• Published 10th May 2022
  • 1,546 Views, 55 Comments

Crystal Prison - HeirofHades

Dusk Shine the top student of CPA struggles to understand the value of Friendship. Cinch forces him to compete in the upcoming Friendship games against CHS. Now he must work with those he labeled him an outcast to achieve victory.

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Preview: Dusk Shine vs Crystal Prep

Author's Note:

Hello again everyone. I'm back with another chapter but this time it's a preview. However, this preview was made years ago and you can probably tell by the writing style. I thought I was going to reach this part much sooner. Therefore certain ideas, concepts, and other reworks haven't been implemented yet. It feels . . . edgy and majorly overdramatic at least to me. So I'm prepared for the critiques. Then again the purpose of this was supposed to be a catalyst.

What do you guys think of it? I do plan to overhaul to this scene whenever we get to that point of the story. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated

Before you guys get on my case, this month has been rough with my college responsibilities, my mental state and wanted to get things done quickly. Plus the 2nd part of the Friendships with the field events is more difficult than I thought.

The main issue is when the magic is released causing the plants to go crazy and how Dusk Shine and others react to it. I have trouble figuring out when Dusk Shine does get a real taste of magic after he gets devoured by the main monster plant. If it's at the start, it'll inspire Cinch to force Dusk Shine to use the magic again but if it's at the end, it'll show off Dusk Shine's skills.

Then again, if it's at the end and I show off Dusk Shine's, it'll make him look overwhelmingly OP. Now that I'm writing it to you guys, having him get devoured at the beginning makes more sense.

Dusk Shine searched through his locker as the final bell rang. Starlight waited for him along with the rest of his group. “Ready, Dusk Shine?” Cadance asked with a soothing smile at the girls. He has friends now. Her romantic senses tingled at the possibility of him experiencing love. These girls are respectable choices. All she has to do is wait.

“Yeah,” He replied, shutting his locker before joining the group. The dean continued to beam at Dusk Shine, conversing with his classmates and displaying more emotion. She didn’t want to admit it, but Cinch forcing him to use Aether was probably the best thing to happen to Dusk Shine. Furthermore, Starlight Glimmer’s acceptance to Crystal Prep inspired hope for him by becoming his first friend at this school. However, she got in via Cinch’s recommendation right after the Friendship Games. There’s more to this Starlight Glimmer.

Cadance peeked at Sunny Flare. The sourly smug glint in her eyes diminished since Cinch was removed as she chatted with Sugarcoat and Sour Sweet. Everything simmered down with the unyielding yoke of competitive elitism deteriorated, enabling the students to breathe. Actually, being kids and having fun. No honeyed words, crossing fingers behind their backs with fake smiles deceiving their friends to lower trust for a slight advantage. Things looked brighter for Crystal Prep. Dusk Shine halted his conversation with Starlight, stopping in the middle of the hall.

What do you want, Royal Pin?” Sunny Flare demanded the arrogant student. He wasn’t alone. A crowd of at least fifty students from various classes, including their own, such as Neon Lights, Jet Set, Upper Crust, Trenderhoof, and Suri Polomare, stood behind him.

Nothing that concerns you,” Royal Pin shot her a foul glare as she delivered one of her own. “My business is with him,” He demanded, pointing at the top student. Dusk Shine arched his brow, sighing at his schoolmate. What the Tartarus does he want? His team stepped forward, creating a barrier between him and the approaching Royal Pin.

Dusk Shine raised his hand, stopping them. “I can handle this,” He assured them. They nodded and continued to remain close. “How can I help you, people?” Dusk Shine mocked with a smile. “You need some tutoring? Again?

Royal Pin’s jaw twitched with indignation from that comment before composing himself. Some raised their hands as others pushed them down. More choose to stare poisoned daggers at him. Dusk Shine grew indifferent to the insignificant glares. These were the identical glares he received for the last two years. He didn’t care then and doesn’t care now.

“I challenge you,” Royal Pin announced with his entire chest. Dusk Shine’s group gawked, utterly dumbfounded at his declaration. He vs Dusk Shine? Is Royal Pin fucking mental, brainless, or both? Both. It has to be both.

“You can’t be serious?” Sugarcoat advised, pushing up her glasses. There’s no logic behind this challenge. Unless someone is putting him up to it. She shared a look with Sunny Flare and Cadance having the same chilling thought. Cinch.

Who else has the means to gather such a force? If it’s not her, then it’s someone in her pockets. Royal Pin’s brilliant orange eyes burned with resolution as he removed his cutie mark and displayed it to Dusk Shine.

Their eyes rounded at this affirmation. He’s offering his emblem?! Royal Pin’s wagering is the core of his identity in his challenge. They awaited the Dusk Shine's response. He can’t refuse the challenge. The scarcity of this action demands that he must engage.

Oh, you’re serious,” Dusk Shine muttered in a robotic tone as more followed Royal Pin’s action. He exhaled, placing his hands in his pockets. “Since you insisted on this and you have a lot of people with you,” The number one student acknowledged the group. Cadance surveyed his expression, wondering about the thought process. “I believe a Prismatic Gauntlet would be ideal, right Principal Cadance,” He suggested as the light obstructed his amethyst eyes behind his glasses.

