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Workshop Worries

*Twilight's POV*

*North Pole*

After telling Danyelle off, the trio and I arrive at the North Pole right outside Santa's workshop.

Snowfall spoke "Wow… This is so awesome."

Spottedleaf spoke "Y-you're one t-to t-talk... I'm f-freezing! I h-haven't g-grown in m-my w-winter f-fur y-yet..."

Danyelle asks "Need some fire?"

Spottedleaf stammers "Wh-what am I? A F-FireClan c-cat?"

Danyelle spoke "Hey, I’m only trying to help. No need to get catty. *Covers mouth* Okay, bad choice of words."

I spoke "Danyelle, you're an idiot."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, that one was on me."

I wingslap Danyelle.

Danyelle spoke "Again, I had that coming."

I spoke "Yes, yes you did."

Snowfall spoke "Anyway, let’s head in there."

Spottedleaf spoke "R-right..."

We kept going forward.

Spottedleaf spoke "Oh, I can’t feel my feet… I can’t feel my feet!"

Danyelle spoke "Great StarClan... Quit complaining Spots."

I spoke "Don't make me wingslap you again Danyelle."

Snowfall spoke "We’re here!"

Spottedleaf sneezes, causing a bolt of lightning to hit one of the reindeer.

The three of us couldn’t help but facepalm.

Spottedleaf spoke "S-sorry... I'm not used to this weather..."

“We’re might be in trouble.” I deadpanned.

Danyelle checked her compact.

Danyelle spoke "Uh girls, I think there's a competition going on."

"Whaddya mean?" The three of us asked.

Ears pin back, Danyelle spoke "Teddie, Heifa, Karei and Kanji are missing."

Spottedleaf asks "What?"

Danyelle spoke "I heard it from Pebble who had heard it from Emerald."

“When we’re done with this mission, we’re heading to Ineighba to help the others.” I said.

Danyelle asks "Why do I get the feeling that Blizzardstar called Pinkie an idiot?"

Danyelle's left ear twitches when she heard a hearty laugh.

Danyelle asks "What was that?"

I spoke "I bet it was Santa."

Danyelle spoke "Same here."

Danyelle soon spots a silvery white Abyssinian tom with a red outfit.

Spottedleaf spoke "Uh... sorry for zapping one of your reindeer sir."

"How come? Look like normal weather." The Abyssinian shrugged off as I saw the word "Naughty" tattooed on his right forearm and the word "Nice" tattooed on the left arm.

Spottedleaf spoke "I'm not built for extreme cold..."

"Huh, you remind me of Bunny." The Abyssinian noted.

Spottedleaf spoke "Short fur can have that effect on anyone that isn't used to the extreme cold. Plus folks with long fur or dark colored fur can't handle hot weather."

“Yeah.” I agreed.

Spottedleaf spoke "You have it easy Snowfall, the cold never bothered you!"

Snowfall barks "Hey!"

Danyelle giggles "Sounds like Snowfall's gonna need some herbs for that burn."

Snowfall growled before looking a bit down.

Danyelle asks "What's got your tails in a twist?"

Snowfall sighs "I'm just... jealous of my little sister."

Danyelle spoke "Let me guess, you've got a crush on Honeystar but the problem is... You're immortal, shi's mortal and you're both of different clans."

Snowfall asks "H-Huh?"

Spottedleaf giggles "I heard about it from Fluttershy!"

Danyelle spoke "Wow, wait until Scorching hears this."

I spoke "Danyelle, you do know that you can contact Scorching easily with the compact."

Danyelle giggles "I know, I just can’t help with teasing sometimes."

I giggle "Great StarClan, you're just as bad as Cadence is when it comes to teasing."

Danyelle asks "And what is that supposed to mean?"

I giggle "*sing-song* Nothing~!"

Danyelle asks "Anyways... *turning to face Santa* Have you been having any problems?"

Santa spoke "Preparations are a little behind this year."

Spottedleaf spoke "I might have to call in the rest of my clan to help out since two alicorns and two Abyssinian-alicorn hybrids aren't enough."

Spottedleaf patches through to Blizzardstar.

Spottedleaf spoke "Blizzardstar, we need help!"

Danyelle spoke "Could take a while."

I snicker "Yeah and judging by the way Snowfall's acting, Honeystar was called as well."

