• Published 10th May 2022
  • 1,567 Views, 55 Comments

Crystal Prison - HeirofHades

Dusk Shine the top student of CPA struggles to understand the value of Friendship. Cinch forces him to compete in the upcoming Friendship games against CHS. Now he must work with those he labeled him an outcast to achieve victory.

  • ...

Zesty Flavor

It’s just another day at Sire’s Hollow. Starlight Glimmer got ready for the day as she zipped up her skirt. She straightened her hair, fidgeting with her amethyst pendant, sniffing the savory aroma sneaking into her room. Time for breakfast.

“Good morning, Starlight,” Her mother greeted from the stove with a spatula in hand.

“Good morning, mother.” Starlight Glimmer sat at the table, smiling as her mother passed her stack of pancakes. She glanced at the empty chair. “Where’s father?” Starlight asked, shaking a bottle of syrup.

Her mother groaned, rolling her eyes as she gestured to the window. “He’s arguing with Stellar Flare. Again.” She continued to focus on her domestic task with a scoff. Firelight was always a conservative man adhering to the tradition and culture of Equestria and Sire’s Hollow. She respected it. He wanted to preserve what made their home unique. Now…it’s becoming an obsession thanks to the Preservation Society. The wife grumbled at her husband’s stubborn efforts, getting half of the town on his side. However, Stellar Flare isn’t innocent either. That damn gate saying ‘Welcome to Sire’s Hollow’ will make her rip out her hair. Flare led the Development Committee, believing they should advance along with the rest of the world. Hardly any significant advancements occurred in the Sire’s Hollow being a living time capsule. Her numerous plans transformed her side of town into a budget Los Pegasus. Some returning residents believed they had the wrong address until they glanced at Firelight’s section. Same old stores with the same old designs. Nothing has changed for Firelight.

“It’s their daily routine,” Starlight Glimmer remarked, cutting her pancakes into triangles.

“I know, sweetie,” Her mother sighed, adding some applewood smoked bacon to the plate. She glanced at the delicate curve of Starlight’s lips. “So, did something happen yesterday?” The matron inquired about her daughter’s jolly mood, sitting and holding a steaming cup of coffee.

“My acceptance letter to Crystal Prep was approved yesterday,” Starlight Glimmer informed. Her mother’s eyes grew to ecstatic proportions from the news.

“Sweetie, that’s wonderful!” She exclaimed, giving her daughter a warm hug. “Wait, when will you start?” The matron asked, smiling at the glorious news. Her child is going to Crystal Prep.

“Sometime after the Friendship games. Principal Cinch has to settle the paperwork,” Starlight replied, holding her rapture of meeting him face to face. Dusk Shine held her hand as their child held the other. An immense crowd cheering and praising them with a forest of banners flapping in the gentle breeze. She watched from the palace balcony as they kneeled before their masters, ushering in a golden era. A burning sensation appeared on the center of her forehead, diverting her attention. No Starlight, calm down. Everything will be ready soon.

“That’s still a way to go,” Her mother acknowledged the distance between Sire’s Hollow and Canterlot. “You have to take a train and bus just to arrive on time,” She worried about what will occur in a few weeks. Canterlot is one of the safest places in Equestria, but it’s her child.

“Mother, I’m a big girl,” Starlight eased her mother’s concern with a disarming smile. “You said yourself that you don’t want me to spend my whole life here,” She remembered her mother’s words. The elder woman laughed at the words. She did say that. There’s so much more to this world than their quaint Sire’s Hollow. “Some of my friends are transferring to Canterlot High. We can make a little group if that’s okay,” Starlight Glimmer divulged, prolonging her sneaky grin. She scoffed, mentioning some of her … friends at school. They’re only there for appearances. Nothing more.

“I’ll talk to some of their parents about that,” Her mother smiled. She’s lucky to have such a responsible daughter.

“Or we get one of those group dorms, so we live together, or you or dad can go to Canterlot with me,” Starlight Glimmer contemplated the options.

The matron playfully shook her head. “We’ll deal with that later. You better head to school,” She advised, pointing to the grandfather clock. Starlight nodded, grabbing her school bag.

“I’ll see you later, mom,” Starlight Glimmer smiled, her house key underneath her shirt. “Love you,”

“Love you too, Starlight Glimmer,” She replied, putting the dishes away. Starlight’s charming grin showed cruelty as her mother frowned, pondering what she said before closing the door. A life in Canterlot. Just what she always dreamt about. Starlight Glimmer strolled past her father and Stellar Flare while they furiously debated the town's status. Preserving the past and cultural heritage. Break the chains of our ancestors to discover new horizons. Starlight giggled, continuing her journey to school. It doesn’t matter as everything will change.

Was it right for you to lie to your mother like that?” An inner voice berated her deception. The light purple young woman snarled, hearing the voice again.

QUIET!” Starlight barked with gritted teeth and prodding veins, silencing the mental voice. She rhythmically breathed, calming her ire. What would Dusk Shine think if he saw her like this? “That part of you is weak and pathetic. She doesn’t matter anymore,” She whispered as her low tone grated stone. Her hand grabbed her necklace, increasing her pace. “He does,” Starlight Glimmer determined with an unhinged smile as she approached the school where her friends were waiting for her. The mask of the studious and proper Starlight Glimmer returned. “Hey guys,” A queen needs a royal guard after all.

Dusk Shine mysteriously shuddered before parking his motorcycle. “The fuck was that all about?” Night Blaze mentioned the sudden sensation. His host rubbed the back of his neck, attempting to comprehend what happened. That was … bizarre. It’s as if someone was calling him, whispering sweet nothings into his ear. The voice called him by name. Again. A similar thing happened to him the other night. Why did her voice sound familiar?

“I’ll worry about that later,” Dusk Shine answered, putting his helmet in a container before pacing to his destination. He rang the doorbell, waiting patiently for it to open. A youthful middle-aged woman with pale lime green hair answered the door.

“Morning, Dusk Shine,” She grinned at Twilight’s youngest child.

“Good morning, Miss Sweet Tart,” He greeted in his typical respectful tone. “I’m here to pick up, Lemon Zest,” Dusk Shine revealed why he was there.

“Sure thing, come inside,” Sweet Tart gestured for the studious male to enter her home. It’s a comfortable abode with music paraphernalia and a few awards. She observed his short hair and piercings. “Oh, you got a haircut,” She mentioned. That’s new for him. He nodded while glancing at one of the photos and picked it up.

“Was this you and my mom?” Dusk Shine asked. He scanned it for a few seconds, estimating it was over twenty-five years ago. Man, neither his mother nor Sweet Tart aged a day. The two women had their arms wrapped around the other’s neck in a celebratory manner holding a gold trophy along with the rest of their team.

