• Published 10th May 2022
  • 1,546 Views, 55 Comments

Crystal Prison - HeirofHades

Dusk Shine the top student of CPA struggles to understand the value of Friendship. Cinch forces him to compete in the upcoming Friendship games against CHS. Now he must work with those he labeled him an outcast to achieve victory.

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We've reached the ending, guys. No, this isn't the final end of the story but the Friendship Games arc. I'm dividing the story into several stories based on the movies and specials. Is the next story going to follow Camp Everfree? NOPE! We're heading to Rainbow Rocks, meaning
we'll meet the DAZZLINGS! The fan-favorite villains

I'm stuck between the next stort's title, either Crystal Prison: Siren Song or Dazzling Retribution. Thanks for sticking with me and this story over the years

Dusk Shine collapsed on the reformed soft grass. He’s no longer the rampaging monster. Nor the wrathful deity. Just a boy. Exhausted from the onslaught life throws at him.

“DUSK SHINE!” Sour Sweet wailed, rushing over to his body and pushing others out of the way. Her mascara ran, flowing with pain and remorse. She held him gently. “I’m so sorry,” Sour Sweet said, not caring about the shocked looks from bystanders. Some whispered at the scene, confirming the two's prior relationship.

Were they?” Rarity whispered, gesturing at the pair. Trixie nodded while Sunset tightened her fists. Rarity gasped as the Mane 6 jaws’ dropped at the news. Sour Sweet and Dusk Shine were a couple?! No. They used to be a couple. That explains Sunset’s anger during the relay.

“Sour Sweet,” Dusk Shine mumbled weakly, slightly opening his eyes and holding her hand. He gazed with his beautiful amethyst eyes again—those wonderful eyes that greeted her every day before Cinch and herself ruined it all.

“It’s going to be fine,” Sour Sweet stammered with a smile, barely believing her words. What else could she do? “The ambulance is on the way,” she continued, looking for Nurse Redheart as she had to do something to help him. “Please hold on,” Sour Sweet held him tighter, pressing their faces together.

Sunset pushed her away.“GET OFF OF HIM!” She barked, wrapping her arm around Dusk Shine’s shoulder, keeping him close to her chest. “After everything you’ve done, what gives you the right!?” She cursed at his ex-girlfriend

A motorcycle roar broke their argument. They covered their faces from the dust as it stopped. A woman stepped off. They cleared a path for this woman; everything told them to stay out of her way. She’s dangerous and a professional. Tempest removed her helmet. Her blank face didn’t hit her worry and distress. Sour Sweet and Sunset defensively placed themselves in front of Dusk Shine from this strange woman. This Luxarian was much taller and bulkier, with a rough scar over one of her eyes and a horrific one on her forehead. Dusk Shine’s blurry vision prevented him from seeing this woman. She wasn’t an enemy. Did he know her, or did she know him?

“Target Located but barely stable. Engage protocols now,” Tempest spoke into her device.

The blaring sirens of an ambulance eased their worries. Dusk Shine’s going to a hospital. However, this ambulance was unique, unlike anything they’d seen before. The tires were heavier, and the chassis was much bulkier and robust. That symbol—that’s the Aether research department! Specialized paramedics rushed in with a stretcher and advanced devices. They stepped away as the medics gingerly placed Dusk Shine on. More government officials swarmed the area with scanners and noted what happened. One of them marked the damaged CHS statue. The medics did a brief diagnostic on Dusk Shine’s body as they spoke in medical jargon until they scanned his body.

“Holy shit,” One of them muttered in horror while staring at his aether levels. They had never seen anything of this magnitude in a single person.

“What happened?” The other asked before acknowledging the reading. Their eyes widened. “That’s impossible. He shouldn’t even be alive,” They declared, gazing at Dusk Shine and wondering how lucky he was to still be alive.

“Can’t die. Not . . . Yet” Dusk Shine struggled to get up, grabbing the handles to force himself up. His body ached as they forced him back down and secured an oxygen mask. He shouldn’t be moving.

GET HIM TO THE HOSPITAL NOW!” They pushed him into the ambulance, got his vital signs, and contacted the hospital for evaluation.

“I’m coming too,” Spike declared. They shrugged and let Spike into the ambulance. A talking dog didn’t register on the weird list.

“Hey, this one has similar readings,” another added, pointing to Sunset Shimmer. Her readings weren’t as alarming, but they can’t risk any chances.

“Get her on board,” The lead official ordered. Great, there are two of them. That’s a ton of paperwork he didn’t want to deal with. Sunset nodded to her team before hopping in the medical vehicle. Stability returned to the quarantined school grounds as federal agents surveyed the area. A squad went to the playfield, where the first alert occurred.

“Tempest,” Celestia said, casually approaching the woman. They know this woman? The students wondered. She looks like a mercenary, hitman, or someone who works with the underground.

“Sorry to meet under such dire circumstances,” Tempest saluted with a frown. Agents continued to survey and mark specific areas for their reports, and some began interviewing the students.

“It’s alright,” Luna waved it off but couldn’t mask her turmoil. “We’re glad you arrived when you did. This was-” She fumed at Cinch’s callousness.

“Don’t worry. I got the report,” Tempest Shadow replied.

“Is he,” Sour Sweet interrupted with a sniffle. They looked over to her. She lost her pride as Sunny Flare and Sugarcoat offered their comfort.

“You’re Sour Sweet, right?” Tempest Shadow asked, raising a brow at the girl. She recalled that Dusk Shine was involved with a girl of that name. Sour Sweet nodded. “He mentioned you a few times,” She remarked, much to their surprise and alarm. How much do they know about her? “Dusk Shine’s a strong kid. I’ve seen what he can do. If he’s anything like his birth grandmother and the chief,” Tempest consoled the girl with a brief chuckle. “That little maniac is going to be fine before the end of the month,” She promised, issuing a sliver of hope into Sour Sweet.

“Thank you,” Sour Sweet smiled using a delicate voice.

“Ahem,” Cinch interrupted the tender moment. They groaned and rolled their eyes at the principal. Just leave already. Now that’s out of the way! First, who are you, and what’s your relationship with Dusk Shine?” She demanded, pointing to Tempest.

“I don’t have to answer to you, Abacus Cinch,” Tempest Shadow challenged, stepping up to Cinch as Dusk Shine during the relay. There was not a glint of fear or intimidation in Tempest’s eyes. “I’m a simple associate of his family,” she stated, taking the surface-level answer.

“I didn’t expect him to become a monster or that his family would employ someone like you,” Cinch gripped.

“The only monster here is you,” Tempest Shadow spat, defending his family's honor. I know a lot more than what you think I know,” she threatened, keeping her gaze locked.

“Like?” Cinch dismissed her claims. What can she possibly know about her?

“Bitch, you things that you lied about, even about your daughters,” Tempest Shadow gibed, making Cinch’s face pale. “And there’s a lot more to bury you,” She warned, relishing her social demise.

“Daughters?” Sunny Flare asked. “You mean like stepdaughters?” That has to be it. Maybe someone from her parent's previous marriages, or were they born out of wedlock

“Lying to your own child? Disappointed but not surprised in the slightest,” Tempest Shadow chuckled, predicting that this would happen.“You’re the youngest of 3 sisters,” She revealed brazenly.

“What?” Sunny Flare asked with an agape jaw. She has two older sisters, but where are they?! Celestia and Luna were shocked by this knowledge. Three children came out of Cinch’s body?! However, there have been rumors about relatives who came to live with her.

“Enough!” Cinch snapped. This was the first time she truly lost her composure, taking on a furious expression.

“You already live with one of them,” Tempest revealed, directing a cruel smirk at Cinch. Sunny Flare’s eyes widened as that left only one person—her buttress! Her mind swarmed, and her heart fluttered at her true identity. She has an older sister. Why is she just a servant? What happened to the other one? Is she even still alive or in Canterlot at this point?! Why did she leave?

My personal business is none of your concern, Ms. Tempest,” Cinch hissed, clinging to her lingering poise. Tempest calmly smirked. “What’s my business are the results,” She inferred as numerous people groaned in annoyance.

The adults continued to argue about the game's end results. Cinch demanded that CHS forfeit to preserve the integrity of the Friendship games. The principals, Cadance and Tempest Shadow countered that a draw would be beneficial due to Aether’s influence. They can resolve this next year. The Shadow 5 and Mane 6 agreed with that assessment. Cinch didn’t but held her tongue to keep what vestige of poise. Sunrays broke through the ominous clouds, breaking the suspenseful atmosphere. They smiled at it. Peace returned. One of the sunbeams focused on CPA’s flag right within Moondancer’s view. Her body tensed with a racing heart, viewing the clear path to the stage. There’s only one chance. She’s going to TAKE IT!

FUCKING HELL!” Moondancer roared, snatching the flag off the ground. She dashed to the stage with all her might. Slamming her feet against the fresh grass. Determined rage marked her expression, focusing on the task at hand. She’s going to win!

“She’s got the flag!”