They gasped and murmured at the consideration. A Prismatic Gauntlet?! No one has done one in decades. Why? Challenges were personal issues similar to duels of honor, often between the aristocrats. One on one. It was a rare occurrence for teams of students to harbor grudges against each other. The most were thirty students around sixty-four years ago.

“...That’s correct,” The former babysitter confirmed the possibility. She caught a cruel curve of his lips from the corner of her maternal eyes.

Royal Pin sneered with a curt chuckle and lazy shrug. “Fine by me,” He opened his arrogant orange eyes, prolonging his growing amusement. “Create your little team or whatever,” The blue male mocked with a flutter of his hand as they narrowed their eyes at him.

Everything is going to plan. Dusk Shine will be a team consisting of himself and Starlight Glimmer. Typical, another weirdo like him. Also, Sunny Flare and Sugarcoat. Maybe Moondancer if he’s desperate. Now that Cinch is gone. Nothing is saving them from the true elites of Crystal Prep.

No,” Dusk Shine declared with a low booming voice while a shadowy veil shrouded his face. That simple word shattered Royal Pin’s confidence.“That won’t be necessary,” His face was dull and lifeless behind his shining glasses. “I’m the top student. I can handle it myself,” A reignited conflagration of buried tenacity was summoned behind his eyes.

WHAT?!” The horde roared at his unexpected decree. Their frantic whispers spread terror amidst the ranks like an old-school chain text. It alarmed some of the students in their after-school clubs and classes in the hall.

Holy shit, he’s actually doing this himself?!”

“Crap, this is going to be like Cloudsdale,”

“Dude, no, it won’t,” A male student countered. Their confidence waived as waves of uncertainty crashed over them. Dusk Shine stared them down with a blank grin. They aren’t his allies.

For years, the top student tolerated his classmates. Social isolation, the taunts, jeers, nasty glares.


He held his tongue for oh so long to establish cooperation. Not anymore. His festering wrath beamed, recalling law fifteen. Crush your enemies totally. Now, they were his enemies. He doesn’t have to hold back as much.

“Dusk Shine, you can’t do this alone,” Cadence fretted. 50 students?! Some of them were Crystal Prep’s best and brightest.

“Allow us to help,” Sugarcoat added.

“No, they challenged me,” Dusk Shine shook his head. “So it’s my responsibility,” He avowed to his group. “Will two weeks suffice?” Dusk Shine proposed.

“Fine,” Royal Pin leered before leaving with a huff. No matter. This gives them more time to put that freak in his place. The challengers dispersed, murmuring their worries while others encouraged attempting to rejuvenate them.

Dusk Shine…” Principal Cadance muttered with her pink hands clasped together as if she were pleading. He turned to her, arching his brow. “I’m saying this not as your principal but as your loving sister-in-law, and I mostly trust your decisions,” She acknowledged before a sharp inhale through her nose. “ARE YOU INSANE?!” Cadance yelled with rounded eyes.

It’s supposed to be a normal day. He’s supposed to be relaxing. Not preparing for another competition. Her alarming tone gained the attention of Discord, who peeked his head from his classroom, wondering what’s the commotion. It’s uncharacteristic for the serene Cadance to yell like that.

“No, I’m a Capricorn,” Dusk answered truthfully to his concerned principal. Starlight giggled from the joke, hiding a grin behind her palm. She recorded that information. Mhm, he’s a Capricorn. Her eyes perked up with a sly smile. He’s younger than her. She wondered if he liked older women. The second-in-command contemplated when Dusk Shine’s birthday was. Perhaps a double treat for Hearth Warming and New Year's. A kiss under the mistletoe on both of her tender lips. Starlight suppressed a tingle of anticipation.

Cadance lay a worried hand on his shoulder. “Dusk Shine, you’re still recovering,” She remarked, glancing at the wrappings. “You need to take it easy,” They nodded to agree.

“Wait, you mostly trust his decisions?”Starlight Glimmer repeated with an edge of scrutiny. “Are you saying he can’t do it?” She raised her brow with crossed arms at this lacking assurance.

“No, it’s just-” Cadance countered.

Just what?” Starlight interrupted. “He’s proved himself multiple times, and you still doubt his abilities,” She affirmed, recalling his prior feats. “I expected this from others but not from someone who knows him best,” Her eyes lowered in disappointment.

“He just had a check-up,” Sour Sweet defended the principal. Dusk Shine went through enough shit already to be dealing with Royal Pin’s vendetta. This Starlight Glimmer is pissing her off.

“Dusk, he’s using this as a chance to strike back, damn well knowing that this is his only chance of ‘beating’ you,” Sunny Flare explained, finger-quoting whatever Pin's mindset was.

I’m aware,” Dusk Shine answered as Spike approached through the hole in the zipper. Their eyes widened at his casualness. Wait, he knows? Then why is Dusk Shine acknowledging the challenge?

“And you’re still accepting it?” The purple canine asked. They’re still getting used to a talking dog.

“Of course, he won’t stop unless I do something about it,” Dusk Shine replied, scratching one of Spike’s ears. “Besides, this could be fun,” He smiled as they exited the building. That smile didn’t ease Cadance’s worries, fearing that it would create something in Dusk Shine that he couldn’t destroy.

Discord stoically dialed a few numbers for the upcoming match. He won’t allow Dusk Shine to follow the Stygian path.

