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Sonic Lightningboom

*Danyelle's POV*

Since Rainbow was recovering from having her foals, I was practicing my sonic lightningboom since I hadn't been able to use it since Chrysalis got shot down the one time.

Man… This is gonna be sweet!

Carrying her son with a foreleg, Rainbow spoke "Hey Danyelle."

“‘Sup, Dash.” I greeted.

The colt coos a bit.

I ask "Have you and Azure thought of a name for them yet?"

Rainbow spoke "Not yet, we're trying to think of something."

“Oh.” I noted.

Rainbow spoke "Given who his parents are, he's gonna be as fast as a bolt of lightning when he grows up. Though the filly lacks that speed gene."

But then Rainbow Dash gasped. “That just gave me an idea! But I’ll talk to Azure about it first.”

Azure spoke "Hey Dashie."

Rainbow Dash giggles "Heehee! Hey, Windy."

The married couple kissed.

Rainbow spoke "I think I know what our colt’s name will be."

Azure spoke "I was thinking Bold Lightning for the colt and Mint Leaf for the filly."

Rainbow Dash spoke "You read my mind!"

I spoke "There's a competition coming up in Cloudsdale so I've been practicing for it."

Rainbow Dash spoke "I hoped I could enter, but I’m still exhausted. So I’ll have to cheer ya on."

I spoke "Fair enough, I'll win the Best Young Flyer's competition for both of us then Dash."

“If I had wings, I’d cheer you on too.” A familiar voice said as I blushed with my wings flaring up.

I spoke "You could ask Sparkles for a cloud walking spell."

Silas spoke "Thanks. *Places hand on my shoulder before whispering into my ear* I’ll remember that, and when you win, I’ll give you something special."

That made my fur stand on end as I decided that I couldn’t, I repeat, COULD NOT lose this competition!

Vincent spoke "I'm taking part too sis."

Roll spoke "I don't have wings though..."

“Remember what I said about Twilight’s cloud-walking spells?” I reminded.

Roll spoke "Oh right."

Vince and I head off to Cloudsdale.

Roll spoke "TWILIGHT!!!"

Twilight asks "Huh?"

Roll spoke "There's a competition coming up and I want to be there to cheer Vincent on but I don't have wings."

The other non-winged ponies showed up.

Applejack spoke "We wanna cheer them on too."

Blizzardstar spoke "Count me, Flowerstep and Crosswind out. We don't do good with heights."

Rarity asks "Is it a Chakat thing?"

Blizzardstar spoke "Non avian taurs are heavier than ponies."

Rarity spoke "Oh."

Twilight spoke "And I'd rather not get iced if you got hurt though Rarity."

Rarity spoke "Fair point Twilight."

Silas asks "Well, what’re we waiting for?"

Twilight spoke "This spell is rather difficult to use more than once."

So Twilight uses the spell on Roll and Silas just as Nyx sneezes, causing a magic surge to hit the two Abyssinians.

Roll groans "What just happened?"

A pink wing fans out in Roll's face.

Roll gasps "Is that...?"

Silas asks "What?"

Roll gasps "You've got wings!"

*Meanwhile in Cloudsdale*

I ask "You okay bro?"

Vincent sighs "I’m nervous, okay?"

I spoke "We both are."

A stallion laughs "HAHAHA!!! What’s this? Flying cats? I thought they were scared of heights."

The two heard a trio of mocking laughter.

I restrain my twin by the shoulder.

I spoke "You three better flap off right now!"

One stallion scoffs "Or what? We all know you’re gonna blow it like Rainbow Crash."

I hiss "You leave Rainbow out of this Hoops!"

Hoops scoffs "Pssh! Come on. That Sonic Rainboom is nothing but an old mare’s tale."

One of the stallions spoke "Uh Hoops, you do realize that yellow cat pulled off a Lightningboom one time."

Hoops spoke "Come on! That’s just a myth! No way she did it."

I growl "I have pulled it off!"

But the Pegasus trio didn’t believe that whatsoever before a ball made of electricity struck the cloud, missing them.

A tom spoke "Not nice, picking on a lady."

I blushed at that voice.

To both my and Vincent's surprise, Rainbow and the others arrive.

Rainbow spoke "You three trample off and leave Danyelle alone."

Then Silas showed up, wielding a high-tech core blade and a high-tech blaster.

Rainbow spoke "Danyelle and I will prove that the Sonic Rainboom and Sonic LIghtningboom do exist!"

Hoops laughs "Ha! Yeah, right."

The trio left while laughing.

Spottedleaf threw a bolt of lightning at the trio, electrocuting them.

Spottedleaf spoke "Bullies are the same in any world..."

Silas asks "You okay, Dany?"

I growl "I'll show those three..."

Silas put his weapons away before he hugged me with his arms and… wings?!

I ask "When did you get wings?!?"