“Stop her,” Cadance ordered. Several students nodded before giving chase. Vinyl, Pixel, Lyra, and more. Adrenaline and determination fueled Moondancer’s speed and strength as she evaded and attacked those who stood against her. CPA students were shocked, as they had never seen her move like that before. Some even started to cheer for her to keep going. Lemon Zest grabbed her arm. Moondancer pulled back. Both fell and tumbled as they battled against each other.

“Moondancer, it’s over, stop it now!” Lemon Zest pleaded as dirt and grass covered their faces and uniforms. She straddled the reserve team member.

“NO IT’S NOT!” Moondancer exploded, pushing Lemon’s face away with her free hand. “Dusk Shine gave EVERYTHING! So we can win, and you guys could finally treat him like a fucking person for once,” She barked as she struggled against Lemon. The rocker paused as guilt flooded her mind. “But NO! You fucking threw him under the train and only wanted to stop him when you were in danger,” Tears leaked out of Moondancer’s eyes, remembering how Dusk Shine gradually lost his smile over the years. She wanted to help him. So much. So many times, but couldn’t. “So fuck OFF,” Moondancer slammed her fist into Lemon Zest’s face, using that gap to escape. She ran to the stage, losing her glasses in the scuffle, but didn’t need them to run straight.

Come on, Moondancer! You’re almost there!” Several CPA students encouraged her. Numerous CHS and CPA students narrowed their eyes in disgust. Is winning all they care about?! Moondancer didn’t listen to their pathetic cheers. She didn’t care about them at all for everything they did. Moondancer isn’t doing this for school; it’s for Dusk Shine. Her mind played an ideal future for her victory. Moondancer obtained the win, honoring it in Dusk Shine’s name. He gazes at her weakly yet lovingly as he lies in his hospital bed. She smiled as he did. It’s the start of something extraordinary! Her face crashed into the dirt as this mystery woman held her down.

“Game over,” Tempest Shadow declared, holding Moondancer down as she futilely struggled against the older woman with her face in the grass. Moondancer eventually surrendered and released the CPA flag. Tempest took it from her and handed it to Cadance. Celestia had the CHS flag. Both shared a look and exchanged flags. They went to the stage, planted the flags together, and ended the games.

“This year’s Friendship Games ends for the first time in a tie,” Luna broadcast to the students. CHS and Cadance’s supporters politely applauded as it was finally over. However, Cinch’s supporters pouted and crossed their arms at the results. Moondancer gritted her teeth with teary eyes as she pounded the ground. She lost.

Cinch sneered. Her face was tight with anger, but she quickly conducted herself. She had already lost her composure several times today. “Shadowbolts, follow me to the buses,” she instructed right when her voice broadcasted prior private conversations.

“I can use my influence to make sure your application is either accepted or denied. What do you think I should do?” Students paused at the sound as Cinch’s blood chilled at the audio. No, it can’t be! Everyone stared at Cinch’s projecting voice.

“They’re the B-team. I frankly don’t care if they win or lose. Their only purpose is that don’t make us lose,” More clips were played, causing bystanders to chatter amongst themselves.

“I’ll make sure you're well compensated if your application is unfortunately denied,” They muttered, wondering who she was talking to. Cinch frantically attempted to persuade the students to ignore it.

“I’m simply covering my bases. It’s not like your application to Everton is at stake. Oh wait, it does,” Horrified gasps echoed throughout the field. That’s it. She was talking to Dusk Shine. The entire time, Cinch blackmailed Dusk Shine to compete in the Friendship Games.

The principal’s terrified eyes scanned for the source. Trixie was with Vinyl near the bleachers, holding a slim voice recorder in her light blue palm. Her purple eyes glared venomously at Cinch. Wait, that's DUSK SHINE’S recorder! Where did she get that?! He must’ve slipped into her pockets during the final round. She focused on the device. That’s not a recorder as Dusk Shine doesn’t have that . . . starry phone case.

Cinch’s stomach knotted and paled as the puzzle pieces formed a clear picture. Dusk Shine recorded their conversations and sent them to Trixie as a dead man’s switch. She sweated as another question materialized. If Trixie has it, who also had it as well? His brother?! Cadance and more?! Both girls frowned deeply as Vinyl increased the volume for everyone to hear. The Shadow 5 and other CPA students stepped away with disgusted looks as more audio clips played. Sunny Flare stared blankly at her mother, aware of the recording’s context.

“Good work, kid,” Tempest smirked with crossed arms at his cunning as more incriminating soundbites were revealed. Dusk Shine must’ve had these for weeks to even years. Those clips were raw and unedited, including his voice, destroying any possible argument that they were faked. Students, teachers, former royalty, and several federal officials. It’s the perfect start to Cinch’s downfall. Aether was one thing, but extortion and blackmailing a child? The news is going to be in a feeding frenzy. Plus, people like Cinch are cowards, offering anything and everything to stay alive.

“It’s my fault,” Cadance whimpered, falling to her knees and covering her mouth. Luna and Celestia shared a worried look. How is it her fault? “I convinced him to join the games,”

“Cadance, you didn’t know,” Luna comforted, kneeling beside her and holding both hands. “For you knew it was to help Dusk Shine to socialize and improve himself. What you did was out of love,” She shot a nasty glare at Cinch. “Something she doesn’t know about,” Cinch found herself at the gallows as students and agents booed and jeered for she’s done. Her skin paled corpse white as their harsh words were a coarse salt on fresh wounds.

“Holy shit, she’s awful,”

“I didn’t think she could get any worse,”

“All that talk about Dusk Shine being vital to CPA was nothing,”

“Yeah, if Dusk Shine meant nothing to her. What chances do we have?”

Shining Armor arrived, showing the agents his badge. They let him through. “Cadance, what happened?! Dusk Shine sent me a file,” He fretted, quickly holding his wife. Shining surveyed the area, wondering what the Aether department was doing here.

“He’s on his way to the hospital,” Tempest answered, alarming the elder brother.

What?!” Shining Armor exclaimed, vaguely remembering this woman. She flashed a card. He nodded, clarifying her identity and purpose.

Ask her,” Lemon Zest sneered, gesturing to the frozen Cinch. His eyes sharpened, losing his boyish charms as he approached Cinch. The Shadow 5 and the remaining Mane 6 paled and shuddered from his authoritative pressure. He wasn’t the fun older brother. This was the Captain of Canterlot’s police force.

Principal Abacus Cinch. We’ll talk later, but if something happened to my brother because of what you've done,” Shining Armor cautioned grimly, forgetting his fealty to the principal. He didn’t break his gaze as his blank face haunted her. His words didn’t come from a peacekeeper but from a vengeful brother. “You better pray Faust or Grogar to help or show you mercy because I won’t. I promise you that,” He avowed. “And you know I keep my promises,” She could only nod to reply

“Remind me not to piss him or Dusk Shine off,” Sugarcoat mumbled in a hushed tone.

“Same,” The Shadow 5 and CHS’s A-team agreed. Both brothers swiftly changed modes from polite and approachable gentlemen to remorseless tyrants: the Schola Perfecta and the Police Captain. Rainbow rubbed her back, remembering the brutal pain.

“I’ll stay here,” Celestia announced. The students need a leader after all that. Furthermore, someone has to deal with these governmental agents. Tempest and the Mane 6 went with Celestia for the time being to assist.

“You girls need a ride,” Shining Armor offered to Shadow 5, holding his keys.

“Please,” Sour Sweet begged. The girls followed Cadance, Shining Armor, and Luna to their cars. Cinch watched them drive away to the hospital.

“Shadowbolts, we’re done for the day. The buses should be here now,” she repeated her prior command. The remaining CPA begrudgingly obeyed, shooting venomous glares while harshly gossiping. Cinch ignored them, clasping her hands behind her to avoid them trembling. She could only think of how to prevent the worst possible situation and keep her legacy.

The medics examined all of them, recording the symptoms for future cases and potential breakthroughs. Dusk Shine was the main focus, as his readings were mind-boggling. Sunset held his hand during the tense ride as Spike rested in her lap. Why did this have to happen? It’s supposed to be a fun yet challenging game between two schools. But no. Cinch had to ruin everything.

“Sunset,” Dusk Shine whispered, squeezing her hand. An oxygen mask covered his mouth, prolonging his few vestiges of life.

“We’re here, Dusk Shine,” Sunset comforted, tightly squeezing his hand in response. She can’t hold her tears, seeing him so . . . weak.

“Files. Laptop. Spike. Knows codes,” Dusk Shine mumbled, struggling to utter the words. She knew his brain was overstimulated, but he still desired to communicate to the best of his abilities.

“You mean those ones,” Spike quarried as Dusk Shine weakly nodded. Confusion buzzed in Sunset’s mind at their conversation. Did Dusk Shine plan this? No! He didn’t plan to die but planned to expose the trash under the glamor of CPA. The entire ride was a blur, but they quickly arrived at the hospital and took a different route. Sunset didn’t recognize this entrance, determining this was where they dealt with Aether cases. Advanced security features were widespread. They rushed both of them out of the vehicle, wheeling Dusk Shine into a room while a nurse escorted Sunset to a seated area. She answered all the questions while waiting with Spike nuzzling in her arms.