Sweet Tart smiled at the old picture. “Yep, that was during a motocross event. Sucks that I didn’t get to join her in the Friendship Games. That would’ve been awesome,” She sighed at the missed opportunity. Miss one test, and your grades drop faster than a down-bad dude’s standards during the last call on a weekend night. “Now you two can do what we can’t, and maybe something more can happen between you two,” Sweet Tart suggested with a wink.

“Ma’am, I already have Cadance trying to get this ship to sail,” Dusk Shine dully told the older woman. What would the ship's name be called? Dusk Zest or Lemon Shine. Shit, coming up with ship names is tedious. “Our relationship is professional. I’m doing this out of the goodness of my heart,” He explained the situation.

Right,” Sweet Tart dragged on with a smug smirk. If he’s anything like his father, this altruistic gesture was a front to get closer. Night Light used to be a shy academic. Although, Twilight Velvet was the more assertive one. She approached him. Huh, same with Shining Armor and Cadance. It must be hereditary. “Lemon Zest, get your ass down! It’s time for breakfast!” She ordered like a brutal drill sergeant.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m coming,” Lemon Zest yawned, scratching her stomach with closed eyes. She just woke up. Her triple-toned green hair is a frizzy mess with a trickle of spittle on the corner of her mouth. Her brilliant amber eyes opened, glancing at a blurry image of something nerdy and purple. Purple and nerdy? “Oh, morning Dusk Shine,” She greeted with an exhausted wave and dropped eyelids.

“Morning, Lemon Zest,” The top student replied as she ambled to the dining room. Lemon Zest grabbed a strawberry crepe and bit into it, wondering why Dusk Shine was here. She took another bite, devouring it whole. Her hand reached for another, pausing when his handsome face flashed in her mind. Lemon Zest's eyes rounded with her eyebrows touching her hairline. Why was he here?! Oh…oh shit. SHE FORGOT! Another glanced at the clock, digging a hole in her gut. “AW FUCK ME!” She complained before sprinting out to get dressed.

“At least wait until I’m out of the house,” Sweet Tart joked, sending their faces ablaze. Dusk Shine respectfully peeked at Lemon Zest’s sleep attire. She’s in a black rock band t-shirt from a few years ago, booty shorts, and red socks. The teenagers exchanged a glance before diverting their attention to somewhere else. Man, that’s a nice ceiling fan. Night Blaze snickered at their interaction. Finally, his host ogled at his teammate without him influencing it. Those intrigued looks, scanning Lemon Zest’s pale grayish amaranth flesh. Honestly, the rocker is one of the better options for more intimate relationships. Dusk Shine needs more variety for his horny thoughts. Night Blaze is exhausted by the same people.

MOM!” Lemon Zest wailed before heading to her room as Sweet Tart chortled, wiping the jolly tears from her eyes. Dusk Shine waited for Zest, scrolling through his phone. “Sorry, I’m late,” She grunted, hopping on her leg, attempting to slip on one of her shoes.

“We got a few more minutes,” Dusk Shine informed his teammate. She straightened her uniform and hair, digging her heel into the shoe, securely locking it in. Dusk Shine’s here, so slightly more effort in her appearance is required. “You got everything?” He asked, ensuring that everything was in order. Lemon zest checked her essentials. Phone, wallet, and charged wireless headphones. Wait, her textbooks! She unzipped her standard-issue Crystal Prep school bag. The rocker exhaled in relief as nothing was missing.

“Yeah, I’m good,” Lemon Zest smiled, putting her bag on her shoulders. He nodded, getting up from his seat. “I’ll see you later, mom,” She waved to her mother as they strolled to the door. Sweet Tart grinned back as the door shut behind the teenagers. “Oh, we’re taking your motorcycle,” Lemon Zest questioned, approaching the vehicle.

“Well, you asked,” Dusk Shine recalled, handing her a helmet from a storage container. Both secured their helmets while they mounted the bike. “Are you ready to go?” He asked while Lemon Zest snaked her arms around his midsection. Damn, he has some muscle to him.

“Yep,” She replied right before he revved the engine.

Sweet Tart waved with a smile as the pair took off with a roar. She dialed a number. “Hey, I’m putting twenty gold bits in the pool,” The mother offered to the other person on the line.

Lemon Zest relaxed into his back from the smooth ride. She chuckled at how professional Dusk Shine was. He was just under the speed limit, using his signals as they traveled on one of the main roads. Her lightly damp skin shuddered against the chill air, awakening her nipples. She shivered before internally panicking. Fuck, she forgot her bra during her wild re-dressing. Wait, he’s wearing his sweater. Her breasts aren’t that big anyway. Maybe Dusk Shine doesn’t feel them. Yes, he feels them. Night Blaze cackled at Dusk Shine, attempting to focus on driving. They arrived at Crystal Prep a few minutes later. Several students murmured at their joint appearance.

“Wonder if they’re dating,” One of the students asked as the two disembarked from the vehicle.

“Doubt it, but Dusk Shine has been surprising us lately,” Another replied, passing the soccer ball to their teammate. Dusk Shine and Lemon Zest ignored the rumors as they entered the building, where more students socialized in their groups. The morning roll call won’t start for another half hour or so.

Lemon Zest rocked her head, beaming at the music booming from her headphones. She glanced at Dusk Shine, listening to his music as well. “What music are you listening to?” The rocker asked, lowering the volume to better hear his response. Probably some techno or classical.

“Some rock music,” Dusk Shine answered. Her eyes expanded from the response. When did he listen to rock music?! “Did you listen to the Midnight Frenzy album?” He asked. She grabbed his arm, stopping him in the hall.

That’s out?!” Lemon Zest exclaimed while he nodded to confirm. How did he get it before her? “Come on, dude, don’t leave a girl hanging,” She pleaded with puppy dog eyes. He rolled his eyes, opening his Spotify. She scanned the code with an exciting curve of her lips. Yes, another album to add to her ever-growing queue. “Who do you listen to?” Lemon Zest wondered what his auditory preference was.

“Sapphire Shores holds a place in my heart,” Dusk Shine started the conversation. The two received odd stares from their passing schoolmates while talking near a row of lockers. Lemon Zest and Dusk Shine? What the Tartarus is going on? They were talking about music?! Oh, now things are getting weird. Holy shit, was that a smile from Dusk Shine? Welp, that’s a sign of the apocalypse. She discovered that Dusk Shine was a generalist. Good music is good music. Lemon Zest liked that. No elitism around these parts. Obviously, she fancied the upbeat songs that got her heart rushing.

“Do you want to trade playlists?” Lemon Zest offered up her phone. You can tell a lot about a person by their playlist. She held back a frown recalling Trixie’s words. ‘You don’t know a damn thing about him,’ Well, that will change. Dusk Shine shrugged, seeing nothing wrong with it. The pair exchanged one of their playlists. “Thanks, dude,” She smiled when right Cadance peeked from a corner behind Dusk Shine, writing something down. “Um…” Lemon raised a finger, wondering what’s the deal with the dean

Ignore it,” Dusk Shine advised, knowing not to entertain his former babysitter. “I’ll see you later, Lemon Zest,” He headed to his classroom, ignoring the beaming Cadance. Lemon Zest smiled, adding more songs to her phone, holding back a hoot. She swapped to Dusk Shine’s playlist, turning up the volume to prepare.

