• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 18-3: The Children's Plight

The Children’s Plight

In the Grand Foyer, Sunset Shimmer and Abigail Albright lead Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Trixie, Ditzy Doo, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell, Golden Lace, Cozy Glow, Prince Hoofar and Ocellus through from the ballroom. Though the foyer was empty, it was also dark and dreary.

“Why are we running as fast as possible?” Trixie said. “They should be busy fighting each other.”

“I’m not taking any chances,” Sunset Shimmer said. “The moment one of the two sides overpower each other, they are going to come by and thwart our escape.”

“Sounds like words to live by,” Moondancer said. “Let’s hope we don’t have to run into either group.”

“Just as long as we exit through the castle entrance,” Sunset Shimmer said. “We should be alright.”

Sunset, Abigail and the other younglings run through the front gate, rushing through the archway and into the open night of Canterlot City. But suddenly, Sunset Shimmer came to a complete stop, causing the others to stop as well.

“Hey,” Danged Spell said. “What’s going on here? Why’d you stop, Sunset?”

Sunset Shimmer pointed right in front of her. Everyone looked to see an army of changelings and cultists standing firm at them with their magic charged up. The younglings all stood there defenseless while Abigail hissed at the crowd in front of them.

“Cultists,” Starlight said.

“Changelings,” Sunburst replied.

“Working together,” Starlight said.

“Bad news,” Sunburst replied.

“Enough with the talk,” Sunset yelled. “Back inside.”

Immediately, Sunset Shimmer turned tail and ran back inside as the others followed suit. The changelings and cult members followed the colts and fillies back into the Grand Foyer of the castle.

Inside, the younglings all made a hard left as they followed Sunset Shimmer down the hallway with changelings and cultists chasing after them.

“We need a way to distract those monsters from all of us,” Fluttershy yelled.

“Yeah,” Golden Lace said. “I know you’re familiar with the Windigo’s Guild, but I’m kinda new at this.”

Sunset turned her head towards her left side and said “Rainbow Dash. Spitfire. Could you two create a diversion?”

The two pegasi fillies salued Princess Sunset Shimmer as Spitfire said “Will do.”

Immediately, Rainbow Dash and Spitfire turned towards the group of changelings and windigos as they took off after them with blinding speed. They connected and rammed a number of changelings and cultists out of the way, knocking them to the ground. Some of the changelings and cultists went after Rainbow Dash and Spitfire while the rest continued their pursuit of the rest of the group.

“Sunset,” Danged Spell said. “Let me aid them.”

“No Spell,” Sunset said. “I need you in case of an emergency.”

But when Sunset looked away from Danged Spell, she and the rest of the group came to a stop. Princess Chrysalis II stood there with Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator directly behind her.

“Going somewhere, Princess Sunset Shimmer?” Princess Chrysalis II said.

“You’re not leaving these parts, you snake in the boot varmints,” Quickstrike said as he lashed his tail like a whip.

Sunset turned towards Danged Spell and said “Lead them away. I’ll handle the spoiled princess.”

“Right,” Danged Spell said. He turned towards the group and said “Come with me if you want to live.”

With that, Danged Spell ran to the right and down another hallway with the group following right behind them sans Sunset Shimmer and Abigail Albright. Princess Chrysalis II looked at the younglings running away before turning to the Predacon Brothers.

“Don’t let them get away,” Princess Chrysalis II said.

“At once, my princess,” Inferno said.

With that, Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator flew after the youngling group. Princess Chrysalis II stared down Sunset Shimmer and let out a few cackles.

“I’ve waited a long time to face one of the daughters of Princess Celestia,” Princess Chrysalis II said as Sunset stood her ground and Abigail hissed at her.

“What you’re going to face is a kick to the rear area,” Sunset said. “I may be Princess Celestia’s adopted daughter. But I’m not one who holds back.”

Oh please,” Princess Chrysalis II said. “You against me? You’re horribly outclassed.”

