• Published 10th May 2022
  • 1,546 Views, 55 Comments

Crystal Prison - HeirofHades

Dusk Shine the top student of CPA struggles to understand the value of Friendship. Cinch forces him to compete in the upcoming Friendship games against CHS. Now he must work with those he labeled him an outcast to achieve victory.

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What is Friendship?

What is friendship? The classic definition is a mutual non-romantic attraction based on trust and support between two or more people. If romantic feels do blossom then they’re more than simple friends. There’s levels of friendships such as coworkers and or associates where you simply know the person due to being in the same environment for an extended period. You may know the basic details of the person such as their name, age and probably their birthday and relationship status. However, you care little for their hopes, dreams, aspirations along with their fears and traegies. Why? Simply, you have no emotional investment in their personal lives or indifference as it doesn't impact you in any way. Although that’s the mystery of friendship as social creatures. We desire companionship. This primordial desire compared with mutual cooperation and intelligence allows humans to be the dominant species. Friendship is a bizarre concept. Groups of unique people where on the surface would never interact with each other creating deep everlasting bonds going from parent to child to grandchild. Even nations and families uphold ancient alliances for centuries. That’s the magic of friendship.

A beautiful, wonderful trap. Friends are your greatest enemies. They know everything about you. Your hopes, dreams, strengths and weaknesses. That makes them the perfect enemy. Why? The unseen blade is the deadliest. How many times in history and stories have someone been betrayed by those they called friends? Fortunately, the days of cloaked assassins hiding bloody daggers are long gone. Now, it requires more guile and finesse. Sabotage, foul rumors, espionage, under the table deals and finding a sycophant here and there. It’s fascinatingly disturbing at how people would sacrifice their self-respect and free will to appease someone that views them as less than worthless. Nevertheless, those were tools of the rich and powerful. An overlooked tool is networking. The mere association of an influential group or institution propels one’s career to staggering heights. That’s where Crystal Prep Academy comes in as one of the most elite schools in Equestria. Many desired for their children to be accepted and more so enrolled here. Business people, lawyers, scientists, engineers are found and created here at Crystal Prep. A single semester guarantees a student easy passage to other schools if they choose to transfer. That’s what happens to a number of students throughout the decades to the century of Crystal Prep. They cracked under the pressure. This is an elite school for a reason operating at least one grade level higher than the average school curriculum. Fortunately, there were no major...incidents for decades. They can’t risk their precious reputation. That’s what all the beloved Principal Cinch cares about. She pushed CPA to new heights. Her benefactors and various alumni donated and provided several services to the students. Field trips, scholarships, internships and even jobs. However, they aren’t guaranteed. Some of them are reserved for the best of the best students at CPA. There’s still the best among the best. This person is simply known as the Top student. CPA could’ve given them a fancy title. But, that would’ve been bragging. Furthermore, the Top student can change. Dusk Shine held the title of Top student for two to three years since he arrived at Crystal Prep Academy with pride and disdain. There’s one rule that he follows.

There’s no such thing as friends in Crystal Prep,” Dusk Shine reminded himself. He saved his work and turned off his monitor. He raised his glasses to rub his exhausted violet eyes. “Man, I’ve been at that lab report for too long but it’s done,” Dusk Shine replied as he stood up from his chair to stretch and walk around for a bit. Sitting for too long is harmful to your health. The lab report wasn’t due for at least another two weeks but it’s good to be early. Laboratory work has always been a pleasure for him. It’s a satisfying feeling when all your testing and hypothesis comes to life. He felt like a detective just without the all murder, death and dark secrets. Dusk paced to the white mini-fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. The illuminated room can be described as an organized chaos of a makeshift lab with papers, chalkboards and electronics that he’s been tinkering around with. He wiped his mouth as the beverage trickled down his orchid neck. His dull eyes scanned the room. It wasn’t much as it was a converted janitor's closet yet this room was his safe havens in Crystal Prep. That’s one of the benefits of being the Top student. He asked then he received. Shame that Discord had to relocate. A strange but unique fellow. Dusk Shine smiled at the small dog bed near his desk. His beloved canine companion, Spike who was fast asleep. Dusk Shine wasn’t the cliche academic loner who hated everyone that wasn’t as smart as him. That’s boring. He loved his family and had a life outside of school. The top student opened his bag and reached for his lunch. Three. Two. One. He opened as the steam was released from it’s release. Sweet three cheese lasagna.

