• Published 10th May 2022
  • 1,550 Views, 55 Comments

Crystal Prison - HeirofHades

Dusk Shine the top student of CPA struggles to understand the value of Friendship. Cinch forces him to compete in the upcoming Friendship games against CHS. Now he must work with those he labeled him an outcast to achieve victory.

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New Look

Clippings of dark sapphire blue hair littered Dusk Shine’s bathroom floor and sink. He used the black handheld mirror and his reflection to check the back of his head. Dusk Shine tilted his head side to side for any errors during his impromptu haircut. Everything is in order. No gaps or awkward lengths. He brushed off any stray sapphire hairs off his midnight blue shirt before shaking his head. Always double-check just to be safe. Dusk placed the scissors down on the counter.
And there we’re done,” Dark Shine commented at their new appearance. “What do you think, nerd?” He asked his other half while Dusk Shine analyzed his new style in the mirror. Although, one can’t truly call it ‘new’. He simply cut his hair short allowing it to rest upon the nape of his mulberry neck instead of his lower back reaching his butt and the upper regions of his thighs. Yeah, Dusk Shine, you were way overdue for a haircut.

“Huh,” Dusk Shine replied, moving some hair out of the way while titling his neck. His piercings shined in the bathroom light. He had them for at least a year but his hair usually hid them unless someone got close to him. Cinch didn’t mind them as several students had them. His parents were relatively unaware of them but probably won’t be surprised at it. They were always open-minded. “It’s actually not too bad,” Dusk Shine acknowledged while Dark smirked.

Told ya,” Dark Shine replied. “Hopefully weirdos will leave you alone thinking that you’re a girl or some weird shit,” He mentioned before examining the top student for a few seconds. “Slick your hair back for a quick second,” Dark Shine suggested while Dusk raised a brow. An odd request but whatever. He still did it. More of Dusk Shine’s spectacularly stunning face was revealed. The slick-backed style morphed him from a scholar to a superstar. Dark Shine knew that Dusk was a handsome teenager but the nerd is unaware of that. He frowned at what the social isolation of Crystal Prep did to him. Yet, Dark isn’t too worried about that as his time will come. Whether Dusk Shine likes it or not. “That’s it. That’s the style we’re looking for,” He guffawed before gesturing to the counter. “Now take some of that gel. You’re keeping it,” Dusk Shine’s shaking hand begrudgingly reached for the container holding the thick clear substance. He smacked his hand away.

No,” Dusk Shine stated while Dark smirked at his defiance, finding it adorable. “That’s enough for tonight,” He replied as he cleaned up the bathroom while Dark watched him. It’s getting easier to control or influence him now. Dusk Shine’s hold on him loosened in the past year such as happened with Sunset Shimmer and the Dazzles. He grinned wondering what’ll happen after the games. Will he and Dusk Shine become one? Or will Dark Shine be the dominant personality? There’s little to no difference between how he thinks and what Dusk Shine thinks. But noooooooooooooo, Dusk Shine wants to be a little goody-two-shoes despite that he respected him. The two were the same person after all. Dusk Shine is intelligent therefore he is intelligent. Plus, years of reading comics and stories illustrate that all great villains need a code, morals, or ideology to abide by. Something that draws people to them and agrees with them. That’s how you know you have an amazing villain is when you agree with their mindset. Otherwise, you have a generic lack-luster character who’s only driven back their base desires especially if they have a shitty backstory. Oh boo hoo you had a shitty childhood. Oh take a fucking number and cry us an ocean. Everyone will have something shitty happen to them in their life. However, the vast majority rose from their struggles, becoming better instead of using it as their go-to excuse for everything. Seriously, how the fuck are you in your forties using the same excuse from when you were four?

Hurry up, Dusk Shine. Cinch is waiting for that final team draft pick,” Dark Shine taunted with a grin as the scholar glared at him. “And the rest of your homework,” He shut the door behind him.

Dusk Shine sat at his study desk again writing his history assignment when his phone vibrated. “I thought I turned it off,” He remarked before narrowing his eyes at the contact name. “Oh great, it’s her,” Dusk Shine grumbled as he reached for his phone.

Where’s my English essay outline,” Fleur De Lis demanded in her typical haughty tone. “It’s due this week. Come on, hurry up, I don’t have all night,” Dusk Shine took a calming breath.

“Where’s the second half of the payment?” Dusk Shine typed as professionally as he could. Those were the rules. Half now then the other half later. This ensures that both parties hold their end of the bargain. His phone buzzed, receiving a payment from Prench Kiss. “Please give me a moment,” He requested as he searched through his drive, scrolling through multiple names and folders. Dusk Shine found and sent it to her. Unfortunately, she’s one of his more frequent customers. Thankfully, Fleur De Lis primarily comes to him for major assignments. Otherwise, she, like many others, flat-out ignores him.

