• Published 10th May 2022
  • 1,550 Views, 55 Comments

Crystal Prison - HeirofHades

Dusk Shine the top student of CPA struggles to understand the value of Friendship. Cinch forces him to compete in the upcoming Friendship games against CHS. Now he must work with those he labeled him an outcast to achieve victory.

  • ...


Author's Note:

Hello you wonderful readers. It's finally here. The conclusion of the Friendship Games arc. This took a lot out of me. I had to divide this chapter into 3 parts because it was too long and I would be skimming several parts. Only to make this chapter long that I what I expected. However, I can finally space things out and polish a few ideas here and there. That even things out at least.

Dusk Shine continued to stroll back to the CHS. They told him to get changed. The final match will be within the hour and he needs to be ready. Dusk Shine has to win! No other option. Must win. Get out of Crystal Prep. Enjoy what remains of his youth. This maddening mantra circled in his brain keeping him focused, determined, and fierce. Most importantly, anger. Dusk Shine despised the burning acidic sensation in his chest or mind.

It made him utterly uncomfortable as his senses became overstimulated thanks to the fight-flight response from his sympathetic system. However, that's the only genuine emotion he had towards CPA besides apathy and annoyance. Why do they all always get on his case for the slightest mistake when their entire life starting with their birth was a mistake? Some routinely skip classes to make out. Others don't study but complain when they don't get their desired grade. What the fuck did they expect?! That the teachers will curve their scores just because they're rich.

Fucking idiots.

Although Dusk Shine won't be surprised if Taffy Shade got some calculus answers from her mother. He chuckled dryly. They should be more worried about themselves instead of him. Some of them had skeletons in their closets. Lying to their parents about their grades. Fake friends and relationships. Gossip and rumors. Secret relationships while having a public relationship with someone else. It's amazing how easily he obtained some of his information. Dusk Shine felt rather guilty about the ease of access.

Some told him straight up while complaining about them during his tutoring session. All Dusk Shine did was listen, ask simple questions and allow them to talk. A reliable police interrogation tactic. He thanks his brother for that. Other times Dusk Shine eavesdropped on their conversations while being out of sight or stumbled upon them by pure chance. Like with all good scholars, he recorded his findings. Dusk Shine only had a piece of the puzzle for some CPA students. But that's all he needs. The piece fits well with the right people at the right time.

The amulet cackled, impressed at his ruthless planning. He already planned to do it anyway sometime in the future. And the future is now

Far above in the atmosphere, a satellite beeped and scanned the planet for any Aether blimps. Dusk Shine and the Friendship games made it on their radar. Nurse Redheart chatted with the proper channels for this. She can't risk it. They received the message and focused on Dusk Shine's image. Several people and numbers were called concerning this.

"Yes," An adult woman with a deep scar on her forehead and one of her eyes answered her phone. "Hello Captain," She smiled at her old superior officer. What's the job this time? Another bodyguard job?

"It's Dusk Shine," The elderly woman pleaded.

The scarred woman's eyes widened at the name of her grandson. "Is he in danger?" She narrowed her eyes, mentally preparing for what was happening. Her mind calculated on who was threatening her captain's grandson. Was it Cinch?

"Not yet but please get there," The elderly woman requested, sending over the encrypted files.

"Yes, ma'am. Tempest out," The woman obeyed before hanging up. "Hold on there Dusk Shine," She muttered as she went for her gear.

Sugarcoat and Indigo Zap trudged to their waiting team in the building. Each had a tense expression, sharing a glance at what had happened. They lost. That wasn't good for either of them. It means that CPA lost its iconic lead for the first time in decades. They actually have a chance of losing. During their training, Dusk Shine warned them about this, and they didn't listen.

"Shit," Indigo Zap muttered anxiously as her heart raced. Why did she mess up on the turn?! She had the lead only to be snatched away from Sunset? "Who's going to tell him?" Indigo Zap mentioned. They're going to face off a pissed-off Dusk Shine. Right now, he scares her more than Cinch.

"I'll tell him," Sugarcoat offered, releasing the tension from Indigo's shoulders. She smiled. Her smile vanished as Dusk Shine came into their view. He's waiting for them along with the rest of them. Thankfully, Cinch isn't here.

"Did you win?" Dusk Shine asked coldly. He didn't bother to look at them

"Well, what happened was," Sugarcoat started when his fingers pinched her lips together.

"I didn't ask you all that, Sucrose," Dusk Shine articulated straightforwardly. She always had a motor mouth, but time is of the essence. He wondered if she needed those extra words to fill all that space in her Code Lyoko forehead. "All I asked was a simple yes or no question," He cited before focusing his hollow gaze on Indigo Zap. She gulped. "So, did you win?" Dusk Shine repeated.

"N-no," Indigo Zap choked. He released his pinch, covering his face with a deep parental sigh of disappointment.

"You had one job. A simple request," Dusk Shine belittled, covering his face at their failure. "I completed my portion with the worst possible injury,"

"But you-" Sugarcoat stated her argument.

"Wait, you hear that?" Dusk Shine interrupted, putting a hand to hear. They paused, waiting for whatever Dusk Shine heard. You see how much better things are when you don't talk," he berated, glowering before flicking her forehead. She winced at the sharp, dull, stinging sensation.


"Oh, I'm the bad guy," Dusk Shine nitpicked, flapping his hands tauntingly. "Sorry for standing up for myself and putting someone's money where their mouth is," He countered, gesturing to Sugarcoat. She's done similar things to others, especially to their competitors and some of their classmates. Oh, but their morals suddenly activate when he does it to them. Fucking bullshit. "If being the villain is the only I can get some damn respect at CPA despite how pointless that it is, I'm ringing Grogar's bell," Dusk Shine declared with a stern frown. His affection for CPA dwindled into non-existence. He wants nothing to do with them anymore and beyond even that. No contact whatsoever. They would still classify him as a CPA graduate, but that's it. No reunions or any news about CPA. He's done!

"Come on, this isn't you," Lemon Zest cajoled gently, attempting to calm him. She can't imagine the storm of emotions he endured from being consumed by those freak plants and storing aether. He's not himself.

Dusk Shine made one of the scariest sounds they've heard. He laughed. It was hollow, devoid of joy and amusement. But there was amusement in his laughter- a mocking, belittling mirth at someone's astute idiocy. They never saw him laugh because, besides that brief snicker a few months ago, he stopped.

"What could you possibly know about me?" Dusk Shine sneered with a disgusted look. She backtracked as he approached her. His body tensed. Eyes sharpened like swords at her. "You only know the surface, what I allowed you to see," He elucidated. How can she claim they do him when they only interact for school? They never cared about his dreams, fears, motivations, or personal life.

"But we're friends, right?" Lemon Zest claimed.

"No, the fuck we ain't," Dusk Shine denied, plunging several knives into her heart. "Our mothers are friends, we're not," He corrected, gesturing between them. "If they weren't friends, would you even talk to me?" Dusk Shine quizzed the green-haired girl. Her stunned silence at all the answers he needed."Sunset and her teammates are friends," He explained, implying the sheer difference between them and the main reason they lost. "I've seen how they talk, interact, and trust each other," He glared lifelessly at them. "I don't trust you guys,"

"Dusk Shine,"

"Relax, it doesn't only apply to you guys," Dusk Shine assured the girls. "I don't even trust my brother, my family, or myself in some cases," He elaborated on his principles but didn't ease their worries. "Too many times we've seen things fail because we're too reliant on basic human decency when self-preservation always takes control," The early unification days were a distraught mess. "Crystal Prep is evidence of that since we value reaching the top over anything else," Dusk Shine seethed before turning his back on them. "Get ready for the final round,"

"Dusk Shine, can we?" Sour Sweet asked gently, pausing. She needed to talk to him.

"Save it," Dusk Shine interjected. "I don't even care anymore," He declared with a quivering lip but didn't allow them to see. However, another part of him called him out on lying to himself.

You do care. You still love and care about her more than you think.

