• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 15-4: Fading Life

Fading Life

It was near midnight at the Canterlot Hospital. Wanda was rolled in on a wheeled stretcher with Abigail and Spike sitting next to her as two paramedics wheeled her in. Sunset Shimmer, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Night Light, Twilight Velvet and Chancellor Cinch ran right next to the stretcher as they looked at Wanda laying there, struggling to keep her eyes open.

“Mom...my,” Wanda said as the stretcher she was on continued down the halls of the hospital.

“Wanda, you don’t need to say anything,” Princess Cadance said. “You’ll be alright. Trust me.”

Everyone continued to rush down as they made their way through the hospital’s first floor.

Later that evening, in the royal suite of the hospital, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Night Light, Twilight Velvet, Chancellor Cinch, Abigail and Spike waited patiently outside in the lounge area.

“This is my fault,” Twilight Velvet said. “If I had been fast enough, we wouldn’t be in this situation.”

“It’s not your fault,” Chancellor Cinch said. “We all feared that this day would come for the man’s cub. And I believe it may be the hay fever virus.”

“All we can hope is for the doctors to make sure Wanda is alright,” Sunset said.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Night Light got up and opened it. Immediately, Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell, Pinkie Pie, Golden Lace and Cozy Glow ran into the room and grouped around the door on the other side.

“Kids,” Twilight Velvet said. “Weren’t you supposed to stay at home?”

“Mom,” Twilight Sparkle said. “This is Wanda Young who’s in there. She’s our friend, and I hope for her to survive what she’s going through.”

“That’s why we all had to come in,” Pinkie Pie replied. “You’re not the only ones who’s concerned for Wanda. We all are.”

“Besides,” Cozy Glow said. “I was the one who alerted the chancellor to Wanda’s condition. If she’s Golden Lace’s friend, then she’s my friend as well.”

“Cozy,” Golden Lace said. “Thanks.”

“You don’t need to think about it,” Cozy Glow said. “All we can do now is wait.”

“For someone who’s a friend of Lace,” Danged Spell said. “You sure are resourceful. Are you sure you’re not some kind of spy?”

“Me? A spy?” Cozy Glow said as she let out a raspberry. “I was just doing what I thought was right.”

As Cozy Glow stood watching the doorway, Moondancer approached Spell with a cold look on her face.

“That was rather tone deaf of you, Spell,” Moondancer said.

“Well excuse me, Moondancer,” Danged Spell said. “But even I have my concerns, and not just with Wanda.”

“Right now,” Moondancer replied. “We need to keep our focus on Wanda and less on everything else.”

Suddenly, the door opens and a middle aged stallion in a lab coat walked out of the office. The younglings moved out of the way as Princess Cadance, Twilight Velvet and Chancellor Cinch approached the doctor.

“Chancellor,” the doctor said. “I’m Doctor Trotdale, director of this hospital and the head of the royal suite medical staff.”

“Doctor Trotdale,” Chancellor Cinch said. “I regret asking you about Princess Wanda. But I fear that she may have the hay fever virus.”

“I’m afraid you’re right,” Dr Trotdale said. “ Princess Wanda Young has come down with the hay fever virus. Her antibodies won’t be able to hold up much longer. But we have attached a iv to her that contains a special drug. It should be able to help ward off the infection. But with a catch.”

“I take it that this wasn’t done for a filly,” Princess Cadance asked.

“It was performed on various fillies and colts across Equestria,” Trotdale replied. “And it was also used on a hippogriff chick when she had the hay fever virus. But this has never been done on a human, much less her. We’re doing all we can to monitor her activities.”

Dr Trotdale opened the door and walked everyone inside the suite’s many hospital rooms. Inside as Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Chancellor Cinch, Night Light, Twilight Velvet, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Abigail, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell, Pinkie Pie and Cozy Glow approached the bed, there was Wanda lying in there, wearing a medical gown instead of her dress. An IV tube was inserted into her arm, connected to a bag of a medical liquid. A transparent oxygen mask was attached to her mouth as she breathed in and breathed out. Wanda looked at the group that approached her and lied there, helplessly.

“Friends,” Wanda said as she struggled to speak. “Where’s….mommy?”

“This is worse than I can imagine,” Princess Cadance said.

