• Published 10th May 2022
  • 1,546 Views, 55 Comments

Crystal Prison - HeirofHades

Dusk Shine the top student of CPA struggles to understand the value of Friendship. Cinch forces him to compete in the upcoming Friendship games against CHS. Now he must work with those he labeled him an outcast to achieve victory.

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Omake: Dusk shine gets love advice

Author's Note:

Hello you wonderful people. This is a quick little Omake in-between long updates. Plus these Omakes allows me to refresh my writing skills, help with my writer's block and do a little AU's here and there.

Peace has been restored at Crystal Prep. It’s been months since the disastrous Friendship games, thanks to Cinch’s hubris. Why would she risk the ENTIRE world for several kilograms of gold-plated plastic? Then Dusk Shine’s revenge rampage shook up the school's status quo. It’s cruel, merciless, calculating, and destructive in every sense of the word. Yet they couldn’t deny Dusk Shine's effectiveness, culling the population of troublesome students and faculty. Especially those still loyal to Cinch. Some were … simply put, terrible if they wanted to be polite. Crystal Prep remains the prime elite school in Canterlot. Still, students can breathe easier under Principal Cadance’s leadership than Cinch’s draconian suffocating iron fist.

“That concludes the afternoon announcements,” Cadance concluded, removing her finger from the intercom. She exhaled, easing into this comforting chair. Cinch did have an eye for quality luxury items. Was it a gift from one of her many benefactors, or bought it herself? “Time for work,” The young principal muttered, clicking her pen and signing multiple documents for the upcoming months. Cadance is still a novice when managing an elite private school. Thankfully, she had bountiful support from the local community, various faculty, alumni, and most of the student body. They preferred her gentle, compassionate, and authoritative leadership instead of Cinch’s ridge and self-serving methods. Cadance frowned. By Faust’s light, how many children suffered for Cinch’s ambition over the decades? Dusk Shine. The former principal claimed she had one or two students with Dusk Shine’s potential. Where were they now? Cadance hopes that they’re happy, healthy, and safe.


“It’s open,” Cadance greeted warmly. Well, speak of Grogar; it’s Dusk Shine. “Hey, Dusk Shine,” She smiled at her brother-in-law or dutiful enforcer, as people claimed. He systemically removed most of those who would’ve challenged her newfound authority and pacified or frightened others to keep their heads down. The princess of love could’ve easily handled them herself. She still appreciated his support, albeit under Aether's control, erupting years of pent-up rage against his classmates.

“Good afternoon, Principal Cadance,” Dusk Shine replied softly. Cadance raised an invested brow at his flushed face and docile posture. He wants to ask her something but is nervous. “I. . . can I ask you something, please?” The top student requested before taking a seat. He fiddled with his hands on his lap.

“Of course,” Cadance consoled, straightening her face and posture. It must be serious if he’s acting like this. Her love senses were cheering, alarming her at the possibility.

He slowly breathed, wanting to get this over and done with. “Okay, so I have this friend who likes this girl,” Dusk Shine started, his mulberry face a luminescent strawberry.

It’s you, isn’t it?” Cadance’s blue eyes brightened and widened along with her beam. IT’S FINALLY HAPPENING!

“N-no, but let’s say it’s me, as we have similar personalities,” Dusk Shine stammered, defending himself as his face brightened again. Cadence’s smug grin remained, crossing her arms as she leaned forward, silently calling him out. “Okay, it’s me,” Dusk Shine confessed, surrendering to Cadance’s plot.

“EEEEK! Yes, just tell Sunset or Trixie that you want to hang out one-on-one,” Cadance squealed, getting excited at the potential love affair. He’s finally growing up and discovering the wonders of love. Both girls had a stable relationship with him, so it won’t be anything bizarre. Wait. She wondered when these emotions appeared. Eh. . . Cadance will worry about it later.

“Um, no, it’s not Sunset or Trixie,” Dusk Shine confessed softly.