“Sunset!” His parents, Cadance, Luna, and Shining Armor, yelled. She stood, allowing them to embrace her.

“I’m fine, but Dusk Shine,” Sunset replied, her voice breaking at his name.

“Night Light,” Jade Beat called out to him. She’s one of Night Light’s former classmates and their family doctor. Jade was of average height and had deep jade hair. Her emblem was a heart-shaped jade.

“What happened to Dusk Shine?” Night Light questioned.

“It was Cinch. She forced him to use Aether during the game's final round, or it’ll be his fault that CPA lost,” Spike announced, alarming the other adults. “The only reason he’s even in the Games was because she blackmailed him by sabotaging his application if he refused,” He informed Dusk Shine’s reasons for joining in the first place.

“We’ll deal with that later,” Jade Beat remarked, beckoning them to follow her. They arrived at his room. “He’s critical but is conscious right now,” She added, using her identification card to gain access. The family found Dusk Shine battered and profoundly broken in the hospital bed. Several machines and apparatus were hooked into his body, barely keeping him alive.

“Hey, Dusk Shine, sweetie, it’s mom,” Twilight started gently, unable to hold her tears seeing her son like this. “Your dad, Shining Armor, Cadance, Spike, Luna, and Sunset are here,” She wept, hoping he could still hear them.

“Mom,” Dusk Shine answered, opening his amethyst eyes to them. She smiled and held his cold hand gently.

“We’re all here, son,” Night Light said, adding his palm to the pile

“Got . . . files?” Dusk Shine asked, controlling his aching breathing via an oxygen mask. They have him a stronger one

“We got them,” Shining Armor confirmed, tears cascading down his cheeks. Everyone was sobbing to some extent.

“Good,” Dusk Shine whispered. He completed his mission with flying colors. If he couldn’t save himself, then he could save others after him and those before. “Thank you for everything. I’m sorry. Love you guys,” He smiled one final time, closing his eyes as his breathing slowed. They called out to him but didn’t have the strength to answer. Everything darkened


Dusk Shine opened his eyes, finding himself in a lush, golden field. Soothing waves caught his attention. A figure was on the shore, waiting by a simple boat. Charon the Ferryman of Souls, must be waiting to take him across. He sighed, getting up to his feet.

“I would’ve thought this place was more deary or somber,” Dusk Shine remarked, approaching the deity. Many interpretations described the river Styx as a stark and haunting place where the dead gathered, waiting to be ferried across. What Dusk Shine viewed was reserved for those welcomed in paradise. Did Faust allow him to skip the line after experiencing relentless turmoil in his mortal life?

“. . .” Charon turned, acknowledging his presence. Dusk Shine nodded, searching for his person, and revealed a simple coin—payment for the ferry. Death comes for all persons, so he always carried it with him.

“It’s not your time, Dusk Shine,” A strong woman’s video ordered. It’s a Skyborne, sitting on the river’s edge.

“What?” Dusk Shine asked. Why does she look familiar? The woman stood up, narrowing her eyes at the young man. He’s not supposed to be here this early in his life.

“IT! IS! NOT! YOUR TIME!” She repeated, grabbed his shirt and tossed him back to the fields. “You have a long life ahead of you,” This mystery woman announced. His eyes widened at her militant posture and appearance.

“Are you?” Dusk Shine asked. She gave him a faint smile before saluting him. Dusk Shine returned it when he glanced at the crackling flames behind him.

“Hey, where the FUCK do you think you're going?” Night Blaze’s fiery, ominous voice echoed. His harsh glare focused on his other part, grabbing him by the collar. “We have many times to do, Dusk Shine,” He ordered as the other glared definitely as the flames bellowed. “Both of us are going to live and see it for ourselves,” Night Blaze declares, grabbing Dusk Shine by the wrist. “Come on!” He launched himself with a mighty flap of his wings. The woman smiled, waving them as they flew away back to the living. She sat down, waiting for her special people to meet her so they could go together. Her smile widened. He indeed took after her son’s looks. “Your loved ones are crying over your currently dead body,” Night Blaze stated, glancing at Dusk Shine’s shocked features. “Let’s not disappoint them, plus she’s here,” Their eyes sharpened, crossing the border and returning to the mortal realm.

They didn’t know what triggered his revival. One moment, they were sobbing after their star tragically burned out. Jade cataloged the TOD methodically when his heart monitor went into overdrive. It sparked wildly as they stepped away from Dusk Shine’s glowing body. His eyes became illuminated white-hot stars, thundering the building with this esoteric power. They didn’t see him move, only the magnitude of his presence going further away.

The Shadow 5 waited anxiously in one of the lounge areas. They came with Shining Armor, Cadance, and Luna but couldn’t go with them since they weren’t family and approved guests. Guilt fermented in their minds like a rancid poison. Dusk Shine was in the hospital because of their selfishness. He’s done nothing to warrant such treatment. Sunny Flare dully crossed her arms, sullenly accepting what occurred and their punishment. Sugarcoat remained mute, barely speaking during the ride. Indigo Zap grimaces, leaning against one of the walls, impatiently tapping her feet. Lemon Zest removed her headphones, silently listening to the hospital music. Sour Sweet leaned forward, clasping her hands against her forehead, praying for Dusk Shine’s safety.

“Sunny Flare,” Cinch’s voice called out to her daughter. She attempted to touch her, but Sunny Flare refused. Cinch remained her distance.

What are you doing?” Sunny Flare growled, pointing an accusatory finger at her mother

“It’s my responsibility as your principal to ensure my students' safety,” Cinch alleged, placing a hand on her chest.

“BULLSHIT!” Indigo Zap snapped, marching to the Cinch. “You were the first to run after you caused that mess. We stayed to help,” She declared, pointing to the other team members.

That was a traumatic experience for all of us,” Cinch asserted, using the broadest section of the truth. “Granted, it was a rash decision, but I had to do something. Please don’t misinterpret my actions,” She swore, easing her stern expression.

“Don’t try to fucking gaslight me. I had enough of that with my own cousin,” Indigo Zap rebuffed, ending Cinch’s attempt to twist the story in her favor. Her cousin Lightning Dust and her family were always on her case, especially after enrolling in CPA instead of them. “Fine. Lie to yourself. Do whatever you want to make yourself look and feel better,” She eased herself, raising her hands mockingly. “It doesn’t matter. We all know how awful you truly are when you call him a monster. Projecting much?”

Alarm boomed as the hospital quaked around them and metal barriers slammed. Personnel were on high alert and issued several codes to each other for reports. Cinch and the students' hearts raced, wondering what caused this. Cinch paled as a pair of draconian cyan eyes appeared in her mind, stepping away from the barrier before her. Sweat formed as her lungs begged for air with a starving hummingbird's metabolism. They flinched, screaming at the monstrous crash from the reinforced shielding. Several protruding titanic impacts slammed against it.

A hand pierced through the sturdy barrier as the other hand forced it open like a chip bag. Sapphire-striped hair and a torn CPA uniform entered the room. The beast approached, ignoring the Shadow 5 with only eyes on Cinch.

“Dusk Shine?” They muttered. His malignant aura suffocated them. Cinch suffered the most. Sand filled her lungs as her heartbeat skyrocketed to the mesosphere. Thoughts race. Breathing rushed to no avail. Cinch didn’t see her wonderful Schola Perfecta anymore. She witnessed a stygian harbinger of death. Her body swayed and wobbled as her eyes rolled back while clutching her chest. Cinch fell.

Jade Beat appeared from another entrance. She knelt to Cinch’s body, pressing her fingers against her wrist, and waited. A coldness stillness

“She’s . . . dead,” Jade Beat whispered, covering her mouth at the acknowledgment.

“What?!” The girls screeched. There’s no fucking way that Cinch died like that. A rather undignified for someone of her status.

“Her heart gave out from fright,” Jade Beat acknowledged, using the minor signs to create a hypothesis. Cinch fell to the ground but didn’t hit her head on anything. “One of you got that AED!” She ordered the girls, pointing to the device on the wall before preparing to conduct CPR. Jade swore to protect and heal people even when they deserve far less.

“Oh no,” Dusk Shine chuckled, shaking his head at this absurdity. “You’re not taking the easy way out of this Cinch. I say when we’re done,” He declared, marching over to his dear principal’s body.

Cinch found herself in a void, empty like her heart. Her panicked eyes searched for any indication of where she was. The haunting bell, followed by the swish of an oar against still waters, told her everything. She’s dead. Her eyes widened, and her jaw dropped at the ghoulish apparition anchoring his boat on the shore. It’s him. Charon the ferryman. Her breathing intensified, grabbing her polished hair. Now a manic nest, as those troubling thoughts spread. That-That can’t be. She was just in the hospital with Dusk Shine staring her down. He didn’t kill her. That’s one fact she knows for sure. Did her body surrender?

