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Hearth's Warming Celebrations Part 1

*Starlight's POV*

I was in bed with Sunburst as the both of us woke up, looking at each other in the eyes with smiles.

Sunburst yawns "Morning Starry Eyes."

"Morning Sunny Smile." I greeted back.

Sunburst places a hoof on my swollen belly.

Sunburst chuckles "Seems our little Luster wants out soon since she's becoming more active."

I couldn't help but smirk with half-lidded eyes. "Oh? You really wanna have more fun so you can see me like this more?"

Sunburst only chuckled softly.

Twilight had Akari by the tail since the filly was covered in soot.

Twilight spoke "Good morning Starlight and Sunburst."

But neither of us paid attention as we kept sweet-talking each other.

Sunburst spoke "You're always beautiful, Starry, no matter what. Seeing you like this only makes you more beautiful."

"Oh, Sunny, and you're always a handsome stud. Hearing you always seeing me as beautiful just makes me love you more." I giggled.

A sharp pain shot up my back as a contraction hits.

Setting Akari down, Twilight spoke "MEDIC!!!"

Featherwhisker, Spottedleaf, Micah and the other MeadowClan medicine cats rush into my room with towels and whatnot.

There was even a basin with water to rinse off my foal.

Shortly after the foal was born, Moth Flight cleans the foal off with warm water and some foal-friendly soap before wrapping her in a soft blanket.

Moth spoke "It's a girl!"

I couldn't help but giggle.

Moth asks "What will her name be?"

Sunburst and I could only smile as we long decided that name. "Luster Dawn."

Moth spoke "She's just as cute as my kittens were long ago."

Me and the other adults in the room winced at that, knowing how much Moth misses them.

Micah spoke "I never had the chance to meet them back when I was a normal cat."

Moth seemed a bit silent at that.

Micah asks "Mothy?"

Moth suddenly hugged Micah.

Micah wraps his arms and wings around Moth, hugging her close.

Micah spoke "Even though we're anthro cats now, my love for you hasn't changed."

Moth then started sobbing softly into Micah's chest.

Micah whispers into Moth's ear. "We could try for more."

Moth’s fur then stood on end at that, as she suddenly started purring nonstop.

Danyelle was tangled up in garland.

Danyelle spoke "Twilight~!"

Twilight asks "How’d that happen?"

Danyelle whines "This was Rainbow's doing...."

Twilight sighs "Still pranking."

Rainbow giggles "*Shows up* Hey, at least it was all in good fun."

Danyelle spoke "And besides, Golden Ingot's still on the naughty list."

Rainbow spoke "Goes without saying since he’s still an idiot."

But then two midnight-blue letters floated in, with Luna’s cutie mark on it.

Featherwhisker spoke "I'm no Danyelle but even I can tell that those are for Spottedleaf and Twilight."

Twilight asks "Really?"

Featherwhisker spoke "Yes."

Twilight spoke "Heh, and don’t forget you don’t stop pursuing peace, Spottedleaf."

Spottedleaf spoke "Peace and Patience go hand in hand."

Soon enough, warp rings from the OC-verse and Redux-verse open up as the Mane Six from those two universes arrive.

OC-verse Twilight spoke "Hey other me."

Redux-verse Twilight spoke "Hey."

Twilight spoke "Talk about timing."

Danyelle spoke "We're still missing the Mewverse Mane Six and Neoverse Mane Six as well as the Genderswap-verse Stallion Six."

Justice was laughing since Loot Loot was tangled up in tree lights.

Applejack spoke "Wow, Goldcrown actually managed to make a gateway between his world(s) and ours."

Loot Loot asks "Uh, yeah, dudes. But… a little help?"

Justice untangles Loot Loot from the tree lights.

Justice asks "What's Hearth's Warming?"

Loot Loot spoke "Yeah, new to me too."

Twilight spoke "Glad you asked!"

After Tor, Roberta, the Neoverse Mane Six and the Mewverse Mane Six arrived, Twilight and the others were gathered in the family room.

Twilight spoke "Once Moonshadow and his friends arrive, I'll tell you the story of the Hearth's Warming that almost never happened."

Loot Loot spoke "Well, hope I don’t fall asleep from boredom."