Sunset smirked before he charged up and fired a blast of magical energy at Princess Chrysalis II. It was enough to knock her down and cause her to tumble around the floor.

“Outclassed, am I?” Sunset said as Abigail growled at Chrysalis II. “I don’t think so.”

Princess Chrysalis II got up and glanced over at Sunset Shimmer with her teeth shown to her. She rubbed her hoof on the carpet and aimed her horn at Sunset Shimmer.

“I was going to go easy on you,” Chrysalis II said. “But since you decided to play dirty, I’m going to return the favor.”

Sunset Shimmer smiled and said “Bring it, jabroni.”

Meanwhile, the group of younglings continued down the hall as they were chased by the cultists and the changelings with the Predacon Brothers leading the pack. Danged Spell ran as hard as he could, leading the group through the halls of the castle.

“Are you sure you know your way through this grand palace?” Rarity asked.

“No, I’m afraid not,” Danged Spell said. “But I think the goal is to keep ahead of those monsters and to keep you all safe.”

“This has got to be our worst nightmare ever,” Ditzy Doo cried.

“Relax,” Trixie said. “We’ll get through this.”

As the group encountered a split hallway, a barrier of ice popped up from the middle, splitting the group into two. Danged Spell, Moondancer, Rarity, Applejack, Cozy Glow, Golden Lace, and Pinkie PIe ran towards the left side while Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Ditzy Doo, Trixie, Fluttershy, Prince Hoofar and Baby Ocellus ran towards the right side. The two groups looked at each other helplessly as the army of changelings and cultists edged closer to them.

“Looks like we have to go our separate ways,” Danged Spell said as he held his hoof towards Prince Hoofar. “Can you guide them to safety?”

“I will do just that,” Prince Hoofar said. “Keep yourself and your group safe.”

“Best of luck to you, Prince of Saddle of Arabia,” Danged Spell said as he bowed to Prince Hoofar.

With that, Danged Spell and Prince Hoofar lead their respective groups away from the wall of ice as the giant group of changelings and cultists split down the ice with Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator flying after Danged Spell’s group.

“Come,” Inferno said. “We’ll go after this group. The rest of our alliance will pursue the other.”

“Oooooh,” Waspinator said. “Like blasting maggots in a barrel. Waspinator like this plan.”

“Alright,” Quickstrike said as they flew towards Danged Spell’s group. “I can’t wait to bring them back to the boss.”

Danged Spell, Moondancer, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Golden Lace and Cozy Glow ran as fast as they could as the group of changelings and cultists began to catch up. Cozy Glow flew up to Danged Spell and tapped his shoulder.

“Spell,” Cozy Glow said. “I don’t know if we can keep ahead of these turkeys.”

“We have no choice,” Danged Spell said. “We need to keep ahead of those turkeys, or our goose is cooked.”

“Hey,” Pinkie Pie said. “If Fluttershy heard that, she would flip out.”

“My apologies,” Danged Spell replied. “But it was meant to be a warning to not get lazy.

As the group ran as fast as possible, Inferno, Quickstrike and Wapsinator flew in front of the younglings with their horns pointed at them.

“You’re finished, ponies,” Inferno yelled. “Surrender, or you shall burn.”

The group of younglings continued to run as fast as possible, much to the annoyment of the Predacons.

“Beat it you bugs,” Applejack yelled. “We don’t want your presence here.”

“Now that ain’t nice to talk to a real southern cowpoke around here you little rascal,” Quickstrike yelled.

“For your information,“ Rarity yelled as she kept her eye on Quickstrike. “You don’t even qualify to be a fake cow pony with that attitude of yours.”

“A fake cow pony?” Quickstrike said. “That’s some real sharp words you sour puss.”

Rarity came to a complete stop and her teeth began to clench again. Danged Spell and the others stopped to watch Rarity look up at Quickstrike and growled with anger.

“Oh no,” Pinkie Pie said. “Not again.”

“So a stupid word like sour puss is a trigger word for this little snowflake,” Quickstrike said as he charged up a shot at Rarity. “Here. Let me melt the ice for ya.”

