• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 13-2: Banking on friendship

Banking on Friendship

“You had your chance, Princess Celestia!”

Those words came from an extremely agitated Silver Banks. He stood there, staring closely at Princess Celestia, who swallowed hard. Gold Banks pondered back and forth as she took a swiping glance at the elder alicorn. Nearby, Princess Luna and Chancellor Cinch waited patiently as the Banks blocked their view.

“If I do recall,” Princess Celestia said. “It was you who required that I have your daughter join us on the trip to Mount Aris.”

“And you put her in danger thanks to those filthy hippogriffs,” Gold Banks said as she nodded her head in disagreement. “Not to mention rumors of the Storm King attacking that place.”

“I beg to differ,” Chancellor Cinch said. “None of us knew that the Storm King was going to attack Mount Aris. So you can’t hold her accountable.”

“SILENCE!” Silver Banks yelled at Cinch. “You will not speak back to me or my wife. Do you understand?”

Chancellor Cinch let out a sigh and reluctantly said “As you wish.”

Gold Banks placed a parchment paper on Celestia’s desk as the alicorn looked down at it.

“What exactly is this?” Princess Celestia asked.

“Your termination,” Gold Banks said. “You will announce at the Canterlot Square that you will be permanently closing down the School for Gifted Unicorns and will force every student to return to their family. In addition, you will announce your resignation and banishment from Canterlot, and your surrender of all three of your children to the Banks. That includes your eldest daughter Princess Cadance.”

“What?” Princess Celestia yelled.

“If you fail to do just that,” Gold Banks said. “I will plaster a propaganda piece across all of Equestria, accusing you, Princess Luna and Chancellor Cinch of a conspiracy to misplace every pony across Equestria with filthy creatures like Hippogriffs, Dragons, or even simple monkeys like your daughter.”

“Do we make ourselves clear?” Silver Banks yelled. “Those are your terms of surrender. And you will sign them unless you wish to be made a pariah.”

Princess Celestia swallowed hard as she looked down at the paper. She turned to Princess Luna and Chancellor Cinch, who both signaled to the elder alicorn.

“It’s not worth it,” Princess Luna said. “We’ll find another way.”

“I’m sorry,” Princess Celestia said. “I can’t.”

Gold Banks turned to Princess Luna and Chancellor Cinch and laughed as she said “Don’t you see? You’re nothing more than puppets to the real king and queen of Equestria. And as long as we have an iron grip on the Equestrian Political system, then there is nothing you can do about it.”

Princess Celestia let out a sigh as she dipped a feather pen into a bottle of ink and lifted it out.

“MOM! DAD! STOP NOW!” Everyone turned their heads to see Golden Lace outside the doorway, seething in anger. Right next to her, Starlight hid her face behind the door frame with Pinkie Pie wrapping her arm around Starlight’s torso.

“Golden Lace,” Princess Celestia said.

“My precious daughter,” Gold Banks said. “You’re just in time to witness the end of Princess Celestia’s rule. Why should we stop now when we’re doing this for you?”

“Because it’s not right,” Golden Lace said. “I only agreed to this field trip because it made me feel better about not attending the trip to La Maresa. But what I learned on that field trip was that I was too selfish for my own good.”

“Goodness gracious,” Gold Banks said. “Don’t tell me you’re becoming a snowflake too? After all, we've cared for you since you were born on this planet.”

“No,” Golden Lace said. “I was only an asset to you. In fact, I imitated you just so you would be proud of me. I came by to stop you because I realized how important this school is to me. After overhearing about what you were going to do with Princess Celestia, I’m not only disgusted with you, I’m more disgusted that I went along with you.”

“How dare you speak back to your parents that way, young lady,” Silver Banks said. “You’re asking to be grounded with that tongue.”

“Do what you want,” Golden Lace said. “I’m standing my ground.”

“Then maybe you wish to share your fate with your principal?” Gold Banks said. “After all, she yelled at you because of your mistreatment of a certain guest.”

“And I deserved it,” Golden Lace said. “In fact, I would sooner be yelled at by Princess Celestia one thousand times over than to watch you tear her life and her daughter’s lives away.”

“Lace,” Celestia said. “You don’t have to do this.”

“I’m afraid I have to,” Golden Lace said. “I’ve been a bully since I attended school in Manehattan. I did that to make my own parents proud. Not anymore.”

