• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 11-2: The Unfortunate One

The Unfortunate One

“I know you mean well, Twilight. But I’ve got this test under my hoof.” Those words came from Sunburst as he slumped down through Canterlot City. Behind him were Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie, who kept up with the sluggish colt. Spike and Abigail rode on Twilight’s back, paying little attention to the troubled student.

“That’s the least of my worries, Sunburst,” Twilight said. “You’ve been like this since this morning. What’s gotten into you?”

Sunburst let out a sigh and said “It’s nothing you can help me with. And personally, I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

Sunburst just slumped forward through the city’s streets as he kept his eyes focused on the road. Twilight just walked right behind him, confused on what to do, while Pinkie Pie bounced on right beside Twilight.

“Yeesh,” Pinkie said in a cringy tone. “It’s like he woke up on the wrong side of the bed.”

“Doubt it,” Twilight said.

“Well why not?” Pinkie asked.

“Well when he wakes up on the wrong side of the bed,” Twilight replied as she looked at Sunburst. “It’s not in that depressed tone. This is more serious than I thought.”

“Well allow me,” Pinkie Pie said as she bounced towards Sunburst.

Twilight Sparkle stood there and said “Well, better than doing nothing at all.” Abigail and Spike looked at Sunburst from atop Twilight’s back, feeling a bit of concern for the unicorn colt who slowly walked through the city.

Pinkie Pie bounced on over to Sunburst, whose eyesight was directed towards the ground. She jumped right in front of the depressed colt, who came to a stop and slowly looked up at the bright pony.

“Hey there Sunburst,” Pinkie Pie said. “What makes you think it’s not a good idea to help you out?”

Sunburst just slowly walked around Pinkie Pie, paying no attention to the pink pony. Pinkie just stood there with an awkward look on her face.

“Tough colt,” Pinkie Pie said to herself. “Even tougher than Rainbow Dash on a bad day. Well I won’t let that get the best of me.”

As Sunburst moped down the streets of Canterlot, Pinkie Pie ran right in front of him, determined as ever to cheer up the little colt, all while keeping her eyes on a random building.

“Say,” Pinkie Pie said as she shifted her eyes back onto Sunburst. “I heard from Danged Spell that you like comics. Wanna go check out the comic shop for inspiration?”

Pinkie Pie pointed to a nearby shop that said ‘Pony Life Comic Shop.’ Sunburst just looked on, standing there as he let out a big sigh.

“Not interested,” Sunburst said.

Pinkie Pie glanced over the entire city block and spied another building before turning her attention back to Sunburst.

“Well check that spot out. Doesn’t that look awesome?” Pinkie Pie said as she pointed to a building that said ‘The Equestrian Museum of Natural History.’

“To you, maybe,” Sunburst said as he turned his head away. “But not for me.”

Pinkie took her eyes away from the museum and spied something nearby. Her eyes popped out in excitement as she turned towards Sunburst.

“Hey Sunburst,” Pinkie said. “How about a nice cool bowl of ice cream?”

Pinkie Pie pointed towards the nearby building, where it said ‘The Canterlot Creamery Ice Cream Shop.’

“Don’t you just want to have a nice sundae and enjoy every bite?” Pinkie said as she licked her lips.

“I’m not hungry,” Sunburst said.

Pinkie Pie’s face looked discouraged. But she didn’t look like she was about to give up. She took a few glances into the city block before turning back to Sunburst.

“I got it,” Pinkie Pie said as she pointed to a nearby building. “How about a relaxing time at the local library?”

The moment Pinkie Pie said those words, Twilight Sparkle ran up to Sunburst with Abigail and Spike still perched on her back. Twilight’s face beamed with excitement as she grabbed Sunburst and pulled him close to her.

“That sounds like a great idea,” Twilight said as Abigail and Spike jumped off her back. “You could focus on your studies and use the silence to drift off and figure out your own problems.”

Sunburst let out a sigh and said “No thanks. Too many ponies go there.” He pulled Twilight’s arm off his back and walked away.