Spottedleaf spoke "Go cough up a hairball Loot Loot..."

Loot Loot spoke "...Somehow, I'm glad I ain't a cat."

Gareth chuckles "She was being sarcastic."

Loot Loot asks "Huh? Got cold paws?"

Frostleaf hits Loot Loot with ice breath, turning the Pegasus into a block of ice.

"Heehee, that's cold." I punned.

Much to the horrors of Rainbow, OC-verse Rainbow and Redux-verse Rainbow, Mewverse Rainbow had a metallic wing as well as a slightly torn ear and a scar on the face.

Mewverse Rainbow spoke "Sorry we're late, Rarity was taking too long to get ready."

Rainbow spoke "Yeesh! I want to say you look awesome, but even I think that's bad."

Mewverse Rainbow spoke "I had a severely damaged wing as a newborn so my parents had no choice but to have the doctors amputate it. But even if my universe's Starlight is stopped, it won't reverse the damage."

But that made me even more worried. "But, what if she caused that to happen, even without you even laying eyes on her or knowing her?"

OC-verse Twilight spoke "My universe's Danyelle warned me that if anything is affected in the past... Like stopping a rainboom... It could lead to nasty effects on the present."

Redux-verse Twilight spoke "I agree since my universe's Starlight had been reformed early on thanks to Danyelle's Dimensional Scream."

I spoke "If it weren't for Spottedleaf, I would've gone down the path of darkness."

Twilight spoke "Hey, I still would be able to stop you, while possibly traveling to alternate futures."

I playfully shove Twilight.

I giggle "You're such an egghead though Twilight."

Rainbow asks "*Smirk* Say, Mewverse me, is your Twilight afraid of a certain food?"

Mewverse Rainbow snickers "Yeah."

OC-verse Rainbow giggles "Same with my universe's Twilight and the Redux-verse Twilight."

Neoverse Rainbow "Same with my universe's Twilight."

Spottedleaf snickers "Hey Twilight~! Quesadilla."

Twilight, OC-verse Twilight, Redux-verse Twilight, Neoverse Twilight and Mewverse Twilight scream as four of them were now up on the ceiling in fear.

"...Really? They're still scared of that stuff?" I deadpanned.

OC-verse Twilight spoke "I can't be overly stimulated since I have foals on the way."

Rainbowtwo was on her back while laughing.

The rest of the Mewverse Mane Six ask "Huh?"

Orion spoke "Don't mind her."

Mewverse Rainbow asks "Wait a sec! Why does she look like me?!"

Rainbowtwo spoke "I was cloned from my universe's Rainbow though I wound up a Mewtwo."

Mewverse Rainbow's eye twitched.

Neoverse Rainbow whacks her Mewverse counterpart on the back of the head.

Mewverse Rainbow asks "What gives?!"

Rainbow spoke "Girl, that was a headslap. Like Danyelle always says..."

Danyelle, OC-verse Danyelle and Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "Slap in the face would be humiliating, back of the head's a wake-up call."

Mewverse Twilight spoke "Sorry about that. My Rainbow Dash has some anger issues. More than any of yours I bet."

OC-verse Danyelle and Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "Shadow is worse..."

Mewverse Twilight asks "Should my universe consider itself lucky?"

Neoverse Twilight spoke "Obviously, since your universe and my universe don't have.... What's the word I'm looking for..."

OC-verse Danyelle and Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "Mobians."

Neoverse Twilight spoke "Right, that."

Rainbow spoke "But this universe has its own Sonic, Azure Wind."

A third portal mirror shimmers before the Stallion Six tumble out.

Moonshadow spoke "Elusive, get your hoof away from my ass."

OC-verse Twilight asks "What the...?"

Redux-verse Twilight giggles "My universe's Sonic has 8 wives though."

Rainbow asks "What the? Who are they?"

Redux-verse Twilight spoke "In order of marriage... There's Roll, Blaze, Spitfire, Aria, Michelle, Sally, Pixie and Zephyr. And before the Fluttershys ask, it's not Zephyr Breeze."

Fluttershy couldn’t help but sigh in relief.

OC-verse Fluttershy, Redux-verse Fluttershy, Neoverse Fluttershy and Mewverse Fluttershy also sigh in relief.