“As I stated,” Dr Trotdale said. “All we can do now is wait as the cocktail takes effect and helps out with her antibodies and t-cells in fighting off this virus. And we’ll be monitoring her condition twenty four seven.

Trotdale felt a tug on his coat. He looked to his left and saw Starlight Glimmer looking up at him.

“Will she...die?” Starlight said.

“I don’t know, young lady,” Dr Trotdale said. “This is the first time we’ve administered this treatment on a human child. But we’ll do what we can to make sure she lives through this.”

“She better,” Danged Spell said. “Out of all of us, she’s really special.”

“She sure is,” Moondancer said as she put her arm around Danged Spell. “And I do hope that she can survive the hay fever virus in her.”

“Right now,” Dr Trotdale said. “The best thing we can do is to let her rest. That way, the cocktail can take effect and allow her to fight off this virus.”

“I understand what you mean,” Sunset said. “But at the same time, I don’t want to leave her side. I at least want to let her know that we’re with her.”

As Sunset Shimmer stood up on her two legs, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Abigail, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell, Pinkie Pie, Golden Lace and Cozy Glow stood right next to her, cuddling together.

“Very well,” Dr Trotdale said. “As long as you don’t disturb her, it will be alright.”

As Dr Trotdale approached Wanda and wrote down some notes on a pad, Princess Cadance and Chancellor Cinch walked out of the room and into the lounge. Cadance had a sad look on her face as she struggled to hold in her tears.

“This has been going on so fast,” Princess Cadance said. “And now, I don’t know what we can do to help Wanda in this time of need.”

“Princess Celestia needs to be alerted of this development,” Chancellor Cinch said. “She has every right to know about Wanda’s condition, even though she’s supposed to be negotiating with King Myrrh in Saddle Arabia.”

“You’re not suggesting….” Princess Cadance said.

“Yes,” Chancellor Cinch said as she got out a piece of parchment paper and a feather pen. “And don’t you worry. You won’t be in trouble.”

Princess Cadance swallowed hard and said “Okay. Let’s do this.”

Later at Saddle Arabia, dishes once filled with food lie on one end of the table as King Myrrh had a large parchment laid out on another table. Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and MAjordomo Kibitz looked down and read the contents while Prince Hoofar and Jasmine Bloom watched from another table.

“So what you’re going with, is that it’s far worse than a drought?” Princess Celestia said.

“Someone’s been diverting water from our rivers,” King Myrrh said. “More and more ponies will succumb to thirst if this is not stopped.”

“That sounds alot like the Windigo’s Guild,” Princess Luna said. “But why your water out of all places.”

“That even I can’t seem to figure out,” King Myrrh said. “Also, once the situation has been dealt with, we can trade some of our fresh produce with your kingdom.”

“I believe our friends at Mount Aris also have some goods to trade as well,” Princess Celestia said.

“Ahh yes,” King Myrrh said. “Queen Novo and her hippogriffs. I heard what happened with the Storm King invading their kingdom.”

Suddenly, a stream of magic came into the room and floated towards the group before transforming into a parchment letter, surprising everyone. Majordomo Kibitz looked down and saw the royal seal of Canterlot.

“My lady,” Majordomo Kibitz said. “It’s from Princess Cadance and Chancellor Cinch.”

Princess Celestia picked up the parchment and unraveled it. She read the contents and proceeded to freak out.

“Sister,” Princess Luna said. “What happened?”

“It’s Wanda,” Princess Celestia yelled. “The hay fever virus has infected her and she’s been hospitalized.”

Princess Celestia got out of her seat, unfolded her wings and ran towards the doorway.

“Princess,” King Myrrh yelled. “Where are you going?”

“Back home,” Princess Celestia said. “My daughter needs me.”

As Princess Celestia ran out the door, King Myrrh yelled “Wait. There’s a sandstorm approaching the desert. You won’t make it.”

“A sandstorm?” Princess Luna said as she got out of her seat.

“Something I should have warned you both about if you were going to step a hoof outside this city,” King Myrrh said. “I got a report from my guards this morning that there is a good chance of a sandstorm this evening. The city has a special mechanism so that we can weather this horrible event. But your sister is putting herself in grave danger by flying out of the city’s limits.”

“Then we have to follow her and make sure she’s alright,” Princess Luna said.

“Oh dear,” King Myrrh said. “I was afraid of this.”

