• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 10-3: The Cold Mist of Despair

The Cold Mist of Despair

A cold fog surrounds the atmosphere of the Ponyville Fair. What was once a thriving event has become a barren ghost town. Shining Armor stood frozen in place in the middle of the street. Inside a frozen booth nearby, Princess Cadance cried in her hippogriff plush as Chancellor Cinch comforted her. Princess Celestia looked outside, anxious and worried about the rest of her children.

“You’re still worried about them?” Chancellor Cinch said.

“I don’t think I can get my focus off.” Princess Celestia replied. “I’ve been through tons of dark moments in my lifetime. Being Daybreaker was the one that stung for me.”

“What matters is that the youngling who found us is racing to find them,” Chancellor Cinch replied. “Their safety is more important.”

“I know,” Princess Celestia said. “But now I wonder if La Maresa will be a safe place for Wanda. If the guild can chase her down here, then...I don’t know what to think.”

“Don’t you dare let that negative thought into your mind,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Hope that they escape before we reconsider the Man’s Cub living in La Maresa.

“Ohh, I beg to differ, governor.” Princess Celestia and Chancellor Cinch turned towards the ice wall, where they saw Coldnelius Snap staring down at the trapped trio. Snap grinned at the two older ponies, all while Celestia growled at the cult leader. “My loyalists report that we managed to give your second banana-of-a-sister the deep freeze, along with the adults guarding those little tykes.”

“You monster,” Princess Celestia snapped. “First you froze my sister, then my adopted daughter’s boyfriend, and now good friends of ours?”

“Oh, I’m glad you share some concern for your sister,” Coldnelis Snap said in a sarcastic tone. “Because it must be ice to see her.”

Coldnelius Snap stepped aside as three cult members levitated Princess Luna, now trapped inside a mound of ice, right in front of her. Princess Celestia shreked in horror.

“SISTER!” Princess Celestia yelled.

“Ya kow what’s funny?” Coldnelius Snap said. “One of my loyal cult members told me that they caught you and the governor. I was rather skeptical. So I had to come by, and low and behold. You three are trapped in the cooler.”

“You will never get your hooves on my darling Wanda,” Princess Celestia said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

“Oh I beg to differ,” Coldnelius Snap said. “We know where the Man’s Cub is heading for, and we’re going to catch her, and her guardians by surprise. Once we have her in our grasps, it won’t be long before Equestria is blessed with its eternal winter. In the meantime, you all can chill in here.

Coldnelius Snap let out a cackle as he and his cult members walked off from the frozen booth. Celestia just stood there, helpless while Cinch kept her arm around Princess Cadance.

“Wanda my darling,” Princess Celestia said to herself. “You’re our only hope.”

Deeper into the fair, cult members surrounded a nearby entrance. A few individuals are frozen in place, showing complete horror in their cold prisons. Nearby, Bright Mac looked out the bottom window from inside a building. His face was of despair.

“There’s no way we can escape through that route,” Bright Mac said as he ducked his head back down the window.

Inside the building, Bright Mac jumped down from a step stool and landed on the ground, deep within a basement. Nearby, Buttercup rocked Apple Bloom to sleep as Sunset Shimmer and Applejack snuggled up to the motherly mare. Wanda stood there nearby, holding Diamond Tiara while Abigail rested right next to her.

“What’s the situation, hon?” Buttercup asked.

“It’s worse than I thought,” Bright Mac said. “Every exit has been blocked off. Those cultists were planning this all along. We were all caught unprepared.”

“I sure hope mother’s alright,” Sunset Shimmer said as she lay there on her belly. “Her and all our friends. I’ve never felt this hopeless in my life.”

“I’ve never seen varmints like those hooligans,” Applejack said. “What the hay do they want?”

“It’s me,” Wanda said as she rocked Diamond Tiara in her arms. “I first ran into those bad, scary ponies back in Canterlot with Chancellor Cinch. I recall them saying that they want to use my magic to bring the windigos back to Equestria.”

“For a group that calls itself the Windigo’s Guild,” Applejack said. “That sure is saying a lot. But what the hay is a Windigo?”

“Spirits of pure cold,” Bright Mac said.