Two weeks soared at Crystal Prep. Dusk Shine’s adversaries flooded their brains with information in preparation as if it were finals week. He observed their cute little study groups in the library. Mountains of textbooks with rainbows of stationary materials littered their tables as they wrote equations on one of the wheeled whiteboards. Their exhausted glares followed him to one of the smaller round tables as the top student took out a book for some light reading.

It’s not even a textbook.

Dusk Shine watched their exaggerated groans, slamming their heads on the table at their wit's end with their fingers gripping the hair roots. Their opponent isn’t taking the challenge seriously. He shrugged. That’s none of his business.

The mulberry student adjusted his glasses, scanning the board. But that is. Dusk Shine strolled over and erased the board, grabbing a blue marker to correct the formulas and problems. Several of their jaws dropped at Dusk Shine helping them. Their fatigued brains scantily comprehend this situation. What’s happening?! He’s competing against soon yet is improving their chances. Was it a two hundred I.Q big brain reverse gambit or something? It has to be! They need to leave.

Some began packing their supplies when Dusk Shine’s studious and calming voice stopped them as he clarified a complex physics problem they’d struggled with to Alizarin Bubblegum and Celery Stalk. The duo grinned in relief, finally able to solve the question. The brain fog reverted their minds to old habits of listening to Dusk Shine explain a concept as if nothing had changed. They didn’t care. He’s teaching them for free, giving them a well-needed morale boost. Dusk Shine’s amused eyes flared a raging cyan as they worked before reverting to its natural purple hue. This should be fun.

Today’s the day.

Crystal Prep’s auditorium buzzed with indistinct chatter from the students, parents, and faculty enjoying their refreshments in comfy ebony seats. Even alumni members were present; some had never witnessed a Gauntlet before. The older ones remembered their time at Crystal Prep and pondered this Dusk Shine. They must witness the momentous event. One versus Fifty? Either Dusk Shine is incredible, insane, or incredibly insane for such a force to unite against him.

Cadance tapped on the tip of the microphone, waiting for the crowd to settle down. “Good afternoon, everyone. I welcome you to today’s competition. The Prismatic Gauntlet,” She announced to the cheering crowd. Her raised hand pacified them as a buzz of electricity remained in the air. They want to see it like the anticipated movie of the year or a live Sapphire Shores concert. “Welcome our challengers,” Cadance gestured to the sturdy teal double doors.

It opened, revealing Royal Pin in front of his platoon as triumphant music played. Their friends and family cheered and took photos as they scrolled to the stage. His team beamed and waved to their supportive fans. Suri even got some banners for them.

They have the reputation, the supporters, the skills, and the popularity. What does Dust Mite have? Nothing! He has a niche following at best, with some from his family. Royal Pin’s band bowed as most of the crowd cheered and applauded, standing from their seats. As they should. The principal waited for them to climb on stage.

Discord took the microphone in a proper suit. “Now our reigning champion, your top student. Dusk Shine,” The doors opened ominously upon hearing the name. Dusk Shine, followed by Starlight and Sugarcoat. Pin’s platoon sweated and grimaced at the Crystal Prep’s big three.

An encompassing frost choked their lungs while no music played during their serene stride. Their faces were the chiseled stone of an imposing bastion withstanding legions. Sharpened and tempered blue, violet, and orchid blades to slash the necks of those who dare oppose them to release their scarlet rivers to the fertile soil as atonement for their insolence. The trio’s steps echoed with a defined purpose with a simple task: To win. They didn’t need the wanton fanfare of a fickle-roaring crowd whose praise depends on fame and personal bias. Only Dusk Shine’s family and associates clapped with enthusiasm.

The rest gave the same half-hearted polite clapping from when he won the first round for them. Some of the bystanders distanced themselves from his malignant aura. Starlight grinned at their submissiveness. Sugarcoat pushed her glasses, suspicious of the new girl's action. It didn’t matter to Dusk Shine as he blocked himself from his surroundings. He didn’t hear the applause. He didn’t acknowledge the frightened stares—three words replayed in his mind as they reached the end of the walkway.

Dominate, Obliterate, Victory,” Dusk Shine chanted in his mind. Only those things mattered and nothing else. The two girls sat in their front row assigned chairs.

Dusk Shine faced fifty driven and capable opponents. Some he acknowledged as they were in the top twenty students. Shame they didn’t invite Sunny Flare. He could’ve put in a smidge of effort. Whatever. Another breeze, even with his help.

Several opponents gulped at his unreadable expression as if he were studying a specimen in his laboratory. Similar to before, he defeated Cloudsdale. Damn, he’s going to eradicate them. They shook off those doubtful feelings. No! They’re elite students of Crystal Prep High. Even if they don’t defeat him. At least several of them can erode his focus to improve the other’s chances of victory. Another surge of reassurance allowed them to press on with the challenge.

They can do this.

“These are our contestants,” Cadance declared to the excited crowd. “Any words for each other?” She offered the microphone. Dusk Shine googled the device and then returned to the principal with a blank look.

He has nothing to say.

Royal Pin took his chance and snatched the device from her, striding to Dusk Shine with a pompous sneer. “I hope you keep that look when you’re bowing before your betters after we defeat you at the end of this,” He boasted like it was a wrestling match, rudely poking him in the chest.