Spike was right by his pant leg with a wagging tail. “You know you’re a glutton right?” He acknowledged his friend. Spike barked. Dusk Shine opened one of his desk drawers. A bag of doggy treats. Spike circled around him putting his front paws on his leg in excitement. “Here you go buddy,” Dusk Shine tossed a few treats to him before sitting back down. He ate while reading a fantasy book written by his all time favorite author. Starswirl the Bearded. Dusk Shine peeked at his wall clock. He should be in class but thanks to being the Top student. He’s allowed to skip classes. Besides, his classmates cared little for his presence anyways except when they wanted answers. Dusk Shine scoffed at how he naively gave them answers in the past. What an idiot I was. He thought to himself. Some of them were upper classmates. He chuckled at the fallout when he told Dean Cadence. Those upper classmates were punished, mocked and ridiculed by the board and their fellow students. How pathetic do you have to be? You’re forcing another student. A younger one in fact, to do your work for you and get a higher grade than what you ever could. His eyes flashed blue for a moment in sadistic glee at what happened to them. Cinch and various other teachers cross referenced their assignments over the years at Crystal Prep. They discovered similar trends. Cinch and other officials gave them several options after lengthy negotiation. Redo their work before graduation. Repeat a semester or summer school. Forgoing breaks and holidays for remedial classes. The accused party were furious at the options for reasons. Some had only a few months to complete years worth of assignments. They risk losing scholarships and opportunities. Also arbitrary reasons like family vacations. Cinch told them a simple phrase if they didn’t adhere to the demands. Get out. That silenced their slimy tongues. To be expelled from CPA is an irremovable stain on one’s reputation. It’s extraordinarily rare for that to occur due to the litany of programs and methods offered. Suspension and/or probation is the more preferred method as it offers redemption. Expulsion at Crystal Prep means you’re beyond redemption. There’s a literal handful of expulsion enacted in the school’s entire history. Their names are listed in the school’s archives with the last one being over twenty to thirty years ago when Cinch was a student. This group now risks everything with their names immortally blacklisted. They obeyed her demands. Some of them got back on track. Others weren’t as fortunate. Dusk Shine rubbed Spike’s ears trying to take his mind off that event. They don’t matter anymore. Now he charges a fee for tutoring and answers or they do it themselves. Doesn’t matter to him. The less he interacts with some of his schoolmates the better. His smartphone buzzed. Who’s texting him at this hour? It’s a text from Sunny Flare. Great.

Where are you? You’re supposed to be in class.” Sunny Flare declared. Dusk Shine didn’t know why she cared so much about him and his attendance. Their relationship is strange to say the least. He took the title of Top student from her. It was an easy assumption since her mother is the principal afterall. Although, Sunny Flare may be grateful since that takes pressure off of her. Now she’s like his assistant. Partner?

“I’m allowed to take breaks. Besides, I already finished that chapter,” Dusk Shine replied to her. Spike gazed at his master while munching a chew toy. It’s rather disturbing since chew toys were designed to mimic the death wails of small animals. “Didn’t know you missed my friendly aura”

Sweetie, it’s my job to make sure you remain the Top student at Crystal Prep,” Sunny Flare answered. She calls anyone that annoys her dearie. However, Sunny Flare uses a slightly different tone when it’s him and calls him Sweetie. Was it disdain/sarcasm or her attempts at being flirtatious. He shrugged at either option. Then again, it won’t surprise if Cinch put her daughter up in an attempt on being his girlfriend. The two would be an absolute power couple. However, Dusk Shine already has enough bullshit to deal with regarding the rest of the student body. He didn’t rumors about him shacking up with the principal's daughter. What was she, a bastard child sent as a gift to strengthen her family's power and influence? “Cinch wanted to discuss something with you” She continued in a hesitant manner. This wasn’t like her to be nervous.

“Will Dusk Shine please report to the Principal’s office? Will Dusk Shine please report to the Principal’s office?” A voice on the intercom replayed the message. He looked up at the device in his ceiling and sighed.

“I got to go,” Dusk Shine whispered to his friend while rubbing the top of his lavender head. He stepped to the door. “Stay quiet until I get back okay buddy?” Spike nodded as he went back to sleep. Dusk Shine sighed as he put on his blank mask once again. He dusted any dog hairs off his pristine uniform and straightened his black tie. Cinch is allergic to dog hair. Yeah that doesn’t yell villain at all. Dusk Shine opened the gate of his paradise and walked into the hallway of his hell. His private room was on the second and her office was on the top floor. The bell rang a few moments ago. Fan-fucking-tansic. That’s more people he didn’t want to deal with. His amethyst eyes locked on a class when Fleur de Lis closed the window shade while glaring at him. He snarled. Well, fuck you to you pasty pseudo plastic model turned future prostitute. Enjoy being a before picture. His inner ranted before his expression turned neutral. He continued his journey before stopping at a trophy case. His trophy case while there were other awards but it was mainly his accomplishments. Dusk Shine’s fingers tenderly touched the glass. He got the highest score on every test shattering records in the school’s history. A melancholic chuckle escaped his lips. Anyone would be happy in his situation. Rank,prestige with the means of a long and successful career upon graduation. He wasn’t happy. It was eating your favorite food or everyday was your birthday or christmas. Everything became dull and boring. Dusk Shine's former academic enthusiasm eroded in the last year or two. He completed the curriculum. There’s nothing more for him at Crystal Prep.