“Dad,” Prince Hoofar said. “What can we do?”

“For their sake,” King Myrrh said. “We have to go after Princess Celestia and make sure the sandstorm doesn’t take her life. Like it took...her.”

Outside in the desert night, Princess Celestia flies off from Saddle Arabia as she heads northbound to Canterlot. Sweat poured down the side of her cheek as she zoomed far away from the desert capitol.

“Hang in there Wanda,” Princess Celestia said to herself. “Mommy’s coming.”

As Celestia flew as fast as possible, she saw what looked like a dust storm kicking in from the east. She watched in horror as it inched closer to her.

“Say this isn’t so,” Princess Celestia said as she paused to watch the storm of sand fly in closer to her. “A sandstorm.”

Celestia turned tail and flew westbound. But the sandstorm came closer and closer to the Princess. It didn’t take long for the cloud of sand particles to engulf the princess.

Inside the sandstorm, Princess Celestia struggled to fly through as she kept her eyes shut. She began to descend downwards as the sand weighed her down.

“No,” Celestia thought to herself. “I’m losing the fight.”

Suddenly, a stone flew out of nowhere and hit Celestia on the side. She lost control and spun downward until she hit the sand on the ground. Celestia got her head up and covered her face as the sand began to cover her.

“This,” Celestia thought to herself. “This can’t end like this. I don’t want to die, but I don’t want to lose Wanda either.”

Princess Celestia attempted to get up and struggled to walk through the sand before collapsing down on the ground. As she laid there, she noticed a carriage with a pair of pegasi guards flying in towards her.

“Sister,” Celestia thought to herself. “Is that….you?”

Celestia began to reach out to the carriage before she collapsed completely.


Later that night, Princess Celestia woke up in a cave. Standing over her was King Myrrh, who looked down at the broken princess.

“I was afraid the sandstorm would claim another life,” King Myrrh said. “But it appears you’re alright. Well, except for your wing.”

As Princess Celestia struggled to get up, she saw one of her wings limping out on her side. When she tried to lift her wing, she felt a crack and screamed really loud.

“Sister, take it easy,” Princess Luna said as she came to Princess Celestia’s side. “That was pretty reckless to fly out of there.”

“I know,” Princess Celestia said. “But Wanda…”

“You need to take it easy,” Majordomo Kibitz said as he placed a wooden splint under Celestia’s wing and began to wrap it in a medical cloth.

“How….how did you find me?” Princess Celestia asked.

“When you flew off towards Canterlot,” King Myrrh replied. “We were quick to return to the palace and board your carriage to take off in pursuit. Your sister was quick to find you in the sandstorm thanks to her magic. Even more so, this nearby cave was the only place that could shelter us. Including my son and the filly you ran into.”

Princess Celestia turned her head to see Prince Hoofar and Jasmine Bloom approach the injured alicorn.

“Are you going to be alright, Princess?” Jasmine Bloom asked.

“I don’t know,” Princess Celestia said.

But before Princess Celestia could get up, King Myrrh placed his hoof gently on Celestia’s side, causing her to lie back down.

“Easy there,” King Myrrh said. “Even if your injuries were not serious, we are all stuck here for quite a while.”

“King Myrrh’s right,” Princess Luna said. “The sandstorm is still covering the desert, and it would be reckless to depart at all.”

“So what can I do?” Princess Celestia asked as she laid there with a broken wing.

“I’m afraid we’ll have to relay the bad news back to Princess Cadance,” Princess Luna said.

“I was afraid fate would force her onto the throne,” Princess Celestia replied. “But it has to be done.”

Princess Luna pulled a piece of parchment paper from a knapsack and placed it on the rock. She took out a feather quill, dipped it in ink and wrote some words down. While Luna was writing down her message, Jasmine Bloom and Prince Hoofar jumped up near Princess Celestia.

“I feel like I’ve been down this path before, Princess,” Prince Hoofar said. “But at the same time, I’m afraid I don’t want to talk much about it.”

“Why is that, little prince?” Celestia asked.

Prince Hoofar looked down and said “I still get nightmares, thinking about it.”

Jasmine Bloom placed her arm around Hoofar and said “If you’re worrying about me, then I’ll be fine. I promise.”

Prince Hoofar looked at Jasmine Bloom and barely cracked a smile.