“I still have some to do,” Cinch fretted, stepping back and grabbing her head. “Sunny Flare, my legacy, my reputation, seeing Crystal Prep going to a true golden age,” She ranted and paced around.

“. . .” Charon stared blankly at the elite woman as she rambled. They all reacted the same. He had heard the rants and pleadings several times over countless eons. It’s rather entertaining for the Ctnothic being. He can never truly predict how these mortals react upon their demise. Some remained in their dignity and accepted their fate.

Cinch paused her mumbling. She searched her body for her obul. Cinch paled. Charon’s payment isn’t her possession. Why? She hasn’t been adequately buried yet. Her body is still in the body- wait! She’s still in the hospital. A relieved smile formed on Cinch’s face as it was the best place to be. She straightened her hair as the thought nested in her mind. All she has to do is wait. They’ll revive her soon. She can make amends and hopefully edge this dreadful situation in her favor. Cinch fanned herself at the sudden, unexpected heat.

“. . .” Charon tilted his head at the source. That’s new. An encompassing brilliant inferno roared behind Cinch as she shielded herself from the blaze.

“Oh no,” Dusk Shine chuckled mockingly. “You’re not taking the easy way out of this Cinch. I say when we’re done,” He demanded.

“That voice. . . that can’t be Dusk Shine’s,” Cinch paled as it grew near to claim her. The flames intensified as two cyan eyes formed, glaring axes at her. Oh no. Her body shook at those piercing eyes again. She got on her knees and bowed at the Ferryman’s boat. “Charon, I beg you, please take me across. I’ll even swim if I must,” Cinch pleaded. Dusk Shine still had Aether thundering through his veins. She didn’t want to imagine what horrors awaited her on the mortal plane.

“. . .,” Charon sighed, shaking his gaunt head as he pushed off the store, leaving Cinch to her fate. This was out of his hands. Besides, he had others to carry across the river. Cinch found herself alone at the river bank, still on her knees, blankly gazing into the river. Does she risk swimming and being dragged by the ending abyss of foolish souls? She didn’t have to make that choice. A flaming tendril coiled around her ankle, yanking Cinch as she fell to her face. She shrieked, pulling and tugging away, attempting to escape. Futile. Her fingers dragged as the flames pulled her into the dragon’s maw.

Jade and Shadow 5 stood as Dusk Shine approached with blazing palms. He touched Cinch. His flames didn’t burn but kickstarted her vital signals. Cinch jolted with a hoarse gasp while grabbing her pounding chest. The cold floor did little to ease the heat flowing through her body. She coughed, trying to regain her bearings.

“What?” Cinch whispered, looking around the hallway with a quick glance at her ankle. No mark. She was just with the Ferryman. Her sophisticated eyes shrunk with panic, locking a gaze with Dusk Shine. He didn’t have those brilliantly intelligent amethyst eyes anymore. The haunting empty whites of an apex predator occupied his sockets. Time froze. Cinch’s heart echoed in her skull as her brain focused on her lungs to stop moving, forcing her to remain still. Dusk Shine was hunched over like a primal beast with an extended haunted gaze and his talons twitching loosely. His clothes were burnt tatters. Nothing moved. The doctor signaled for security to intervene.

An elevator dink broke the silence as his eyes focused on the glowing arrow. Dusk Shine looked back at Cinch with a wide grin. He stepped back. Dusk Shine shows her cruel mercy, giving her a chance to run. An opportunity to live. She took it, fleeing away like a gazelle from a starving lion. Cinch abandoned her heels, shoving personnel out of the way, sacrificing her dignity for survival. He inhaled deeply, savoring the succulent fear of someone who believed themselves untouchable as his heart sang. They winced as he cracked his neck, making strange rock-on-Grogar horns gestures before getting into a running start. He vanished silently.

Cinch dashed to the elevator like it was an old-school Black Friday deal. Her brain screamed at her to get there first. She shoved a nurse out of the way and frantically pushed the close button. Cinch eased as the doors closed. It can’t be that easy, as it never is.

That wasn’t nice,” Dusk Shine mocked, disappointedly shaking his head. She paled with an agape jaw. How?! She screamed, forcibly opening the door, and continued her escape. He followed as warning sirens flared. Cinch didn’t think, acting on basic survival instincts. She tossed and shoved people and materials in a vain attempt to slow him down. It didn’t work. Dusk Shine prolonged the chase, jumping off the walls, running on the ceiling, leaping up and down staircases as he broadcasted her sins for everyone to hear. Cinch knew he wasn’t far behind. He’s taunting and playing with her, allowing her to breathe before snatching it. Security teams intercepted, but Dusk Shine manipulated space to clear the area. Cinch didn’t look back as they fired tranquilizer darts and taser barbs at him. She found a random dark closet, locking it behind her. Exhausted and terrified, gasps escaped her lips as she collapsed against the door.

“Just remain calm, Cinch. The Aether will run out soon enough. This hospital is massive with several wings and buildings, ” Cinch told herself as she rubbed her sore feet. This is what she gets running barefoot. She brought her knees to her chest, waiting for this horrible event to end. None of this was supposed to happen.

Chased like an animal by her top student, who documented and exposed their private chats. She lost the respect of her students and others. It is only a matter of time before Shining Armor and the authorities knock on her door. Sunny Flare is disgusted with her. Cinch held herself tighter, hoping this was a dream or that she did die and this was her punishment. She froze, covering her mouth as steps appeared from the door.

“He went this way,” An adult commented, directing the security team. Cinch relaxed.

“Shit, what the hell did she do,” A deep voice asked.

“That’s Principal Cinch, and that was Dusk Shine the Schola Perfecta,” The first voice answered. That must be the senior officer.

“Oh, she must’ve done something fucked up if he was chasing her like that,”

“No kidding. Wait, wasn’t she the one that forced him to use Aether or something?”

“Yes,” The leader confirmed.

“I heard rumors that she was strict and determined but not this insane. That’s it. I’m revoking my kid’s application to CPA. I can’t trust my kid with someone that reckless,”

Cinch sagged her head as her reputation crumbled before her eyes. It’s over, but there’s still something she can do. A plea deal, pleading no contest, offering information about people for a reduced sentence or something. Moving to Ponyville won’t be a bad option, but there’s a stigma associated with people like her moving there.

She flinched at a noise within the room. Her throat zipped up, leaving her body paralyzed as she shrunk to avoid detection. Is he here?! Cinch didn’t want to move or check if so. Her body involuntarily shuddered as if she was splashed by cold water. She met a predatory gaze from the ceiling as the room brightened with a fiery amethyst hue. Her body heated in frozen terror. It’s DUSK SHINE! Cinch fled with a newborn’s grace, tripping and stumbling away from this demon of her creation. Dusk Shine strolled with a blank expression, leaving scorch marks with each quaking step. Cinch’s tearful screams for help went unanswered, reduced to crawling to get away. The halls were empty as safety protocols were enacted.

He pounced like a beast, discovering its prey. She turned and screamed as he cleared several meters in a single bound. Dusk Shine grabbed her arm, using his momentum and aether to flip her on her back, and landed on his feet. She gasped in agony after being slammed into the rigid tile. Her executioner towered above her with a stygian blank expression. He raised his glowing clenched fists as Cinch gazed in horror.

“Dusk Shine, no!” Jade yelled with the Shadow 5 as he brought it down. They covered their eyes, shielding themselves from the thunderous shockwave. She opened her eyes, expecting blood splatter and a crater where Cinch’s head should be. There was a crater by Cinch’s head. She peered lifelessly into the ceiling as her life flashed before her eyes. The impact snapped her hair tie, releasing her locs as his fist hovered. Dusk Shine changed that angle of strike by an angel hair, sparing Cinch for whatever reason. He didn’t move or speak even when Cinch crawled away.

Is he knocked out?” Sugarcoat asked as Dusk Shine stopped moving but remained upright and rigid.

“I don’t know, but someone should check it. Not it!” Indigo Zap remarked before swiftly touching her nose. She’s not getting a second helping of what happened this afternoon.

“Not it!” The others shouted, touching their noses.

“Wait, what fuck!” Lemon Zest shouted with a groan at her slowness. Her heart played a guitar solo as she gingerly approached the unconscious statue. Lemon didn’t know if this was a trap. Dusk Shine’s been a loot box of surprises. She glanced at the petrified Cinch, shaking like a stormy leaf against the wall. Hours ago, Cinch was one of the most intimidating persons imaginable, but her actions during the games changed that. Now. She’s one of the most selfishly pathetic Zest ever had the displeasure of meeting. Lemon was several steps away from Dusk Shine. She grabbed a broomstick as a precaution, prodding Dusk Shine’s face while keeping as much distance as possible. Nothing. “I think we’re good,” Lemon Zest muttered in relief, wiping the sweat from her brow.

“. . .” Dusk Shine groaned, frightening the Shadow 5 as a candle flame escaped his mouth. Lemon Zest scurried away back to the group. His body sagged forward but remained upright despite his knees buckling.

