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It Ain't Easy Being Breezies/ Leap of Faith

*Fluttershy's POV*

I was busy preparing for the Breezie migration.

Haru spoke "Hey Fluttershy."

“Hi, Haru.” I smiled.

Haru spoke "I've never seen a Breezie before."

Roll spoke "Neither have I."

Parasoul spoke "I haven’t either."

Parasoul showed up with Umbrella.

Flowerstep spoke "They're very delicate creatures that can't handle strong winds. Plus they travel in large groups."

Umbrella asks "Wow… Really?"

Ocellus spoke "Y-yeah but they don't like loud voices either..."

Harestar calls out "The migration is coming!"

But then growling was heard from Hungern.

Umbrella asks "Hungry?"

Hungern growled with a nod.

Ears flatten, Haru spoke "The Breezies are not for eating."

Umbrella spoke "Hungern only eats food and bad guys. So he won’t eat the cute Breezies."

Hungern nodded in agreement at that.

I sigh with relief. "Oh thank StarClan, I'd hate to see what would have happened if a Breezie got eaten."

Umbrella spoke "Let’s just say ya don’t wanna fight me and Hungern when he’s ravenous or overfed."

I spoke "Warning, my Stare is a lot stronger than it was when I was a Pegasus."

Umbrella spoke "Please don’t scare Hungern. He’s my friend."

I spoke "I only use it when some creature misbehaves."

Umbrella asks "Please?"

Oh dear, Umbrella’s giving me the puppy dog eyes.

Several Breezies float past us.

Umbrella whispers "*Starry-eyed* Wow…"

Aphmau had to tie Ingot up so he wouldn't disrupt the Breezies' path.

“Thank you, Aph.” I sighed in gratitude.

Aphmau spoke "Bakas will be bakas."

Parasoul spoke "Agreed."

Aphmau spoke "And as to why I have a Neighponese accent, it's because I'm from Neighpon. Same as Danyelle-chan."

Parasoul spoke "I see."

I couldn’t help but wonder what that magic I was sensing inside Parasoul, or why it felt familiar.

Aphmau asks via one on one telepathy with me. "{You sensed that too?}"

“{Yeah. Do you think Parasoul is an Element of Kindness?}” I telepathically asked Aphmau.

Aphmau spoke "{I sense something else... Far off in the Diamond Dog kingdom... Somedog has lead poisoning...}"

"{What?}" I asked in concern before I noticed Berkan walking by, as if he was heading towards somewhere.

Erza calls Berkan over since she was on the back of a Monstrous Nightmare.

Erza spoke "Hey Berk, I was planning to visit Caninia soon."

Berkan spoke "Tch. I was heading there myself."

Erza spoke "Perhaps we can head that way together."

Berkan asks "You know other Diamond Dogs could be heading there too, right?"

Erza spoke "I'm the only half dragon though since my mother was a dragon, my father was a Diamond Dog."

Twilight spoke "I didn't know that."

Erza spoke "Besides, I know you’re thinking of some dog there, Berkan."

Applejack spoke "Ah wonder what mah gryphon counterpart's up to."

Rainbow giggles "Hehe, maybe she and her mate are stuffing themselves."

Danyelle spoke "You're one to talk Skittles, I saw you and Azure stuffing your faces with chili carrots that one time!"

Applejack spoke "Especially at the Chuddle Hotel."

Adagio was drooling.

Adagio spoke "Chili carrots...."

Alto showed up. “Ya like ‘em too?”

Adagio spoke "Y-yeah..."

Aria was thinking about nachos.

Largo asks "Hungry for nachos?"

Aria blushes.

Allegro coiled his tail around Sonata’s. “Taco fan, eh?”

Sonata blushes.

Vera appeared. “Need another visit?”

Danyelle spoke "Good timing, all three sirens as well as Foxsong have gone into heat."

Foxsong was holding her marefriend in her arms.

Vera asks "Ah, I see. Then I guess they’ll book the Song Sea Suite?"

Adagio, Aria, Sonata and Foxsong nod furiously.

Cocoa whimpers "Help..."

Vera asks "Hmm… With how much energy they have, I suppose they’ll want to do a performance?"

Adagio, Aria, Sonata and Foxsong nodded at that without hesitation.