“The only ones that’ll be bowing are you and your little team,” Dusk Shine vowed with certainty, getting the crowd hyped up. They snickered at Royal Pin’s tightened jaw as his team collectively shuddered. Is it too late to forfeit? Yes. He cracked his neck, loosening his joints. The crowd winced at the sounds bouncing off of the walls. “I’ll show you why I’m the top student, and you are not,” Dusk Shine remarked.

“You listen, he-” Royal Pin snarled.

That’s your problem, Royal Pin,” Dusk Shine interrupted, his fierce glare silencing him. “You’re all talk with no weight or conviction behind anything you say,” He continued, advancing forward. His opponent backtracked to the safety of his group like a typical herd animal. Too weak to do anything on his own. “I act,” Dusk Shine’s hand rested on his chest. “You claim to be superior, yet you resorted to stealing my notes in the past and came to me for assistance. The one you’re challenging,” Members of Pin’s group covered their faces to avoid the skeptical eyes of their parents. Stealing notes? He showed them his back. “We wasted enough time,” The top student returned to his position, securing the bandages on his hands.

His doctor said it’ll be removed after the competition. He ignored the mixed set of foul glares and anxious grimaces from Pin’s little army as they went to their seats.

Discord handed Cadance a set of cards. Both shared a worried glance for Dusk Shine. They’ll deal with that later.

“Will Amaranth Gray come to the stage?” She requested, hiding the concern in her soothing voice. A male student with a heather curtain hairstyle. His friends motivated him as he entered the stage with a wide smirk. Dusk Shine observed his first victim. A pair of drama students slid two boards as Cadance waited. “The topic is geometry,” The pink crystal princess announced, giving them the question and enabling the boys to begin.

“You think Gray got this?” Neon Light whispered to Royal Pin as the timer blinked.

“Nope,” The blue-skinned male smirked with crossed arms. “He’s supposed to slow him down, giving us a chance to review while Shine’s brain is overloaded,” He explained to his companion before relaxing the chair with a steady exhale. “Dusk Shine can’t beat all of us-”

Winner: Dusk Shine,” Discord announced as the timer blared, alarming them. ALREADY?! The crowd murmured at how swift the first round was.

No way,” Several of them muttered at the sight of Gray cowering on the stage. Dusk Shine towered above him with his purple palm open like a loan shark wanting payment from his client. Gray sniffed as his eyes glossed over, timidly handing over his cutie mark.

Dusk Shine analyzed the pin. A flower bearing his name. So much for immortality. Amaranth Gray’s lips quivered, slumping his head as he walked off the stage.

Dusk Shine's unfeeling eyes gazed at his foes, crumbling their courage as the seconds passed. That’s one down. Forty-nine to go.

Alizarin Bubblegum, Cold Forecast, Peter Bread, and Celery Stick were respectively called.

Winner: Dusk Shine,” Discord broadcasted, gesturing to Dusk Shine, masking his troubled thoughts for his student with his signature grin. Whatever that Aether did to Dusk Shine. It wasn’t good.

He’s undefeatable,” Dusk Shine inspected the accessories provided to him: A deep red bubblegum hairpiece with a chemical compound, a frosty thermometer bracelet attachment, a metallic celery stick, and a bread loaf. He placed them in a sturdy black box on a nearby table.

The remaining members trembled as the noose tightened around their necks, awaiting their turn at the gallows.

Dusk Shine decimated their forces within seven minutes. They flinched at his gaze. Fear paralyzed their bodies like a rodent injected with a neurotoxin, clutching their cutie marks, unable to escape its demise. The weak are meat, and the strong must eat.

And Dusk Shine is starving.

“Let’s have a quick break, everyone,” Cadance addressed. Dusk Shine shrugged at the speed of the competition. He strolled past the first five challengers as they were scolded by their parents or comforted by their friends. Sympathy eluded his cold heart as he exited. It doesn’t matter to him. There’s more to be added to his collection.

“Excuse me, Dusk Shine,” One of the parents called to him at the drink table. The man wasn’t alone as a squad of other parents was with him. The speaker was a businessman, as evidenced by the pristine suit and polished shoes. “Can we have a moment of your time, please?” He requested with a charming smile. Dusk Shine saw through the fake smile with a casual nod, allowing him to continue. “We have an offer or, well, a suggestion that a man of your skill and intelligence can’t refuse,” He started in a silvery tone.

Quit the flattery and save it for someone naive enough to fall for it,” Dusk Shine seethed with coarse venom coating his tongue. The businessman frowned, not expecting hostility. Maybe he can still work around this. “Let me guess,” The top mocked, gesturing with his cup of cold water. “You’re going to offer me a check to take a dive or something,” He predicted, awaiting an answer from the group. Their silence answered for them. Dusk Shine shook his head with expected disappointment. That’s it? Slide him a check and go home? “My pride and reputation won’t allow that. I’m sure that you can understand that. Besides, nothing is stopping me from telling your kids that,” He exposed the adults, savoring their terror. “I can’t imagine how devastated they would feel if they found out that all of their victories occurred because you offered money to their foes. Tsk, Tsk, Tsk,” Dusk Shine mocked, shaking his head. “Do you have little faith in your children?” He questioned the parents. It’s moments like this that increase his appreciation for his parents.