Sour Sweet gazed longingly at Dusk Shine. She wanted to chase after him but couldn't. He needed to decompress after what happened. Getting eaten and experiencing a swift rush of Aether. That'll make anyone agitated. Sour Sweet exhaled painfully, sliding down on a nearby wall. Was this karma? Sunny Flare sat beside her in an attempt to comfort her.

"Hey, were they?" Indigo Zap whispered, gesturing to the two. Given everything that happened between them, it leaves a few questions.

"They're exes," Lemon Zest answered. Honestly, she didn't care about winning the bet. "Cinch forced her to break up with him," She mentioned, making two girls' jaws drop. Cinch was the reason?!

"Shit," Indigo Zap said, covering her mouth in shock. She didn't think Cinch could get any worse, but today is full of surprises.

It's the final event of the games. This has been the most tensely exciting Friendship Games yet. Neither side could have more different attitudes. CHS was excited and motivated, as this was the closest they'd ever been to winning against CPA. They almost won in the ACADEA, but even if that was the only one, it's still an achievement. Then they won in the second round! Victory is within their grasp. They can do this!

CPA had similar notions but kept their poised, snobby attitude. This setback motivated them to do more and claim their pre-destined status as the most elite school in Equestria. Dusk Shine crossed his arms, immune to the excitement, waiting for the games to start. He was behind the Shadow 5 and Cinch, analyzing the amulet's composition while they were chatting. The engravings intrigued him. This amulet can store and release Aether. Dusk Shine has rough schematics about a similar device but with the extra feature of locating Aether. If CHS is a hotspot, there must also be others. This could be his next major research project for his independent study.

"Fighting fair was never an option as CHS has Aether at their disposal, but we do now." Cinch decreed, shifting her eyes to her top student examining the amulet. "Dusk Shine, I know studying Aether has become your interest. Have you considered releasing it?" She suggested.

Dusk Shine paused, snapping his focus to Cinch with a bewildered expression. "What?" He questioned, nervously adjusting his glasses. She can't be serious! Did she see what just happened over an hour ago?! That has to be the stupidest thing anyone has ever said in his lifetime.

"We must fight fire with fire," Cinch announced, viewing the Canterlot High A-team. That has to be why they made such improvements in under a year. "You've used it quite well, as expected of my top student," She added, using the prior incident as the cornerstone of her argument.

"Yes, but that's me. Perhaps I'm an anomaly or something," Dusk Shine predicted, as nobody could handle Aether like he did until today. Was it his genetics, mental state, or something beyond his control? "I can't guarantee the safety of the rest of us," He warned, hoping she'd see reason. It's too risky! "Aether is metaphysical in a way. It doesn't bend to our comprehension as it has a mind of its own," Dusk Shine explained, citing the limited public information about it. "My body, my thoughts, and my emotions were altered. I experienced things I didn't know were possible. Whatever I felt after that plant . . . it wasn't me," He shuddered, remembering that strange voice calling out to him. It wasn't human. Thankfully, Luna saved him from falling into that horrid abyss.

"Fortune greatly favored you today. You're still you and standing proud," Cinch encouraged, ignoring his distress. "We must win unless you have no interest in Everton," She warned with that cruel smile when forcing others to do what she wanted. "Granted, you can do far more at CPA with this along with your peers instead of an independent study," Cinch commented at the 'benefits' of staying as Sunny Flare crossed her arms with a blank expression, looking away.

Something in Dusk Shine snapped.

"Looks like we're both right after all," Night Blaze remarked as Cinch and other CPA students pressured him into releasing the magic. "Listen to her talk. She knew you were an outcast but did nothing to help you," He snarled as she continued her monologue. "You're nothing more than an advertisement to her. Only existing to make her look good," Night Blaze glared as she mentioned all the good students slipped. Why do you think so, Abacus?

"Release the magic,"

"Look at everything, Dusk Shine. They're mocking your reservations, your morals, everything that made you . . . you," Night Blaze gestured to the ominous chorus of his selfish schoolmates. They all knew how dangerous Aether was. It's on par with nuclear energy, but they didn't care, focusing everything on victory at Dusk Shine's expense. "They hated you for no reason, only to cope with their inadequacies, blaming you for everything if things go wrong," His molten voice coaxed Dusk Shine to anger for his unjust treatment. "You can't fight back then, but you can now," Night Blaze said, tapping on the amulet. Dusk Shine gave an anxious-eyed look.

"Release the magic,"

"Yes, Dusk Shine. It's for us to unite and win against them," Night Blaze offered his flaming hand. What do they have to lose by working together?

Dusk Shine never laughed at CPA. Why? It's a cruel place where kindness comes at a premium. They spit in the face of honesty and loyalty. Generosity is a twin-faced lie with a poisoned dagger at the back. The magic of friendship! BULLSHIT!

"I had ENOUGH! If they want me to become a monster so bad, then I'll give them the demon they deserve!" Dusk Shine raged as his eyes ignited with cyan flames. Night Blaze smiled.

"Both teams get ready!"

"What's your answer, Dusk Shine? We're wai-" Cinch demanded before her heart froze and pores leaked. Dusk Shine laughed. It was a maddening laugh designed by the brain to cope with the absurd stress of the situation. Tears rolled down his scholarly features, grabbing the side of his head. He knew it! He fucking knew it! Why did he think or waste his time deluding himself that they had an inkling of basic human decency?!

Those surrounding and pressuring him to release the magic backed away slowly and quietly. Several murmured at this disturbing scene. He's crying. They made Dusk Shine cry. Shame and the fear of punishment from their family loomed upon them. Cadance and Spike painfully observed this exchange and sent it to the proper channels. He wiped his face.

"Fine, I'll do it," Dusk Shine obliged, ripping his suffocating tie off and throwing it away with his head down, avoiding eye contact with a bestial grin. That didn't fill with satisfaction them except Cinch. She reached for him to congratulate him, only to meet with the most terrifying cyan eyes piercing her soul. Cinch backed off with a pallid face. The Shadow 5 had a lingering suspicion that what would happen would go horribly wrong.

The Mane Six were getting themselves ready for the final event. Rainbow Dash was stretching her muscles and joints after that clutch win. Pinkie Pie trembled and blubbered like a cheetah on caffeine.

"Pinkie, are you okay?" Sunset Shimmer asked, as it was not like her to be like this.

"I-I don't know. My Pinkie Sense is freaking out," Pinkie Pie fretted with heavy breaths, rubbing her arms to soothe herself.

"Calm down, sugar cube," Applejack consoled the party lover. Everyone at CHS acknowledges the Pinkie Sense. It doesn't matter how illogical or wacky it is. YOU BETTER LISTEN TO HER!

"I can't!" Pinkie Pie snapped, making them step back in alarm. Her baby blue eyes were wide and frightened. "It's a doozy. A real big doozy," She whimpered, holding herself together at the gnawing terror amplifying in her nerves. It's a horrible experience. Cursed with the perception of future events but helpless to stop it. "But this one is different and not a good one," Pinkie Pie frowned with hysteric tears. That alarmed them. Were they going to lose? No. It has to be something far worse than whatever they can think of.

Sunset received a notification from Dusk Shine. It's a folder containing various PDFs. Why did he send her that at this moment? There's a message attached to it.

"Thanks for everything. I'm sorry," She read the chilling message. What the fuck? This is a random 2am message. Her alarmed eyes met with Trixie's on the benches. She got the same message. Trixie pointed to the approaching Dusk Shine. He's holding the amulet and was going to open it! Sunset and several others knew that Dusk Shine wouldn't do something astronomically dangerous by his own volition. She dashed to him while Trixie jumped from the bleachers to stop him.

Luna's forehead ached sharply, winching at the sudden pain while Celestia gave the announcements explaining the rules. Oh, Dusk Shine sent her something, as did Cadance. Her opal eyes scanned the contents, gradually narrowing them as she continued. Appalled at what she learned.

"Why did they. . .," Luna wondered, shifting her attention to Dusk Shine with the amulet. Her alarmed eyes exploded out of her skull as the forsaken voice whispered in her mind again. She leaped from the stage, dashing to stop him, ignoring the confused looks from bystanders. His nimble hands were on the release switch. Luna wasn't sure if anyone else could see it, but half of his body was engulfed in flames with a horrible smile. She wasn't the only one on this mission. Sunset and Trixie charged from the front, with Spike and Cadance coming from the rear.

