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One Bad Apple

*Applebloom's POV*

Since Flintfur was the first Abyssinian member of the Crusaders, he was with the others and I as we waited for a train to arrive.

Flintfur asks "Um… What’re you excited for?"

I spoke "Mah cousin Babs is coming fer a visit!"

Flintfur asks "Really?"

I spoke "Eyup but she don't know that Ah'm a Pegasus."

Scootaloo spoke "She’ll be so surprised!"

Seashell spoke "We should keep Diamond and Silver away from her though."

Sweetie Belle spoke "Agreed."

Spoiled Rich was soon stuck in a tree trunk since she had the nerve to insult Featherwhisker.

Featherwhisker spoke "I have half a mind to tell Mr Rich about your behavior! And your treatment of your OWN daughter is classed as child abuse!"

Four unicorn guards arrest Spoiled Rich and drag her off to jail.

I spoke "Ah didn' expect that ta happen."

Quick spoke "Child abuse is no laughing matter plus Featherwhisker saw Diamond's mother as that Stardust jerk."

Featherwhisker heads off to Filthy Rich's mansion to talk with him about Spoiled's behavior.

“Ah think we should stay outta Feather’s business.” I noted.

Scootaloo spoke "Good idea but we should talk to Diamond Tiara."

“But what about the train?” I pointed out.

Right as I mentioned it, the train soon pulled in before an earth filly along with a Pegasus colt and an adult Pegasus mare step off the train.

The mare spoke "Hey Scoots."

Scootaloo spoke "Auntie Ginger Peach!"

“Auntie what-now?” I asked in confusion.

Scootaloo spoke "She's my mom's sister."

What seemed to be a hippogriff was napping on top of a tree.

*Meanwhile with Featherwhisker*

*Featherwhisker's POV*

I spoke "Sorry to bother you Mr Rich but it's come to my attention that your wife was abusing Diamond Tiara."

Filthy Rich asks "What?"

I spoke "I may not have seen it myself but I had dealt with an abusive pony before, a unicorn stallion named Stardust Sweeper. Child abuse is no laughing matter. I also had to end Stardust's life before he could hurt my stepdaughter further."

Filthy sighs "Spoiled’s parents have always spoiled her all of her life, forcing her to follow in their hoofsteps. I can see she would attempt to do the same for Diamond, but I never thought she would go this far."

I spoke "You're a good stallion Mr Rich, plus the resident clairvoyant also predicted that Spoiled would try to take control of the school council. And I know that would never sit well with the EEA council since they make the rules that all schools have to abide by... And last week there, one of my fellow healers caught sight of Spoiled harassing Flintfur. That young tom's got PTSD."

Filthy sighed again.

I spoke "Last thing we need is another corrupted pony..."

Discord showed up. “Eh, Diamond Tiara would’ve been redeemed anyway.”

I spoke "But that's not for a while though. That aside, what Diamond needs in her life is positive influence. I don't think she'll be getting that from Spoiled any time soon."

Filthy spoke "If you two don’t mind, I need to be alone for now, so I can reflect."

I spoke "Fair enough. let me know when you're ready to talk."

I grab Discord by the tail and drag him out of the mansion.

Discord spoke "I was already on my way out, thank you."

I spoke "Don't make me shove a handful of deathberries down your throat."

Discord asks "You’re really on edge about this, aren’t you?"

I spoke "Let's just say child abuse is no laughing matter. When I looked at Spoiled Rich, I saw Stardust Sweeper..."

Discord spoke "I see. *Holding sprinkler of salt* Well it wasn’t like I was trying to rub salt into the wound."

I spoke "I can only hope that Diamond Tiara will have positive influence soon."

Discord asks "Of course. What’s order without chaos, after all?"

I chuckle "True there."

The pterolycus had gone into Diamond's mansion.

Discord asks "Uh, can I admit that I didn’t see that coming?"

I spoke "Spottedleaf aside, it's not often I see a winged wolf around town."

Yui then showed up.

*Back at the mansion,*

The pterolycus barks at Filthy Rich.

Filthy asks "Hmm?"

The pterolycus thoughtspoke "{My name is Lillian, it's nice to meet you sir.}"

Filthy asks "Telepathy? *Notices necklace* May I assume it’s thanks to your accessory?"

Lillian thoughtspoke "{Yeah, I don't speak the same language as the ponies do.}"

An old wedding band was on Lillian's left foreleg since she used to have a mate.