Back in Canterlot, nightfall still covered the majestic city as the royal suite of the Canterlot Hospital remained quiet. Sunset Shimmer was in the very room where Wanda Young slept in her hospital bed. Her eyes, while tired, kept her focus straight on Wanda. Next to Sunset was little Abigail, who also stood there looking at her companion.

“You can’t seem to sleep, Sunset?” Sunset stood there, keeping her eyes on Wanda, while Twilight Sparkle walked into the room.

“Afraid so,” Sunset said. “I still can’t believe Wanda’s life is in danger because of this virus. All I can do is wait until mother gets here.”

“It’s going to be okay, Sunset,” Twilight said. “I believe Wanda will pull through and recover from the virus. She’s gotten through a whole lot worse.”

“Like with that roc and what happened in La Maresa?” Sunset said as she finally turned to face Twilight.

“And when Princess Skystar took her from us on Mount Aris,” Twilight said. “She’s been through alot. But she hung on because she remembers that her family and friends are always there for her. And she was there for us.”

“But I’m also worried,” Sunset said. “What if Wanda doesn’t make it? What if the virus kills her in the end?”

“It won’t happen,” Twilight replied. “Wanda’s got the best medical staff in Equestria. And I can assure that once Princess Celestia arrives, she’ll be there for you, for Wanda, for Cadance and for everyone in this suite.”

“Thanks Twilight,” Sunset said as she put her arm around the purple unicorn filly.

As Twilight, Sunset and Abigail stare at Wanda, who was still sleeping in bed, they overheard a voice yell out “SUNSET! TWILIGHT! COME HERE THIS INSTANT!” This caused the trio to jump onto their four legs and run out the doorway.

In the lounge, Princess Cadance was reading a letter in her hooves as her face turned into complete horror. Next to her was Chancellor Cinch, Shining Armor, Night Light and Twilight Velvet, with Starlight, Sunburst, Spike, Moondancer, Danged Spell, Pinkie PIe, Golden Lace and Cozy Glow watching from the various sofas. Twilight, Sunset and Abigail ran right next to Princess Cadance as the alicorn could barely catch her breath.

“Sister,” Sunset said. “What happened?

“It’s worse than I thought,” Princess Cadance said. “This letter is from Princess Luna and it just came in immediately.”

“What does it say?” Twilight Sparkle said.

Princess Cadance held the letter up close and said “To Princess Cadance. We regret to inform you that we are marooned in a cave in the middle of the desert, with a powerful sandstorm trapping us inside. Even more so, Princess Celestia has been badly hurt, trying to get back to Canterlot after getting your last message. Until further notice, you are now the acting ruler of Equestria. Signed, Princess Luna.”

“WHAT?” Twilight and Sunset yelled.

“This is Luna’s writing without a doubt,” Chancellor Cinch said. “And unfortunately, even I didn’t expect this worse case scenario to play out.”

“So you mean to tell me that mother is…..in trouble?” Sunset said as her eyes shrunk down.

Chancellor Cinch got up and said “I’m afraid so. And unlike with the man’s cub, there is nothing we can do about it. It’s too dangerous to plan a rescue mission with a sandstorm like that.”

Sunset’s eyes began to water. She closed her eyes and ran into another room, crying loudly before shutting the door. Abigail just walked up to the door and scratched at it, desperately meowing for attention.

“Poor Sunset,” Twilight Sparkle said. “First her sister gets hospitalized. Now the report says that the princesses are stranded with Celestia badly hurt.”

“And we were already worried about Wanda’s sake,” Twilight Velvet said. “To think we may lose the Princesses as well.”

“You still have me,” Princess Cadance said. “And as much as I don’t want to admit it, I’m afraid I’m going to have to assume the title of ruler until further notice.”

“And you have my assistance, Princess Cadance,” Chancellor Cinch said as she stood firm.

As Princess Cadance and Chancellor Cinch began to walk out, Shining Armor got up and yelled out “Wait.” Cadence and Cinch turned around to see Shining Armor approach the two.

“I’m coming with you,” Shining Armor said. “If anything, I’ll be by your side until this nightmare ends.”

“Thanks Shining,” Cadance said as she kissed Shining Armor on the cheek.

“Come Princess,” Chancellor Cinch said. “We must inform the press and discuss the events that transpired. The first being Princess Wanda catching the hay fever virus, and the second being Princess Celestia and Princess Luna caught in a sandstorm.”