But before he could fire, Rarity fired off a shot of magic right at Quickstrike, sending the changeling flying until he crashed rear-first into a wall.

“Quickstrike you fool,” Inferno yelled. “Never call the beast that word.”

“You darn right you don’t call me a sour puss,” Rarity yelled. “And that goes double for you insects.”

Waspinator flew up to Rarity, who looked really peeved at the unicorn filly. He breathed really hard and foamed at the mouth.

“No pony hurts Waspinator’s brother and gets away with it,” Waspinator snarled. “Waspinator will spank spoiled brat and teach her a lesson.”

“Do your worst,” Rarity said as Waspinator’s wings buzzed rapidly

Danged Spell and the others stood there as Rarity stared down Waspinator. Applejack and Pinkie Pie looked like they were about to approach the angry unicorn.

“No,” Danged Spell said. “It’s too risky.”

“Are you saying that the bug is going to squash us?” Pinkie Pie said.

“That’s exactly why,” Danged Spell replied. “I’m not going to get you hurt.”

“But what about Rarity?” Applejack said. “She could get hurt.”

An anxious Cozy Glow just got up and yelled “To Tatarus with this. I’m going to intervene.”

“Cozy, wait,” Danged Spell yelled.

But Cozy Glow ignored Danged Spell and flew off towards Rarity and Waspinator, who still stared at each other.

“Now pony bug,” Waspinator said. “Waspinator will prepare the punishment for pony bug.”

“You?” Rarity said. “After what I did to you early ago, you’re nothing.”

“Waspinator is great changeling,” Waspinator said. “Waspinator is invincible.”

Suddenly, Cozy Glow flew up to Waspinator and kicked the bug right in the face, sending him flying uncontrolled through the hallway.


With a loud crash, Waspinator crash landed into a corner of the hallway, groaning in pain. Cozy Glow flew down and reached out towards Rarity.

“Come on,” Cozy Glow said. “We gotta get out of here.”

“Alright,” Rarity said as she grabbed Cozy Glow’s arm. “But I’m disappointed that you stole my fun from me.”

“Your fun?” Cozy laughed. “Oh please. I’ve got issues bigger than yours, sister.”

Rarity and Cozy Glow ran up to the group, where Danged Spell just stood there tapping his hoof on the group.

“You both realize that we have our own pursuers just standing there waiting for us to run while we mess around just for some silly filler for the reader,” Pinkie Pie said.

“Pinkie,” Danged Spell said. “Leave the fourth wall alone and let’s jet.”

“Oh. Right,” Pinkie Pie said.

Danged Spell grabbed Pinkie Pie, Cozy Glow and Rarity and ran off with Applejack, Moondancer and Golden Lace following from behind. Inferno looked down at the younglings as Quickstrike got himself unstuck from the wall and Waspinator limped down the pathway. They fly up to Inferno, whose eye on the younglings remains fixed

“Brothers,” Inferno said. “Pursue those brats. I’ll go after the other set.”

“You got it, big brother,” Quickstrike said as he grabbed Waspinator and flew off in pursuit of the group of younglings with the rest of the changeling and windigo crowd going after them.

“If we can’t get one group,” Inferno said as he turned tail. “Then another group will do fine for the royalty.”

With that, Inferno flew off in the opposite direction in hopes of catching up with the other crew.

Down the empty hallway, Danged Spell let his group through as the changelings and windigos were back in pursuit.

“This is something I don't get,” Moondancer yelled. “Why exactly did they stop when we stopped?”

“I think I can answer that,” Applejack said as she looked up at Quickstrike and Waspinator. “Those changelings in front that are following us are the ones who lead the pack.”

“Figures they have a leader to control what to do,” Golden Lace said. “Though something about them has a taste of incompetence.”

“That’s way too honest,” Applejack said. “Even for my mouth.”

As the group ran as fast as possible, Quickstrike and Waspinator flew up to the front and landed right in front of the younglings, causing them to stop again. The changelings and cultists stopped as well, blocking the path of the colt and fillies from going back the other way.