Lyra asks "What about me?"

Vera spoke "I noticed you having an eye for Bonbon."

Lyra blushed at that.

Lyra spoke "But I'm a siren though, she's just an earth pony."

The sound of a triton's song was heard and it had completely captivated Lyra.

Vera asks "I assume that is your roommate?"

Cocoa spoke "More like Lyra's coltfriend!"

Vera asks "A room for ten, eh?"

All five female sirens give Vera a WTF look.

Vera spoke "What? You lady sirens had that look."

The female sirens blushed at that, knowing it was true.

Danyelle spoke "Vera, I think each of the five pairs wants a separate room for the you-know-what."

Vera spoke "Very well. But those rooms could be next to each other."

Danyelle spoke "That'll work out for them."

Vera spoke "Cool."

Vera snapped her fingers, teleporting the five pairs to the Chuddle Hotel.

I had a blue flower in my mane since it was a gift from the Breezies.

Twilight spoke "That just leaves three items left... Honesty, Magic and Patience."

*The next day,*

*Applejack's POV*

Crosswind spoke "Hey Applejack."

“Yeah?” I asked.

Crosswind asks "What is yer granny doin'?"

Sweetwhisker and Cozy were tussling with each other.

Featherwhisker spoke "Hey Applejack."

“Howdy Featherwhisker.” I smiled.

Featherwhisker spoke "Could you teach me about bits though? All of the other Clan Abyssinians as well as Spottedleaf, Yellowfang and I don't know how to use them."

“Oh. Sure thing.” I responded.

Featherwhisker spoke "It was Squirrelstar's suggestion though."

Crosswind spoke "Jay-Jay...."

“Something wrong?” I asked.

Featherwhisker spoke "Shoulda seen this coming... Shi's in heat..."

“Oh boy…” I said with a bead o’ sweat at that.

Featherwhisker spoke "You're an alicorn right? You must have some sort of spell to turn yourself male."

That made me nervous.

Appleseed asks "Mom?"

“This could take some time.” I noted.

Crosswind spoke "But Ah need it now...."

Vera showed up. “Need a room?”

Crosswind spoke "Yes please!"

Vera spoke "Alrighty then."

Jackie flew over with Stormcloud, Sunclaw and Starfeather following.

Jackie spoke "Ah'll cubsit Appleseed fer ya."

“Really?” I asked.

Jackie spoke "Species aside, Ah could easily pass fer yer twin. Plus Ah'm jus' as honest as ya are."

“Good point.” Ah admitted.

*Jackie's POV*

After Applejack and Crosswind headed off to the Chuddle Hotel, I soon spot two unicorn stallions.

I groan "You two again?"

Flim asks "Hmm? Have we met before?"

Flam spoke "Yes, you do look rather familiar."

I spoke "Ah'm a gryphon version of Princess Applejack."

Flim scoffs "Psh! Princess, oh quite a good joke."

A male alicorn asks "Ya callin' mah sister's gryphon counterpart a liar?"

Flam spoke "Ha! Good costume, but it’s not going to fool my brother and I."

Big Mac spoke "The wings and horn aren't fake."

The red alicorn pulls a few apples off a tree with magic.

The two brothers still weren’t convinced. *Annoyed sigh* They’re really stubborn.

I growl "Guess ya two nimrods don' know 'bout the increase o' alicorns though."

I whistle loud, calling in the rest of the alicorns that were in Ponyville thus startling the unicorn twins.

Daring Do pops up suddenly.

Then Shizu showed up.

Big Mac asks "Ya think Ah'm a liar now?"

Those two flimflammers definitely looked surprised as Shizu put Vice-Versa on her head.

Erza had her wings spread wide even though she was half dragon.

Twilight spoke "You two nearly got away with taking Applejack's farm, we won't let it happen again."

Rarity spoke "Here here!"

Danyelle, Vince, Roll, Maylu, Lan, Volt and Jazz growl at the unicorn twins.

Shizu smirked as Vice-Versa cracked his knuckles.

Rimuru asks "Shizu?"

Shizu asks "Don’t worry, I’m gonna help them. Right, Rimu?"

Rimuru asks "But you remember that proposal I had asked back before we fought against the mafia?"