“It is said that the Windigos are fueled by pure hate and evil that flows within every pony in Equestria,” Buttercup said as she slowly rocked Apple Bloom to sleep. “When they arrive, these spirits of pure cold will bring about an eternal winter that will freeze all of Equestria.”

“Mother told us about these stories many times,” Sunset Shimmer said. “A reminder on why we have to be friendly, and not to sink to the levels of hate.”

“But what would the Windigo’s guild want with Wanda’s magic to bring back the actual Windigos?” Applejack asked.

“That’s what I’ve been trying to figure out,” Wanda said as Abigail rubbed her head against the human child’s leg. “Not even mommy figured out why they want me. She was only fortunate enough to drive them off from Canterlot.”

“I’m afraid I don’t have the answers, either,” Bright Mac said. “All this talk about magic, and Windigos. All we know a lot of are apples.”

Suddenly, Diamond Tiara woke up and started to cry. Wanda looked down and began to freak out.

“It’s okay,” Wnada said as she tried to gently rock Diamond Tiara. “We’ll get you back to your mommy.”

“She’s been separated from Spoiled Rich for a long time,” Buttercup said as held Apple Bloom. “And I already have my hooves full with Apple Bloom.”

“I’ll pitch in, mom,” Applejack said as she got up. “I’ll look after Apple Bloom while you ease Diamond Tiara.”

Buttercup nodded to her daughter Applejack, and held Apple BLoom out. Applejack walked up to her mother, got on her hind legs and gently accepted Apple Bloom into her arms. The little foal looked at Applejack, not minding the crying that Diamond Tiara was making.

Buttercup walked over to Wanda Young and held her arms out. Wanda gently placed Diamond Tiara on her hooves as the older mare picked up the pale magenta foal and slowly rocked her. The little bambino continued to cry as Buttercup sang a lullaby to her.

“Has she done this before to Diamond Tiara?” Sunset Shimmer asked as she got up.

“One time Filthy and Spoiled Rich had to go to Manehattan to sell some of our apples,” Bright Mac said. “So Buttercup was more than happy to look after Diamond Tiara. My darling’s like a second mother to that angel.”

Wanda looked down at the floor and said with a sigh “I wish I saw mommy again.”

Bright Mac walked up to the child and said “Wanda, there is something I wanted to tell you when the day was over. But I think it’s time I told you right now.”

Wanda looked up to Bright Mac and asked “What do you mean, uncle Bright Mac?”

Bright Mac let out a sigh and said “Your mother, Princess Celestia, wanted you and your sister to come down here not just to visit La Maresa, but she was also thinking about moving you down here.”

Wanda’s eyes lit up as she said “Really?”

“She realized that life in Canterlot is too much for you,” Bright Mac said. “Especially after what the Banks put you through. So she wanted you and Sunset Shimmer to move down to La Maresa.”

“To move down here and to live among the country folk,” Sunset Shimmer said.

“Not just the country folk,” Bright Mac said. “But also with others various ponies here in the Ponyville Providence. And best of all, Princess Celestia was going to move the School for Gifted Unicorns down here so your friends could join in as well.”

Wanda turned to Sunset Shimmer as her face beamed with excitement. “Did you hear? We may live down here in La Maresa.”

“But why tell us now?” Sunset Shimmer said.

“Because I fear that we may not make it out of here,” Bright Mac said. “But if we do escape, I promise to take you away from La Maresa and hide you three in a safe place. You have my word.”

Wanda smiled as she jumped at Bright Mac and gave him a big hug. Sunset followed suit, making sure to cuddle both Wanda and Bright Mac.

“I’m glad to have known you, Uncle Bright Mac,” Wanda said as she held onto the big stallion.

“You and I both, Wanda,” Sunset said.

As Wanda and Sunset embraced Bright Mac, Buttercup observed her husband and the two kids while gently rocking Diamond Tiara. Right next to her, Applejack held onto Apple Bloom while the baby pony reached out to her. Abigail walked up to Applejack and curled up right next to the filly.

“Do you suppose we’ll get out of this mess, ma?” Applejack said as Apple Bloom played with the back of her older sister’s ponytail.

“We will, my sweetie,” Buttercup said as she stroked the forehead of Diamond Tiara. “We will.”