“Finally,” Fleur De Lis remarked before leaving the chat. Dusk Shine sighed before resuming his assignment.

Shit, she hates you,” Dark Shine mentioned as Dusk flipped over the worksheet.

“How’s that any different from ninety-nine percent of the student body?” Dusk Shine questioned as he tapped his pen against the desk.

Nah, they hate you because they actually have to put effort into something that a simple phone call to mommy and daddy won’t solve for the first time in their pathetic lives,” Dark Shine remarked. Dusk Shine didn’t respond but as a scientist. He can’t ignore the facts. The majority of his classmates were members of high society like him. They can live comfortably by their family name alone or their parents knowing the right people landing them a cushy job if they show competence. Then Dusk Shine appeared with the same start as his peers yet they saw his hard work, talent, and etiquette. His mere presence and skills threatened and insulted them. He sighed at the amount of times parents compared their children to him wondering why they can’t be more like him. It got worse becoming the top student. Dusk Shine wanted to feel sorry for them but couldn't. They treated him like shit. Therefore, why should he give a shit about them? He stretched for a brief moment. Although, when you think about it. Their parents work or have contacts for institutes he’s interested in. Some are interested in him too. If they’re smart, they can overlook their child’s petty feelings towards him, providing him an easy source of payback by doing nothing. It’s all business at the end of the day. Money talks.

“Why do you think she’s pissed off at me,” Dusk Shine countered.

Well, you had a bit of a crush on her a few years ago,” Dark Shine brought up after a pause. The two stuttered at that poor display of judgment. Granted it was his first year at Crystal Prep but he got better. “Thankfully, you got over it. Then you became the top student and ignored her like an irrelevant side character. Man, she was fake,” Dark Shine scoffed. “Fleur De Lis honestly thought she could seduce you into doing her homework for her. Holy shit, that look on her face when you said no was fucking priceless,” Dark cackled at the memory.

“So I wounded her pride,” Dusk Shine calculated. “Is that what you’re saying,”

Basically yeah,” Dark Shine admitted. “She’s basically every single Alpha bitch in any school setting. Wealthy, attractive, and a straight-up bitch,” His other side listed off. “Fleur De Lis can have all her issues solved by calling ‘Daddy’. We both know it won’t be her father. I won’t be shocked at all if she has more divorces than Fast and Furious movies in the next twenty years because all her exes found out that she has is her looks and nothing else,” He spat out. “She won’t change from how she is now,

“We’re still teenagers so there’s a hope for her to be better,” Dusk Shine retorted while checking his answer. “She might surprise us,”

Keyword being might,” Dark Shine scoffed at the suggestion. “ People like her will only learn when she has nothing left besides her entitlement. She’ll come to us as a last resort to save her from her mistakes,” His scowl morphed into a cruel smirk. “And we don’t play a knight in shining armor. That’s our brother’s job,” Dusk Shine placed his worksheet into its designated folder before heading to his computer. He gave a slight smile to the framed photo on his desk showing those he held dear and near to his heart as he logged on.

“Now who’ll make the final team,” Dusk Shine opened the file on potential teammates. He spent a considerable amount of time structuring this team. “That should be it,” Dusk Shine whispered before attaching the file in an email to Principal Cinch. He got a reply a few moments later.

Thank you for your assistance, Dusk Shine. Although, I’m surprised at some of the choices. You explained in detail why they should be a member. This team fills virtually every gap leading us to victory. I expected nothing less from my top student. Please come to my office before the morning bell to discuss further,” Her posh voice echoed as he read off her reply. He checked his monitor clock. His parents should be home soon and start making dinner.

“Dusk Shine, we’re home,” His mother’s voice called out upon entering the door with her husband walking in with her. Dusk Shine is the spitting image of her. He inherited her striped hairstyle, looks, and body type. Numerous times Twilight Velvet was mistaken for his older sister or an older cousin. Some people even referred to her as a … MILF. Dusk Shine’s mind had to detach itself to see what they mean. His mother was a gorgeous woman with a vibrant personality and a successfully stable career. That’s where his mind stopped before going into forbidding territory. He seriously didn’t need those types of images in his head.

“Honey, I think he knows by now. Probably made a chart or spreadsheet,” Night Light whispered as she rolled her eyes at him. Dusk Shine inherited aspects of his father’s personality, typically his methodical traits. He enjoys boxes and numbers when they’re in an organized manner. It’s an oddly satisfying experience. Even with a career in Data science and civil engineering. Night Light gets paid while doing what he enjoys. Just like his wife, he was considered a DILF. Some of the single ladies in Canterlot, especially his schoolmate’s mothers gave Dusk Shine their numbers to give to his father just in case he needs a stepmom. It also didn’t help that Cinch showed her interest in his dad. Yep. Dusk Shine has a hot mom, a hot dad, and a hot sibling.