“I’ll be the judge of that,” Jade remarked, fearlessly approaching Dusk Shine. She opened one of his eyelids, shining a tiny flashlight. His amethyst eyes dilated and bounced around. He’s back. “Code: Green over here. Target subdued,” She reported into her communicator, ending the warning sirens.

“Roger that, on the way,”

“Get reinforced holdings just in case. This one was a monster,” The doctor continued before viewing the dozen tranquilizers embedded in his body. Poor kid. “Also, a few doses to counter the tranquilizers. You weren’t taking down an elephant,”

“Do you know how fucking unhinged this kid was? He’s a menace! He cracked my helmet with a headbutt! Like the fuck was his parents feeding him?!”

“Well, I have an idea why he’s like that.” The doctor sneered at Cinch and Shadow 5. The girls avoided the doctor’s harsh gaze. Cinch didn’t acknowledge the glare. She’s stuck in her self-preserved world, using her arms to hold herself together. Luckily for them, a team came to handle the situation. One of them took the girls to the cafeteria as Sour Sweet gave him a final look. It’s time for the professionals to handle this and avoid triggering Dusk Shine. Hospital personnel marked and documented the holes left by Dusk Shine. Thankfully, they were insured for such events.

“Dusk Shine,” His family worried as he was placed on another stretcher. They fastened additional restraints on him. His body was somewhat stable, but that’s because of Aether. What happens when it runs again? How many injuries did he sustain?! The next question is his mind? Will he still be the same, or was the damage irreversible? Security stopped them from getting closer.

“Sorry, but until we get a complete diagnosis of him, You can’t see him,” One reported. It pained the family, but they had no other choice. Velvet glared at Cinch, sitting down in a daze. Her body burned with hatred from what the principal had done. Cinch has gone TOO FAR. She and Luna shared a look, nodding to confirm the other’s suspicions.

“Abacus Cinch,” Twilight Velvet seethed, jolting the woman into awareness. “We need to talk,” She demanded, narrowing her eyes. Luna matched her expression.

“Twilight. I can assure you that there’s great misunderstanding about the situation,” Cinch stammered, losing her articulate speech pattern as her legs shook. Where’s Night Light? He’ll listen to reason and calm his wife. At least it’ll give her time to collect her thoughts and negotiate compensation.

“Well, explain the very convenient letter to Dusk Shine compensating him if his application to Everton was unfortunately denied,” Luna goaded, recalling some of the audio clips Trixie and Vinyl played. Velvet gritted teeth at the news. Cinch purposely sabotaged Dusk Shine’s Everton application and tried to improve his stay.

“Hey, there’s a spare empty room right there,” Jade mentioned, gesturing to the door.

Cinch paled at Velvet’s and Luna’s savage grin. “Please,” She turned her head, pleading to the remaining adults. They were good, upstanding people who couldn’t allow someone to suffer in their time of dire need.

“I’m going to check on Dusk Shine’s file,” Shining Armor didn’t meet her gaze. She’s the reason why they’re here in the first place. The police officer didn’t protect her.

“I’ll head to the cafeteria to talk to the girls,” Cadance added. Her second-in-command abandoned her. Someone has to care about the students, and it’s definitely not Cinch.

“I need to make a call,” Night Light said, turning his back and dialing a number. The old flame died out, and disappointment marked his face. They left. Cinch was all alone to suffer the wrath of a loving mother and someone who loved Dusk Shine like a mother.

“Don’t cause too much damage, okay,” Jade taunted, relishing in Cinch’s aghast expression.

Velvet and Luna shoved her into the vacant room and locked the door behind them. They removed their heels. Velvet threw the first punch, sending Cinch to the ground. Her face was bruised and paled as Velvet picked her up and threw her. Luna clotheslined Cinch, returning her to the floor. Cinch gagged, clutching her throat when Luna grabbed her by the hair and tossed her to Velvet. Velvet grasped Cinch’s shoulder and rammed her knee into her gullet, spasming the diaphragm. Both women passed and brutalized the Principal like a punching bag. They didn’t deliver random strikes. These blows are honed and precise, targeting her vital spots and face. Cinch was back on the ground, curling herself into a ball as they stomped her like a weak campfire. Velvet heaved, attempting to release the frustrated heat from her body. She knew Cinch was the key for her youngest lost his passion for life but only had a mother’s intuition. All his pain, isolation, and nihilism were all because of her.

“You got this one, Velvet,” Luna offered, stepping back for her friend. This does sully her reputation, but people won’t mind given the context.

“Thank you,” Twilight Velvet smiled before frowning at Cinch, attempting to crawl away. “Where the fuck do you think you’re going?!” She snarled at Cinch, launching a brutal kick to the stomach. Twilight flipped her over, roughly grabbing her by the shirt. “Did you honestly think you could get away with everything you did to my son without some form of punishment?” Her blood raged as maternal wrath blazed in her eyes. One punch bruised Cinch’s nose, watering her eyes in response. Then another and another. Twilight unleashed a flurry of relentless blows as Luna observed the beatdown with crossed arms.

Jade was outside, listening to Cinch’s beatdown and pleading with a smile. She had her fair share of Cinch’s manipulations and schemes. It’s about time Cinch received some payback. Jade left Velvet and Luna to their devices, prioritizing Dusk Shine.

Night Light was a private area designated for phone calls, thinking about what had happened. This was bad. Knowing Cinch and her influence, she’s going full force to protect her legacy and reputation. He needs someone just as dangerous. Someone willing to get dirty with the vermin.

“Night Light,” An archaic and shadowy voice answered the phone. Night Light rolled his eyes at the jolly tone. “What doth I owe thy pleasure to?” They smirked, kicking their feet on their lavish desk.

“Shut up, Sombra. I’m not dealing with your shit today,” Night Light shot down grimly.

“Ugh, fine. You’re no fun, but I know that voice,” Sombra groaned, rolling their eyes at his tone and softening their expression. “Something happened, and you want something done. Someone really pissed you off if you want my help,” They stood up, gazing through the window from their luxurious office and watching the street behind them. This view was reserved for the elite and ruthless.

“It’s Dusk Shine; he’s in the hospital right now,” Night Light commented, running his hand through his deep blue hair to soothe himself.

“What happened?!” Sombra exclaimed, their scarlet eyes widened in alarm.

“Cinch . . . she made him use Aether to win the Friendship Games,” Night Light reported, struggling to process what he learned from Cadance and Luna.

“Is that crone trying to destroy the world for several kilograms of fake gold?” Sombra exclaimed, massaging their forehead at this absurdity. Aether is fickle and reasonably monstrously restricted on a global scale. Cinch is either stupidly arrogant or arrogantly stupid for even considering that she can control an unrefined power. “But is he okay?” They asked, directing the conversation to essential matters.

“Yeah, he’s fine after giving Cinch a chase. Velvet and Luna are having a private chat with her,” Night Light commented. They were waiting to hear back from Jade about his condition.

“See, I knew there was a reason why I liked them,” Sombra laughed, easing their worries while sitting back at the desk. “Don’t worry, I’ll handle this. Dozens of others and I have a few gripes with Cinch,” they assured me, logging into their computer. People like Cinch are constantly plagued with enemies yearning for revenge. Her allies are only loyal to her position as Principal of CPA or are just as foul as her. Both will jump ship.

“Thanks, Sombra,” Night Light smiled. “How much will it cost?” He asked, understanding that Sombra’s services aren’t cheap. His sibling is one of the best in the industry.

“You’re my baby brother, and Dusk Shine got hurt,” Sombra replied gently. “I’m taking this case pro bono,” They declared. “I’ll message some people to get everything settled. Is everyone there?” The elder sibling questioned.

“It’s me, Velvet, Shining Armor, Cadance, Luna, Sunset, and some of his classmates. Celestia is at CHS trying to calm things down with the students,” Night Light confirmed. Sombra nodded, as that’s mainly immediate family. Did Dusk Shine make some friends at CPA? “Mom and Dad are on their way. The rest of the family are coming soon,” He sent a quick message to available parties after they got the first call.

“Even Cozy?” Sombra questioned mockingly. Neither sibling said anything with a deadpan expression. “Of course, she isn’t,” They shook their head. There’s no way they’re allowing Cozy to be in the same building as them. Her ex-husband and some of their children are allowed to visit. Ocean Gleam might be an issue. “Talk to you later,” Sombra said before hanging up. “Oh, Cinch, Cinch, Cinch. You should’ve known this day would come sooner or later. I’m going to have fun destroying you,” The law practitioner shook their head tauntingly. It’s time to book a flight.

The Shadow 5 were in one of the cafeteria rooms. It’s late afternoon, leaving the room relatively sparse as most workers have already taken their lunch break.

“We fucked up, didn’t we?” Sunny Flare stated while peeling her orange.

“Yeah, no shit Sherlock,” Indigo Zap grumbled. “Let’s see what happened. Broke an intentional law, nearly killing our classmate just to win a stupid game, ripped a hole in reality, our principal is a cowardly bitch, and that Dusk Shine has years' worth of documents exposing each and every one of us to some degree,” She mockingly listed what happened this morning. “Did I miss anything?