Lillian thoughtspoke "{I'm rather lonely though... My mate and pups were killed by those damned wood wolves.}"

Filthy was silent at that. “…I see.”

Lillian thoughtspoke "{And before you say anything, I won't try to force myself on you since you barely know me.}"

Filthy spoke "I know. But still, you can start over, since I can tell that Ponyville is your new home now."

Keeping her tail tucked against her rear, Lillian thoughtspoke "{Thank you sir.}"

Lillian flew off, trying to find a hidden spot.

Lillian thinks "{Stars above... I had to restrain myself from jumping him...}"

Lillian managed to find a hiding spot as the heat inside her was unbearable. “{*Moan!* Still… I must find someone!}”

Much to the pterolycus' disappointment, there were no others like her.

Lillian thinks "{Until I find someone like me… I can’t lose control!}"

Spottedleaf asks via telepathy "{You okay miss?}"

Lillian yelps "{GAH! Who’s there?!}"

Spottedleaf spoke "{Relax, I'm a friend.}"

Lillian spoke "{Well, whoever you are, you called me at a bad time. *Moan!*}"

Spottedleaf asks "{Heat cycle?}"

Lillian asks "{Is it that obvious?}"

Spottedleaf spoke "{I'm no Cadence but I can tell that you have it bad for some stallion despite the fact you are of a different species.}"

Lillian snaps "{What are you talking about cat?! Besides, I'm in heat, in case you don't already know, which you do!}"

Spottedleaf growls "{Watch it wolf, I could easily send you flying with my roar. Plus you should tell Mr Rich how you feel about him. Before some other mare does.}"

Lillian spoke "{I still don't know what you're talking about!}"

The pregnant tortoiseshell Abyssinian teleports Lillian straight back to Filthy Rich's mansion.

Spottedleaf spoke "{Just tell him!}"

Lillian spoke "{But-!}"

Spottedleaf growls "{You might not get another chance if you blow it.}"

Lillian spoke "{I JUST CAN'T!!!}"

Filthy asks "Just can't... What?"

Lillian yelps "{*Yipe!* How did he hear that?!}"

Spottedleaf was laughing her tail off.

Spottedleaf giggles "{StarClan's sake, you're such a scaredy mouse!}"

Lillian growls "{I'll get you for this, furball.}"

Twilight snaps "{You leave my adopted sister out of this.}"

Spottedleaf spoke "{Oh calm down, Twily.}"

Twilight spoke "{Sorry Spots.}"

Filthy asks "Miss Lillian?"

Spottedleaf spoke "{Well, my work here is done.}"

Spottedleaf cut the connection as Lillian got extremely nervous.

Lillian thoughtspoke "{This is so embarrassing...}"

Lillian’s entire body was blushing out of embarrassment.

Filthy spoke "Goodness, that doesn't look normal."

A muddied Diamond Tiara spoke "Daddy!"

Filthy asks "Hmm?"

Diamond spoke "Babs pushed me into a mud puddle..."

Filthy just sighed at that.

Diamond asks "Where’s mom?"

Filthy spoke "She’s on a vacation."

Lillian thinks "{That mare is racist....}"

Filthy spoke "Don’t worry, Diamond. I’ll help you get cleaned up."

Lillian thoughtspoke "{I'll help her then, there are places that a father should never touch on his daughter.}"

Filthy spoke "Very well, but be careful."

Lillian thoughtspoke "{I'll be okay Mr Rich.}"

The pterolycus leads Diamond to the bathroom.

Working the shampoo through Diamond's mane, Lillian thoughtasks "{Mind telling me what this Babs girl did to you?}"

Diamond gasps "After thinking about it, I think it was really my fault. Wait a minute! Are you talking to me?!"

Lillian thoughtspoke "{I'm using telepathy since I don't speak the same language as you or the others.}"

Diamond notices the pendant on Lillian's neck.

Diamond spoke "Oh."

Lillian thoughtspoke "{Yeah, I'm Lillian by the way.}"

Diamond sighs "Um… Diamond Tiara?"

Lillian thoughtspoke "{It's a lovely name.}"

Diamond stammers "R-Really?"

Lillian thoughtspoke "{Yes and your father is a good stallion. He deserves to be happy.}"

Diamond was silent.

Lillian thoughtspoke "{But the choice is his.}"

Diamond was still silent.

Lillian starts tickling Diamond.

Diamond asks "*Giggling!* What’re you doing?!"

Lillian thoughtspoke "{*giggling* Tickling you.}"

Diamond giggles "*Laughing* S-Stop it!"