“Now you see here young lady,” Silver Banks said. “You either stand down with these shenanigans, or…”

“Or what?” Golden Lace said. “Are you going to make me a pariah with Princess Celestia? An outcast? A wanted criminal? Do it, anyway. I’ll be happy to take that role and make you wish you never did that.”

Silver Banks puffed out steam out of his nose as he grabbed the parchment and rolled it up. He raised it into the air as Golden Lace closed her eyes and stood there.

“Wait,” Gold Banks said. “I’m afraid she’s right. The last thing we need is to cause a civil war in Equestria.”

“Come on, honey,” Silver Banks said. “What am I going to do with this?”

“Tear it up,” Gold Banks said. “It’s no use if we cause chaos on the level of Queen Eternia and Queen Icelina.”

Reluctantly, Silver Banks tore up the parchment and threw the pieces into the air. Gold Banks’ smile turned into a frown as she faced Princess Celestia.

“You won this round, Princess,” Gold Banks said. “But you better watch yourself. Next false move you make, and you’re gone. Are we perfectly clear?”

“Yes,” Princess Celestia said. “We’re clear.”

“Good,” Gold Banks said. “Now will you excuse me? I wish to teach my daughter a lesson that’s far harsher than what you taught her.”

Gold and Silver Banks walked out of the room as Starlight Glimmer and Pinkie Pie moved to the side. Golden Lace looked at Princess Celestia and saw a tear fall from the alicorn’s eye.

“I don’t have any regrets with what I said,” Golden Lace said. “I may end up being grounded for my actions. But I’m proud of what I did.”

“I know,” Princess Celestia said as she cracked a smile. “And I’m proud of how you changed for the better.”

“I’m just hoping that I do stay this way,” Golden Lace said. “And by the way, Starlight Glimmer wished to see you. She’s outside.”

With that, Golden Lace walked out the doorway as Princess Celestia wiped the tear from her face. She got up and walked to see Starlight peek her head from the frame.

“Come on in, Starlight,” Celestia said with a sweet voice.

Starlight walked on in as Princess Luna and Chancellor Cinch got up. Starlight hid her right flank with her tail as Pinkie Pie walked up behind the filly.

“So Starlight,” Celestia said. “I was told you have this problem.”

But before Starlight could answer, Princess Luna stepped forward.

“I believe I know what’s troubling her,” Princess Luna said. “She has what I call a Nightmare Mark.”

“Nightmare Mark?” Starlight said.

“Yes,” Princess Luna said. “When a filly or colt with a blank flank has doubts on his or herself, they will develop a Nightmare Mark, an Anti-Cutie Mark to be precise. For a thousand years, I have helped younglings shed their Nightmare Mark and earn their Cutie Mark, which represents their true self.”

“So,” Starlight said. “This isn’t my true self?”

“It is not,” Princess Luna said. “It represents the fear, uncertainty and sorrow that forms in the minds of younglings. But as I said, by conquering that fear and uncertainty, you will be free from your Nightmare Mark.”

“That’s the first that I’ve heard of that,” Pinkie Pie said. “A Nightmare Mark.”

“And I do recall helping your mother Cloudy Quartz when she had her Nightmare Mark,” Princess Luna said.

“I once had a Nightmare Mark of my own, young lady,” Chancellor Cinch said. “It involved losing my sister long ago, and the fear that I would share her fate.”

“So,” Starlight said. “If I conquered my fear, does that mean I can get my Cutie Mark for real?”

“Yes,” Princess Celestia said. “You will.”

“And I believe I can help Starlight conquer her fear and get her Cutie Mark,” Princess Luna said. She approached Starlight and said “I believe you wish to be rid of this Nightmare Mark, is that correct?”

“That’s right, Miss Woona,” Starlight said. “I don’t want this stain to be on my flank anymore.”

Princess Luna giggled as she said “Then let’s get to a place where I can help out.”

But as Princess Luna took a step forward, Wanda Young walked in and approached Princess Celestia. Right next to the Man’s Cub was little Abigail.

“Mommy,” Wanda said. “I just saw the Banks walk out with Golden Lace right behind them. What happened?”

“I believe I owe Golden Lace for her act of gratitude,” Princess Celestia said as she got out of her chair and walked up to Wanda. “She took my side and was able to prevent the Banks from shutting down this school and taking you and your sisters away from me. I’m sorry I had to worry you.”