“Really?” Cadance questioned, tilting her head in confusion. He nodded. Those two were definitely among Dusk Shine’s potential romantic partners. “Do I know her?”

“Kind of,” Dusk Shine remarked, moving his hand in a flapping manner. He reached into his pocket, scrolling through his phone while approaching her. “It’s her,” Dusk Shine announced, showing Cadance her picture.

Cadance squinted her eyes, attempting to recall this girl. “Oh, her,” Her eyes widened in celebration as his face reddened. “Nice choice,” She praised.

“How do I approach this?” Dusk Shine asked, pondering whether he should be direct and formal in his advances or should he act straightforwardly but with a casual tone.

“What do you have in mind,” Cadance smiled, pushing those documents away. They can wait. The two spent almost an hour texting Dusk Shine’s love interest. It was mainly Cadance as Dusk Shine paced anxiously in her office between responses and her crafting his replies.

His phone buzzed. “What did she say?” Dusk Shine muttered, huffing into a brown paper bag. Cadance glanced down.

“She said yes,” The principal broadcasted with a giddy smile even when Dusk Shine popped his paper bag in shock. His eyes widened at the news. SHE SAID YES?!

“. . . OH,” Dusk Shine muttered. He didn’t think that he would get this far. “Oh fuck, she said yes!” He exclaimed, grabbing the sides of his head.

“Dusk Shine, relax. You’ll be fine, okay,” Cadance got from her desk, resting a hand on his shoulders. She glanced at the clock. “Head home. We’ll talk about this later,” Dusk Shine nodded, retrieved his things, and exited the room. Cadance waited a few seconds before breaking a wide beam. “YES! YES! YES! YES! WOOOOOHOOOOOO!” She boomed, hopping around the office as if she won the lottery. “I need to make a few calls,” Cadance rushed to dial a number.

Shining Armor and his crew were filing reports when his phone buzzed in the office. “Hey babe,” The captain answered. He flinched. His ears rang from the roaring and excited babble of his wife. “Run that by me again?” Shining armor requested, barely getting a single word of that.

“DUSK SHINE HAS A DATE!” Cadance broadcasted, still feeling the high of the news. He stood abruptly, smiling along with his wife.

“Let’s go!” Shining Armor celebrated. Others paused and focused on their captain. “Sorry, my brother has a date,” He explained, pointing to his phone.

“Finally!” One of his crewmates shouted. They smiled, offering their blessings, and wished him the best. Some watched Dusk Shine grow up and knew his troubles at Crystal Prep. They helped him in any way they could. Someone pulled a whiteboard as they discussed a betting pool.

“Here’s the thing. . . it’s not Sunset or Trixie,” Cadence whispered enthusiastically.

“Oh cool. . .,” Shining Armor remarked. Wait… it’s not one of them. “WAIT, WHAT?!” His eyes bulged out of his skull from the reveal. When did this happen? Was it one of his classmates? Did he know them?

“What happened?”

“Dusk Shine’s date isn’t Sunset or Trixie,” Shining Armor divulged to his team.

“Ain’t no way,” One of them smiled amidst the frenzy. They went into a discussion, wondering who the girl was. Those two were at the apex of the betting pool. If it’s not those two, then who was it? A schoolmate? Someone from CHS or none of the above.

Shining Armor’s phone buzzed again. It’s Dusk Shine. “Hold on, I need to take this,” He ended the call and accepted his little brother’s number.

“Hey, Shining. . . I need some help because I know that Cadance already told up,” Dusk Shine whispered as he was still at school. He didn’t need eavesdroppers monitoring his calls.

“Don’t worry, we got you covered,” Shining Armor smiled with his crew.

“Thanks … wait we?” Dusk Shine smiled, briefly pausing, wondering what his brother was talking about. He got his answer from the roaring cheer of his brother’s coworkers.