Better get going nerd. You don’t want to disappoint our beloved principal Cinch would you?” His reflection mocked with a cruel smirk staring back at him. He didn't know why he imagined himself as some type of fallen angel in ancient legends. This entity of his own mental creation looked down at him with his obsidian wings spread in a boast manner baring his fangs. His uniform is a savage mess almost risque like he belonged in an adult material. Their glazes locked. This Dark Shine gestured his head to the side. “Time to get going,” Dusk Shine nodded, resuming his path. Their glares stabbed him as he walked down the hallway. Dusk Shine slid his hands into his slacks as he motioned his body across the sea of malignant magenta. So many times they bumped into him as if he didn’t exist. “What a total doormat you were. Now you somewhat gain a spine. Not much but it’s an improvement,” Dark Shine taunted while Dusk glanced at the jogging soccer team with one of them glaring at him. The fuck is his problem. Oh right.

CPA operates under Darwin’s concept of Survival of the Fittest. You adapt, overcome, survive and thrive or fail and die. There’s two main methods of getting enrolled in Crystal Prep. One can take the entrance exam which is the most common method granted if you can pay the hefty tuition. Another is via recruiting by showing skill in athletics, academics and extracurricular activities allowing them a scholarship if they maintain their GPA. This allows lower income students a manner of prestige therefore in theory forcing the other students to improve their skills. That’s where he came in. Principal Cinch recruited him and some of his acquaintances at his old school decathlon impressing her with his math and science skills. Dusk Shine even took the entrance exam and passed with flying colours. However, he wasn’t some middle class nobody. His ears picked up on harsh hushed voices as they scowl at him as he climbed up the s. Dusk Shine was a social elite just like the majority of the students. They despised him for that. If he was a middle plebeian who was simply smarter than them. That was one thing. To know that he was just like them and was the Top student. He can’t imagine how sore their pride is. Oh he could but they don’t matter to him enough to care. These children of prominent families and people were deemed average and quaint before him. He’s envied and hated with a massive target on his back. Their only saving grace was their family’s current influence and business. Well if they don’t crash into the ground believing they can touch the sun that is. They couldn’t harm or bully him as he’s equal to them socially and that Cinch doesn’t want anything to happen to her number one student. She will not allow it. Their families can’t imagine the backlash they’ll face from the Principal and the public if they do.

Breaking News: Several students at the elite Crystal Preparatory Academy bullies the innocent top student.

Each of their faces broadcasted on the local channels and social media while their parents refracted any blame leaving them to deal with the consequences themselves. Their reputation tarnished. Instead, they settled on making him an outcast. Sour glares, bumping into him as if he never existed, hushed voices filled with pity envy and avoiding him as much as they could. The only time most of the other students interact with him is tutoring and knowing the due dates for various assignments.

“Maybe if those semi-inbred silver spooned brown nosers spent a fraction of the time hating you. They won’t need you to boost their grades up so their parents can take them to one of their vacation homes. At least you’re getting paid instead of doing it for free like the dumbass you were years ago,” Dark Shine muttered as Dusk Shine hollowly observed his fellow schoolmates who casually chatted amongst themselves with smiles on their faces. Is it wrong that he still wanted to interact with them? You know? Inside jokes, memorable moments and actually having fun at school. He did have friends here before. Not anymore. Perhaps, Crystal prep isn’t for people like him anymore.

“I know there’s more to life than just this,” Dusk Shine told himself in a rare moment of optimism as he climbed the stairs. “I just know it” Things will get better. Right?

Dusk Shine stood before the heavy doors of the ruler of this institution with a blue bench on each side. He gave himself a final checkup before entering. Always look presentable. That’s one of his core principles. Another perk is uniform customization as long as it fits within the dress code of course. His customizations weren’t outlandish. He wore his magenta sweater vest with a light blue long sleeve shirt and grey cuffs that extended to the middle of his forearm holding his star emblem on his shoulder. This emblem or Cutie Mark is the pride for all students.

“Oh there you are, Dusk Shine,” A familiar serene voice called out from the stairs as their heels clicked on the steps.

“Hello, Dean Cadence,” Dusk Shine greeted with a smile. She was a gorgeous slender woman with cerise skin and silky violet hair with streaks of rose and gold. Mi Amore Cadenza or Cadence as preferred held a special place in his heart making her one of the few people he genuinely admired at Crystal Prep. No, he didn’t have a crush on her. Okay maybe a little bit when he was younger but she was his babysitter so that barely counts. Plus, she married Shining Armor, his older brother. Also that Cadence had a baby around two years ago which further complicates things.