Spottedleaf giggles "Talk about luck."

I giggle "Yeah."

Snowfall sneezes.

Danyelle asks "Cold?"

Snowfall spoke "Someone was talking about me..."

“Really?” I asked in surprise.

Soon enough, Rainbow and the rest of MeadowClan had arrived.

Blizzardstar spoke "Hey Sparkles."

Rainbow yelps "OW! Why is my cutie mark burning all of a sudden?!"

Applejack spoke "Ah told y’all we’re needed in Ineighba."

I ask "If that were the case, why wasn't I called to Ineighba?"

Danyelle contacts Emerald via compact.

Danyelle spoke "Hey Emmy."

Emerald spoke "Where's AJ and the others?! They should've been here by now!"

Danyelle spoke "According to Blizzardstar, all of MeadowClan got called to the North Pole. Which sadly means Applejack, Rainbow, Rarity, Pinkie and Fluttershy need to be with their clan."


Danyelle didn't show it, but I can tell that she was scared by Emerald's anger.

I took the compact from Danyelle.

I spoke "Emerald listen, even though my friends were on the TM, they weren't called by the map to Ineighba! Clan summons are far more serious than normal map summons. Not to mention, majority of Santa's assistants have gone missing which in turns puts Santa himself severely behind schedule."

Emerald spoke "*Via compact* We’re heading into the TM, Clan summon or not! Our friends are in trouble!"

Blizzardstar spoke "A good majority of Santa's assistants have gone missing which in turns puts Santa himself severely behind schedule."

What Blizzardstar said had stunned Emerald and the others.

Icy asks "*in background* Would that mean...?"

Blizzardstar spoke "Hearth's Warming is not gonna happen this year. Not if all of MeadowClan doesn't help Santa with making toys."

Emerald spoke "Listen, we can’t do this on our own either, and something tells me we’ll find more than Karei, Kanji, Teddie and Heifa in there."

Danyelle spoke "Emmy’s not wrong there, Blizzardstar. Wouldn’t hurt to send in backup."

Blizzardstar spoke "You've got five clans worth of Abyssinians to help you out Emerald, Santa needs MeadowClan's help."

Emerald spoke "*On compact* Listen, whoever put up that Midnight Mirror won’t let them fight."

Rainbow asks "Give us a moment okay?"

Emerald asks "*On compact* I probably shouldn’t ask, but what happened?"

Danyelle spoke "Rainbow got into a scuffle with Santa but got tied up with rope... made out of candy cane..."

Starlight spoke "I'm starting to think that whatever hosted that midnight mirror is preventing Applejack, Rainbow, Rarity, Pinkie and Fluttershy from entering the competition. Plus Pebble Heart said that it was a trap."

Emerald spoke "*On compact* Even if it was, we have to spring it. Our friends are in trouble."

Blizzardstar spoke "Right! Twilight, Flash, Applejack, Crosswind, Pinkie, Rarity, Rainbow, Azure, Fluttershy, Flowerstep, Snowfall, Honeystar, Danyelle and I will be in Ineighba real soon!"

Emerald spoke "*On compact* Thanks, guys. I really appreciate it."

I teleport with the 13 straight to Emerald's location.

*Roll's POV*

I spoke "Well, there they go."

Vince spoke "Let's just hope they pull it off."

Lan asks "Why do I get the feeling that our nee-chan and another Danyelle just got verbally roasted?"

Maylu asks "Whaddya mean?"

Lan spoke "Danyelle nee-chan's my guardian since I'm only 15."

Vince spoke "Hey, she's our big sis, Lan."

Lan spoke "I know that nii-san."

Vince spoke "Cool."

Spottedleaf spoke "We should get to work."

I spoke "Right, then let’s go."

Everyone else in MeadowClan spoke "YEAH!!!"

Everyone soon got to work since Hearth's Warming was a week away.

“This is gonna be fun, yet tough.” I noted.

Maylu spoke "I agree sis."

Vince spoke "Yeah, I mean, we’re no elves."

Maylu spoke "I know but Santa's counting on all of us to help out."

Lan spoke "Yeah, we’ll hold out until the others come back with the elves."

Quick spoke "Agreed!"

Santa chuckles "Appreciate the help."