"DUSK SHINE NO!" Spike, Sunset, Cadance, Trixie, and Luna yelled as they hurried to stop it while Cinch smiled broadly. Another victory and her long-standing legacy are ensured. They were too late. It opened. Thunderous shockwaves emitted the amulet, summoning a sparking purple orb and knocking everyone within range to the ground. Cinch and Shadow 5 gazed slackly, pondering their world-breaking error. Thunder crashed across the blackened sky. It levitated with otherworldly power bringing Dusk Shine with it. The orb expanded, absorbing one of his arms.

"Help . . . me," Dusk Shine begged as he was being sucked in. His other arm stretched for someone to help him. It burns! Anything caught in the sphere sizzled and ached. Nerves, muscles, bones, and his tears. All burned.

"Keep away from me," Cinch screamed, backing away from Dusk Shine and the vortex as she was closest to him. They gawked at her unnerving refusal. Cinch boasted about how valuable Dusk Shine was to her and her reputation. She wouldn't even risk herself to save him.

"But I am helping you, Dusk Shine," Night Blaze mentioned, calling from the corners of his mind. His voice echoed, getting closer to the center.

"Not like this!" Dusk Shine screamed as the Aether dragged him into its domain. His muscles scorched while being reconstructed into an unknown variable. "It's too much," This was beyond what he encountered during the 2nd round. Was it accumulating all day?

"So you would rather be weak and let them tell you what to do?" Night Blaze raised his brow before gesturing to the terrified CPA students. "After abandoning you as well,"

"No, but," Dusk Shine stammered as he looked away.

"BUT WHAT?!" Night Blaze thundered, his eyes raging with hellfire. "FOR THE LAST TWO PLUS YEARS, THEY IGNORED YOU, BELITTLED YOU, MOCKED YOU, AND NOW SACRIFICING YOU FOR THEIR OWN GOALS!" He exploded, clearly remembering everything they'd done to him. "THEY DON'T HAVE THE POWER ANYMORE!" Night Blaze exclaimed, pausing as his blood boiled. They might never have this chance again. "You do. All you have to do is use it," He encouraged, offering his hand when something tugged their body.

"We got you, Dusk Shine," Sunset Shimmer announced with Trixie, Luna, Celestia, and Cadance. Trixie lassoed a handkerchief rope around his wrist. They were all pulling tight to drag him out of there.

"Sunset," Dusk Shine muttered with gritted teeth as he held on. He lost his glasses but knew they had backup as they gradually pulled him out. Did the Shadow 5 grow a conconcise? Only under the threat of death and public shame. They didn't help him because it was the right thing to do. They only helped him to save their skins. Why can't they treat him like a fucking human for once? Was the threat of reality collapsing the only thing to unlock basic human empathy and decency?

Stygian fury boiled in his chest, wondering why he was not good enough for the slightest crumble of empathy.

"Pull!" Luna ordered, arching her back with a heavy tug. They followed her orders, pulling the rope back with all their might. Progress has gradually been made. She glanced over her shoulder, glaring dangerously at Cinch, remaining as the pristine coward in the back, away from danger. It's official. Dusk Shine can't stay at Crystal Prep anymore. She respected his decisions with a heavy heart, but after everything that occurred today. No more! There's ample room for him and dozens of other CPA students here at Canterlot High, especially for that Sunny Flare girl. Cadance reported what Sunny Flare has suffered under her mother's hands. Frightening whispers echoed, making their heart quaked.

"I am the blazing star, bringing on the eternal night."

"Um, did anyone hear that?" Lemon Zest muttered, hoping it was the rushing gale.

"Yep!" Everyone answered. Dusk Shine was almost free when an onyx tendrils snapped from the orb, latching on his body. They pulled him in, raising them much higher from the ground with some of their legs dangling. Dusk Shine's mind tumbled for a situation. He found one, taking one last calming breath.

"Dusk Shine, no, we got this; just hang on," Sunset pleaded, tears swelling in her eyes at his stern face. She knew what he was planning but won't let it happen. Cyan flames sparked on his arms, setting the rope ablaze and turning it to ash. The rope slacked as they crashed to the ground.

"DUSK SHINE!" Several bellowed as the esoteric sphere consumed him. He screamed. Painfully. Others released laments only the worst emotional turmoil the human brain can decipher. They lost a friend. A brother. A child. A significant other. Nothing can help him now, all because of one awful person.

The sphere darkened into a menacing void, blocking any and all light. Luna arose, clenching her fists as she marched towards Cinch. This is all her fault! Cinch sensed Luna's animosity, raising her hands in surrender while creating distance with a faltering heartbeat. She glanced at Cadance, only for the Dean to glare with cobra venom. No help from Celestia as she joined her sister and Cadance. Same with the Shadow 5 as they attempted to console the wailing Sour Sweet.

Someone spoke.

"I am . . . the Hound of Hades!"

"Gnawing on my bones while coiled in chains to keep myself tame!"

"There's no goodness left"

"Burnt. Stolen. Ignored!"


Was that his voice? It is! Yet it's not. Thunder rumbled and cracked across the blacked sky and howling wind as the sphere shattered revealing Dusk Shine but not their Dusk Shine.

This being flapped with splendid corvid wings. The endless void of space had more light within them. His forehead laid a horn crafted from the foulest balefire reserved for the moral abominations of the living. For the liars, traitors, oathbreakers, tyrants, murderers, false prophets and more. The cyan flames cornered his eyes, marking where his glasses should be. Aether crafted new clothes for him. Dark purple and black were designed for the highest of society's elite with sections covered with elegant armor.

Spike whimpered as Cinch took more steps back with a fearful expression. She wasn't the only one frightened by this unsettling transformation. They froze witnessing the apotheosis of Dusk Shine into this black-winged deity.

"So this is magic and the physical world," Night Blaze remarked, truly experiencing the brisk wind on his face and wings. The natural smells. Cinch's footsteps edged away from him like the coward she always was. Night Blaze can view the world in a clear resolution. Someone he never experienced while in Dusk Shine's body. Well it's still his body but with a few modifications. Night Blaze exhaled and inhaled, placing a hand on his chest. His heartbeat thumped, pumping energizing life blooming ichor through his body.

"I am alive," Night Blaze muttered with a soft chuckle, widening into an ecstatic smirk filled with destructive enjoyment. "I AM ALIVE AND I'M HERE!" He cackled, his hands blazed as he fired magical blasts with reckless abandon. Each blast ripped a hole in the tender fabric of reality unleashing furious gales from the other world. Students shrieked, evading the portals as much as possible while Night Blaze cackled maniacally. They don't know if they could survive in the other world.

The Shadow 5 covered their faces as the wind cut their faces. Their faces paled. By Faust, what have they done? All were at the fickle mercy of a cackling ravenous god. Cinch retreated when her daughter glanced at her.

"Where are you going?!" Sunny Flare accused her mother with a harsh glare for fleeing. Learn to live without her. Dusk Shine's words couldn't have been more right. If he didn't release the magic then Cinch would force her to.

"Away from that monster!" Cinch blurted, pointing judgmentally at Dusk Shine. Sunny Flare's jaw dropped at the baseless accusation. He begged for your help and you did nothing but retreat like a gambler fleeing from debt collectors. "And I suggest you should do the same," She advised without a whiff of shame. "Shadowbolts, get to the buses now!" Cinch ordered, directing the students away from this disaster.

Numerous people sneered at her for this blatant display of spinelessness. Now Cinch wants to be a proper authority figure, guiding students to safety when she's the reason for the cataclysmic. The Shadow 5 shared a glance before dashing in to help CHS.

Some students didn't need to be told twice. They hopped over each other, shoving them out of the way and ignoring them when they were caught in the portals. Personal survival takes priority.