Pinkie Pie and Twilight stood in confusion as Abigail and Spike ran up to the duo. They were dumbstruck by Sunburst’s stubbornness and especially his depression.

“Well,” Pinkie Pie said. “Even as the so-called reincarnation of Discord, I’m at a loss for words.”

“I’m with you on that,” Twilight said. “Even if I do find that title to be questionable.”

But as Twilight and Pinkie watched Sunburst walk off, they noticed two adults walking towards the little colt. Twilight glanced closer and looked like she was about to freak out.

“Oh no,” Twilight said. “It’s them. The ones who gave Princess Celestia a hard time.”

“Who?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Gold and Silver Banks,” Twilight replied. “They’re the richest ponies of all of Equestria. And they always have a hold in everything related to politics.”

As Sunburst moped down the street, Gold and Silver Banks walked up to the young colt. But even in spite of looking down at the ground, Sunburst came to a stop and looked up at the two adults. Silver Banks looked a bit peeved. But Gold seems delighted.

“So this must be the juvenile delinquent who snubbed our daughter,” Silver Banks said. “Perhaps this one needs to be taught some manners.”

“Oh you’re overthinking it, honey,” Gold Banks said as she approached Sunburst. “The only reason why he snubbed our daughter is because he’s feeling...depressed.” She looked down at Sunburst and said “Isn’t that right?”

Sunburst just sighed and said “Yes, ma’am.”

Gold Banks placed her hoof under Sunburst’s chin and slowly lifted his head up so that he was facing the older pony. She looked down at Sunburst with a smile and said “Is something the matter darling? Do you miss your mommy and daddy?”

Sunburst closed his eyes and said “Every once in a while. But that’s not why I’m not in the mood.”

“Aww,” Gold Banks said. “You poor little thing. What you need is real parents to look after you, teach you the real ways of right and wrong, and to look down at all the peasants of Equestria. After all, we are the real kings and queens of this land.”

Sunburst turned his head slowly and said “That’s not something I’d be interested in.”

As Sunburst turned his back on Gold Banks, the older mare thought to herself before an idea popped in her head. She walked towards the young colts with a smirk on her face.

“I heard about what happened in La Maresa, with those Windigo thugs,” Gold Banks said, catching Sunburst’s attention.

“You mean Windigo’s Guild,” Sunburst said.

“Guild, thugs, whatever,” Gold Banks said. “After all, I think that’s why you’re upset. It’s because of that horrible field trip Princess Celestia signed you up for. If it weren’t for her, you wouldn’t have been that depressed in the first place. Maybe you should take our offer, become part of our family, and throw away your past life with those other delinquents and that rogue of a princess.”

Those words caused Sunburst to cower as Twilight and Pinkie looked on in total shock. The two fillies ran up to Gold Banks with Spike and Abigail right behind them.

“No offense, Mrs Banks,” Twilight Sparkle said. “But we’ve experienced what those cultists did at the fair. And we were fortunate enough to drive them off and save the town.”

“Is that a fact, Miss Sparkle?” Gold Banks said, not once letting her smile disappear.

“Yeah,” Pinkie Pie said as she jumped in between Twilight and Gold Banks. “You mess with the best of La Maresa, you mess with the entire town. And that’s something those party crashers would never forget.”

Silver Banks marched up to Pinkie Pie and yelled “And just who do you think you are, country bumpkin?”

Pinkie Pie turned her face towards Silver Banks and said “Pinkie Pie. The happiest, luckiest, merry-go-roundest party pony of all of Equestria. And I’m the reincarnation of Discord.” Those words caused Silver and Gold Banks to laugh really hard.

“You?” Silver Banks chortled. “The reincarnation of Discord? What a joke.”

“What’s so bad about that?” Pinkie Pie said. “I mean, the ponies of La Maresa often think that I am the reincarnation of Discord.”