Shadowfang spoke "We of MeadowClan are always willing to help those in need."

Scootaloo asks "Ooh! Think we’ll get on the Nice list for this?"

Santa chuckles "Hehehehe, nice or naughty lists, you all hold the records, but this may be wiping clean the slate."

Mistybreeze spoke "And to think this all started because of a Clan summon."

“Okay, let’s keep going.” I said.

All of the chakats and alicorns cheer.

We also noticed some yetis workin’ here.

Hawskong snickers as shi and Shadowfang pushed Mistybreeze and Fireball towards each other while Micah was holding a spring of mistletoe above the two.

Fireball: *Growls while looking up* Is this some kind of joke?

Mistybreeze spoke "*flustered* N-no it's n-not... Plus I was j-just too afraid you'd reject a freak like me... My sire was a budgietaur yet these puny wings can't get me off the ground..."

A pair of weak wings were on Mistybreeze's lower half.

Fireball asks "Little heavy?"

Mistybreeze spoke "Ignoring the rudeness behind what you said, I will never be able to fly..."

Fireball scoffs "Tch, so that's it? You're just gonna give up like that?"

Mistybreeze spoke "StarClan's sake! I can't fly because I don't have hollow bones!"

Despite her small wings, Mistybreeze ran off to be alone.

Fireball asks "What's hir problem?"

Micah spoke "Shi can't fly since shi was frail as a cub so hir wings won't grow any bigger than an adult Pegasus' wings... So I heard."

Fireball scoffs "Tch, sounds worse than syphilis."

Hawksong spoke "Ah may be half alicorn but Ah can barely stay five tail lengths in the air since mah wings are still growing."

Racing spoke "If ya care 'bout hir, go after hir!"

Fireball scoffs "Tch, fine. But only because I don’t feel like doing nothing."

Mistybreeze was up on a wooden beam while crying.

Fireball groans "Ugh… This is gonna be annoying."

But due to the chakat's weight, the wooden beam breaks thus causing Mistybreeze to fall on Fireball thus squishing the demonic mare-bitch in a rather awkward position.

Fireball spoke "Nothing new for me."

Several kids had covered their eyes since Mistybreeze had just entered peak male phase.

Lan asks "Why do I have that dreadful feeling that a counterpart of Danyelle nee-chan became corrupted?"

A portal appeared as Chameleo popped his head out of it.

“Yeah, had a feeling that might happened, so I called Redux-verse Korra and tell her to head to the Shadow World in this universe just in case.” Chameleo said before he went back into the portal before it closed.

Lan uses a warp ring to send Mistybreeze and Fireball to the Chuddle Hotel.

Lan spoke "Last thing we need is a bunch of mentally scarred kids."

Vince spoke "You’re telling me."

Lan spoke "Yeah plus Danyelle nee-chan would beat the tar out of us if she caught wind that Irene and Akoya were exposed to that too soon."

Vince spoke "Shh!"

Maylu whacks Lan upside the back of the head.

Maylu spoke "The same applies to Patch, Jazz and Volt too."

Lan spoke "Sorry."

Maylu giggles.

Vince chuckles "Hehe, easy there, little bro."

Maylu giggles "Talk about being dense!"

Lan spoke "Hey!"

Shadowfang chuckles "She's just teasing ya."

Lan spoke "I hope so."

*Meanwhile in the Chuddle Hotel*

Mistybreeze asks "Fireball?"

Fireball asks "What?"

Mistybreeze asks "D-do you like me as more than just a stranger?"

Fireball spoke "If you this scared, you could use some toughening up. So yeah, I guess I can hang with you."

Mistybreeze spoke "It's n-not that... I'm in peak male phase..."

Fireball groans "*Facehoof* Ugh… Of course you want to access one of my holes."

Mistybreeze spoke "But I w-won't force myself on you if it makes you uncomfortable."

Fireball spoke "Where do you think I’m from? There’s a Lust ring there."

Mistybreeze spoke "But I'm just a mortal chakat though."

Fireball asks "Does that really matter?"

Mistybreeze spoke "Honestly, not at all."

*Some time later*

Mistybreeze asks "So what now?"

Fireball giggles "Heh, find a guy in case your other half goes wild."

That made Mistybreeze blush.