“Not really,” Sunny Flare mumbled, chewing her orange slice. Indigo shrugged, rolling her eyes, and drank her soda.

“You going to finish that?” Lemon Zest asked, gesturing to Sugarcoat’s bagel. The now silent handed it over. “Nice. We’ve seen what Dusk Shine can do. He’ll pull through,” She claimed with a weak smile.

“Were you even listening or paying attention to half of the shit that just happened in the last few hours, or your music gave you ear damage?” Indigo snapped, pointing to her ears, staring at the rocker like she spoke an alien language. “We’re done as students. He caught us in 40k, and it’s only a matter of time before shit hits the tornado. Unfortunately, we don’t have the luxury of being friends with his mom, who’s a freaking CEO,” She glared.

“That has nothing to do with me,” Lemon Zest refuted as defensive anger spiked in her.

Hey,” Sunset Shimmer interjected, ending the argument. Her arm was bandaged after they did a series of blood tests on her. “Look at you. I guess Dusk Shine was right, after all. Without him being a lightning rod for your bullshit, you immediately tear each other apart. Pathetic,” She scoffed at how predictable they were. His team was nothing more than a bunch of hypocrites. If she knows anything about bullying, these girls and the B-team will endure and experience it once they return to school.

“What do you want?” Sunny Flare asked dully. She doesn’t have the mental energy to deal with this.

“To give her this,” Sunset Shimmer answered, reaching into her jacket pocket and tossing Sour Sweet a friendship bracelet. It landed in the archer’s palms, and her eyes widened.

“Where did you get this?” Sour Sweet whispered as her hands shook. She made this for Dusk Shine before they were together. After what happened, it would’ve been logical for him to toss it away. The Shadow 5 examined the bracelet. It had Dusk Shine’s colors with delicate embroidery, tiny beads, and a small arrow hooked in the center. The bracelet was handmade.

“Dusk Shine had it in his bag. He should’ve tossed it away after you broke up with him, but I guessed he, for some reason, still liked you,” Sunset Shimmer berated, wondering how his mind works sometimes. “And I’ll take this back,” She sneered, yanking the tie from her wrist. “After what you all did to him, you don’t deserve anything that belonged to him or even be near him. Bye,” Sunset glared venomously before turning her back. Sour Sweet’s body shuddered, unable to contain her grief, and broke down, tightly holding the bracelet to her chest.

Cadance entered, passing as Sunset exited. The Dean’s worried glance followed the Shadow 5’s table, comforting the distraught Sour Sweet. Cadance joined their table, not saying a word, allowing them to speak with their hearts after everything. Her phone vibrated.

“Your parents and guardians are here,” She remarked. Each girl expressed anxiety, wondering how their family would react to their role. They cleaned their tables and left with the dean.

A security officer escorted them to the entrance of a small conference room. Dusk Shine’s family was there chatting with their family and other officials.

Who’s that?” Lemon Zest asked, pointing to an older couple. That’s a real power old-school power couple right there. They were lavishly simple garments that oozed power and authority. Were they making ground-breaking business deals worth millions to billions before they came here?

“Those are his paternal grandparents,” Cadance answered casually.

Woah,” They marveled at how amazing they looked for their ages. They’re silver foxes and vixens. Both were still in their physical primes with advancing silver hair but their skin glowed and made it work.

“Lemon Zest, are you okay?” Sweet Tart asked, embracing her daughter. The other parents did the same, asking a horde of questions.

“Yeah, I’m fine, Mom,” Lemon Zest answered, returning the hug. She frowned behind her back.

“What happened here?” Sugarcoat’s father questioned. He’s a high-class lead chef in the city. They each got an emergency call about their children, especially when the esoteric star appeared in the middle of the day.

“My bitch of a mother, that’s what happened,” Sunny Flare sneered. Her vulgar statement alarmed the parents. This was worse than they thought.

“Where is she and Twilight?” Sweet Tart asked, looking for her friend. Night Light, Cadance, Shining Armor, and his grandparents were here.

“We’re here,” Twilight answered with Luna in tow, dragging a brutalized Cinch by the neck like a mutt. Cinch's once polished face had a bruised lip, a bloody nose, and a swollen eye with another eye watery and bloodshot. She looked pitiful. Twilight looked satisfied with a loose grin despite having bruised knuckles. The parents are reluctant to ask why they look the way they do. Sunny Flare and her sister-buttress didn’t know what to feel viewing their mother in such a feeble state.

“Follow me,” Jade Beat instructed. They followed her into the room, with security blocking the door from unwanted visitors. Everyone took a seat. The room had calming, professional accents for orientation or department meetings.

“Excuse me, but is Dusk Shine alright?” his grandmother asked, worry anchoring her features. That’s the first question everyone wanted to know. The other parents' eyes expanded alarmingly at the question. What happened to Dusk Shine?!

“He’s critical but is stable. That Aether probably saved him in ways I can’t imagine,” Jade Beat answered, methodically picking her words. Parents did a double take at Aether’s mention. AETHER?! That would explain the star earlier in the day. “However, we’ll likely place him under quarantine, and run a few evaluations with possible surgeries,” She mentioned, taking the required safety protocols.

“Is that excessive?” Indigo’s mother asked. She’s a mechanic for the Wonderbolts race car division.

“I’ll answer that,” Another person answered, catching their focus. “I’m with the Aether department. My name is Agent Justice Ace,” He introduced himself as a mild-mannered Earth Folk with a neat appearance. However, that didn’t ease their worries. Is the Aether department involved in this as well? “Aether impacts your body, mind, emotions, and soul. Dusk Shine went from a serene young man into a fiery wild beast. His levels are currently low, but there’s no telling on what long-term side effects. It’s a miracle that he’s even still alive and coherent as others weren’t as . . . fortunate. An even greater miracle if he’s even the same person anymore after this,” He explained lengthily, darting his gaze, recalling some of his earlier assignments. “However, it proves that Aether is somewhat sapient or conscious, which facilitates his recovery. Dusk Shine will be stable within a month or so,” Ace calculated, trying to boost their optimism. “Any questions?” He asked, pointing to one of the students

“Can we still visit him?” Sour Sweet raised her hand, fiddling with the bracelet. “We’re his . . . classmates, so we don’t want him to fall behind,” She sniffed between her words, wiping her face as Sunset rolled her eyes.

“Family, yes, but classmates are unlikely as Cadance is the dean. She can inform his teachers and retrieve his assignments,” Agent Justice answered, briefly gesturing to her.

“There’s the issue of notes and changes in lesson plans due to the event,” Cadance countered. Everything after the friendships requires a few adjustments regarding his teacher's syllabus. Perhaps a monitored visit from his classmates can work,” She added, opening the door for them to potentially make amends.

“That can work. It’s better than staying in a room all day with barely anything to do and only seeing his doctors,” Jade considered the option. She messaged her colleagues about making the arrangements. Sour smiled.

“Please sign these forms. We need to keep quiet for safety reasons,” Agent Justice requested, handing them a series of papers.

“Is it Aether public knowledge?”

Only what we deem public knowledge. What we’ve seen today greatly exceeded our expectations of what aether is capable of, so people will ask questions,” Justice clarified. There are certain things that regular people aren’t meant to know. “The gateway experiment was initially sabotaged because people wanted superpowers. To be a god in a way. This will lead to implications,” He grimly implied as the silence echoed.

“Oh really,”

“Think about it. Dusk Shine demonstrated the potential apex of what Aether can do. That leads to the question. Is Dusk Shine a one-in-several-billion chance, or can anyone use it under specific circumstances? We don’t want another Storm King event,” Agent Justice continued. The adults nodded, remembering those brutal storms from a decade ago. “Besides, a chance to get superpowers. You think people are going to say no at the chance?”He contended that there is a wide possibility that people will achieve a fantasy that is made a reality. The dreadful thought lingered in the air from imaging the resultant chaos of that happening. “Furthermore, that amulet was a conduit for his transformation,” Agent Justice disclosed. Cadance shot an accusing glance at Cinch.

“How does that even work?” Sunny Flare asked.

“Aether is a form of energy. It can be stored with proper means, plus it doesn’t often obey modern science. We’re currently investigating these items. There are tons of ticking time bombs, and we might not even know about them,” Agent Justice explained. “Any more questions?” No one raised their hands after signing the papers and returned to the agent

“Good. They’ll escort you while the family and authorized guest stay,” Jade ordered, gesturing to more federal agents.

“Also, Miss Abacus Cinch, you’ll hear from us soon with some questions,” Agent Justice notified the woman, chilling her. Don’t try to run; we can and will find you. Understood,” he quietly threatened with a calm smile.

“Yes,” Cinch obeyed, walking with her daughters. All her hubris vanished like cotton candy in a gentle river.

“Good. Thank you for your cooperation,” Agent Justice smiled. Only the family, Sunset and Spike, were left in the room. The doors were securely closed again.

