbow Dash will run three laps around the course. The first one across the finish line, wins.”

Rainbow Dash edged towards Danged Spell and said “Hey Spell. I’ll give you a one lap head start. How does that sound?”

Danged Spell smiled and said “Oh you just made a big mistake.”

Suddenly, Princess Celestia yelled out “On your marks, get set, GO!” WIth the cue of Celestia’s voice, Danged Spell took off while Rainbow Dash just stood there, minding her own business.

As Danged Spell raced across the track, he said “Rainbow Dash just made a big mistake, giving me the head start. It won’t be long until I reach my three laps and win this round one hundred percent.” Danged Spell continued to dart across the track, sprinting forward like a bolt of lightning.

Soon, Danged Spell was nearing the finish line, where Rainbow Dash continued to stay put like she wasn’t interested in the race. Danged Spell raced forward, inching closer and closer to the finish line.

“Only one lap down,” Danged Spell said to himself. “Only two more laps and I win this round.”

But as Danged Spell crossed the finish line, Rainbow Dash took off in a flash. She raced down the track in almost an instant, much to Danged Spell’s shock.

“WOOOO HOOO!” Rainbow Dash yelled as she crossed the finish line almost instantly. Before Danged Spell could even move, Rainbow Dash ran faster and faster, completing two laps around the course, all while the rope held down her wings. Danged Spell was at a complete lost of words as Rainbow Dash crossed the finish line for the third time, before coming to a complete stop.

“Rainbow Dash has completed three laps around the course without the use of her wings,” Princess Celestia announced. “RAINBOW DASH WINS!”

As Danged Spell looked on with a shock of disbelief in his eyes and his jaw dropped to the floor, Rainbow Dash waltzed up to Danged Spell with a smug look on her face.

“You were so focused on my wing speed,” Rainbow Dash said. “You forgot that I am also the fastest thing alive on four hooves. How’s that for an impressive performance?”

Danged Spell could do nothing, but faint at that revelation. Rainbow Dash walked up to Danged Spell and looked down.

“Wow,” Rainbow Dash said. “I think you’re at a loss for words.”

Sometime later, a high striker was set up on the field, with the target set up vertically. Danged Spell and Rainbow Dash were ready to prepare for their next competition as Princess Celestia took to the field.

“For this next event,” Princess Celestia announced. “Each player will take a turn to see who can strike the target and send the puck all the way up to ring the bell. The one who hits the highest wins the round. Rainbow Dash, you will go first.”

Rainbow Dash walked up to the high striker with a devilish grin on her face. She turned to Danged Spell and said “Watch the master work her magic.”

But Danged Spell said nothing, as he had a cold look on his face.

“Boy,” Rainbow Dash said. “That look is colder than the far north.”

Rainbow Dash faced her rear end towards the target, pulled her legs back and kicked the target really hard. The puck flew all the way up, striking the bell at the top, before falling back to the bottom. Rainbow Dash looked at the bell before turning back and walked towards Danged Spell.

“Good luck beating that,” Rainbow Dash said. “You would be lucky to make it halfway.”

Danged Spell walked up to the high striker, still maintaining the cold look on his face. He got up on his hind legs, pulled his right arm back, and thrust forward, smashing the target with his hoof. The puck flew up so fast, it smashed the bell off the top on impact, and flew all the way out. Rainbow Dash saw the puck fly out and her jaw dropped to the ground.

“Danged Spell has knocked the bell off the high strike,” Princess Celestia announced. “He wins this round.”

As Rainbow Dash couldn’t believe what she saw, Danged Spell walked up to Rainbow Dash, now with a smug look on his face.

“How?” Rainbow Dash said, completely blindsided by that simple punch. “What did you do? Did I just…”

“Oh I forgot to tell you this,” Danged Spell said. “I was born in the Liolani archipelago, where my grandma’s traditions taught me how to function more like an earth pony and less like a unicorn.”

Rainbow Dash let out a disgruntled snort as she turned to face Danged Spell.

“Oh just you wait,” Rainbow Dash said. “When I beat you in the final round, you’re going to wish you never crossed paths with Rainbow Dash.”

“Whatever you say, Rainbow Crash,” Danged Spell said with a grin on his face.

Later that day, Danged Spell and Rainbow Dash were paired up together as Princess Celestia approached the podium. The crowd was eager to hear what she was going to say.