Wanda’s eyes became watery, and yet a smile formed on her face. She jumped up to Princess Celestia and gave her a big hug. Princess Luna, Chancellor Cinch, Starlight Glimmer, Pinkie Pie and Abigail watched on as Wanda embraced her adopted mother.

“Wow,” Pinkie Pie said as her eyes watered up. “These are the kind of moments that make me want to...to.”

And with that, Pinkie Pie cried so loud that tears formed from her eyes like twin waterfalls. One of them splashed on top of Abigail, causing the kitten to meow loudly at Pinkie Pie.

As Wanda continued to embrace Celestia, she felt a tap on the shoulder. Wanda turned around and saw Chancellor Cinch hovering over her.

“I have a request for you, young lady,” Cinch said. “It’s about your friend.”

“Starlight?” Wanda said.

“Princess Luna had assigned herself to help out Starlight Glimmer and her Nightmare Mark. I was wondering if you could help her with that.”

Wanda looked up at Princess Celestia, who nodded back at the human youngling.

“I may consider extra credit for you if you help her get a cutie mark,” Princess Celestia said.

Wanda leaped out of Celestia’s arms and jumped down on her two feet before bowing down to Chancellor Cinch.

“I’ll do it,” Wanda said. “I’ll help out Starlight Glimmer in any way possible.”

“At ease, Man’s Cub,” Chancellor Cinch laughed as Wanda raised her head. “You may have the grace of a lady. But right now, it will take a lot more than grace to help your friend out.”

“She’s right,” Princess Luna said as Starlight Glimmer walked towards her side. “This is going to take the both of us to help Starlight get her real cutie mark. To help reinvigorate the spark within her. Are you ready?”

Wanda ran up to Princess Luna and said “I’m ready. Even if I end up being the only one of the group without a cutie mark, I’ll do this for Starlight, Aunt Woona.”

“That’s the spirit,” Princess Luna said. “Now come. We have work to do.”

Abigail jumped onto Wanda’s shoulder as the Man’s Cub followed Princess Luna and Starlight Glimmer out the door, with Pinkie Pie watching from within.

“To replace a Nightmare Mark with a real Cutie Mark,” Pinkie Pie said. “This sounds really exciting.”

“Hey Pinkie Pie,” Wanda said as she stuck her head out from behind the door frame. “You want to help provide some comfort for Starlight?”

“Coming,” Pinkie Pie yelled as she ran out the door after Wanda.

As Pinkie Pie and Wanda disappeared through the doorway, Princess Celestia and Abacus Cinch stood there as the light of the sun shined through the office.

“Those kids have come a long way since they attended their first day at school,” Princess Celestia said.

“Not to mention that with each passing day,” Chancellor Cinch said. “I gain a newfound respect for your adopted daughter. And far less for the morons in the Senate.”

“Tell me about it,” Princess Celestia said as she hung her head. “Even after all I’ve been through, she along with Sunset Shimmer and Princess Cadance continue to give me the hope I need to get through the day.”

“With that being said,” Chancellor Cinch said. “I do worry for the daughter of Gold and Silver Banks. Especially after all she did for you.”

“On the one hoof, it was a surprise to see her come to my defense,” Princess Celestia said. “On the other hoof, I dread to think about what will happen to her.”

“How dare you besmirch us in front of our servant!” Those words came from Silver Banks in the Banks Mansion across Canterlot City. Golden Lace stood down her father as Gold Banks paced back and forth, staring at her daughter.

“For your information, father,” Golden Lace said. “She’s the princess of Equestria, and she’s been around for more than a thousand years.”

“Do I look like I care about that detail?” Silver Banks yelled. “What matters is that you ruined a good chance at banishing Princess Celestia without causing a scene. Now we have to wait till she screws up again.”

“I am deeply disappointed in you,” Gold Banks said. “After all, your goal as our daughter is to show every peasant child in Equestria who’s the boss. Including the daughters of Princess Celestia. What you just demonstrated was the total opposite.”

“That was the old me,” Golden Lace protested. “I used to think that way. Never again.”

Gold Banks let out a sigh as she walked up to her daughter and said “Then you leave me no choice.”

“Ground me all you want,” Golden Lace said. “I won’t change back for you at all.”

“Oh you are mistaken,” Gold Banks said. “I have a different punishment in mind for your defiance.”