“Trapped like rats,” Danged Spell said. “Not even my wolf’s breath curse can get us through.”

“Oh you ain’t getting out of here you sickly coyote,” Quickstrike said. “We’re gonna wrangle you varmints and present you to our queen.”

“Waspinator likes wrangling,” Waspinator said. “Waspinator once wrangled a herd of cows in one go.”

“Ahh quit showing off and wrangle those pests, brother,” Quickstrike yelled.

“Oh, right,” Waspinator said.

With that, Waspinator approached Danged Spell, Moondancer, Applejack, Rarity, Cozy Glow, Golden Lace and Pinkie Pie. The group of younglings held together in one pack while right behind them, the changelings and cultists walked up behind them, inching closer to the group.

“Can’t believe those goonies got the best of us,” Moondancer said.

“So where’s Princess Celestia when you need her the most?” Rarity asked.

“I’ll take anything,” Golden Lace said. “I don’t care who saves us. I want out of this nightmare.”

“That makes two of us,” Cozy Glow said as Waspinator inched closer to her.

“Waspinator will teach cutie bug a lesson for treating Waspinator like a football,” Waspinator said.

Suddenly, an aura of magic surrounded Waspinator and lifted him into the air. The green changeling began to freak out as he shook her arms and legs in desperation.

“Who’s lifting Waspinator,” Waspinator said as he struggled to pull himself away. “Waspinator is not a marionette without strings. Waspinator is…”

But before Waspinator could finish speaking, he is suddenly crushed into the shape of a ball before being flicked downwards. The changelings and cultists tried to back off, only to be hit by Waspinator and knocked to the side.

“Hey,” Quickstrike yelled. “Who did that?”

Pinkie Pie, Cozy Glow and Applejack looked at Danged Spell, Golden Lace, Moondancer and Rarity, who’s horns were cold.

“Wasn’t us,” Danged Spell said.

“So who is responsible for that assistance?” Applejack asked.

“I think that guy is responsible,” Golden Lace said as she pointed down the hallway.

Danged Spell, Golden Lace, Moondancer, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Cozy Glow looked down the hallway to see the figure of a colt walking towards the group. Quickstrike looked down and his eyes began to twitch.

“Okay, stranger,” Quickstrike said. “Who the heck are ya, and what did you do to my brother?”

The figure emerged from the darkness to reveal himself to be…

“Prince Blueblood?” Danged Spell, Moondancer, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Golden Lace and Cozy Glow said.

“Him?” Rarity said with her jaw wide open.

Prince Blueblood stared down Quickstrike with his eyes fixated on the Predcaon. Quickstrike took a few steps forward as he hissed at the colt prince.

“Okay you tin-horned idjit,” Quickstrike said. “You think that’s funny to mess with my brother? I’m going to teach you a lesson you won’t forget.”

Quickstrike transformed into a giant scorpion and started lashing out at Prince Blueblood. The young prince dodged the stinger of Quickstrike’s scorpion form as he fired back at the predacon.

“Oh,” Quickstrike said as he lashed out at Blueblood. “You think you’re so cute with those moves? You think you’re so special?”

“Oh I’m not special,” Prince Blueblood said, dodging the tail stinger of scorpion Quickstrike. “You on the other hoof, you remind me of who I once was.”

“Well ain’t that cute?” Quickstrike said. “BUT IT’S WRONG!”

Quickstrike raised his scorpion stinger tail high into the air. Prince Blueblood stood there, waiting for the moment to strike.

“Okay tin horns,” Quickstrike said. “Time to squeal.”

Suddenly, Quickstrike yelled out in pain. He looked down and saw Danged Spell, whose eyes glowed bright, had bitten into one of his legs.

“YOU SNEAKY POLECAT,” Quickstrike yelled as he struggled to shake Danged Spell off his leg. “GET OFF MY LEG YOU RATTLESNAKE!”