Outrage fueled Night Blaze's fire, watching as the Shadow 5 assisted the CHS students from falling into the portals. WHERE THE FUCK WAS THIS WHEN HE NEEDED IT?! They boasted about crushing CHS but here they are helping them. At least they're attempting to rectify their fuck up. He observed CPA's mad dash to bus with Cinch at the forefront.

Cinch led the way, hoping to get safety first. Keep running and don't look back. It's horror survival logic where you don't have to be the fastest, only faster than the slowest. She ignored the screaming of those left behind. There's nothing she can do. Cinch's aware of the egotistical concept but this was simply pragmatic. She can't save everyone. Really? Not even your own daughter?

Furthermore, Cinch is the principal, the students need a leader after this ordeal. If Cadance, Luna and Celestia want to risk their lives then that's their business. The sidewalk was there. Night Blaze blocked their path with an assassin's grace, flapping his wings and releasing weather-changing winds, halting their escape. They froze like a deer in headlights while some collapsed like dead trees. How did he get ahead of them?!

"Hey where do you think you're going, Principal Abacus Cinch," Night Blaze asked, floating above them as his aura loomed over of weaker resolution fainted with the whites of their eyes revealed to the world. Their brains conquered. Thoughts stopped. "This was what you wanted right?" He mocked with a chaotic smirk, broadly gesturing at everything around them. Haunting winds while frantic screeching from students.

"D-Dusk Shine," Cinch started when he roughly grabbed her shirt.

"Listen," Night Blaze demanded. His piercing gaze was that of an aerial predator "We're not doing things your way anymore," He clarified, taking a pause, allowing to understand the new pecking order. "You. All of you will be listening to what I have to say. Okay," Night Blaze declared, gazing at all of them.

"We're rather die than serve you, you fucking monster," Someone in the crowd boasted foolishly.

"Who the fuck is we?!" A distraught rabble exploded among those who followed Cinch. Did they think this was a story?!

"Dusk Shine, please ignore that. That was completely uncalled for but I can assure you that we can reach a comp-" Cinch fretted, stumbling over previously polished linguistic skills. That interruption obliterated whatever diplomatic option she could've mustered. His face was an unreadable wall, unable to decipher what he was thinking. Cadance was safe. Cinch offered him Sunny Flare as compensation. Her eyes widened, forgetting a key detail. What about her? Dusk Shine had the power in the world, enabling him to do whatever his selfish desires pleased. Her mind went to be an advisor. No! That won't work! Or . . . his desires would be more . . . carnal?

"Fair enough," Night Blaze answered, tossing her away where CPA lies. She screamed as she landed on the ground. His fingers snapped, locating all of CPA back to their seats except the Shadow 5 and Cadance. Why were they safe? Cinch tried to stand but he didn't allow that. Horrified screams echoed across the field as umbral chains bonded them to places. They struggled to escape but a rat gnawing on their trapped leg had better chances than them.

"Dusk Shine please," Cinch begged as she attempted to wiggle her way out of her chains. She faced her students. He's making Cinch watch their expressions as their fates will be her legacy. What's a better and more eternal legacy than another fool believing themselves superior only for them to cost their lives and the lives of others.

Night Blaze's hands shined. His left hand sparked with cyan flames. The first scientific reaction developed by humans igniting their intellectual journey. His right echoed with cosmic superiority, the zenith of scientific research. He joined his hands creating what can only be described as a scorching black hole. A gentle flick launched it. Night Blaze made the singularity travel at a torturously slow pace leaving deep ashen caverns in its wake, forcing them to comprehend what's about to happen.

Each had a range of emotions as they were chained livestock awaiting to be devoured. Hopelessly pleading to him and other higher powers to save them. Others relegated to body-shaking sobs as their lives flashed before their eyes, calling out to their parents and guardians. Every frigid glare, all those snide comments and callous distancing they did to him. A fierce argument erupted among several students with a few focusing on the Shadow 5 blaming them and Cinch for all of this. Summoning the herald of the apocalypse. They conveniently forgot their role in this as well, forcing him to this monster. More remained shellshocked gazing blankly at their imminent destruction. It's a natural disaster. They were caught in the receding tides unable to flee before the tidal wave struck and demolished their bodies. Few closed their eyes, prolonging whatever lingering dignity they had as the winds roared and black hole consumed with burning indifference.

The most unsettling factor about this ordeal is Night Blaze viewing this with a horrifyingly dull expression, resting his face on his knuckles. There's no glee. No long speeches about revenge or payback. Not even a hint of anger. Nothing. Only a nonchalant waiting like he's waiting to order his lunch. This was an experiment for him. What are the limits to the boundless potential of Aether and his imagination?

Night Blaze acknowledged their pleas, their pointless arguments deflecting blame on their part and bewildered silence. Of course, he won't kill them at least the vast majority because that's too simplistic for his taste. If they do perish then Aether can revive them as some myths claimed. An army is required before traveling to this new world. They always called him a freak, monster, demon. Why not give them what they wanted? His nose caught the putrid aroma of their fear and hopelessness. A tingle shot through his body. He narrowed his eyes, searching for the source. Someone's here.

"Stop!" A regal voice thundered, creating a robust aegis to protect the CPA section. They covered their eyes. The aegis held without a scratch, dent, crack, or buckle from the apocalyptic blast. Their bonds evaporated with a shimmering glow. All the portals are closed as well. CPA students collapsed in terror while crying grateful tears. They're alive. But how, why, and who saved them? Their answer came.

As the sun rose again, cracking the perpetual darkness!

Night Blaze turned to the radiant being. "It's you," His eyes narrowed dangerously at her. Her voice must have been from the portal earlier today. She's powerful. The princess was a blinding star fueled by pure magic. They couldn't make out her features, only her figure, crown, and white glowing eyes. Why was she hiding her identity? Was her proper form beyond their comprehension?

"Stop this, Dusk Shine," She demanded gently. The princess hovered, offering an open hand to him. There's no point in fighting.

"My name is Night Blaze, and make me," Night Blaze corrected, challenging this ascended being to stop him. Flames roared and flickered on his hands for the upcoming battle. This is the first time in ages experiencing freedom. He's not relinquishing this!

"So be it," The princess frowned, regretful as this was the only possible outcome. They charged, crashing into each other like supernovas. Is that a sphere? The princess created a protective orb around them, shielding bystanders and the world from their destructive battle. Brief flashes sparked across the sphere before the bottom cracked out with a meteoric crash.

"How long?..." Night Blaze exhaled with a few coughs as he lay in a small crater. His black wings, tattered clothes, and dented armor were a fuzzy mess. Bruises and other injuries sullied his features.

"Around an hour in there while only a few seconds outside," The Princess answered, making everyone's eyes widen. They fought for an hour! "Be silent and rest Dusk Shine," She consoled the young man with a heavenly aura. Nobody should endure this level of trauma, especially at his age. However, she couldn't help being impressed by his skills during their battle. It was one of her more mundane protective spells, but it deserves the highest respect. Dusk Shine only had magic for an hour but made tremendous improvements. Schola Prefecta fits him well. She expected nothing less from her other world equivalent. Pity filled her heart, recalling some of his words and tactics. It's as if he wanted to die. She lowered her eyelids as Dusk Shine's body trembled to remain standing. Poor child.

"Thank you, Your Highness," Cinch's servile, honeyed voice breached her thoughts. Her head bowed with a smile. Sycophant

"Hold your foul tongue, Abacus Cinch," The Princess denounced with a glare that melts lava.

"Excuse me," Cinch stammered, her throat struggling to relax for air. Was she too bold in her approach?

"I know what type of person you are," The Princess broadcasted. Her hair flicked with an overcharged source of magic. Cinch is the two-faced associate who only bows to power and belittles those under them. She can't be trusted. An infection that must be avoided at all costs. Power is her only master. Someone like her will betray anyone and everyone to keep it. Whether it's a soggy cardboard box, a foul cave, or an exquisite palace, they'll do whatever it takes to retain their power. "You have nothing I want. Nothing that I need," Her hands illuminated, demonstrating the tiny apex of her powers.