Mistybreeze giggles "You sly mare-bitch!"

Fireball spoke "Eh, been called worse."

Mistybreeze giggles "Yeah but you're my mare-bitch."

Fireball spoke "Yeah, but who can say for sure. And why don't we keep this on the down low, my adopted dad would lose his shit if he found out."

Mistybreeze spoke "Yeah but it's hard to hide a pregnancy once you start showing."

At that very moment, Mistybreeze's compact had gone off thus revealing the voice of a pissed off stallion.

Mistybreeze spoke "We're in deep shit now Fireball...."

Fireball asks "Who’s that?"

Mistybreeze spoke "Y-your dad..."

Fireball spoke "What?! How'd he-Ugh... Right, the book."

Turning hir attention to the compact, Mistybreeze groans "What do you want?"

The male spoke "You know exactly what I want, you slut! Leave my daughter alone!"

Mistybreeze whimpers "but..."

Fireball spoke "Mistybreeze, I'll handle it."

Mistybreeze spoke "O-okay Fireball, I trust you..."

Fireball snaps "*Grabs Mistybreeze's compact* Fuck off, Blitz! I'm not a puppy anymore, and I wasn't when you adopted me! I was almost eighteen!"

Blitz spoke "Adopting you at that age still counts!"

Mistybreeze growls "If you even THINK of killing me, you'll set off a war between demons and alicorns!"


Luna was relaxing on a bed while talking to a mirror.

Luna spoke "That's the basic gist of it Stolas sir. If Shir Mistybreeze is killed then that will only cause a war between demons and MeadowClan."

Stolas spoke "Oh dear, and if Blitzy gets in trouble, I get in trouble, and we don't want that!"

Luna spoke "Exactly, I should let Lucifer know right now."

A second mirror in Luna's room shimmers as the image of a demonic alicorn appears.

Luna spoke "Ah, good timing Lucifer. I was just talking about you."

Luna then noticed that Stolas was already on his way.

Luna explained everything to Lucifer.

Luna spoke "So yeah, last thing any of us need is a dead chakat.... Which could lead to a war between demons and MeadowClan..."

Lucifer spoke "*Annoyed sigh* I already have enough troubles with executioners coming from Heaven to wipe out any sinners spotted by them in the Pride Ring at the end of each year."

Luna groans "Great StarClan, that bad huh?"

Lucifer spoke "Tartarus is a bit overpopulated, but Adam upstairs thinks that can be solved by his team of Exorcists coming down to exterminate the sinners."

Luna spoke "That stallion's gone mad with power... I can only hope Goddess Faust can put a stop to it."

Lucifer spoke "That's a big IF, moon princess."

Luna spoke "I know Luce but Goddess Faust is the one that rules over heaven."

Lucifer spoke "And she might let him off easy."

Luna spoke "I hope so..."

*Back with Fireball and Mistybreeze*

Despite how small hir wings were, Mistybreeze had them fully spread wide in anger since shi was mad at Blitzo.

But then a portal appears, confusing the three.

Mistybreeze asks "And you are?"

A demonic gryphon stepped through.

Stolas spoke "Please everyone, just calm down."

Mistybreeze asks "Did Princess Luna ask you to help?"

Stolas spoke "Indeed."

Starlight steps through a portal.

Starlight spoke "Talk about being overprotective..."

Blitzo asks "Huh?"

Starlight glares at Blitzo with such a look that could scare a demon senseless.

Starlight spoke "You'll have to learn sooner or later that Fireball's not a little filly anymore, I know what it's like to have an overly caring father that I had to put my hoof down and say enough."

Mistybreeze spoke "Sir, I love Fireball and I can't imagine my life without her."

Blitzo spoke "…Fine, but if you break her heart, I’ll make you eat my gun and bullets!"

Mistybreeze spoke "My species takes romance seriously."

Stolas spoke "Blitzy, please leave them be."

Blitzo spoke "*Annoyed groan* Just say my name right for once!"

Starlight snickers "What's the matter Blitzo, too chicken shit to hit a pregnant mare?"

Blitzo growls "*Cocks gun* Don’t push me! I’m not in a good mood!"

Starlight shouts "VERA!!!!"

Vera showed up. “Again, Blitz? Ya really gotta stop Jumpin’ the gun.”