How bad is it really?” Night Light implored with a painful sigh. From what they witnessed, there’s always more to the story.

Horrendous,” Jade answered truthfully, rubbing her hair, but they had to know. “Several broken and fractured bones. Numerous 3rd degree scars. Some ear damage. Concussive injuries. Bleeding and bite marks. We found glass and confetti. Also, he has an old puncture wound in his shoulder,” She listed his excessive injuries. Shameful guilt marked Luna’s, Sunset’s, and Cadance’s faces. They did that. “Aether healed most of it, but there’s still enough for medical intervention,” Jade added, focusing on the positives. “Physically, he’s fine. The rest is unknown, but we’ll message you and give you some contacts,” She offered, handing Night Light a bundle of cards. Dusk Shine’s head must be a cesspool of raging emotions. “He was able to speak shortly after we took him back and checked some of his files,” Jade passed on, but it’ll be one of the most heartbreaking sentences she’ll ever say.


“I . . . would have to label this as an attempt,” Jade elucidated, slumping her posture as his grandmother unleashed a bloodcurdling lament. She's been a doctor for around 20 years. It never gets easier hearing those screams.

“Thank you,” Night Light replied, desperately keeping some form of composure. His stepmother is crying along with others in stone-cold silence.

“We’ll keep him under watch until next Monday, but you can visit before that,” Jade proclaimed, giving them time to clear their schedules. “Also, Nights, what are you feeding him?! Dusk Shine shouldn't be that strong,” she exclaimed, hoping to take their minds off this dark topic. Dusk Shine has been one of her patients for years. No one could or should be able to do that at his age!

“The usual stuff,” Night Light replied with a shrug.

“The fuck you mean the usual stuff?” Jade nitpicked, glaring at her classmate.

“I can contribute to that. I’m one of the reasons why Dusk Shine is ‘built different,’ according to my students,” Luna answered, raising her hand. Her eyes were puffy as she relayed the horrible news to Celestia.

“Same,” His grandfather added, consoling his sobbing wife.

Your family is insane,” Jade groaned before hugging her classmate. “Please take care, Night Light,” She whispered, holding him tightly. Although Jade’s technically breaking some policies but fuck it. Her friend needed a hug.

“I will,” Night Light responded

“Ahem,” Twilight Velvet grunted

“Come on, you can’t blame a girl,” Jade teased. Shining Armor and Cadance arched their brows at their closeness.

“Do it when you’re off the clock,” Twilight Velvet tugged on Night Light’s arm, bringing her husband back.

“Worth a shot,” Jade shrugged. All exited the conference room away from the tense atmosphere.

They made preparations for future visits. How to deal with Cinch because there’s no way they’ll allow her to believe she can get away with this.

“I found similar things in his files,” Shining Armor confessed, making them pause in the hallway. “Some of the things, I-” He paused, taking a deep breath.

“It’s not your fault,” Luna counseled him. Celestia had similar feelings during her brief tenure as Nightmare Moon. The guilt of failing to protect a close family member cannot be ignored. “Like with Cadance, you only wanted to help him. You didn’t know what Cinch was planning,” She reasoned as Cadance held his strong hand. Luna knew Cinch would do anything to boost CPA's reputation, which also polishes hers. Stellar results from the students. Exaggerating minor issues from competing schools, like the statue incident when Luna and Celestia were students. Half-truths and logical lies can make anything sound believable to the right people. Nobody could predict Cinch would do something this careless.

“I still should’ve known something was up. I could’ve helped him, but I didn’t,” Shining Armor lamented, cursing at his ignorance. His brother was suffering and didn’t do a damn thing about it.

“Captain, we managed to de-encrypt some of the files,” An officer reported with a salute. His badge labeled him as Rocky Road. He’s a broad-chested man of Shining Armor’s age with a rich brown complexion.

“Mine weren’t, or at least the ones I got,” Cadance added, holding her phone along with Luna and others.

“Please send them,” Rocky requested. Some require a password, but we’ll crack it later,” He continued as they sent them to Shining Armor for decoding.

“What was on them?” Twilight Velvet questioned. Dusk Shine doesn’t prepare something of this scale without reason. She barely got a chance to look, focusing on the panicked calls from Cadance.

“Sorry, Ms. Velvet, but this is official police business,” Rocky Road frowned. She deserved to know, but the risks were too significant.

“That’s my baby,” Twilight Velvet whispered. Night Light holds her hand, offering some comfort during this storm.

“I know, but some of the stuff Dusk Shine documented over the years from his classmates. It’ll cause active investigations or give probable cause. People are going to be pissed and have no qualms about hurting you and others,” Rocky Road cautioned. The students Dusk Shine documented were the social elites or were associated with them. One drop can cost a rippling tsunami, wrecking everything these people worked for. “You’ve been good to me for years. I don’t want to see you get hurt,” He pleaded gently. She’s been more of a mother to him in his teenage ages than his own parents in his entire life.

“I’ll handle this, Mom,” Shining Armor reassured. “Should Cadance leave too?” He questioned.

“No, this concerns her as well since she’s the dean, and Cinch might have to take a leave of absence,” Rock Road denied. “Let’s go,” The adults went into separate paths

“I take it this was Pandora’s box,” Shining Armor calculated, using his coworker’s hesitation as the main clue.

“Yes,” Rocky Road confirmed. They passed various maintenance teams, repairing the damage. “Dusk Shine was incredibly detailed in his work. Dates, links, images, audio, and timelines. He even got their social media accounts. You think he’s willing to work for us in the future,” He joked, looking over to his captain. They knew Dusk Shine was brilliant, but the math & science kind. Not the crafty or manipulative kind. The fact he has BOTH made Dusk Shine remarkably threatening.

“He’s more of a behind-the-scenes person, building new gadgets. He’ll likely work for the government instead of the local police force,” Shining Armor answered, stopping at a room. Rocky saluted and went over to other officers in the next hall. The officers nodded, allowing Shining Armor and Cadance to enter. “What do we have here?” He asked, looking over an intel officer’s shoulder.

“I’m going through what he sent you, Cadance and Luna. I started with Cadance,” Moonlight answered. Her golden eyes surveyed the contents. “It’s a lot of high school drama stuff. Students lying and cheating on each other. Bullying. A little cheating on tests and exams. ” She replied dully, hoping for juicier gossip. Cadance sharpened her expression when hearing those words, taking the other side of Moonlight. “The encrypted is the fun stuff,” Moonlight grinned.

“Dusk Shine mentioned that Cinch sent him a letter before the games,” Cadance recited the earlier audios, scanning the various files. The mouse clicked it. Password Required

“This one was tougher than the others, so I haven’t gotten far yet. Why does he know how to do this?” Moonlight grumbled, scratching her short black and gray hair. Dusk Shine’s cyber-security skills were remarkable for his age. He’s in high school, so why does he need this level of encryption? Everyone has something to protect. But is he protecting himself or something else? Cadance leaned over to the password-locked file. This one was explicitly labeled for her, so it’s something either she knows or both of them know. Dusk Shine’s smart. It can’t be something as simple as her birthday or a name. She tried the Sunshine song they sang when he was a child.


Of course, it wasn't, but it was worth a shot. Something done and personal? A phrase. She typed it in. Amor extra mortem.Shining Armor held his wife’s hands, knowing what the phrase meant to her.

Accepted.Welcome Cadance

“That unlocked everything for Cadance,” Moonlight acknowledged. “Let’s check out this letter,” She clicked. It starts generically with formalities such as expressing regret for the rejection. They raised their eyebrows at the future accommodations planned for him. Not bad, actually. They continued. Aghast expressions marked their faces as Cinch’s foul words captioned under Sunny Flare’s photos. Does she know about what Cinch was doing? Sunny must have some insight. Cadance’s stomach made rollercoaster twists and turns from what she’d read. Has Cinch been doing this Dusk Shine behind her back? It would explain why she’s so possessive of him. Instead, Cinch uses Sunny Flare as a proxy.

“What else is there?” Shining Armor fumed, getting to the end of this and bringing justice. They searched the files. Colleagues of incriminating evidence regarding his classmates, families, businesses, teachers, and associates. However, some fragments of Dusk Shine have been acknowledged as speculations at best. Cadance pointed to some students' files. Marco and Potter caught her attention. Both transferred to CPA from Trottingham several years ago, attending a similarly prestigious school. If it was a simple transfer, then they would’ve said so.

Numerous pictures of Marco handing Potter a thick envelope appeared, gesturing to him to stay quiet. Bribery? Why, though? Dusk Shine linked a news article regarding their previous school. It’s a tiny blurb, barely a whole paragraph, but that’s all it needed to say. They shared an alarming expression before continuing. Several sports members and teachers were likely loyal to Cinch had dirt on them. Current and past ones as well. One teacher passed some students a thumb drive. The date is labeled before midterms. Dusk Shine connected the dots, formulated theories, and determined possible conclusions for dozens of people. These weren’t petty accusations but something that could ruin the CPA’s reputation for generations. Does Cinch know about this? If so, then this is significantly worse than they thought.

