• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 15-7: Cruelty of the Bank

Cruelty of the Bank

It was the middle of the night as the volcano in the distance went off. A young Mare in a blue dress had her Son on her back. She took a good look at her Husband, who looked like he was going to go down fighting.

“The Storm King has set off Mount Veshoovis and is coming to PomPoni,” The Husband said as he grabbed a trident. “Take our son and go. I’ll hold these goons off.”

“Darling, please,” The Mare said as she placed her hoof on her husband, begging him not to leave her.

“What matters is that our son must survive,” The Husband said as he braced for the front door to come crashing down, ready for whatever brute will come through. “The Storm King must not get to our son. Is that understood?”

“Yes,” The Mare said as her son took one good look at his father.

“Daddy,” The Son said. “Don’t leave me.”

“I’m sorry,” The older stallion said to his Son. “But know this. Even when we are apart, I will always be with you in your heart. Never forget that.”

The mare shed one final tear for her beloved before turning around and jumping out the window, with her son holding on for dear life. The husband braced himself as the front door was smashed wide open and a number of Storm Guards looked ready to pounce.

“Come and get some you abominations,” The husband said as he prepared to attack.

Outside, the mane ran as fast as she could while her son held on for dear life. The whole town was ablaze. Many ponies were fighting back against the Storm Creatures who invaded their village. Some ponies were locked away in cages, nervously awaiting their cruel fate. But all this mare could do was to run as fast as she could with her son in tow. Thankfully, not a single Storm Creature took notice of her.

Right in front of the Mare and the Son, there was the back gateway of the village. Judging by the twisted pieces of metal on the ground, the back gate was forced open by a battering ram of some sort. But it didn’t matter. Not a single Storm Creature was paying attention to her as they were more focused on other ponies in their sight.

“We’re almost at the far end of the village,” The Mare said to her son. “Hang on.”

“I am, mommy,” The son said as he held on for dear life.

Without a second thought, the Mare darted for the gateway and ran through it. She crossed the bridge, running as fast as she could to get away from the madness in her village.

“Are we safe?” The Son said as he looked up.

“We should be,” The Mare said. “The Storm King wouldn’t dare to look for any stragglers out here.”

But as the duo were near the end of the bridge, a giant bird landed in front of them, blocking their escape. It looked at the Mare and the Son with a growl in its voice, and pure malice in its eyes.

“A ROC,” The Mare yelled as she stopped dead in her tracks. The Son could do nothing, but look in fear.

As the Roc glanced at the duo, a figure emerged from on top its head. It was the Storm King. He towered over the Mare and Son with a devilish grin.

“You thought you could escape the Monsoon of Madness?” The Storm King gloated. “Doom will be your only comfort, My Little Pony.”

The Storm King lets out an ear-piercing laugh as the Roc he’s on screeches in front of the Mare and the Son. The duo could do nothing, but stare at the mere sight of the giant bird.

Buck Withers woke up in the middle of the night. He breathed really fast before he slowed down his breathing and came to a stop. He breathed a sigh of relief as he looked around and saw everyone sleeping around Wanda Young, who was fast asleep.

“That dream,” Buck Withers said. “I can’t seem to get over losing them.”

“Honey,” Lemony Gem said as she opened her eyes. “Did you get that same nightmare about the Storm King?”

“Yes dear,” Buck Withers said. “I know I conquered my fears of the roc. But at the same time, I can’t get over the fact that the Storm King took the life of my parents. I’m still afraid of him.”

“We all are afraid of the Storm King,” Lemony Gem said as she raised her head and kissed Buck Withers on the cheek. “Both him and the Windigo’s Guild. Every pony fears them the most.”

“But I still wonder,” Buck Withers said. “Will the Storm King try to come up to Equestria and conquer us all? After I lost my parents and the village of PomPoni when he decided to set off Mount Veshoovis and sicced his own troops on all of us?”

“If we can hold back the Windigo’s Guild,” Lemony Gem said. “We can hold back that brute. I know we’re all afraid, but it’s natural to be afraid..”

“You’re right,” Buck WIthers said. “It is natural to be afraid.

Buck Withers and Lemony Gem scooted in closer and hugged each other as tears fell from their eyes. The light of the night shone down in the room, illuminating it with a cool beauty.

The morning sun shone down on the desert, still being covered in a sandstorm. But inside the cave, Princess Luna and King Myrrh looked outside with worry on their faces.

“In all my years of watching over my people,” King Myrrh said. “I have never seen a sandstorm this long. And we’re beginning to run low on supplies.”

“Do you think magic is causing this sandstorm to endure?” Princess Luna asked.