One hand created baubles of extravagantly lavish gems and precious metals. Cinch's jaw dropped, as she had never seen such luxurious quality in her entire life. The other hand produced a shiny apple. It shifted into a verdant world tree bearing luscious fruits that can't be born on the same tree, and they can't cross-breed.

The princess snapped her fingers, making the valuables and plants disappear. "I refuse to parley or accept any form of it with a twisted individual. Forcing a child to risk his life and this world for a few kilograms of golden plastic," She glowered, looking down at this weak excuse for a principal. "How disgustingly shameful," The Princess enunciated with narrowed eyes.

"But," Cinch puled. There has to be a stance that can convince her.

"But nothing," The Princess interjected, refusing to hear what pathetic excuse this woman could muster. "I've lived too long, fought countless foes, and there's nothing I haven't heard before," She hovered towards the principal, piercing that foul mockery of a soul with a dominating glare. "A bitter harvest is coming for you, Abacus Cinch, as you reap what you sow," The Princess warned cryptically before shifting her focus. "Hm,"

"We're not . . . done here," Night Blaze growled between painful breaths. His palms crackled and buzzed with wildfires, but he could only hold a candle. The Princess raised a brow, impressed with his resolve and commitment. However, this has to stop.

"Harmonious Primus Exlatium," The Princess chanted, moving her hands in an arcane gesture. Her hands glowed violet, raising them to summon six humming jewels. Has he seen them before? They resembled cutie marks. He glanced skywards as they circled him. The glowing intensified and swirling increased, creating a radiant halo.

"Oh fuck," Night Blaze grumbled before manifesting a modest shield. He knew a special move when he saw it. Six glimmering beams shattered his shield like frozen glass, encountering a scalding heat. He endured. This power . . . is incomprehensible as it forced him down. Night Blaze attempted to rise, but the glittering bombardment kept him down. As a blinding explosion erupted, he roared with molten fury, sinking him deeper into the crater.

"It is done," The Princess announced as he lay motionless but alive. Relief washed over before being snatched away. The ground quaked. A stygian miasma jetted from the crater. Their faces paled at the clawed shadowy hand gripping the edge of the ring. Some grabbed their heads, muttering nonsense to keep themselves calm. How much will it take for Dusk Shine to stay down?!

A fallen angel climbed from hell against those who opposed them. His skin has cracked molten rock designed as overlapping scales. Two burning purple-cyan stars settled where his eyes should be. He hunched over like a wild beast as he arched skyward with a hell-forged howl but had no mouth. The ground cracked, and grass burnt under his feet.

"You said it's done," Cinch panicked, covering her ears from the booming howl. Sweat formed on her terrorized features as a searing heat chilled her body. Oh no. He's staring right at her.

"I did," The Princess confirmed, opening a door into the other world. "He's no longer a threat to my world," She glanced nonchalantly, filling them with the previous dread. How can they defeat him?! "You deal with it as it's your mess to clean," Her eyelids lowered, scrutinizing the established principal. It's a constant in her world as well. Those blinded by conceited hubris always cause problems for everyone. They demand that others fix the problems they create while doing nothing to help. "May you have the life you deserve," Cinch's heart paused and dipped into her stomach. The Princess' words offered no solace or betterment for the future. It's a warning or curse even to some people. She alludes to whatever tragedies Cinch endures is rightfully deserved, for better or worse.

Night Blaze bolted towards them with flaming wings and raging excellence. A single beam from her fingers on his forehead crumbled those ashy scales, revealing Dusk Shine as he safely collapsed away from them.

"You're strong, Dusk Shine. I look forward to all the great things you'll do," The Princess smiled as she entered the portal, her striped sapphire hair flickering in the wind before closing.

Sour Sweet and several others sprinted towards Dusk Shine. The Shadow 5 messed up. Truly messed up in ways no one can comprehend. Why were they so stupid?! Why did they have to go along with Cinch? All because they wanted to win. If it wasn't for that princess, they would've been killed or worse. They smiled as Dusk Shine rose, shook, and dusted himself off. He's okay, but his uniform was a mess. Their blood chilled from the overwhelming blazing aura, making them stop.


Something was horribly wrong. Their brains, nerves, or some higher power screamed at them not to move closer. They were in the dragon's den. Malignant waves rhythmically pulsed from his being like a sonar, filling them with a suspenseful dread. The Princess clipped his wings, reminding him of the mortal ground. Yet Dusk Shine still rules above them. They hesitated in a cold sweat and quaking hearts as Dusk Shine surveyed his body. It's remarkably identical to his own but so astronomically different. The flames reforged him into something greater. But how much greater? Time to find out.

He smirked cruelly while clutching his fists. His heaven-shattering roar released a mighty flame pillar from his maw, arching his back like an apex beast dominating a would-be usurper. They covered their faces from the dust gale and blistering heat. Was this the second phase? New emotions flooded his brain, opening unknown possibilities and actions. Things he should've done years ago. He stopped. Calmingly exhaling while opening his arms as he processed these changes. Silence. Everyone waited for something to happen. That was one of the worst feelings anyone can experience. That frigid uncertainty for what's to come.

"Well, that was quite the experience," Cinch announced with a polite smile, straightening her suit while maintaining the impression that she had everything under control. They glowered at the socialite, for this was her fault. How can she act like nothing happened? She paced to him with foolish confidence as her hands clasped behind her back. The princess must have reduced Dusk Shine to more reasonable levels. He always honored his oaths. Victory is hers. "Dusk Shine, would you kindly return to the team so we can restart the games please?" She motioned to the Shadow 5 with a self-assured grin. He didn't answer. "D-Dusk Shine," Cinch asked again. Muscles tightened, forcing her hair to stiffen from the sound of crackling flames.

"Would you kindly shut the fuck up already?" Night Blaze said coldly. His voice echoed with the endless void.

"Excuse me?" Cinch stammered, taking several cowardly steps back. Her face paled and faulted his defiance. No, no, no, no, no, no! This wasn't supposed to happen!

"You heard me," Night Blaze admitted, turning his head with eerie glowing cyan eyes. He still has that flaming horn. "Also, your head is too high," He mentioned coldly, cruelly, and authoritatively, pushing his hair back. Many kneeled and bowed their heads instinctively. Even with all their arrogance, their brains slammed on the self-preservation switch. Broken. Some forced others down to protect them from the dire consequences of their hesitation. CHS gazed in terror, witnessing all of CPA in such a servile state. Some CHS members bowed their heads as well from his supreme decree.

Cinch knelt.

Her stomach hardened to lead as she froze. The sight of the pompous Cinch kneeling so pitifully made the delightful experience of schadenfreude a crisp, refreshing beverage on a brutal summer day. This woman. Abacus Cinch relished in her insidious ways of making submit to her demands. Now, she's kneeling before her prized top student after callously betraying him. Many wanted to smile and mock her but couldn't. It's the circumstance. If this was any other time Cinch gets humiliated and outright humbled by someone, they would have premium front-row seats. Not when some unholy entity asserts its horrible will through a loved one.

"Dusk Shine," Cinch choked out, gazing at him with pleading eyes. She hoped for any shred of mercy. Night Blaze had none. Someone like this doesn't deserve it. "Please," She mumbled with a pallid face and body tremors. So pitiful. Where was all that smugness a few seconds ago? People like Cinch are so superficially hypocritical that it's generic. They live their lives with the concept of 'Rules for thee but not for me.' Everyone obeys their rules and standards while they're the exceptions.

The boss demands 130% of their subordinates and resolute, unfettered loyalty. At the same time, they do nothing while reaping the benefits and giving the absolute minimum. Generals who callously endanger their units while being in grandiose safety. Those preaching dogmatics about the survival of the fittest, operating on cruelty, selfishness, domination, and manipulation, seeing everyone else as pawns. Yet when they're at the slightest disadvantage, encountering someone stronger or about to suffer a fate they routinely inflicted on others. They buckle. Appealing to their values and humanity despite renouncing these 'good' traits.

The merciless always want mercy. Liars desire honesty, traitors crave undying loyalty, corruption demands justice and fairness, and cruelty pleads for forgiveness.

It's nauseating.