Days passed as Dusk Shine lay in the hospital bed. His wide eyes snapped open and scanned the area as he heaved rapidly. Where is he? What happened to the games? Did he win? Dusk Shine attempted to move as pain surged through his body when a hand hovered on his chest. He couldn’t see but sense someone’s presence.

“Relax. You’re in the hospital right now,” Tempest Shadow reported. He eased back into the bed as machines beeped, reporting his vital signs. That’s right. Dusk Shine recalled what happened earlier today. They must’ve finished that night and woke up the following day. “You’ve been in and out of consciousness for about 4 days now,” She declared, breaking his suspicions.

“Four . . . days?” Dusk Shine repeated strainfully. He’s been in the hospital for 4 whole days?! His hazy vision barely makes out his casts, raised legs, and other repaired injuries. What happened to him?

“You’re not supposed to move so much,” Tempest Shadow scolded, making him pause his squirming. “Here,” She gently offered him a strawed beverage. Dusk Shine took several soothing gulps of icy water, relieving his throbbing body. “I know you have many questions about what happened and about me. Cinch ordered an extended break as a way to ease the students after a traumatic event and pray for your recovery. You might get some gifts soon,” Tempest continued. He rolled his eyes, groaning at the phony display of community. “I know it’s bullshit. My name is Tempest Shadow. You don’t know me, but I know you. Consider me an associate of your step-grandmother. I owe her a great debt. Unfortunately, that’s all I can say right now,” She explained, smiling a few times as she remembered watching and helping him from a distance.

“Files,” Dusk Shine mumbled. It was the last thing he did before everything went to hell.

“All were received and being analyzed,” Tempest Shadow consoled, easing his fears. “You were quite adept in your documents, as expected,” She praised his efforts. The police and other law enforcement agencies will be busy for years. “Cinch is going through hell, but it’s well deserved. Those audio files. You scared the hell out of her and chased,”

“Chased?” Dusk Shine asked, blinking owlishly. When did he chase Cinch?

“That’s expected. You don’t remember what happened after you briefly flatlined,” Tempest elaborated. He remembered flatlining and someone him pushing back, claiming that it wasn’t his time yet. “Aether revived you and used that chance to chase her around. Your mother and Luna talked with her,” She implied. He didn’t need further explanation. As hell hath no fury like a scorned mother protecting their child. There’s something else on his mind.

“Sunset,” Dusk Shine whispered with glossy eyes. He hurt his friend and her friends, too.

“She’s fine. Although you two need to have a long talk after what happened,” Tempest informed, softening her stern look at his regretful expression. “Hey, don’t beat yourself about that. All of this . . . was Cinch’s fault. You warned her about using Aether, but she didn’t listen,” She consoled before checking her watch. Visiting hours are done. “I’ll contact your family now that you’re awake. Get some rest, okay, Dusk Shine,” Tempest rubbed his hair.

“Thanks,” Dusk Shine muttered, closing his eyes to get more sleep.

“That’s why I’m here,” Tempest smiled, closing the door behind her. She frowned, recalling the numerous times he sobbed and talked while he slept earlier.

‘Why can’t I die right?’

‘Am I so horrible that neither heaven nor hell wants me’

Those words echoed in her mind and tightened her chest as she exited the hospital wing. No child should ever mutter those words. She parched herself on her motorcycle, preparing to embark on her mission. Dusk Shine’s files open a keen interest in several particular people who’ve become a stubborn issue. Some with outstanding debts. Knowledge is powerful when used in the right hands. Tempest Shadow has never failed a mission before and won’t start now. Determination raged in her body as she revved her engine and drove off.

Dusk Shine opened his eyes hours later, dully watching the television program overhead. They placed the sci-fi and educational channel for him—that’s something, at least. His chest filled with a stygian outrage as he glowered at the screen. For the briefest of seconds, Dusk Shine’s eyes flashed cyan before shutting them again for the night.

Back in Sire’s Hallow, the Glimmer family waited with bated breath. On the dinner table, a singular envelope with CPA’s symbol lay. They placed their hands on her shoulders in support. Starlight exhaled, gingerly opening the envelope containing her acceptance or rejection letter.

“Dear Ms. Starlight Glimmer. Congratulations. YOU’VE BEEN ACCEPTED TO CRYSTAL PREPARATORY ACADEMY!” Starlight started before cheering with her family. Her family embraced each other.

“I told you that you got in,” Firelight praised. Cinch made good on her promise.

“Keep reading,” Her mother said, pointing to the words. This is going well and will get better.

“You’ve been granted our Supreme Scholarly Excellence scholarship providing a . . . full-ride enrollment until graduation as long as you've maintained your stellar GPA,” Starlight whispered at the opportunity with glimmering eyes. The SSE scholarship?! She got that, too!

“A full scholarship,” Her parents muttered. They don’t have to worry about money. Starlight applied for several scholarships but didn’t anticipate getting one of the best ones.

“I present to you your pin for becoming among the top 5 students in CPA,” Starlight continued before glancing at the attached pin to the bottom. She’s an elite, just like Dusk Shine. They’re becoming equals. “Please arrive at CPA and Canterlot at your earliest convenience to obtain your uniform. We offer customizations. As well as your student ID. You’ll be officially enrolled once we’ve collected and evaluated your documents. Welcome aboard. We expect great things from you,” The letter from Cinch concluded. Each member had a persistent beam on their features.

“Oh my stars, you’re heading to Crystal Prep,” Her mother grinned.

“The star of Sire’s Hallow,” Firelight smiled as pride filled his chest. I heard some of your classmates got accepted to CHS,” He mentioned as some parents chatted about it. Did their parents get a job in the city?” Firelight asked. It takes around 2-3 hours to get from Sire’s Hollow to CPA. They have to get up early and come back in the mid-late evening.

“I think we’re going to share a townhouse and split the rent,” Starlight answered. Canterlot has been the royalty seat for generations. Many nobles and other aristocrats built their homes there. However, many were overambitious while building, leaving them destitute, especially during economic turmoil. The wise open their houses as accessible lodging to the countless starry-eyed residents attempting to make their claim. There are tons of them, so finding one near CPA or CHS won't be hard.

“They still need someone to monitor them,” Firelight remarked. Bringing a group of healthy teenagers along miles from home without proper supervision is complicated.

“I am,” Her mother confirmed, surprising them. “I found a job and a cozy apartment,” She answered sheepishly for going behind his back. However, this is her only chance to leave and explore the world. She and Starlight can leave within a month or earlier.

“Dad, who will stop Stellar Flare from completely changing the town if you're gone?” Starlight interjected, igniting her father’s passion for historic endurance. Manipulator.

“We can’t lose our character to be some gaudy, flimsy shopping district,” Firelight avowed, shuddering at what horrors Stellar Flare would deem as progress. He embraced them tightly, aware that he wouldn’t do this daily. “I’m going to miss you two. I’ll send money and visit as much as possible,”

“I love you too,” Both women replied, enjoying the other’s warmth. They separated to get ready for the evening and make dinner. Starlight and Firelight shared a knowing look. They’re one step closer to honoring their oath and completing their destiny.

A trio whiffed the air hungrily with a feral grin from the hotel balcony. “You girls smell that?” Adagio beamed, feeling overly pleased with herself. They gazed at the blazing star marking the sky. That’s raw Aether. Their gems howled with a haunting crimson hue, demanding the magic they desperately craved. They carved a lavish and fulfilling meal. The hotel room service provided exquisite meals for them, but Aether fuels their soul.

“It smells nerdy,” Aria cooed, licking her lips at the bountiful source. That power. All the overwhelming power is coming from Dusk Shine. He probably doesn’t know what to do with it.

“I’m getting a wintery gentle aroma,” Sonata commented, waving her hand to savor the aroma. Aria face-palmed before snapping at Sonata.

“Enough,” Adagio interjected, halting their wasteful argument. “That’s coming from Sunset’s special nerd, Dusk Shine,” It’s his emblem illuminating the sky. Adagio knows that Dusk Shine has a special place in Sunset’s heart and vice versa. They grinned about it. “This is our chance to rule this world and beyond,” She started with a confident gleam in her eyes. The trio’s gems cackled, famished for a 5-course meal. “It’s simple. We take his magic, control the people, and become goddesses. Plus, we can have some fun in the meantime,” Adagio boasted, heading back inside their suite. Seeing Sunset’s humiliated face as they have Dusk Shine wrapped around their fingers made it all the sweeter. “What do you say?”She arched her opening a letter, giving a quick read, and showed her sisters.

We’re in,” Their grins widened at the letter’s content.

“Ready or not, Dusk Shine. You’re about to be Dazzled,” Adagio purred, tossing the letter on her bed before blowing a kiss at the fading star.

Congratulations, Adagio Blaze, Sonata Dusk, and Aria Blaze. You’ve been accepted to Crystal Preparatory Academy.

Comments ( 1 )

I can only say that it was a real pleasure to read this story and I look forward to the sequel

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