“You don’t get it, darling,” Gold Banks said as she wiped a tear from her eye in delight. “Discord was a fictional character, created by the mind of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Their goal was to create a monster of pure fear just to scare the minds of little colts and fillies.”

“Say what?” Pinkie Pie yelled as steam poured from her ears and her eyes shrunk down.

“Oh she didn’t tell you that?” Gold Banks said, pretending to be surprised. “No one at your home town of La Maresa told you that? My my. They sure have a vivid imagination.”

As Pinkie Pie looked like she was having a meltdown, Twilight Sparkle stood by the filly and stared down at Gold Banks.

“That’s about as cruel as it comes, Miss Banks,” Twilight Sparkle said as she stood her ground.

“Oh please Miss Sparkle,” Gold Banks laughed as she patted Twilight on the cheeks. “You really need to learn how to not be so pessimistic and more realistic. But in the meantime, I’ll let you juvenile delinquents off the hook just for making me laugh.”

With that, Gold Banks turns around and walks off laughing while Silver Banks follows behind, glaring down at Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie.

“If only I had the powers of Discord,” Pinkie Pie said. “I’d show those creeps the power of chaos.”

“Pay no attention to them, Pinkie,” Twilight said. “Even at that age and with all that wealth, they’re nothing more than a pair of trouble-making sadists.”

Pinkie Pie let out a disgusted snort and said “I bet they get their money through grifting.”

As Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Spike and Abigail turned their heads towards Sunburst, he just sat there, looking as Gold and Silver Banks walked off into the distance. Pinkie, Twilight, Spike and Abigail approached Sunburst, who paid no attention to the group.

“Are you alright in there?” Pinkie Pie said as she waved her hoof in front of Sunburst’s face. “You know you have friends who are concerned for you.”

Sunburst just sighed and said “Whatever.”

“Then how about we head over to Danged Spell’s place and study there?” Twilight said.

“Why not?” Sunburst said with a huge sigh. “Besides, that’s where I get to stay while I’m here in Canterlot.”

As Sunburst walked off, Pinkie Pie and Twilight looked on with Spike and Abigail right next to them.

“This is going to be one of those days, eh?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“In the longest time I’ve known Sunburst since he came here, he never acted like this,” Twilight said.

Later that day, Sunburst knocked on the front door of Danged Spell’s house. The door opened as Shanoa stuck her head out. She looked down at Sunburst and saw his depressed face before stepping outside.

“Sunburst?” Shanoa said. “You’re home already?”

“Hi there Mrs Sagara,” Sunburst said in a somber tone. “We came here to study for the upcoming test.”

Shanoa looked upwards to see Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Abigail and Pinkie Pie standing right nearby. Pinkie Pie just waved to Shanoa in a happy tone.

“Twilight Sparkle,” Shanoa said. “And it seems you brought a new friend with you.”

Pinkie Pie bounced nearby next to Sunburst and landed on her two hind legs. Compared to the depressed colt, Pinkie Pie was super energetic and optimistic.

“Hi there,” Pinkie Pie said. “My family calls me Pinkamena Diane Pie. But you can call me Pinkie Pie. I come from the city of La Maresa of the Ponyville Providence.”

“Nice to meet you Pinkie Pie,” Shanoa said. “Do come in.”

Shanoa opened the door even further and took a few steps back as Pinkie Pie bounced on in with Sunburst following slowly behind. Twilight, Spike and Abigail walked right behind the sun colt, all while keeping close attention to him.

“Mrs Sagara,” Twilight said as she took a few steps inside. “Is there a reason why Sunburst has been acting like this?”

“No,” Shanoa said. “Fortwright and I have been confused on why he’s been like this. I believe it might have started since coming back from the Ponyville Providence Fair, especially when the Windigo’s Guild decided to crash the party.”

“Oh party crashing is an understatement,” Pinkie Pie said. “They wanted to lock us all up, take little Wanda’s powers and use it to freeze all of Equestria.”

“Well that’s pretty typical of those monsters, considering they tried to kidnap her and the Chancellor here in Canterlot.” Shanoa turned her head to see Fortwright walking in from the living room area. Despite his size, his warm smile has not disappeared from his face.