“I don’t know,” King Myrrh said. “But if the storm does not weaken or disappear, I’m afraid we will all meet our end.”

“Did the sandstorm that you were in last this long?” Princess Luna asked.

“No,” King Myrrh said. “The one I was in only lasted a few hours. But I still remembered it.”

“Because of what happened to your wife,” Princess Luna said.

“Yes,” King Myrrh said. “Fate can be extremely cruel, Princess Luna.”

“Now I’m beginning to wonder if coming down here was a bad idea in the first place,” Princess Luna said to herself. “Had I known that the sandstorm would appear, I would have recommended my sister cancel the trip.”

“It’s not your fault, Princess Luna,” King Myrrh said. “These things happen when we least expect it. All we can do now is to care for your sister and ride out the storm, no matter how bad it gets.”

Luna looked down at the sand that held her up as a tear slid off her eye and down her cheek. She looked up and said “At least I was able to reunite my sister with darling Wanda in the dreamworld. In case we don’t make it, I wanted to make sure they would see each other again.”

“Then you have done the right thing, Princess Luna,” King Myrrh said. “We must not let tragedy bog us down. I nearly did and it almost cost me my life. But no matter how bad things are, we mustn't lose hope.”

The moment King Myrrh stopped speaking, the sound of what appeared to be boulders being ripped off echoed through the cave, followed by a loud scream. Princess Luna and King Myrrh turned to the interior of the cave.

“That sounded like dear sister,” Princess Luna said as her heart began to beat fast.

“This way,” King Myrrh said. “She sounds like she’s in danger.”

King Myrrh and Princess Luna ran all the way from the mouth of the cave to the very back. When they arrived, they saw Princess Celestia struggling to pull herself out as sand poured atop her. Majordomo Kibitz, Prince Hoofar and Jasmine Bloom struggled to pull Princess Celestia out from the sand fall. Princess Luna looked up and saw that the very roof of the cave had been torn open, revealing the sandstorm-covered sky to everyone’s eyes

“Princess Luna,” Majordomo Kibitz said. “Help us get your sister out.”

“Leave that to me,” Princess Luna said as she ran over and cast a spell from her horn.

Luna used her magic to surround Celestia in a cool aura. She tugged away as Kibitz, Hoofar and Jasmine continued to pull Celestia away from the sand. King Myrrh looked at Princess Celestia’s situation and a spark from within lit up.

“Princess Luna,” King Myrrh yelled. “You won’t be able to move her out of the way with the sand pouring all over her.”

“What else can I do?” Princess Luna yelled. “I won’t let her die on me like this.”

“Watch and observe,” King Myrrh said.

King Myrrh’s horn glowed brightly as an aura formed in the shape of a bowl above Celestia. The sand poured into this magic bowl, blocking any from hitting the princess of the sun.

“Now,” King Myrrh yelled. “I can’t hold this up forever.”

Princess Luna nodded. With a mighty pull, she, Majordomo Kibitz, Prince Hoofar and Jasmine Bloom were able to pull Princess Celestia away from below the bowl-shaped aura. As King Myrrh held the sand up, he began to tire.

“King Myrrh,” Princess Luna said. “I’ll take it from here.”

The moment Princess Celestia laid right next to Princess Luna, the moon princess fired a blast of energy into the aura bowl that contained the sand, trapping it in a ball. She lifted the sand into the air and all the way out through the gap in the ceiling, before thrusting her neck forward, sending the sand flying off in the distance.

King Myrrh caught his breath as Majordomo Kibitz walked up right next to him.

“You saved Princess Celestia’s life,” Majordomo Kibitz said. “How can I possibly thank you, King Myrrh?”

“It’s the least I could, Majordomo,” King Myrrh said. “After what happened to my wife, I couldn’t let Princess Celestia die.”

Princess Celestia looked around as she saw sand continue to pour through the top. She looked to her right and saw a written piece of parchment paper half-buried in sand.

“Our treaty,” Princess Celestia said. “The sand must have gotten to it.”

“It’s okay,” King Myrrh said as he walked up to the parchment and pulled it out. “Even if it was destroyed, I still have the information about it in my head. You have nothing to worry about, old friend. So at least, let us be cheerful that we are still together.”

As Celestia giggled for the first time, Prince Hoofar looked up at the hole in the cavern’s ceiling. The sand being blown by the wind was beginning to fade.

“Everyone,” Prince Hoofar said. “I think luck is finally beginning to shine on us all.”

Everyone looked up as the sandstorm began to fade and the sun shined down in the cavern.