Everyone in the room, despite the danger presented outside, looked well relaxed and calm as the cold air filled the outside. But slowly, bits of that air began to drift into the room. Wanda let go of Bright Mac and began to walk around, before she began to shiver.

“Uncle Bright Mac,” Wanda said as her teeth began to chatter. “I don’t feel so good.”

Sunset Shimmer released her grip on Bright Mac as the older stallion got up.

“This is rather unusual for cold air to get into this building,” Bright Mac said. “Just last week, we insulated the whole building in preparation of the fair to keep the guests cool.”

Bright Mac looked up at the ceiling and his eyes got a glimpse of the ventilation system. Cold air was pouring in from the fans.

“Everyone,” Bright Mac said. “They’re trying to flush us out with a cold breeze. We might be able to hold out with our fur coats.”

“Not all of us,” Sunset said as she pointed her hoof at her sister, who continued to quiver. “Wanda doesn’t have any fur.”

Suddenly, Buttercup began to shiver along with Diamond Tiara, who woke up crying again. Abigail got up and ran towards Wanda.

“I don’t think any of us can stay here,” Buttercup said. “Trap or not, we have to get out of here.”

“Right,” Bright Mac said. “Hand Diamond Tiara over to Wanda. Applejack, give Apple Bloom to Sunset Shimmer.”

Buttercup got up on her four hooves all while holding Diamond Tiara in her right arm. She walked over to Wanda and said “Here. She’ll keep you warm.”

Even in spite of shaking, Wanda slowly reached her arms out and grabbed Diamond Tiara, pulling the crying baby close to her.

“It’s...okay….Diamond,” Wanda said as she shook in the cold air, holding Diamond Tiara close to her. “I’ve….got ya.”

Sunset Shimmer walked up to Applejack as the earth pony filly held out Apple Bloom. Sunset used her magic to levitate Apple Bloom away from Applejack and close to her. The little foal reached out to Applejack, frustrated.

“It’s okay little one,” Sunset said as she held Apple Bloom close to her. “We’ll get you out.”

“Everyone ready?” Bright Mac said as Buttercup, Applejack, Wanda, Sunset Shimmer and Abigail lined up, with Wanda holding onto Diamond Tiara and Sunset keeping Apple Bloom close to her.

“We’re ready, hon,” Buttercup said.

“We’re most likely to run into a trap,” Bright Mac said. “So we need to find an alternative path out of here before the cold freezes us all.

With that, Wanda held onto Diamond Tiara and Sunset held onto Apple Bloom as both sisters, Bright Mac, Buttercup, Applejack and Abigail ran towards the staircase and up the stairs, darting outside the doorway.

Meanwhile, inside one of the frozen tents, Granny Smith still stood there frozen solid, while Mr Bovine glanced at his frozen arm. Fluttershy wrapped one of the pillows around Bovine’s arm, only for the pillow to freeze.

“It’s no use,” Fluttershy said as a few tears fell from her eyes. “We can’t seem to melt this ice.”

“It’s okay, Fluttershy,” Mr Bovine said. “Don’t worry about me. Worry about yourself and your friends.”

Rarity walked up to Fluttershy, all while she held Spike in her right arm. She said “He’s right, my dear. You don’t want to push yourself into helping out Bovine. You need to save your strength.”

“No way,” Fluttershy cried. “I don’t care if that advice came from you or Mr Bovine. I’m not going to step away from him, no matter what.”

Fluttershy buried her head on Mr Bovine’s back and cried right into it. The only thing Mr Bovine could do is watch as Fluttershy bawled into his coarse fur.

Rarity let out a sigh and said “I’ve become worried about her well-being. Especially Spikey-Wikey here. Dragons do not like cold places.” She gave a small hug to Spike, who only laughed in excitement.

“No argument on that,” Mr Bovine said. “If only there was a way to melt this ice. The air in here is too cold to start a fire, and I do worry about the little drake.”

“Not to mention morale here is low,” Rarity said as she pointed to Trixie comforting a crying Starlight. “If only Princess Celestia was here, she would bail us out of this mess.”

“Speaking of which,” Sunburst said. “We haven’t heard from Rainbow Dash. I wonder if she’s okay.”

“We’ll find out soon,” Rarity said as she gently rubbed Spike on the forehead. “If I know Rainbow Dash, she’s a fast flyer.”