“In the kitchen,” Dusk Shine replied. Both of them rushed in towards the location in anticipation. Dusk Shine typically takes care of the meals in the household and does an exquisite job at it too. To him, there’s no difference between cooking and doing a chemistry experiment. He had his equipment and a list of instructions. All he had to do was follow them.

“Ohhhh what are we-” Twilight Velvet spoke before pausing along with Night Light at the sight of Dusk Shine. “Having?”

Dusk Shine was peeling potatoes when he turned his head to them. “Chicken and potatoes,” He answered while the chicken was sizzling in the cast iron skillet.

“You cut your hair,” Twilight Velvet whispered as he went to the cabinet for some spices and seasonings.

“Yeah, it was getting too long,” Dusk replied, holding a bottle of paprika and garlic powder. “Can’t risk it becoming a safety hazard and I was long overdue for one,” He chopped the potatoes into cuboid pieces. “Does it look weird?” Dusk Shine said softly.

“Oh no, no, no. We didn’t mean like that sweetie,” Twilight Velvet consoled her youngest child. “This suits you but it’s just…” She paused for a moment.

“It’s just out of your usual routine,” Night Light stepped in to answer for his wife. “And when did you get piercings?” He pointed out in concern. “Why weren’t we aware of this?”

“A few months ago,” Dusk Shine revealed to his parents. “My hair hides them when I’m wearing them,” He pointed to his ear.

“Honey, let him live a little. At least it’s one of the more simple ones,” Twilight Velvet interrupted. “This is probably a personal experiment to see if he likes it. And he likes it,” Night Light rolled his eyes at her. Why must he be the responsible parent while she’s the eccentric one? Well, he loves her dearly so he’ll let it slide. “You don’t have a tattoo right?” His parents stared at him.

“No, you don’t,” Dark Shine muttered.

“No, I don’t,” Dusk Shine announced as he checked the steak.

“Oh thank goodness,” His father mouthed.

“At least for right now,” Dusk Shine taunted, causing his father to snap his head in his direction in alarm. “I already have designs that I’m interested in,”

“I’ll help you pick,” Twilight Velvet joked to Night Light’s surprise.

“Honey!” He shouted as she giggled.

The family enjoyed their dinner of chicken and potatoes while making idle chit-chat about their day. Spike greedily munched on his dinner too. So Dusk Shine did something special today,” Night Light asked, acknowledging how quiet he was.

“Nothing major but I’ve been signed up for the Friendship Games,” Dusk Shine admitted while pushing around his potatoes.

THE FRIENDSHIP GAMES?!” They replied as Dusk Shine nodded to confirm his statement. “But Dusk Shine, you’re not really a people person,” Twilight Velvet remarked.

“You’re more of an independent,” Night Light confirmed. “You’ve always been a do-it-yourself type of guy,” He and his wife shared a worried look. “This isn’t like you, son,” The haircut, the piercings, and now this. Something is up.

“Principal Cinch got Shining Armor to convince me of the benefits of joining and representing the school in the Friendship Games,” Dusk Shine pushed his glasses up.

“Well, what did he say,” Twilight Velvet asked knowing that the two were close yet opposites of each other. Shining Armor was the extrovert, the life of parties, and more emotional and athletic. Dusk Shine on the other was more reserved, studious, and logical.

“Well he tried the whole ‘girls love a hero’ idea,” Dusk Shine mocked his brother with air quotes. “My name in the papers, a trophy and maybe a pretty girl or whatever,” He rolled his eyes and frowned. He already has trophies with his name in the papers from his achievements at Crystal Prep and other school competitions. Although the pretty girl does sound pleasing. However, Dusk Shine won’t be persuaded by his base desires.

“Yeah, that sounds like him,” Night Light declared while cutting his chicken breast. “So what made you agree to it?” Dusk Shine’s throat went dry for a moment.

“Cinch said…she said that it’ll make my application to Everton stand out more,” Dusk Shine let out a half-truth after a short moment. He didn’t want to do it yet he had to. “I’m the top student but I always need something that makes me unique,”

“You’re really setting your sights on the Everton Program,” Night Light revealed. “I trust your judgment but is this what you really want? You’re fifteen so there’s no rush,” He persuaded his son not wanting him to burn out so early in life.

“Dad, there’s nothing left for me at Crystal Prep,” Dusk Shine confessed in a dead tone. “I pass every test with ease. The student body despises me with a passion so there’s no point in socializing,” Images of Sour Sweet flashed before pushing them away. Spike whimpered as he rubbed himself against Dusk Shine’s leg. He reached down rubbed Spike’s head. “No point in staying in a place where I’m hated,” Dusk Shine sighed before standing up. “May I please be excused?” He muttered.

