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Dragon Dilemma

*Spottedleaf's POV*

Two weeks had passed since the alicorns and I had fought off the corruption.

Rarity was hiding under a pile of blankets since she had goofed up on a spell and now, she was stuck in dragon form.

“An aquatic dragon?” I noticed.

Rarity spoke "Y-yeah... And I'm in heat again...."

“Oh boy… I better find Blizzardstar.” I noted.

Blizzardstar spoke "I got this though."

Blizzardstar drags Rarity off through a portal to the Chuddle Hotel.

Amethyst giggles "Reminds me of the times when I was gravid."

Igneel chuckles *Smirk* Oho? Are you starving for me again?"

Amethyst giggles "Oh Iggy."

Igneel and Amethyst flew off through a portal to the Chuddle Hotel.

“Geez, I hope no one else suddenly turns into dragons.” I said, not knowing that I might’ve jinxed it.

Spike spoke "Silly cat."

“What?” I asked in confusion.

Rainbow spoke "My counterpart can turn into a dragon."

“That’s because of a necklace.” I pointed out.

Natsu spoke "Uh Spots, you might want to look in a mirror..."

“Huh?” I asked in confusion before I saw my reflection and…

A dark tortoiseshell dragon face was staring back at me.

“WHAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!” I yelled out in shock.

Frostleaf spoke "Spotty, calm down!"

“C-C-Calm down? Calm down?!” I asked, panicked before I felt something burning in me.

Lucy wingslaps me on the back of the head.

Lucy spoke "Your husband told you to calm down."

The burning sensation inside me felt like it was getting hotter!

I shot off lightning from my mouth into the sky.

Mistheart asks "Mom?"

Letting out electric breath didn’t even help, it’s as if it made the my temperature go higher!

Frostleaf spoke "*nervous gulp* I'm so in for it..."

Vera showed up. “Not really. My mom’s working on a necklace that should make you her size, and you can use it for one-time only if ya want.”

Flowerstep spoke "First Snowfire, then Mythic Fashion... I wonder what Rarity and Blizzard's next kid will look like."

Pinkie asks "A Dragokat?"

Danyelle spoke "Called it since I saw it in my vision."

Pinkie asks "Awesome! So, how’s you and your tomfriend, Dany?"

A silver band was on Danyelle's left ring finger.

Danyelle spoke "Well..."

Pinkie gasps "You’re engaged?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

The sea green siren that Danyelle had found was on the cat's back.

Rainbow Dash spoke "Hey, it’s the little siren we found in Ineighba."

Danyelle spoke "She imprinted on me though."

Celestia spoke "Cool it Starswirl, I know you're upset but you shouldn't take your anger out on a child."

Vera spoke "I can agree with that."

Adagio spoke "Tch... He's the reason why my sisters and I got banished long ago."

Sonata spoke "Um, to be fair we were causing a lot of trouble."

Foxsong spoke "I haven't done anything wrong though..."

Cocoa glares at Starswirl.

Cocoa spoke "If you even THINK about hurting my marefriend, I'll rip your beard off!"

Danyelle scritches Sonata behind the left ear, causing the pale arctic blue siren to purr.

Rainbow Dash giggles "You part lynx or something, Sonata?"

Adagio spoke "I've never heard her make that sound before."

Danyelle had pulled out a few tacos from her hammerspace, causing Sonata to become wide eyed in glee.

Aria spoke "Of course."

Azure chuckles "Now I see why you two call her a tacobrain."

Aria teases "*Smirk* Hmm… Adagio’s got a bit of an obsession with chili carrots."

Adagio spoke "*Embarrassed blush* Aria!"

Azure spoke "*blush* H-hey! I have that same obsession too you know..."

Rainbow Dash snickers "*Smirk* You hungry for those now, or are ya hungry for me, blue colt?"

Azure pounces on Rainbow as the two speedy alicorns tumble through the portal to the Hotel.

Danyelle snickers "I heard a little rumor that Aria likes cheesesticks."

Adagio spoke "*Smirk* That and she has an obsession with nachos."

Danyelle spoke "Not to mention, you have a curry obsession Dagi."

Adagio spoke "You do too, Danyelle!"

Sonata spoke "Siren pile!"

Danyelle yelps "W-w-w-w-wait!"

The Abyssinian-alicorn hybrid female was soon dogpiled by the Dazzlings.

Pinkie spoke "Heeheehee! That’s funny!"

Danyelle groans "Why me?"

To Twilight's surprise, Starswirl was chuckling at the sight.

Luna spoke "I think he’s starting to lighten up."

Celestia spoke "We did task Danyelle with reforming the Dazzlings after all."

Maylu spoke "I have to wait another 5 years before I can get married."

Roll teases "*Smirk* And to who?"