“Never heard of some of these songs,” Lemon Zest mentioned, scrolling the list while heading to her class. Whatever. She pressed the random icon. Her ears tingle from the bass. “Oh, okay, Dusk Shine,” She complimented with a smirk while a swarm of goosebumps and a wall of erect hairs arose. Damn, these songs are fucking awesome. Her head banged with the thunderous beat and penetrating lyrics. Some of the songs were remixes. Lemon Zest practiced her guitar skills and dance moves, hoping in her seat. None of her classmates acknowledged it. It’s just Lemon Zest being Lemon Zest. Her wide grin morphed into severe daggers as the songs continued. She covered her mouth from the savagery of Dusk Shine music. Holy fucking shit, these songs are fire. No, not fire. That’s too basic. This is a fucking inferno. Lemon Zest’s amber eyes blazed with frantic interest. Where did he find these songs? When were they released? Why wasn’t she informed of this? Shit, will her headphones handle the brutality of the guitar riffs and destructive lyrics? I don’t know, Lemon Zest. Those smoke trails are mildly concerning.

The bell rang, ending the double period. Dusk Shine scrolled to his locker and accessed it. His amethyst eyes scanned his schedule and calendar, checking off the to-do list. “What should I make for dinner?” He asked himself, tapping a marker on his chin. Indigo Zap sprinted down the hall, desperately searching Dusk Shine before she found him.

Come on, where are you?” The hyper-competitive athlete grumbled. Her eyes were rife with panic, hearing the final buzzer blared in her brain. She discovered Dusk Shine rummaging through his locker. Oh, thank you, Faust, she isn’t too late. “Dusk Shine,” Indigo Zap called out to him.

“Oh hello, Indigo Zap,” Dusk Shine replied to his teammate, wondering why her eyes were bouncing around. Is she searching for someone?

“Dude, you have to run,” She cautioned, still surveying the halls as her body tensed up, ready for action.

Dusk Shine bridged his bow from the comment. “Why?” He questioned, jumping when his locker suddenly slammed behind him. An unnerving wave of fear washed over like a cold shower. Dusk Shine gulped at the pink beast behind him.

That’s why,” Indigo Zap pointed out, narrowing her eyes at Lemon Zest and fastening his steel case.

This should be fun,” Night Blaze smirked, savoring Dusk Shine’s tension. Several people gave a passing glance at this encounter.

Um, hey, Lemon Zest,” Dusk Shine stammered to the disturbingly silent Lemon Zest. She performed her best Sugarcoat impression. The top student faced a monstrous pink obelisk covered with a veil of lime. He glanced skywards at his objective. Survive. WHAT THE FUCK DO THEY MEAN BY SURVIVE?!

...More,” Lemon Zest said under her breath. Indigo Zap tightened and stabilized her lower body, widening her stance, ready for what the pink rocker planned to do.

“Pardon?” Dusk Shine questioned.

I said more!” Lemon Zest roared, pouncing on Dusk Shine right when Indigo Zap intercepted the tackle. He jumped back from the unexpected action, observing Zap restrict Lemon Zest. A chorus of gasps spread throughout the hall.

“Dude, I’ll hold her off,” Indigo Zap grunted, holding the bestial Lemon Zest against the ground. “Just run!” She ordered, dragging the rocker towards her by the collar. Dusk Shine escaped, not needing to be told twice. “Son of a bitch, she bit me!,” Indigo Zap yelped from the sharp incursions stabbing her hand, releasing the hold. Lemon Zest used the momentary distraction, pushing the athlete off, enabling her to rush for the mulberry nerd.

Cadance chatted with Discord before swiftly pausing, bringing her palm to her ear. Someone was yelling, and it was getting louder with each second. “Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, OH SHIIIIIIIT!” Dusk Shine screeched, blurring past them with Lemon Zest following behind as a pink and green streak.

Cadance caught his tossed school bag. “What did you do?” She accused her brother-in-law, holding the bag at her slender waist. Indigo Zap rushed past her, too, with gritted teeth.

“I’m innocent, okay!” Dusk Shine defended himself, turning his head against the mildly justified statement. That brief moment nearly caused him to crash into a schoolmate. He bumped into them, wildly stabilizing himself in a spin losing his glasses. The top student didn’t stop his path with his blurry vision while a persistent huntress stretched her claws to devour her elusive prey. Dusk Shine’s heart quaked when his shoes slammed against the tile floor. His lungs screamed and burned amidst his foggy mind.

Dusk Shine, relax,” Night Blaze demanded, crossing his arms. “You can’t focus when you’re like this,” The alter-ego advised his host. He knows him better than anyone else. Remember Cadance's breathing techniques,” He recalled one of his babysitter’s crucial pieces of advice. Fear is the mind-killer. The little-death that brings total obliteration. You can’t see amidst the fog of fear, quivering against everything you can’t see. It clouds your mind, destroying your vision like a sandcastle crumbling against gentle waves. Fear is the ultimate destroyer of dreams. Dusk Shine remembered quotes from various books he read over the years. He closed his eyes with a steady breath in and out. Everything slowed. Dusk Shine slithered through the labyrinth of students, whereas Lemon Zest bulldozed through. His brain ran through dozens of calculations, storing them before his vision blurred once the distance closed. He narrowed his eyes at the approaching guard railing. Dusk Shine accelerated towards the target.

Dusk Shine, watch out!”Someone warned their top student. Holy shit, he can’t see. Where is he going? The student's jaw dropped at him, leaping over the metal barrier without fear. More students at the bottom alarmingly murmured at his shadow overhead. Dusk Shine landed, pushing his body forward to roll over his shoulder, dismissing the debilitating energy through his form for a secure landing. The roll enabled him to resume his escape from his madwoman. Lemon Zest slid down the staircase, screaming as well while amber eyes blazed in dark determination.

“You get back here!” Indigo Zap shouted with wounded pride, but Lemon Zest ignored her. More students followed to stop this madness. Several background characters shrugged at what did Dusk Shine for Lemon Zest to chase him throughout the school.

“Tell her that!” Dusk Shine retorted before crashing into Fleur De Lis's pillowy bosom. Unfortunately, he had to admit that he had thought about this before in the back of his mind.

“Watch it, you freaking weirdo,” Fleur De Lis fumed with a harsh glare before softening her expression. “Where are your glasses?” She worriedly asked when a battle cry caught her ears. “Lemon Zest?” The popular girl asked the feral girl, ignoring his hands touching her breasts.