“Of course, we’ll put your dinner up,” Twilight Velvet answered in a soothing tone. Dusk Shine muttered a quick thank you before heading to the stairs. “Dusk Shine,” He turned to his parents. They both gave him a comforting embrace to his surprise but he welcomed it. They were his parents after all. “We love you, Dusk Shine. You’re going to do great at the Friendship Games,” They smiled in support.

“I love you too,” Dusk Shine smiled back when Spike barked. “That includes you too Spike,” He picked up his furry companion. “I’m heading to my room,” Their concerned eyes followed him up the stairs.

“He’s hiding something isn’t he?” Twilight Velvet asked her husband in worry. He nodded in agreement.

“It definitely has something to do with Cinch and the Friendship Games,” Night Light calculated based on what Dusk Shine revealed to them. “However, I can’t help but wonder if there’s something more to this. He simply isn’t telling us,”

“I always knew that was something about her I didn’t like,” Twilight Velvet gritted her teeth. Night Light gave her a raised brow and a slightly amused look. “And no this isn’t some old high school grudge,” The two were rivals for Night Light’s heart. She won, of course. “I just hope this isn’t anything that can ruin Dusk Shine,” Night Light held her hand.

“He’s going to be fine,” Night Light comforted. “Come on, our dinner is getting cold,” Dusk Shine’s bedroom door was closed shut.

“I hope you’re right sweetie,” Twilight Velvet whispered. However, her maternal instincts warned, even yelled at her that Cinch did something to her son.

The car ride to school was an anxious experience for Dusk Shine although he didn’t show it. Cadence watched him play with his hair. She and Shining Armor were shocked too at his haircut as it was far out of his routine. It’ll take some time to get used to it after he kept it long for years. However, she thought about it, this short hair looks better on him. His piercings…that’s another story. “Remember to breathe, Dusk,” His former babysitter consoled him as she found a parking spot. “You’re going to be okay today,” She placed a hand on his shoulder. He took several deep calming breaths like how she taught him. Both removed their seats and strolled to the front entrance of the school. It’s still rather early in the morning so there are not a lot of students at this hour. “Ready to head inside?” Dusk Shine adjusted his ear cuff for a second before nodding.

“Let’s do this,” He replied with a straight face. Cadence opened the door for them. The two casually strolled through the hallway. There are more students than what he estimated. Shit, they’re staring at him and whispering to their friends. His heart raced and thundered but Dusk Shine shoved those thoughts away. They always stare and insult him under their foul breaths. He focused on several conversations as he and Dean Cadence walked by.

“Holy crap, Dusk Shine got a haircut,” A female student whispered to two other female students near a row of lockers. “It looks pretty good,” His amethyst eyes widened at the compliment. “I didn’t know that he had piercings too,” Her friends gazed up and down at him and smiled.

“Damn, he looks nice,” Another one mentioned and grinned at him. “Dusk Shine was always good-looking,” They found him attractive? “I’m liking this new look. Maybe I should get to know him a litter better,”

“Good luck getting through Sunny Flare and Sour Sweet,” Moondancer remarked. Dusk Shine raised a brow. Sunny Flare, he can understand but why Sour Sweet. Wait a second. Why does he care? “I prefer his old style,” She held her books closer to her body. Moondancer was an associate of his during their youth and spent a lot of time together prior to enrolling at Crystal Prep. However, they haven’t interacted much since then.

“Oh shut up, Moondancer. They’re not dating so he’s free to claim,” She said while Moondancer rolled her eyes. Dusk Shine’s eyes peeked at Cadence who had a soft cocky grin on her face.

“Shut up, Cadence,” He demanded of her. Dusk Shine’s not going to give her the satisfaction.

I have no idea what you’re talking about,” The dean maintained her grin. He narrowed his eyes at her. That’s bullshit and you know it.

“I’m heading to the bathroom,” Dusk Shine grumbled as she turned around and up the stairs. He found an empty bathroom and checked his appearance in the mirror. The black ear cuff with a silver antitragus was a good idea. Simple, practical, and stylish. Dusk Shine pulled out his smartphone from his pocket as he surveyed his surroundings. The coast is clear. He raised his phone and pressed the camera app with a smile. Time for a selfie.

Gosh, this sucks,” Rainbow Dash groaned in the library while Cherliee shushed her. “Sorry,” The rainbow-haired all-star whispered before glaring at her thick chemistry textbook.

“Less complaining and more studying Dash,” Applejack scolded as she looked up from her notebook. “We need every single point we can get for the Friendship Games if we want to win against Crystal Prep” They were in a study group in preparation for the upcoming games.

“Is it really that bad?” Sunset quizzed her friends. They all stopped and blankly stared at her. “What?” She shrugged.