Maylu spoke "I'm not telling~!"

Vera spoke "*Bringing out an necklace* All done! Mom just finished the growth necklace."

Taking the necklace, I drag Frostleaf through the portal.

Vera asks "So, do you two want a separate room, or do you wanna share a room with Rarity and Blizzardstar?"

Adagio spoke "I think they left already."

Vera spoke "Due to the new birth, yeah, I’d say that’s pretty likely, and Rarity’s holding back her primal instincts. Hmm… You three sirens look like you could use a trio of tritons."

The sound of three singing male sirens was heard, thus putting the Dazzlings into a trance.

Vera spoke "Well what a coincidence, said trio is here in the Song Sea Suite. How weird is that? You three lady sirens better get there quick and sing too before they head out."

The location and advice managed to get through to the Dazzlings as they headed to the Song Sea Suite and started singing as well, despite the fact their song-gems were damaged.

Danyelle spoke "Uh Vera, their song-gems are damaged... and they can't be fixed by alicorn or draconequus magic."

The Dazzling heard that before shutting their mouths and snapping themselves out of it.

Vera spoke "*Facepalm!* Maybe they’ll be fixed on their own when they learn how to sing again."

Adagio attempted to sing despite the fact her song-gem was damaged.

Adagio sang "*raspy* Deep beneath the ocean of pride and all ambition, lie the fears I have never known... UGH!"

Vera spoke "Well, good thing that didn’t get through."

As Vera said, it seem the three male sirens didn’t hear any of that.

Sonata spoke "We need help."

Danyelle spoke "My talent is singing too! Maybe I can help!"

Danyelle started singing the same song Adagio tried to sing.

Danyelle sang "Deep beneath the ocean of pride and all ambition, lie the fears I have never known. Storms will fade given time, as the nightmares take flight. Let me not suffer them alone."

Danyelle and Adagio sang in unison.

Danyelle and Adagio sang "If I should be led astray, may the warm light of day gracefully guide my way home."

Vera spoke "Mmm… Awesome improvement already, Dagi! Hmm? Your song-gem!"

Adagio sang "Fortune and Power, Admiration by the hour. Feared we were, once upon a time. O’ how the tides have turned. My voice rots, my spirit burns. All I’ve loved, no longer mine."

Danyelle sang "Though we swam the same shore, Dare I open that door and pour all of my trust in a Siren?"

Adagio sang "Curse my sage advice! I would pay any price, just to see their smiles again."

Danyelle sang "Magic is the echo of my voice, It’s true."

Adagio sang "Yet, the heart to wield it betrays something within you."

Danyelle sang "What would you have me do, Sirens of the sea?"

Adagio sang "With that gift of yours, we can change our destinies."

Danyelle sang "How can a single song, right what has been wronged?"

Aria sang "Trust me when I say, this is the only way."

Danyelle sang "I fear not any curse."

Adagio sang "Sing now, you know the words"

Danyelle and the Dazzlings sang "Come forth and hear us for guidance, who needs stars when you have Sirens?"

Sonata sang "Seduced by phantom treasure. Riches, fame, and pleasure. Under our spell you’ll roam forever."

Aria sang "As your souls wander, we will grow stronger."

Dazzlings sang "Follow us, through the thunder as we tear you asunder."

Danyelle and Dazzlings sang "Come forth and hear us for guidance. Who needs stars when you have Sirens?"

Aria sang "Tonight, you’ll reclaim your song. In turn, lead me home ‘fore the dawn"

Sonata sang "In the dark, we’re..."

Danyelle and Adagio sang "Deep beneath the oceans of pride and all ambition. Filled with power, we have risen From the shadows."

Aria sang "Storms will fade, given time. Let the nightmares take flight. We will not suffer them alone."

Danyelle sang "‘dagio, lend me your guidance."

Adagio sang "Come, child, I’ll lend you my guidance."

Danyelle and Adagio sang "Who needs stars when you have Sirens?"

Dazzlings sang "Now that we’ve reclaimed our song."

Danyelle sang "Now that you’ve reclaimed your song. My magic’s sealed by your bond."

Danyelle and Adagio sang "If I should be led astray, may the warm light of day gracefully guide my way home."

The next thing we knew, the Dazzling’s voices were totally mesmerizing again since their song-gems were fully healed.

Vincent spoke "Oh sugar honey iced tea... It seems Danyelle has siren blood in her veins."

Lan spoke "If that's so the case Vince, you and I do as well."

Danyelle asks "Huh?"

Twilight spoke "Only a siren can help a siren fix a damaged song-gem... But Danyelle doesn't even have a song-gem yet her singing alone fixed three song-gems in one go."