“Sorry about this,” Dusk Shine rolled them over, dodging Lemon Zest's tackle. He arose, taking a stance before she charged again. They observed the pair dance without touching each other. Dusk Shine, the advocate of personal space, evaded her wild swipes and grabs, estimating the length of her arms to be just out of her reach as sweat formed on his face. She switched up her flow, exploiting his hazy view with a feint, stepping back before crouching. Dusk Shine narrowed his eyes, wondering what her plan was. Lemon Zest pounced him to the floor right when he grabbed her wrists to hold her back as she landed on his midsection. He struggled against the power of a determined woman, gnashing his teeth as he hampered Lemon’s insane efforts. Luckily, Dusk Shine couldn’t see her eyes. That’ll probably terrify him. Although, he wasn’t scared, only confused about how his body reacted to the situation. Yep, that’s a boner. That is new about good ole Dusk Shine. Where are the reinforcements?

Get off of him!” Sour Sweet growled, pushing the amarth and lime maniac from their star student. What the fuck is wrong with her today?! It’s not even lunchtime yet! Indigo Zap reclaimed her pride by restricting Lemon Zest in a full nelson while Sugarcoat and Sunny Flare acted as a secondary defense.

Ahem,” Cinch’s stern voice regained order and discipline in the hallway. They flinched as her dominating heels echoed with her arms clasped behind her back. She sternly scrutinized her students behind her glasses. Sunny Flare’s back straightened. Cinch’s manicured hand gestured for the other students to leave. Cinch inhaled. “Would you kindly explain what’s going on?” She asked, pondering on the ruckus. Sour Sweet helped Dusk Shine to his feet. Her choleric sneer was replaced with a soft frown as she checked for damages. Wait, where are his glasses?! He can’t see without them. Lemon Zest trembled at Sour Sweet’s death glare, promising to use her as the archery team’s next target. Dusk Shine squeezed the hand he was holding, relaxing in its familiarity. Was it Cadance? No, the palm was too coarse. His blurry vision focused on a single aquamarine streak. Sour Sweet. He grimaced, taking his hand as if she was a hot stove. Her chest tightened, holding back her grief from the adverse reaction. Sour Sweet still has a long way to go.

“Thank you,” Dusk Shine replied, recalling his home training. She rolled her eyes, crossing her toned arms, maintaining her dark glare on Lemon Zest. “Principal Cinch, I was minding my own business,” He clarified any wrongdoings on his part, squinting his eyes.

“I’m over here,” Cinch informed as he spoke to her shadow. He squinted his eyes, tilted his head, and poked the sturdy concrete material of the hallway. That’s a wall.

A little more to the right,” Night Blaze instructed. Dusk Shined rotated to his right, taking a step back. Damn this farsightedness. Her stern form slightly cleared up, relaxing his eyes. Moondancer, Discord, and Cadance appeared, holding his glasses. A fuzzy pink figure approached him, yet his body calmed in its presence. Dusk Shine’s nose sampled the air. “Cadance?” He asked, extending his hand. She took it.

“Are you alright?” Cadance smiled before shooting Lemon Zest a disapproving look. She glanced at the floor with Indigo Zest pushing against her neck. Damn, she messed up if Dean Cadance is disappointed with her.

“Yeah, I’m okay,” Dusk Shine consoled with a smile. He looks different without his glasses. No, not that bullshit Hollywood ‘different’ where removing glasses makes a character instantly attractive. They always thought Dusk Shine was handsome with his mature scholarly appeal. However, they didn't know how to process him without glasses. It sharpened his features to chisel stone, unyielding and stoic as he explained complex equitation as it was the rain cycle. Sour Sweet fondly smiled at his softened features, remembering when Dusk Shine was that cute nerd from when they started Crystal Prep. A regretful frown blemished her features, cursing herself for being so weak when he needed her. It didn’t escape Cadance’s gaze or some of her teammates.

“Here, you go, Dusk Shine,” Discord handed over his glasses. The star student retrieved his glasses cloth and exhaled on them. He cleaned the moist vapor, removing any dust particles before returning it to his face. There’s the Dusk Shine that they knew.

“I’ll handle it, Principal Cinch,” Cadance offered. Cinch nodded, allowing her to take control. “You said you were minding your own business,” She recalled.

“He was minding his own business, Dean Cadance,” Indigo Zap confirmed the earlier statement, still holding Zest. “I warned Dusk Shine about her when he was at his locker, writing something on his schedule,” She glared, reciting the earlier events before this chase sequence. The teachers gazed at the nodding Dusk Shine.

“Indigo Zap held her back, allowing me to escape,” He explained. Both Dusk Shine and Indigo Zap are innocent. “I don’t know why she chased me,” Dusk Shine shrugged.

“What’s your side of the story?” Discord asked the rocker.

Are you going to relax?” Indigo Zap demanded with a dirty glare. Her teeth marks remained on Zap’s hand.

Lemon Zest exhaled, easing her body. “Yeah, I’m cool,” She replied. Cinch nodded for Zap to release her. The blue-haired Sportsgirl obeyed, stepping back but ready to act again. She gets on her knees, grabbing the bottom of his sweater. He and the others widened their eyes from the action. That’s new! “Come on, dude. You can’t show a girl a rocking time and not give her more,” Lemon Zest pleaded to their alarm. What did he do to her for such a desperate reaction? “Please, Dusk Shine, I need it! I gotta have it!” She claimed, digging her nails in the fabric and tugging at it like a gambler begging to return to the casino after a losing streak. Her amber eyes glittered with zealous desire. He didn’t like that unhinged grin splitting her face.

Hey, phrasing!” Dusk Shine corrected with a crimson blush, pointing at the addict. Night Blaze’s snickers and the group's bewildered glances made him self-conscious. Discord slid his hand to Cadance with a smug smirk, gesturing her to pay up. “I only sent you one of my playlists. No way, you listened to all of it already,” He declared, easing the awkwardness. Some of them mouthed an ‘Oh’ from the details. He sent her a playlist, and she loved the music, desiring more from it.

“All of that for a freaking playlist!” Sour Sweet fumed from the havoc that the green-haired rocker caused in the last five minutes. Lemon Zest avoided eye contact, whistling a tune while they glared at her. “You can’t be that desperate,” She belittled, crossing her arms. “What can you possibly do to convince Dusk Shine after you did?” Her irate eyes burned twin holes in Lemon Zest’s skull. The enthusiastic girl arose with a blankly intense expression, dusting the dirt off her skirt. They watched her approach a water foundation. She pushed the button and sipped the cold liquid, using it as a garble, spitting it down the drain. What is she doing?

Night Blaze connected the dots when she pulled out a black hair tie. “Holy shit, she’s going to do it,” He revealed to his host while she placed her wild green hair into a neat athletic ponytail. Dusk Shine blushed at her flirtatious beam, backstepping as she backed him into a corner. Her hand slammed on his left while her leg landed up to his right shoulder, locking Dusk Shine in place. His blush scorched his ears and neck into a radiant blazing rose. Sweet Faust, she’s direct with her intentions.