“I take it you’re the head of this household. Correct?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“You got that right,” Fortwright said as he stood tall. “Fortwright Sagara. I’m Danged Spell’s father and the one looking after Sunburst for his folks down at Sire’s Hollow. A shame they lost a good family member down there. No one deserved that horrific event.”

“Honey,” Shanoa said as she stepped aside. “This is Twilight, Sunburst and Danged Spell’s newest friend from La Maresa, Pinkie Pie.”

“Is that so?” Fortwright said as he pulled up a seat and sat down. “Sunburst and my son Danged Spell told me about La Maresa, and the beautiful sights of the Ponyville Providence. Funny thing is, I wanted to take a trip down there. Well, until Spell told me about what happened. To think, the Windigo’s Guild had the nerve to attack Princess Wanda and Chancellor Cinch months ago.”

“Wow,” Pinkie Pie said as she slapped her hoof right up to her forehead. “I had a feeling the Windigo’s Guild were the ultimate party crashers. But by this much? Hoo boy.”

Twilight inched over to Pinkie Pie and said “I’m going to take Sunburst upstairs to help him out with studying.”

“Roger that,” Pinkie Pie said.

As Pinkie Pie jumped onto a nearby couch, Twilight walked up the staircase with Sunburst slowly walking behind her, and Abigail and Spike walking right beside the unicorn filly. Fortwright watched as the sun pony lingered from right behind.

“If only there was a way to reach out and help him?” Fortwright said.

A bit later, Twilight Sparkle placed her books on the table while Abigail and Spike jumped onto the bed. Sunburst just walked on in and sat right next to a chair as Twilight approached.

“Okay,” Twilight said as she opened one of the books. “We still have that test coming up, and I wanted to make sure you know everything, correct?”

Sunburst just slouched onto the table and said “Whatever.” Twilight looked down at Sunburst and stared at him awkwardly.

“Okay,” Twilight said as she directed her face back towards her book. “Now. What are the Fire Nags?”

Sunburst just let out a big sigh and said “The spirits of order and just?”

Twilight just looked at him and said in an uncomfortable tone “Err, correct.”

Twilight looked over her book a bit more while Sunburst just laid his head down, staring upwards at the ceiling.

“Sunburst,” Twilight asked. “What started the Everfree Civil War?”

Sunburst just rolled his eyes and said “When Queen Icelina turned against her sister because her husband King Glaceius died unexpectedly?”

Twilight just looked down and thought to herself “Wow. For someone who knows his stuff, he isn’t very excited about it.”

Twilight looked even further into the book as Abigail and Spike jumped off the bed and walked towards Sunburst. Abigail reached out and rubbed her paw on Sunburst’s blank hip, meowing as loud as possible.

“Hey Abby,” Sunburst said in a low tone as his hoof came down, barely touching the kitten’s forehead. The look on Abigail’s face was of nothing, but confusion.

Spike looked up at Sunburst’s hoof and tried to rub his head against it. But it only moved slightly as it limped from above, much to Spike’s confusion.

Back on the table, Twilight turned the page of her book and looked down at the words. She turned her head back towards Sunburst, who just laid there, paying attention to the ceiling.

“Sunburst,” Twilight said. “Before the Windigos were known for aligning with Queen Icelina, what were they also known for?”

“They feed off the warring and hatred among individuals and use this power to freeze Equestria?” Sunburst just said as he stared into the ceiling.

“Are you sure you want to keep going on?” Twilight asked.

“Yes,” Sunburst said. “I don’t mind it.”

Twilight looked at Sunburst with a greatly concerned look. She quickly turned her eyes back to the book and took a quick glance at it before turning her head back towards Sunburst.

“Here’s an interesting one,” Twilight said. “Who’s the name of the very wizard who looked after Princess Celestia and Luna after Queen Eternia and Icelina disappeared?”