“We have the money here,” A woman approached, displaying a stack of money between her silky orange fingers. She smirked as he took it.

That buys you ten seconds,” Dusk Shine calculated as he pocketed the money. Her jaw dropped at the answer before snarling. Ten measly seconds?! “Besides, I lived in Luminance Arch. I have more than enough money,” He strolled past them before one of them got an idea.

“Wait if money can’t persuade you. Maybe there’s something else we can do,” A stunning older woman with creamy alabaster cooed, stopping him. “You know my daughter Fleur de Lis?” She asked, causing him to turn to her.

“Yes,” Dusk Shine replied, already knowing where this ridiculous conversation was going. He knew where Fleur got her looks from. A form-fitting lilac dress shirt with a single button released, teasing on-lookers with a slight view of her bountiful cleavage combined with snug black dress pants. “Miss?” He pushed up his glasses, asking for her name.

Lustre Iris,” The older woman introduced herself to him. A crystalline purplish-blue flower was her cutie mark. “I can get her or some of her friends to be nicer to you,” Lustre Iris gave a flirtatious smile that charmed many men. Dusk Shine is a healthy male in the prime of his youth. It should be no different.

“Can I ask you a question?” Dusk Shine replied as she nodded. “Are you one of those friends?” He asked, marching up to the older woman.

“Oh, um, wait, that’s not what I-” Lustre Iris stammered from his response, taking a step back. She didn’t know his taste was more … mature than expected.

“So you’re forcing your daughter to do something that you won’t even do yourself,” Dusk Shine accused, holding the building inferno raging in his body. “Typical,” He parted away from the woman. “All this beauty can’t hide such a hideous soul,” Dusk Shine accused the woman. “Besides, your daughter isn’t my type and is among the top people who hate me here,” He revealed when the doors creaked open, revealing his father.

“Hey, Dusk Shine, we're about to start again,” Night Light told his son. The businessman’s eyes widened, beaming at this opportunity.

“Night Light, you remember me? Thunder Wing?” The man revealed his identity. “Your friend from high school”

“Oh yeah, I remember you,” Night Light replied, narrowing his eyes at his old schoolmate. That lightening shaped wing unearthed unsavory memories,

“Awesome, I was trying to tell your son to go easy on the kids,” Thunder Wing schemed, snaking his arm around Dusk Shine’s shoulder in a friendly manner. Dusk Shine cringed at the touch. What the heck is wrong with you? “So he doesn’t wear himself out,” Thunder Wing persuaded with honeyed ones, but Night Light knew better than to believe a single word from his slimy maw. “I’ll slide him and you a little something if you do. A little thanks for all the good things we had,”

“Dusk Shine,” Night Light dully spoke.

“Yeah, Dad,” Dusk Shine replied, raising his brow as Thunder Wing smiled. Another easy deal.

Fuck their shit up,” Night Light requested, coldly viewing his former classmate.

“Really?” Dusk Shine asked as his eyes lit up. Thunder Wing’s aghast eyes widened at the statement. Wait what?!

“Yes,” Night Light confirmed.

“Welp, if dad says yes, then I gotta do it,” Dusk Shine shrugged, removing Thunder Wing’s scummy arm from his shoulder. His father stepped aside, enabling Dusk Shine to resume the match.

“Come on, Night Light,” Thunder Wing pleaded.

“Don’t speak to me or my family again. You’re dead to me,” Night Light fumed with a death glare, turning his back. Several began to whisper about what caused Night Light to react this way. Dusk Shine inherited Night Light’s phlegmatic nature, making both difficult to anger. To witness Night Light holding animosity towards another, Thunder Wing must have done something personal.

“Why?” Thunder Wing demanded. This wasn’t the Night Light he knew back in high school.

You know why,” Night Light glared before walking back inside. The group’s questioning glares crawled on Thunder Wing’s back like a swarm of fire ants attempting to save a flood. He couldn’t say anything. His mind rushed, trying to craft something, anything to salvage the situation. He can’t. They went back inside.

“Welcome back, everyone. Will-” Discord spoke when Dusk Shine tapped his arm. “Yeah, Dusk Shine?” He covered the mouthpiece with his hand.

I have a request,” The mulberry male declared. Discord shrugged, passing his student the microphone. His foes grumbled with beads of sweat on the sides of their heads when their eyes locked. “Just come at me in teams already,” Dusk Shine bragged to his competitors, beckoning them with a finger. The crowd gasped, erupting in buzzing whispers at his request. Is he serious?

Excuse me?!” Cadance exclaimed, her thunderstruck eyes meeting her husband and fellow staff members.

Dusk Shine unbuttoned his blazer, tossing it to Starlight swiftly. “I can take you all on!” He boasted from the top of his lungs, piercing the heavens before giving his opponents a dismissive smirk. “Unless you guys are too scared and weak to do anything,

Their wrath sprung to life as they rose from their seats, scowling at him.“DON’T YOU UNDERESTIMATE US, YOU BASTARD!” They roared, charging towards the stage as he smiled, welcoming their challenge. Night Light held his wife’s hand as she squeezed in comfort. What has he unleashed?