Significant time has passed since Dusk Shine’s date. It was a total success as the two went on several dates consecutively. Now they’re dating exclusively and gradually becoming a couple. Both haven’t made it official or public. However, it didn’t stop Dusk Shine’s classmate.

Hey, you think Dusk Shine is dating someone?” Neon Lights whispered to his friends, gesturing to the smiling Dusk Shine texting on his phone.

“Probably,” Trenderhoof and Suri remarked, aware of their Top student’s better mood over the past few months. He’s been smiling more and friendlier. Their most significant clue was Dusk Shine glued to this phone and smiling at the messages.

“But who is it?” They questioned as they scanned their classroom for potential suspects. Was it one of the Shadow 5? Sunny Flare, Sugarcoat, or Sunny Flare? It can’t be either of them, as Dusk Shine would’ve been talking to them. It must be someone from outside their class. Lemon Zest or Indigo Zap? Perhaps someone outside their school, like CHS. Sunset Shimmer, Trixie, or one of their friends?

More students got involved in the discussion as the days went by. Who is this mysterious girl? Maybe they’re just good friends and only overthinking this situation. Well, they’ll see soon.

They’ll get their answer enough. Cadance announced a small casual social event later on in the week. She encouraged students to get together as a plus-1. Some CPA students did what their principal asked and discovered their dates. Dusk Shine shuffled through his locker as the school ended. He didn’t have to worry about finding a plus-one since he already had one.

“Hey, Dusk Shine,” Lemon Zest’s voice appeared behind him. Her cheeks were ruby as she shuffled her feet. “Are you going to the party?” She muttered, locking up at him, twirling her long green hair.

“That’s correct,” Dusk Shine answered, much to her delight.

Lemon Zest beamed as she flirtatiously approached him. “So. . . do you want to be my-AHHHH,” The rocker purred before screaming as Moon Dancer bumped her out of the way. Dusk Shine blankly watches Lemon Zest slide across the floor.

“Dusk Shine, do you want to be my plus one?” Moon Dancer rattled off with a blush. Yes, it’s better to straightforward with your intentions.

Fleur De Lis appeared from the left field, shoving his Platte swap out of the way. “Out of the way!” She scoffed before flipping her hair. Her hand and arm slid across his neck and chest. Dusk Shine didn’t know what was happening, confused as she smirked. “Hey, Dusk Shine,” Her soft finger circled on his chest. A delicate flowery aroma diffused from her body. She recently put it on for this . . . seduction attempt. “How about you ditch them?” Fleur De Lis criticized the other two girls. They scowled at her. “And go out with this lavish rose instead?” She coaxed. More girls got into an argument. The rest of the Shadow Five, Starlight Glimmer, and the Dazzlings. All girls barred their teeth at each other, tensing their bodies.

“Excuse me,” Dusk Shine announced, stopping the brawl before it began. They stopped and turned to him.“I already have a date,” He articulated loudly to reach his point. Their eyes widened, and their jaws slacked. Astonished and utterly furiously about missing their chance.

“With who?!” They demanded, viewing each other suspiciously.

“My girlfriend,” Dusk Shine revealed with a demure smile and blush on his cheeks.

“WHAT?!” They boomed. The rumors were true after all, but who was his girlfriend?

The party was in full swing. Groups of students were dancing and having a wonderful time under the teacher’s supervision. However, two people are missing. Dusk Shine and his girlfriend. He knew he was telling the truth because why would he lie to impress them.

“Oh, there he is,” Trenderhoof pointed to the door. Dusk Shining holding the white hand of . . . VINYL SCRATCH?! Several stared rattled stone cold as some spat or choked on their beverages while the two strolled together. Everyone, sans Cadance, had the same question. HOW THE FUCK DID THIS HAPPEN?!

“Dude, what . . . and how?” Several classmates questioned, pondering Dusk Shine’s charismatic nature. Although it shouldn’t be surprising as both were minor celebrities. More students exchanged money as it wasn’t Sunset, Trixie, or anyone from school.