“It is, sugar cube,” Applejack signed. “CHS and CPA have the longest ‘rivalry’ out of any schools in Canterlot. Shoots, probably all of Equestria,”

“If they even consider us rivals,” Rarity replied in an elegant tone. “They’ve beaten us for decades in every single event,” Sunset turned a page in her physics book.

“Every event?” Sunset Shimmer asked as they nodded.

“See for yourself,” Applejack handed her a yearbook. Sunset Shimmer flipped through the pages as her eyes slowly widened with each passing year of CPA holding trophies against the dejected CHS students. Holy shit they’re right. Every single event for decades. “Told ya. I think the last time we won was when Granny Smith was my age,” The farmhand grabbed the book.

“Plus, they’re pretty mean,” Fluttershy acknowledged softly as the rest sans Sunset Shimmer nodded in agreement.

“Those Crystal Punks think they’re so much better than us just because they go to a fancy school,” Rainbow Dash mocked their opponents as more students walked into the library. “I would pay money to see them being knocked down a peg or two,” She leaned back and placed her feet on the table.

“Weren’t you recruited by them, Dashie?” Pinkie Pie brought up. “They recruit the best of the best,”

“Yeaaahhhhh but my loyalty has always been with Canterlot high,” Rainbow Dash grinned. “And wouldn’t change it for the world. Even though all those trophies are pretty sweet,”

“I’ll admit that Crystal Prep is full of upper-class snobs but,” Sunset shimmer started when her thoughts settled a certain mulberry nerd with a gentle smile. “Some aren’t that bad,” The group shared a look.

“Darling, you know someone at Crystal Prep?” Rarity asked, leaning forward. Sunset Shimmer nodded whenTHE GREAT AND POWERFUL Trixie Lulamoon charged into the library in a frenzy. The magician swiftly scanned the area.

“Sunset. Didn’t get the message?!” Trixie fretted in a hushed voice. Sunset’s eyes expanded.

“What? No,” Sunset replied. Did something happen? Was it an emergency? Trixie pulled out her phone.

“Where is it….oh here it is,” The magician mumbled for a moment. She showed her what she found. Sunset stared with widened eyes while Trixie smirked.

“He cut his hair?” The redhead quizzed the bluenette. “Shit, it looks really good on him” The table exchanged confused glances. Who’s he? They gazed at Pinkie Pie who simply shrugged. The party girl doesn’t know either.

“I know right?” Trixie said ecstatically with a mild blush. “He did yesterday,”

“Yesterday?” Sunset Shimmer repeated. “And he didn’t call or text us anything,” Honestly she felt insulted.

“Who are yall talking about?” Applejack acknowledged the elephant in the room. They wanted to know if it got Trixie excited. Sunset showed them the pictures. They leaned in for a closer look. It was a lithe purple male around their age or maybe a bit younger. He had dark sapphire hair with a single solid pink and violet stripe reaching to his neck. Glasses and piercings on his left ear. All in a crisp CPA uniform. They recognized that shade of magenta anywhere.

“Who’s the egghead?” Rainbow Dash taunted. Trixie and Sunset narrowed their intense eyes at her. “Hey, just asking,” She raised her hands in defense.

“He’s my…” Sunset replied when Trixie tilted her head at her forcing her to pause. “Okay, our egghead” Trixie folded her hoodie-covered arms and nodded in approval. “His name is Dusk Shine, the top student at CPA,” She announced to the shocked group.

“He’s their top student,” Rainbow spoke the mind of the group. The two nodded

“For the last two years and going strong,” Trixie beamed. That didn’t ease their worries. This Dusk Shine is the elite amongst the elite.

“Didn’t he sweep through Cloudsdale’s entire team by himself during that math competition?” Pinkie Pie recalled. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash gave a short nod not wanting to remember that massacre delivered to their hometown. They haven’t seen it for themselves but it was brutal. From what they heard, Dusk Shine wasn’t even trying. He effortlessly steamrolled them to where Cloudsdale had to forfeit from the gigantic gap between the scores. All with a bored expression.

“Yep, that sounds like him,” Trixie confirmed. Cold sweat dripped from their youthfully devastated faces. They were going to face a demon like him in the Friendship Games, won’t they?

Shit,” Rainbow muttered while grabbing her head. Normally Rarity would scold her for such uncouth language in a public setting but the designer agrees with her statement.

“Does he have an ego that matches the moon?” Applejack replied as the morale lowered from their new opponent. Trixie made an offended yell with a hand on her chest.

“Sometimes yes. He’s a smartass, a know-it-all, and made me want to break his glasses on several occasions,” Sunset listed off but another smile adorned her face. “Dusk Shine’s …different,” Now, that’s a smile they haven’t seen before.