Danyelle spoke "Wow…"

Twilight asks "Say Starswirl, did you know any other sirens aside from the Dazzlings?"

Starswirl spoke "I believe I did, but she was different for some reason."

Starswirl made a projection of the siren.

The Hikari trio were wide eyed at seeing the image of their ancestor.

The projection suddenly started glitching.

Danyelle started hissing suddenly.

But then the glitching stopped. “Whew! Finally! About time that bearded mage used that spell to make my form.”

Danyelle gasps "B-but HOW? You shouldn't be even alive in this time!"

The spirit spoke "Well, you’re right. I am dead, so my spirit’s just giving you three a small visit through the projection Starswirl made as I planned to do so at the right time."

Danyelle thinks "{Good thing Emmy's not here to see this.}"

Lan and Vincent had both fainted from shock.

The spirit asks "Too much of an entrance?"

Atem spoke "Very much so Sein."

Sein spoke "Atem, I see you haven’t changed a bit."

Atem chuckles "Aside from the fact I'm married now."

Sein asks "Finally proposed to Somnambula, eh?"

Atem spoke "I waited a long time to pop the question."

Sein asks "So, how much fun did you two have?"

Atem spoke "There are things I dare not say in front of young ears."

Sein spoke "Fair enough. G-Gah!"

Sein’s projection started glitching again.

Danyelle spoke "I guess this is goodbye."

Nyx was hanging off Twilight's left wing since the young filly was playing.

Sein screams "Wait! This doesn’t feel… like StarClan… It feels like… GAAAAHHH!!!"

The projection screamed before it vanished.

All of a sudden, a faint bump was seen on Danyelle's stomach.

Danyelle spoke "Oh great StarClan no...."

Vera spoke "Okay, did NOT see that coming."

Twilight spoke "It's been ten years since someone last reincarnated though, not counting Nyx."

The Dazzlings went off into the Song Sea Suite with beautiful singing voices.

Danyelle spoke "I hate this.... It's just like what happened with Twilight when Nightmare Moon had been reborn...."

Twilight spoke "Now you know how I feel."

Danyelle spoke "Oh shut up and sit..."

Twilight was face down on the ground.

Danyelle spoke "I wonder how Spotty and Frosty are doing…"

*Meanwhile, in our room*

I spoke "Th-that tickles!"

Frostleaf chuckles "Oh? So you do like me bigger, eh?"

I stammer "K-kinda."

Frostleaf spoke "*Smirk* Well then, before we order some food and drinks, why don’t we have some fun? Because I think my body’s not the only thing that got bigger."

W-Whoa… The way Frostleaf’s flirting with me like this… It just… makes my very existence feel like it’s in Celestia’s sun! I… I must… have. Frostleaf! ALL. TO! MYSELF!!!

A yowl split the air since Danyelle had gone into labor.

Twilight spoke "Good freakin' grief..."

Rainbow Dash spoke "You’re tellin’ me."

*A few hours later*

“That *Pant* was so much… I thought I was gonna bloat up like a balloon.” I panted with a satisfied blush and smile on my face.

Frostleaf spoke "*Panting* Yeah… but if your bloat up… I do too. It kinda… works both ways in… Vera’s dimension."

Oh, my belly was really huge and gravid, it’s like a boulder. I’m definitely gonna have plenty of fertilized eggs to lay, but Frosty and I were happy about it.

I spoke "I shudder to think about the amount of diapers...."

Frosty spoke "But yeah, at least we still love each other. And soon, we’ll have our own dragokits to love too."

“Oh Frosty…” I purred.

“Oh Spotty…” Frosty purred back as the two of us locked lips and kept making out for hours until we fell asleep, tails intertwined, our bodies embracing each other, our lips never disconnecting and our tongues wrapped around each other.


Danyelle was holding a fur covered siren in her arms.

Danyelle purrs "Hello my little Ocean Melody."

The sea green siren had been named Lettuce Rush.

Danyelle giggles "Guess diapers are gonna be a problem..."

Vera spoke "Hmm, looks like fashion for lower-halves being tails are in order."

Danyelle spoke "Especially with the surplus of sirens that have yet to be born."

Vera spoke "Yeah."

Celestia spoke "Come to think about it, many of the sirens had died out shortly after the Dazzlings got banished. Including Foxsong and Lettuce Rush, there's only eight true sirens left."

Luna spoke "Again, they may have gone into hiding, making us think they died out."

Foxsong spoke "My parents were killed though."

Cocoa spoke "I got an idea! We can look for disguised sirens!"

Ozul spoke "Looks like we have new hunts starting soon."

Celestia spoke "True but the only ways to find a disguised siren is to look for a necklace or by hearing siren song."


Author's Note:

Siren and the Seamare song belongs to Carbon Maestro

End of Season 3.5

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