In an instant, Golden Lace is thrown out of the mansion as she lands on her belly. She turned around and saw both Silver and Gold Banks standing in the doorway, staring down their daughter in shame.

“Until you learn your lesson that friendship is nothing more than a disgusting conspiracy,” Gold Banks said. “You will have to live like a street rat for as long as possible.”

“Good night, daughter,” Silver Banks said as he and Gold Banks shut the front door and locked it tight.

Golden Lace got up on her two legs and dusted herself off. She planted her front hooves on the pavement before looking back at the mansion.

“Well,” Golden Lace said. “That was unexpected. At least I don’t have to put up with those two for a long time.”

Golden Lace looked forward and ran off in the distance, running as far as possible away from the Banks Mansion.

Later that day, Golden Lace was waltzing through the streets of Canterlot, minding her own business as ponies gathered around. The smell of various foods got to her nose. But she kept to herself as she looked up at the sky.

“You know,” Golden Lace said to herself. “I never observed what the commoners do on their time off. Mother and Father always told me that they’re nothing more than a bunch of slackers who don’t deserve anything. But it seems they’re more than just that.”

As Golden Lace walked through, she heard a growl beneath her belly. She got on her two legs and saw her tummy rumbling.

“Guess I haven’t had any lunch yet,” Golden Lace said as she pulled out a purse from her mane. “At least my parents didn’t take my wallet away.”

Golden Lace opened her purse. Inside were a good amount of gold bits shining in her face.

“Only enough for a few days of food,” Golden Lace said. “But what would sound good?”

Golden Lace looked around the city, eyeing many stands full of scrumptious food. She turned to her right and saw an ice cream parlor nearby.

“Oh right,” Golden Lace said as she walked up to the ice cream parlor. “I’m a sucker for ice cream. Maybe I can have one milk shake before I press on with my day.”

Inside, Golden Lace walked through the doorway and eyed an empty parlor seat. She walked on over and climbed to the top of the seat. The cashier turned his attention towards Golden Lace with a warm smile.

“Lace,” the cashier said. “Didn’t expect you to be without your parents.”

“Well let’s just say I needed a break from them,” Golden Lace said.

“No argument there,” the cashier replied. “So what can I get ya?”

“I’ll take your world famous chocolate milkshake,” Golden Lace said.

“No problem,” the cashier said. “That will be two bits.”

Golden Lace pulled out her purse and opened it. But before she could dig into her purse, a pinkish gray filly pegasus with a pale, light grayish arctic blue and light arctic bluish gray curly mane, and a chess piece cutie mark, placed two bits on the counter.

“That’s on me,” the filly pegasus.

“Cozy Glow,” the cashier said as he accepted the bits and began to mix up the milkshake. “Didn’t expect you to pay the tab for someone else.”

“Well when it comes to Equestria these days,” Cozy Glow said. “We fillies have to stick together.”

“Err, thanks, I guess,” Golden Lace said.

“Don’t mention it,” Cozy Glow said as she took a sip of her milkshake.

The cashier finished up the chocolate milkshake before he slid it down to Golden Lace. The golden filly took a sip of the milkshake as she looked at Cozy Glow.

“So,” Cozy Glow said. “Friendship problems I take it.”

“More like family problems,” Golden Lace replied. “They want me to be a nasty and wicked as possible. And not long ago, I used to enjoy it. When I changed my ways, they threw me out as punishment.”

“Some punishment,” Cozy Glow said. “Especially when your own folks forgot to take your own money away.”

“Yeah,” Golden Lace laughed as she took a sip of her milkshake. “I know. They may be mean spirited. But they’re not that bright.”

“This is why we have to stick together,” Cozy Glow said. “Much like your new friends.”

“My new friends?” Golden Lace said, surprised by Cozy Glow’s choice of words.

“Word came out that you gave up being a bully towards your fellow co-students from the School for Gifted Unicorns,” Cozy Glow said. “Why the change of heart?”

“Well it’s true,” Golden Lace said. “I changed because of my field trip to Mount Aris, and to what Queen Novo told me about. How I don’t need to live in the shadows of my parents and to basically be my own pony. So far, I think I might be off to a good start.”

“I think that might be saying a lot,” Cozy Glow replied.

“Well,” Golden Lace said. “Considering that my own parents were foolish enough not to lock me in my own room, I’d say that was a big mistake.”