“Dean Cadance, can I borrow him for ten minutes, please?” Lemon Zest playfully requested, getting into Dusk Shine’s personal space. He took a gentleman’s glance at the gap on the top of her uniform. Holy crap, she’s not wearing a bra!

You wouldn’t….” Sour Sweet and Moondancer seethed, clutching their fists.

“Lemon Zest. What you did in your spare time is none of our business,” Cinch massaged the bridge of her nose. She didn’t need the extra stress with the Friendship games occurring within mere weeks. “At least have such conversations when school is over or in private off of school grounds,” She exhaled. Sunny Flare avoided her mother’s frigid internal analysis. Great, now she’s going to lecture her about losing Dusk Shine to someone of lower birth.

“Dusk Shine, what’s your analysis of this?” Discord questioned, resting his hands in his lab coat pockets. No response. “Um, Dusk Shine?”The chemistry teacher asked. Dusk Shine became a clothing mannequin, blank and unresponsive, gazing vacantly into the void like a cat staring at something in the corner of the room. They didn’t know what to do with this reaction. Sour Sweet glared at Lemon Zest for what she did.

“Oh, his brain overloaded,” Cadance answered, consoling their concern. It’s not the first time Dusk Shine’s senses overloaded. Lemon Zest’s crazed purse and saucy comments were excessive for his vanilla mindset.

“Wait, is he okay?” Lemon Zest stepped away, giving him some breathing room. Maybe, she went a little overboard.

“Yeah, he’s okay,” Cadence casually waved off, taking Lemon Zest’s place

“Does he need to sit down or get him some water?” Sunny Flare asked, worried for their ace.

“Nah, I’ve done this before,” Cadance “Dusk Shine,” She smiled before delivering a sharp slap on the back of his head. His brain soft-reset from the impact.

OW! The heck, Cadance?!” Dusk Shine barked with a harsh glare, rubbing the stinging flesh.

You’re welcome,” Cadance kept her smirk. Nothing like a bit of payback.

He growled while fixing his glasses. “What was I talking about?” Dusk Shine wondered. Night Blaze and Discord pointed to Lemon Zest. Their gazes locked. “Oh… that,” He stammered, rubbing his neck while turning a new shade of pink as did she. Wait, she's already pink. A new shade of scarlet. Yeah, that’s better. What do you say in this situation? The truth? Maybe. Dusk Shine took a steady inhale and deep exhale before clearing his throat. “I … I don’t know how to proceed with this. My lack of experience and the current level of our relationship prevents me from giving you a reasonable answer for this,” He addressed the situation, gesturing to himself and Lemon Zest with an anxiously blank expression. His voice was riddled with confusion while gliding his hand across his forearm. They agreed with the truthful answer while Lemon Zest fiddled with her hands. “How about I give you my master playlist?” Dusk Shine suggested, holding up his purple smartphone; hopefully, that’ll appease her.

Really?” Lemon Zest whispered in a squeaky voice as her face brightened up.

“Yes,” Dusk Shine confirmed, exhausted from the day’s events, rubbing his forehead. She latched on to his body like a magnet, wrapping her arms around his neck while her legs locked behind his back. “Okay then,” He muttered while she nuzzled his neck with a radiant cat-like grin. Her green hair mashed against his face and neck.

“Thank you, MWAH!” Lemon Zest gushed, eagerly planting a smooch on his cheek. The two shared a dumbfounded expression. “Oh crap, sorry,” She whispered, climbing down.

“Um, I think you should start running,” Sugarcoat advised as they stepped back from deathly calm Sour Sweet. Her hair flicked, promising blood murder with her bare hands twitching.

Lemon Zest, can I talk to you alone, please?” Sour Sweet sweetly threatened with a radiant smile and twitching closed eyes. Her molten rage pulsed a stream of veins stretching along the side of her head and neck.

“Uh, nah, I’m good,” Lemon Zest stuttered with a quick shake of her head. Yep, Sour Sweet’s mad at her. No, that’s too simple of an understatement. She’s fucking furious right now. Lemon Zest smacked her at the misplay. Why did she forget that Sour Sweet was rather … protective of Dusk Shine? Wait, does Sour have a crush on Dusk Shine? They have history together going before Crystal Prep. She wondered if they were a couple but broke up. Nah, it’ll be all over the school like a contagion if that was true. However, Lemon Zest made herself a target for approaching Sour Sweet’s territory. Also crossing Dusk Shine’s boundaries by glomping him like a baby koala, giving a wet kiss on the cheek, and chasing him throughout the school for more of his incredible playlists.

It’ll only take a second,” Sour Sweet malignantly cracked her knuckles with thunder prolonging her malevolent smile as she approached the terrified Lemon Zest. She glanced at Indigo Zap with begging eyes. Help a girl out! The athlete shook her head, raising her hands in surrender. Sugarcoat checked her nails as Sunny Flare folded her arms with a turned nose. Maybe the teachers? Nope. They were busy consoling the stunned Dusk Shine as he viewed the cosmos, experiencing a sense of euphoria from her kiss. Shit, there’s only one thing that Lemon Zest can do. She sharpened her glare, tensing her leg muscles before turning around, retreating with her tail behind her legs, not before scanning the playlist. “GET BACK HERE! I’LL TURN YOU INTO A KEY LIME SMOOTHIE!” Sour Sweet roared with premeditated murder in her wrathful eyes. “I’LL HANG YOU BY YOUR DAMN PONYTAIL!” She promised with flowing magma in her veins as she ruthlessly followed her green-furred prey. Besides, ponytails were her aesthetic in the group.

“You think she’ll kill her?” Indigo Zap asked her team, watching the chase.

“Probably,” Sugarcoat & Sunnyflare replied with a shrug.

“Are you okay, Dusk Shine?” Cadance comforted her brother-in-law, laying a gentle hand on his shoulder.

“Um, uh, yeah, I think so,” Dusk Shine answered hesitantly, shaking the goosebumps off his hands and shoulders. He lost his sharp facial features reverting to an adorable, whimsical child eager to learn, evaluating his thought process of what occurred. The kiss didn’t summon a swarm of ravaging fire ants under his skin, but it did make him warm. “Just…” He paused, stroking his forearms to place his staggered brain at ease.

“Do you want a few more minutes to clear your thoughts?” Cinch suggested to their star student. “You’ve been through quite an experience,” The privileged principal empathized with her prized student. Night Light reacted similarly when Twilight Velvet’s tenaciously pursued him during their youth. Her dull fuchsia eyes widened with a slight acceleration of her empty heart. Night Light had a similar reaction. Oh no, that’s not good. Do they have similar tastes in women? His mother was a tomboyish, extroverted, and dynamic woman. Maturity tempered her bubbly demeanor. No. These two are different individuals. It can still work. Her legacy shall endure in the end.

“I don’t know, but that’s probably a good idea. Thank you,” Dusk Shine accepted. He needed to clear his head. Cinch nodded, passing him a note before he headed to class.