“Praise be to lady Faust,” King Myrrh said. “Now we can leave this place and be on our way to Canterlot.”

“But what about Saddle Arabia?” Princess Celestia said.

“No,” King Myrrh said. “What matters is that we need to get you home safely so that your doctors can nurse you back to health. And so you can also see your daughter again.”

“Did you hear that?” Jasmine Bloom said as she rubbed her face on Celestia’s muzzle. “You’re going to see your daughter again. You’re going to be alright.”

As Celestia embraced the little orphan, she heard the sound of wings flapping. She looked up and saw a group of pegasi and hippogriff guards fly in from the opened ceiling of the cave. King Myrrh looked to his left and saw more guards fly in.

“It appears our luck has finally begun to shine,” King Myrrh said.

“Pegasi and Hippogriff guards,” Majordomo Kibitz said. “I take it Queen Novo is in Canterlot.”

The guards landed right next to the group as a single pegasus soldier approached Princess Celestia.

“Thank Eternia we were able to locate you,” the guard said. “When we saw a portion of the mountain rip open, we came to investigate and found you all.”

“As you can tell,” Princess Luna said. “Princess Celestia is in bad shape. We need to get back to Canterlot and head straight to the hospital.”

“Not only that,” Princess Celestia said as she slowly raised her head. “King Myrrh, Prince Hoofar and this little one named Jasmine Bloom will come with us. I owe them for saving my life.”

“At once, your majesty,” The guard said as he saluted the group.

Back in Canterlot out in front of the Canterlot Hospital, Dr Trotdale was positioned in front of the podium as a crowd of media personnel surrounded the front. Next to him were Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Chancellor Cinch and Queen Novo.

“In our recent check up on Princess Wanda,” Dr Trotdale said. “Her health is beginning to improve and she is able to breathe without the need of pure oxygen. So we will be taking her off the mask today. But that being said, she will remain in the hospital until her condition improves.”

One reporter raised his hoof into the air, causing Trotdale to point at him.

“Doctor,” the reporter said. “Long ago, Princess Wanda came down with a serious illness when she took the vaccine. But with the antibody cocktail, she was able to recover without any problems. Is there an explanation why?”

Dr Trotdale turned his head to Cadance and Cinch, who both nodded at the doctor. Dr Trotdale turned back to the mic and cleared his throat.

“Since her condition began to improve,” Dr Trotdale said. “I began to suspect if there was any foul play involving her original vaccine, as if someone may have tried to taint it.”

The crowd gasped at the words of Dr Trotdale and began to mutter to each other. Dr Trotdale raised his hooves into the air, catching their attention.

“Now that being said,” Dr Trotdale said. “I take the safety and well-being of my patients seriously. So I have begun an investigation to see if Wanda’s original vaccine was tainted. And if this is the case, then we will locate the one responsible, and bring him or her to justice. The medical community does not tolerate sabotage of any form of medical treatment, period.”

“And when you do catch the one responsible,” the reporter said. “Do you intend on prosecuting him or her to the fullest extent of the law?”

Dr Trotdale stepped aside to allow Princess Cadance to come up to the podium and place her lips near the mic.

“I will answer that question on behalf of Dr Trotdale,” Princess Cadance said as her tone became a bit aggressive. “Yes. We will. Even if it wasn’t my sister who was the target of this horrible malpractice, the fact that this individual, whoever he or she is, chose to tarnish their vaccine is a reckless and dangerous stunt. There is no tolerance for this kind of sadistic endangerment.”

The crowd talked among themselves as Princess Cadance left the podium. Chancellor Cinch and Queen Novo got up and approached the mic while Princess Cadance sat next to Shining Armor.

“You did what you thought was right, Cadence,” Shining Armor said.

“I know,” Princess Cadance said. “But still, the idea of my sister’s life being put in danger by someone else just got on my nerves.”

As the crowd continued to talk, Chancellor Cinch tapped the microphone, catching their attention.

“On the subject of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna,:” Chancellor Cinch said. “I have received a report this morning that the sandstorm has begun to weaken. Queen Novo, Princess Cadance and I have dispatched some of our guards to locate them and bring them home. Queen Novo will speak more on these details.”

Chancellor Cinch stepped aside as Queen Novo took to the podium and placed her beak near the mic.

“As Queen of the Hippogriff clan,” Queen Novo said. “I was informed about Princess Celestia and Princess Luna’s whereabouts. We chose to organize a rescue mission to get them out and back into Equestria so that they may recover. Once the report that the sandstorm was weakening, we wasted no time dispatching both pegasi and hippogriff guards to the Arabian Desert to locate any sign of Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and any of their companions.”