The crowd’s thrilled cheers and wide, jubilant grins shifted into aghast murmurs, covering their mouths at their colleagues ruthlessly incinerated into the rampaging flame.

Dusk Shine deconstructed and toyed with his foes. Weeks of dedicated work invalidated. Some of the older alumni gazed upon Dusk Shine with tense respect. He earned the title of top student. His grandmother whispered to her husband, clasping her hands, desperately praying to Faust. Please don’t allow her grandson to walk the Stygian Path. She has seen what horrors it entailed and will be damned if it happens to him.

Winner: Dusk Shine,” Discord reported in a dull tone. There’s no amusement in his voice as Dusk Shine acclaimed another mark from his opponent like a gamer attempting to 100% a game. He scanned the littered battlefield. Dusk Shine lured them into an obvious trap and fell for it as he snatched their cutie marks from them, adding more to the pile like a coveting dragon.

How is this possible?” Royal Pin remained in his seat, gripping the roots of his hair. His arrogant face, now devoid of pigment with the cold sweat of a shell-shocked veteran witnessing his unit massacred instantly. He glanced at his limp and sobbing teammates from the corner of his eye. Bystanders attempted to console their shattered friends.

How is he even using his brain and senses to develop this stuff?” His team’s scorching glares burned a hole in his skull through their glossy eyes. This was HIS fault. They lost their cutie marks and part of their souls and were embarrassed in front of their peers. For what?! To settle some petty grudge? “Is it because he’s a genius or some shit?” Royal Pin ignored it, feebly attempting to comprehend this embarrassing defeat. “Yes, that has to be it,” He rationalized as Dusk Shine took more, dwindling their numbers to bite-sized chunks. “Geniuses like him always have it easy,” He convinced himself of his explanation.

“Hey, Royal Pin,” Dusk Shine pointed to one of his opponents, staggering the petrified azure socialite. “You. Face me in the next round,” He approached menacingly with a blank look. “The best for last…” The top student declared. 49 out of 50. He could end this here but didn’t become the number one student doing everything half-assed. It won’t be fair to the other competitors after they follow Royal’s plan.

“Well, um, I think I’d rather-” Royal Pin pleaded, defensively raising his arms as he leaned back into his chair. Most cornered animals will fight to the bitter end to survive. Unfortunately, Royal Pin isn’t one of those creatures. He flees. Sacrificing others to solve problems he caused.

“How the Tartarus that’s supposed to work?” Dusk Shine growled, grabbing his ascot and hoisting his enemy in the air with a single hand. They gasped at his sudden aggression and strength. Royal Pin’s heart quaked as bullets fired from the sides of his terrified features. “This was your idea in the first place, and now you want to show your colors and be the weakling you always were,” Dusk Shine snarled, exposing his former teammate. “Do you know how difficult it is to be an elite and a pioneer, breaking new horizons?!” He seethed, evaporating Royal’s spirit with his scorching breath and gnashed teeth. “Of course, you didn’t. You think this shit is a fucking play-to-win game, huh? HUH?!” Dusk demanded an answer from the pitiful sweating Royal Pin with a hellish booming voice. “WELL ANSWER ME!” It echoed throughout the auditorium. Everyone waited for a response with an array of goosebumps and avoidant expressions. “You think you’re all in, but you’re not-

Dusk Shine…”Cadance whispered.

“Quit your damn bitching and half-assed efforts about being serious,” Dusk Shine reprimanded him like a parent scolding a child squandering their potential. “Well…ARE YOU?!” He yelled with the authority of a king. “Hey…if you don’t intend to compete. Do us all a favor and quit already,” Dusk Shine hissed, barely a whisper. He released his final obstacle, disgusted at the lack of conviction. Everyone fought except him, the mastermind behind this assault. Like he expected anything different. Forcing others to do the dirty work that he couldn’t do himself. Dusk Shine stood on the stage, tossing Royal’s cutie mark into the pile. He checked his to-do list: Eliminate the competition.

Dusk Shine inspected Royal Pin’s disheveled appearance and dumbfounded expression. No. It’s not enough. He needs more, so far more.

This year’s Prismatic ultimatum is an overwhelming victory for the top student, Dusk Shine,” The adults declared with a spotlight landing on their champion. At the same time, the crowd murmured in anxious astonishment.

Holy shit, how’s that possible?” Fleur de Lis questioned as some shrugged. He effortlessly wiped out fifty of their schoolmates. Dusk didn’t break a sweat as if he was bored from the event.

“Fuck that’s kinda-” Indigo Zap mentioned, unable to finish the sentence, digging her fingers into the armrest.

“Yeah, scary,” Lemon Zest predicted, voicing anyone’s thoughts. Her headphones rested in her lap.

“He’s different now,” Moondancer said. Her lips twitched upwards

“Dusk Shine…” Sunny Flare, Sour Sweet, and Sugarcoat muttered.

How wonderful,” Starlight purred with a manic grin, holding his blazer close. Her comment gathered the Shadow 5’s attention. How wonderful?

Congratulations, Dusk Shine-” Cadance spoke, paused when a purple hand stopped her.