In summary, that’s a hard no for him,chief. Cadence had enough love letters to create a census. Yet, she fell in love with his dork of a brother. What does he know? Dusk Shine has never truly fallen in love before besides a few fleeing crushes here and there and moments of attraction. He won’t deny that his school had some gorgeous and incredible women that he didn't mind dating or improving their relationship. However, given his current reputation and climate of the school. Dating can wait. Plus, he didn’t need Cadence to go full-blown shipper on him. She loves love. If Cadence didn’t take Cinch’s job offer, she’ll be a top tier matchmaker. Dusk Shine went to a nearby mirror to analyze if his hair is appropriate for this meeting. CPA has a dress code allowing a few liberties for the student but only it applies to the uniform. A student's hairstyle and if they want ear piercings. That’s their business. Dusk Shine’s hair was another thing on people’s lips especially for the female students. His sapphire hair with a single streak of violet and rose was silky, vibrant and shone whenever the sunlight hit it. He kept his hair in a messy bun at school or a ponytail while in the lab. Otherwise it reaches to the upper or middle of his back. However, there’s another problem.

Let’s do an equation or formula. You take Dusk Shine’s reserved and distant demeanour. Factor in his academic accomplishments. Multiple it by his lithe body and effeminate appearance with thick rimmed glasses and messy bun. Divide by his wealthy background. The result should be a: Sexy librarian. It’s getting super annoying people thinking that he was a girl. Unfortunately, that didn’t stop some guys claiming that it made it better. Maybe he should cut his hair or something. But what style should he choose?

Man, what a drag,” Dusk Shine groaned, readjusting his tie as he checked his hair.

“Everything is a drag to you, Dusk Shine,” Dean Cadence strolled towards his side with a faint smile on her face before a slight frown appeared. He used to be so happy. She remembered how excited he was coming to school with an eager smile on his face. Now, Cadence is lucky to get a small grin from him. Dusk Shine still smiles but not at Crystal Prep. Not anymore. Hell, they haven’t heard him sing in ages. He had a lovely voice. “Are you ready,” She asked. He nodded as everything was in order. Cadence knocked on the intimidating doors.

Enter,” Principal Cinch’s deep voice called to them. The pair entered her shadowy office with two overhead lights illuminating the area.. It was wide and foreboding, better suited for a business executive. Numerous awards such as trophies, certificates, plaques and medals ordained the walls of the room with some having their own shelves. These were some of CPA’s best achievements especially under her rule. Some of it were his, Cadence, Shining Armor and hers from what he’s able to view. Cadence gestured to the lone chair located at the simple yet elegant mahogany desk with a large leather throne with gold accents behind it as the back faced him. The design reminds him of the eye of Sauron. His steps echoed before sitting down as his violet eyes glanced at a small metallic rectangular depicting ‘Principal’ on a gold plaque. “Welcome, Dusk Shine. Glad that you could make it,” She swirled her chair around revealing herself like a 90s supervillain or evil businessperson as her pearl earrings swinged. Extra points for the hands clasped over each other. His face remained neutral.

“Thank you, Principal Cinch,” Dusk Shine replied as she smiled. He didn’t like it one bit. There’s no denying that Cinch was a stunning woman albeit in a stern and authoritative manner. She’s old enough to his mother, maybe a bit older. It added to her appeal along with being a highly accomplished individual. Furthermore, she’s single. Dusk Shine doesn’t know whether he died or they were divorced. Her half-circle glasses emphasized her intense greyish fuchsia eyes. He subtly rubbed his hands in his lap. The door closed behind him. Dusk Shine turned his head. A well built adult man with alabaster skin and triple toned blue hair reaching the nape of his neck. He wore a professional grey shirt and black tie under a purple sweater with a blue shield with a purple star that matches his own on the right breast, dark blue slacks and grey dress shoes. The man smiled and waved at him. “Shining Armor, what are you doing here,” Dusk Shine raised a brow at his older brother. Cadence stepped forward.

“As alumni, Principal Cinch believed that he’ll provide a unique perspective on the current matter at hand,” She explained while he made lovely dovely at her.

“On what exactly,” Dusk Shine questioned. He knew but he didn’t care.

“Why the Friendship games, of course,” Principal Cinch interjected as she stood up showing off her navy fitted suit with diamond shaped buttons. “You completed in the games did you not Shining Armor and remind me of the outcome,” She ordered, putting her finely manicured hands on the desk as she leaned forward. His eyes widened with a quiet blush as she called out to him. Dusk Shine rolled his eyes at him. Stay focused, Shining. His brother cleared his throat and placed his hands behind his back.
“I did and we won,” Shining Armor smirked in pride as he folded his arms, chuckling a bit. “We always win,” He and Cadence shared a look. They competed together. The Crystal Princess and her paladin.

“Exactly. We always win,” Cinch repeated as she paced around her desk before stopping at a trophy shelf.

“Is that why you wanted to see me,” Dusk Shine calculated. Cinch grabbed a first placed trophy and cleaned it with a handkerchief. She smiled at her reflection.