“No kidding,” Twilight said. “The way she dashed in Canterlot, that’s saying a lot.”

Suddenly they heard a loud tap coming from outside. Twilight ran up to the frozen entrance and saw Rainbow Dash tapping on the ice.

“Rainbow Dash,” Twilight said. “Did you find Princess Celestia?”

“I did,” Rainbow Dash said. “But she’s trapped in an ice prison similar to yours. And I found out Princess Luna was frozen solid.”

Twilight stood there, shocked from Rainbow Dash’s words. “I don’t believe it,” she thought to herself. “Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are unable to help us? Now what?”

“Hey you forgot one thing,” Rainbow Dash said. “There’s still Bright Mac and Buttercup, Applejack’s parents.”

Twilight snapped out of her trance and reached out from behind the ice wall. She said to Rainbow Dash “Find them. Make sure Wanda and Sunset are alright.”

Rainbow Dash gave a salute to Twilight and said “Roger that. Rainbow Dash, over and out.” She turned around and took off without a trace.

“Good luck Rainbow Dash,” Twilight said.

As Twilight watched Rainbow Dash disappear, Mr Bovine laid there with Fluttershy crying into his coat. Trixie held Starlight as she cried into the magician’s chest.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie never expected to be in this kind of mess,” Trixie said. “Not even a disappearing trick can get us out.”

“We’ll think of something,” Mr Bovine said. “But the only thing keeping Fluttershy motivated is me. It’s like I’m the only thing she cares about.”

“I’ll admit one thing,” Rarity said as she looked at Spike. “I do miss my own folks. Them and my baby sister Sweetie Belle. And Spikey here reminds me of how warm they are to me. I wonder what they are thinking without me?”

Mr Bovine turned his face towards Fluttershy, who had fallen asleep on his fur. He said to himself “Poor kid. If only there was something I could do to help. But not in this condition.”

Mr Bovine lifted his right arm and noticed something on the ice. A drop of water formed from below the cold surface and fell right onto the ground.

“What’s this?” Mr Bovine said. “Even in this cold weather, the ice seems to have its limits.”

Meanwhile, on the second floor of the building, Bright Mac took a look outside the window. A tarp shade was lined up underneath the window, and there was an open exit out of the fair. Not a single soul was nearby.

“This is our chance to escape,” Bright Mac said. “We’ll jump out the window, bounce off the tarp, and land on the ground. Once you’re down there, run as fast as you can to the exit, and don’t look back.”

Abigail jumped onto the sill of the window and took a jump. She lightly landed on the tarp, bounced off and landed on the ground before running to a nearby corner to hide.

“Okay Wanda,” Bright Mac said. “You’re up.”

Wanda placed DIamond Tiara on the Window sill and climbed up on it. She grabbed the baby and held her tight.

“This is going to be a bumpy ride,” Wanda said.

“Remember,” Buttercup said. “When you’re on the ground, run for it. Get to the exit and do not look back.”

Wanda held her breath and slid herself off the sill of the window, falling down and bouncing off the tarp. As she was airborne, her wings sprouted out. She used them to descend her fall and land on her two legs before they disappeared.

Wanda signed to Abigail and said. “Come on. Let’s go.” She took off towards the exit, holding onto Diamond Tiara while Abigail ran up to her human companion.

Bright Mac looked inside before turning to Sunset and said “You’re up.”

Sunset took a few steps back, holding Apple Bloom nearby with her magic. She ran and took a mighty leap, jumping out of the window and landing on the tarp, bouncing off of it while holding Apple Bloom up in the air. Sunset landed on her four hooves on the ground, all while keeping Apple Bloom held up.

“Come on,” Sunset said to Apple Bloom as she ran after Wanda and Abigail. “Let’s get you out.”

As Bright Mac turned towards Applejack and Buttercup, the little filly wasted no time running towards the window and jumping out.

“That’s my girl,” Bright Mac said as Applejack bounced off the tarp and landed on the ground.

“Stay safe, pa,” Applejack said as she ran after Sunset.

Back inside, Bright Mac lowered himself down as Buttercup stepped onto his back and onto the window sill.

“Are you going to be alright?” Buttercup said as she was about to leap out of the window.

“Go on ahead,” Bright Mac said. “I’ll catch up.”