Redux-verse Fluttershy spoke "Oh thank goodness..."

OC-verse Twilight asks "Say Mewverse me, have you ever had a relaxing day where you don't have to deal with constant wars?"

“Yeah, that’s a good question.” Twilight agreed.

Redux-verse Twilight spoke "I agree!"

Mewverse Twilight winced at that.

Redux-verse Twilight spoke "Guess that's a no."

Redux-verse Sonic spoke "Twilight, you're an idiot! You forgot about Moltry!"

Redux-verse Twilight spoke "Hey, you’re her guardian."

Redux-verse Sonic spoke "Gah! Good point…"

A fiery wing whacks Redux-verse Sonic upside the back of the head.

Moltry spoke "Sonic, you're an idiot. I'm your ninth wife."

Azure fainted from that amount of numbers.

Looking at his Redux-verse counterpart, OC-verse Sonic asks "Dude, what the heck is wrong with you?"

Redux-verse Sonic spoke "Well… a lot has changed with me, my wives and kids, all in a good way."

OC-verse Twilight spoke "I still find it weird that my universe's Lance is a hedgecat while the Lance in the Redux-verse is a hedgefox."

Moltry, Michelle, Pixie, Zephyr, Redux-verse Roll, Redux-verse Blaze, Redux-verse Spitfire, Redux-verse Aria and Redux-verse Sally gang up on Redux-verse Sonic in a dogpile.

But then Sonic went into his 1,000 pound-form, getting really obese as he started to lift them up before the nine wives smirked.

Michelle giggles "You really didn’t think we’d see that coming?"

All nine of them went into their 1,000 pound-forms, becoming really obese as Sonic struggled to keep them up before…

OC-verse Danyelle's left eye twitches since being overweight was her trigger.

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "Calm down, OC-verse me. At least it’s not you in there."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "*Takes a deep breath, calming down* You’re right, point taken."

Redux-verse Sonic’s nine wives pinned him down again since he couldn’t hold them up anymore.

Twilight spoke "*sweatdrop* Good thing the family room is ground floor or I would have blown a gasket."

Redux-verse Twilight spoke "Believe me, we’ve strengthened a LOT of buildings."

Redux-verse Tails spoke "I still remember that one time my universe's Rainbow punched me so hard that I crashed into a building! I was just a regular Mobian fox back then. But then that stupid hyena threw a thunderstone at me, causing me to become what I am now."

Quick Fix spoke "Whoa."

Scorching spoke "hey everyone! Gareth's made a Hearth's Warming feast!"

Redux-verse Sonic and his nine wives’ stomachs growled like manticores.

Gareth spoke "There's plenty of cooked veggies for the ponies. And the meat is for the rest."

Redux-verse Rainbow asks "How much food did ya make?"

Gareth chuckles "Enough to feed an army! I asked Spike to help me out."

Despite the cone on her neck, Redux-verse Danyelle asks "And how big would that army be?"

Gareth spoke "About 250 since the Alliance alone has about 100 alicorns."

Redux-verse Tails spoke "Then that should be enough."

Indigo laughs "Last one to the kitchen is a rotten Exeggcute!"

Indigo ran off to the kitchen.

But then thirty or more ponies ran in there, followed by Redux-Verse Sonic and his nine wives, trampling over Indigo.

Redux-verse Danyelle laughs "Talk about being flat as a pancake!"

Frosted spoke "Yeah, he had plenty of pancakes."

Snowfall giggles.

Indigo groans "Ow..."

Hotaru asks "You okay Uncle Gogo?"

Indigo spoke "Maybe…"

Ash chuckles "You're okay you oaf, I've handled worse things than you."

Redux-verse Tails chuckles "Man, my universe's Sonic and his wives gotta be real hungry."

Redux-verse Rusty spoke "You're one to talk dad!"

Redux-verse Tails asks "Yeah, but remember that prank our Ein managed to pull on those ten?"

Redux-verse Rusty sighs "Not just that, you haven't gotten over the loss of your wife...."

Redux-Verse Tails glared at Redux-Verse Rusty at that.

Redux-verse Miyuki spoke "Miles....."