Even Vincent was a bit surprised since Roll also had wings.

Silas chuckles "Heh. Surprised us too, but you can thank Nyx for that."

I ask "Magic surge?"

Twilight spoke "Magic surge."

Rainbow Dash groans "What did I get myself into?"

Roll spoke "You'll do great Rainbow."

To the shock of Rainbow and the four cats, Rarity also had wings but they were different.

I ask "Rarity?!? when did you get wings?"

Rarity spoke "A spell Twilight pulled off."

I spoke "Aw nertz! The competition is starting soon!"

I flew off with Vincent and the other four following me to the sign up counter.

I ask "You sure you want to go through with this Dash?"

Rainbow Dash spoke "Y-Yeah."

*After the six had signed up for the competition*

I spoke "May the best one win."

Rainbow Dash spoke "R-Right."

I spoke "Azure's cheering you on from Ponyville."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Thanks. I needed that."

A warp ring opens up before the OC-verse Danyelle steps out with her world's Rainbow following.

OC-verse Rainbow spoke "I'll be watching though."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "As will I."

Rainbow Dash asks "Anyone else mind-blown?"

I spoke "They're probably here for support."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

Soon enough, the competition was underway.

I had noticed that Rainbow had swapped her number for Silas' number.

I spoke "Silas, you're up next!"

Silas asks "Really now?"

I spoke "Yeah, Rainbow-chan switched her number for yours."

Silas spoke "Must’ve gotten nervous."

I spoke "Yeah and will you HURRY UP Rarity-chan? You're up next!"

Roll was pacing about since she was nervous.

Vincent spoke "Roll. I’m sure you’ll do great."

An announcer pony spoke "Numbers 12 and 13, you're both up next!"

Vincent spoke "Guess that's us Roll."

Roll spoke "O-Okay."

I spoke "Good luck bro."

Vincent spoke "Thanks, sis."

I spoke "I don't know what to tell you Dash but you, me and Rarity-chan are the last three to perform."

Rainbow Dash gasps "W-What?"

I spoke "Like it or not, our acts have to overlap and..."

Rarity spoke "Rarity is ready."

I shove Rainbow towards the curtains as Rarity follows.

I spoke "Remember Dash... Azure, Mint and Bold are cheering for you."

Rainbow Dash spoke "O-Okay."

To Rainbow's surprise, Azure was sitting beside Twilight while Bold was on his head and Mint on Twilight's head.

I spoke "We got this Dash."

Rainbow Dash nervously spoke "*Gulp!* Okay."

I flew through rings made from clouds as Rainbow follows me.

A glint of light was in my eyes before I crashed into something, causing the three bullies to laugh.

I groan "Ugh... time for phase two, come on Rainbow-chan."

I flew up into the air before flying around the clouds, making them spin fast.

Spottedleaf spoke "Look, phase two is working."

Twilight and the others cheer.

I lose control of one cloud as it got sent flying towards Princess Celestia who had ducked to avoid it.

I spoke "Time for phase three, the *gulp* Sonic Lightningboom... Wings, don't fail me now."

Rainbow and I flew high into the sky alongside Rarity.

As soon Rarity flew high enough she called out to the ponies down below. "Look upon me, Equestria, for I am Rarity!" She shouts out showing off her wings as the light reflected off them showing different colors, as ponies were awestruck by the beauty of her wings.

But the heat from the sun had vaporized Rarity's wings, causing her to fall. The three Wonderbolts and the OC-verse Danyelle attempt to save Rarity but they were knocked unconscious by her flailing hooves.

I shout “Oh crap! Pigeon into the pavement! Come on Dash! We got a few sparrows ª to save!”

Both Rainbows spoke “Right behind you Dany!

I flew down towards the five alongside both Rainbows as mach cones form around the three of us, thus pulling off a double Sonic Rainboom and a Sonic Lightningboom at the exact same time.

I grab Soarin and Spitfire as Rainbow grabs Rarity and Misty Fly while OC-verse Rainbow grabs OC-verse Danyelle before we bank back up at high speed.


Azure spoke "Not just ONE Sonic Rainboom, we got to see TWO at the same time!"

Twilight spoke "A double Rainboom is quite a sight to behold, ponies and gryphons will be talking about it for weeks!"

Silas spoke "You got that right."

Vincent spoke "That oughta shut those bullies up."

We soon landed.

The Wonderbolts were taken aside to recover.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "That was awesome."

OC-Verse Rainbow Dash spoke "Hay yeah that was!"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Heh, I'm so going to prank you when we get back to our world!"

OC-Verse Rainbow Dash spoke "Oh, bring it on!"

Silas soon landed.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I triple Diamond Dog dare you to prank our world's Twilight with a bucket of ice water!"

I spoke "What a rush!"


Author's Note:

ª - Skate Rat lingo for anyone wounded, stranded, or in danger.

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