“Okay, while he’s sorting his feelings. You girls head to class while I make sure Sour Sweet doesn’t murder Lemon Zest,” Discord informed, taking his sweet time ambling down the hall. Cinch’s wave hand ordered for the students to leave, enabling Dusk Shine to collect himself until the bell rang for class.

Dusk Shine worked at a circular table during this double period of lunch and study hall. Other students did similar acts or used the time to socialize. He grazed where Lemon Zest kissed him earlier. It didn’t bother him, but that smooch was unexpected.

You got kissed by a cute girl,” Night Blaze remarked, floating overhead with crossed arms. “I consider that a win,” He smirked, boastfully widening his arms. Dusk Shine paused but continued working. “You know I’m right,” Night Blaze baited a response. You can’t hide anything from him.

“Hey, Dusk Shine,” Trenderhoof’s voice reached his ears. Dusk Shine inspects the incoming Trenderhoof, Neon Lights, and Jet Set. “Can you help us with corrections?” He asked, needing all the help they could get for the upcoming Friendship Games. None of them wanted to be the weak link.

Dusk Shine pushed up his glasses. “Sure,” He commented, gesturing for the trio to sit. There’s enough room.

“Thanks, dude,” Neon Lights smiled as they slid him their earlier math test. Dusk Shine spent several minutes explaining their errors, marking his corrections with a purple pen. They smacked themselves for their follies, using the wrong formula or numbers. Why do you understand a problem after you have already submitted the assignment?Ugh, I had it right the first time,” He groaned, taking a second look at his paper with an annoyed glare. Neon Lights scratched out his original working.

“How do you think I feel? I used the right formula but got the wrong answer,” Jet Set frowned, wondering how he messed that up. Welcome to the party. At least he got partial credit for working.

“Don’t worry, it happens,” Dusk Shine consoled his teammates. “As long as you don’t make it a habit,” He advised, typing on his calculator. The trio shared a look to begin the second phase of their mission.

“So Dusk Shine, what happened between you and Lemon Zest?” Trenderhoof asked the academic, darting his finger to the subject of their conversation. She’s busy enjoying his playlist. Who knew that he had such a variety of songs and genres? The top student’s pupils widened before reverting to standard size.

Oh…that,” Dusk Shine muttered with scarlet cheeks, recalling the kiss. “She wanted my playlists,” He told them half the truth, turning a page. No need to cause more drama.

“So what about the whole chasing you throughout the school and kissing you on the cheek?” Neon Lights countered with a smirk before losing it with a flinch as Sour Sweet’s pencil shattered under her rageful grasp. She dusted wooden debris from her palms, grabbing another pencil. Several students distanced themselves from her.

“Both … are unexpected results,” Dusk Ship replied, pushing up his glasses. His amethyst eyes viewed Lemon Zest jovially drumming her fingers against the hardened table. It’s a miracle that Sour Sweet’s mauling left their teammate relatively unscathed. The ponytail was removed, letting her wild hair flow freely. Cinch couldn’t risk it as the Friendship games approached. Although, she likely has a reserve list of students for such unfortunate accidents. “My best estimate was that it was her way of showing appreciation for it,” He continued after a short pause while his heart rate quickened and face flushed.

“Congrats on getting your first kiss from a cute girl,” Trenderhoof praised. Their star student is growing up and appreciating the fairer sex. I have no idea if that term is still used.

“She wasn’t my first kiss,” Dusk Shine revealed, arching his bow. The room grew deafeningly quiet from the statement. “What?” He asked about the flummoxed looks from the bystanders while several students mumbled about the knowledge. Some didn’t have their first kiss yet. How did the celibate Dusk Shine achieve before they did?

“Wait, was it Trixie?” Jet Set predicted, on giving what they saw at the mall.

“Nope,” Dusk Shine corrected. “Plus, that was years ago,” He said, focusing on his notes.

If only Royal Pin was here, then it was Trixie,” Night Blaze chuckled, imagining the silver spoon brat’s furious expression.

“So…first kiss at Crystal Prep?” Neon Lights probed further, wanting to clarify.

“It was on the cheek, so technically doesn’t count,” Dusk Shine quoted. “Also, no, but she made her mark.” His heart quickened for a moment, recalling the intimate moment. The guys interrogated him on the details. Who was the girl? Was she cute? Is she in the room right now?

Can you drop it already?!” Sour Sweet growled, slamming her hands against the table

“Geez, Sour Sweet, did we strike a nerve or something?” Indigo Zap asked. The archer’s smooth face blushed quietly, peering at Dusk Shine as he worked. What’s with that reaction? Zap’s eyes widened, standing abruptly with bells ranging in her brain. “OH! OH! OH! OH!” She shouted, pointing her fingers at Dusk Shine & Sour Sweet. Everything made sense now! “You two!” Indigo Zap confirmed everyone’s suspicions before Sour Sweet covered her mouth, muffling her speech. Sweet growled as her cheeks warmed like an oven, shivering, barely holding her wrath.

“Come on, dude, let us in,” Trenderhoof pleaded. When did this happen? How did this happen?

“No,” Dusk Shine deflected their attempts for more information. “What happened between me and her is our business,” He glared at them, silencing their chatter. Sour Sweet eyes rounded at the defense. “Any other questions?” Dusk Shined, pushed up his glasses

“Prettiest girl in school?” All the girls in the room viewed him like a band of savage marauders discovering their next mark outside the field of view, waiting to set a trap. His calm demeanor masked his quaking heart rate. The noose tightened the longer he waited. Even girls who weren’t interested were interested in his answer. How the fuck is he supposed the answer this? Come on, what would his brother or Cadance say?

“I don’t focus on that kind of thing, but I’m aware that each girl has their unique charm,” Dusk Shine confessed, attempting to take the heat off. A few grinned or scanned their bodies. Unique charm? That’s an ego boost. “I have preferences like anyone else, and it’s foolish to base something on that without getting a chance to know them first as it can change over time as we develop,” He explained. Okay, that’s a sensible answer. “Also, I never really had a type,” Dusk Shine pushed up his glasses, concluding his explanation.

“At least random three in any order off the top of your head” Neon Light pondered on what his taste was.

Sugarcoat, Lemon Zest, and Indigo Zap,” Dusk Shine answered matter-of-factly. His named choices were freshly lit bonfires of shock, jerking their heads in his direction. Lemon Zest was evident because of what happened. Indigo Zap had a shot. But Sugarcoat? Her stony facade melted into fluffy cotton candy, avoiding the gossip of the room.

“Holy shit, no hesitation,” Neon Light responded. They didn’t expect him to immediately have an answer.

“What? They’re cute and annoy me the least,” Dusk Shine acknowledged. Besides, they were his choices. Another surprised squeal. He thought they were cute! A tentative smile curled on Indigo Zap’s face while the others focused on their assignments. It’s the first time Lemon Zest remained still in her seat. Sour Sweet and Sunny Flare shared a blank look.