Ooooohhhhhhh, is he special to you, darling?” Rarity questioned smelling a hint of romance.
“You can say that,” Sunset Shimmer admitted with a light blush. “I owe a lot to him. Dusk helped set me straight when I was being a…”

A total bitch,” Trixie remarked to her cousin. Yes, I have Trixie and Sunset as cousins so deal with it.
“If you want to put it that way. Then yes,” Sunset affirmed. Yeah Sunset, you were quite nasty in the first ‘movie’. “Who knew that stern talking to with a cross to the jaw

“He punched you?” Fluttershy fretted. He looked quiet and reserved like her.

“Talk about being an advocate for true gender equality,” Rainbow Dash added. She didn’t know that this egghead had the mindset to fight his friend

“Dusk Shine’s a scholar but…he’s not afraid to fight,” Sunset defended her friend. “I did have that coming for a while now,” She gingerly rubbed her chin. Man, he hits hard. “Plus, he helped us against the Dazzles,” They screwed up their faces in confusion. A girl named Twilight Sparkle assisted them.

“You’re saying that this Twilight Sparkle was him?” Applejack inquired. They didn't know that she was actually a he. Damn.

“Yep,” Trixie and Sunset nodded. “It was a disguise so that his classmates wouldn’t recognize him. They’re rather cliquish despite treating him like a social outcast,” She growled at how awful they treated their Dusk Shine.

“They treat their top student. The representative of Crystal Prep like a tomato sauce stain while wearing all white,” Rarity predicted. They confirmed with a nod. “Why?”

“They actually have to put effort into something in their lives,” Trixie started. “Everything came easy for them thanks to their cushy lives. Money solved most if not all of their problems,” Crystal Prep Academy drew in the upper class. That’s why it was created in the first class. The social elite didn’t want their children rubbing elbows with those born of lower status. “Then someone appeared at the school. He isn’t using the same methods they’ve been using for decades or even centuries. Everything he does was the result of rigorous studying and discipline. Something that anyone can do. Money can’t buy that,” Trixie mocked with a short chuckle before staring at Rainbow Dash. “In a way, you got your wish. They have been knocked down a few pegs,” She frowned. “They can’t touch him either as it would harm the reputation of the school,”

“So he’s like some regular guy that’s crazy smart which pisses off a bunch of silver spoon city slickers,” Applejack predicted. Seems like a common plot in most coming of age stories

“He’s not a regular guy. Dusk Shine’s actually quite wealthy,” Sunset Shimmer told the group. “Like really wealthy,” She emphasized. “We’re talking upper class wealthy,”

“Where does he live?” Rarity questioned blankly.

“Luminance Arch,” Trixie answered. Rarity covered her mouth to muffle her grand gasp.

“He…he lives there?!” The fashionista stammered with widened eyes. The two nodded. “Oh, dear,”

“Um, why does it matter where he lives?” Rainbow Dash probed. “He lives in Luminance Arch. So what’s the big deal?” She shrugged. Rarity jerked her head at the athlete.

“It’s a MASSIVE deal,” Rarity assessed. “Luminance Arch is the fancy part of Canterlot. Anyone who’s anyone lives there. Doctors, lawyers, businessmen, politicians, actors and superstars,” She explained in the frenzy while remaining quiet. “It makes Los Pegasus look like a cheap studio apartment. Some of the most important and influential people in Canterlot have origins traced there. They say that you can see the stars as clear as day. It’s a glorious sight,” Rarity sighed in delight as her friends rolled their eyes at her. “I’ve always dreamed of living there. Me relaxing at the poolside with my personal palace as a highly successful multi-millionaire businesswoman. You girls are obviously invited of course,” She gave them a charming smile. An idea popped with her graceful mind. “Sunset, darling, can I ask you teensy-weensy favor as one of your bestest friends,” Rarity clasped her smooth alabaster hands together as she fluttered her eyes.

That depends,” Sunset Shimmer narrowed her eyes. She believes that she knows where this is going.

“Is this Dusk Shine fellow single or has someone that he’s interested in?” Rarity probed. And there it is!

“No, and not the last time I checked,” Sunset answered. A smirk made its way home on Rarity’s face. She flipped her silky purple hair as she pulled out her compact mirror. A lady must always look presentable. Perhaps a little smile here and there to get him interested. “But you may not be his type,” Sunset pointed out. The designer’s eyes widened with a blank expression.

“Is he…you know?” Rarity whispered with a hand gesture.

“Asexual. Yes”

“I think I fell asleep during that seminar” Rainbow Dash scratched her head.

“OH! Asexuality is a spectrum where the person has little to no sexual attraction. However, there are always exceptions. The common ones are grey when the person rarely experiences sexual attraction. Demi is when they only experience sexual attraction when there’s a strong emotional connection.” Pinkie Pie rattled off to the group with her signature grin.