Buttercup leaped out of the window and fell right onto the tarp. She bounced off and landed on the ground before she began to run off.

Back inside, as Bright Mac looked at the window, he overheard a knock at the door.

“I know you’re in there,” the voice behind the door said. “Hand over the girl and no one will get hurt.”

“I don’t think so,” Bright Mac said to himself as he leaped into the Window and pulled himself through.

The door busted open as three Windigo’s Guild members walked on it. They saw Bright Mac struggle to pull himself through the window.

“He’s getting away,” One cultist member yelled. “Freeze him cold.”

The three cult members charged up their horns and fired off a blast of cold ice. But before the cold spell connected, Bright Mac pulled himself through and fell downwards towards the tarp, as the ice hit the window and froze it shut.

“Shoot,” the cultist said. “We got to go after him.” But before that cult member took off, another one grabbed him by the shoulder.

“Not to worry,” the other cultist said. “Our lord will catch them in the trap.”

Outside, Bright Mac had landed on the ground as he began to take off towards the exit, with Buttercup right in front of him. Up ahead, Applejack, Sunset Shimmer, Wanda Young and Abigail Albright ran straight for the exit with Sunset levitating Apple Bloom right next to her and Wanda holding right onto Diamond Tiara.

“We’re almost out,” Wanda said.

“Just keep running and don’t look back,” Applejack said. “We’ll be out of this mess faster than you can say…”

But before Applejack could finish her speech, a small blast of ice came out of nowhere and hit Wanda square in the chest. She screamed in pain as she fell onto back. A small patch of ice formed around her and Diamond Tiara, binding them down. Diamond Tiara cried as her head and shoulders were sticking out of the ice.

“WANDA!” Sunset yelled before another blast of ice hit her on her hooves. Ice formed around her legs, binding the unicorn to the ground and forcing her to let go of Apple Bloom.

“Oh no,” Applejack said as she jumped down and grabbed Apple Bloom before the young tike hit the ground. Another blast of ice came out of nowhere and hit Applejack in the legs, freezing them in place. The apple filly shreked in pain.

“What’s going on?” Wanda said as she shivered, all while Abigail ran up to Wanda and placed her paw on her forehead.

Behind them, Bright Mac and Buttercup’s jaws dropped as they came to a stop, watching horribly as the younglings were helpless.


Bright Mac ran as fast as possible towards Wanda, Sunset, Applejack, Apple Bloom, Diamond Tiara and Abigail. But as he approached the younglings, a blast of ice came right out of nowhere and hit Bright Mac dead on, enveloping the apple stallion in a white cloud.

“PA!” Applejack yelled.

When the cloud settled, Bright Mac was frozen solid with a shocked look on his face. Buttercup’s face turned into complete horror.

“HONEY!” Buttercup yelled as she ran up to Bright Back.

“GET BACK!” Sunset yelled. ‘IT’S A TRAP!”

But before Buttercup could respond, she was hit by another blast of ice, enveloping her in a white cloud. Once that cloud settled, Buttercup was frozen completely. A prison of pure cold. Applejack could do nothing but watch as her folks were frozen solid.

“Ma….pa….” Applejack cried as tears fell from her eyes.

“'Hehehehehe. Seems this task was easier done than said. Now all the adults are like ice cubes in the freezer.” Wanda, Sunset and Applejack turned towards the side to see Coldnelius Snap walk up to them. He had a smug grin on a face, and frost in his eyes.


“Oh but I didn’t just do that to make the ponies of La Maresa fear us,” Coldnelius Snap laugh. “I did that because I was after your human sister. But you will serve as a nice….bonus.”

“You won’t get away with this you big meanie,” Wanda cried. “When mommy finds out…”

“Oh not this time,” Coldnelius Snap interrupted. “We placed your mother, your older sister and the Governor into an ice cold prison, we froze the big alicorn’s horn so she can’t use magic, and we even froze her second banana of a sister for good measure. Face it, kids. No one is here to save you”

Wanda’s face turned to shock as tears fell from her eyes, and Diamond Tiara bawled out in pain. Sunset watched as her sister cried before turning her attention to the frozen Bright Mac and Buttercup. As she turned her head, she noticed a wagon pulling up from the exit.