“Precisely. Although, I’ll be honest, Dusk. It doesn’t matter if Crystal Prep wins or loses. The important thing is that we’re expected to win,” Cinch persisted, looking at him before delicately putting the trophy down. “We have a reputation or in better terms a standard to keep” She went to him while he remained seated giving a clear view of her rugged jawline.. “It’s that reputation. My reputation,” Principal Cinch placed a hand on her chest. His body heated up as he clenched his jaw. My reputation is. My reputation that. Is that all you fucking care about?! “Is the reason for everything we have here. Everything you’ve done.” She cracked a smile placing a hand on his shoulder. It was comforting yet made him feel slimy. “And you’ve done quite a lot,” Cinch purred, making his throat dry.

“I think I made my mark,” Dusk Shine muttered as her hand was still on his shoulder. He pushed his glasses up.

“Don’t be so modest,” Principal Cinch said before she sat back down at her desk maintaining her grin. “You’re the best student Crystal Prep has ever seen,” She exclaimed. Dusk Shine was a phenomenal student as he even broke some of her records. Genius like that doesn’t come often. She snatched him as soon as possible during the recruitment period. What made it better that he was of solid foundation. Dusk Shine had the natural talent along with sheer discipline of rigorous studying. Him being on the spectrum was irrelevant. Dusk Shine is a true genius. The succulent cherry on the top was his lineage. Both parents produced upstanding and outstanding children as themselves were well established citizens. Shining Armor was the youngest police captain in the city’s history. Dusk Shine is the longest running top student at Crystal Prep. Her contracts told her that this particular family has quality offspring for generations. She missed her chance at Night Light because Twilight Velvet got to him first. This is where her darling daughter, Sunny Flare comes in. However, that plan is still a bit early. “However, I don’t understand why my best student won’t want to compete,” Cinch frowned as she rolled a number two pencil on her desk.

“In the friendship game, Ma’am,” Dusk Shine questioned and pushed his glasses up again. Shining Armor stepped forward with his hands out.

“Look Shiny, I know that people and these types of events aren’t your thing,” He gently spoke to his brother, attempting to convince him to at least consider the option. “Representing the school is a big deal. Plus, they could really use your help,” He smiled. Of course, they only needed him to save their sorry asses. “Maybe this can be your chance to make some friends. It certainly helped me,” Both Cadence and Shining Armor blushed. Dusk Shine blankly stared at his brother as he pointed to his opened mouth and made a puking sound.

“Come on dude, it’ll be fun. A trophy with your picture in the news. Maybe a pretty girl here and there,” He attempted to sweeten the deal. “Girls like a hero,”

“That’s kinda sexist but whatever,” Dusk Shine retorted at his poor negotiation methods. It’ll take a lot more than attractive females to persuade him. Cinch cleared her throat to gather their attention.

“Canterlot high is undergoing a Renaissance,” She acknowledged retrieving a sheet of paper from her desk. “ Test scores, grades, even athletics are on the rise,” Her hand adjusted her glasses as she read off the list. What does that matter? They could’ve simply improved their curriculum. All schools do it. “They’ve started to develop a ‘reputation’,” She mocked at the word. And there it is. “This. Must not. Happen,” Her glare intensified. Dusk Shine took a calming breath before answering.

“Principal Cinch, I don’t believe I can participate. My research takes-” He started his explanation.

“Ah, yes, your work. Would you kindly retrieve my contact sheet for the Everton independent study project Cadance and Shining Armor,” Principal Cinch requested with a silvery tone. Dusk Shine’s spine shivered.

“Of course, Principal Cinch,” Cadence obeyed as Shining Armor opened the door for her. Please, don’t leave. Dusk Shine thought to himself. He turned to Cinch as they gave him one last look from before closing the door. His teenage heart sank to his stomach as he drummed his fingers on to his knees. “I understand you applied,” She whispered, savouring his fear and submissiveness. His face may be calm and collected. However, you don’t run one of the best schools by looking things at face value. Cinch pulled out a portfolio and read it’s contents. “One of the many benefits of a solid reputation is a measure of influence on such things,” She rested it on her desk. It had his name on it. “So,” Her voice got lower. “Let’s offer you a deal,” His neck hairs stood on end as he stared at the portfolio. “In return contributing to the games with your agile mind. I’ll use my influence to make your application a guarantee,” She slid it forward tempting him to grab it. His fingers twitched, wanting to take it and run. That’s why he wanted to get out of here. He’s so sick of it all. There’s nothing left for him here “Or I can have it denied,” Cinch pulled it back to her with a cruel smirk. The pit in his stomach expanded as his eyes widened. She wouldn’t, right?! What is he thinking? He totally would. He’s already a shoe-in for the program with his mathematical and technological skills. Her words can make it happen just a bit smoother. Cinch paced around her desk and sat down in front of him , crossing her smooth legs. “So what do you think I should do?” Her fingers lifted his chin ensuring that their gazes were locked. Please stop touching me. “Well, Dusk Shine,” She said patiently, giving him time for his answer.