“That yeah. Plus, you’ll just remind him of the girls at Crystal Prep,” Sunset Shimmer added before a shudder. “Some of those girls are awful,” Rarity slowly placed her mirror back into her skirt pocket. What was she even thinking? How can she compete against the beautiful elite? “Hey don’t worry about it. He said and I quote ‘If this Rarity is as half as nice as she is fabulous. Then she can easily be the prettiest girl at Crystal Prep’” She recalled as Rarity’s face flushed scarlet.

“So what is his type,” Fluttershy asked while adjusting herself in her seat.

“He doesn’t have a type per se,” Trixie conveyed with a so-so gesture. “My best guess is that if he likes you, he likes you. Hypothetically, we all have a decent chance,” She announced before shooting a teasing glance at Sunset. “This one is in the lead,”

Sunset glanced down at herself. “You really think so,” She along with her friends were a part of the Canterlot Cuties. Who can blame them? Each girl offers something unique.

Applejack with her accent, thickly toned body with family values. Fluttershy and warm, maternal gentle aura. Pinkie Pie’s upbeat and cheerful demeanor with a laugh to match. Rainbow Dash and her outgoing and enthusiastic nature. Rarity with an air of grace and elegance. Trixie’s flair of confidence and desire to put on a show for her wonderful audience. Sunset Shimmer went through a few changes. She was the level-headed foil to the hyperactive Pinkie Pie. Her aesthetic was a rocker with her leather jacket. Then the Dazzles appeared and corrupted her into a mean girl. You guys know what I’m talking about. Basically the first movie. Fortunately, Dusk Shine and several others showed her the light and to the nurse’s office. “I changed quite a bit,” Sunset twirled her vibrant crimson lock with a finger. She’s still a rocker but delved into the goth or punk look. Her leather jacket was swapped with a short-sleeved black coat with faux spikes on the collar. Ebony eyeshadow to contrast those bright cyan eyes. A sun necklace rested upon her garnet t-shirt with a shredded bottom. Finally, every rocker needs a sturdy pair of boots. Again with spikes. Yes, I’m using the EmeraldBlast human Sunset Shimmer Design. Trixie placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

“He still looks at you the same way,” Trixie smiled as Sunset smiled in return. The group had their share of smirks as they packed for their morning class. Trixie and Sunset texted Dusk Shine in the meantime.

He smiled when the replies were received. Huh, some of them were from their friends. Dusk Shine placed his phone back into his pocket. Who knew that a simple haircut can change someone’s opinion of you? “I did. That’s why I did it,” Dark Shine taunted while Dusk sighed. He knew that he was too quiet for the morning. CPA’s top student stopped at the office doors. Dusk Shine sighed once more before knocking.

Enter,” Principal Cinch’s frigidly professional voice ordered. He did what was told. She was busy signing several documents at her desk as he strolled to the solitary seat placing his school bag at the side. “Good morning, Dusk Shi-” She paused as her stern eyes gazed at his new short hair and piercings. “You’ve gotten a haircut,” Cinch acknowledged as she stopped her writing. He nodded to confirm. “It suits you quite nicely,” She said with a grin that offered no solace to him. It showed more of that handsome face of his. Cinch raised a brow at his uniform. It was more relaxed as his tie was loosened to a degree. Properly done of course. No long sleeves either revealing his surprisingly toned forearms. He kept his sweater vest but his Cutie Mark on his chest pocket along with a tiny shield with a black lightning bolt in the center and a stylized dark pink S-pin. Each one displayed his rank and prestige at her school.

“So I’ve been told,” Dusk Shine blankly answered, hiding his discomfort. He pushed his glasses up. “Is the roster to your liking?” Dusk Shine asked, wanting this to be done already.

“Of course, I expected nothing from CPA’s best and brightest,” Cinch maintained her smile. For the love of the cosmos just stop already. She opened her desk drawer and placed a chest at the center of it. “With you and the Shadow Five. It’ll be another easy victory for Crystal Prep,” The Shadow five well the six, if you included him, are the top students at CPA. Each member was well-rounded in various subjects with their preferences being either academics or athletics. He was the top student making his spot a guarantee. Sunny Flare was a fellow member. The benefits of being the principal’s daughter.

“What about the other half of the Shadowbolts?” Dusk Shine analyzed

“What about them?” Cinch scoffed, brushing them aside. “They’re the B-team. I frankly don’t care if they win or lose. Their only purpose right now is to make sure we don’t lose,” She declared standing up from her desk. Her heels clicked with each step.“Or allow us to lose. As long as we win.” Cinch placed her hands on his shoulders. “That’s all that matters, especially you with leading us to victory,” She traced her thumb up and down his cheek forcing goosebumps to erupt. Please stop this. “And your application to Everton with all references as promised,” He didn’t believe a fucking word that slipped from her mouth.