Lillian scoops up some water with a wing before pouring it on Diamond's mane to wash the shampoo out.

Lillian thoughtasks "{Do you ever spend time with your dad?}"

Diamond spoke "…I-I try to."

Lillian thoughtspoke "{There are things that money can't buy though, love and friends.}"

Lillian picks Diamond up out of the tub before drying her off.

Diamond asks "R-Really?"

Lillian thoughtspoke "{Yeah, you have to take that first step towards friendship. Just look at the Crusaders, they became friends because they don't have their cutie marks. But even though Quick Fix has his mark, it doesn't stop him from hanging out with his friends.}"

That really made Diamond think.

Lillian's left ear twitches.

Lillian thoughtspoke "{Oh hi Mr Rich.}"

Filthy spoke "I don’t know why I came here either."

Lillian thoughtspoke "{I got Diamond all cleaned up.}"

Filthy spoke "Thank you for that. Diamond, you can head off to your room now."

*After Diamond left for her room*

Putting the dirty towel in the laundry basket, Lillian thoughtspoke "{What Diamond really needs is a good role model, one that can guide her onto the right path in life. Last thing anycreature wants are secrets revealed.}"

Filthy spoke "Agreed."

Lillian thoughtspoke "{Maybe... I could be that role model? But the final choice is yours though.}"

Filthy spoke "Hmm…"

That silence started worrying Lillian.

Lillian thoughtasks "{Mr Rich?}"

Filthy spoke "I had a feeling you were hiding something ever since you left the mansion."

Lillian thoughtspoke "{*sigh* I'm in heat... But I doubt you can help me stifle it since we're two different species.}"

Filthy spoke "…Follow me."

Confused, Lillian follows Filthy.

Soon, they were in Filthy’s room, before Filthy Rich pressed a hoof against the wall, revealing a hidden switch as a spiral of stairs heading downwards appeared.

Lillian thoughtasks "{Has this always been here?}"

Filthy spoke "Yes, but I rarely ever use it."

The two went down the stars as they suddenly reached a bedroom with a king-sized bed, some chairs, a table, a jacuzzi, and other things.

Lillian thoughtspoke "{Guess your soon to-be ex-wife didn't know about this room.}"

Filthy spoke "None whatsoever, because I wasn’t sure if she was fully prepared for it."

Filthy looked to the right and Lillian looked there too, seeing two glasses filled with rose-pink colored liquid.

Lillian thoughtspoke "{Just as a warning, I can't eat chocolate. It's toxic to dogs and wolves.}"

Filthy asks "Do not worry, this doesn’t have any. And it’s been tested before. How long does your heat cycle last?"

Lillian thoughtspoke "{About a week, it just started up.}"

Filthy spoke "I see. Hopefully, the effects will wear off more quickly this time."

Lillian thoughtspoke "{Then about 62 to 75 days after, I'd have pups.}"

Filthy spoke "I see. But if you want to leave now, this is your only chance. I won’t stop or judge you for your choice."

Lillian thoughtspoke "{I'm not backing out.}"

As Filthy and Lillian walked over to the two glasses, he spoke, “Are you absolutely certain? Because after this, neither of us can go back.”

Lillian thoughtspoke "{I'm 100% sure about this.}"

Filthy spoke "*Grabs his glass* Very well."

Using a wing like a hand, Lillian picks up the other glass.

Lillian thoughtspoke "{Here's to whatever lies ahead.}"

Filthy spoke "Indeed."

The two drink the liquid in their glasses.

Lillian thoughtspoke "{*hic* What was that...? It tasted like *hic* cherries...}"

Filthy chuckles "Whoa. If you get drunk that easily, the effects might kick in right away."

Lillian thoughtspoke "{I *hic* can't hold my *hic* liquor that well...}"

After dropping the glass, Lillian pounces on Filthy before kissing him.

Filthy chuckled before kissing Lillian back before he disconnected. “Why we have some fun in the jacuzzi?”

Lillian thoughtspoke "{*hic* Sure.}"

After a few minutes in the jacuzzi, Lillian’s field of vision started turning rose-pink with her eyes suddenly set on Filthy as her cheeks with fiercely blushing.

*Some time later,*

Lillian groans "{Ugh... That's the last time I drink...}"

The two were in the king-sized bed with the covers over them while the bed, and the room was quite a mess.

Filthy chuckles "Probably. That wore off much quicker than I expected."

Lillian thoughtspoke "{I'm sticking to water from here on...}"


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