Redux-verse Zoey spoke "We're still looking for more, and besides, thanks to Fluttershy asking a cockatrice to petrify Inari, we have a WHOLE LOT more time to find the stuff."

OC-verse Zoey asks "You talking about the blue aqua?"

Redux-Verse Zoey spoke "Exactly."

OC-verse Zoey spoke "Good thing I had some stored away in case but the only drawbacks are old age or if the body was fully incinerated."

Redux-verse Zoey asks "So… You’ll help?"

OC-verse Zoey spoke "Of course! And there's a cockatrice on your head...."

A female cockatrice with dark purple plumage, light lilac neck feathers and a pale lavender head along with a red crest of feathers was perched on Redux-verse Zoey's head.

Redux-Verse Zoey spoke "Oh, this is Edith. She means no harm."

the ponies all sigh with relief.

Spottedleaf spoke "I've got a pet phoenix."

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "No way! I have a pet phoenix too!"

Spottedleaf asks "Who's your phoenix called?"

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "His name's Kindle."

The front door slams shut suddenly after Zecora arrives and she was extremely sluggish due to the cold weather.

Zecora spoke "Brr! I am sssso not built for thissss weather...."

Danyelle asks "Need a coat?"

Ben spoke "I thought she was in hibernation..."

Zecora asks "Why would I missss thissss holiday?"

To Zecora's surprise, there were four more versions of the Mane Six that she knows.

Zecora spoke "Tell me I am not hallucinating."

Danyelle spoke "You're not, the other 24 mares are from 4 different universes. The Redux-verse, the OC-verse, the Neoverse and the Mewverse."

Zecora asks "Ah, and those stallions that look ssssimilar to them?"

Vince spoke "Genderswap-verse."

Zecora spoke "Ah, I ssssee."

OC-verse Twilight spoke "Oof... I think I felt a kick."

Twilight spoke "Wow. I was wondering why your belly was so big. You're eight months pregnant."

OC-verse Twilight spoke "Since one's bigger, I'm stuck in my combat form for the next three months."

Twilight spoke "Again, wow."

Redux-verse Twilight spoke "Least I didn't have that issue when I was pregnant with Luke."

A dark blue furred three year old Mobian cat with ice blue eyes was on Redux-verse Twilight's back.

Twilight spoke "Aw, he's cute."

Looking at Twilight, Redux-verse Luke spoke "You look like lanky vewsion of my pony momma."

Twilight asks "Sorry, what?"

Danyelle spoke "Toddlers of any species have a hard time pronouncing words like rabbit... Thus it sounds like wabbit instead."

Twilight spoke "Oh."

Redux-verse Twilight spoke "Enough small talk! Let's PARTY!!!!"

Bubble Berry and all five Pinkie Pies spoke "YEAH!!!"

Danyelle was off in a different room that was soundproof while talking to a foxlike demonic alicorn mare.

Danyelle giggles "*via compact* Hey Honey Bee, what's up ya foxy bitch?"

Honey Bee giggles "Hehehe, when was the last time you came to party in Hell?"

Danyelle spoke "I was only ten at the time and on the run with my twin brother and my seven year old brother. Oh and Fireball's with my fellow alicorns plus she's got a mate now. But ya should have heard Blitz's anger! He threatened to kill Mistybreeze... The dumbass went as far as calling the chakat a slut..."

Honey Bee asks "You think that was bad, you should've seen him when he joined Fireball's first time at one of my parties, he was seriously drunk after beating me in a drink-off, which was giving a not-okay vibe, ya know?"

Danyelle spoke "I can easily imagine you getting along with Pinkie, she's a total party animal. And with Hearth's Warming fast approaching, we've got folks from five other universes spending it with us."

Honey Bee spoke "HA! Sounds like a wild party!"

Danyelle spoke "You're invited too under one condition, no swearing around the children."

Honey Bee asks "Hey, I'll try. Mind if I bring my boyfriend along?"

Danyelle spoke "Fuck yeah!"

Honey Bee spoke "Nice!"

Danyelle spoke "I should let Neoverse Rainbow know that her boyfriend isn't allowed to swear either. And please don't laugh at my Redux-verse counterpart."

To be Continued

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