Princess Cadance nodded as she, Shining Armor and Chancellor Cinch walked out of the royal suite of the hospital. But as they disappeared, the remaining younglings began to worry.

“First Wanda comes down with a disease that could kill her,” Danged Spell said as he grit his teeth. “Now Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are marooned in the desert and they could die? ARRRRRGHH! I FEEL SO HELPLESS!”

With that, Danged Spell ran up to a nearby wall and pounded it in frustration. Everyone watched as Danged Spell continued to take his anger out on that wall.

“I’ve never seen every pony on edge in my life,” Twilight said. “This makes the incident in La Maresa pale in comparison.”

“Tell me about it,” Pinkie Pie said. “And speaking of which, I just learned that the rest of our friends from La Maresa will be paying a visit later today.”

Twilight just let out a sigh and said “I don’t know how you figured that out. But once they do arrive, we’ll have to inform them about Wanda’s condition.”

“Do you think…” Starlight said as she began to sniffle. “Wanda is going to...to?”

Before she could speak, Starlight turned around and cried into Sunburst’s chest. Sunburst could do nothing but comfort the little filly.

“I’m hoping that’s not the case,” Sunburst said. “But to worry about Wanda’s life is now an understatement.”

“We all know,” Golden Lace said. “With all that chaos going around here in Canterlot and in the desert of Saddle Arabia, who knows what my parents will do once they learn of this.”

“It’ll be okay,” Cozy Glow said as she put her arm around Lace’s back. “We can get through this. Even in these times.”

“Cozy,” Golden Lace said. “I hope you’re right.”

As Cozy Glow and Golden Lace embraced each other, Moondancer looked at Danged Spell, who went from pounding the wall to crying directly on the wall.

“We all gotta get through this,” Moondancer said as she approached Danged Spell and placed her hoof on Spell’s back. “For Wanda’s sake and for Celestia and Luna’s sake.”

It was the early morning outside the Canterlot Hospital. The crowd of ponies were gathered outside the entrance as Dr Trotdale approached the podium. Right behind them, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor and Chancellor Cinch sat nearby.

“Well this is it,” Princess Cadance said to herself. “This is where Equestria will learn the truth.”

“We’ll get through this,” Chancellor Cinch said. “No matter what, I have your back.”

As Dr Trotdale approaches the microphone, he taps it a bit and puts his mouth nearby. Everyone in the group, along with the video cameras, draw their attention to the doctor.

“As you all know,” Dr Trotdale said. “Wanda Young, daughter of Princess Celestia, has been hospitalized with a serious case of the hay fever virus. Long ago, we injected her with a vaccine to protect her against the virus. But it caused serious complications with hives and a sharply reduced antibody and t-cell count. As a result, we had to prepare for this worst case scenario. As I speak, she is resting comfortably and we are monitoring her conditions in case the virus does fight back.”

The crowd began to mutter as Dr Trotdale loosened the collar around his coat. He put his mouth near the mic and began to speak.

“WIth that being said,” Dr Trotdale announced. “Princess Cadance will speak on behalf of the royal family, as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are not available in this fine city.”

Dr Trotdale stepped down from the podium as Princess Cadance, Shining Armor and Chancellor Cinch stepped forward. Princess Cadance approached the microphone and cleared her throat.

“While I am waiting for the day where my younger sister Wanda Young will be cured of this virus, I’m afraid I have some horrible news to report,” Princess Cadance said with a heavy heart. “I just learned that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are trapped in a sandstorm north of Saddle Arabia.”

The crowd gasped at Princess Cadance’s words as they turned towards each other. The sound of fear and uncertainty filled the air from the ponies gathered around the hospital.

“To make matters worse,” Princess Cadance said. “I also learned that my mother Princess Celestia has been badly hurt when she tried to return home. So until further notice, I will assume command as acting leader of Equestria.”

As the crowd continued to talk to each other, a reporter from ENN came out of the crowd, levitating a magical tablet and a stylus.

“But how will you, a youngling, be able to serve the people of Equestria?” The reporter asked. Princess Cadance stepped aside as Chancellor Cinch positioned herself in front of the microphone.