Prince Blueblood looked at scorpion Quickstrike and smirked before firing off a blast of magic. The spell connects to Quickstrike’s face, causing him to flying from the floor, all while Danged Spell lets go of Quickstrike’s leg and barks wildly at him.

“YOU BACKSTABBING, NO GOOD, VULTURE!” Quickstrike yelled as his scorpion form crashed into the group of changelings and cult members, even landing right on top of Waspinator.

As the changelings and cult members struggled to get out from under scorpion Quickstrike, Danged Spell continued to bark wildly at the group before Prince Blueblood walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder, causing the clown of a colt to snap out of his trance.

“That’s enough,” Prince Blueblood said. “I think we taught them a lesson for now.”

“So now what do we do?” Danged Spell asked.

“Come with me,” Prince Blueblood said as he turned tail. “I’m getting you all out of here.”

Prince Blueblood ran off in the opposite direction with Danged Spell, Moondancer, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Golden Lace and Cozy Glow following right behind him.

“I don’t believe it,” Rarity said, confused. “After what he did to us, Prince Blueblood is helping us?”

“This is starting to confuse me as well,” Moondancer replied.

Meanwhile, in another hall, Prince Hoofar and Baby Ocellus lead Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst ,Ditzy Doo, Trixie and Fluttershy down another hallway with their group of changelings and cultists pursuing them.

“These bugs and ice cold ponies don’t know when to quit,” Trixie yelled.

“They’re going to catch up,” Ditzy Doo yelled.

“Stay calm,” Prince Hoofar said. We’ll find a way to evade the invaders.”

The youngling group made a run around the nearby corner as the swarm of changelings and cultists ran towards them. Down the corner, the swarm of changelings and cultists ran down in hopes of catching up to the youngling group.

But hidden in a nearby doorway, Prince Hoofar stuck his head out to see the swarm run far down the hall without noticing them.

“The coast is clear,” Prince Hoofar said. “Come this way. And be quiet about it.”

Prince Hoofar and Baby Ocellus slowly made their way out the door and back up the same hallway they ran down early ago. Right behind them, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Ditzy Doo, Trixie and Fluttershy followed from behind.

“This is a very risky move,” Starlight said as she looked behind her. “Who knows if those goons will figure us out and chase us back this way.”

“We’ve got no other choice, Starlight,” Sunburst said. “If we don’t find a way out of the castle, someone will try to look for us and fall into a trap by the changelings and the Windigo’s Guild.”

“But I’m feeling really nervous here,” Starlight said. “Have you ever had the feeling that you were being watched?”

"We all do," Trixie said. "Between the Windigo's Guild that we thought was in the past with the disaster at the fair, and now the changelings, we are all on high alert."

"I just hope that all future events aren't canceled because of those meanies," Ditzy Doo said.

"They won't," Sunburst said. "Equestria is too proud of its culture to abandon everything out of pure fear."

As the group continued down the hallway, Fluttershy's ears began to twitch. Her eyes gaze down a nearby hallway of the castle.

"Guys," Fluttershy said. "I think I hear the sound of animals crying."

"Wait," Trixie said. "In this castle?"

"I think it was the same animals that Fluttershy was obsessed with," Starlight said, causing Fluttershy to blush with embarrassment.

"Then it sounds like they may need our help," Baby Ocellus said. "If I know my former queen, she can use those cocoons to turn any being into a changeling version of its former self."

"What do you all say?" Prince Hoofar said. "Should we rescue those animals?"

Fluttershy raised her hoof in the air and said "I may have been careless with those animals. But as Celestia as my witness, I will never let them become changelings."

Prince Hoofar let out a small chuckle and said “Very well then. Lead the way.”

Immediately, Fluttershy took off down the hallway with Starlight, Sunburst, Ditzy Doo, Trixie, Baby Ocellus and Prince Hoofar following from behind.

In another room, a number of animals from the garden, from a toucan to a kangaroo, and even some bunnies and raccoons were glued down to the floor as a small group of changelings surrounded them. A set of cocoons were right next to them, sealed up with what appears to be various animals in a suspended state. Nearby, a door opens a bit and Fluttershy takes a peak in, with her face becoming frightened by the presence of the animals.