“Nothing on Dean Cadance,” Trenderhoof joked with finger guns.

Ew, no!” Dusk Shine cringed from the atrocious consideration. Cadence’s the closest thing he had to a sister. That’s a line that a younger brother must never cross. The mere thought of it left a vile tingling on his tongue. “She knew me before I was potty trained,” He continued, emphasizing the sheer age gap. “Hard Pass,” Dusk Shine grumbled with a repulsed frown, pushing that option away.

“Fleur De Lis,” Trenderhoof asked with a slight pause in his voice.

Dusk Shine inhaled, clasping his hands, recalling his former crush. “I’m not denying her attractiveness,” He confessed. “She looks glamorous and cleans up well,” The star student listed the positives. She let a curt chuckle, raising her head. Of course, she knows that she looks glamorous. Not like Fleur De Lis needed to know that. At least his glasses worked. She curtly snorted, tilting her head skywards. It’s not like Fleur De Lis didn’t know that already. A good thing to know that his glasses are working. “I can’t help to think that she’s self-sabotaging herself,” He frowned.

“Huh?” They questioned with raised brows and squinted eyes, observing the default prettiest girl in school.

“She’s smarter than she looks,” Dusk Shine informed the boys. Moondancer scoffed at the suggestion. Her? The classic brainless beauty that’s only good as arm candy and a subpar lay of a suffocating fish worth a few hundred or thousand bits. Fleur De Lis? Someone whose core identity and skill is using her looks, enabling an army of white knights and simps across social media, offering their life savings to see a crumb of pussy for a woman that won’t even notice them.

“Dusk Shine, I swear you’re too kind sometimes,” Moondancer muttered, shaking her head.

“Fleur easily grasps the concepts when I tutor her,” He continued with a slight frown. “It’s sad that she’s not putting in the effort since that’s wasted potential. Fleur De Lis can be in the top twenty or ten,” Dusk Shine admitted to their shock. Fleur De Lis inspected herself in her phone’s camera, fluffing her luxurious hair. The popular girl’s smirk carried a confident insecurity. No, can’t show it. Someone’s always watching you. There’s a mirror everywhere. Her thumb scrolled through multiple filters before an anchor stopped it. ‘She’s smarter than she looks’ ‘Wasted Potential,‘Fleur De Lis can be in the top twenty or ten,’ His encouragement nagged and stabbed her heart, flooding it with waves of bewildered sorrow. Why did he say that? Was it a way to butter her up? No. Dusk Shine doesn’t care about her enough to lie. He…he meant it. She frowned, exiting the app.

She frowned, exiting the app. Thump, thump, thump.“Holy shit,” Fleur De Lis muttered, covering her face. She blinked owlishly, touching her beating chest. “...Noooooo,” She grumbled with vexation while pink marks appeared on her cheeks. Why the ever-living fuck does one compliment from her polar opposite make her heart flutter? Yet it was likely the most sincere praise that she had ever heard. She literally rejected him. Brutally too. Fleur De Lis sighed before determination filled her eyes. Her hands discovered her writing utensils and opened her notebook as she searched for educational videos. “Okay, let’s do this,” Fleur De Lis encouraged herself, taking notes as the video played.

“Don’t waste your fucking time, you semen collector,” Moondancer seethed to herself, watching Fleur De Lis pathetically attempt to comprehend the information.

The Shadow six arrived at their music class. Some of their classmates muttered about the earlier events. It stopped when their teacher entered the room. “Alright, everyone, we’re taking it easy today,” Fancy Stream announced to the class, holding a small container with slips of paper inside. “Get into your groups and pick a song. Doesn’t matter if you’re good or bad. Just give it your all with feeling,” He encouraged his students as they took up their slips.

“So, what did we get?” Sugarcoat questioned the slip in Dusk Shine’s hand.

“Somebody I used to know” He read off their chosen song. The stoic students stared at each other. “Oh boy,” They sighed before practicing their vocals. Fancy Stream strolled around the room, evaluating the students and giving them tips.

“You said you could let it go, and I wouldn’t catch you hung up on somebody you used to know,” Sugarcoat sang her part before passing it on to her partner.

But you didn’t have to cut me off,” Dusk Shine’s silvery voice echoed throughout the room. Everyone stopped and listened to him. Sugarcoat’s jaw slacked, forgetting to add the backup vocals. Where did he learn to sing like that? Or was this raw talent? “Make it out like it never happened and that we were nothing,” His harmonic sounds carried burrowed emotions from years past, “And I didn’t need your love, but you treat me like a stranger, and it feels so rough,” That tragically painful line slashed at Sour Sweet’s soul, mocking her for what she did. Her lips quivered, clutching her skirt. Is that how he felt?

Who sang that?!” Fancy Stream gasped, interrupting the angelic song with glossy heartfelt eyes. Everyone pointed to the nonchalant Dusk Shine. “That was incredible,” He wiped a solitary tear from his eye with nodding students. “When did you learn to sing like that?” The golden-haired man demands to know this unexpected surprise. He’s been a teacher for over a decade, witnessing a few with that raw passion. Their top student emulated the paramount sorrow in the lyrics. That unhinge emotion can only appear from experience. Who hurt you, Dusk Shine?

“Forever?” Dusk Shine answered with a casually raised hand, pushing his brows together. His classmates murmured. So he always had that ability. “I sang that my brother’s wedding besides nothing really,”

“And you didn’t mention it at all?” Fancy Stream acknowledged the missed opportunity

“Nope,” Dusk Shine retorted with a straight face. “I got into Crystal Prep for my academic skills,” He emphasized why he's here. “Plus, no one asked, so nobody cared,” He continued softly. “I don’t see myself going on stage in front of a crowd. It … makes me uncomfortable,” Dusk Shine shuddered at the image of a massive crowd and countless flashing lights

“Fair enough,” Fancy Stream replied, knowing the vicious battleground of show business. It’ll consume a person swifter than a swarm of piranha with a chunk of red meat. “Anything else you got?”

“I can play an instrument,” Dusk Shine confirmed.

“Violin, piano, clarinet, cello?”Fancy Stream asked about the possible instruments

“No, those make my skin feel weird,” Dusk Shine replied with a shudder. Besides, those options were generic. “I can play guitar,” He answered to his teacher’s delight.

What?!” His classmates yelled, imagining Dusk Shine performing a guitar solo. He already has a punkish look with the piercings and motorcycle.

“Classical, Electric, or Acoustic?” Lemon Zest quizzed, holding herself steady. Awesome playlists and could play and sing some of the songs.

Electric,” Dusk Shine clarified his skills. “I can play a little something if that’s okay,” He offered.

“Yes, please,” Fancy Stream pleaded. He snapped his fingers for the students to clear the room while others gathered supplies. Several guitars were presented to him. These were donated by past students and alumni. Dusk Shine’s ears twitched, glaring at the incoming excited footsteps. Oh no, here we go.