“Okay,” Dusk Shine admitted with closed eyes. “I’ll do it,” His violet eyes were filled with purpose. She smiled. Properly obedient with a dash of backbone. Just how she likes them.

“Excellent. I knew you would see reason,” Cinch purred, rubbing his cheek in approval. He groaned under his breath. She went back to her seat. “We have some time before the games. I know that Canterlot high are doing preliminaries,” She continued to smile as she rummaged through her desk. Crystal Prep has preliminaries albeit in a different way. They have the talent show side of it but those are for the specialists. The students are monitored and evaluated on various factors throughout the school year. Grades, athletics, personalities, team comprehension and handy skills for the current Friendship games. This allows everyone to have a chance but Cinch has the final say.

“Do we have a team or people you have in mind,” Dusk remarked as he fumbled with his hands. Several files and a dark purple box with a bold stylized S in the middle were placed on the desk.

“I do,” Cinch surveyed some of the files. “You may recognize some of them,” She showed him some of the photos. He did as some were his classmates. His eyes narrowed at one of the students. Oh fuck it’s her. “Some of these are the potential A-team that’ll lead to success in the second round after demolishing Canterlot high in the first,” Her eyes perked up at him. “That should be no issue with you here. The B-team is more of a challenge. I have two in mind” The majority of his team would be female being seven in total. Some males can balance it out.

“I know some people,” Dusk Shine revealed after thinking for a moment. “I’ll have to do some research to double check if we want the best possible team,” Cinch nodded. His predictions are notably accurate. She didn’t need the best as she already did that. All she wanted was competent for the second half of the team.

“I expected nothing less but first,” Cinch declared as she turned the box to herself. Her finger entered the code for the box. CLICK! It opened. “Dusk Shine, would you kindly stand up,” He did what he was told. She stood as she strutted towards him with a Shadowbolt pin in her hands. “Congratulations. You have been selected to represent Crystal Prep Academy. Show them that you have skills and means as expected for Crystal Prep,” Cinch rephrased in a formal tone as she got in close to attach the emblem on his vest. Her perfume tickled his nose. “Be silent as a shadow with a might of a thunderbolt,” She concluded putting her hands behind her back.

“Thank you, Principal Cinch,” Dusk Shine duly replied as the bell rang. It’s almost time for the school day to end.

“I’ll write you a note,” Cinch brought up. He waited as she wrote on a piece of paper before stamping it with her seal. She handed it to him as another hand was on his back as they walked to the door. “Run along now. I’ll see you tomorrow morning in your report,” A few tiny rubs on his back before he left the room.

Dusk Shine walked down the stairs with her touch crawling on her back. The hallways were vacant. Perfect. He pulled out his phone and inserted his earbuds into his ears. Dusk Shine found his music and played a Sapphire Shores album on low volume. He needed to calm down for a bit. His melodious voice hummed in the hallways as he strolled down the pathway. No teachers, no classmates, no glares or just judgement. He can finally have some time to enjoy himself. “Oh, Dusk Shine,” A sickly sweet voice called out to him. “Where the hell were you? We have to get to homeroom” He frowned as it immediately shifted to sour.

For fuck sakes this chick!” Dark Shine grumbled at the owner of the voice. Dusk Shine turned to the owner of the voice with a blank stare already annoyed by her presence.
“I have a note Sour Sweet. Didn’t hear the announcements,” Dusk Shine mentioned to her. Sour Sweet was a cute girl...on the surface. However, she had a nasty tendency of swapping between personalities. Hence her name. “Besides, why do you care about where I am and what I do,” She marched towards him with a scowl and hands on her hips.

“I don’t so hurry up,” Sour Sweet barked as he rolled his eyes at her as he turned around. His room was right down the hallway. She watched him close the door behind with a glare before it swapped to a sad frown. “Why the fuck do I keep doing?!” Sour Sweet berated herself as she covered her face with one of her hands. She doesn’t like doing that to him yet just can’t stop. “He has enough shit to deal with already but nooooooooo I keep adding to the pile with my shitty mood swings” She breathed but quickly regained herself when the door reopened. “Took you long enough,”

“Yeah, yeah, keep your ponytail on,” He blankly replied as they walked to class together while a cold yet respectfully distance from each other. Sour Sweet shot a few glances his way while he ignored her while his music still played. Pity really as they used to be friends. When people ask what happened. Drifted apart is the preferred answer. She’s a high tier athlete in archery while he was the top student. Also, Sour Sweet didn’t need his help when it comes to studying. Her indigo eyes found a pamphlet for Friendship games as they passed one of the bulletin boards. Maybe that’ll give her a chance to really talk to him and hopefully to make amends. It’s a longshot but what other chance will she get.

They found their class and went to their respective seats. He was in the front row while she was behind him. Their class wasn’t that big with barely above twenty students.