“Do you believe that they may be able to locate Princess Celestia and Princess Luna,” the reporter asked.

“I have total faith in them,” Queen Novo said. “Princess Celestia has reminded me that despite how cruel and cynical the world may be, there will always be a means of optimism to keep the light glowing bright. I have faith in her principles, even after what the Storm King tried to do. Now I wish to prove her right by bringing her and her sister home.”

As the crowd began to ask more questions, Queen Novo stepped away as Chancellor Cinch approached the mic.

“That will be all for today,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Should Princess Celestia and Princess Luna return, I ask that you all give them some space to recover.”

Later, as the crowd disappeared from in front of the hospital, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Chancellor Cinch and Queen Novo began to walk away from the building. Cadence wiped the sweat off her forehead as she let out a big sigh.

“Do you think I was a little harsh during my speech?” Princess Cadance asked.

“Not at all,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Princess Celestia sometimes goes into these kinds of aggressive talks during her speeches. And besides, you share her concern for the little ones.”

“Had I been in your horse shoes,” Shining Armor said. “I would have said the same thing. After what Wanda was going through, I’d have the right to be upset.”

“I still can’t imagine what the little smallfry went through,” Queen Novo said. “Her own vaccine for the hay fever...tainted. What kind of sick monster would resort to that tactic?”

“I know,” Princess Cadance said. “But at the same time, I wonder if I can truly be the ruler of Equestria, in case both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna succumb to the desert.”

“It’s not easy to be in that position, Princess Cadance,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Princess Celestia often goes through that same kind of pressure. Maybe even more than that. Do you remember when she came back to the palace the day before she and Luna left for Saddle Arabia?”

“That’s right,” Princess Cadance said as everyone came to a stop. “The Banks made her sign an executive order to construct a gigantic border wall around Equestria. She got upset and took her anger out on Wanda.”

“I know you have a deep responsibility to look after the people of Equestria should the worst case scenario play out,” Chancellor Cinch said. “But I don’t want you to overdo it. If anything, I will be by your side should you have to ascend the throne.”

Shining Armor turned his head to the side and said “Speaking of Banks, guess who’s coming up to the four of us.”

Princess Cadance, Chancellor Cinch and Queen Novo turned their heads to the right to see Silver Banks march up to the group with Gold Banks right behind him.

“Hold it right there, young lady,” Silver Banks said in an abrasive tone. “We need to talk.”

“If it’s about another border wall,” Princess Cadance said “It will have to wait until Wanda recovers and Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are safe.”

“Oh you don’t seem to understand,” Gold Banks said. “It’s not just about the border wall, but a little something that we forgot to present to Princess Celestia.”

“Can’t this wait until all of these disasters have been dealt with?” Shining Armor said. “Right now, we don’t need another one weighing down on all of us.”

“Watch your tone young stallion,” Silver Banks said as he glared down at Shining Armor. “Unless you want to see yourself banished from Canterlot.”

Shining Armor swallowed hard as he took a few steps back.

“Whatever the case may be,” Chancellor Cinch said. “It will have to wait.”

“I’m afraid you’re mistaken,” Gold Banks said as she took out a parchment and unraveled it. “You see, we forgot to set up detention camps for illegal immigrants when we got our border wall approved. We wouldn’t want any disgusting vermin to sneak through the borders.”

“Now you see here,” Queen Novo snarled as she glared down at Gold Banks. “I’m willing to put up with your trade deals and your daughter to a greater extent. But not to your bigotry.”

“Oh please, Queen Novo,” Gold Banks said. “None of the hippogriffs will be labeled like that. You have my word.” Queen Novo reluctantly raised her head away from Gold Banks. But the hippogriff kept her eye out on the rich mare.

“Now then,” Silver Banks said. “This executive order requires a signature from a head of state. And since you’re the only one left, that means you have to sign it.”

“And you didn’t give me time to read it?” Princess Cadance said.

“Imagine what would have happened if you didn’t sign it,” Gold Banks said. “Ponies would cast you out immediately as a pariah, one not worthy of being a princess. You don’t want that, don’t you?”

Princess Cadance looked at Gold Banks, before turning her head to Chancellor Cinch, who shook her head no to the young alicorn.

“I am deeply sorry to say this,” Princess Cadance said as she turned her head back towards Gold Banks. “But until these crises are dealt with, then you’re going to have to wait patiently before any of us are willing to sign that document, or even read it.”

“Are you willing to risk being a disgrace to your people?” Gold Banks said as a vein began to pop in her forehead.