“Oh no,” Fluttershy said. “The changelings got their hooves on the animals.”

“Let me see,” Trixie said as she squeezed her head below Fluttershy and took a peak in.

Inside, one of the raccoons was grabbed by a changeling drone and ripped off from the changeling goop that held him down to the floor. The changelings threw the raccoon into one of the many cocoons nearby and sealed it away by hacking up more goop to cover the opening.

“What exactly are they doing?” Trixie said as she couldn’t take her eyes off.

“Those cocoons aren’t just a prison pod,” Baby Ocellus said. “They’re used to assimilate any and all creatures into a changeling-variation of their former selves.”

“A what?” Trixie asked.

“Watch and observe,” Baby Ocellus said as she pointed to another cocoon pod.

Inside the pod, another raccoon that appeared to be completely black with holes all around its limbs stood perfectly still in status. Two of the changelings approached the pod, opened their mouths and sunk their teeth into the exterior of the cocoon’s shell. With one tug, the cocoon pod came open as the now changelified raccoon pours out of the cocoon, covered in a sticky liquid. The raccoon got up and looked at itself, horrified by the transformation.

At the doorway, Trixie’s jaw dropped down in horror as Fluttershy became enraged. Prince Hoofar had stuck his head out, seeing the raccoon after it had transformed into a changeling variation, with Baby Ocellus frowning at the scene.

“This is what happens to every creature that gets thrown into those...cocoons?” Trixie said.

“Yes,” Ocellus said as Starlight, Sunburst and Ditzy Doo poked their head through the door. “In Queen Chrysalis’s mind, she wants everyone to be more like her, even if their former self was not a pony.”

“So many of the changelings used to be...ponies?” Starlight said as she began to cower a bit behind the door.

“I don’t have all the details,” Baby Ocelus said. “But yes. And there are a few non-pony changelings in our hive.”

“The big question is,” Prince Hoofar said as he stuck his head in. “What should be done about the changeling cocoon?”

Fluttershy stomped her hoof on the floor. She stepped out of the doorway, much to the shock of her friends.

“Fluttershy,” Starlight said. “What are you doing?”

But Fluttershy ignored Starlight’s plea as she marched down towards the changelings, who were unaware of her presence.

“Fluttershy,” Sunburst said. “Come back here.”

But before Sunburst could run after her, Prince Hoofar held his arm up to stop the younger colt.

“As foolish as it is to do what she’s doing,” Prince Hoofar said. “Stopping her is even more foolish.”

“Why do you say that?” Sunburst asked.

“A pony who is connected to the animals,” Prince Hoofar said. “Is a far more dangerous pony. Even one who is a filly or a colt.”

“Now why would you say that?” Starlight asked in an outraged tone.

“That’s easy,” Prince Hoofar said as he rolled up his sleeve and showed a bite mark on his upper arm. “I made that mistake once back in Saddle Arabia by accident.”

Fluttershy marched towards the changeling group, who were still unaware of the filly’s presence. She tapped on the shoulder of one of the changelings, causing him to turn his head towards Fluttershy.

“What in the?” The changeling said.

“No pony pushes those animals around,” Fluttershy yelled. “NO PONY!”

But before any of the changelings could react, Fluttershy grabbed one of them by the tail with her teeth and flew up near the ceiling. She spun 'em around and around before letting the insect go, sending him flying right into his comrades and knocking them to the ground.

“Now,” Prince Hoofar said. “Let’s give her some assistance.”

Prince Hoofar and Baby Ocellus lead Starlight, Sunburst, Ditzy Doo and Trixie through the room. The changelings were about to get up when they saw the youngling group approach them.

“What in the name of our queen?” One of the changelings said.

“It’s the escapees,” the other said.

But before they could move an inch, Starlight and Trixie blasted them out of the way with their magic, sending them rolling to the side.

“Quick,” another changeling said. “Contact the queen.”