We’re not done here,” Dusk Shine declared, wearing a mask of shadows. Those four words horrified his defeated foes, turning their faces into pale white sheets with open mouths. Fear clouded the room like a dense fog. They quivered toward their teammates, their thundering hearts and bodies stiff with dread. There’s more?! What more can he take from us? “We still have some time, so how about a little wager?” He offered to his foes, not trusting the smirk. Maybe, just maybe, he’s showing some mercy? “I’ll hand over all of your cutie marks back unless,” Dusk Shine disclosed as a pregnant pause hung in the air, waiting for his bargain. “Two people, one from the loser’s bin and another from my schoolmates,” He pointed to the shocked groups. “You choose who’ll face me, but you have five minutes if you don’t pick. I win and put your cutie marks in the bin. I’m heading to the bathroom,” Dusk Shine revealed, putting a timer on his phone as he ambled to the restroom while they squabbled.

Cadance tightened her fist. She can’t stand back and allow this to happen. Discord shot her a glance, gesturing to the door. Hurry up. The principal found him exiting the restroom.

“Dusk Shine, please listen to me,” Cadance pleaded with her brother-in-law. “This is too much,” She grabbed his hands, attempting to see reason and grant mercy.

Too much?” Dusk Shine whispered, rumbling with rage. “Are you fucking shitting me, Cadance?!” He barked from the audacity of her claim. “They made my life hell, treating me like an outcast and convenient tool, forced me to use Aether, and left me to die,” Dusk Shine listed their transgressions with a scorching blazing in his dilated pupils. “And you want me to show mercy to those who showed me none?” He mocked her suggestion, narrowing his eyes at someone he held dear.

“Dusk Shine, this isn’t-” Cadance attempted to speak right when he smacked her hands away.

Save your sugary speeches for someone else; you reject Disney princess wannabe!” Dusk Shine exclaimed, his eyes glowed a familiarly haunting cyan. Her lips quivered at the brutal statement. “I’m having fun for the first time in years at this damn prison. So … don’t… ruin this for me!” He seethed with gritted teeth, rudely pushing her aside and closing the door behind him.

Cadance gripped her tightened chest as her heart shattered into dust. She wiped her forming tears at the sweet boy she loved and babysat, mutating into something monstrous. Can she still do something about it? By Faust, she won’t let him fall.

“Babe, you better see this,” Shining Armor called to his wife in a monotone voice. She gulped, following her husband in. The couple discovered Dusk Shine standing menacingly on the stage, anticipating his opponent's next move. What will they do? It’s a simple answer. Absolutely nothing. They were guilty convicts awaiting the harsh verdict, nudging each other to step up. Not an ounce of a kitten’s courage remained. Starlight Glimmer stood as his vanguard, holding Sugarcoat’s wrist as her ominous glare held the others back. You will not disturb him.

(Listen to Evil Morty’s theme, preferably an epic remix. Just me, it makes the rest of the scene hit different.)

A blood-curdling choir thundered in their ears with suffocating lumps in their throats as time dwindled. Dusk Shine smiled, emitting an inky void. His ruthlessly cyan eyes remained through the abyss before a lavender inferno blazed, awaiting its next meal. Memories leaked from their faces like sweat while the flames flicked at their heels. They examined their rushing memories with better clarity.

Their poor treatment of Dusk Shine and his transformation at the Friendship Games. He could’ve exterminated them like a swarm of insects if it wasn’t for the being saving them. However, they could only blame themselves. Why? They would’ve done the same thing.


The bell tolled for their utter defeat. Some sank in their seats, covering their faces to shield themselves from the humiliation. More settled to slash at Royal Pin for this folly. Dusk Shine blankly observed several parents exiting the room.

All of his pity burned away during the Friendship Games. Now, where’s his crown?

Principal Cadance paced with a member of the student council carrying a simply ornate silver crown upon a lilac pillow. Cadance somberly removed the crown and approached Dusk Shine as if it bore an immense burden in her palms.

He gestured for Starlight and Sugarcoat to join on stage. His fellow purple companion didn’t need to be told twice. Sugarcoat followed suit, rubbing her slightly reddened wrist with a grimace. Was Starlight attempting to shatter her wrist? Dusk Shine bowed his head as Cadance placed his trophy on his head. Starlight Glimmer beamed at his appearance. A reigning monarch as he always should be. Will she be his queen?

Ladies and gentlemen, your top student,” Discord broadcasted hollowly while the audience meekly applauded, unable to comprehend what had happened. Dusk Shine remained victorious over his foes. However, that’s not the question blaring in their minds.

Was he always capable of such dazzling feats? Did he even try to defeat adversaries? Or … something else? Something their pride won’t attempt. However, there’s a part of them begging and yelling to listen like a serf to their noble asking for mercy. ACCEPT IT, IT’S THE TRUTH! Dusk Shine is better than you. Ugh!

The mere utterance of that phrase turned some of their stomachs into rocking ships in a storm. Others accepted it before the suicide mission, enduring the foolishness of another’s command. The trio got their photos taken for the yearbook as Starlight Glimmer decided to get closer to her liege.

Dusk Shine’s unfeeling eyes discovered a few of them attempting to flee. “Where are you going?” He questioned, frightening the culprits.

“Um…we were uh…”Suri Polomare stammered a response with other students.

Did you forget what I said?” Dusk Shine reminded the losers of their earlier agreement. They quaked with their terror-moistened socks. “The only ones that’ll be bowing are you and your little team,” He repeated, marching forward as his looming shadow covered them. His finger sharply pointed to the carpet as a settler claiming new land for his kingdom.