“It kinda just happened,” Dusk Shine explained as Vinyl smirked with an arched brow. “The best estimate I can give was sometime during the Friendship games. We chatted. Our relationship grew, and now we’re here,” He concluded with a shrug, giving Vinyl’s hand a gentle squeeze as she kissed him. Envious glares landed on the pair, but they turned their noses. There’s nothing they can do. Whatever, they’re a high school, so they probably won’t last long. An energetic song blared from the speakers. Vinyl Scratch beamed, dragging Dusk Shine with her to dance. Others shrugged before joining the dance floor. The party went on.

A slow sensual song appeared, and students got together in pairs, touching each other’s bodies. Boy and Girl. Boy and Boy. Girl with Girl. Non-binaries and all in-between. It didn’t matter as love was love.

Dusk Shine and Vinyl Scratch held each other, relishing in the other’s warmth as their hands roamed and rested. Vinyl removed her iconic red-trimmed glasses, revealing her gorgeous rubies. She smiled. Her delicate lips touched his. Both shut their eyes, melting in their presence. Cadance and Discord smiled at the pair, exchanging a high-five. Finally, the two separated their lips.

“Hey. . . wanna take this party somewhere else?” Vinyl Scratch whispered huskily into Dusk Shine’s tender ear. His eyes widened with blazing cheeks. She rubbed his chest, rubbing his toned chest, attempting to persuade him.

“Re-really?” Dusk Shine stammered, his amethyst eyes bouncing around.

Her smile curled upwards with a low-lidded expression. “Of course,” Vinyl Scratch purred, her finger slightly tugging at her sleeveless shirt. His throat dried at the peek of her bare chest. She didn’t show him everything as they were public, but a little something to tantalize him. “We don’t have to go all the way,” She replied earnestly, pecking him on the lips. “Just. . . all . . . you're. . . comfortable with,” Vinyl cooed between each kiss. “Okay,” She whispered. Dusk Shine gulped the tension in his throat.

“Oh. . . okay. I trust you,” He nodded.

“Good boy,” Vinyl’s intoxicating breath tingled in his ears. She gazed around. Everyone was distracted, holding their partners or chatting in their small groups. Perfect. “Come on, show this secret lab of yours,” She took him by the hand, guiding him outside for some . . . alone time. Both faces were vibrant scarlet as Dusk Shine took control, leading his girlfriend to his private room. His heart thundered in his chest and ears, but he wasn’t afraid.

They’ve arrived at Dusk Shine’s lab. Vinyl scoped their surroundings, hoping that nobody was around. She popped a quick mint into her mouth. He had high standards, so it’s better to be safe than sorry. The door clicked open. They entered. She whistled, impressed at this private room. It’s almost like a studio apartment mixed with a research room. Then again, Cinch, that foul woman’s name, pulsated on her tongue, gave Dusk Shine an upgrade. He sat on the couch, rubbing his hands nervously in his lap.

“Can you lock the door, please?” Dusk Shine requested, adjusting his glasses with a roaring heart. Vinyl immediately secured the door behind her, smiling at him taking charge. “And can you . . . sit on my lap?” His face brightened as he squeaked out the request, patting his lap.

“Well, since you asked so nicely,” Vinyl Scratch agreed with flushed cheeks and a smirk. She sashayed over to him, parching her legs over his lap. Her arms wrapped securely around his neck. His hands did the same for her slender waist. He attempted to remove his glasses, but she stopped. “Keep them on,” She ordered softly. He did as their lips danced with each other. Vinyl Scratch wanted Dusk Shine to engrave this night into his crystal-clear memory for the rest of his life. That he did and many, many, many more.

I won't know why but I had a sudden interest in Vinyl Scratch over the last few weeks. I know she's a popular character but now she's crawling up my list. Plus these little AU's are fun and helps construct various future plots between movies and specials.

Thanks for reading the story. Have a good day. :)