“And what if I’m not accepted for whatever reason,” Dusk Shine questioned in a slightly accusatory tone at her. His intense glare locked with her amused one. Yes, that’s it, Dusk Shine. Show your drive to succeed and dominate. It’s remarkable how he went from barely looking into her eyes a few years ago into now having the gall and audacity to glare at her without a trace of fear. No, there’s still some fear but Dusk Shine refused to show it. Her lips grew wider. Excellent.

“Don’t worry about that Dusk Shine,” Cinch leaned forward, getting face to face with him. Their lips were a mere centimeters apart. He can feel her breath against his skin wanting to get away from her. “I’ll make sure you’re compensated quite handsomely,” She straightened and readjusted his constricting tie. “I’ll personally make sure of it,” His face remained neutral as her lips curved further upward. This is the most Dusk Shine ever saw her smile before. He didn’t like it one bit.

“Can I get that in writing please?” He bargained with a raised brow. “Anyone can say anything so that’s why it’s essential for a paper trail,” The principal stood upright with her hands clasped behind her. She chuckled.

I’ve taught you well,” Cinch nodded before glancing at her grandfather clock. “Head to class, Dusk Shine. You’ll have it before the end of the day,” He gave her a curt nod before heading to the door. She observed him every step of the way. As if she’ll let a boy no man like him slip through her fingers. Dusk Shine will be an esteemed asset to her family. Especially if her dear daughter Sunny Flare plays her role.

Uh, where the hell is he?” Sour Sweet groaned as she glanced at the empty seat. “He’s usually here by now,” She crossed her arms with a frown while Sugarcoat and Sunny Flare blankly looked at each other. Sour Sweet. You’re not that good at hiding your massive crush on Dusk Shine. Plus, this tsundere act isn’t helping you either.

“It’s selection day so he’s in Cinch’s office,” Sunny Flare answered as she fixed her sun hairpiece while their classmates chatted about. The selection day is one of the most critical moments for Crystal Prep students. Everyone here is an elite but being selected to represent the school for the Friendship Games, further cements that. Colleges, universities, and businesses are eager to get their hands on the top twelve students. They’re the best of the best.

“He’s the top student so his spot is secure,” Sugarcoat replied. “It’s the other eleven spots that people are about,” The classroom door opened revealing a certain mulberry male.

“It’s about…time,” Sour Sweet grumbled before her jaw went ajar at his altered hairstyle.

“Good morning,” Dusk Shine greeted. The class went silent as Dusk Shine walked to his seat. Their shocked stares followed him with Sour Sweet being the most predominant. Whatever he didn’t care as he sat down taking out a book to read. They resumed their conversations with hushed voices and a new topic at hand.

“Dude, Dusk Shine actually cut his hair,” Neon Lights acknowledged, removing his shades to make sure what he’s seeing is real. “I didn’t know he had piercings,” He rubbed his ear lobes. “You think he can give us the number of where he got them from,”

“I don’t see why not. If Dusk Shine can get his ears pierced then surely we can too,” Suri Polomare assessed before analyzing him for a swift moment. “The short hair combined with those simply stylish earpieces worked wonders for him,” His previously long hair caused several stares, confusion with slight envy from the female student body. How did he get his hair so shiny and silky? Was he born with it or has a routine for it? She and many other girls and some dudes thought that Dusk Shine was attractive with his handsome face, enchanting amethyst eyes. Yes, he’s cold and reserved yet remains respectful. Simple seduction won’t work on adding more to the challenge forcing them to work for their grades when he tutors them. Despite being a part of a well-established family, his discipline sets him apart from most of them.

“It has too since I saw him taking selfies in the bathroom,” Trenderhoof revealed to the group. They swiftly looked back and forth between Dusk Shine and Trenderhoof who nodded.

No fucking way,” Neon Lights whispered. He gestured to Dusk Shine who turned a page in his book. “Him?”

“I only caught it for a split second when I walked into the bathroom,” Trenderhoof clarified. “But I definitely saw a camera flash,”

“Was it to a girl,” Neon Lights quizzed the blond who shrugged. Sour Sweet focused on Dusk Shine. Is he dating someone? And why does it bother her?!

“It has to be. New haircut and showing off his pierced ears,” Suri Polomare calculated. “He’s trying to impress someone,” She concluded before a tiny grin appeared on her face. If what Trenderhoof is true then Dusk Shine is interested in someone or looking for a girlfriend. He’s available. She stood up. “Maybe I can offer him my assistance,” Sour Sweet snapped her head in Suri’s direction. She stopped at the sight of Sour Sweet deathly empty stare with a cold sweat. The archer gestured a slit throat at her. “Or maybe not,” Suri mouthed before sitting back down as Sour Sweet turned back around. The class continued their chatter until the bell rang. Time for a new day.