“I take it Principal Cinch wanted to talk to you about the Friendship games,”Sunny Flare acknowledged the pin on his vest. Not surprising since it’s him after all.

“Yeah, we’re figuring out the rest of the team,” Dusk Shine answered as he wrote down in his notebook. “I’m just the first official one,” He twirled the pen in his hand. “Do you know who can fit in?” She leans over to see what he has written. Her eyes widened as her name was on the list. They weren’t friends but were acquaintances. There’s no bad blood between them at least not anymore. Cinch insisted that they were in the same classes together and that Sunny Flare sits next or close to him. Sunny Flare was annoyed by this as he took the title of Top student from her. Now, she has a polite respect for Dusk Shine. He did for her as he trusted her to be on the Shadowbolts.

“How about Trenderhoof?” Sunny Flare considered as she moved her desk to be closer.

“Him,” Dusk Shine muttered. There’s nothing wrong with Trenderhoof as he’s one of the few people on neutral to slightly friendly terms with. However, Trenderhoof isn’t known for his academic skills. His family travels a lot so he has a lot of exposure to forgien cultures. Also he’s a bit of Casanova as he’s attempting to flirt with Suri Polomare. He wasn’t a bad looking dude but a couple landmarks short of a map. “He could help with history,” Dusk Shine considered as he wrote that down. The two continued to discuss as Sour Sweet narrowed her eyes with a pout.

“You know an easy solution to your mood swing problem is a good therapist right,” Sugarcoat rattled off not even looking up from her calculus book. “Why would anyone talk to someone whose mood is a coin flip,”

“No shit,” Sour Sweet growled despite it being the brutal truth. Man she could go for a smoothie right now. Sweeten Sour better take hers from the fridge or she’s shoving those drumsticks up her nose. She shook her head. They have a game to win and she needs to be ready.

“So, Shiny, what’s the verdict on friendship games,” Shining Armor asked while he and Cadence strolled to the parking lot ready to go home.

“I accepted her offer,” Dusk Shine remarked as the pin refracted light from the afternoon sun. Not like I could’ve refused. His brother smiled, wrapping an arm around his purple neck.

“See, I told you that this will be a good experience for you,” Shining Armor replied in glee. “So what did it for you,”

“Cinch said that it’ll make my application to Everton stand out,” Dusk Shine responded despite wanting to tell them the truth. Cinch’s reputation and influence runs deep.

“I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that Dusk Shine,” Cadence informed by putting a gentle hand on his shoulder. Her touch was warm and comforting. He trusts her. “Are you sure that’s what you really want?” Her crystal heart emblem shined too. She trusts Dusk Shine’s decision making but his emphasis on getting into Everton worried her. Shining Armor too. Cadence is aware of his social outcast status but she’s the dean and was his babysitter. There’s only so much she could do without it being labeled as nepotism. However, going into an independent study and working on expert projects alone at his age can’t be healthy for his development.

“Why won’t it be? I’m focusing my time and energy on my own advanced math and science projects,” Dusk Shine giving a rare grin. Other students were waiting for their rides or had afterschool activities. “It’s a dream come true,” The adults shared a worrying glance.

“But there aren’t any classrooms with other students,” Cadence brought up as Spike rummaged in his bag. “You’ll be doing everything yourself,”

“How’s that any different from what I usually do,” Dusk Shine questioned as he gestured to a group of whispering students pointing at him. “At least I won’t be dealing with them and getting paid,” He scratches Spike’s ears. “Plus, it’s an independent study program. Not like anyone is going to miss me when I’m gone,” Dusk Shine shrugged, pushing his glasses up him. The second sentence raised sirens in their ears. ‘Not like anyone is going to miss me when I’m gone’ Was that figuratively or literally?! They stopped in front of him

“We just don’t want you to miss out on everything like prom, school events, parties while you’re stuck in the lab doing work. That’s all,” Cadence insisted to him. Good grief, they look like parents wanting their introverted son to have a social life. She smiled. “Being around people isn’t a bad thing,” They resumed walking. “It’s how we learn about ourselves,” Shining Armor unlocked the sedan door.

“I tried that. At least I learned how not to be a spineless weakling who lets others walk all over him like a cheap doormat,” Dusk Shine muttered with a dark tone in his voice, alarming everyone. “I won't be surprised if Cinch finds a loophole to keep me here,”They caught a glimpse of his eyes flashing cold dead cyan. Cadence and Shining Armor shared a knowing look.

“Enough of school for a while. Who wants to head to Donut Joes my treat?” Shining Armor considered as everyone was buckled up. They all raised their hands as Spike barked. “Alright, let’s go,” He started his engine and drove off.

His brother and former babysitter now his sister dropped him home. They had to pick up Flurry Heart from preschool. Dusk Shine took out his keys and opened the front door of his house while holding his white to go bag.. It was a luxury two story mini-mansion with a spacious backyard and a large shed in the back. They were still on the fancy side of Canterlot City. He closed and locked the door behind him. Spike leaped out from his backpack. He watched his friend sprint around in the room with his collar jiggling around with a smile. The marvel of the Zoomies.