“I’ll answer that question,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Though Princess Cadance will be acting ruler, I will be advising her through these difficult times. So in a way, I will still call the shots. Furthermore, we have agreed to rule from the royal suite in Canterlot Hospital until Princess Wanda recovers. Should that event play out, we will most likely return to the palace.”

As Cinch moved away from the mic, the reporter asked “But what about the Grand Gallopin Gala?”

Princess Cadance placed her face near the mic and said “Right now, we will continue with the Gala as planned. Even if we lose Celestia and Luna, the show must still go on for the moment.”

As Cadance moved her head away, the reporter asked. “And what if Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were to die?”

Princess Cadance moved her head back to the microphone and said “Then I will ascend the throne in their memory, and carry out their wishes. That will be all.”

The crowd muttered as Princess Cadance, Chancellor Cinch and Shining Armor moved away from the podium and walked back towards the hospital entrance with Dr Trotdale beside them. The reporter asked “What about the Banks? Aren’t you beholden to them?” But Cadance just ignored it and walked through the entrance.

Inside, Princess Cadance breathed a sigh of relief as she walked through the halls alongside Shining Armor, Chancellor Cinch and Dr Trotdale.

“You did what Celestia would have done, Princess Cadance,” Chancellor Cinch said.

“I know,” Princess Cadance said. “Now all we can do is wait and watch until further notice.”

“If there’s anything you need help with,” Shining Armor said. “I’m here.”

Cadence turned to Shining Armor and said “Is there anyone you can contact to entertain the children during this period.”

“I think I might know a couple of ponies,” Shining Armor said. “Do you remember Buck Withers?”

“You mean that hunter who had a crush on me and was considered an inspiration to the younglings?” Cadance replied. “Do it.”

“Understood, my lady,” Shining Armor said. “And by the way, he and Lemony Gem got married.”

“Congrats to him,” Cadance said. “Now go. They need as much morale as possible.”

Shining Armor saluted Princess Cadance and went in the opposite direction. Cadance turned to Dr Trotdale.

“Doctor,” Princess Cadance said. “Continue to monitor Wanda’s health. If her condition worsens, do what you can to keep her alive.”

“You need not say another word, your majesty,” Dr Trotdate said. “I’m already on it.”

As Dr Trotdale walked away from the group down the halls, Princess Cadance turned towards Chancellor Cinch.

“Chancellor,” Princess Cadance said. “Are there any plans that were to happen today?”

“I just found out that Queen Novo and Princess Skystar will be arriving this afternoon,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Days earlier than expected.”

“No doubt it’s for the Grand Gallopin Gala,” Princess Cadance replied. “I better prepare to go down there and give them the bad news.”

Chancellor Cinch put her hoof on Cadance’s shoulder and said “We’ll go down together. I’ll have the guards keep watch in case someone tries to break in and endanger the guests in the suite.”

“Thanks Chancellor,” Princess Cadance said. “Guess it’s time to carry out our tasks.”

Meanwhile, in the streets of Canterlot, the news was airing on a flat screen television, right behind the glass window of a nearby store. Many ponies were crowded up, watching Dr Trotdale, Princess Cadance and Chancellor Cinch’s speeches. But directly in front of the crowd was Bright Macintosh, who had Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Trixie and Ditzy Doo right next to him.

“Wanda is sick?” Rainbow Dash said.

“To think,” Bright Mac said. “He was feeling fine just yesterday before I came back down to get you younglings.”

“What do you suppose will happen to her?” Ditzy Doo asked. “Or to Princess Celestia and Luna?”

“I don’t know,” Rarity said. “But I still remember that dress I made for her and Sunset. It was for their trot through the Grand Gallopin Gala.”

“It’s not fair,” Applejack said. “How is it that the hay fever virus was able to bring down Wanda that fast?”

“I heard it’s because she had a horrible reaction to the vaccine,” Fluttershy said. “Poor kid. Trying to get protected from a serious virus and this had to happen.”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie will not accept this,” Trixie said. “I came up here with you all to see Wanda, and I want her to be as Great and Powerful.”

“Younglings,” Bright Mac said. “We better head to the hospital and pay Wanda a visit. And let’s hope this isn’t good-bye, for good.”

Bright Mac moved his hat downward as he got up and out of the crowd while Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Trixie and Ditzy Doo followed Bright Mac through the streets of Canterlot

To Be Continued in….

Friends from all places

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