Cinch's mind became a scrambling whirlpool where she couldn't grasp the surface. This malicious aura drowned her, filling her lungs as she struggled to breathe. Dusk Shine's hollow gaze haunted her. Cold. Conceited. Devoid of anything that made someone human. A tense single glance knew that he wanted more. What else can he possibly want from her? She's already on her knees! His previous words echoed in her senses as displayed by her students. Cinch's aware of what she must do. She must supplicate.

Each tribe has variants of the supplication pose. It's to beg and plead, demonstrating the absolute sign of humility. Earthfolk had a straightforward variant: down on their knees with clasped hands. No, that won't work. Cinch told herself. Skyborne's militaristic and honor-bound culture had them kneeling with one arm over the knee. Their palms were supine to show they had no weapons. Head lowered, exposing their vulnerable neck for swift, brutal judgment. No, that won't work either. It's typically performed in groups with her at the forefront, along with the Shadow 5. They aren't beside Cinch. Although they're struggling not to kneel with their shaking knees. She gulped. There's only one option. Cinch knew it, along with Night Blaze.

Luxurians had a persistent arrogant demeanor from their supposed higher inherent status. They don't bow or kneel to anyone except those superior to them. That itself is rare. Cinch's situation is also extraordinarily rare. She's a fully grown woman with tremendous achievements and qualifications about to supplicate before someone who can't legally drive a car. But what else can she do? Nobody's coming to help her, especially with the power Night Blaze wields. Cinch's throat clawed and burned with tearing, humiliating resignation. She exhaled while closing her eyes for what she was about to do. It pained her pride to do so in front of CHS, Cadance, and her students. Cinch's pride and elite superiority were the core of her reputation.

Still, she's not foolish enough to let her ego be her death. Too many people in history, including some of her former associates, suffered a debilitating fate because their hubris blinded them. Yes, it's hypocritically cowardly, but it's the smart thing to do in her situation. Hopefully, this can be used in future endeavors.

Luxurians developed their pose from the far-east, adapting to their culture. Cinch pressed her legs, getting into a posh kneeling position with her back straight. Both hands were on her lap as her torso leaned forward. Cinch's movements were methodical, edging with formality. She's an upper-class woman. It's one of the first things she was taught. However, Cinch never anticipated using it in this manner. Her palms were straight, guiding across dirt and grass. She pressed her forehead against the ground, pointing towards him with her slightly angled hands. The position strained her back, but that's the point. Discomfort comes with humility. Sunny Flare, Cadance, Celestia, and Luna stared agape at Cinch. For all the years they've known Cinch for elitist pride, they never thought they would see her like this.

"That's more like it," Night Blaze declared, his cyan eyes glimmering in a sadistic relish. "I'll complete my end of the bargain and win," He added, using this chance to test his body. "So stay there," Night Blaze ordered, using a similar belittling tone. Cinch didn't refute, obeying his order to stay there. Her cowardly heartbeat played a glorious orchestra to his ears.

"Stop it right there!" Indigo Zap shouted. Her eyes narrowed as her muscles tightened. She had to do something about all of this madness. It was several levels of stupidity, but it was better than doing nothing.

"Get out of my way, Indigo," Night Blaze warned, but she didn't listen, getting into a fighting stance. "Listen, I don't want to fight you," He raised his hands to show his sincerity. "The Nerd thinks you're hot, and I don't want to ruin his chances," Night Blaze tapped the side of his head, adding truth to his words. Those words heated her face, making her pause. Dusk Shine thought she was hot? That would explain-What was she thinking? Her mind regained its focus on the primary mission.

"What about I ruin your face instead!" Indigo Zap bellowed, rushing in fist first.

"Indigo, no!" Cadance and Sour Sweet yelled. Night Blaze rolled her eyes as she drew near. He was like a leaf dancing in the wind, evading all her strikes. She gritted her teeth at her inefficiencies. How's he predicting all of her moves?!

"TAKE THIS!" Indigo Zap barked, launching a hook to his face. She smirked when it landed, but all her enjoyment faded in face-paling horror. Night Blaze didn't move or react to the punch. His fist caught her just like when she tested out back in CPA. He stared at her blankly, wondering how she thought that would work. Fearful sweat oozed from her pores as her instincts groaned at her gigantic folly. She's caught in a bear trap with the bear in biting distance.

"My turn," Night Blaze sighed before delivering a thunderous punch. Her face bruised, shutting one of her eyes from the blow. She staggered, but he didn't allow her to rest. He charged. One precise jab in the kidney, making her bowl over and clutching her side in pain. Indigo's body didn't delay the reaction. It immediately warned that she was in danger! Night Blaze brought her face to his sturdy knee. She wobbled as her brain dazed from the impact. His hand grabbed her goggles, tugging them back and snapping them back on her face. A titanic spartan kick in the chest sent her flying.

"Indigo Zap!" The Shadow 5 screamed as she writhed in pain. She couldn't speak, only muttering mumbled answers as she deeply exhaled. They removed her goggles. Her gamboge eyes were wide and unfocused. Nerves overwhelmed with pain, focusing on staying alive. Cadance warned them about fighting Dusk Shine while they were in the weight room. Dirty tactics were their initial thoughts, using his environment and guile to win. No. They saw his movements while fighting those plants. Dusk Shine, Night Blaze, or whoever he was knew where, when, and how to strike. Sour Sweet's earlier words haunted her like an urgent and ignored deadline. He's holding back. Otherwise, that punch could've broken her jaw.

"That's it!" Rainbow Dash barked, snarling at him with gritted teeth. She didn't care if this was Night Blaze or Dusk Shine. He's going down!

"Oh, you're challenging me?" Night Blaze smirked dismissively at her bravery. This should be fun, "Come!" He boldly gestured with a stance, daring her to come forth. She was one of the main aggressors during the Anon disaster. Sunset let her off too easily for his liking.

"AHHHHH!" Rainbow Dash roared as she stormed in. It's an even match. Both were matching strikes and dodges. The CHS cheered for Rainbow Dash, boosting her confidence and motivation. She's going to win for all her friends back in Cloudsdale. Rainbow Dash began to sweat as her situation matched Indigo Zap's. Nothing worked! He crossed his arms, checking his phone while effortlessly dodging her attacks. Did he study her past competitions? She saw an opening, following through with a punch.

"Weak," Night Blaze belittled. He caught her punch without looking before pushing her away and returning his phone to his pocket. She regained her balance, getting back in her stance. Her heart quivered. How? "You call that combat? This is nothing more than a watered-down version for children. Allow me," he sneered, taking off his coat. Rainbow yelled, charging in with a two-step roundhouse. He ducked before storming back in.

The two resumed their fight. Rainbow Dash used her superior speed and agility. Night Blaze predicted that. Rainbow Dash had a tendency for arrogant showboating while performing her athletics. She relied on her lithe body and speed to overwhelm her foes while unleashing a blinding barrage. None of that work! He calculated, predicted, and countered her dramatic movements. Everything! Each of his attacks meets their marks on her body, making a show out of her. All of Rainbow Dash's attacks were in slow motion. He's an elite speedrunner fighting through the same boss fight before going to the next one. This was easy for him. Night Blaze could've ended it without effort with his powers. Wait. Why didn't he?

"Why aren't you using your powers?!" Rainbow Dash demanded, keeping her fists up. This granted her a short break to collect her thoughts and breath. He's tough. Rainbow thought he was an egghead who got a lucky shot on Sunset. She couldn't have been more wrong. Each strike was precisely lethal, targeting vital organs and other weak points. It sapped her strength, making her sloppy, skyrocketing her frustration to new levels. He knew how to fight, but she never saw him compete. Why does he have it in his skillset?!

"You're not worth the effort. I see no point in overexerting myself," Night Blaze scoffed at the excessive waste of power. Her attacks were swift but were pitiful. How can Rainbow Dash expect to hurt, let alone defeat him, when her attacks were nothing but hot air? His laidback words spiked her anger. "Why should Garuda use all his might against a simple rabbit?" He whispered, lowering his eyelids. Garuda, the King of the Birds. He's one of the mightiest deities venerated in Equestrian culture. Although he's more associated with the Griffons, Skybornes always had a close relationship with their eastern neighbors. Is Night Blaze putting himself on the same level? He's insane! Adrenaline raged in her veins as their fight resumed.