“So bow down,” Dusk Shine commanded. His delicate voice echoed and bounced off the walls, rumbling their nerves.

Starlight was first. Her hands and knees slammed against the enduring wood with her forehead kissing it. She beamed at his roaming eyes, observing her rear end in the air. Please look at me. I can do this whenever you ask. Thankfully, Starlight’s skirt preserved her modesty. Sugarcoat’s expression remained neutral, taking a formal knee with a bowed head, offering her cutie mark.

Dusk Shine glanced at his number two and Sugarcoat. “What are you two doing?” He asked the duo. “I told them to bow, not you two,” Dusk Shine approached the two, offering his hand. Starlight’s eyes brightened at his hand and gentle smile, taking it with glee. Sugarcoat did the same, feebly crafting a theory of this unexpected mercy as the rest of the school. Why is he doing this after what he did? He pointed to the crowd, shivering about what he’d say next. “Also…” Dusk Shine called a list of names. They buzzed with confusion as several names were called. Sour Sweet, Sunnyflare, Lemon Zest, Indigo Zap, Moondancer, and … Fleur De Lis were the most noticeable.

How did Fleur De Lis get involved with us?” Moondancer seethed, gnashing her teeth. All that fucking work she did to stand equally with Dusk Shine. The palette swap gender-bend clone mustered what little courage she had to rally their classmates against Canterlot High. She’s in the same boat now with a pompous early-order trophy wife. Fan-fucking-tanstic. Dusk Shine became the prince he was always meant to become.

His scholarly face, tempered by years of countless study, hardened and sharpened from the hellish flames of Aether. It only took a near-death experience to discover what he desired.


Something that was heavily denied to him. That inquisitive shine of his amethyst eyes, eager to learn, died. They were dull rocks, consumed by the black hole of dark emotions from the disrespect he forcefully endured. His stoic glare hid the growing contempt and glee. He has had enough! These rebellious nobles futilely attempted to take his place. Where did that leave them? Nothing but shattered pride and broken dreams as the noose of failure wrapped around their necks.

It started with one, then another as more followed. Dusk Shine watched them fall like a settler clearing a patch of trees for new developments, ignoring the pleas of native inhabitants. You don’t get what you want by playing nice. That’s a steaming pile of bullshit shows that preach nowadays, making them weak.

Please stop this!” An inner voice pleaded as more kneeled.

SHUT UP! WHY the fuck must he show mercy to those who showed him none? Why must he hold back to ease the ego of his torments?!

For what?!

Some insignificant moral victory that only mattered to him? No. No. NO! He’s fine getting dirty with the vermin. There’s still more.

Dusk Shine jumped down from the stage to deal with those ruled by their stubbornness and pride. Of course, Royal Pin was one of the remaining few.

“He said kne-” Starlight Glimmer ordered when his mulberry hand interrupted her. She held her tongue, following his wishes. Dusk Shine gazed at the remnants with his hands in his pockets, shrugging, wanting to be done.

Only Royal Pin remained.

Dusk Shine approached with a blank expression, exchanging looks with the foolishly defiant Royal Pin. His indifferent amethysts dueled smoldering gold nuggets. Royal gritted his teeth with shut eyes before kneeling.

There is it.

He did it as he raised his fist in remorseless triumph. Dusk Shine actually did it. This was how things were supposed to be at Crystal Prep. It took several years, but these fools comprehended their place in the world. Bowing before him. His eyes scanned the halls for anyone who objected to this. The parents of his defeated foes? Some left immediately upon witnessing their child’s defeat, leaving them alone with the losers. Dusk Shine can hear them sobbing.

That’s awful,” An inner voice declared.

Who the fuck cares,” Another one retorted.

Dusk Shine’s eyes locked with Cadance. Flaming defiant amethyst against shimmering concerned blue. She opened her mouth to speak when a noise surprised them.


They turned to the source. Moondancer led the applause, standing up with an almost zealous grin. They slowly joined, unsure about what else to do in this situation.

“Um. . .,” Dusk Shine mumbled as he was taken aback by the sight. A standing ovation. He often told himself he would never experience this at CPA, but here it is. Goosebumps skyrocketed on his skin like overheated popcorn. Dusk Shine fiddled with his hands, processing this new sensation.

“You’ve earned this Dusk Shine,” Starlight Glimmer coaxed with a grin, laying a hand on his shoulder. He nodded, basking in the atmosphere. It felt good. Okay, that’s enough, as it’s becoming too much for him.

Dusk Shine swaggered down the walkway as his loved ones worriedly gazed while the losers kneeled. Heat roared in his chest like a primordial being awoken from its slumber. He exhaled, allowing the blaze to simmer, unlocking a new part of him. Something he locked away to become more . . . human among his peers.

Not. This time.

No, stop; what are you doing?!” The weak human part of him yelled before shutting it off.

Dusk Shine smirked, savoring the flames flickering against his teeth. He relished in this fresh surge of confidence, but that other part of him struggled, turning his stomach with mounts of pity. No! Not now.

The prince has been ordained. He glanced over his shoulder, witnessing several venom-fueled glares. It’s time to make changes to supplant his rule and cull the infection.