“And you should prove to them how foolish they were,” Cozy Glow replied. “Be a closer friend to your classmates. If they chose to accept you as one of their own, then accept it. I bet you have a much stronger heart than your own folks realize.”

“You really think so?” Golden Lace asked as she took a sip of milkshake.

“Golly yes,” Cozy Glow replied as she reached her arm out towards Golden Lace.

Lace smiled as she touched her hoof towards Cozy Glow’s hoof and said “I think this might be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”

The two fillies laughed as they enjoyed their milkshake inside the ice cream parlor.

Meanwhile, back at the field within the School for Gifted Unicorns, Starlight Glimmer and Wanda were talking with Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell and Spike as Princess Luna, Abigail and Pinkie Pie watched on.

“Are you really sure you don’t need our help?” Twilight asked.

“I’m sure of it,” Starlight replied. “If it means getting my cutie mark, then I’m all up for it.”

“Starlight,” Sunburst said as he and Starlight gave each other a hug. “I hope whatever cutie mark you get, it makes you feel proud of yourself.”

“Oh I will, old friend,” Starlight said as she and Sunburst let go. “I will.”

Sunset walked up to Wanda as Twilight, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell and Spike began to walk off.

“Are you really sure you don’t need my help?” Sunset said. “I’m here for you if you don’t know what to do.”

“I got this,” Wanda said. “Besides, as long as Aunt Woona is with me, I think this might be a piece of cake.”

“Well,” Sunset said. “Best of luck to you, sis.”

“Thanks,” Wanda said as she stuck her tongue out.. “Cuz I’ll definitely need it.”

Sunset Shimmer and Wanda Young waved good-bye to each other as the sun filly ran off towards Twilight, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell and Spike. Wanda turned around as she and Starlight ran up to Princess Luna, Abigail and Pinkie PIe.

“Are you ready for your lesson, Starlight?” Princess Luna asked.

“I’m ready, Princess,” Starlight said as she bowed to Princess Luna.

“At ease with the courtesy,” Princess Luna giggled as Starlight looked up. “You can just address me as Luna.”

“Oh right,” Starlight said as she blushed. “Luna.”

“Anyway, Princess Luna said as she cleared her throat. “It’s time we talked about conquering your Nightmare Mark.”

Starlight Glimmer looked down at her Equal sign on her hip, and her mood went down south. She turned to Princess Luna and said “Oh yeah. It’s because of this disgusting thing.”

“At first,” Princess Luna said. “I thought your Nightmare Mark was tied to your own fear of being the only pony in the group without a cutie mark. That you desired one so badly, it just showed up in the wrong way possible.”

“Is that so?” Starlight asked.

“Not exactly,” Princess Luna said. “After taking a closer glance at your cutie mark, I know exactly what it means.”

“Oooh,” Pinkie Pie said. “Does it mean that you fear someone close to you might feel left out?”

Wanda, Starlight and Princess Luna stared at Pinkie Pie with an awkward look on their faces.

“That is….correct,” Princess Luna said. “But I wanted to give some detail about her Nightmare Mark to Starlight.”

“Oops, sorry,” Pinkie Pie said embarrassingly as she zipped her lips up.

Princess Luna turned to Starlight and said “What Pinkie Pie said is true. You don’t just fear being the only pony without a cutie mark. You also fear that you will be with another without a cutie mark.”

“What do you mean by that?” Starlight asked.

“I believe your close friend can answer that,” Princess Luna replied as she took a few steps aside for Wanda to walk towards the timid filly.

“Starlight,” Wanda said. “We’ve been friends since we both passed our entrance exam. But while you look forward to your cutie mark like the rest of our friends, I’m the only one who can’t get a cutie mark.”

“Oh no,” Starlight said. “I forgot about that.”

“And it’s because of who I am,” Wanda said. “I’m not a pony, nor am I of your world. As a result, I cannot get a cutie mark at all. But just because I don’t have a cutie mark doesn’t mean we won’t be friends anymore.”

“So that’s what this Nightmare Mark means,” Starlight said. “It’s because I want all of us to be equal together, even those who are different from the rest of us.”

“That is correct,” Princess Luna said. “Wanda may not be from this world. But she’s as special as the rest of us.”