“Not just to the fact that I want to see mother, aunt Luna and Wanda safe,” Princess Cadance said. “But the idea of locking creatures up just for crossing the border sounds tyrannical and unjust. That is not the ideal that Princess Celestia would want. I would sooner be a pariah than to even sign that document in the first place.”

As soon as Cadance finished speaking, Dr Trotdale came running out and approached the group, catching Princess Cadance’s attention.

“Your majesty,” Dr Trotdale said as he approached Princess Cadance. “It’s your sisters.”

“Did anything happen to them?” Princess Cadance asked.

“No,” Dr Trotdale said. “They feel scared without you. Without their mother and aunt.”

As Princess Cadance turned her head to Chancellor Cinch, the senior pony said to her “Then we must return to the royal suite of the hospital. They need you right now.”

Princess Cadance nodded. She turned to face Gold Banks and said “We’ll deal with this another time.” Afterwards, Princess Cadance ran back to the hospital with Shining Armor, Chancellor Cinch, Queen Novo and Dr Trotdale running right behind her.

Gold Banks just stood there with her teeth clenched and the parchment still in her hooves. She aggressively rolled it back up and stuffed it back in her dress before grabbing Silver Banks by the ear and yanking it.

“Oww. Goldie,” Silver Banks said as Gold Banks held his ear.

“Come honey,” Gold Banks said. “We’re going back home to discuss this outrage.”

Later in the mid morning, Gold Banks busted through the front doors of the mansion all while she dragged Silver Banks by the ear. She slammed Silver down and stomped towards an exquisite looking seat before sitting down. Silver Banks got up and rubbed his ear a bit.

“Next time,” Silver Banks said as he rubbed his ear. “Give me a heads up.”

“How dare that brat try to talk back to me,” Gold Banks yelled. “I am Gold Banks, the richest pony in the world. I should be the empress of this entire planet.”

“I’d say we should give it time,” Silver Banks said. “Turns out, Princess Cadance is not so easy to break compared to her mother.”

“Oh I will break her by any means possible,” Gold Banks said as she jumped out of the chair and glared at Silver. “And I know just how.”

“H...how?” Silver Banks asked as he began to stutter.

“It’s that sister of hers,” Gold Banks said. “She’s always distracted by that filthy animal of a sister.”

“So what do we do?” Silver Banks said. “Should we force her to give both that man’s cub and the other sister up?”

“No,” Gold Banks said as she walked a few steps away from Silver Banks. “I may have mused the idea of taking her as my own. But in reality, I never did want to. I suggest we….euthanize her.”

“Say what?” Silver Banks yelled as his eyes shrunk down.

“You heard me,” Gold Banks said. “They’re obviously lying about how their precious Princess is recovering. I believe the opposite to be true. She’s dying and we know it. We’re going to march into that hospital and put her out of her misery.”

“Are you kidding?” Silver Banks said. “I may be a harsh stallion, even to little Golden Lace. But to end the man’s cub’s life? That’s taking things too far.”

Gold Banks was furious. She stomped her hoof down and turned towards Silver Banks, who backed off completely scared. Gold Banks marched towards her husband with grit in her teeth.

“Now you see here you miserable excuse for a husband,” Gold Banks said. “You either agree to my idea and help me euthanize that monkey, or you will spend the rest of your life outside with our disgrace of a daughter. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?”

Silver Banks swallowed hard as he said “Yes.”

“Good,” Gold Banks said as she calmed down and a smile returned to her face. “Now I need you to find our private military group: The Debt Collector Squad. Tell them that we’re needed at the Canterlot Hospital. And don’t disappoint me.”

“I was afraid to have to use them for this purpose,” Silver Banks said. “But for you, I’ll….do it.”

“Good boy,” Gold Banks said.

Silver Banks nodded as he got up and ran out of the mansion, looking scared stiff. Gold Banks looked outside as a devilish grin formed on her face.

“Little does anyone realize,” Gold Banks said to herself. “I was the one who ordered that animal’s hay fever vaccine to be tainted with a special drug. I blackmailed one of their own to do the job. And just to make sure that no one will suspect anything, this drug diluted itself should it fail, and let’s just say the physician who did the deed had an….accident.”

Gold Banks laughed to herself as she walked up the staircase.

To Be Continued in….

Protect the child

Author's Note:

Believe it or not, I was going to put in the backstory of Buck Withers in an earlier part of the Fanfic as a part of his nightmare. But it didn't fit in well with the arc and I decided to hold back on talking about this until later on. So now you know what Buck Withers' backstory was all about.

There are only two more parts to this arc left. The next one will be tomorrow and the last one will be on Monday.

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