3,2,1,” Night Blaze counted. Cadance barraged through the door, holding her heels as she panted heavily. There’s no way she’s running in these heels.

“Dusk Shine, I can-” She suggested, gesturing to the array of instruments.

“No,” Her brother-in-law shut down the consideration, surveying his options. She pouted, taking a seat instead wanting to join in for once. It’s always him and Shining Armor. Dusk Shine made his choice with a charcoal solid body, securing the string instrument around his shoulder. As he turned it, the amp surged to life, thinking of what he would play. Oh, that one. His phone played the instrumental.

“Holy crap, is that the One Punch man theme?” Sunnyflare asked, recognizing the action intro.

“Mhm,” They nodded, watching his fingers strum the strings. “ONE PUNCH!” Some couldn’t resist. Dusk Shine concentrated on his task, tapping his feet to the hypnotic rhythm. He cracked a smile, rocking his head while twisting towards the crowd and then back to himself.

Crap, he’s good,” Indigo Zap remarked. Dusk Shine didn’t hear them. He’s busy battling gods and dragon-level threats to protect his city as a hobby. The stimulating rumbling in his palms widened his grin, finally enjoying himself at Crystal Prep. Cadance smiled as well before glancing at Lemon Zest, mimicking his actions, rocking her head at a concert. Well, someone has a fan. Dusk Shine smirked, flaunting his skills by playing the body strings with one hand during a breath-taking riff. His babysitter playfully rolled her eyes. He picked up some of his brother’s habits. Lemon Zest and several others closed their legs, biting their bottom lips at his dexterous fingers. Sugarcoat kicked Zest’s ankle, snapping the green-haired girl out of her lustful stupor.

Hey, what was that for?” Lemon Zest snarled under her breath, massaging her sore ankle.

Nothing,” Sour Sweet huffed, focusing on the show with folded arms. Dusk Shine resumed, using both hands as he reached the ending. The drums slammed the earth as the electricity crashed into the sky before concluding on the final note. He bowed as several students and faculty stood in applause. Royal Pin remained seated with an uninterested clap.

“How about another song, Dusk Shine?” Cadance maternally encouraged. The spark in his dull amethyst eyes rejuvenated during the performance. His ecstatic eyes widened before creating a steady strumming on the strings, tapping his heels.

“I remember when you said your father's asleep. I remember swimming as our clothes drifted off to sea,” Dusk Shine grinned, continuing with another song.

Now, I have to take him backstage for VIP treatment,” Lemon Zest purred, watching a dedicated rock song.

“You don’t have to,” Moondancer responded to the explicit statement.

Bitch, I’m gonna,” Lemon Zest's eyes widened as she assured her earlier statement. Damn, she doesn't have another hair tie.

Here we go. Just lose control and let your body give in to the beat. Of your heart, as my hand touches your skin,” Dusk Shine lowered his eyelids, mirroring a seductive look, reaching his hand to the crowd. Some reached out. “Is this love or just sexual desire,” Cadance observed his hand motions as they sharpened each other. Her light purple eyes widened, recalling his potential. Oh no. “We’re gonna start a fire,” His hand blazed in a miniature campfire as the audience marveled at the deed. How did he do that? “Oh geez,” Dusk Shine yelled when a shroud of anti-inflammatory smoke coated him.

No, no, no, no, no, no,” Cadance scolded with a stern glare, holding a miniature fire extinguisher. Where did she get that from? She concentrated the white vapor on Dusk Shine in quick short bursts like an owner disciplining their rebellious cat with a spray bottle. “Bad Dusk Shine,” She frowned as he coughed and waved away the fumes. Luckily Lemon Zest avoided the blast radius.

“Ack, what the heck, Cadance?!” Dusk Shine barked, glaring as he removed and cleaned his glasses from the chalky cloud residue. “Why do you still have that?” He pointed to the safety device. The class had a bewildered expression from the exchange. Still?

You know why,” Cadance narrowed her eyes with a hand resting on her slim waist.

“I was six and left unsupervised,” Dusk Shine argued

“You were with your brother,” Cadance recalled the event. It was right before she officially started to be his babysitter.

“He too was left unsupervised,” Dusk Shine replied with a side-eye.

“Dusk Shine…” Cadance warned.

Oh please, what are you going to call my mom?” Dusk Shine scoffed at her attempt. You probably shouldn’t have done that.

“No,” Cadance responded with a cruel smirk. “I’m telling Sunset,” She confirmed, tauntingly wiggling her phone. His classmates discovered an unexpected emotion in Dusk Shine’s eyes when he squawked, flinching upon hearing that name. Fear. They shared a collective thought. Who’s this Sunset girl?

“Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,” Dusk Shine stammered, removing the strap and securely resting the guitar against the amp. “Let’s-let’s talk about this for a moment, Cadance,” He attempted to bargain, approaching the smirking Cadance. “No need to be hasty,” The star student shakily persuaded right when his phone rang. “Oh boy…” Dust Shine muttered while nervous sweat formed on the sides of his face.

“You better pick that up,” Cadance rubbed salt into the wound with an eye wiggle, relishing in his anxiety.

Dusk Shine gulped with a sigh before meekly answering. “Hey, Sunset,” He answered in a faint voice, attempting to appease the woman on the other side of the phone. No, it won’t.

What are you doing?” Sunset Shimmer questioned her best friend. She’s on her lunch break right now.

“Nothing much,” Dusk Shine studdered. A number of his classmates theorized that Sunset was around their age. Girlfriend maybe? Nah. Perhaps a girl he’s interested in.

Oh really?” Sunset Shimmer narrowed her eyes. He can’t possibly think that she’ll believe that. “You lit a fire and were rocking out without me?” She recited the information Cadance delivered to her a few moments ago.

“Okay, let me explain before you go all she-demon on me,” Dusk Shine countered, walking out of the class to continue this private conversation. Moondancer shrieked like a dedicated fan watching their favorite character die. Sour Sweet simply resumed her static eye twitching.

What happened to you?” Sunny Flare asked the foaming nerd.

He’s talking to Sunset Shimmer!” Moondancer declared as if they were supposed to know who the girl was.

“Yeah, so,” Indigo Zap said, adding to more Moondancer’s ire

SHE’S THE TOP STUDENT AT CHS!” Moondancer yelled, gripping the roots of her hair to the dumbfounded class. The students shared the same alarming idea.

How do they know each other?

Fun fact/Trivia
Sire's Hollow is located near the edges of the Smokey Mountains. You can see it during the episode Parent's map

Griffon's paw is a term for someone or something that always looking for money or payment for a task. It refers how money makes the world go round

Author's Note:

That is that. One more chapter before the Friendship games. We got some lore and backstory on Dusk Shine & Sour Sweet. Hope that you enjoyed the Lemon Zest moments.

Thanks for reading the story. Leave a review for any questions and/or show your support. Thank you once again and have a good day/ :)