“After a total of twelve events, we have reached a tie,” Princess Celestia said. “Both Rainbow Dash and Danged Spell have six points apiece. This means a tie breaker is necessary.”

As the crowd cheered, Rainbow Dash turned towards Danged Spell and said “I still can’t believe you bested me in a bronco busting contest.”

“You’re telling me?” Danged Spell replied. “You seem to have skills in a lasso contest.”

“Oh I happen to be a natural,” Rainbow Dash replied.

“That won’t save you when we complete the final round,” Danged Spell said.

“Oh ho ho ho ho,” Rainbow Dash replied. “That’s what you think.”

“Well it seems our two contestants are eager to face each other in the final round,” Princess Celestia said. “But don’t go away. We’re going to set up the final event to determine who wins the Iron Stallion competition.

Back in the stands, Wanda Young, Sunset Shimmer, Abigail Albright, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer and Ditzy Doo continued to cheer for both Danged Spell and Rainbow Dash. They looked eager to see how the event would end.

“Wow,” Sunset said. “Now I really regret not wanting to see this play out.”

“I think this is why ponies love competition,” Wanda said. “Mommy told me that the Wonderbolts enjoy a little friendly rivalry once in a while.”

“Well she ain’t wrong on that,” Sunburst said as he flipped through his book. “It’s a common practice to see two Wonderbolt performers compete for glory in the skies, pulling off a number of stunts to impress the crowds. Ponies pay tons of money to attend these Wonderbolt gatherings. Some even record footage to show their friends and family online.”

“You know,” Ditzy Doo said. “This is what we pegasi enjoy doing.”

“Well you’re not wrong on that, Ditzy,” Twilight said. “Earth ponies go into brick breaking competitions, while unicorns love to test their skills with magic. But when it comes to putting on a show, the pegasi are the best at pulling that off with their aerial stunts and performances.”

“Too bad I can’t qualify to be a Wonderbolt,” Ditzy Doo said.

“Well why’s that?” Starlight asked.

“I have a tendency to crash a lot,” Ditzy replied. “And as you can tell, I am cross eyed.”

“Oh dear,” Moondancer said. “You have the capacity of a Wonderbolt, and you have that holding you back.”

“Yeah,” Ditzy said as she looked down. “I tried out for the Junior Wonderbolts camp last summer, and I wound up failing on an epic scale. They say I get too distracted.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Starlight said as she put her arm around Ditzy Doo’s shoulder.

“Thanks,” Ditzy said.

“Hey just a question,” Wanda said. “Would I be cut out to be a Wonderbolt?”

“I don’t know,” Ditzy replied. “You don’t have wings on your back.”

Wanda let out a playful raspberry as she got up. Her insect wings formed on her back, much to the surprise of Ditzy Doo.

“Wait,” Ditzy said. “You have wings?”

“Yep,” Wanda replied. “You may not know this, but I’m the only one of this group of friends who can fly.”

“That might be true,” Sunset said. “But you would most likely break down crying if you tried out to be a Wonderbolt.”

“Oh yeah?” Wanda said as she glanced at Sunset. “I bet I could be the first human Wonderbolt ever.”

“I heard the drill sergeants would chew you up and spit you out,” Sunset said to Wanda as she had a smug look on her face. “Besides, I don’t truly take you as a big Wonderbolt fan.”

“I bet they’re not as bad as Chancellor Cinch,” Wanda replied.

“Oh please,” Sunset replied. “They make Cinch look like mommy.”

“Okay you two,” Twilight laughed. “Let’s not resort to being like Danged Spell and Rainbow Dash.

As the crowd of kids laughed, Golden Lace was in the distance, glancing over at the group. Her eyes were fixated on Ditzy Doo and a smirk formed on her mouth.

“Easily distracted, eh?” Golden Lace said to herself. “A failure to the Wonderbolts, eh?” I just found myself a pegasi snowflake. Once the time is right, I’ll turn on the waterworks on that pathetic pegasi.”

To Be Continued in….

Sins of the Parents

Author's Note:

Of my parings of the Unicorn six with the Ponyville younglings, I chose to have Danged Spell paired with Rainbow Dash due to their competitive and athletic natures. In the future, I will show you how I will pair the other unicorns(Along with Wanda) with their respective Ponyville counterparts.

But you notice that Twilight Sparkle is on the side of the Canterlot Unicorns. So if that's the case, who is the sixth member of the Ponyville Younglings? Stay tuned.

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