“Yeah,” Pinkie Pie said. “It doesn’t matter if they are pony, dragon, kitty, griffon, hippogriff, yak, or even a human. They’re still that special kind of friend that will be by your side till the end of time.”

“Guess that’s something I have to keep learning from here on out,” Starlight said as she blushed.

“With that out of the way,” Princess Luna said as she took a few steps towards Starlight Glimmer. “There is one last question I must ask. What is it that you like?”

Starlight rubbed her temple and said “You know, that’s a good question. I rarely think about that kind of thing.”

Wanda’s eyes brightened up as she said “I think I know what you like. You enjoy casting magic from your horn.”

“Magic?” Starlight asked.

“Yeah,” Wanda said. “Not long ago before our first field trip, you showed me how to light up the sky using your own magic. As a result, I learned how to craft something with my own spells.”

“Oh I remember,” Starlight said as her eyes brightened up. “Since you couldn’t stand the pressure of a Sonic Rainboom, I decided to create an imitation that you can look at. And since then, you figured out how to create something of your own after you saw my spell.”

Wanda held out her hand in a cup shape as a small orb of magic formed on it.

“The one thing I like about this spell,” Wanda said. “It doesn’t exhaust me like most of my uses of magic do.”

Wanda wound up and tossed the orb of magic into the air. The moment it reached a peak of thirty feet, it exploded into stardust particles of various colors. Starlight and Pinkie Pie looked up and were awed by the lights.

“Wow,” Pinkie Pie said. “I didn’t know you could do that.”

“Like I said,” Wanda replied. “It’s one of the few spells I have that doesn’t wear me out. I often use this just to put some smiles on my friend’s faces.”

“It was a simple spell that my sister taught her,” Princess Luna said as she walked next to Wanda. “Wanda often exhausts herself when using magic. Low-powered spells help out since it allows Wanda to be used to using magic.”

Starlight looked up as the magical stardust sprinkled all over her. She giggled as the cosmic dust brushed up around her fur. Then her eyes lid up as she looked at the small bits of magic on her arm.

“That gives me an idea,” Starlight said. “What if I could create something amazing with this magic?”

“Something amazing, I take it?” Luna asked.

“Yeah,” Starlight said. “And I think I might have an idea on what I want to create with magic. But I’ve got to look at one of the books at Twilight’s house for some guidance.”

“Well then,” Luna said. “Why don’t we head over to Twilight’s house to see if we have your answer.”

“That sounds like a great idea,” Pinkie Pie said. “Maybe I could help Twilight Velvet with baking some delicious cupcakes.”

Starlight giggled as Luna said “No Pinkie you silly. We’re only going there to find some reading material to help Starlight out.”

“Well maybe once Starlight earns her real cutie mark,” Pinkie Pie replied as she stood on her two legs. “Then maybe I could bake the biggest cake to celebrate. Won’t that be something?”

Starlight Glimmer cheered as Princess Luna and Pinkie Pie began to walk towards the open gate leading out of the school. Wanda and Abigail stood behind for a bit, watching as the trio walked off in the distance.

“Must be really good to have friends, Abigail,” Wanda said. She glanced over at Pinkie Pie’s cutie mark and said “But it will feel sad to be the only one who will never get a cutie mark.”

Abigail looked up at Wanda and let out a faint meow. Wanda reached down and gave Abigail a rub on her hair.

“I know, Abby,” Wanda said. “But I know it will work out for Starlight Glimmer. She wants a real cutie mark that badly, and I want to at least make her happy.”

As Wanda and Abigail were about to take off, the man’s cub noticed something glowing on her shoulder. A faint image appeared directly on the flat surface of her upper arm, glowing brightly.

“What is that?” Wanda said.

But before she could say anything, the faint image and the bright light disappeared.

“That was rather odd,” Wanda said, as she stared at her shoulder.

“Wanda,” Luna yelled. “We’re heading over to Starlight’s place.”

“I’m coming, Aunt Woona,” Wanda said as she picked up Abigail and ran after Princess Luna, Starlight Glimmer and Pinkie Pie.

To Be Continued in....

The Magic of a friend

Author's Note:

So as of now, Cozy Glow will be apart of the ensemble cast. Unlike her Friendship is Magic counterpart, she is now in the same age group as Wanda and the rest of the fillies and colts. But what else is there about this new take on a FiM villain?

Also, noticed something with Wanda? What could it be? You'll find out at the end of this arc.

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