Another changeling gave out a salute and was about to take off. But before he could run, he noticed Ditzy Doo approaching him.

“Hah,” That changeling laughed. “This one is no match for us.”

But as Ditzy Doo ran towards the changeling, she tripped and spun into a barrel roll, barrelling down towards the changeling in question.

“I spoke too soon,” the changeling said as he leaped into the air and began to fly off.

Ditzy Doo continued to roll down the room uncontrollably. She bumped into a nearby table and went flying upwards, still curled up into a ball. With a great amount of speed, she crashed into the flying changeling, sending the pest falling towards the ground. Ditzy landed nearby, uncurled onto her tummy and looked dazed.

“That was way past cool,” Ditzy said as her head spun around.

Trixie ran up to Ditzy Doo and rubbed the filly’s forehead rapidly, causing the filly to snap out of her trance.

“You okay?” Trixie asked.

“I’m fine,” Ditzy Doo replied. “Thanks.”

As Trixie got Ditzy Doo on her four legs, Prince Hoofar and Baby Ocelus along with Starlight, Sunburst and Fluttershy chased out the changelings as they trashed the cocoons and released the animals from inside. A couple of the bunnies looked up to Fluttershy, who only stared down at the critters with a feeling of remorse.

“Little ones,” Fluttershy said. “I know chasing you early ago was wrong, and I should have known better. But seeing those changelings turn you into one of them was a bridge too far. I didn’t want to see you suffer and that’s why I chose to help you out. I know you don’t trust me, and you don’t have to. It’s up to you if you wish to trust me or not.”

Fluttershy nodded to the animals and walked back towards her friends. Prince Hoofar approached Fluttershy and placed his hoof on her shoulder.

“Though your initial approach was reckless,” Prince Hoofar said. “You at least showed some courage to stand up for those animals and drive off the changelings. We’re all proud of you.”

“Thanks,” Fluttershy said with a sigh of relief. “It’s just that…”

But before Fluttershy could speak, Prince Hoofar put his hoof on Fluttershy’s nose and said “Seeing any animal get harmed is what causes you to lose it? I know how that feels. It’s something I’m not proud of, even though what I did was an accident.”

“Oh dear,” Fluttershy said. “I didn’t know.”

Starlight ran up to Fluttershy and Prince Hoofar and said “Well I think now may be the time to make a run for it before more changelings and the windigo meanies show up.”

“Point taken,” Fluttershy and Hoofar said.

With a kick into the air, Prince Hoofar and Fluttershy ran off towards the nearby doorway with Baby Ocellus, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Ditzy Doo and Trixie following right behind them. The animals, now freed from their captivity, noticed the younglings running through the doorway. Without a second thought, they ran after the group, hoping to get away from their nightmare.

But as soon as they were gone without a trace, Inferno flew in through the opposite door, and noticed the cocoons were trashed, the animals were missing and not a single changeling was in sight.

“Blast it,” Inferno said. “All of our hard work to convert all into loyal changelings have been sabotaged. But it doesn't matter. We will recapture the ponies and their animal friends, and convert them to our loyal changeling servants. And we will deal with the traitor Ocellus.”

Inferno stood tall as he breathed out fire from his mouth. He looked down towards an open door as his eyes shined brightly.

“Just you wait, you sniveling ponies,” Inferno said. “I will recapture you and make you pay for your determination to survive. No one outwits our Queen and gets away with it. For the glory of the royalty,”

With that, Inferno flew into the air and out the doorway, looking for the younglings and the animals that went with them.

To Be Continued in…

The Children’s Fight.

Author's Note:

For the next few parts, we will focus on the two teams as they are being pursued by the Changelings and Windigo's Cultists(Especially Inferno, Waspinator and Quickstrike). The reason is to at least flesh out the characters a bit more as they struggle through the Changeling invasion.

Oh? How many of you saw Prince Blueblood aiding one of the teams coming? It was something to change from the FiM counterpart.

Anyway, only 11 parts remain.

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