Shizu spoke "Of course, sweetie. I could never forget that."

Rimuru asks "So, what's your answer?"

all of the alicorns and I wait with baited breath.

Shizu giggles "You silly dog, my answer’s yes!"

All of the alicorns cheer.

Shizu giggles "But you thinking what I’m thinking?"

Rimuru chuckles "Hehe, you bet I am."

Rimuru and Shizu turned towards the FlimFlam Brothers.

A black blur had socked Flim in the face, knocking the stallion over.

Rimuru asks "Huh?"

Shizu asks "What the?"

Ravenpaw spoke "Next time, my claws won't be hidden."

A pair of raven-black wings with white tips were seen on Ravenpaw's back.

I patch through to Celestia via magic compact.

I spoke "Princess, we got another half alicorn! Mostly black fur, tuft of white on the chest and a white tailtip!"

Celestia spoke "I see."

I spoke "He punched a stallion in the face though."

I held the compact as I turned it so Celestia could see Ravenpaw's new wings.

Celestia spoke "Well, this is unexpected."

“Ah can understand that.” I agreed.

Ravenpaw asks "What are you all looking at?"

“Yer wings.” I answered.

Several alicorns had to plug their ears before Ravenpaw let out a loud yowl.


Spottedleaf spoke "Someone shut him up before one of us has busted eardrums...."

I got behind Ravenpaw and covered his mouth.

But Ravenpaw bites me on the hand.

I managed to stay calm and silent.

Applejack and Crosswind soon return.

Ears flatten, Danyelle spoke "If that murder tabby ever comes back, I'll turn him into a catskin rug!"

Brambleclaw and the rest of the warrior Abyssinians all burst into laughter.

Flintfur chuckles "That's a pretty accurate term for Tigerclaw."

Spottedleaf spoke "Hay yeah!"

Brambleclaw chuckles "My dad was definitely a murder tabby, as was my half-brother."

Those that knew Tigerclaw had nodded in agreement.

Applejack asks "Anyway, what’s goin’ on here?"

Flintfur snickers "Danyelle had called Tigerclaw a murder tabby."

Crosswind snickers.

Applejack asks "*Snrk!* Pardon?"

A pained howl rang clear since Wheat had gone into labor.

Danyelle asks "What in StarClan's name was that just now?"

Celestia spoke "*On Compact* Sounded like Wheat going into labor."

Twilight asks "would that mean...?"

Hawksong was talking with some of the Crusaders.

Celestia spoke "Yes, that would."

Twilight asks "Find any alicorns in Canterlot yet?"

Celestia spoke "No."

Azure spoke "It came as a big shocker for Rainbow and I when Soarin ascended."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Yep."

Haru spoke "I just sensed two up in the Crystal Empire! A mare and a stallion!"

Celestia asks "Who?"

Lune spoke via compact "You're not gonna believe this Sunbutt but it's Radiant Hope and Obsidian Shield!"

Celestia shouts "WHAT?!?"

Lune spoke via compact "Bust my eardrums why don't you...? You forget, Abyssinians have sensitive ears... Same with Diamond Dogs..."

Celestia spoke "Apologies. That just caught me off guard."

Danyelle spoke "No creature is flawless."

Twilight spoke "I agree."

Akari asks "Momma?"

Twilight asks "Hmm?"

Akari asks "Where Raven Song?"

Flash spoke "I was afraid of this Twilight..."

Twilight definitely agreed with that.

Danyelle spoke "Explaining things like this to a 2 year old filly isn't easy..."

Rarity called Sunny and Izzy over.

Izzy was carrying a 5 month old lilac-orange alicorn filly on her back.

Rarity asks "Who's this little one?"

Sunny spoke "Izz and I haven't thought of a name for her yet."

Rarity spoke "…I see."

To the surprise of the others, Green Gourmet had a slight bump on her belly.

Green spoke "Hey Rarity."

Rarity asks "Is that…?"

Green giggles "Yeah."

Rarity asks "Was it at the Chuddle Hotel?"

Green spoke "Yep. I’m just glad we weren't frogs fer that."

Twilight asks "Frogs?"

After Applejack had confessed that the tonic was fake, Spottedleaf had sent Flim and Flam flying with a Roar.


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