“Starswirl the Bearded,” Sunburst said as he barely moved an inch. “He was also responsible for the blueprints for the new Canterlot City sometime after Everfree City fell.”

Twilight’s face went into complete shock as her jaw dropped to the desk. She struggled to close her mouth as Sunburst just stood there, looking up at the ceiling.

“I don’t know about this,” Twilight said. “For one who knows his stuff all so well, you don’t seem to be excited about the test.”

“Sure I am,” Sunburst said in a monotone. “We get up every day, we take care of our tasks, then we return and rest.”

“If Starlight saw what was going on with you,” Twilight said. “What would she say? What would she think about seeing you like this?”

“Like what everyone would think about,” Sunburst said. “And then I would just ignore it.”

“It’s about what happened at the Ponyville Providence Fair, right?” Twilight asked. “I’m still thinking about what the Windigo’s Guild did to sabotage that place. But at the same time, I know there are good ponies like Princess Celestia who help keep us safe.”

Sunburst just breathed a heavy sigh and just looked upwards at the ceiling. Twilight stared right at Sunburst before landing her face on her hoof. Abigail and Spike look up at Sunburst before turning to face each other, concerned for the colt’s unending depression.

Back downstairs, Pinkie Pie was glued to her seat, ready to listen to what Fortwright was going to say, all while Shanoa placed a mug of hot cocoa with whipped cream right on a small stand next to her.

“So it’s as I was saying,” Fortwright said. “The Windigo’s Guild did a lot of damage here in Canterlot before they took aim at La Maresa. First they tried to kidnap Princess Wanda and Chancellor Cinch, and then they let loose a giant roc at the School for Gifted Unicorns.”

“Wow,” Pinkie Pie said as she took a sip of cocoa. “And this is before they attacked all of us at the Ponyville Providence Fair?”

“To be honest,” Fortwright said. “I actually came this close to wanting to move the family away from Canterlot. But I heard about the mining incident they pulled at Sire’s Hollow that resulted in Meteor Flare’s death. It feels like there isn’t any place we can run to. At least my son is willing to fight back against those monsters, even in spite of the Wolf’s Breath Curse he has.”

“I’ll say,” Pinkie said as she took a gulp of cocoa. “That son of yours knows how to fight.”

“But that’s not the only thing you now know of Spell,” Fortwright said. “Believe it or not, we hail from the Lio Lani Islands due west of the Equestrian continent.”

“Lio Lani?” Pinkie Pie said in an excited tone. “I’ve heard of that place. It’s near where Mount Aris is supposed to be.”

“Believe it or not,” Fortwright said. “We Lio Lanians are the closest any pony is towards the Hippogriffs of Mount Aris. We respect our islands just like how they respect theirs. We often trade between the two tribes, and we have friendly competitions. Well, we did, before the Storm King arrived.”

“The Storm King?” Pinkie asked as she frantically bit in her hooves.”

“A sinister tyrant whose goal is to conquer everything with his massive armies,” Fortwright said. “He tried to conquer both Lio Lani and Mount Aris. We fought back against the brutes, thanks to our dedication to our Ohana, and thanks to our chieftess Pele. It was also where we discovered that Danged Spell had the Wolf’s Breath Curse.”

“Wow,” Pinkie Pie said. “But what happened to the Hippogriffs?”

“No one knows,” Fortwright said. “They disappeared after the Storm King’s invasion, and we haven’t heard from them since. Even more so, we chose to move to Canterlot partially because Princess Celestia became aware of our son’s curse, and partially because of what the Storm King did to traumatize us all.”

“That is just cruel,” Pinkie Pie said. “And to think, we already have our problems with the Windigo’s Guild.”

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, catching everyone’s attention. Shanoa ran towards the front door and opened it to see Danged Spell waiting outside.

“Son,” Shanoa said. “Aren’t you playing with your friends?”

“Actually mom,” Danged Spell said. “We need to speak to Twilight right now.”

“We?” Shanoa asked. “What do you mean by we?”