Then a rimshot was heard.

Starlight spoke "There seriously needs to be a no guns rule for this hotel..."

Vera spoke "Point taken."

Vera snapped her fingers as Blitzo's gun vanished.

Vera spoke "Don't worry, it's back at your apartment, along with your other weapons."

Mistybreeze spoke "Fireball, there's something I want to ask you."

Fireball asks "What?"

Starlight tapes Blitzo's mouth shut with hellfire-proof tape.

Mistybreeze asks "Fireball, will you marry me?"

Fireball asks "Heh, fine. But you won't have a problem if a guy joins in, right?"

Mistybreeze spoke "Since chakats swing both ways, of course."

*Back at the North Pole*

Lucy and a few others were busy with wrapping the non charred gifts since Natsu, Spike and Scorching were constantly sneezing thus setting things on fire.

Ice spoke "Those hotheads really need to cool off."

Lucy tailslaps Ice Chill.

Lucy spoke "Dragons hate the cold."

Wendy spoke "Please, calm down."

Spike stammers "W-why do I have th-that feeling th-that something b-bad is gonna happen to Twilight and the others?"

Wendy hugged Spike, calming his nerves.

Spike spoke "I'm worried about Twilight..."

Wendy spoke "I'm sure she's alright, Spike."

Spike spoke "I hope so Wendy..."

Spike hugged Wendy back.

Lucy's compact goes off suddenly.

Danyelle spoke "Guys! We got MAJOR TROUBLE!!! I need ALL of MeadowClan, ThunderClan, WindClan, ShadowClan, RiverClan and SkyClan to help stop an out of control shadow!"

But then it went static.

Shadowfang spoke "Attention everyone! We're needed in Ineighba right now since our alicorn friends are in danger!"

Santa spoke "Wait, don't be so assuming."

Ben spoke "My wife is in danger though! And judging by her tone, another Danyelle is badly injured."

Santa asks "And you don't believe they can pull through?"

Ben spoke "It'll take a Hearth's Warming miracle..."

Santa spoke "Now sometimes, others have to make their own miracles."

Ben spoke "All we can do is pray to StarClan that they pull through because as I heard from Willowpelt... If Spottedleaf dies a third time, that'd be it for the dark tortoiseshell."

Spike spoke "Dude! Don't think about that!"

Ben spoke "Metaphorically speaking, of course."

Willowpelt spoke "But he is right though young dragon."

Spike spoke "Just stop! I don't wanna think about that!"

Frostleaf spoke "Immortals have it lucky though."

Ben spoke "Yeah."

Shadowfang spoke "Good news everyone! Danyelle and the others made it out alive!"

Several folks started to cheer.

Spike spoke "Awesome!"

Shadowfang spoke "And what’s more, they found the elves!"

Azure spoke "AWESOME!!!!"

Erza and the other Diamond Dogs howl in happiness.

Santa couldn’t help but smile with hearty laughter.

Stormcloud spoke "Hearth's Warming is back on schedule!"

Gilda and the other gryphons cheer.

Spike spoke "Alright!"

Natsu snickers "Hey bro, you and Wendy might want to look up."

Spike and Wendy ask "Huh?"

There was a sprig of mistletoe floating above the two teen dragons, courtesy of Micah's magic.

Lucy couldn’t help but giggle.

Micah chuckles "You and flamebrain are next Lucy!"

Natsu and Lucy ask "Huh?"

Nashi was hovering in the air above her parents with mistletoe tied to the tail.

Natsu gasps "Nashi?!"

Lucy grabs Natsu by the scarf before kissing him on the lips.

Natsu was surprised at first before kissing her back.

Lucy spoke "Love you Natsu."

Natsu chuckles "Hehe, how did I end up with a dragoness like you, Lucy?"

Lucy giggles "We can blame Mira for that."

A six-tailed kitsunepony with white fur spoke "I heard that Lucy!"

Shadowfang notices a Nightlight Fury egg half buried in the snow just outside the workshop.

Shadowfang grabs the egg before bringing it inside.

Shadowfang spoke "Natsu, I think you and Lucy should look after this egg."

Lucy asks "Why?"

Wendy spoke "It takes a dragon to raise a dragon."


Author's Note:

Side chapter to Strange Grand Prix

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