“You won’t get away with this, you monster,” Sunset Shimmer said as she was held there by the ice, struggling to hold back her tears. “I swear someone will come to save us.”

“Like I said. Nobody will, my dear,” Coldnelius Snap said as he turned his head towards the wagon approaching him. “We’re going to take you away to a place of pure despair. And when this is all over, Equestria will sleep forevermore in eternal winter. Isn’t that so delightful, you precious child?”

The wagon came to a complete stop as the back opened up. Two cultists got out and grabbed Wanda, Abigail and Diamond Tiara before throwing them into the wagon.

“Careful now,” Coldnelius Snap said with a grin. “We don’t want to harm those kids, nor the babies they were stuck with.”

“Yes my lord,” the cultist said as he turned towards Sunset Shimmer.

“Do your worse,” Sunset said in defiance.

The cultist just smiled as he pulled Sunset from the ground with the ice still stuck to her hooves before shoving her into the wagon. Another pulled Applejack up, with her legs still frozen, and placed her into the wagon.

“That should be all of them,” the cultist said.

“Not quite,” Coldnelius said as he used his magic to pick up Apple Bloom, causing the little foal to cry. “I did say...babies.”

Coldnelius Snap placed Apple Bloom into the wagon with Wanda, Abigail, Diamond Tiara, Sunset Shimmer and Applejack. The two cultists jumped into the wagon as Coldnelius closed the door.

“What about you, my lord?” one of the cultists said.

“More wagons will come by to pick up the rest of the blokes,” Coldnelius Snap said. “That includes those other kids, their superiors, and the Alicorn sisters. I will remain behind to make sure they don’t get away. Now go, deliver them away from this boring town.”

“Yes. my lord,” The cultist said as the wagon took off with the younglings in them.

At a nearby alley in the fair, Pinkie PIe, Danged Spell and Moondancer watched helplessly as the wagon containing Wanda, Sunset, Applejack, Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara took off. They turned to see Bright Mac and Buttercup frozen in place.

“We’re too late,” Pinkie Pie said. “Those meanies got their hooves on Wanda, Sunset and Applejack, and turned Bright Mac and Buttercup into a pair of popsicles.”

Danged Spell hit his hoof onto the dirt and said “Curse it. If only I was faster, I would have saved them from that kind of fate.”

Moondancer picked up Danged Spell and said “Right now, our only hope lies with Princess Celestia. If Rainbow Dash got ahold of her, then there’s a chance we can turn this around and save everyone.”

“Unfortunately, that option’s off the table.” Pinkie Pie, Danged Spell and Moondancer turned to their backside and saw a distressed Rainbow Dash.

“Rainbow,” Pinkie Pie said as she ran up to the rainbow-maned pegasi. “What do you mean by that?”

“Coldnelius Snap trapped Celestia, Cinch and Cadance into an ice prison,” Rainbow Dash said. “And he froze Luna in place. We’re on our own.”

“Oh no,” Moondancer said. “Does that mean these cutists actually...won?”

“I don’t believe it,” Danged Spell said. “I’m not one to let those cold freaks get the best of us.”

“Danged Spell,” Rainbow Dash said. “Is right. We may not have a single adult with us. But we aren’t going down without a fight. We’re what’s left of this resistance. I suggest we do something about that cart and free them from their prison.”

“I’m with you on that,” Danged Spell said. “After all, if those creeps are going to bully us, then I’d rather go down fighting.”

Moondancer nodded and said “Since we don’t have much of a choice, I’m in.”

Pinkie Pie turned her attention towards the exit, with her eyes fixated on the wagon driving off into the distance.

“Tell us what to do, Rainbow,” Pinkie Pie said. “I’m game.”

Rainbow Dash landed on the ground and scratched her hoof on the dirt. Danged Spell, Moondancer and Pinkie Pie lined up to the Pegasi, eager to take off.

“Let’s do it to it,” Rainbow Dash said.

To Be Continued in….

Part 42: The Warm Flame of Friendship.

Author's Note:

What I like about these despair moments is that the heroes are at a massive disadvantage, and the villains have a lot of morale backing them. These kinds of moments are what drives me to write stuff like this. It's what codifies villains as either a "Love to Hate" kind of foe, or an "Evil is Cool" bad guy.

But don't you worry. It's not over until the fat mare sings.

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