Danged Spell walked on inside as Princess Luna followed from behind. Shanoa took a few steps back and was surprised by the presence of the younger alicorn sister.

“Shanoa Sagara,” Luna said. “I believe Twilight Sparkle is here, correct?”

“Why yes,” Shanoa said.

“It’s important that I speak with her this instant,” Luna said. “I believe I may have found out how to fix what’s wrong with Sunburst. Would you kindly fetch her for me?”

“At once, your majesty,” Shanoa said as she took a bow before turning tail and walking up the stairs. Luna just looked there and gave off a bit of a chuckle.

“I don’t know why I wanted to stay as a princess,” Luna said with a playful raspberry.

As Luna walked in further, Fortwright and Pinkie Pie approached the Moon Princess. While Fortwright looked calm, Pinkie PIe was very excited.

“So your majesty,” Fortwright said.

“Please,” Princess Luna said. “Just call me Luna.”

“What exactly did you figure out?” Fortwright asked.

“Well it’s not just about Sunburst,” Luna said. “It’s also about my sister. She’s been depressed since the Banks yelled at her this morning. It was because they found out that we planned on moving Wanda down to La Maresa, and we also considered stepping down from the throne.”

“Vacating the throne?” Fortwright said. “But you’re the ones we look for inspiration.”

“Dad,” Danged Spell said. “It’s because of how mean-spirited our political system in Equestria is. Especially with the Banks becoming more involved in the actions of the Senates.”

“Now I’m beginning to wonder if staying here is really a good idea,” Fortwright said as he pondered to himself. “But between the Storm King, the Windigo’s Guild and this, it makes me think that we may be no better off than we were with the Everfree Civil War from more than a millennium ago.”

“Aww, you don’t need to worry about that,” Pinkie Pie said. “What matters to us is who our friends and family are. And besides, friendship is magic. And that’s something that the Banks can’t take away.”

“That’s absolutely correct, young lady,” Fortwright said as he rubbed Pinkie Pie on the head. “Your parents taught you well about the norms of all ponies.”

“Well when it comes to Pinkie Pie,” Danged Spell said with a playful snort. “That’s what I call a real rocky friendship.”

The moment she heard that joke, Pinkie Pie bursts out laughing as she falls down on her back.

“Rocky friendship,” Pinkie Pie said as she laughed really hard. “It’s funny because it’s true, because my parents are rock farmers.”

As Luna smiled at Pinkie’s laughter, she heard the sound of a filly running down the stairs. Luna looked up and saw Twilight Sparkle run down in a hurry.

“I heard you needed to speak with me, Princess Luna,” Twilight said.

“I do,” Luna said. “I know how to fix this. But I need you to come with me to convince my sister, and your mentor, Princess Celestia.”

“Tell me what to do,” Twilight said.

But before speaking, Princess Luna stepped aside as Danged Spell stepped towards Twilight.

“You go on ahead,” Danged Spell said. “I’ll look after Sunburst. Maybe I’ll have Spike and Abigail interact with Dream Seeker while I’m at it.”

“Thanks Spell,” Twilight said. She turned to Princess Luna and said. “Lead the way, Princess.”

Princess Luna turned to Fortwright and said “Don’t worry. We’ll be back to pick up Sunburst to help him out with his problem.”

“Knowing you and your sister,” Fortwright said. “That’s saying a whole lot.”

Luna just chuckled before turning around and stepping outside the house, with Twilight following right behind her. Pinkie Pie turned her head to face the viewer of this fanfiction and cracked a subtle smile.

“I know what you’re thinking,” Pinkie Pie said as she inched closer to the viewer. “Why oh why is Pinkie Pie staying behind? But you better stay tuned. I’ll be in the next part, one hundred percent. You can’t get rid of me that easily, says the reincarnation of Discord.”

Danged Spell glanced at Pinkie Pie and said to himself “That is, without a doubt, the scariest thing I’ve seen on any pony in my lifetime.”

To Be Continued in….

Misery Loves Company

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