Dusk Shine texted his family notifying them that he’s home.“There’s a checklist on the fridge?” He read off a text from his father. Dusk Shine walked into the kitchen. Oh, there it is. Right under a black, white, grey and purple striped flag magnet. “Okay, what do I have to do?” They always keep a checklist of tasks for the week. It keeps everything organized. “Take out the trash, laundry, defrost the chicken and please don’t burn the house down,” He listed off his chores. “Come on, I was like six,” Dusk groaned as he strolled to the trash can. The rest of the tasks were simple enough as it took him around ten minutes. He happily checked off everything on the list. Dusk Shine climbed up the stairs with his bag as Spike went outside through the kitchen doggy door. He had homework too.

Dusk Shine had the larger room between him and his brother. He needed the extra space for his awards, science equipment such as his telescope, chemistry paraphernalia and his aquarium. Also his large collection of books. He had a mini-library in his room. Dusk Shine placed his bag down on his bed. Man, there’s a lot of purple and blue in his room. It had a strong cosmic theme with posters of celestial bodies and a ceiling decoration of the solar system. He laid down on his dark purple comforter and closed his eyes for a few moments. Dusk Shine took several deep breaths. Today was stressful. He took out his phone.

“Hey, I’m doing my homework so I’ll be busy for the next hour,” Dusk Shine texted to his contacts. He received several okays and positive emojis before smiling at one technically two replies.

Same here. Celestia and Luna along with the rest of our teachers are busting our asses to prepare for the Friendship games,” Sunset Shimmer groaned at her situation. “Knowing you Dusk, you won’t mind the extra homework,” She said with a laughing face

“Nah, that’ll be too easy,” Dusk Shine replied with a bored face.

“Shame that I’m unable to attend to my schedule as a performer of magic. Otherwise you Crystals would be crushed under the Great and Powerful Trixie,” Trixie boasted as Sunset and Dusk unleashed a torrent of laughing emojis at her. “You guys suck. Hey Dusk Shine are you competing in the games,” The magician asked the Prep. He hesitated. What should he tell them? Dusk Shine didn’t want to lie to them. They were his friends after all.

“I’m not sure yet but we’ll see in a few weeks,” Dusk Shine technically told the truth. “I’ll talk to you guys later,” He replied before sighing. “What am I doing?” His hand dragged down his face. That’s a later problem. Those calculus problems won’t complete themselves. Dusk Shine went to his study desk and took out his textbook. It was what he predicted. He completed it in an hour. His arms stretched above his head. Time for a break. “I’m going to my corner for a few minutes,” Another message was sent. This was his routine. Wake up, get dressed for school, go to school, come home, do his tasks for the day, relax, eat dinner, prepare for the next day. It’s repetitive, yes but it brought serenity to him. He opened his mini-fridge, received his donuts and a cold bottle of cranberry juice. Dusk Shine sat in his bean bag with a guttural groan. His hand reached for the stack of books near him while another hand grabbed a donut. It was his usual order: chocolate, powdered sugar and glazed. He ordered it so many times over the years that they always have some hot and ready for him. Dusk Shine ate it in that order while reading his astronomy book and took a few sips of his juice in between. His fingers found an extra donut. A plain tan one that’s still warm. Outside of his order but it’s still a welcomed one. Shining Armor paid for it not him. Still ate it. His timer blared. Bzzzzzzzztttttttt. Bzzzzzzzzzzzzztttttt. Time’s up.

Now let’s get out these clothes. Man, I hate this tie,” Dark Shine hissed. Dusk removed his school clothes in an organized manner and put them in his closet. He’s left in a midnight blue shirt and purple boxers then covered them with a pair of mulberry shorts. A shiver went through his body.

“Crap, I got to piss,” Dusk Shine whispered as he rushed to the bathroom.

It’s his bathroom ever since Shining moved out. “Ahh that’s better,” He said in relief. That juice went right through him but it keeps the urinary tract healthy. Dusk Shine washed his hands before gazing at his reflection in the mirror. His eyes are still dead with a blank expression yet holds a sparkle of life in them. His hands grabbed the end of the sink. “It’s just a few more weeks and it’ll all be over. You got this.” He told himself with shut eyes.

Everything is going to change, nerd,” His dark alter ego taunted. “Why is your hair still in this bun?” He asked. Dusk Shine removed the hair tie allowing the full length to be revealed. He was the spitting image of his mother. “It’s time for a haircut. We’re long overdue. You’re long overdue,” His host hesitantly grabbed a pair of scissors. He held a lock of his hair. Is he really doing this? It’s been like this for years. “Nothing stays the same nerd,” Dark Shine remarked in a normal voice. Dusk sighed. This hostile part of his personality smiled as pieces of his hair were calmly cut off.