They power-grappled with forearms locked. Rainbow Dash struggled to break his grasp as her feet dragged back. She despised being stationary but gave time to think. What can she do? His legs! She used her slender legs to trip him. However, he had another idea. Night Blaze slammed his forehead into her nose with a sickeningly moist crunch. She disengaged, staggering back away from this maniac. Several onlookers groaned at the image and noise.

"Dude, what the fuck?!" Rainbow Dash whined nasally, covering her bruised and bloody nose. A fucking headbutt!

"We're not in a dojo or competition. Nobody is stepping in to stop us," Night Blaze countered as her blood covered his forehead. "This is a fight fight," He announced, cracking his neck to release the tension. "You better attack me, planning to hurt or kill me," His empty, cyan eyes glowed hauntingly like a nocturnal predator finding its prey.

"The fuck," Rainbow Dash whispered, fear overriding her pride as the words echoed in her mind. Kill me?! He can't- He can't be serious.

"Or you can run away. Showing everyone that Ms. Loyalty is a lying coward who's nothing but talk," Night Blaze goaded mockingly, loud enough for the crowd to hear.

"Shut up!" Rainbow Dash thundered with an uppercut. His head shot up, making her smile at this successful attempt. That should shut him up. "WHAT?!" Her heart quivered and trembled at his smirk. Her attack did absolutely nothing to him. Not a scratch. He's amused by her attempt. She froze. He darted towards her. Roughly grabbing her face, lifting the athlete off the ground before slamming back down. Night Blaze's grip remained. He launched her like an old shoe. She tumbled. Dust, grass, and loose dirt covered her skin and jacket.

Rainbow Dash coughed, attempting to get air in her depleted lungs. What's his fighting style? Karate, Boxing/Kick-Boxing, Judo, Jiu-jitsu and Taekwondo. Now wrestling?! Those were the main ones. Most people had one style or two at their age. He had several! So did she, but those are mainly for sports. Dusk Shine was right about this. There's a stark difference. She fights for competitions, trophies, and recognition. He fights to win!

Insecurity claimed her soul, constricting her lungs and accelerating her breathing rate. Was she even as good as she and everyone thought she was? Is she the Rainbow Fraud? Night Blaze didn't want to fight but would finish it if he chose. She crawled away from his haunting, piercing eyes. Rainbow recalled the nature documentaries from class. She's prey at the mercy of a relentless predator, but he's not hunting for sustenance. He's hunting for his ego. Rainbow Dash didn't break her gaze, fearing it would be the end for her if she did. She grabbed a rock and launched it at him. He caught it, crushing it into fine powder.

"Hey, hey, hey, that's not like you," Night Blaze mocked, wiggling his finger. "Since you want me to use my powers, I'll use a little bit," He mocked with a bow as he ignited his hands. The two were surrounded by a purple fiery ring. She panicked, shielding herself from the blazing heat. Something made her stand up.

"What the. . . ?" Rainbow Dash muttered, struggling against the magic, making her put her fists up. For once, she wanted to forfeit. Exit the ring. Throw in the towel. Anything and everything just to get out of this! However, Night Blaze didn't allow it. She forced herself to straighten her posture, getting herself ready for this. It's hopeless in every word's meaning, but she has to do something. Weakened him for the others? Maybe. His smirk widened, displaying his sharp fangs as he jetted to her spot. Rainbow Dash hesitated, taking one step back before returning his charging speed.


That's what she felt. Night Blaze mauled her, dominating the fight, if one can even call it that. This was a gladiatorial execution where the gaps of power were vaster than the ocean. She couldn't breathe or think about anything as Night Blaze's bombard didn't grant her that mercy. His attacks were dizzying, precise, and brutal, slipping through the gaps in her defenses. What type of training did he go through?! Who was preparing him, a high-class nerd, to fight like this?! Bystanders attempted to douse the flames, but nothing they did helped. All they can do is watch the outlines in frustrated helplessness.

Rainbow Dash defaulted to defense as it was her only option. His attacks continued, bruising her skin and muscles. That didn't hurt as much as his words. Night Blaze called her out for her past behavior and transgressions. Her arrogance placed others at risk when they needed her. Her cruel pranks. Her wavering resolve when it's time to match her bravado. The hypocrisy she spews about hating bullies only to be one herself.

Get up, Get up, Get up.

Those sadistic words echoed, torturing Rainbow's muscles to keep going. His most devastating words were yet to come. Night Blaze stated that she's no different and fits right in with CPA, forcing him to release the magic if she accepted their offer. Rainbow refuted. It's not true. Night Blaze tilted his head with a raised, amused brow. He didn't speak. That's the worst thing about the entire exchange. No curt mocking laugh or a deadpan reply to counter her answer. He doesn't believe it, nor does she to an extent. Night Blaze advanced in a flash, tightening his fist. He returned Rainbow Dash's uppercut with monstrous inflation. They watched her lithe body soar and crash on the ground as the flames disappeared.

"Come on!"

"Get up, Rainbow Dash"

She can't! The star athlete had nothing left to give. Night Blaze burned and devoured everything, whatever she had and more. He approached her, grabbing her shirt. Cerise glared into Cyan.

"Fuck . . . you," Rainbow Dash choked before spitting on him. He rolled his eyes, wiping away the blood-mixed spittle, ripping a piece of her jacket as a napkin.

"Remember what I said that I was going to bury you,"Night Blaze recalled their prior conversation before the games. "I changed my mind. Instead, I'm going to break you," He declared. Rainbow's blood froze at his lifeless words. Oh no. He's not going . . . he won't! Night Blaze hoisted Rainbow Dash above his head for all to see like a fresh prized kill. This was their champion?! He waited, enabling the dreadful atmosphere to coil and tighten their stomachs and hearts. They can't stop him.

Rainbow Dash bellowed a blood-curdling scream when his knee shattered her back. But she couldn't! The overwhelming blaring experience deactivated her pain receptors, leaving her numb and a rigid corpse as she bounced off his knee. Rainbow Dash wanted to scream, but her brain didn't enable her to, only echoing a silent scream with agape mouth straining in agony. Others screamed in her stead while some covered their eyes.

Night Blaze raised his hand, and a sports drink launched into his palm. He opened and briefly sipped the contents before pouring the rest on Rainbow's head. A reenactment of what she did to Sunset Shimmer.

"Rainbow!" Several CHS soccer and other sports team members rushed in to help their star player. Night Blaze smiled savagely at the new meat for the slaughterhouse, charging into the fray with his horn burning in savage glee. They believed their numbers granted them safety. Night Blaze proved them terribly wrong as he formulated a battle plan. They're attacking in groups, so it's better to thin or disorganize them. He grabbed the first one, leading the charge. A senior student with fiery hair in a faux hawk. One of them called out her name. Spitfire, the captain. He wondered why Skybornes had that hairstyle. Is it more aerodynamic? Never mind.

Cut the throat of the king, but he'll save that for later.

Night Blaze threw her into Soarin, the co-captain from what he recalled. Another swung and missed. Night Blaze countered with an uppercut. He kicked another in the chin. Someone attempted to grab him from behind, but Night Blaze snatched their forearm, flipping them over his shoulder and stomping on their face. Spitfire and Soarin dashed for a pincer movement. Night Blaze blocked their attacks with his forearms. Which one? He pushed them off, kicking Soarin on the side of his knee, messing his balance. Night Blaze evaded Spitfire's kick for his head, but she overextended her leg's length, leaving herself open. He countered, driving his foot square into her groin. Spitfire's orange eyes bulged from the shooting pain, making her double over in the fetal position. Soarin advanced. Night Blaze intercepted the strike using his forearm at the elbow before jumping from another wild swing. A brow raised on the Schola Perfecta's face. Why did he sense more intimate feelings from Soarin regarding Spitfire? He ignored that idea with a quick jab to Soarin's windpipe. He choked, gagged, clutching from the brief loss of oxygen. Night Blaze hammered his fist into Soarin's gut, forcing him on his tip-toes. He painfully ejected spittle and loose air before collapsing on the grass.

It all took under a minute.

The rest of the teams were in the distance. His blood pumped rapidly. His muscles tightened into spring coils. Night Blaze's eyes widened with a sharp inhale. He counter-charged.

"Out of my way!" The top student roared, becoming a tornado of released brutality. Each limb and section of his body became a weapon. His hands grabbed on clothes, hair, arms, or whatever. Kicks, trips, knees! Time accelerated for Night Blaze; this has no complex thoughts or grand stratagems. It's pure instinct. Aether can instantly end this entire brawl. Right hook, jab, and dodge. No! Why grant them that luxury? Bones crashed into flesh as they went flying. Night Blaze and Dusk Shine were strong, but Dusk Shine restricted themselves. Not anymore.


Block and reversal.


His blood raged. Heart roared to the Chaotic cacophony. Night Blaze decimated the flock, clipping their wings and blunting their talons. Bizarre thoughts and memories surged in his mind. What's this?! Reverie? Lavish meals and flavors entered his mouth. Nostalgia for people he hasn't seen before. Echoing voices rang. Some he did recognize, but why? Climatic battles ended his victory as his banner was raised high. Pride, devastation, joy, and many more. WHAT IS THIS?! These aren't his memories, but who could they be? His eyes briefly widened as a tingle emitted from his forehead. The princess. Was she trying to tell him something?

"Holy shit," A CHS student muttered, grabbing the side of their head as Night Blaze continued his onslaught. "He knocked out ten members," Their faces paled as Night Blaze adapted to his opponents, using a mixture of strikes, grapples, and redirections. More students murmured as Night Blaze continued. There's no stopping him. This was Cloudsdale, the sequel for some of them.

"No fucking way," Another CHS student watched Night Blaze pummel Bulk Biceps into the ground before hoisting him up and tossing him to a group of students. They groaned under Bulk's heavy mass.

"He's a monster," A CPA student mumbled. They always believed that Dusk Shine was an unreachable precipice. No matter what they did . . . it was never good enough for their families. Stellar grades, active in clubs, school politics and more. It still wasn't enough. Dusk Shine was finely aged wine while they were cheap dollar store grape juice with a hint of vodka. Many wanted to bring him down so he could experience their pain. Now look at them. Huddled together like herded animals in a factory. Some were still bowing and kneeling to this. This monster. Of their creation.

Some CPA students tried to capture this monster. Night Blaze caught their snobby aroma with a harsh glower. Rage fueled his pounce, grabbing a pair of CPA students by the collars and slamming them to the ground with a crash. The impact stunned them. Night Blaze didn't relent on his assault, delivering more savage blows against his fellow schoolmates. These posh weaklings can't protect themselves from a pack of warheads. What can they do about him? Onlookers winced, covering their eyes as Night Blaze knocked out a tooth from one of them before using their bodies to practice hopscotch. He returned to the mob of CHS students.

"What are they feeding him?" Another mentioned is that he incapacitated Big Mac with a sleeper hold. Quick and efficient. Night Blaze gently enabled the farm boy to lie on the grass. Dusk Shine would've found a kindred spirit in him. Amethyst flashed in his eyes, recalling Applejack's honesty during their match. He must show some mercy. Rarity and others barely held Applejack back. Night Blaze's eyes sharpened at the aura behind but softened at it.

"Dusk Shine," Trixie consoled with buckling knees. What is she doing?! The performer hoped to crack through this exterior and reach Dusk Shine. This Night Blaze had more mature features but a malevolent edge. She couldn't deny his appeal, but this wasn't her Dusk Shine. One of his eyes twitched; his amethyst pupil bounced around and blinked before grunting as he covered it. Trixie's briefly widened. Morse code! An invisible force launched her to Sunset and her team.

"Trixie!" They yelled as they caught her. She wasn't harmed in any way, displaying the amount of restraint he had. Rainbow Dash wished she had gotten a piece of it.

"He's still in there," Trixie shouted, pointing at him with a trickle of hope, explaining what she saw. Dusk Shine's still fighting?! That gives them a mustard seed of change, but it's significantly better than nothing.

Snips and Snails attempted to charge at Night Blaze, but a swift blank glare sent them scurrying. However, he had another idea. His grin grew to malicious delight, clasping his hands together.

Trixie's assistants continued their escape, thinking they needed to change their pants, when a chilling thought grew: Why weren't they moving?

"What's going on?" The two boys fretted when they glanced down, paling their faces. THEY'RE BEING RAISED FROM THE GROUND! They struggled, attempting to swim away from Night Blaze's magical grasp. More students were captured in Night Blaze's spatial conductor mannerisms. This wasn't magic.

It's gravity.

Bystanders could do nothing but watch in horror as Night Blaze cackled thunderously. He's having fun! One of the universe's four fundamental forces became a plaything for him. What can they do?! Sunset Shimmer gazed at the amulet, questioning herself about the possibility before shielding her eyes. Dust swirled, making a vortex where Night Blaze stood. He reversed the planet's grasp on himself, ascending above them all, becoming the vortex's eye. Why should he abide by the laws of science when he can control them?

"So this is the top student of Crystal Prep," A CHS broadcasted with haunted eyes before gulping from an arid throat. "Dusk Shine the Schola Perfecta!" He stood over his victims with blazing cyan eyes. His throne was made of defeated CHS students, a king of cruel origin.

Blood stained his face, fists, and clothing. None of it was his own; that wasn't a possibility. Night Blaze's glowing eyes observed numerous defiant CHS students crowding him as he stepped off the pile. Will they attack him? No. An enduring dreadful hesitation bounded them like caged animals. Night Blaze's hand rose, making them shudder and moan fearfully as they slid back. He closed his eyes, placed a hand on his chest, and calmly exhaled, tempering the dancing fire horn. There's no need to get so excited. Their morale was shattered porcelain without even a hummingbird's courage.

"Get them," Night Blaze gestured for them to retrieve their fallen friends. No one moved, thinking it was a trap. He sighed, folding his arms as he sat down. Is he meditating? One of them pushed their luck and ran towards their friends. Another. Then another. Then another and more. A stream flows around this resilient stone. He honored his word, unlike a particular principal.

Night Blaze turned to the school, analyzing the structure as he calculated where the CPA flag could be. He knew the layout. It was time to use it. Night Blaze crouched into a running start, narrowing his eyes on the objective, and bolted to the entrance. He had a game to win.

Cadance and Luna were the only ones brave enough to sprint toward him. They didn't see that flaming-possessed mockery known as Night Blaze for a moment. They visited the young boy they watched grow up. Excited to learn. Happy to experience life and figuring how it all works together. The one that ecstatically welcomes them with a big hug.

Night Blaze pushed that old image behind him. That person hasn't existed in years and will never return. He shoulder-checked Luna, getting her out of the way. He lowered himself, using his momentum below Cadance's knees. Her eyes widened as she rolled over his body onto the grass. Celestia didn't have a nanosecond to blink or breathe as Night Blaze snatched the clue card from her hand.

"After him now," Cadance ordered, pointing to Dusk Shine with tears in her eyes. Several CPA students, including the Shadow 5, nodded. Indigo Zap arose with lumbering concrete in her system but can still function. Rainbow can't offer her assistance while being checked out by Nurse Redheart and other students. The remaining Mane 6 and other CHS students followed Celestia's orders. CHS didn't want to get involved with them. This was CPA's fault, to begin with. However, they didn't have time to complain. Sour Sweet and Sunset glared at each other.

Sunset narrowed her eyes sharply at Sour Sweet before softening them. Remorse glimmered with her eyes for what happened along with the rest of Shadow 5. Sunset offered her hand, and Sour Sweet took it with Dusk Shine's tie wrapped around her wrist and forearm. This was a collective effort between those who cared about him. Dusk Shine needed their help. Sunset glared at the accursed amulet, placing it in her jacket pocket.

They entered.